V.E.R.A. Suchergebnisse

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Anfrage lautet Motorola
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Weitere Option lautet fuzzy
Hier folgen nun die Suchergebnisse:

AIM Apple, IBM, Motorola [consortium] (Apple, IBM, Motorola, Org.)

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service (Mobile-Systems, Motorola)

BCS Binary Compatibility Standard (Motorola)

CPM Communication Processor Module (Motorola)

CVSELP Codex Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction [algorithm] (Motorola, VOFR)

DCP Data Compression Protocol (Motorola)

IFP Instruction Fetch Pipeline (Motorola, CPU)

MACSBUG Motorola Advanced Computer Symbolic deBUGger (Motorola)

MIDPEG Mobile Information Device Profile Expert Group (Sun, AOL, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Palm, Samsung, Sharp, ...)

MIO Memory Input/Output (Motorola)

MTEC Motorola Training and Education Center (Org., Chicago)

OCS Object Compatibility Standard (Motorola)

OEP Operand Execution Pipelines (Motorola, CPU)

OSGI Open Services Gateway Initiative (Org., Motorola, Sun, DTAG, Siemens, Toshiba, ...) "OSGi"

PCR Processor Configuration Register (Motorola, CPU)

PCS Personal Communication System (Sony, Panasonic, Motorola)

PDS Processor Direct Slot / Socket (Motorola, Apple)

POE PowerOpen Association (Apple, IBM, Motorola, ..., Org.)

POEP Primary Operand Execution Pipeline (Motorola, CPU), "pOEP"

POWER Power Optimization With Enhanced RISC [chip] (IBM, Apple, Motorola, RISC)

QUICC QUad Integrated Communications Controller (Motorola)

RPM Radio Packet Modem (Motorola)

SBF Single Binary File (Motorola, Mobile-Systems)

SOEP Secondary Operand Execution Pipeline (Motorola, CPU), "sOEP"

SPS Semiconductor Product Sector (Motorola)

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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Samstag, 27. April 2024 - 06:00]