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Request was Siemens
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These are the results of your search:

EOCB Electrical Optical Circuit Board [project] (Bosch, Siemens, IZM, ...)

FSC Fujitsu Siemens Computer (Hersteller)

GOLEM GroßspeicherOrientierte Listenorganisierte ErmittlungsMethode (Siemens)

METAL Machine Evaluation and Translation Language (Siemens)

NEA [Siemens] NEtzwerkArchitektur (NEA, Siemens)

NEAB NEA Benutzerebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEAN NEA Netzwerkebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEATE NEA Transportebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

OSGI Open Services Gateway Initiative (Org., Motorola, Sun, DTAG, Siemens, Toshiba, ...) "OSGi"

PASSAT Programm zur Automatischen Selektion von Stichwörtern aus Texten (Siemens)

SIETEM Siemens TTCN Test Manager (TTCN, Tektronix, SNI)

SML Siemens Modular Link

SNI Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme [AG] (Hersteller)

A total of 13 terms has been found.

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Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Tue April 23 08:17 2024]