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Request was Pentium Pro
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These are the results of your search:

BF Bus Fraction [pin] (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

CT Clackamas Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

EIST Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology (Intel, Pentium)

HT Hyper-Threading (Intel, Pentium, SMT, CPU)

ISSE Internet Streaming SIMD Extension (Intel, Pentium, Katmai, SIMD)

LT Lagrande Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

MSR Model Specific Register (Intel, Pentium, IC)

MTRR Memory Type Range Register (CPU, Pentium Pro, IC)

OOO Out Of Order [execution] (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

PAE Physical Address Extension (Intel, Pentium, PAE)

PNI Prescott New Instruction set (Intel, Pentium)

PR Pentium Rating (AMD)

SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel, Pentium, SIMD)

TEC Trace Execution Cache (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

TSC Time Stamp Counter (IC, Intel, Pentium)

VT Vanderpool Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

XE eXtreme Edition (Intel, Pentium)

A total of 17 terms has been found.

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Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Fri April 19 02:43 2024]