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Anfrage lautet WWW
Suchoption lautet Akronym
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Hier folgen nun die Suchergebnisse:

ABCD Altavista Business Card Directory (WWW)

ACR Artificial Content Recognition (Puresight, WWW, AI)

ACSS Aural Cascading Style Sheets (CSS, HTML, WWW)

AIS Arbeitgeber-Informations-Service (WWW)

ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the WEB (WWW)

AVS Adult Verification System (WWW)

AWP Association of Web Professionals (Org., WWW)

BASIN Bundesweites Alternatives Studentisches InformationsNetzwerk (WWW, Org.)

BAT Browser-based Application Toolkit (IBM, WWW)

BRT Browser Response Time (WWW)

CEARCH Cisco Educational ARCHive (Cisco, WWW)

CESAR Central Employment Search And Retrieval (WWW)

CFC ColdFusion Component (WWW, HTTPD)

CGI Common Gateway Interface (WWW)

CIO Cisco Information Online (Cisco, WWW)

CLS Cumulative Layout Shift (WWW)

COBWEB COntent-Based image retrieval on the WEB (WWW, ESPRIT)

CRUX ChRome User eXperience (WWW), "CrUX"

CSP Content Security Policy (WWW)

CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery (WWW, Internet)

CSS Cascading Style Sheets (HTML, XML, WWW, JavaScript)

CUSI Configurable Unified Search Interface (WWW)

DAINET Deutsches AgrarInformationsNETz (WWW, Org.)

DART Dynamic Advertising Reporting & Targeting [technology] (WWW, Doubleclick)

DAV [WWW] Distributed Authoring Versioning (WWW, HTTP)

DBLT Dynamic Back Link Technology (WWW)

DBS Deutscher Bildungs-Server (DFN, WWW)

DINO Deutsches InterNet Organisationssystem (WWW, Uni Göttingen)

DPWS Devices Profile for Web Services (WWW)

DWS Delphi Web Script (Delphi, Borland, WWW)

EELS Engineering Electronic Library, Sweden (Org., WWW, Schweden)

ETP Enhanced Tracking Protection (WWW, Firefox)

FCP First Contenful Paint (WWW)

FID First Input Delay (WWW)

FILE Free Internet Lexicon and Encyclopedia (WWW, DICT)

FLOC Federated Learning Of Cohorts (Google, WWW), "FLoC"

FMP First Meaningful Paint (WWW)

FOLDOC Free OnLine Dictionary Of Computing (WWW, UK)

GNN Global Network Navigator (Internet, WWW)

GWT Google Web Toolkit (Google, WWW, Java, AJAX)

HMMP HyperMedia Management Protocol (MS, Intel, Cisco, WWW, HMMS)

HMMS HyperMedia Management Schema (MS, Intel, Cisco, WWW)

HTC HTML Components (MS, OWA, WWW, HTML)

HTML HyperText Markup Language (Internet, WWW, SGML, RFC 1866/1942, HTML)

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol (WWW, RFC 2068/2616)

HTTPD HyperText Transfer Protocol DAEMON (WWW, HTTP)

HTTPNG HyperText Transfer Protocol - Next Generation (WWW), "HTTP-NG"

HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol [SSL] Secured (HTTP, SSL, WWW)

IAF Internet Address Finder (WWW)

ICSS Internet Connection Secure Server (IBM, WWW)

IDC Internet Database Connector (MS, WWW)

IDOMENEUS Information and Data on Open MEdia for NEtworks of USers (WWW, Uni Hamburg)

IKP Internet Keyed Payment [protocols] (IBM, WWW), "iKP"

IMDB Internet Movie DataBase (Internet, WWW, DB) "IMDb"

ISAPI Internet Server Application Programmer's Interface (MS, C/S, WWW, API)

ISN Internet Shopping Network (Netzwerk, WWW)

ITMS ITunes Music Store (WWW), "iTMS"

IUMA Internet Underground Music Archive (WWW)

IWA International Webmasters Association (Org., WWW)

JARS Java Applet Rating Service (Java, WWW)

JASS Javascript-Accessable Style Sheets (HTML, WWW, JavaScript)

JOL Journal of Online Law (WWW)

LADT Lexikon der Abkürzungen in der Datentechnik und Telekommunikation (WWW)

LCGI Local Common Graphics Interface (CGI, WWW)

LCP Largest Content (ful) Paint

LEO Link Everything Online (WWW, TUM)

LWP Library for WWW in PERL (PERL, WWW)

MCF Meta Content Framework / Format (Apple, WWW)

MESA MetaEmailSearchAgent (WWW, Internet)

MESCH Multi-WAIS Engine for Searching Commercial Hosts (WAIS, WWW)

MEWDE My EMACS Web Development Environment (EMACS, WWW)

MSIE MicroSoft Internet Explorer (MS, WWW, MSIE)

NCIP Novell Certified Internet Professional (Novell, WWW, CNA)

NCSTRL Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (WWW)

NPAPI Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (WWW, API)

NSAPI Netscape Server Application Programmer's Interface (Netscape, WWW, C/S, API)

NSFW Not Safe For Work (DFÜ-Slang, WWW)

OBI Open Buying on the Internet (Internet, WWW)

OBS Online Book Store (Internet, WWW)

ODP Open Directory Project (WWW, Netscape)

OWA Outlook Web Access / App (MS, WWW)

OWASP Open Web Application Security Project (Org., WWW)

OWL Ontology Web Language (WWW, W3C)

P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences (WWW)

PAC Proxy Auto-Config (WWW, Mozilla)

PDK Patterns Development Kit (WWW, IBM)

PPAPI Pepper Plugin API (WWW, Google, API)

PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (URL, WWW)

PWA Progressive Web Apps (WWW)

RATS Rough Auditing Tool for Security (WWW, CGI, PERL, PHP, ...)

RCGI Remote Common Gateway Interface (CGI, WWW, Novell)

RDF Resource Description Framework (XML, IBM, Netscape, MS, ..., WWW)

RIA Rich Internet Application (WWW, Macromedia)

RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol (TV, WWW, UDP, TCP/IP, RDP, Multicast, VoIP, RFC 2326)

RUM Real User Monitoring (WWW)

RWD Responsive Web Design (WWW)

SEO Search Engine Optimization (WWW)

SHOE Simple HTML Ontology Extensions (HTML, WWW)

SIS Stellen-Informations-Service (WWW)

SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (W3C, WWW)

SOIF Summary Object Interchange Format (WWW)

SRI SubResource Integrity (WWW)

SSL Secure Socket Layer (Netscape, RSA, WWW, Verschlüsselung)

SSR Small Screen Rendering (WWW, Opera)

SW Semantic Web (WWW)

SWISH Simple Web Indexing System for Humans (WAIS, WWW)

TCP Total Cookie Protection (WWW, Firefox)

TIL Tech Info Library (Apple, WWW)

TMTP TrackMania Transfer Protocol (HTTP, WWW)

TPCW TPC benchmark W (TPC, WWW), "TPC-W"

TTI Time To Interactive (WWW)

TTW Through The Web (WWW, ZMI, ZOPE)

TUCAA The Ultimate Computer Acronyms Archive (Internet, WWW)

UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration of business for the web (Org., WWW, XML)

ULC UltraLightClient (Java, RIA, WWW)

URA Uniform Resource Agent (WWW)

URC Uniform Resource Citation (WWW)

URC Uniform Resources Characteristics (URI, WWW)

URI Universal Resource Identifier (WWW, RFC 1630/2396)

URL Uniform Resource Locator (WWW, RFC 1738)

URN Uniform Resource Name (WWW, RFC 1737)

URSN Unique Resource Serial Number (URI, WWW)

UXSS Universal Cross-Site Scripting (WWW, XSS)

W3C World Wide Web Consortium (WWW, Org.)

WAI Web Accessibility Initiative (WWW, W3C, WAI)

WAI Web Application Interface (WWW, Netscape)

WASC Web Application Security Consortium (Org., WWW)

WASP Web stAndardS Project (WWW, W3C)

WBC Web Based Collaboration (WWW)

WBI Web Browser Intelligence (WWW, IBM)

WDG Web Design Group (WWW, Org.)

WEBDAV Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WWW, HTTP, RFC 2518) "webDAV"

WEBRTC WEB Real Time Communication (WWW, W3C), "WebRTC"

WEFT Web Embedding Font Tool (MS, WWW)

WHAT Web Hypertext Applications Technology [working group] (WWW, Org.)

WHATWG Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WWW, Org.)

WIDD Web InformationsDienst Deutschland (WWW, Neuss)

WIF Web Interface Facility (WWW, MVS, OS/390)

WISE World-wide Information System for r&d Efforts (WWW, IGD)

WISIA Wissenschaftliches InformationsSystem für den Internationalen Artenschutz (WWW)

WMT Web Marketing Tools [magazine] (Italien, WWW)

WMT Web Marketing Tools [newsletter] (WWW)

WOFF Web Open Font Format (WWW)

WRB Web Request Broker (Oracle, WWW)

WS4B Web Services for Browser (WWW)

WSCM Web Services Component Model (OASIS, WWW)

WSDD Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WWW, XML)

WSDL Web Services Description Language (WWW, XML)

WSDP [Java] Web Services Developer Pack (WWW, XML, Java, Sun)

WSE Web Service Enhancements (MS, WWW)

WSFL Web Services Flow Language (WWW, IBM)

WSI Web Services Interoperability (Org., OASIS, WWW) "WS-I"

WSIA Web Services for Interactive Applications (OASIS, WWW)

WSS Web Services Security (WWW)

WSTK Web Service ToolKit (IBM, WWW)

WSXL Web Services Experience Language (WWW)

WTP Web Tool Platform (Eclipse, Java, WWW)

WTS Web Transaction Security (WWW)

WWW World Wide Waiting (Slang)

WWW World Wide Web (Internet)

XAG XML Accessibility Guidelines (XML, W3C, WWW)

XHTML eXtended HyperText Markup Language (HTML, WWW, XML)

XML eXtensible Markup Language (WWW, XML, W3C)

XOL XML based Ontology exchange Language (XML, WWW)

XSHM Cross-Site History Manipulation (WWW)

XSS Cross-Site Scripting (WWW)

YAAS Yet Another Acronym Server (WWW)

YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle (WWW)

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