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Request was ESPRIT
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These are the results of your search:

ATES Advanced Techniques integration into Efficient scientific Software (ESPRIT, CASE)

CITED Copyright In Transmitted Electronic Documents (ESPRIT)

COBWEB COntent-Based image retrieval on the WEB (WWW, ESPRIT)

DESIRE DEsign by Simulation and REndering om parallel architectures [project] (ESPRIT)

DIAMOND Development and Integration of Accurate Mathematical Operations in Numerical Data-processing (ESPRIT)

ESPRIT European Strategic Program of Research and Development in Information Technology (EU)

HERODE Handling the Electronic Representation of mixed text - image Office Documents based on ECMA standard 101 (ESPRIT, SNI, TITN, ECMA, ODA)

HIFI Hypertext Interface For Information (ESPRIT)

HYTEA HYperText Environment for Authoring (ESPRIT)

ISA Integrated Systems Architecture (ESPRIT, ANSA)

MINISTREL Models for INformatIon STorage and REtrievaL (OA, BIS, ESPRIT)

MULTOS MULtimedia Office Server (OA, BIS, ESPRIT)

OIIC Optically Interconnected Integrated Circuits [project] (ESPRIT)

PCTE Portable Common Tool Environment (CASE, ESPRIT)

PODA Piloting of ODA (ESPRIT, SNI, Bull, TITN, ICL, Olivetti, ODA)

A total of 15 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Thu April 25 07:27 2024]