V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was WD
Search option was acronym
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These are the results of your search:

ACE Autonomous Computer Engine (WD)

EESA Enterprise Extensions SMART Accessed (WD, ATA)

EWD Engine and Warming Display (Airbus, A380), "E/WD"

RAFF Rotary Acceleration Feed Forward (WD, HDD)

RE RAID Edition (WD, RAID)

SDX Storage Data ACceleration (ATAPI, WD, CD, DVD)

SMART Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (HDD, IDE, Conner, IBM, Quantum, Seagate, WD), "S.M.A.R.T."

TLER Time Limited Error Recovery (WD, RAID)

WD Western Digital [corporation] (Hersteller)

WD Working Draft

A total of 10 acronyms has been found.

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.

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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Sat April 27 06:48 2024]