V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was HTTP
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These are the results of your search:

APACI APache AutoConf-style Interface (HTTP, Apache)

ASP Active Server Pages (HTTP, MS)

BOSH Bytestreams Over Synchronous HTTP (HTTP)

DAA Digest Access Authentication (HTTP, RFC 2617)

DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (HTTP, MPEG)

DAV [WWW] Distributed Authoring Versioning (WWW, HTTP)

HLS HTTP Live Streaming (Apple, HTTP)

HPKP HTTP Public Key Pinning (HHTP, Verschlüsselung)

HSTS HTTP Strict Transport Security (HTTP, Verschlüsselung, RFC 6797)

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol (WWW, RFC 2068/2616)

HTTPD HyperText Transfer Protocol DAEMON (WWW, HTTP)

HTTPNG HyperText Transfer Protocol - Next Generation (WWW), "HTTP-NG"

HTTPR HyperText Transfer Protocol - Reliable (HTTP, IBM)

HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol [SSL] Secured (HTTP, SSL, WWW)

MDA Medicated Digest Authentication (HTTP)

SHTTP Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), "S-HTTP"

TMTP TrackMania Transfer Protocol (HTTP, WWW)

WBEM Web Based Enterprise Management [protocol] (DMTF, CIM, XML, HTTP, BMC, Cisco, Compaq, Intel, MS)

WEBDAV Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WWW, HTTP, RFC 2518) "webDAV"

A total of 19 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Fri April 26 00:02 2024]