V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was Streamer
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These are the results of your search:

ADR Advanced Digital Recording (Streamer, Philips, OnStream)

AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony, Streamer)

AME Advanced Metal Evaporated [tape] (Seagate, Streamer, Sony)

ATS Adaptive Tape Speed (HP, Streamer, LTO)

D2D2T Disk To Disk To Tape (Streamer, LTO)

DDS Digital Data Storage (Sony, HP, DAT, ISO, ANSI, ECMA, Streamer)

DLT Digital Line Tape (DEC, Streamer)

DPF Discrete Packet Format (Exabyte, VXA, Streamer)

LTO Linear Tape Open (Streamer, IBM, HP, Seagate)

MIC Memory in Cassette (Seagate, EEPROM, Streamer, AIT)

MLR Multi-channel Linear Recording [technology] (Tandberg, Streamer)

OBDR One Button Disaster Recovery (HP, Streamer)

OSO OverScan Operation (VXA, Streamer)

QIC Quarter Inch Committee (Org., Streamer)

RABF Redundant Accumulative Backhitchless Flush (IBM, Streamer)

RMIC Remote Memory In Cassette (IBM, Streamer, WORM, MIC), "R-MIC"

SAIT Super Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony, AIT, Streamer), "S-AIT"

SDLT Super Digital Line Tape (DLT, Streamer)

SLC Short Length Cartridge (IBM, Streamer)

SLR Scalable Linear Recording (Streamer, Tandberg)

VSO Variable Speed Operation (VXA, Streamer)

WWCID World Wide Cartridge IDentifier (IBM, Streamer, WORM)

A total of 22 terms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Tue April 23 21:38 2024]