V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was AppleTalk
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These are the results of your search:

AARP Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface (Apple, AppleTalk)

ADSP Appletalk Data Stream Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

AFP Appletalk Filing Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ALAP Appletalk Link Access Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ARA Apple[talk] Remote Access (Apple, AppleTalk)

ARAP Apple Remote Access Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ARNS Appletalk Remote Network Server (Apple, AppleTalk)

ASP Appletalk Session Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ATCP [PPP] AppleTalk Control Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk, PPP, NCP, RFC 1378)

ATP Appletalk Transaction Protocol (Apple)

ATP2 AppleTalk Phase 2 (Apple, AppleTalk)

ATPS AppleTalk Printing Services (AppleTalk, Apple)

ATS Apple Terminal Services (Apple, AppleTalk)

AURP Appletalk Update-based Routing Protocol (Apple, Appletalk, RFC 1504)

AWS Apple Workgroup Server (Appletalk, Apple)

DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol (AppleTalk)

LLAP Localtalk Link Access Protocol (AppleTalk, LAP)

NBP Name Binding Protocol (AppleTalk)

PAP Printer Access Protocol (AppleTalk)

RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (AppleTalk)

UAB Unix Appletalk Bridge (Apple, AppleTalk, Unix)

ZIP Zone Information Protocol (AppleTalk)

A total of 23 terms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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