V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was ADT
Search option was acronym
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These are the results of your search:

ADT Abstract Data Type

ADT Access Developer's Toolkit (MS, DB, Windows)

ADT Android Developer Tools (Android)

ADT Application Data Type

ADT Application Development Tools (IBM, AS/400)

ADT Atlantic Daylight Time [-0300] (TZ, AST)

APF Advanced Printer Function (IBM, ADT)

AST Atlantic Standard Time [-0400] (TZ, ADT)

DFU Data File Utility (IBM, ADT)

PDM Program Development Manager (IBM, ADT)

SDA Screen Design Aid (IBM, ADT)

SEU Source Entry Utility (IBM, ADT)

SHED Segmented Hypergraphics EDitor (MS, Windows, ADT)

A total of 13 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Tue April 16 11:54 2024]