V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was Nachfolger
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These are the results of your search:

DRI Defense Research Internet (ARPANET, Nachfolger, Netzwerk)

I3C International Imaging Industry Association (Org., PIMA, Nachfolger)

ITUT ITU Telecommunications [standards group] (Org., Nachfolger, CCITT) "ITU-T"

OSMVS Operating System / Multiple Virtual Space (OS, IBM, S/370, OS/MVT, Nachfolger, OS/VS-2), "OS/MVS"

PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP/FI, HTML, CGI, Nachfolger)

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.

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[Thu April 18 19:23 2024]