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Request was Fujitsu
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These are the results of your search:

AIMSRCF Advanced Information Manager/Shared Resource Control Facility (Fujitsu), "AIM/SRCF"

ASMO Advanced Storage Magneto Optical [disk] (Hitachi, Maxell, Matsushita, Fujitsu, Olympus, Philips, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, LG Electronics)

DAU Digital Annealing Unit (Fujitsu, ASIC)

DFP Digital Flat Panel [group / port] (LCD, Org., Compaq, Acer, Fujitsu, ATI, Matrox, Samsung, ...)

FEIT Fujitsu Enhanced Imaging Technology (Fujitsu)

FSC Fujitsu Siemens Computer (Hersteller)

ICL International Computers Limited (Hersteller, UK, USA, Japan, Fujitsu)

LPAM Low Power Active Mode (Fujitsu)

MVA Multidomain Vertical Alignment [technology] (LCD, Fujitsu)

A total of 9 terms has been found.

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.

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[Thu April 25 10:38 2024]