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100VG 100 Voice Grade [technology]

10GE 10 GigaBIT Ethernet (Ethernet, BIT)

1D2B 1 D-channel 2 B-channels (BRI, ISDN)

2B1D 2 B-channels 1 D-channel (BRI, ISDN)

2S2D Double Sided - Double Density (FDD)

3DC 3D Consortium (Org., Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, ...)

3DDDI 3D Device Dependent Interface (MS), "3D DDI"

3DOF 3 Degrees Of Freedom

3DRAM 3 Dimensional Random Access Memory (RAM)

3GIO Third Generation Input/Output (PCIe)

3GIP 3rd Generation . Internet Protocol (Org., IP, GPRS, WLAN, Mobile-Systems), "3G.IP"

3GL 3rd Generation Language

3GPP Third Generation Partnerships Projects (Org.)

3PCC Third Party Call Control (SIP, RFC 3725)

4GFC 4th Generation Fibre Channel (FC), "4G FC"

4GL 4th Generation Language

4GT 4 GB [RAM] Tuning (RAM, GB)

4MV 4 Motion Vector

5GL 5th Generation Language

6DOF 6 Degrees Of Freedom

7E1 7 [bits], Even [parity], 1 [stop bit] (MODEM, BIT)

80211HR 802.11 High Rate (IEEE, WLAN), "802.11/HR"

8B10B 8 bit / 10 bit [encoding] (IBM, FC, BIT), "8B/10B"

8N1 8 [bits], No [parity bit], 1 [stop bit] (MODEM, BIT)

8PSK 8 Phase Shift Keying (EDGE, Mobile-Systems)

8VSB 8-Vestigial Side Band, "8-VSB"

A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (Bluetooth)

A4C Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, Auditing and Charging

A4WP Alliance for Wireless Power (Org.)

AA Auto Answer (MODEM)

AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting [= Triple A]

AAAAA Anonym Association Against Acronym Abuse (DFÜ-Slang)

AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence (Org., AI, USA)

AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science (Org., USA)

AAC Advanced Audio Coding (IIS, MPEG, AT&T, Dolby, Sony, ...)

AAC Authorization and Access Control (IETF)

AACLC Advanced Audio Coding - Low Complexity [profile] (AAC), "AAC-LC"

AACLTP Advanced Audio Coding - Long Term Production (AAC), "AAC-LTP"

AAD Authorized AutoCAD Dealer (AutoCAD, CAD)

AAD Azure Active Directory (MS)

AADN American Association of Domain Names (Org., USA, Internet)

AAE Allgemeine AnschaltErlaubnis (DTAG)

AAF Advanced Authoring Format (MS)

AAIM Association for Applied Interactive Multimedia (Org.)

AAIS Allied command europe ACCIS Implementation Strategy (ACCIS, NATO, Mil.)

AAL Ambient Assisted Living

AAL ATM Adaption Layer (ATM)

AAL Authentication Assurance Level (CC)

AAM Automatic Acoustic Management (ATA, HDD)

AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AAMSI American Association for Medical Systems Informatics (Org., USA)

AAP Address Allocation Protocol (Multicast)

AAP Applications Access Point

AAP Association of American Publishers (Org., USA)

AARP Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package (ASCII)

AAT Average Access Time

AATL Adobe Approved Trust List (Adobe)

AATP Authorized Academic Training Program (MS, MCSD)

AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface (Apple, AppleTalk)

AAWA Advanced Autonomous Waterborne Applications (Org.)

ABA American Bankers Association (Org., USA, Banking)

ABAP4 Advanced Business Application Programming/4 (SAP, R/3, 4GL), "ABAP/4"

ABATS Automatic Bit Access Test System (BIT)

ABBS Apple Bulletin Board System (Apple)

ABC Atanasoff-Berry-Computer

ABCD Altavista Business Card Directory (WWW)

ABEL Advanced Boolean Expression Language

ABEND ABnormal END (Netware)

ABF Ajinomoto Build-up-Film

ABI Adaptive Bit Inversion (SSD)

ABI Aktionsbündnis für Barrierefreie Informaionstechnik (Org., Deutschland)

ABI Application Binary Interface (POE)

ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System (IBM)

ABIST Automatic Built In Self Test (IBM)

ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode

ABNF Augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF, RFC 733/2234)

ABP Address Book Provider (Internet)

ABR Available Bit Rate (ATM, CBR, VBR, UBR, QOS, BIT)

ABS Albatron BIOS Security (BIOS)

ABS Apple Business Systems (Apple)

ABS Arch Build System (Linux)

ABUI Association of Banyan Users International (Org., Banyan, VINES, User group, Vorläufer, ENA)

AC Access Concentrator (PPPoE, ADSL)

AC Access Control (Token Ring, ...)

AC Amiga Club (Org., User group, Amiga)

AC Area Code

AC Automatic Computer

AC3 [digital] Audio Compression - 3 (Dolby, DVD, Digital Audio), "AC-3"

AC97 Audio CODEC 97 (Intel, CODEC)

ACA Asynchronous Communications Adapter


ACAP Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (Xilinx)

ACAS Application Control Architecture Services (DEC)

ACAT Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit (Intel)

ACAU Automatic Calling and Answering Unit

ACC Adaptive Cruise Control (Auto)

ACC Area Communication Controller (MODACOM)

ACC Atari Competence Center

ACCIS Automated Command and Control Information System (Mil., USA)

ACCM Asynchronous Character Control Map (PPP)

ACCS Army Command and Control System (Mil., USA)

ACCU Association of C and C++ Users (Org., UK)

ACD Automated Call Distribution (CTI)

ACDC Alternating Current/Direct Current, "AC/DC"

ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface (IBM, CM/2)

ACE Access Control Entry (AD, ACL)

ACE Actuator Control Electronics (Airbus, A380)

ACE Adobe Color Engine (Adobe)

ACE Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller)

ACE ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet)

ACE Automated Controls Evaluator (SAP)

ACE Autonomous Computer Engine (WD)

ACES APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation (Org., Australia, China, Japan, USA)

ACF Access Control Field

ACF Advanced Communications Function (IBM)

ACF Apple Communications Framework (Apple)

ACFC Address and Control Field Compression (PPP)

ACFNCP Advanced Communication Function / Network Control Program (IBM, ACF), "ACF/NCP"

ACFTCAM Advanced Communication Function / Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/TCAM"

ACFVTAM Advanced Communication Function / Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/VTAM"

ACH Association for Computers and the Humanities (Org., USA)

ACIA Associació Catalana d'Intelligència Artificial (Org., Spanien, AI)

ACIA Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter

ACID Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (IDS, CERT)

ACID ANSI Creators in Demand (ANSI), "ACiD"

ACID Atomicity - Consistency - Isolation - Durability (DB, TP)

ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems (Org., USA)

ACL [MS] Access Compatibility Layer (MS, DB)

ACL Access Control List (DCE, DFS, NDS, AD)

ACL Advanced CMOS Logic

ACL Agent Control Language (Agents)

ACL Association for Computational Linguistics (Org., USA)

ACL Asynchronous ConnectionLess (HCI, Bluetooth)

ACL Autodesk Campus License (Autodesk)

ACLF Access Control List Facility (DCE)

ACM Abstract Control Model (USB, MS, Windows)

ACM Address Complete Message (ATM)

ACM Association for Computing Machinery (Org., USA)

ACMC Australian CEFACT Management Committee (Australien, Org., CEFACT)

ACMDSD Architecture Centric Model Driven Software Development (MDSD), "AC-MDSD"

ACME A Company that Makes Everything (Slang)

ACMS Application Control Management System

ACNS Application and Content Networking System (Cisco)

ACO AMP Communications Outlet

ACOPS Automatic CPU Overheating Prevention System (GigaByte) "A-COPS"

ACOT Apple Classrooms Of Tomorrow (Apple)

ACP Active Configuration Profile (MODEM)

ACP Analog Content Protection (WPE)

ACP Auxillary Control Process

ACP Average CPU Power (CPU, TDP)

ACPA Audio Capture and Playback Adapter (IBM)

ACPC Apple Communications Protocol Card (Apple)

ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (Intel, MS, Toshiba, ACPI, OSPM, BIOS)

ACPICA Advanced Configuration and Power Interface - Component Architecture (ACPI, Intel), "ACPI-CA"

ACPT Automated Corporate Planning Tool

ACR Adobe Camera Raw

ACR Anonymous Call Rejection

ACR Artificial Content Recognition (Puresight, WWW, AI)

ACR Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (Kabel)

ACR Automatic Call Recording

ACRONYM Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning (Slang)

ACRONYM Abbreviation by CROping Names that Yield Meaning (Slang)

ACS Access Control System (DISA)

ACS Advanced Communications System

ACS Advanced Console Server (Cyclades)

ACS Alternate Character Set

ACS Architekten, Computer, Systeme (Messe)

ACS Asynchronous Communication Server

ACS Australian Computer Science

ACS Australian Computer Society (Org., Australien)

ACS Auto Configuration Server (ISP, DSL, CPE)

ACSAC Annual Computer Security Applications Conference

ACSE Association Control Service Element (OSI, ISO, DIS 8649)

ACSI Advanced/Atari Computer System Interface (Atari)

ACSMIB ATM Circuit Steering Management Information Base (ATM, MIB), "ACS-MIB"

ACSNET Academic Computing Services NETwork

ACSS Aural Cascading Style Sheets (CSS, HTML, WWW)

ACT Application Compatibility Toolkit (MS, Windows, Vista)

ACT Architecture Characterization Template (DISA)

ACTA America's Carriers Telecommunications Association (USA)

ACTEF ACcess TEchnologies Forum (Org.)

ACTP Adobe Certified Training Provider (Adobe)

ACTPU ACTivate Physical Unit (SNA)

ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services (EU, ACTS)

ACU Automatic Calling Unit

ACU Automatic Client Update (Novell, Netware)

ACUTA Association of College and University Telecommunication Administrators (Org., USA)

ACUTE Airbus Cockpit Universal Thrust Emulator (Airbus, A380)

AD Active Directory (MS, Windows, AD, DS)

AD Analog-to-Digital (D/A), "A/D"

AD Authorized Distributor (DEC)

AD Autonomous Domain

ADA Automatic Data Acquisitions

ADAC Active Directory Administrative Center (AD)

ADAPSO Association of Data Processing Service Organisation (Org., USA)

ADAPT Architecture Design, Analysis, and Planning Tool

ADAS Advanced Dirver Assistance Systems

ADAT Alesis Digital Audio Tape

ADATP Allied DATa processing Publication (Mil., USA)

ADB A DeBugger (Unix)

ADB Android Debug Bridge (Android)

ADB Apple Desktop Bus (Apple)

ADBA Active Directory Based Activation (AD, KMS)

ADBS Advanced Data Broadcasting System (DirecPC)

ADC Adaptive Data Compression (MODEM)

ADC Analog to Digital Converter

ADC Apple Display Connector (Apple)

ADC Apple Distribution Center (Apple)

ADC Automatic Data Capture

ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure (ANSI)

ADD Adapter Device Driver (OS/2)

ADD AGP Digital Display [adapter] (AGP)

ADDC Automatic Data Direction Control (RS-485)

ADDDC Automatic Direct Distance Dialing System

ADDS Active Directory Domain Services (AD), "AD DS"

ADE Application Development Environment

ADE Aufforderung zur DatenEingabe (BTX)

ADEPT Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission (Mil., USA)

ADES Automatic Digital Encoding System

ADEW Andrew Development Environment Workbench (ATK, Unix)

ADF Access control Decision Function (Mil., USA)

ADF Automatic Document Feeder

ADFS Active Directory Federation Services (AD)

ADFS Advanced Disc Filing System (RiscOS, FS)

ADG [RAID] Advanced Data Guarding (RAID, HP)

ADI Autocad Device Interface (CAD, AutoCAD)


ADIMM Asynchronous Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM, IC, Leadtek)

ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (Airbus, A380, Honeywell)

ADK Additional Decryption Key (PGP)

ADL [international conference on the] Advances in Digital Libraries (IEEE)

ADL Adventure Description Language

ADLC Asynchronous Data Link Control

ADLDS Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (MS), "AD LDS"

ADM Add-Drop-Multiplexer

ADMA Area Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems)

ADMD ADministration Management Domain (X.400)

ADMF ADMinistration Function (UMTS)

ADMS Access Device Messaging Specification (Banking, Visa)

ADMT Active Directory Migration Tool (MS, AD)

ADO ActiveX Data Objects (ASP, ODBC, MS, IIS)

ADODB ActiveX Data Objects DataBase [library] (ADO, PHP), "ADOdb"

ADONIS ADvanced On-Screen Information System, "AdonIS"

ADP Administrative Data Processing

ADP Advanced Data Processing

ADP Automatic Data Processing (ADP)

ADPC Advanced Data Protection Control

ADPCM Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation

ADPE Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADP)

ADPLO Automated Data Processing Liaison Office (ADP)

ADPS Automatic Data Processing System (ADP)

ADPT Automated Data Processing/Telecommunications (ADP), "ADP/T"

ADR Advanced Digital Recording (Streamer, Philips, OnStream)

ADR Automated Distance Regulation (Auto)

ADRT Adaptive Document Recognition Technology (OCR, Abbyy)

ADS Active Directory Services (MS)

ADS Advanced Digital System

ADS Application Development System

ADS Automated Deployment Service (MS, RIS)

ADS Automatic Distribution System

ADS Automatic Documenting System (LAN)

ADS Auxiliary Data System

ADSA Advanced Driver Software Architecture (C-Media, audio)

ADSI Active Directory Service Interface (MS, COM, AD)

ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line [technology] (BELLCORE, AT&T, DSL, ADSL)

ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop [modulation]

ADSP Advanced Digital Signal Processor (DSP)

ADSP Appletalk Data Stream Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ADSP Author Domain Signing Practices (DKIM, RFC 5617)

ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release [generator] (VCA, Audio)

ADSU ATM Data Service Unit (ATM)

ADT Abstract Data Type

ADT Access Developer's Toolkit (MS, DB, Windows)

ADT Android Developer Tools (Android)

ADT Application Data Type

ADT Application Development Tools (IBM, AS/400)

ADT Atlantic Daylight Time [-0300] (TZ, AST)

ADU Automatic Dialing Unit

ADUA Administrative Directory User Agent

ADV Automatisierte DatenVerarbeitung

ADV staatliche Akademie für DatenVerarbeitung (Org., Uni Böblingen)

ADVS Automatisiertes DatenVerarbeitungsSystem

ADX Automatic Data eXchange

AE Apple Events (Apple)

AE Application Entity / Environment / Execution / Engineering (APE)

AE Authenticated Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

AEA American Electronics Association (Org., USA)

AEA Asynchroner EmulationsAdapter (IBM)

AEAD Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (Verschlüsselung)

AEB Analog Expansion Bus

AEC Advanced Error Correction (CD)

AECBF Acoustic Echo Cancellation / Beam Forming (Audio), "AEC/BF"

AEF Access control Enforcement Function

AEGIS Advanced Electronic Guidance and Instrumentation System

AEI Application Enabling Interface (IBM)

AEI Automatic Equipment Identification

AEIMP Apple Event Interprocess Messaging Protocol (Apple)

AEL Asterisk Extension Language (VoIP)

AEM Automatic Emulation Management (Brother)

AEOM Apple Events Object Model (Apple)

AEPIA Asociación Española Para la Inteligencia Artificial (Org., Spanien, AI)

AERO Authentic, Energetic, Reflective, Open (MS, Windows, Vista, GUI)

AES Advanced Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung)

AES Application Environment Service / Specification (OSF)

AES Automatic Emulation Switching (Lexmark)

AESCCMP AES Counter mode CBC MAC Protocol (AES, CBC, MAC, Verschlüsselung, IEEE 802.11i, WLAN), "AES-CCMP"

AESEBU Auto Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union (Digital Audio), "AES/EBU"

AESNI Advanced Encryption Standard - New Instructions (AES, Verschlüsselung), "AES-NI"

AETE Apple Event Terminology Extension (Apple)

AETIC Asociación de empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información y teleComunicaciones de españa (Org., Spanien)

AEUT Apple Event User Terminology (Apple)

AF Anisotropic Filter

AF Auxiliary carry Flag (Assembler)

AFA All Flash Array

AFA Association Fournisseur d'Access et service internet (Org., ISP, Frankreich)

AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAICR As Far As I Can Recall (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AFAIK As Far As I Know (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAIR As Far As I Recall / Remember (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAMPE [u.s.] Air Force Automated Message Processing Exchange (Org., USA. Mil.)

AFC Alkaline Fuel Cell

AFC AntiFerromagnetically Coupled [technology] (IBM, HDD)

AFC Application Foundation Classes (MS, GUI, Java)

AFC Automatic Font Change

AFCET Association Francaise pour la Cybernetique Economique et Technique (Org., Frankreich)

AFD Automatic File Distribution

AFDX Avionics Full DupleX switched ethernet system (Airbus, A380, Ethernet)

AFE Apple File Exchange (Apple)


AFF Antigen File Filtering (Sybari)

AFFS Advanced Fringe Field Switching (LCD, IPS), "A-FFS"

AFH Adaptive Frequency Hopping (Bluetooth)

AFI Authority and Format Indicator (NSAP, IDP)

AFI Authority Frame Identifier

AFII Association for Font Information Interchange (Org., USA)

AFIN Air Force Information Network (Netzwerk, USA, Mil.)

AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies (Org.)

AFIS AutomatisiertesFingerabdruck-InformationsSystem (INPOL)

AFK Away from Keyboard (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFM Atomic Force Microscopy [technology] (HDD, MEMS)

AFN Advanced Fiber Network

AFNET Air Force Network (Netzwerk, USA, Mil.)

AFP Advanced Function Presentation (IBM)

AFP Appletalk Filing Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

AFPA Advanced Function Printing Architecture (IBM)

AFPDS Advanced Function Printing Data Stream (IBM)

AFPL Aladdin Free Public License

AFPL Artifex Free Public License

AFR Annualized Failure Rate (Maxtor, HDD)

AFS Andrew File System (IBM, Unix)

AFT Authenticated Firewall Traversal (IETF)

AFTP Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

AFUU Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Unix (Org., Frankreich, Unix)

AGA Advanced Graphics Adapter

AGAST Adventure Game Authoring SysTem

AGC Automatic Gain Control (Audio)

AGCH Access Grant CHannel (GSM, CCCH, Mobile-Systems)

AGE Adobe Graphics Engine (Adobe)

AGEP ArbeitsGemeinschaft Elektronisches Publizieren [e.v.] (Org., DTP), "AgEP"

AGESA AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture (AMD)

AGF Arbeitsgemeinschaft der GroßForschungseinrichtungen [deutschlands] (Org.)

AGFMB ArbeitsGemeinschaft Freier MailBoxen (Org.)

AGI Asterisk Gateway Interface (VoIP)

AGNS AT&T Global Network Services (AT&T)

AGNULA A GNU/Linux Audio distribution (GNU, Linux, Europe)

AGOF ArbeitsGemeinschaft Online Forschung [e.V] (Org.)

AGP Advanced / Accelerated Graphics Port (Intel, MMX, AGP)

AGPL [GNU] Affero General Public License (GNU)

AGPS Advanced / Assisted Global Positioning System (GPS), "A-GPS"

AH [IP] Authentication Header (IPSEC, IPV6, RFC 1826, VPN)

AHA AVM Home Automation (API)

AHB Advanced High performance Bus (AMBA, ARM)

AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface (SATA)

AHFG ATM-attached Host Functional Group (ATM, MPOA)

AHIMA American Health Information Management Association (Org., USA)

AHP Analytical Hierachy Process

AHPCRC Army High Performance Computing Research Center (Org., USA, HPC)

AI Adobe Illustrator (Adobe)

AI Artificial Intelligence

AIA Application Integration Architecture

AIAF Artificial Intelligence AutoFocus (AI, Canon)

AIB Add In (graphics) Board

AIBO Artificial Intelligence roBOt (Sony, AI)

AIC [SRI] Artificial Intelligence Center (SRI, AI)

AIC AIX windows Interface Composer (AIX, IBM)

AIC Asia Internet Coalition (Org.)

AICA Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico (Org., Italien)

AID Application IDentifier (APDU)

AID Attention Interrupt Device [key] (IBM)

AID AUTODIN Interface Device (AUTODIN, Mil., USA)

AIDA Aktuelle Informationen in Deutsch zum Amiga (AC, Amiga)

AIDAT African Internet Development Action Team (Org., Internet)

AIDL Android Interface Definition Language (Android)

AIDS Automatic Installation and Diagnostic Service

AIFF Audio Interchange File Format

AIFS Arbitrary InterFrame Space (MAC, PCF, IFS, WLAN)

AIGLX Accelerated Indirect OpenGL extension for the X window system (GLX, X-Windows)

AII Active Input Interface (UNI, PMD, FDDI)

AIIA Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale (Org., Italien, AI)

AIIM Association for Information and Image Management (Org., USA)

AIK Attestation Identity Key (TCPA)

AIM Advanced Invar Mask (Display, ViewSonic)

AIM Alternate Input Method (OS/2)

AIM AOL Instant Messenger [protocol] (AOL, IM)

AIM Apple, IBM, Motorola [consortium] (Apple, IBM, Motorola, Org.)

AIM Association of Imaging Manufacturers (Org.)

AIM ATM / Ascend Inverse Multiplexing [protocol] (ATM)

AIM Automatic Interface Management (Brother)

AIMD Additive-Increase Multiplicative-Decrease (TCP)

AIMS Apple Internet Mail Server (Apple)

AIMSRCF Advanced Information Manager/Shared Resource Control Facility (Fujitsu), "AIM/SRCF"

AIN Advanced Intelligent Network (IN)

AIN Auto Insert Notification (CD-R)

AIO Asynchronous Input/Output

AIP Association of Internet Professionals (Org., Internet)

AIP Associazione Informatici Professionisti (Org., Italien)

AIP ATM Interface Processor (ATM)

AIR Adobe Intergrated Runtime (Adobe)

AIR Automatic Image Refinement (Canon), "A.I.R."

AIRTC [international symposium on] Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control (IFAC, IFIP, IMACS, Conference)

AIS Account Information Security

AIS Alarm Indication Signal (UNI, ATM, OAM, DS3/E3)

AIS Application Information Service (MS, Windows, Vista)

AIS Applied Information Sciences (Hersteller)

AIS Applied Information Systems (Hersteller)

AIS Arbeitgeber-Informations-Service (WWW)

AIS Automated Information System

AIS Autonomous Intelligent System

AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus (Org.)

AISE Alarm Indication Signal-External (UNI, ATM), "AIS-E"

AISIG [south australian] Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (Org., Australien, AI)

AISM Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics (Konferenz)

AISP Association for Internet Service Providers (Org., USA, ISP)

AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals (Org., USA)

AISSO Automated Information Systems Security Officer (Mil., USA)

AIST Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (Org., Japan)

AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony, Streamer)

AIT Angewandte InformationsTechnik [verlags gmbh] (Hersteller)

AITEC [research institute for] Advanced Information TEChnology (Org., Japan)

AITO Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets (Org.)

AIUI As I Understand It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AIW All In Wonder [graphic card] (ATI)

AIW APPN Implementers Workshop (Org., APPN)

AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive (IBM, Unix, OS)

AIXESA Advanced Interactive eXecutive/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, AIX), "AIX/ESA"

AJAX Asynchronous Javascript And XML (XML, XHTML, CSS, XSLT)

AJBS Association of Japanese Business Studies (Org., Japan)

AK Application Kit (NextStep, OpenStep, Apple, Rhapsody)

AKA Also Known As

AKI Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen KI Institute (Org., KI)

AKI Authority Key Identifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

AKID Authority Key IDentifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

AKNN Arbeitskreis für Numerierung und Netzzusammenschaltung (Org.)

AKU Adaptation Kit Update (Android)

AL Artificial Life

AL Assembly Language

ALAC Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (Apple, CODEC, audio)

ALAN Audio Local Area Network (Audio), "A-LAN"

ALAP Appletalk Link Access Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ALAP As Late As Possible (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

ALAS Asociación Latinoamericana de Seguridad (Org.)

ALC Adaptation Layer Controller (ATM)

ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuits (IC)

ALC Automatic Level Control

ALDC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression (IBM)

ALE Address Lifetime Expectation (Org., IETF, IP)

ALE Application Link Enabling (R/3, SAP)

ALE Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts (Org., Linux, User group)

ALE Atomic Layer Epitaxy (IC)

ALEC Authorized Linux Education Center (Linux, Caldera)

ALF Accelerator Library and Framework (IBM)

ALG Application Level Gateway (Balabit)

ALGOL ALGOrithmic Language

ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the WEB (WWW)

ALK Automatisierte LiegenschaftsKarte (ALTIS)

ALLM Auto Low Latency Mode (HDMI)

ALM Application / Appware Loadable Module (Novell, Netware)

ALM Application Lifecycle Management

ALM Asynchronous Line Module

ALM Asynchronous Line Multiplexer

ALOE Apple Library for Object Embedding (Apple, OpenDoc)

ALP Access Linux Platform (Linux, PDA, Palm)

ALP Assembly Language Processor (IBM)

ALPA Association de Lutte contre la Piraterie Audiovisuelle (Org., Frankreich)

ALPC Advanced Local Procedure Call

ALPD Advanced Laser Phosphor Display

ALPN Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation

ALR Advanced Logic Research, inc (Hersteller)

ALS Adjacent Link Station (IBM)

ALS Audio Lossless Coding (MPEG)

ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (Linux, Audio)

ALSI Associazione nazionale Laureati in Scienze dell'informazione e Informatica (Org., Italien)

ALTEL Association of Long-distance TELephone companies (Org., USA)

ALTERNIC ALTERnative Network Information Center (Internet, USA)

ALTPSM ALTernating Phase Shift Mask [lithography]

ALTS Association for Local Telecommunications Services (Org., USA)

ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit (CPU)

AM Active Matrix (LCD)

AM Amplitude Modulation

AM Asynchronous Mode

AMA Automatic Message Accounting

AMACS AMA Collection System (AMA)

AMAP As Much As Possible (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AMARC AMA Recording Center (AMA)

AMASE AMA Standard Entry (AMA)

AMAT AMA Transmitter (AMA)

AMATPS AMA TeleProcessing System (AMA)

AMB Advanced Memory Buffer (IC, RAM, FB-DIMM)

AMBA Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (ARM, AMBA)

AMBAAXI Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture -Advanced eXtensible Interface (AMBA), "AMBA AXI"

AMC Adaptive Modulation and Coding (UMTS, HSDPA, Mobile-Systems)

AMCD Active Matrix Color Display (AMD, LCD)

AMCD Activity Monitoring Completion Detection

AMD Active Matrix Display (LCD)

AMD Advanced MicroDevices [inc.] (Hersteller)

AMD Asynchronous Module Definition (Javascript)

AMD AutoMounterDAEMON (Macintosh, Apple)

AME Advanced Metal Evaporated [tape] (Seagate, Streamer, Sony)

AME Advanced Modeling Extension (AutoCAD)

AMEL Active Matrix Electro Luminescent (AMD, LCD)

AMF Action Message Format (Macromedia, Flash)

AMH Automated Material Handling

AMHS Automated Message Handling System (MHS)

AMI Alternate Mark Inversion [encoding] (ISDN, T1)

AMI Amazon Machine Image (AWS)

AMI American Megatrends Incorporation (Hersteller)

AMI ATM Management Interface (ForeRunner)

AMIA American Medical Informatics Association (Org., USA)

AMIA Australian Medical Informatics Association (Org., Australien)

AMIC Apple Memory-mapped I/O Controller (Apple)

AMIC Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration (USA, Org.), "AMI-C"

AMIGADE Amiga Digital Environment (Amiga), "AmigaDE"

AMIGOS Advanced Mobile Integration in General Operating Systems, http://www.diku.dk/research-groups/distlab/amigos

AMIS Adaptive Multimedia Information System (DAISY)

AMIS Audio Message Interface Standard

AML ACPI Machine Language (ACPI, ASL, BIOS)

AML Advanced Mobile Location

AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display (AMD, LCD)

AMMA Advanced Memory Management Architecture

AMME Automated Multi-Media Exchange

AMNET Allgemeines Mailbox NETzwerk (BBS, Netzwerk)

AMOK A Modular Operating Kernel (OS, Cray)

AMOLED Active-Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (LED)

AMOR Amusing Misuse of Resources (Linux, KDE)

AMOS Alpha Microsystems Operating System (OS)

AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google)

AMP Airwave Management Platform (Linux)

AMP API Management Platform (API, Internet)

AMP Asymmetric MultiProcessor [system] (SMP)

AMPE Automated Message Processing Exchange

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service (Mobile-Systems, Motorola)

AMPSK Amplitude Modulation with Phase Shift Keying, "AM/PSK"

AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate

AMR Audio MODEM Riser [slot] (Intel)

AMRWB Adaptive Multi-Rate WideBand, "AMR-WB"

AMS Advanced Monitor System (OS, DEC, PDP 9, PDP 15)

AMS American Mathematical Society (Org., USA)

AMS Analog/Mixed Signals (IC)

AMS Andrew Mail / Message System (Unix)

AMS Asymmetric Multiprocessing System


AMSDOS AMStrad Disk Operating System (Amstrad, OS), "AMS-DOS"

AMSI Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (MS, Windows)

AMT Active Management Technology (Intel)

AMT Active Matrix Technology (AMD, LDC)

AMT Apple Media Toolkit (Apple)

AMTC Advanced Mask Technology Center (Org., EUVL, Infineon, AMD, ...)

AMTF Average Modulation Transfer Function

AMTFT Active Matrix Thin Film Transistor (AMD, LCD, TFT)

AMTPE Apple Media Tool Programming Environment (Apple), "AMT PE"

AMWG Architecture Methodology Working Group (Org., DISA)

AMX Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel)

AN Access Node

AN Alternating Network

ANAIS Architecture Not Allowed In Source (Linux, Debian, Slang)

ANAT Alternative Network Address Types

ANBU ANlagenBUchhaltung

ANC Active Noice Canceling (Audio)

ANCS AT&T Netware Connect Services (AT&T, Netware)

ANDF Architecture Neutral Distribution Format (OSF)

ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ANHR Access Node Hub Router (AN)

ANI Automatic Number Identification

ANI Automatische Netzwerk Installation

ANIEL Asociación Nacional de Industrias Electrónicas y de teLecomunicaciones (Org., Spanien, AETIC, Vorläufer)

ANMA Apple Network Managers Association (Org., Apple)

ANMP Account Network Management Program

ANMP Ad hoc Network Management Protocol

ANN Artificial Neural Networks (NN)

ANO Advanced Network Option (CA)

ANR Access Node Router

ANR Application Not Responding (Android)

ANS Advanced Network & Services Inc. (IBM, MCI. Merit, NFSnet)

ANS American National Standard (ANSI, ISO, USA)

ANSA Advanced Networked Systems Architecture (ISA)

ANSI American National Standard Institute (Org., USA)

ANSN Advertised Neighbor Sequence Number (OLSR)

ANSPAG Advanced Network System Performance and Application Group (RDN-CRC)

ANSSI Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (Org., Frankreich)

ANT Another Neat Tool (Java)

ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center (Org., USA, AMD, FDDI)

ANTLR ANother Tool for Language Recognition, "Antlr"

ANTS Advanced .NET Testing System (.NET, Red-Gate)

ANTS AT&T Novell Telephone Services (AT&T, Novell), "A/NTS"

ANUML Australian National University Meta Language, "ANU ML"

AO Arvutikasutaja Oskustunnistus (Org, Estonia)

AOA American Optometric Association (Org., USA)

AOAC Always On, Always Connected (NBS)

AOCD Advice Of Charge, During the call

AOCE Advice Of Charge, at the End of the call

AOCE Apple Open Collaboration Environment (Apple)

AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control System (ESA, Venus-Express)

AOD Advanced Optical Disc (HD-DVD, Vorläufer)

AODI Always On / Dynamic ISDN (ISDN, ACTEF), "AO/DI"

AOE Application Operating Environment (AT&T)

AOI Active Output Interface (UNI, PMD, FDDI)

AOL Alert On LAN (LAN, Intel, IBM, BIOS), "AoL"

AOL America OnLine (Netzwerk, AOL)

AON Active Optical Network

AOP Aspect Orientated Programming

AOS [LambdaRouter] All Optical Switch (Lucent, LambdaXtreme)

AOS Advanced Operating System (OS)

AOS Algebraic Operating System (IBM)

AOSP Android Open Source Project (Android)

AOSS Airstation One-touch Secure System (WLAN)

AOTC Australian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (Org., Australien)

AOU Arithmetic Output Unit

AOW Asia and Oceania Workshop (OSI)

AP Access Point (WLAN)

AP Access Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671)

AP Application Processor

AP Auto Precharge (SDRAM)

AP Automatic Pagination

APA Adaptive Packet Assembly

APA All Points Addressable

APA Arithmetic Processing Accelerator

APAAS Application Platform As A Service, "aPaaS"

APACI APache AutoConf-style Interface (HTTP, Apache)

APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM)

APB Advanced Peripheral Bus (AMBA, ARM)

APC American Power Conversion (Hersteller, UPS)

APC ArbeitsPlatz Computer (SNI)

APC Association for Progressive Communications (Org., Netzwerk)

APCUG Association of Personal Computer User Groups (Org.)

APD Additional Product Documentation

APDA Apple Programmers and Developers Association (Org., Apple)

APDPR Advanced PDF Password Recovery (PDF)

APDU Application Protocol Data Unit (OSI, PDU, OSI/RM, APDU, ICC)

APE Adaptable Persistence Engine (ZOPE)

APE APplication Engineering

APEL A Portable EMACS Library (EMACS, GNU)

APEX Advanced Packet EXchange

APF Advanced Printer Function (IBM, ADT)

APFS APple File System (Apple, FS)

API Application Program Interface (API)

API Associação Portuguesa de Informática (Org., Portugal)

APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (Intel, PIC)

APIPA Automatic Private IP Addressing (MS, IP)

APIS Arbeitsdatei PIOS Innere Sicherheit (INPOL, PIOS)

APK Android PacKage (Android)

APL A Perspicuous Language / Alles Parallel Lösbar (APL, Slang)

APL A Programming Language (IBM)

APLSF A Programming Language with Shared Files (CMU, DEC)

APLSF A Programming Language with Shared Variables (IBM)

APLV Arbeitsdatei PIOS LandesVerrat (INPOL, PIOS)

APM Advanced Power Management

APM Application Performance Monitoring

APM Application Programming Model (J2EE)

APM Automated Precision Manufacturing

APMS Automated Program Management information System

APN Access Point Name (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

APNIC Asian Pacific Network Information Center (Org., Internet)

APO Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP, SCM)

APOC A Single Point Of Control (Sun, Linux)

APOK Arbeitsdatei PIOS Organisierte Kriminalität (INPOL, PIOS)

APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol (Internet, POP, RFC 1734)

APP Accelerated Parallel Processing (AMD)

APP Application Portability Profile

APPC Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communications (IBM, SNA, LU 6.2)

APPC Advanced Program to Program Communication (IBM)

APPC Application Program to Program Converter (IBM)

APPCM Access Protection and Priority Control Mechanism (DQDB)

APPCP Advanced Program to Program Communications Protocol (APPC, IBM)

APPEL A P3P Preference Exchange Language (P3P)

APPI Advanced Peer to Peer Internetworking (Cisco)

APPN Advanced Peer to Peer Networking (IBM)

APPS Application Packaging Problems & Solutions (Cygwin)

APR Apache Portable Runtime (Apache)

APR Arbeitsdatei PIOS Rauschgift (INPOL, PIOS)

APS Active Pixel Sensor

APS Application Page Server

APS Application Service Provider (WAN)

APS Asynchronous Protocol Specification

APSE Ada Programming Support Environment

APSE Agfa Publishing Systems Environment (Agfa, DTP)

APSL Apple Public Source License (Apple)

APST Autonomous Power State Transition (SSD, NVMe)

APT Address Pass Through

APT Advanced Package Tool (Linux, Debian)

APT Advanced Persistent Threat

APT Advanced Photoscale Technology (Brother)

APT Automatically Programmed Tools

APTC Advanced Processor Temperature Control (Chaintech)

APTM Application Program to Transaction Manager (TP)

APU Accelerated Processing Unit (AMD, CPU, GPU)

APU Auxiliary Processing Unit

APVE [Parhelia] Audio, Photo, Video, Express (Matrox), "APVe"

APW Arbeitsdatei PIOS Waffen (INPOL, PIOS)

APWG Anti-Pishing Working Group (Org.)

AQM Active Queue Management

AR Administrative Request [message] (LFAP)

AR Aperture Ratio (DVD)

AR Augmented Reality

ARA Administrative Request Acknowledge [message] (LFAP)

ARA Affiliate Registration Authority (RA, PKI, ITU)

ARA Apple[talk] Remote Access (Apple, AppleTalk)

ARAG AntiReflection AntiGlare (ViewSonic)

ARAP Apple Remote Access Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ARAT Always Running APIC Timer (Intel, APIC)

ARB Architecture Review Board (OpenGL, Hersteller, Org.)

ARC Advanced RISC Computing [architecture] (ACE, RISC)

ARC App Runtime for Chrome (Google)

ARCA Advanced RISC Computing Architecture (ACE, RISC)

ARCNET Attached Resource Computer NETwork (Datapoint), "ARCnet"

ARD Apple Remote Desktop (Apple, Macintosh)

ARE All Routes Explorer (ATM)

AREXX Amiga Restructured EXtended eXecutor [language] (Amiga, Commodore, REXX)

ARG Alternate Reality Game

ARIA Accessible Rich Internet Applications (W3C, WAI)

ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers (Org., Internet, USA)

ARKD Abuse Resistant Key Distribution (Arcade)

ARL Access Rights List (Banyan, VINES)

ARLL Advanced Run-Length Limited [encoding]

ARM Acorn RISC Machines [veraltet/old term] (Acorn, RISC)

ARM Adobe Reader and acrobat Manager (Adobe)

ARM Advanced RISC Machines (Hersteller, Acorn, Apple, VLSI, RISC)

ARM Annotated [c++] Reference Manual

ARM Application Response Measurement [working group]

ARM Asynchronous Response Mode

ARMA Association of Records Managers and Administrators, inc. (Org.)

ARMS Architecture for Reliable Managed Storage (Cheyenne)

ARMS Automation Resources Management System

ARNS Appletalk Remote Network Server (Apple, AppleTalk)

ARO Affiliate Registration Organization (RA, PKI, ITU)

AROE Allowed Restricted Operating Environment

AROM Alterable Read Only Memory (ROM)

ARP Address Resolution Protocol (Internet, RFC 826)

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency [veraltet/old term] (Org., USA, DARPA)

ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork (USA, Netzwerk)

ARPDP Association of Rehabilitation Programs in Data Processing (Org., USA)

ARPG Actionb Role Playing Game (RPG)

ARPU Average Revenue Per User

ARQ Automatic Re-transmission reQuest (MODEM)

ARQAPDU Associate ReQuest Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU)

ARRA Announced Retransmission Random Access (MAC)

ARS Action Request System

ARS Automatic Route Selection (PBX, LCR)

ART Adaptive Resonance Theory (NN)

ART Advanced Resolution Technology (Minolta)

ARTS Accelerated Ray-Tracing System (Raytracing)

ARTS Action Real-Time Strategy [game] (RTS)

ARTS Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server

ARTT Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal

AS [Red Hat Enterprise Linux] Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux, RHEL)

AS Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT)

AS Authentication Service (DCE)

AS Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930)

AS400 Application System/400 (IBM), "AS/400"

ASA Adaptive Security Appliance (Cisco)

ASA Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI)

ASA American Standards Association (Org., USA, ANSI, Vorläufer)

ASAP Advanced Streaming and Prediction

ASAP As Soon As Possible (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ASAP Automatic Switching And Processing

ASB Advanced System Bus (AMBA, ARM)

ASBR Autonomous System Border / Boundary Router (AS)

ASC Accredited Standards Committee (Org., ANSI)

ASC Additional Sense Code

ASC American Society for Cybernetics (Org., USA)

ASC Authorized Support Center

ASC Automatic Contrast Selection (FAX)

ASCC Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (IBM)

ASCI Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative, http://www.llnl.gov/asci

ASCI Agent to Server Communication Interval (McAfee, ePolicy)

ASCII American Standard Code of Information Interchange

ASCSI Advanced Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI)

ASD Architecture Summary Design

ASDR Application Security Desk Reference (OWASP)

ASDSP Application-Specific Digital Signal Processor

ASE Active Storage Element (GigaB, IP-Router)

ASE Aladdin Smartcard Environment (Fast, Aladdin)

ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission (FO, EDFA)

ASE Android Scripting Environment (Android)

ASE Application Service Element (ATM)


ASEMH Army Standards Electronic Mail Host (Mil., USA)

ASES Application Software Entity Security

ASES Australian Solid Earth Simulator (ACES)

ASF Advanced Streaming Format (MS)

ASF Apache Software Foundation (Org., Apache)

ASH Almquist SHell (BSD, Unix, Shell), "ash"

ASHLI Advanced Shading Language Interface (ATI)

ASI Adapter Support Interface (IBM, LAN)

ASI Advanced Switching Interconnect

ASI Amorphous SIlicon drum (Kyocera), "aSI"

ASI Aquarius Systems International (Hersteller)

ASI Asynchronous SCSI Interface

ASI Automatic System Installation

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit (IC, RL)

ASIM Arbeitskreis Simulation und Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., GI)

ASIO Audio Stream Input/Output

ASIP Application Specific Instruction-set Processor (IC)

ASIS American Society for Information Science (Org.)

ASISIG Advanced Switching Interconnect Special Interest Group (Org., SIG) "ASI SIG"

ASK Akademische Software Kooperation (Org., Karlsruhe)

ASK Alexa Skills Kit (Amazon)

ASK Amplitude Shift Keying

ASKSAM Access Stored Knowledge via Symbolic Access Method (DB), "askSam"

ASL ACPI Source Language (ACPI, AML)

ASL Adaptive Speed Levelling (US Robotics)

ASL Annotated Source Listing (Intel)

ASL Astaro Security Linux (Linux)

ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization

ASLT Advanced Solid Logic Technology (IC)

ASM Advanced Server Management (Acer)

ASM Association of Systems Management (Org.)

ASM Automatic Storage Management (DB, Oracle)

ASMA Administratively Scoped IP Multicast (RFC 2365, Multicast)

ASMA Asus System Monitoring Agent (Asus, ASWM)

ASMO Advanced Storage Magneto Optical [disk] (Hitachi, Maxell, Matsushita, Fujitsu, Olympus, Philips, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, LG Electronics)

ASMONIA Angriffsanalyse und Schutzkonzepte für MObilfunkbasierte Netzinfrastrukturen unterstützt durch kooperativen InformationsAustausch

ASMP ASymetric MultiProcessing [system]

ASMP ASymmetrisches MultiProzessor [system]

ASN1 Abstract Syntax Notation One (OSI, ISO, IS 8824), "ASN.1"

ASNM AdvanceStack Network Management (HP)

ASO Address Supporting Organization (Internet)

ASP Abstract Service Primitive (OSI)

ASP Active Server Pages (HTTP, MS)

ASP Advanced Signal Processing / Processor

ASP Advanced Simple Profile

ASP AMD Secure Processor (AMD, IC)

ASP Appletalk Session Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk)

ASP Application Service Provider / Providing (ISP, Internet)

ASP Association of Shareware Professionals (Org., USA)

ASP Authorized Service Provider (Sun)

ASPEC Advanced SPectre Entropy Coding (MPEG, Digital Audio)

ASPEN Automatic System for Performance Evaluation of the Network

ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface (Adaptec, API, SCSI)

ASPIC Advanced SCSI Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC, SCSI)

ASPIK Algebraic Specifications and Implementations ??? (ISDV)

ASPL3 Advanced Simple Profile @ Level 3 (MPEG, CIF), "ASP@L3"

ASPP Application Specific Programmable Product (ASIC, ASSP, FPGA, RL)

ASPS Advanced Signal Processing System

ASQ Automated Software Quality

ASQC American Society of Quality Control (Org., USA)

ASQF Arbeitskreis Software-Qualität Franken [e.V.] (Org., Deutschland)

ASR Automated System Recovery (MS, Windows, XP)

ASR Automatic Server Restart (HP)

ASR Automatic Speech Recognition

ASSERT ADEPT Subsystem for Scanning of Electronic Received Traffic (ADEPT, Mil., USA)

ASSIST Automated Special Security Information System Terminal (Mil., USA)

ASSP Application Specific Standard Product (RL)

ASSPA ASsociation Suisse pour l'Automatique (Org., Schweiz)

ASSR Agreed Set of Security Rules (Mil., USA)

ASSUME Association of Statistics Specialists Using Microsoft Excel (Org., User group)

AST Abstract Syntax Tree (GCC)

AST Atlantic Standard Time [-0400] (TZ, ADT)

ASTA Advanced Software Technology and Algorithms (HPCC)

ASTRAL Alliance für Strategic Token Ring Advancement and Leadership (Hersteller)

ASU Asynchron-Synchron Umsetzer

ASV Adobe SVG Viewer (Adobe, SVG)

ASV Advanced Super-View (LCD, Sharp, MVA)

ASVD Analog Simultaneous Voice and Data (MODEM)

ASWF Academy SoftWare Foundation (Org.)

ASWM Asus System Web-based Management (Asus, DMI, SNMP, ASMA)

AT Advanced Technology (IBM, PC)

ATA Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA, HDD)

ATA Analog Telephone Adaptor (VoIP)

ATAG Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (WAI)

ATAP ARM Technology Access Program (ARM)

ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface (ATA)

ATASPI Advanced Technology Attachment Software Programming Interface (ATA)

ATC Address Translation Cache (CPU)

ATC Address Translation Controller (ATM)

ATC Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master)

ATC Authorized Testing Center (MS)

ATC Automatic Transmission Control

ATCA Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (Intel, PICMG)

ATCA Allied Tactical Communications Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

ATCP [PPP] AppleTalk Control Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk, PPP, NCP, RFC 1378)

ATD AntiTerrorDatei (INPOL)

ATD Asynchronous Time Division (ATM)

ATDM Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexer (ATD)

ATDMA Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access (ATD)

ATDP ATtention Dial Pulse (MODEM)

ATDT ATtention Dial Tone (MODEM)

ATE Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (Banyan, VINES)

ATE ATM Terminating Equipment (SONET, ATM)

ATEC Authorized Training and Education Center (MS, MOCS, MCSD, ATEC)

ATES Advanced Techniques integration into Efficient scientific Software (ESPRIT, CASE)

ATF Automatic Track Finding (DDS)

ATH Absolute Threshold of Hearing (MP3)

ATH ATtention Hang up (MODEM)

ATI Advanced Telecomunications Institute (Org., USA)

ATI Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (Org., Spanien)

ATIP Absolute Time In Pregroove (CD)

ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (Org., USA)

ATK Andrew ToolKit (Unix)

ATKIS Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches InformationsSystem

ATL Activex Template Library (MS, ActiceX, MSVC)

ATL Adaptive Threshold Learning (Neuronale Netze)

ATLAS Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (BLAS, API)

ATM Abstract Test Method (ISO 9646-1)

ATM Adobe Type Manager

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

ATM At The Moment (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ATM Automatic Teller Machine

ATMARP ATM Address Resolution Protocol (ATM, ARP)

ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (Ascend, RFC 2107)

ATMS Assumption based Truth Maintenance System (AI)

ATN Augmented Transition Network


ATOMM Advanced super Thinlayer and high-Output Metal Media (Fuji)

ATP [Macromedia] Authorized Training Program (Macromedia)

ATP Advanced Technology Partner

ATP Appletalk Transaction Protocol (Apple)

ATP Application Transaction Program (IBM, APPC)

ATP Available To Promise (SCM)

ATP2 AppleTalk Phase 2 (Apple, AppleTalk)

ATPH Authorized Teamspeak Host Provider

ATPS AppleTalk Printing Services (AppleTalk, Apple)

ATR Advanced Telecommunications Research laboratory (Org., Japan)

ATR Answer To Reset

ATR Automatic Terminal Recognition

ATRAC Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding (Sony, Digital Audio, CODEC)

ATS Abstract Test Suite

ATS Adaptive Tape Speed (HP, Streamer, LTO)

ATS Administrative Terminal System

ATS Apple Terminal Services (Apple, AppleTalk)

ATSPI Assistive Technology - Service Provider Interface (GNOME), "AT-SPI"

ATSUI Apple Text Services for Unicode Imaging (Apple, Unicode)

ATT American Telephone and Telegraph, "AT&T" , http://www.att.com

ATT App Tracking Transparency (Apple)

ATUS A Toolkit for Usable Security (Uni Freiburg)

ATVEF Advanced TV Enhancement Forum (Org.)

ATX Advanced Technology eXtended [form factor]

AU Access Unit

AUAI Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Org., AI)

AUC AUthentication Center (GSM, Mobile-Systems), "AuC"

AUDIT AUtomated Data Input Terminal

AUDIUS AUßenDIenstUnterstützungsSystem (CAS)

AUE Andrew User Environment (Unix)

AUGCE Autodesk User Group Central Europe (Org., User group)

AUGE Apple User Group Europe (Org., Apple, User group)

AUI Access Unit Interface

AUI Asociación de Usuarios de Internet (Internet, User group, Spanien, Org.)

AUI Attachment Unit Interface (Ethernet)

AUI Audible User Interface (UI)

AUIS Andrew User Interface System (Unix, UI)

AUP Acceptable Use Policy (NFSNet)

AUR Arch User Repository (Linux)

AURP Appletalk Update-based Routing Protocol (Apple, Appletalk, RFC 1504)

AUT Application Under Test

AUTODIN AUTOmatic DIgital Network (DMS, DISA)

AUTOKO AUTOmatisiertes KOrpsstammnetz (Bundeswehr)

AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open Systems Architecture [initiative] (Org.)

AUTOSEVOCOM AUTOmated SEcure VOice COMmunications (Vorläufer, SVIP, Mil., USA)

AUTOVON AUTOmatic VOice Network (Vorläufer, DSN, DISA)

AUU ATM User-to-User (ATM)

AUX Apple UniX (Apple, Unix), "A/UX"

AUX Auxiliary Power Unit (Airbus, A380)

AV Audio/Video, "A/V"

AV AudioVisual [macintosh] (Apple)

AVA Audio-Visual Authoring

AVAS teile-Auftragserfassungs-, Verwaltungs- und AbrufSystem (MBAG)

AVATAR Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator (BBS)

AVB Audio/Video Bridging (IEEE 802.1)

AVC Access Vector Cache

AVC Advanced Video Coding (VCEG, Video)

AVC Audio-Visual Connection

AVCD Audio-Visual Computer Display

AVD Advanced Video Disk [veraltet/old term] (China, EVD)

AVD Alternation Voice/Data

AVD Android Virtual Device (Android)

AVDL Application Vulnerability Description Language (OASIS, XML)

AVE AutoCAD Visualization Extension (AutoCAD)

AVERT Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team (McAfee)

AVGA Advanced Video Graphics Array (VGA)

AVI Audio Video Interleaved (MS)

AVIS AuftragsVerwaltungs- und InformationsSYstem (MBAG)

AVL Adelson, Veslkij and Laudis [tree]

AVM AudioVisuelles Marketing und computersysteme [gmbh] (Hersteller)

AVPD Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer (CD-R, UDF, ISO 9660)

AVR Automatic Voice Recognition

AVR Automatic Voltage Regulation (USV)

AVRCP Audio Video Remote Control Profile (Bluuetooth)

AVS Address Verification System

AVS Adult Verification System (WWW)

AVS Alexa Voice Services (Amazon, AWS)

AVX Advanced Vector eXtensions (CPU, Intel)

AWA Access-Web-Apps (MS)

AWAC Audio Waveform Amplifier and Converter (Apple)

AWADO Automatischer Wechselschalter in der AnschlußDose

AWD Automatische Wähleinrichtung für Datenverbindungen

AWE Address Windowing Extensions (API, PAE)

AWE Autocad Windows Extension (AutoCAD)

AWG American Wire Gauge (Kabel)

AWK al Aho, peter Weinberger, brian Kernighan (Unix)

AWL AnWeisungsListe (DIN 19239)

AWOL Absent WithOut Leave (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AWP Association of Web Professionals (Org., WWW)

AWS Amazon Web Services (XML, API, Amazon)

AWS Apple Workgroup Server (Appletalk, Apple)

AWT Abstract Window Toolkit (Java, Sun)

AWTAPI Abstract Windows Toolkit-Application Programmer Interface (AWT, API, Java)

AXE Application eXecution Environment

AXI Advanced eXtensible Interface (ARM, AMBA)

AXIS Apache eXtensible Interaction System (Apache, SOAP)

AYS Are You Sure (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AZEB Australian/new Zealand EDIFACT Board (Org., EDIFACT), "AZ/EB"

B2B Business to Business

B2C Business to Customer

B2E Business to Employee

B8ZS Binary 8 Zero Suppression [encoding] (ISDN, T1)

BAARF Battle Against Any RAID Five (HDD, RAID)

BAAS Backend As A Service (MBAAS)

BAC Basic Air Control (RFID)

BACNET Building Automation and Control NETwork, "BACnet"

BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BAP, RFC 2125)

BAD Broken As Designed (Slang)

BADW Bayerische Akademie Der Wissenschaften (Org.)

BAGEL Bay Area GNU Enthusiasts League (GNU, Org., User group)

BAI Basic Access Interface (ISDN)

BALUN BALanced-UNbalanced [adapter] (Kabel), "Balun"

BAM Bidirectional Associative Memory (Neuronale Netze)

BAM Block-Availability-Map

BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (Org., Berlin)

BAMP BSD, Apache, MySQL, PHP (BSD, Apache, PHP, DB)

BAP [PPP] Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (PPP, RFC 2125, BACP)

BAPC [PPP] Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (PPP, BAP, RFC 2125)

BAPCO Business Application Performance COrporation (Benchmark, Org., Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, MS, Lotus, Intel, ...) "BAPCo"

BAPI Biometric Application Program Interface (API, MS, ...)

BAPI Business Application Programmer's Interface (SAP, R/3, API)

BAPT BundesAmt für Post und Telefon (Org.)

BAR Base Address Register (IC)

BARB Bluetooth Architecture Review Board (Org., Bluetooth)

BARRNET Bay Area Regional Research NETwork (Netzwerk), "BARRNet"

BART Basic Application RunTime (OS/2, IBM)

BARWAN Bay Area Research Wireless Access Network (Netzwerk, USA)

BAS Basic Activity Subset

BASE Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency

BASH Bourne-Again SHell (Unix, Shell)

BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BASIN Bundesweites Alternatives Studentisches InformationsNetzwerk (WWW, Org.)

BAT Baby Advanced Technology [board] (AT)

BAT Basic Attention Token (Brave)

BAT Bouquet Association Table (DVB)

BAT Browser-based Application Toolkit (IBM, WWW)

BATV Bounce Address Tag Validation (SMTP)

BAYSIS BAY networks' Switched Internetworking Services, "BaySIS"

BB BridgeBoard (Amiga, Commodore)

BBA Big Brother Awards (DFÜ, Internet)

BBC Broadband Bearer Capability (B-ISDN)

BBIAB [I'll] Be Back In A Bit (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

BBIAM Be Back In A Minute (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BBIAS Bye, Back In A Second (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BBL Be Back Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BBN Bolt, Beranek and Newman (Hersteller)

BBNS BroadBand Network Services

BBR Back Bone Ring

BBS Bulletin Board System (DFÜ)

BCAM Basic Communication Access Method

BCBDS Broadband Connectionless Data Bearer Service (B-ISDN)

BCC Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA)

BCC Blind Carbon Copy (DFÜ)

BCC Block Check Character

BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BCD Binary Coded Decimal

BCDBS Broadband Connectionless Data Bearer Service (ATM)

BCDIC Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

BCDMA Broadband Code Division Multiple Access (Interdigital, SNI, Samsung), "B-CDMA"

BCF Base station Control Function (BS, BTS, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BCI Batibus Club International (Org.)

BCI Brain Computer Interface

BCI ByteCode Interpreter (TrueType, OpenType)

BCM Basic Control Monitor (OS, Xerox, Xerox 530)

BCN Backbone Concentrator Node (Wellfleet)

BCOB Broadband Class of Bearer (B-ISDN)

BCP [Internet] Best Current Practice (Internet, RFC)

BCP [PPP] Bridging Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1638)

BCP Basic Call Process (IN)

BCP Binary Communications Protocol

BCP Binary Control Protocol (Adobe, PS)

BCPL Basic / BBN Combined Programming Language (BBN)

BCRFS Bell System Reference Frequency Standard

BCS Banking Communication Standard (Banking)

BCS Basic Combined Subset

BCS Basic Control System (OS, HP, HP 2100)

BCS Binary Compatibility Standard (Motorola)

BCS Block Check Sequenz (GPRS, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BCS British Computer Society (Org., UK)

BCSM Basic Call State Model (IN)

BCU BIOS Configuration Utility (BIOS, HP)

BCU Bus Controller Unit

BCV Business Continuance Volumes (EMC)

BD Blu-ray Disk (BD, Sony, Panasonic, TDK)


BDA Borland DAtabase (Borland, DB)

BDA BundesDatenAutobahn [e.v] (Org., ISP)

BDAM Basic Direct Access Method (DAM)

BDB Berkely DataBase (DB)

BDC Backup Domain Controller (MS, Windows, NT, PDC)

BDD Binary Decision Diagram

BDD Business Desktop Deployment (MS, Windows, Vista)

BDE BetriebsDatenErfassung

BDE Bit-lock Drive Encryption (MS, WPE)

BDE Borland Database Engine (Borland, Delphi, DB)

BDF Bitmap Description / Display Format (Adobe, Fonts)

BDJ Blu-ray Disc Java (BD, Java, J2ME), "BD-J"

BDK [java]Beans Development Kit (Java)

BDOS Basic Disk Operating System (CP/M)

BDPA Blu-ray Disk Pure Audio (Universal, BD, Audio)

BDPP Biometric Device Protection Profile (UK, CESG)

BDR Blu-ray Disk - Recordable (BD), "BD-R"

BDR Bus Device Request (SCSI)

BDRE Blu-ray Disk - REwritable (BD), "BD-RE"

BDROM Blu-ray Disk - Read Only Memory (BD), "BD-ROM"

BDSG BundesDatenSchutzGesetz (Deutschland)

BDSL Boundary Scan Description Language (JTAG, VHDL, IEEE 1149.1-2001)

BDTI Berkeley Design Technology, Inc. (Hersteller) "BDTi"

BEAST Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS (SSL, TLS)

BEAT Best Enhanced Advanced Technology (Trident, AT)

BEB Binary Exponential Backoff (CSMA/CD, LIB)

BEC Back-End-Chip (DVR)

BEC Business E-Mail Compromise

BECEEP BErlin Continuing Engineering Education Program, "BeCEEP"

BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (ATM)

BED Bookmark Exploring Dabbler (VRML)

BEDO Burst EDO [DRAM] (EDO, RAM, DRAM, IC, Micron)

BEDODRAM Burst Extended Data Out DRAM (RAM, DRAM, IC), "BEDO-DRAM"

BEEP Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (RFC 3080)

BEEV Bundesverband der Elektronik- und ElektroschrottVerwerter (Org.)

BEF Brightness Enhancement Foile (LCD)

BELLCORE BELL COmmunications REsearch (Org., USA) "Bellcore"

BEN BEstätigungsNummer (Banking)

BEOS Be Operating System (OS) "BeOS"

BER Basic Encoding Rules [for ASN.1] (ASN.1, OSI, ISO, IS 8825)

BER Bit Error Rate (BIT)

BEREC Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (Org., Europa)

BERKOM BERliner KOMmunikationssystem (Netzwerk)

BERT Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformations (Google)

BERT Bit Error Rate Test (BIT)

BES Block Ended by Symbol (IBM, Assembler)

BES Bursty Errored Seconds (DS1/E1)

BEST Borland Enhanced Support and Training (Borland)

BEST Business Executive System for Timesharing (OS, Qantel)

BEVU Bundesvereinigung mittelständischer Elektro- und elektronikgeräte entsorgungs- und VerwertungsUnternehmen (Org., Deutschland)

BEW Business Engineering Workbench (R/3, SAP)

BF Bus Fraction [pin] (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

BFD Binary File Descriptor (Unix)

BFDI Bundesbeauftragter Für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (Deutschland), "BfDI"

BFGD Big Format Gaming Display

BFN Bye For Now (DFÜ-Slang, IRC, Usenet)

BFOC Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector

BFR Brominated Flame Retardant

BFS Be File System (BeOS, FS)

BFT Binary File Transfer (DFÜ)

BGA Ball Grid Array (IC, CPU)

BGI Borland Graphics Interface (Borland)

BGP Border Gateway Protocol (RFC 1267/1771, IP)

BGT Broadcast and Group Translators

BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempts

BHLI Broadband High Layer Information, "B-HLI"

BHN Bayerisches Hochschulnetz (Netzwerk)

BHO Browser Helper Objects (MS, IE)

BHT Branch History Table (CPU)

BI Breidbart-Index (Usenet, ECP, EMP)

BIAB Back In A Bit (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

BIB Bild in Bild (PIP, Video)

BIB Bus Interface Board

BIC Bank Identifier Code (Banking)

BIC Bit Independence Criterion (Verschlüsselung, BIT)

BIC Bus Interface Chip (DVR)

BICI Broadband InterCarrier Interface (B-ISDN), "B-ICI"

BID Bugtraq IDentification (Securityfocus)

BIDCO BIDirectional COmmunication Standard, BidCoS

BIDI BIDirectional

BIDS Borland International Data Structures (Borland)

BIF Benchmark Interchange Format (PLB)

BIF Built In Function (REXX)

BIG Bionet Intelligent Gateway (BioData)

BIGFON Breitbandiges Integriertes Glasfaser-Fernmelde-OrtsNetz

BIGSTAF Breitbandiges Integriertes GefechtsSTAndFernmeldenetz (Bundeswehr)

BIICS Business Integration - Information Conformance Statements (XML), "BI-ICS"

BIK Barrierefrei Informieren und Kommunizieren (Internet)

BIKA Barrierefreie Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie für Alle (FIT)

BIKOS BüroInformations- und KOmmunikationsSysteme (Org., GI)

BIM Broadband Interface Module

BIMA British Interactive Multimedia Association (Org., UK)

BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain [software] (Unix)

BIOS Basic Input Output System / Support (PC)

BIP Bit Interleaved Parity (SONET, ..., BIT)

BIPV Bit Interleaved Parity Violation (BIT)

BIRA Belgian Institute for Automatic Control (Org., Belgien)

BIS Business Information System

BISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (ATM), "B-ISDN"

BISP Business Information System Program

BISSI Broadband Inter-Switching System Interface (B-ISDN), "B-ISSI"

BIST Built-In Self Test (Power4, IBM)

BISUP Broadband ISDN User's Part (B-ISDN), "B-ISUP"

BISYNC Binary SYNchronous Communications (IBM)

BIT Basic Interconnection Test (ISO 9646-1)

BIT Binary digIT

BITNET Because It's Time NETwork (Netzwerk)

BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service (MS, Windows)

BITV Barrierefreie InformationsTechnik Verordnung (Deutschland, WCAG)

BIU Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware [e.V.] (Org., Deutschland)

BIU Bus Interface Unit

BIX Byte Information eXchange

BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor (IC)

BK Büro Kommunikation

BKS BenutzerKoordinatenSystem (CAD)

BL Blue Lightning [processor family] (Intel)

BLADE Basic Linear Algebra for Distributed Environments

BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (Intel, API)

BLAST Bell Labs Layered Space Time

BLAST BLocked ASynchronous Transmission

BLE Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (Bluetooth)

BLER BLock Error Rate (CD)

BLERA BLock Error Rate After [recording] (DVD), "BLERa"

BLERB BLock Error Rate Before [recording] (DVD), "BLERb"

BLLI Broadband Low Layer Information (BISDN), "B-LLI"

BLM Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (Org.)

BLMX Board-Level Multitasking eXecutive (OS)

BLOB Binary Large OBject

BLOROB BLOck based ROBot

BLSM Base Level System Modernization

BLT BLock Transfer

BLW Bus Locked Write (Intel, CPU)

BMBF BundesMinisterium für Bildung und Forschung (Org.)

BMBW BundesMinisterium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (Org.)

BMC Baseboard Management Controller (IPMI, BMC)

BMDP Bio-Medical Data Package

BMECAT Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik CATalog data exchange format (XML) "BMEcat"

BMFT BundesMinisterium für Forschung und Technik (Org.)

BML Bean Markup Language (Java)

BML Business Management Layer (TMN)

BMOS Bipolar Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

BMP Basic Multilingual Plane (UCS)

BMP Bean Managed Persistence (Java, EJB, CMP)

BMS Basic Mapping Support (CICS)

BMS Basic Monitor System (OS, DEC, PDP 9, PDP 15)

BMS Broadcast Message Server (PCTE)

BMT Biel Mean Time (TZ, Internet)

BMTA Backbone Message Transfer Agent (MTA)

BMUG Berkeley Macintosh User Group (Org., Apple, USA, User group)

BMWI BundesMinisterium für WIssenschaft und technologie (Org.)

BN Bridge Number

BNC Baby N Connector (Slang)

BNC Bayonet Neill Concelman [connector]

BNC Bayonet Nipple Connector (Slang)

BNC Bayonet Nut Coupling

BNC British National Connector

BNC British Naval Connector

BND BundesNachrichtenDienst

BNEP Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (Bluetooth)

BNF Backus-Naur Form (TTCN, ...)

BNG Broadband Network Gateway

BNP Broadband Network Premises

BNT Broadband Network Termination (B-ISDN), "B-NT"

BNU Basic Networking Utilities (AT&T)

BO Back Orifice (CDC)

BOA Basic Object Adapter

BOCA Borland Object Component Architecture (Borland)

BOCA Business Object Component Architecture (CORBA, OMG)

BOD Business Object Documents (OAG)

BOF Birds Of a Feather (Usenix)

BOFH Bastard Operator From Hell (DFÜ-Slang)

BOINC Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

BOM Beginning of Message

BOM Byte Order Mark (Unicode)

BONDING Bandwidth ON Demand INteroperability Group (Org., Hersteller, AIM)

BOOTP BOOTstrap Protocol (RFC 951)

BOPS Billion Operations Per Second

BORE Break Once Run Everywhere

BORSCHT Battery, Overvoltage, Ringing, Signalling, Coding, Hybrid, Testing [functions] (PBX)

BOS Basic Operating System (AIX, IBM)

BOS Basic Overseer Server (AFS)

BOS Batch Operating System (OS, Honeywell)

BOS360 Basic Operating System / 360 (OS, S/360, IBM), "BOS/360"

BOS5 Business Operating Software /5 (OS), "BOS/5"

BOSH Bytestreams Over Synchronous HTTP (HTTP)

BOSS Basic OS Software for BASIC (OS, BASIC)

BOSS BSI OSS Security Suite (BSI, OSS)

BOSS Bus Owner/Supervisor/Selector (FireWire)

BOT Back On Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BOT Beginning Of Tape

BOT Broadcast Online TV

BOT Build, Operate and Transfer (Netzwerke)

BOT Bulk Only Transfer

BP Base Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

BP;DR Behind Paywall; Didn't Read (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BPB BIOS Parameter Block (BIOS, DOS, HDD, FDD)

BPC Broadcast Personal Computer (PC)

BPD BankParameterDaten (DDBAC)

BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

BPEL Business Process Execution Language

BPEL4WS Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (XML, XSD, SOAP, WSDL, OASIS)

BPF Berkeley Packet Filter (BSD, Unix)

BPI Bits Per Inch (HDD, BIT)

BPIP Best Play for Imperfect Player (NEC)

BPL Business Process Language

BPL Bytes Per Line

BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation

BPN Back-Propagation Net (NN)

BPOS Business Productivity Online Suite (MS)

BPP Bits Per Pixel (BIT)

BPP Bridge Port Pair

BPS Bits Per Second (MODEM, BIT)

BPSK Bi-Phase Shift Keying [modulation] (HiperLAN/2, , 802.11a)

BPSS Business Process Specification Schema (ebXML, XML)

BPU Branch Prediction Unit (CPU, MMX, Intel)

BPU Branch Processing Unit (CPU)

BPV BiPolar Violation [error event] (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

BR Boundary Representation (CAD, CAM)

BRAIN Berlin Research Area Information Network (Netzwerk)

BRAIN Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (USA)

BRAIN Broadband Radio Access for IP-based Networks

BRAM Broadcast Recognition Access Method (MAC)

BRAN Broadband Radio Access Network (ETSI, WLAN)

BRAP Broadcast Recognition with Alternating Priorities (MAC)

BRAS Broadband Remote Acess Server (ISP, DSL)

BRB Be Right Back (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BREW Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (CDMA, Oualcomm)

BRF Benchmark Reporting Format (PLB)

BRI Basic Rate Interface (ISDN)

BRI Bridge Router Interface ??? (Banyan, VINES)

BRIEF Basic Reconfigurable Interactive Editing Facility

BRIL Bus Read Invalidate Line (Intel, CPU, BWIL)

BRIM Bridge/Router Interface Module

BRL Bus Read Line (Intel, CPU, BWL)

BRMS Backup Recovery and Media Services (IBM)

BRS Big Red Switch

BRT Browser Response Time (WWW)

BRTB Berlin Regional TestBed (WIN)

BS BackSpace

BS BackSpace one record (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

BS Banded Signaling

BS Base Station (LA, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BS BetriebsSystem

BS2000 BetriebsSystem 2000 (SNI, OS)

BSA Backbone Service Area

BSA Business Software Alliance (Org., Hersteller)

BSAM Basic Sequential Access Method (IBM, MVS, SAM)

BSC Balanced ScoreCard

BSC Barcelona Supercomputing Center

BSC Base Station Controller (BS, BTS, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Mobile-Systems)

BSC Binary Synchronous Coded

BSC Binary Synchronous Communications [protocol] (IBM)

BSCM Binary Synchronous Communications Module

BSD Berkeley System / Software Distribution (Hersteller, Unix, OS)

BSD Blind Spot Detection (Auto)

BSDI Berkeley Software Design Incorporated (Hersteller)

BSDL Berkeley/San Diego License

BSI Bentley Systems, Incorporated (Hersteller)

BSI British Standards Institute (Org., UK)

BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Org., Deutschland)

BSIC Base Station Identification Code (BS, BCCH, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BSMTP Batched Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

BSP BetriebsSystemProzessor (Windows, NT, SMP)

BSP Binary Space Partitioning [tree]

BSP Bug Squashing Party (Linux, Debian)

BSR BootStrap Router (PIM, RP, Multicast)

BSR Boundary-Scan-Register (JTAG, TAP, IC)

BSS Base Station System / Subsystem (GPRS, BSC, BTS)

BSS Basic Service Set (WLAN)

BSS Basic Synchronized Subset

BSS Block Started by Symbol (IBM, Assembler, Unix)

BSS Block Storage Segment

BSS Broadband Switching System

BSSMAP Base Station System Management Application Part (RR, BS, MTP, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BST Bering Strait Time [-1100] (TZ)

BST Brazil Standard Time [-0300] (TZ)

BST British Summer Time [+0100] (TZ, UK)

BSVC Broadcast Switched Virtual Connections (ATM)

BT Baghdad Time [+0200] (TZ)

BT Bering Time [-1100] (TZ)

BT BlueTooth

BT British Telecom (Org.)

BT Burst Tolerance

BT Bus Terminator

BTAM Basic Tape Access Method (BS2000)

BTAM Basic Telecommunications Access Method (IBM)

BTB Branch Target Buffer (CPU)

BTC Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

BTC Block Turbo Codes (WIMAX, 802.16e)

BTDT Been There, Done That (Slang, Linux, Kernel)

BTE Broadband Terminal Equipment (B-ISDN), "B-TE"

BTH Base Transport Header (Infiniband)

BTI Branch Target Injection (CPU)

BTL Bell Telephone Laboratories

BTLB Block Translation Look-aside Buffer (CPU)

BTLE BlueTooth Low Energy (Bluetooth), "BT LE"

BTM Batch Time-sharing Monitor (OS)

BTM Benchmark Timing Methodology (PLB)

BTNS Better-Than-Nothing Security (IETF, WG)

BTO Build-To-Order


BTP Business Transaction Protocol (OASIS)

BTRFS BTRee Files System (Linux, FS), "btrfs"


BTS Base Transceiver Station entities (BCF, BS, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Mobile-Systems)

BTS Branch Tree Store (Intel, CPU)

BTS Bug Tracking System

BTU Basic Transmission Unit (IBM, SNA)

BTW By The Way (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BTX Balanced Technology eXtended [form factor] (AT, ATX)

BTX BildschirmTeXt (Netzwerk, Datex-J, DTAG), "Btx"

BTXVST BildschirmTeXt-VermittlungsSTelle (BTX), "Btx-VSt"

BUGLAS BUndesverband GLASfaseranschluss e.v. (Org.)

BUI Bus Interface Unit (DEC)

BUP Buffer Underrun Protection (DVD, CD)

BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server (ATM, LANE)

BV BildVerarbeitung

BVB Besondere VertragsBedingungen

BVB BundesVerband für Büro- und informationssysteme [e.v.] (Org.)

BVCP [PPP] Banyan VINES Control Protocol (RFC 1763, Banyan, VINES, PPP)

BVDW BundesVerband Digitale Wirtschaft [e.V.] (Org., Germany)

BVIT BundesVerband InformationsTechnologien [e.v.] (Org.)

BVSI Berufsverband de Selbstständigen in der Informatik [e.V.] (Org., Deutschland)

BW Business Warehouse (DWH)

BWAM Because We Are Mean (Slang, Cygwin)

BWBM Bandwidth Balancing Mechanism (DQDB)

BWCC Borland Windows Custom Controls (Borland, DLL)

BWF Broadcast Wave Format (DCI)

BWIL Bus Write Invalidate Line (Intel, CPU, BRIL)

BWL Bus Write Line (IIntel, CPU, BRL)

BYOD Bring Your Own Device (COBO, COPE)

BZR BefehlsZählRegister (IC)

BZR Bit Zone Recording (ROD, BIT)

BZR BundesZentralRegister (IC)

BZT Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation (Org., DTAG)

BZÜ Beleglose ZahlscheinÜberweisung (Banking)

C&C Command & Control [server]

C128 Commodore 128 [computer] (Commodore)

C2DM Cloud to Device Messaging (Google)

C2IS Command and Control Information Systems (Mil., USA)

C3I Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

C3IIS Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems (Mil., USA), "C3I/IS"

C4 Command, Control, Communications and Computers (Mil., USA)

C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

C64 Commodore 64 [computer] (Commodore)

CA Carrier Aggregation

CA Cell Arrival (ATM)

CA Certification Authority (Verschlüsselung, PKI)

CA Channel Adapter (Infiniband)

CA Computer Animation

CA Computer Associates (Hersteller)

CAA Certification Authority Authorization (DNS, RFC 6844)

CAAD Computer Aided Architectural Design

CAAS Container As A Service, "CaaS"

CAB Contextual Action Bar (Android)

CABAC Context Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (AVC)

CABC Content Adaptive Brightness Control (Dell)

CABS Carrier Access Billing System

CABS Computer Aided Business Simulation

CAC Cantilver Array Chip (IBM, HDD, MEMS)

CAC Channel Access Code (Bluetooth)

CAC Computer Aided Crime

CAC Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)

CACEAS Computer-Assisted Circuit Engineering and Allocating System

CACTIS Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System (Mil., USA)

CAD Computer Aided Design (CIM)

CAD Computer Aided Dispatch / Drafting

CADE Computer Aided Document Engineering (Microstar)

CADR Client Authenticated DNS Request (DNS, Internet)

CADS Computer-Assisted Display System

CAE Client Application Enabler (IBM, DB)

CAE Common Application Environment (X/Open)

CAE Computer Aided Education

CAE Computer Aided Engineering (CIM)

CAI Computer Aided Inspection (CIM)

CAI Computer Aided Instruction

CAIDA Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (Org.)

CAIP Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (Konferenz)

CAIS Common APSE Interface Specification (APSE, API)

CAIT Center for the Application of Information Technology (Org., USA)

CAIT Central Academy of Information Technology (Org., MITI)

CAL Client Access License (Lotus, MS)

CAL Computer Aided Logistics

CAL Computer Assisted Learning

CAL Conversational Algebraic Language (JOSS)

CAL Cryptographic Autonomy License

CALEA Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act (USA)

CALS Computer aided Acquisition and Logistics Support

CALS Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support

CAM Common Access Method (SCSI)

CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing

CAM Conditional Access Modul (DVB, CI)

CAM Content Addressable Memory (Ethernet, Switch, IC)

CAMAC Computer Automated Measurement And Control

CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (UMTS)

CAML Categorical Abstract Machine Language (INRIA), "Caml"

CAML Collaborative Application Markup Language (MS, XML)

CAMM Computer Assisted Material Management

CAMP Cygwin Apache MySQL PHP (Cygwin, Apache, SQL, PHP)

CAN Complete Area Networks (SNI)

CAN Controller Area Network [bus] (CAN)

CAO Client Activated Object (SAO)

CAO Computer Aided Office

CAO Control Area Operator (EMS)

CAP CAMEL Application Part (SS7, CAMEL)

CAP Carrierless Amplitude Phase [modulation] (ADSL, AT&T)

CAP Common Alerting Protocol (XML, OASIS)

CAP Communications-electronics Accommodation Program

CAP Component Approval Process

CAP Computer Aided Planning (CIM)

CAP Computer Aided Publishing

CAP Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance

CAP Cross Account Protection (Google)

CAPE Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (Conference, IFIP)

CAPEC Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification, http://capec.mitre.org/

CAPI Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface (NVidia)

CAPI Communication Application Program Interface (ISDN, API)

CAPI Cryptography Application Programming Interface (Verschlüsselung, API)

CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning

CAPPEAL Controlled Access Protection Profile / Evaluation Assurance Level, "CAPP/EAL"

CAPSL CAnnon Printing System Language (Canon), "CaPSL"

CAPT Cannon Advanced Printing Technology

CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers from Humans Apart (AI)

CAPWAP Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (WAP)

CAQ Computer Aided Quality [control]

CAR Central Access Routing (RND)

CAR Computer Aided Retrieval

CAR Computer Assisted Radiology

CAR Contents of the Address Register (IBM, ELISP, CDR)

CARCAS Computer Aided aRchiving and Change Accounting System

CARD Candidate Access Router Discovery (RFC 4066)

CARDS Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software (Mil., USA)

CARDVM Card Virtual Machine (Java, Sun), "CardVM"

CARE Computer Assistance Resource Exchange

CARLOS Computer Aided Real Language Orthographic System

CARP Common Address Redundancy Protocol (BSD)

CAS Code Access Security (VSTO, .NET, MS)

CAS Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM)

CAS Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA)

CAS Computer Aided Selling

CAS Computer Aided Styling

CAS Computer Algebra System

CAS Computerized Autodial System

CAS Content Adaptive Sharpening (AMD)

CAS Content Addressed Storage (EMC)

CASE Common Application Service Element (ISO, OSI)

CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering

CASH Computer Aided Service Handling (Ashton-Tate), "C.A.S.H."

CASID Condition Access System IDentification (DVB, CAT)

CAST Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares (Verschlüsselung)

CAST Computer Aided Software Testing

CAT Cache Allocation Technology (Intel)

CAT Central Alaska Time [-1000] (TZ)

CAT Common Authentication Technology (IETF, RFC 1511)

CAT Computer Aided Technology (Messe)

CAT Computer Aided Telephony

CAT Computer Aided Testing

CAT Condition Access Table (DVB)

CATI Computer Aided / Assisted Telephone Interviewing

CATIA Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application (CAD)

CATIS Computer-Assisted Tactical Information System (Mil., USA)

CATNIP Common ArchiTecture for Next generation Internet Protocol (IPNG, RFC 1707)

CATOSL Computer Associates - Trusted Open Source License (CA), "CA-TOSL"

CATS CodeWarrior Analysis Tools

CAUCE Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (Org., Internet, Spam, UCE)

CAV Constant Angular Velocity (CD, HDD, MOD)

CAVE Cave for Automated Virtual Environment (VR)

CAVLC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding (AVC)

CAVO Computer Associates - Visual Objects (CA, DB), "CA-VO"

CBASIC Commercial Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC)

CBB Current Branch for Business (MS, Windows)

CBC Cipher Block Chaining [mode] (DES, DESE, RC5, Verschlüsselung)

CBCMAC Cipher Block Chaining of Message Authentication Code (CBC, MAC, Verschlüsselung, WLAN), "CBC-MAC"

CBCP CallBack Control Protocol

CBCS Computer Based Conversation System (BBS)

CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency (Banking)

CBDF Character Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe)

CBDS Connectionless Broadband Data Service (Europa)

CBDTPA Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act (USA, DRM)

CBE Certified Banyan Engineer (Banyan, VINES)

CBEFF Common Biometric Exchange Format Framework (NIST, ISO 19785)

CBEMA Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (Org.)

CBF Code Behind Form (MS, Access, DB)

CBGA Ceramic Ball and Grid Array (IC, CPU)

CBIOS Compatibility Basic Input Output System (IBM, BIOS)

CBMS Connectionless Broadband Data Service

CBQ Class Based Queueing

CBR Constant Bit Rate (ATM, VBR, ABR, UBR, QOS, BIT)

CBRAM Conductive Bridging Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

CBS Certified Banyan Specialist (Banyan, VINES)

CBS Component Based Setup / Servicing (MS, Windows)

CBSR Candidate BootStrap Router (PIM, BSR, Multicast), "C-BSR"

CBT Canon Buffer Transmission (Fax)

CBT Computer-Based Training

CBT Core Based Tree [multicast protocol] (IP, RFC 1949/2189, ST, Multicast)

CBT Cursor Backward Tabulation (CFT)

CBU Capacity BackUp (IBM, zSeries)

CBX Computerized Branch eXchange (PBX)

CC Carbon Copy

CC Common Criteria [for IT Security Evaluation] (CC)

CC Continuity Cell (ATM)

CC Country Code (MS-ISDN, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

CC Cross Connector

CCA Cisco Clean Access (Cisco)

CCA Clear Channel Assessment (WLAN)

CCAF Call Control Agent Function (IN)

CCAP Converged Cable Access Platform (DOCSIS)

CCC Cablelabs Client Configuration (DHCP)

CCC Catalyst Control Center (ATI, Windows)

CCC Chaos Computer Club (Org.)

CCC Computer Control Center

CCC Cube Connected Cycles (MP)

CCCA Campus Computer Communication Association (Org., USA)

CCCH Common Control CHannel (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

CCCI Center for Cyber Communities Initiative (Org., Japan)

CCD Charge Coupled Device

CCDCOE Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (Org., NATO)

CCE [visual basic] Control Creation Edition (VB, ActiveX, MS)

CCE Connection Control Entity

CCETT Centre Commun d'Etudes de Télédiffusion et Télécommunications (Org., Frankreich)

CCF Campus Computing Facilities (Org.)

CCF Capsulated Color Filter (NEC)

CCF Central Computer Facility

CCF Connection Control Function (IN)

CCF Controller Configuration Facility

CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (LCD)

CCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube (LCD, Display)

CCI Cache Coherent Interconnect

CCIA Computer & Communication Industry Association (Org.)

CCIRN Coordinating Committee of International Networks (Org.)

CCIS Common Channel Interoffice Signaling (AT&T)

CCITT Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique (Org., ITU, Vorläufer)

CCL Cerberus Central Limited (Hersteller)

CCM Change and Configuration Management

CCM CORBA Component Model (CORBA)

CCM Counter with CBC-MAC (Verschlüsselung, CBC, MAC, RFC 3610)

CCMDB Change and Configuration Management DataBase (IBM, Tivoli)

CCMP Counter mode CBC MAC Protocol (CBC, MAC, Verschlüsselung, WLAN)

CCNC Common Channel Network Controller

CCNC Computer / Communications Network Center

CCNUMA Cache-Coherent Non Uniform Memory Access (SMP, NUMA), "cc-NUMA"

CCP [PPP] Compression Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1962)

CCP Command Console Processor (CP/M)

CCP Communications Control Program (OS, IBM)

CCP Compact Communication Products (TPS)

CCP Cryptographic CoProcessor (AMD)

CCPI Cavium Coherent Processor Interconnect

CCPP Composite Capability / Preference Profiles (W3C, RDF), "CC/PP"

CCR Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (OSI)

CCR Current Cell Rate (ATM)

CCRA Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CC)

CCRMA Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (Org., Stanford, UK)

CCS [Conference on] Computer and Communications Security

CCS Cambridge Cybernetic Society (Org.)

CCS Cluster Configuration System (GFS)

CCS Coded Character Set (CCS, Unicode)

CCS Common Channel Signaling (IN)

CCS Common Command Set (SCSI)

CCS Common Communications Support (IBM, SAA)

CCS Communications-Computer Systems, "C-CS"

CCS Computerized Charging System

CCS Cyprus Computer Society (Org, Zypern)

CCS7 Common Channel signaling System 7 (IN, DTAG, CCITT)

CCSID Coded Character Set IDentification (IBM)

CCSY Cooperative Computing System Program (HP)

CCT China Coast Time [+0800] (TZ)

CCTA Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (Org., UK, Vorläufer, OGC)

CCTLD Country Code Top Level Domain (Internet, ICANN), "ccTLD"

CCU Cache Control Unit (Wyse)

CCU Customer Control Unit

CCV C-bit Coding Violation [error event] (DS3/E3, BIT)

CCW COM Callable Wrapper (MS, COM, Java)

CCX CPU Core compleX (CPU)

CD Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232)

CD Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2)

CD Committee Draft (ISO)

CD Compact Disk (CD)

CDA Combined dynamic Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

CDA Communications Decency Act (Internet, USA)

CDA Compound Document Architecture (DEC)


CDB Command Descriptor Block

CDBS Connectionless Data Bearer Service

CDBX Computerized Digital Branch eXchange (PBX)

CDC Communication Device Class (USB, MS, Windows, WMCDC)

CDC Connected Device Configuration (JVM)

CDC Control Data Corporation (Hersteller)

CDC Cult of the Dead Cow (Org.) "cDc"

CDD Compatibility Definition Document (Android)

CDD Component Design Document

CDDA Compact Disk - Digital Audio (CD, Digital Audio), "CD-DA"

CDDI Copper Distributed Data Interface (FDDI, UTP)

CDDL Common Development and Distribution License

CDE Certified Directory Engineer (Novell, Netware)

CDE Common Desktop Environment (Unix)

CDE Compact Disk - Erasable (CD), "CD-E"

CDE Cooperative Development Environment (Oracle)

CDEF Control DEfinition Functions (Apple, MDEF)

CDF Channel Definition Format (MS, Internet, XML)

CDF Compound Document Framework (IBM, OLE)

CDFS Compact Disk File System (CD, OS/2, IBM)

CDG Compact Disk + Graphics (CD), "CD+G"

CDI Compact Disk - Interactive (CD), "CD-I"

CDIF CASE Data Interchange Format (CASE)

CDK Control Development Toolkit (MS, VB)

CDL Controlled Digital Lending

CDM Compressed Data Mode

CDM Conceptional Data Model (DB, PDM, Powerdesigner)

CDM Content Decryption Module (Verschlüsselung)

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access (DFÜ, Mobile-Systems)

CDMIDI Compact Disk + Musical Instruments Digital Interface (CD, MIDI), "CD+MIDI"

CDMO Compact Disk - Magneto Optical (CD), "CD-MO"

CDMRW Compact Disk - Mount Rainier Washington (CD-RW, CD), "CD-MRW"

CDMS Command and Data Management System (ESA, Venus-Express)

CDMS Communication Driver Maintenance System (ISDN, HST)

CDMU Command and Data Management Unit (ESA, Venus-Express, CDMS)

CDN Content Delivery Network (Internet)

CDNC Chinese Domain Name Consortium (Org., Internet)

CDO Collaboration Data Objects (WSH, MS)

CDO Common Data Objects (MS, ASP)

CDP Chrome Debugging Protocol

CDPC Cellular Digital Packet Data

CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data (Mobile-Systems)

CDPN Context Dependent Path Names (CDSL, NFS, GFS)

CDR Compact Disk - Recordable (CD), "CD-R"

CDR Contents of the Decrement Register (IBM, ELISP, CAR)

CDRA Character Data Representation Architecture

CDRAM Cached Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

CDRM Cross Domain Resource Manager (VTAM, SSCP, IBM)

CDROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory (CD, ROM), "CD-ROM"

CDROMXA Compact Disk - ROM / eXtended Architecture (CD, MPC, ROM), "CD-ROM/XA"

CDRW Compact Disk - ReWritable (CD), "CD-RW"

CDS Cell Directory Service (DCE)

CDS Class Data Sharing (Java)

CDS Current Directory Structure (BIOS. DOS)

CDSA Common Data Security Architecture (HP, Verschlüsselung)

CDSG Cultural Diversity Steering Group (ISSS)

CDSL Context Dependent Symbolic Links (CDPN, NFS, GFS)

CDSS Creative Decision Stimulation Systems (AI, DSS)

CDT Cambridge Display Technology (Hersteller)

CDT Cell Delay Tolerance (ATN)

CDT Central Daylight Time [-0500] (TZ, CST, USA)

CDT Compressed Domain Transcoder (DVD)

CDTV Commodore Dynamic Total Vision (Commodore)

CDV Cell Delay Variation (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (UNI, ATM, CDV)

CDWO Compact Disk - Write Once (CD), "CD-WO"

CE Communauté / Comuniqué Européenne (Europa)

CE Communications-Electronics, "C-E"

CE Compact Edition (MS, Windows)

CE Connection Endpoint (UNI)

CEA Capability-Exchange-Answer (CER, Diameter)

CEARCH Cisco Educational ARCHive (Cisco, WWW)

CEB Compact Electronics Bay (SSI)

CEBIT welt CEntrum Büro Information Telekommunikation (Messe) "CeBIT"

CEC Consumer Electronics Control [protocol] (HDMI)

CECI CICS Enhanced Command Interpreter (IBM, CICS)

CECMG Central Europe Computer Measurement Group (Org., Europa), "cecmg"

CEDA CICS Enhanced resource Definition online Application (CICS, IBM)

CEDF CICS Execution Diagnostic Facility (CICS, IBM)

CEDR [Microsoft Windows] Compact Edition Driver Repository (MS, Windows, CE)

CEE [Linux] Consumer Electronics Edition (MontaVista, Linux, PDA)

CEE Converged Enhanced Ethernet

CEE Corrupt Execution Errors

CEECEB Central and Eastern European Countries EDIFACT Board (Org., EDIFACT), "CEEC/EB"

CEFACT CEntre for Facilitation of procedures and practices in Administration, Commerce and Transport

CEG Continuous Edge Graphics (Grafik, IC)

CEI Connection Endpoint Identifier (UNI)

CEIP Customer Experience Improvement Program (MS)

CELL CIP/Ethernet Library for Linux (Linux, Ethernet, CIP, PLC)

CELP Card Edge Low Profile [socket]

CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction

CEM Common [IT Security] Evaluation Methodology (CC)

CEM Contract Equipment Manufacturer

CEMT CICS Enhanced Master Terminal transaction (CICS, IBM)

CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation (Org., Europa, Brüssel)

CENELEC Comité Européen de Normalisation ÉLECtrotechnique (Org., CEN, Europa)

CENTR Council of European National Top level Domain Registries (Org., TLD)

CEPAC CMOS-Ein-Platinen-Allzweck-Computer (IC, CMOS, C'T)

CEPD Comité Européen de la Protection des Données (Org.)

CEPIS Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (Org., Europa)

CEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications administrations (Org., CCITT, Conference, Europa)

CER Capability-Exchange-Request (CEA, Diameter)

CER Cell Error Ratio (ATM)

CERFNET California Educational and Research Federation NETwork (Netzwerk), "CERFNet"

CERN Conseil Européenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire (Org., Europa, Genf)

CERT Computer Emergency Response Team (DARPA, CMU, Internet)

CES C-bit Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT)

CES Character Encoding Scheme (CSS, Unicode)

CES Circuit Emulation Service

CES Consumer Electronics Show (Messe, USA, CTA)

CESAR Central Employment Search And Retrieval (WWW)

CESG Communications-Electronics Security Group (Org., UK, GCHQ)

CET Central European Time [+0100] (TZ, MET)

CET Centro de Estudes de Telecomunições (Org., Portugal)

CET Control-flow Enforcement Technology

CF Carry Flag (Assembler)

CF Compact Flash [card]

CF Compact Framework (MS, .NET, PocketPC)

CFA Center for Architecture (Org., JIEO, DISA)

CFA Code Fields Address (Forth)

CFAA Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (USA)

CFB Cipher FeedBack [mode] (Verschlüsselung, DES)

CFC ColdFusion Component (WWW, HTTPD)

CFD Call For Discussion (Internet)

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics [applications]

CFE Center for Engineering (Org., JIEO, DISA)

CFF Compact Font Format (Adobe)

CFI CAD Framework Initiative (Org., CAD)

CFM Clock From Master (CTM, Rambus)

CFM Code Fragment Manager (Apple)

CFM ConFiguration Management (FDDI, SMT)

CFMC Committee to Fight Microsoft Corporation (Org., MS)

CFML Cold Fusion Markup Language

CFP Call For Papers

CFP Computers, Freedom & Privacy [conference]

CFP Contention Free Period (PCF, MAC)

CFQ Complete Fair Queueing (Linux)

CFS Center for Standards (Org., JIEO, DISA)

CFS Cryptographic FileSystem (Linux, Verschlüsselung)

CFT Call For Testers

CFT Cusor Forward Tabulation (CBT)

CFV Call For Vote (Internet, Usenet), "CfV"

CFWS Comments / Folding White Space (RFC 1822)

CG C for Graphics (Nvidia, MS), "Cg"

CGA Colour Graphics Adapter

CGA Graphics Communications Association (Org.)

CGARI Graphics Communications Association Research Institute (Org., CGA)

CGATS Committee for Graphics Arts Technologies Standards (Org., ANSI)

CGDC Computer (???) Game Developers' Conference

CGE Carrier Grade Edition (Linux, MontaVista, CGL)

CGEMM Complex single precision GEneral Matrix Multiply (GEMM, BLAS)

CGH Computer Generated Holography

CGI Common Gateway Interface (WWW)

CGI Computer Generated Imagery

CGI Computer Graphics Interface

CGI Computer Graphics International (Konferenz)

CGL Carrier Grade Linux (Linux, OSDL)

CGM Computer Graphics Metafile (ISO 8632)

CGMS Copy Generation Management System (CD)

CGMSA Content Generation Management System - Analog (WPE), "CGMS-A"

CGNAT Carrier Grade Network Address Translation (NAT)

CGRM Computer Graphics Reference Model (ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC 11072)

CGS Continuous Grain Silicon [technology] (Sharp, LCD)

CGVDI Computer Graphic Virtual Device Interface, "CG-VDI"

CHAID CHisquard Automatic Interaction Detector / Detection (SPSS)

CHAP [PPP] Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (PPP, RFC 1334/1994)

CHARLY Chess Heuristics and Algorithms for Relaxing Lazy Yodelers

CHCP CHange Code Page (DOS)

CHDL Computer Hardware Description Language (HDL)

CHES Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems [conference]

CHEST Computers in Higher Education Software Team (Org., UK)

CHILL CCITT HIgh Level programming Language (CCITT)

CHPE Compiled Hybrid Portable Executable

CHRP Common Hardware Reference Platform (AIM)

CHS Cylinder Head Sectors (HDD, BIOS)

CHSM C Hardware Specific Module (NEST, MLID, Novell)

CHV Card Holder Value [aka PIN] (ICC, PIN)

CI Check In (RCS)

CI Coded Information

CI Common Interface (DVB)

CI Component Interface (DMI)

CI Configuration Item (CM)

CI Congestion Indicator

CIA CAN In Automation (Org., CAN) "CiA"

CIA Complex Interface Adapter (C64)

CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability (Org., LLNL, Internet)

CIB Collective Intelligent Brick (IBM, HDD)

CIB Computer Integrated Business

CIC Carrier Identification Code

CIC Certified IT Consultant (BVSI)

CIC Coordination and Information Center (CSNET)

CICA Center of Innovative Computer Applications (Org.)

CICD Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, "CI/CD"

CICS Customer Information Control System (IBM, CICS, Z/OS, OS/390, VSE/ESA)

CICSESA Customer Information Control System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, CICS), "CICS/ESA"

CICSTS Customer Information Control System / Transaction Server (IBM, VSE/ESA), "CICS/TS"

CICSVS Customer Information Control System / Virtual Storage (IBM, CICS), "CICS/VS"

CID Configuration - Installation - Distribution (IBM)

CIDF Common Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF, IDS)

CIDR Classless Internet Domain Routing [protocol] (RFC 1519)

CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System (Airbus, A380, TCP/IP)

CIE Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (Org.)

CIF Common Intermediate Format [352x288] (Video)

CIFS Common Internet File System (TCP/IP)

CIIRC China Internet Illegal Information Reporting Center (China, Org.)

CIL Common Intermediation Language (CLI)

CIL Computer Integration Laboratories (Org., Apple, IBM, Novell, Sun, ...)

CILABS Component Integration LABoratorieS (Org., , OpenDoc, Apple, IBM, Adobe, ...), CILabs

CIM Cisco Interactive Mentor (Cisco)

CIM Common Information Model (DMTF, XML, DMI, SAN, WBEM)

CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing

CIMOM CIM Object Model (CIM, WBEM)

CIMOS CIncinnati Milacron Operating System (OS), "CiMOS"

CIO Cisco Information Online (Cisco, WWW)

CIP Carrier Identification Parameter

CIP Classical IP over ATM (IP, ATM, IETF)

CIP Common Industrial Protocol (ODVA)

CIP Common ISDN Profile (Bluetooth, CAPI, ISDN)

CIP Computer Integrated Processing

CIP Computer-Investitions-Programm

CIPA Camera & Imaging Products Association (Org.)

CIPA Children's Internet Protection Act (Internet, USA, COPA)

CIQ Customer Information Quality (OASIS, TC)

CIR Committed Information Rate (ATM)

CIRAS (Conference on] Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems )

CIRC Cross Interleaved Reed-solomon Code (CD)

CIRCAMP Cospol Internet Related Child Abusive Material Project (Org.)

CIRCIT Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technology (Org., Australien)

CIS Card Information Structure / Space (PCMCIA)

CIS Command Information System (Mil., USA)

CIS Compuserve Information Systems (Netzwerk)

CIS Contact Image Sensor

CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor (ISACA)

CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Org.)

CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer (CPU)

CISE Computer and Information Science Directorate (Org., NSF)

CISKA [3D] Campus-InformationsSystem KArlsruhe (Uni Karlsruhe, VRML)

CISM Certified Information Security Manager (ISACA)

CISO Certified Information Security Officer (ISTA)

CISPR Comité International Special des Perturbations Radioelectriques (Org.)

CISRAM Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems - Robotics, Automation & Mechatronics (IEEE, conference) "CIS-RAM"

CISRT Chinese Internet Security Response Team (Org., China)

CISS Center for Information Systems Security (Org., JIEO, DISA, Mil., USA)

CISS Confirmation Interactive Site Server [technology]

CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional (ISC2)

CIT Center for Information Technology (Org., USA)

CIT Computer Integrated Telephony

CIT Computer Intergrated Tooling

CITED Copyright In Transmitted Electronic Documents (ESPRIT)

CIU Core Interface Unit (Power4, IBM, IC)

CIU Customer Initiated Upgrade (IBM, zSeries)

CIU Customer-Initiated Upgrade [switch] ??? (IBM)

CIVIC Cyclone Integrated Video Interfaces Controller (Apple)

CIX Commercial Internet eXchange (ISP)

CJK Chinese - Japanese - Korean [encoding]

CKOA Cygwin Keeper of Acronyms (Cygwin, OLOCA)

CKRM Class-based Kernel Resource Manager / Management

CL Column Address Strobe Latency (CAS, IC)

CL ConnectionLess (CO)

CL Control Language (IBM, OS/400)

CL Conversion Layer (HiperLAN/2, UMTS)

CLASS Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling

CLASS Custom Local Area Signaling Service

CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration (KVM, CDC, Java, JSR-139)

CLDR Common Locale Data Repository (Android)

CLE Certified Linux Engineer (Novell, Linux)

CLE Certified Lotus Engineer (Lotus)

CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier

CLFS Common Log File System (MS, Windows)

CLI Call Level Interface (DB, SAG, X/Open, Oracle, Informix, MS, ...)

CLI Class LIbrary (CLI)

CLI CLear Interrupt (Assembler)

CLI Clearly Less Intimidating (Slang, Cygwin)

CLI Command Line Interpreter / Interface (OS)

CLI Common Language Infrastructure (MS, .NET, ECMA, CLI)

CLIC Chemnitzer LInux Cluster (Linux, Chemnitz), "CLiC"

CLIC Computer Liability Insurance Coverage

CLID Calling Line IDentification

CLIM Common LISP Interface Manager (CLOS, LISP)

CLIW Configurable Long Instruction Word (IC, CPU)

CLL ConnectionLess Layer (UNI, NNI, ATM)

CLNAP Connectionless Network Access Protocol (UNI, NNI, ATM)

CLNP ConnectionLess Network Protocol (OSI, ISO 8473)

CLNS ConnectionLess Network Service

CLOPS Circuit Layer Operations Per Second (IBM)

CLOS Common LISP Object System (LISP)

CLP Cell Loss Priority (UNI, ATM, CLR)

CLP Cumulative Licensing Program (Adobe)

CLR Cell Loss Ratio (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CLR Common Language Runtime (MS, CLI, .NET)

CLS Card Loading Signal

CLS Common Language Specification (OOP, CLR, MS, .NET, CLS)

CLS Cumulative Layout Shift (WWW)

CLSF ConnectionLess Service Function

CLSID CLasS IDentifier (COM)

CLTP ConnectionLess Transport Protocol (OSI)

CLUG Chemnitzer Linux User Group (Chemnitz, User group, Linux)

CLUT Color LookUp Table (VGA)

CLV Constant Linear Velocity (CD, MOD)

CLX Cascade Lake Xeon (Intel, CPU)

CLX Class Library for cross platform (Delphi, Windows, Linux)

CLXAP Cascade Lake Xeon - Advanced Performance (Intel, CPU), "CLX-AP"

CM Compatibility Mode (PARISC, NM)

CM Configuration Management

CM Configuration Manager (BIOS, PNP)

CM Connection Management (RR, MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

CM CyanogenMod (Android)

CM2 Communication Manager /2 (IBM), "CM/2"

CM5 Connection Machine 5 (TMC)

CMAS Cambridge Multiple Access System (OS)

CMC Common Messaging Calls [interface] (XAPIA)

CMC Complement Carry Flag (Assembler)

CMC Computer Mediated Communications [studies centre] (Org., USA)

CMDS Cambridge Model Distributed System (OS)

CME Component Management Entity

CME Core Managed Environment (Phoenix, MBR), "cME"

CMGA Community of Massive Gaming Agents (Internet, Deutschland, DTAG)

CMGS Cyan Magenta Gelb Schwarz (Farbsystem, DTP)

CMI Coded Mark Inversion

CMI Connection Manager Interface (IBM, SNA)

CMIA China Medical Informatics Association (Org., China)

CMIIW Correct Me If I'm Wrong (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CMIP Common Management Information Protocol (OSI, ISO, DP 9506, X.700)

CMIS Common Management Information Service (OSI)

CMISE Common Management Information Service Element (CMIS)

CMM Color Management Method (DTP, ICM)

CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration

CMMU Cache/Memory Management Unit

CMO Chi Mei Optoelectronic (Hersteller)


CMOS Complementary-symmetry Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (IC)


CMP Chip MultiProcessing (IBM, HP, Sun)

CMP Container-Managed Persistence (Java, EJB, BMP)

CMP Cooperative Marketing Partner (DEC)

CMR Cell Misinsertion Rate (ATM)

CMS [Cambridge] / Conversational Monitor System (IBM, OS, VM, VME, VM/ESA, Z/VM)

CMS Chip Multiprocessor System

CMS Code Management System (DEC, CM)

CMS Color Management System

CMS Content Management Software / System

CMS Cryptographic Message Syntax (Verschlüsselung, RFC 2630)

CMSS ???

CMT Connection ManagemenT (FDDI)

CMTC Critical Machine-Type Communication (MTC, 3GPP), "C-MTC"

CMTS Cable MODEM Termination System (DOCSIS, MODEM)

CMU Carnegie-Mellon-University (Org.)

CMX Communications Manager uniX (Unix)

CMY Cyan Magenta Yellow (Farbsystem, DTP)

CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK (Farbsystem, DTP)

CN Communications Network

CN Congestion Notification (IEE 802.1Qau, DCB)

CN Connection Management (Mobile-Systems)

CN Coordination Message (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)

CN Copy Network

CN Corporate Network

CNA Certified Novell Administrator (Novell, Netware)

CNA Communication Network Architecture (SEL)

CNA Communications Network Application

CNA CVE Numbering Authorities (CVE)

CNBC Center for Neural Basis of Cognition (Org., CMU, AI)

CNC Communications Network Control

CNC Computerized Numerical Control

CNCF Cloud Native Computing Foundation (Org.)

CND Caldera Network Desktop (Linux)

CND Caller Number Delivery (MODEM)

CNE Certified Netware Engineer (Novell, Netware)

CNE Corporate Network Edition (eBlaster)

CNEPA Certified Netware Engineers Professional Association (Org., Netware)

CNET Centre Nationale d'Études des Télécommunications (Org., Frankreich)

CNI Certified Netware Instructor (Novell, Netware)

CNI Coalition for Networked Information (Org.)

CNI Common Network Interface

CNIDIR Coalition for Networked Information DIRectories (Internet)

CNIL Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (Org., Frankreich)

CNIS [international] congress on Communications, Networking, and Information Systems

CNM Communications Network Management

CNM Customer Network Management

CNMA Communications Network for Manufacturing Applications

CNMS Cylink Network Management System

CNN Convolutional Neural Network

CNNIC China interNet Network Information Center (Org., Internet, China)

CNP Corporate Network Products (TPS)

CNPS Computer Noise Prevention System

CNR Communications and Network Riser

CNRCVUUCP Compressed News ReCeive Via UUCP

CNS Certified Novell Salesperson (Novell, Netware)

CNS Complimentary Network Service

CNS Compuserve Network Services (CIS)

CNTFET Carbon Nano-Tube Field Effect Transistor

CO Check Out (RCS)

CO Connection Oriented (CL)

COA Certificate of Authenticity (MS, Windows, XP)

COACH Component based Open source ArCHitecture for distributed systems (CORBA)

COAS Caldera Open Administration System (Linux)

COAST Cache On A STick (Intel)

COAST Computer Operations, Audit and Security Technology (Org.)

COBO Company Owned, Business Only [device] (BYOD, COPE)

COBOL COmmon Business Orientated Language

COBRA COmmunication technology: Basic Research and Applications (Org., Niederlande)

COBRA COmmunication technology: Basic Research and Applications

COBWEB COntent-Based image retrieval on the WEB (WWW, ESPRIT)

COCA Cost Of Cracking Adjustment (Verschlüsselung)

COCOT Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone

COD Capacity On Demand (IBM, zSeries), "CoD"

COD Connection Oriented Data

CODASYSL Conference On DAta Systems Languages (Konferenz)

CODCF Central Office Data Connecting Facility

CODE Client/server Open Development Environment (Powersoft)

CODE Collabora Online Development Edition

CODE COlor Depth Enhancement (ATI)

CODEC COder - DECoder

COE Central Office Equipment

COE Common Operating Environment [certification] (DISA, Mil.)

COEES COE Engineering System (COE)

COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Digital Audio, DAB)

COFEE Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (MS)

COFF Common Object File Format (Unix)

COICA Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act

COIPX Connection Orientated Internet Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware, IPX), "CO-IPX"

COL Caldera Open Linux (Caldera, Linux)

COLD Computer Output on LaserDisk

COLIBRI COprozessor für LISP auf der Basis von RISC (RISC)

COLLADA COLLAborative Design Activity (XML, 3D)

COM Component Object Model (OLE, OLE2, OCX, ActiveX, MS)

COM Computer Output on Microfilm

COM Continuation of Message

COMA Cache Only Memory Architecture (SMP)

COMAL COMmon Algorithmic Language

COMDEX COMputer Dealer's EXposition (Messe)

COMIC COnversational Multimodal Interaction with Computers [project] (Europe)

COMPARTS COMputergestütztes PARtner-TeilebestandsSystem (MBAG)

COMPTIA COMPuting Technology Industry Association (Org.)

COMTECH COMputer TECHnologies (Messe)

CONCERT Communications for North Carolina Education, Research and Technology (Netzwerk)

CONCISE COSINE Network's Central Information Service for Europe (COSINE, Netzwerk)

CONLAN CONsensus LANguage (HDL)

CONS Connection Oriented Networking Service

CONTAC Central Office NeTwork ACcess

COOL COBOL Object Orientated Language (OOP, COBOL)

COOP Concurrent Object Orientated Programming (OOP)

COP Character-Oriented Protocol

COPA Child Online Protection Act (Internet, USA, CIPA)

COPE Company Owned and Personally Enabled [device] (BYOD, COBO)

COPP Certified Output Protection Protocol (MS, RSA, WPE)

COPPA Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (Internet)

COPS Common Open Policy Service protocol (RFC 2748)

COPS Computer Oracle and Password System (Unix)

COPSPR Common Open Policy Service for Policy Provisioning (COPS, RFC 3084) "COPS-PR"

CORAN Communication ORiented Application aNalysis

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture (OMG)

CORD Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter (ONF)

CORDIS COmmunity Research and Development Information Service (Europa)

CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (HTML)

COS Card Operating System (OS, ICC)

COS Cassette Operating System (OS)

COS Class of Service

COS Clip On Socket (CPU)

COS Commercial Operating System (OS, DEC, PDP 11)

COS Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

COS Corporation for Open Systems (Org., OSI, User group)

COS Cray Operating System (OS, Cray)

COSA COmputerunterstützte SAchbearbeitung

COSA COmputing in der Sozialen Arbeit (Org, Köln)

COSE Common Open Software Environment (HP, Sun, IBM, SCO, USL, Univel)

COSINE Cooperation for OSI Networking in Europe (Org.)

COSMOS COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS

COSS Common Object Services Specification

COST COpenhagen SGML Tool (SGML), "CoST"

COT Central Office Terminal

COTP Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol (OSI, ISO 8073)

COTS Commercial Off The Shelf (CC)

COTS Connection-Oriented Transport [layer] Service

COW Character Orientated Windows (MS, SAA, UI)

COW Chrome Object Wrapper (Mozilla)

COW Copy On Write

CP Connection Processor

CP Contention Period (DCF, MAC)

CP Control Point (IBM, SNA)

CP Control Program (IBM, OS, VM/ESA, VM)

CP Coordination Point (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)

CPA Collaboration Partner Agreement (CPPA, ebXML)

CPA Collaboration Protocol Agreements (ebXML)

CPAN Comprehensive PERL Archive Network (PERL)

CPC Central Processing Complex

CPC Cost Per Copy

CPCI Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), "cPCI"

CPCM Content Protection Copyright Management (DVB, CPTWG)

CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

CPDP Cellular Digital Packet Data

CPE Common Platform Enumeration (URI, NIST)

CPE Continuing Professional Education

CPE Customer Premises Equipment (ACS)

CPF Control Program Facility (OS, IBM, S/38)

CPGA Ceramic Pin Grid Array (IC, CPU)

CPH Cost Per Hour

CPI Characters Per Inch

CPI Common Part Indicator (ATM)

CPI Common Programming Interface (IBM, SAA)

CPI Computer Private branch exchange Interface

CPI Cost Per Instruction

CPIC Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM, SAA, API), "CPI/C"

CPIO CoPy In/Out (Unix)

CPIRR Common Programming Interface Resource Recovery (IBM, SAA)

CPL Combined Programming Language (DEC, PL/1)

CPL Common Public License (IBM, IPL)

CPL Control Panel Applet (MS, Windows, XP)

CPL Conversational Programming Language (DEC)

CPLB Cache Protection Lookaside Buffer (Blackfin)

CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device (PLD, IC, RL)

CPM Communication Processor Module (Motorola)

CPM Control Program for Microcomputers (OS, DR), "CP/M"

CPM Cost Per Minute

CPM Critical Path Method

CPMS Central Point Management Services (Central Point)

CPN Calling Party Number

CPN Compuserve Packet Network (Netzwerk)

CPN Customer Premises Network

CPNET Control Program / NETwork (CP/M, OS), "CP/NET"

CPNOS Control Program / ??? (CP/NET, CP/M, OS), "CP/NOS"

CPODA Contention Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, PODA)

CPOL Code Project Open License

CPP Collaboration Partner Profile (CPPA, ebXML)

CPP Collaboration Protocol Profiles (ebXML)

CPPA Collaboration Partner Profile and Agreement (ebXML, XML)

CPPC Collaboratve Processor Performance Control (ACPI)

CPPM Content Protection for Pre-recorded Media (CPRM)

CPPS Card / Paper tape Programming System (OS, IBM)

CPR CPU Parameter Recall (Asus), "C.P.R."

CPRM Content Protection for Recordable Media (CPPM)

CPS Central Processing System

CPS Characters Per Second

CPS Cyber-Physical System

CPSI Configurable PostScript Interpreter

CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (Org., USA)

CPTA China Power Technology Alliance (Org.)

CPTWG Copyright Protection Technical Working Group (DVB, WG)

CPU Central Processing Unit

CPUID Central Processing Unit IDentifier (CPU)

CPW Cross-Platform Windowing [library] (OpenGL)

CQD Carbon Quantum Dots

CQL Cassandra Query Language

CR Carriage Return (ASCII)

CR Challenge-Response (SPAM)

CRAFT Cray Research Adaptive FORTRAN (Cray, MPP, FORTRAN)


CRAM Card Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

CRAN Comprehensive R Archive Network, https://cran.r-project.org/

CRAS Cable Repair Administrative System

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check[sum]

CRCG [Fraunhofer] Center for Research in Computer Graphics (Org., USA)

CRCG Common Routing Connection Group

CRD Color Rendering Dictionary (PS)

CREN Corporation for Research and Educational Networking (Netzwerk)

CRESTA Collaborative Research into Exascale Systemware, Tools and Applications (Europa)

CRET Color - Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "C-REt"

CRFVC Connection Related Function Virtual Channel (UPC, UNI), "CRF

CRFVP Connection Related Function Virtual Path (UPC, UNI), "CRF

CRI Container Runtime Interface

CRI Cray Research, Inc. (Hersteller)

CRIME Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy (HTTPS)

CRIMM Continuity Rambus Inline Memory Module (RIMM, IC, Rambus)

CRIN Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy (Org., Frankreich)

CRISC Complex-Reduced Instruction Set Computer

CRISP Complex-Reduced Instruction Set Processor

CRISP Cross Registry Internet Service Protocol (Internet, RFC 3707)

CRJE Conversational Remote Job Entry (RJE)

CRL Certificate Revocation List (Verschlüsselung)

CRL Compile-time Reconfigurable Logic (RL)

CRLF Carriage Return - Line Feed (ASCII, DOS)

CRM Customer Relationship Management

CRML Customer Relationships Markup Language (xCRL, Vorläufer)

CRP Candidate Rendezvous Point (PIM, RP, Multicast), "C-RP"

CRP Common Reference Platform (PowerPC)

CRPC Center for Research on Parallel Computation (STC)

CRS Cell Relay Service (UNI, ATM)

CRS CMOS Reload Switch (CMOS, Gigabyte), "C.R.S."

CRT Cathode Ray Tube

CRT Computer Technology Research [corporation] (Anbieter)

CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller (EGA, VGA, MCGA)

CRTM Core Root of Trust for Management (TCPA)

CRUD Create, Read, Update, Delete

CRUX ChRome User eXperience (WWW), "CrUX"

CS Carrier Selection

CS Chip Select (IC)

CS Client/Server, "C/S"

CS Code Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

CS Coding Scheme (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

CS Computer Science

CS Controlled Slip [error event] (DS1/E1)

CS Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

CS1 Capability Set 1 (IN), "CS-1"

CS2 Capability Set 2 (IN)

CSA Callpath Service Architecture (IBM, CTI)

CSA Client Service Agent

CSA Communication Streaming Architecture (Intel, MCH, DNB)

CSA Configuration Status Accounting

CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Labs (MIT)

CSAPI Common Speller Application Program Interface (API)

CSC Computer Sciences Corporation (Anbieter)

CSC Consumer Software Customization

CSCC Concurrent SuperComputing Consortium (Org.)

CSCD Caldera Systems Curriculum Developers (Caldera)

CSCSI Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence (Org., Kanada, AI)

CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative Work

CSD Certified Scrum Developer (Scrum)

CSD Control flow Specification Diagram (CASE)

CSD Corrective Service Diskettes (IBM)

CSD Customer Specific Dictionaries

CSDC Circuit Switched Digital Capability

CSDC Code Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (CS, Intel, CPU)

CSE Client-Server Environment

CSEIA [conference on] Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment (IFIP, Conference)

CSEL Cable SELect (EIDE, HD)

CSELT Centro Studi E Laboratori Telecomunicazioni [s.p.a.] (Org., Italien)

CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtecnique (Org., Schweiz)

CSES C-bit Severely Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT)

CSFB Circuit Switched FallBack (LTE, UMTS, GSM)

CSG Constructive Solid Geometry (CAD, CAM)

CSGO Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, "CS:GO"

CSH C SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell)

CSH Complementary Software House (DEC)

CSI Code Sequence Identification [technology] (Lavasoft, Ad-Aware)

CSI Common Secure Interoperability (CORBA)

CSI Common System Interface (Intel, Xeon)

CSI CompuServe Incorporated (ISP)

CSI Convergence Sublayer Indication (ATM)

CSIC Customer Specific Integrated Circuit (IC, RL)

CSID Caller Station IDentification (Fax)

CSIDS Central command/Southern command Integrated Data System (Mil., USA)

CSII Center for Systems Interoperability and Integration (Org., ???)

CSIP Chipset Stable Image Program

CSIP Commercial Stable Image Platform (AMD)

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Org., UK)

CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team

CSIS Central Schengen Information Systen (SIS, EU, Strasbourg)

CSKI Ceská Spolecnost pro Kybernetiku a Informatiku (Org., Tschechien)

CSL Callable Services Library (IBM, VM/ESA, CMS)

CSL Computer SoLutions [software gmbh] (Händler)

CSLIP Compressed [headers] Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP, IP)

CSM Certified Scrum Master (Scrum)

CSM Cluster System Management (IBM)

CSM Compatibility Support Module (UEFI)

CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access

CSMACA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance, "CSMA/CA"

CSMACD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (IEEE 802.3, Ethernet, CSMA/CD), "CSMA/CD"

CSMS C Specific Media Support (NEST, MLID, Novell)

CSMUX Circuit Switching MUltipleXer (FDDI), "CS-MUX"

CSN Card Select Number (PNP)

CSNET Computer + Science NETwork (USA, Netzwerk, BITNET)

CSP Centro Supercacolo Piemonte (Org., Italien, HPC)

CSP Chip Scale Package (IC)

CSP Cloud Service Provider

CSP Communicating Sequential Processes

CSP Computational Storage Processor

CSP Content Security Policy (WWW)

CSP Cross System Product (IBM)

CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data Network (IN)

CSPDU Convergence Sublayer Protocol Data Unit (ATM, PDU), "CS PDU"

CSPO Certified Scrum Product Owner (Scrum)

CSPP Computer Systems Policy Project [group] (Org., USA. Hersteller)

CSR Cell misSequenced Ratio (ATM)

CSR Cell Switch Router (Toshiba)

CSR Certificate Signing Request (SSL)

CSRAM Clock Synchronous Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

CSRC Computing Science Research Center (Org., Berkeley, BSD)

CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery (WWW, Internet)

CSRG Computer Systems Research Group (Org., Unix, BSD)

CSS Cascading Style Sheets (HTML, XML, WWW, JavaScript)

CSS Client-Side Scanning

CSS Computer Sub System

CSS Content Scrambling System (DVD, Matsushita, IBM)

CSS Controlled Slip Seconds (DS1/E1)

CSS Customer Switching System

CST Central Standard Time [-0600] (TZ, CDT, USA)

CSTA Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (ECMA, CTI)

CSTB Computer Science and Technology Board (Org., NRC)

CSTC Computer Security Technology Center (Org., CIAC)

CSTO Computing Systems Technology Office (Org., ARPA)

CSTR Centre for Speech Technology Research

CSTS Computer Supported Telecommunications Standard

CSU Channel Service Unit (ATM)

CSUNET California State University NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

CSV Client SMTP Validation (SMTP, SPAM)

CSV Comma Separated Values

CT [magazin für] Computer Technik, "c't" , http://www.heise.de/

CT Certificate Transparency

CT Chipcard Terminal (ICC, CT)

CT Chips & Technologies (Hersteller) "C&T"

CT Clackamas Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

CTA Consumer Technology Association (Org.)

CTAN Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (TeX, FTP) pause

CTAPI Chipcard Terminal Application Program Interface (ICC, CT, API), "CT-API"

CTB Communication ToolBox (Apple)

CTC Convolutional Turbo Coding (WIMAX, 802.16e)

CTCA Channel To Channel Adapter (IBM, System/370)

CTCP Client To Client Protocol (IRC)

CTCPEC Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria (Canada)

CTD Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CTDW Cygwin Technical Documentation Writer (Cygwin)

CTE Compliance Test and Evaluation, "CT & E"

CTEA Copyright Term Extension Act (USA, DRM)

CTEC Certified Technical Education Center (MS)

CTERM Command TERMinal (DEC)

CTI Computer Telephony Integration

CTM Clock To Master (CFM, Rambus)

CTM Close To Metal (AMD, 3D)

CTM Communication Trunk of Medium range (Mil., Deutschland)

CTOS Cassette Tape Operating System (OS, Datapoint)

CTP Community Technology Preview

CTP Cordless Telephony Profile (Bluetooth)

CTR [columbia university] Center for Telecommunications Research (Org., USA)

CTR Common Technical Regulations (Europa)


CTS Cipher Text Stealing [mode] (Verschlüsselung)

CTS Clear To Send (MODEM, RS-232)

CTS Common Type System (OOP, CLR, MS, .NET, CLS)

CTS Compatibility Test Suite (Sun, J2EE)

CTS Conformance Testing Service (OSTC)

CTS Cut-Through-Switch (FC, PMC-Sierra)

CTSM C Topology Specific Module (NEST, MLID, Novell)

CTSS Compatible Time Sharing System (Unix, Vorläufer, OS, MIT)

CTSS Cray TimeSharing System (OS, Cray, LLNL)

CTT Cartridge Tape Transport

CTT Character Translation Table

CTTC Cartridge Tape Transport Controller

CTV Cell Tolerance Variation (ATM)

CTY Console teleTYpe

CU Call Up (Unix)

CU see you (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CUA Common User Application

CUCUG Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group (Org., User group)

CUD Color Universal Design (Eizo, LCD)

CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture (Nvidia, 3D)

CUE Corsair Utility Engine

CUI Character User Interface (UI)

CUI Common User Interface (AMS, UI)

CUL Computer Und Lernen (Org.)

CUL see you Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CUP Competitive UPgrade (MS)

CUPS Common Unix Printing System (Unix, Drucker)

CUSI Configurable Unified Search Interface (WWW)

CUSP Commonly Used System Program (DEC)

CUT Control Unit Terminal

CUU ComputerUnterstützte Unterweisung

CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition

CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, http://cve.mitre.org

CVF Compressed Volume File (DOS)

CVIA Computer Virus Industry Association (Org., USA)

CVN CounterVandalism Network (Wikia, VSTF)

CVS Computer Vision Syndrome

CVS Concurrent Versions System (Unix)

CVSD Continuous Variable Delta Modulation (DFÜ)

CVSELP Codex Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction [algorithm] (Motorola, VOFR)

CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System (NIAC)

CVW MITRE Collaborative Virtual Workspace license

CWE Common Weakness Enumeration, http://cwe.mitre.org/

CWI Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (Org., Niederlande)

CWIS Campus Wide Information System

CWM ClockworkMod Recovery (Android)

CWMI Common Warehousing Metadata Interchange (DB, DWH)

CWP Current Workspace Pointer (SPARC, CPU)

CWT Character Width Table

CXFS Clustered eXtended File System (SGI, RAID, XFS)

CXI Common X-windows Interface (Unix)

CXL Compute eXpress Link (PCIe)

CXML Commerce eXtensible Markup Language (XML) "cXML"

CXTP ConteXt Transfer Protocol (RFC 4067)

CYBOX CYBer Observable eXpression, "CybOX", http://cybox.mitre.org/

CYMK Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, blacK (Farbsystem)

D2B Domestic Digital Bus

D2D2T Disk To Disk To Tape (Streamer, LTO)

D3D Direct3D (DirectX, MS)

D3DRM Direct3D Retained Mode (DirectX, MS)

DA Data Area (CD-MRW, SA)

DA Destination [MAC] Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI, ...)

DA Digital-to-Analog (D/A), "D/A"

DA11 DatenAustauschphase 11 [allgemeine bauabrechnung] (GAEB)

DA81 DatenAustauschphase 81 [leistungsverzeichnis] (GAEB)

DA82 DatenAustauschphase 82 [kostenanschlag] (GAEB)

DA83 DatenAustauschphase 83 [angebotsanforderung] (GAEB)

DA84 DatenAustauschphase 84 [angebotsabgabe] (GAEB)

DA85 DatenAustauschphase 85 [nebenangebot] (GAEB)

DA86 DatenAustauschphase 86 [zuschlag/auftragserteilung] (GAEB)

DAA Device Access Architecture (Vireo)

DAA Digest Access Authentication (HTTP, RFC 2617)

DAAL Data Analytic Acceleration Library (Intel)

DAAP Digital Audio Access Protocol (DMAP, Apple)

DAAS Desktop As A Service, "DaaS"

DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting, http://www.worlddab.org

DAB Distributed Application Bundle

DAC Digital to Analog Converter

DAC Direct Attached Copper

DAC Discretionary Access Control (Unix, Linux, MAC)

DAC Dual Address Cycle (PCI)

DAC Dual Attached Concentrator (FDDI)

DACAPO ??? [hardware description language] (HDL)

DACL Discretionary Access Control List (ACL)

DACNOS Distributed Academic Computing Network Operating System (OS, HECTOR)

DACS Digital Access Control System (ISDN, DES, Verschlüsselung)

DACS Digital Administration and Cyber Security

DACS Distributed Access Control System (Apache)

DACT DAta Compression Technology

DAD Desktop Application Director (WordPerfect)

DAD Duplicate Address Detection (NDP, IPv6)

DADF Duplex Automatic Document Feeder

DADIU Danske Akademi for Digital Interaktiv Underholdning (Org., Dänemark)

DAE Digital Audio Extraction (CD, Audio)

DAEMON Disk And Execution MONitor (Unix)

DAF Distributed Application Framework (CCITT)

DAG DatenAnschaltGerät

DAG Directed Acyclic Graph (NVSG)

DAI ??? (Sun)

DAI Device Application Interface (Novell, Netware, SMS)

DAI Distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI)

DAIDALOS Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimized personal Services (Europa)

DAIN Depth-Aware video frame Interpolation (AI)

DAINET Deutsches AgrarInformationsNETz (WWW, Org.)

DAIS Database Access and Integration Services (GGF, WG, grid, OGSA)

DAIS Distributed Application Integration System (ORB)

DAISGR Database Access and Integration Service Group Registry (DAIS, grid)

DAISY Digital Accessible Information System, http://www.daisy.org

DAL Data Access Language (Apple)

DALI Distributed Artificial LIfe (AI), "DALi"

DAM Debian Account Manager (Linux, Debian)

DAM Digital Asset Management

DAM Direct Access Method / Mode (DAM, SAM)

DAM Distributed Abstract Machine

DAM Draft AMendment (ISO)

DAMLOIL DARPA Agent Markup Language and Ontology Inference Layer (DARPA, RDF, KM) "DAML+OIL"

DAMQAM Dynamically Adaptive Multicarrier Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

DANA De.Admin.News.Announce (Usenet), "D.A.N.A."

DANE DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DNS, DNSSEC, Verschlüsselung)

DANTE Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe (Org., Europa)

DANTE Deutschsprachige ANwendervereinigung TEx [e.v.] (TeX, User group, Org.)

DAO Data Access Objects (DB)

DAO Destination Address Omitted [flag] (CATNIP)

DAO Disk At Once (CD-R, SAO)

DAP Data Access Page (MS, Access)

DAP Data Access Protocol (DEC, DNA)

DAP Developer Access Platform

DAP Developers Assistance Program (IBM)

DAP Directory Access Protocol (X.500, DS)

DAP Directory Application Protocol (IN)

DAP Document Application Profile (JTC1, ODIF, ODA)

DAPE Distributed Application Programming Environment (ORB)

DAPHNE Document Application Processing in a Heterogeneous Network Environment

DAPIE Developer API Extensions (IBM, OS/2, API)

DAPP Decentralized APPlication, "DApp"

DARI Database Application Remote Interface (IBM, DB)

DARMP Defense Automation Resources Management Program (Mil., USA)

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Org., USA)

DARSIMCO DARtmouth SINplified COde, "Darsimco"

DART Dynamic Advertising Reporting & Targeting [technology] (WWW, Doubleclick)

DAS Database Access Service (MS, MOM)

DAS Direct Attached Storage

DAS Directory Assistance Service [protocol] (RFC 1202)

DAS Disk Array Subsystem (Unix, HP-UX)

DAS Dual Attached Station (FDDI)

DAS Dual Attachment Station (FDDI, Schneider & Koch)

DAS Dynamic Action Sync (LG)

DAS Dynamic Allocation Scheme [protocol]

DASD Direct Access Storage Device

DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (HTTP, MPEG)

DASI Dial Access Signaling Interface

DASK Dansk Aritmetisk Sekvens Kalkulator

DASP Disk Anti Shock Protection (Acer)

DASP Drive Active, Slave Present (IDE)

DASS Digital Access Signaling System

DASS Distributed Authentication Security Service (RFC 1507)

DAT Digital Audio Tape (Digital Audio)

DATEV DATEnVerarbeitungszentrale der steuerberatenden Berufe (Org., Nürnberg)


DATEXJ DATa EXchange - Jedermann (DTAG), "DATEX-J"

DATEXL DATa EXchange - Leitungsvermittlung

DATEXM DATa EXchange - Multimegabit (DTAG, SMDS, BIT), "DATEX-M"

DATEXP DATa EXchange - Packetized / Packetvermittlung (DTAG, X.25), "DATEX-P"

DAU Digital Annealing Unit (Fujitsu, ASIC)

DAU Dümmster Anzunehmender User (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

DAV [WWW] Distributed Authoring Versioning (WWW, HTTP)

DAV Digital Audio Video (Apple, Digital Audio)

DAVIC Digital Audio Visual Interoperatibility Council (Org., Digital Audio)

DAVID Digital Audio Video Interactive Decoder (Digital Audio)

DAVIS DAimler-Benz Vertragspartner-InformationsSystem (MBAG)

DAW Digital Audio Workstation

DAWAK DAta WArehousing and Knowledge discovery

DAWN Defense Attache Worldwide Network (Netzwerk, Mil.)

DAX Data Analysis eXpressions

DAX Developer API eXtension (OS/2, IBM, API)

DAZ Denormals Are Zero (FTZ)

DB DataBase

DB2 DataBase 2 (IBM, DB)

DB2CS DataBase 2 Client/Server (IBM, DB2, DB), "DB2 C/S"

DB2SDK DataBase 2 Software Development Toolkit (DB2, IBM, DB), "DB2 SDK"

DBA DataBase Administrator (DB)

DBA Drei Buchstaben Akronym

DBAC DataBase Administration Center (DB)

DBAS DataBase Administration System (DB)

DBC Design By Contract

DBC Device Bay Controller

DBCS Double-Byte Character Set

DBD DataBase Description (IBM, DB)

DBDMA Descriptor Based Direct Memory Access (Apple, DMA)

DBEF Dual Brightness Enhancement Foile (LCD)

DBI DataBase Interface (DB)

DBL DataBase Language (DB)

DBLO Dual Beam Landing Optimizer

DBLT Dynamic Back Link Technology (WWW)

DBM DataBase Manager (DB)

DBME DataBase Management Environment (DB)

DBMS DataBase Management System (DB)

DBOS Disk/Drum Based Operating System (OS)

DBP DataBase Publishing (DB)

DBP Delay Bandwidth Product

DBP Digital Business Platform

DBRAD Data Base Relational Application Directory (DB)

DBRM Data Base Request Module (DB)

DBS Demand-Based Switching (Intel, Xeon)

DBS Deutscher Bildungs-Server (DFN, WWW)

DBS Dual Band Simultaneous (WLAN)

DBS Duplex Bus Selector

DBSC Dynamic Beam Spot Control (Eizo)

DBTG Data Base Task Group (CODASYL, DB)

DBVS DatenBankVerwaltungsSystem (DB)

DC Data Cartridge

DC Data-to-Clock [jitter] (DVD)

DC Device Context

DC Dublin Core [meta data], http://purl.org/DC

DCA Data Center Automation

DCA Defense Communications Agency (Org., USA, Mil., Vorläufer, DISA)

DCA Digital Communication Associates

DCA Digital Controlled Amplifier (VCA)

DCA Distributed Communication Architecture (Sperry Univac)

DCA Document Center Architecture

DCA Document Content Architecture (IBM, CCS)

DCA2 Dynamic Cache Architecture [level] 2

DCAF Distributed Console Access Facility

DCAP Data link switching Client Access Protocol (DLSW, RFC 2114)

DCB Data Center Bridging (FCoE, QoS)

DCB Data Control Block

DCB Disk Coprocessor Board (Novell, SCSI, HBA)

DCBX Data Center Bridging eXchange (LLDP, DCB)

DCC Data Communications Computer

DCC Data Country Code (ATM)

DCC Desktop Control Center (Intel)

DCC Digital Compact Cassette (Philips)

DCC Digital Content Creation

DCC Direct Client to Client (IRC)

DCC Display Combination Code

DCC DOS Command Center

DCCA Dependable Computing for Critical Applications (Konferenz)

DCCA Distributed Component Computing Architecture (Star, C/S)

DCCH Dedicated Control CHannel (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

DCCP Datagram Congestion Control Protocol

DCCS DisContiguous Shared Segments

DCD Data Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232)

DCDB Domain Control DataBase (Domain)

DCE [picture publisher] Digital Camera Edition (Micrografx)

DCE Data Center Ethernet

DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment (X.25, CCITT, IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun)

DCE Data Communications Equipment

DCE Distributed Computing Environment (OSF)

DCERPC Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Call (DCE, RPC), "DCE/RPC" , "DCE RPC"

DCF Design rule for Camera File system (JEIDA, photo)

DCF Distributed Coordination Function (MAC, 802.11a, WLAN)

DCHSDPA Dual Cell High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA, Mobile-Systems), "DC-HSDPA"

DCI Data Capture Interface (UMA)

DCI Device Control Interface

DCI Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI, Org.)

DCI Display Control Interface (MS, Windows, Intel)

DCIE Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency, "DCiE"

DCL Data Center Linux (Linux, OSDL)

DCL Data Control Language

DCL DEC Control Language (DEC)

DCL Digital Command [scripting] Language (DEC, VMS)

DCLU Digital Carrier Line Unit

DCLZ Data Compression Lempel-Ziv

DCM Digital Carrier Module

DCM Domain Controller Master (Debian, Univention)

DCM Dual Chip Modul

DCM Dual Core Modul (IBM, QCM)

DCME Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment

DCNA Data Communication Network Architecture

DCO Device Configuration Overlay (ATA)

DCO Digital Controlled Oscillator

DCOF Digital Print Order Format

DCOM Distributed Component Object Model (COM, MS, OLE, ActiveX)

DCOP Desktop COmmunication Protocol (Linux, KDE)

DCP Data Compression Protocol (Motorola)

DCP Digital Cinema Package (DCI)

DCPMM [Optane] Data Center Persistent Memory Module

DCPS Data Communications Protocol Standards

DCR Design Change Request (AIX, IBM)

DCRC Digital Cellular Radio Conference (GSM, Conference, Mobile-Systems)

DCS Damage Cleanup Service (Firewall, TrendMicro)

DCS Data sharing Control System (NEC)

DCS Defense Communications System (Mil., USA)

DCS Desktop Color Separation

DCS Digital Cellular System (Mobile-Systems)

DCS Digital Colour System (Adobe, Photoshop)

DCS Digital Control System (NEC)

DCS Digital Cross-connect System (DEC)

DCS Distributed Control System

DCS Dogital Camera System

DCSDFS Dynamic Channel Selection/Dynamic Frequency Selection (HiperLAN/2, WLAN), "DCS/DFS"

DCSS Digital Cinema System Specification (DCI)

DCT Data Collection Terminator (BTX)

DCT Defect-and-Change-Management (CICS, IBM)

DCT Discrete Cosine Transformation (MPEG, JPEG)

DCTCP Data Center Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), "DP TCP"

DCTN Defense Commercial Telephone Network (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

DCU Data Cache Unit (CPU, POWER)

DCUO DC Universe Online (MMORPG)

DD Dansk Dataforening (Org., Dänemark)

DD Data Dictionary (SA, CASE, DB)

DD Depacketization Delay

DD Double Density [disks] (FDD)

DDA Domain Defined Attribute (Domain)

DDA Dynamic Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

DDBAC Data-Design HBCI Banking Application Components (HBCI)

DDBMS Distributed DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

DDC Device Color Characterization (XCMS)

DDC Display Data Channel (VESA)

DDC2B Device Data Channel [standard], level 2B (DDC)

DDCD Double Density Compact Disk (CD, Sony)

DDCDR Double Density Compact Disk - Read (Sony, CD), "DDCD-R"

DDCDRW Double Density Compact Disk - Read Write (Sony, CD), "DDCD-RW"

DDCMP Digital Data Communication Message Protocol

DDCS2 Distributed Database Connection Services /2 (IBM, DB, DRDA), "DDCS/2"

DDD Data Display Debugger (GNU)

DDD Domain Driven Design (MDA)

DDDS Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (ENUM, RFC 3401/3402/3403/3404/3405)

DDE DatenenDEinrichtung

DDE Dynamic Data Exchange

DDEP Dynamic Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

DDES Digital Data Exchange System (ANSI)

DDF Data Decryption Field (Verschlüsselung)

DDI Device Dependent Interface

DDI Device Driver Interface

DDIMM Dual [RAS] Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM, RAS), "D-DIMM"

DDK Device Development / Driver Kit (MS)

DDL Data Definition Language

DDL Document Description Language

DDM Direct Drive Monitor

DDM Distributed Data Management (IBM, CCS)

DDML Display Driver Management Layer

DDN Defense Data Network (USA, Netzwerk, Mil.)

DDNS Distributed Domain Naming Service (TCP/IP)

DDNS Dynamic Domain Name Service (OS/2, IBM)

DDO Dynamic Drive Overlay (HDD, Ontrack)

DDOS Distributed Denial Of Service [attack], "DDoS"

DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol (AppleTalk)

DDP Distributed Data Processing

DDPM Dell Display and Peripheral Manager application (Dell)

DDR Double Data Rate (SDR, QDR, ODR)

DDR Dynamic Desktop Router (Cogent)

DDRAID Distributed Data RAID (GFS, RAID, HDD), "DDRaid"

DDRS Defense Data Repository System (Mil., USA)

DDRSDRAM Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM, IC), "DDR-SDRAM"

DDRSRAM Double Data Rate Static Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

DDS Digital Data Service / System

DDS Digital Data Storage (Sony, HP, DAT, ISO, ANSI, ECMA, Streamer)

DDS Direct Digital Sampling (CD-RW, SCSI)

DDS Distributed Directory Service (DCE)

DDSA Digital Data Service Adapter

DDSDC Digital Data Storage - Data Compression (DDS, DCLZ), "DDS-DC"

DDSS Double Dynamic Suspension System (Asus, CD-ROM)

DDT Dynamic Debugging Tool (DEC, CP/M)

DDTM Data Dedicated Transmission Mode (CDMA)

DDU Dialog Data Unit (BTX)

DDV DatenDirektVerbindung (DTAG)

DDV DES-DES-Verfahren (Verschlüsselung, HBCI)

DDV Dialog Data Validation

DDVS Daimler-benz DatenVerbundSystem (MBAG)

DDVT Dynamic Dispatch Virtual Tables

DDWG Digital Display Working Group (Org., LCD)

DDX Distributed Data eXchange

DE DatenElement (HBCI)

DEA Deterministischer Endlicher Automat

DEBI DMA Extended Bus Interface (Acorn, DMA)

DEC Digital Equipment Corporation (Hersteller)

DECIX DEutscher Commercial Internet eXchange (Internet) "DE-CIX"

DECNET Digital Equipment Corporation NETwork (DEC)

DECREE DARPA Experimental Cybersecurity Research Evaluation Environment (DARPA, OS)

DECS Domino Enterprise Connection Services (Lotus)

DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DFÜ)

DECT Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (veraltet)


DECUS Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (Org., DEC, User group)

DEE DatenEndEinrichtung

DEEP Dynamical ExaScale Entry Platform (Europa)

DEG DatenElementGruppen (HBCI)

DELNI Digital Ethernet Local Network Interconnect (Ethernet)

DELQA Digital Ethernet Lowpower Q-bus network Adapter (Ethernet)

DELTA Developing European Learning through Technology Advance

DELUA Digital Ethernet Lowpower Unibus network Adapter (Ethernet)

DELUG DEutsche Linux User Group (Org., User group, Linux)

DEMARC Distributed Enterprise Management ARChitecture (Banyan, VINES), "DeMarc"

DEMPR Digital Ethernet Multi-Port Repeater (Ethernet)

DEMUDI DEbian MUltimedia DIstribution (Debian, Linux), "DeMuDi"

DEN Directory Enabled Networking (MS)

DEN Document Enabled Networking (Novell, Xerox)

DENIC DEutsches Network Information Center, (Org., Internet) "DE-NIC"

DENIM Directory-Enabled Net Infrastructure Model (Novell)

DEP Data Execution Prevention (MS, Windows, XP, SP2)

DEPCA Digital Ethernet Personal Computer-bus Adapter (Ethernet)

DEQNA Digital Ethernet Q-bus Network Adapter (Ethernet)

DER Distinguished Encoding Rules

DERAT Data cache Effective to Real Address Translation [table] (Power4, IBM, CPU, ERAT)

DEREP Digital Ethernet REPeater (Ethernet)

DERISC Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computers (Europa), "De-RISC"

DES Data Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung, NIST, IBM)

DES Destination End System

DESCBC Data Encryption Standard/Cipher Block Chaining (DES), "DES/CBC"

DESE [PPP] Data Encryption Standard Encryption protocol (PPP, RFC 1969)

DESIRE DEsign by Simulation and REndering om parallel architectures [project] (ESPRIT)

DESP Data Element Standardization Program

DESPR Digital Ethernet Single Port Repeater (Ethernet)

DESRT DEStek [group] Real Time (OS, Destek Group), "DES RT"

DESTA Digital Ethernet thin-wire STation Adapter (Ethernet)

DESX Data Encryption Standard eXtended (DES, Verschlüsselung)

DET Directory Entry Table (Novell, Netware)

DETEBERKOM DEutsche TElekom BERliner KOMmunikationssystem, "DeTeBerkom"

DEUNA Digital Ethernet Unibus Network Adapter (Ethernet)

DEVFS DEVice File System (Linux, DRI), "DevFS"

DEVIL Developer's Image Library (OpenIL) "DevIL"

DEXA [conference on] Database and EXpert systems Applications

DF Direction Flag (Assembler)

DF Disk Free (Unix)

DFCL Debian Free Content License (Debian, Linux)

DFD Data Flow Diagram / DatenFlußDiagramm (CASE, SA)

DFD Deutsches FernerkundungsDatenzentrum (Org.)

DFDSM Data Facility Distributed Storage Management (IBM)

DFG Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft (Org.)

DFI Digital Facility Interface

DFKI Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., KI, AI)

DFM Dynamic Frequency Management (PDA)

DFN Deutsches ForschungsNetz [e.V.] (Org., ISP)

DFNCERT Deutsches ForschungsNetz Computer Emergency Response Team (DFN, Internet) "DFN CERT"

DFP Data Facility Product

DFP Digital Flat Panel [group / port] (LCD, Org., Compaq, Acer, Fujitsu, ATI, Matrox, Samsung, ...)

DFP Distributed Functional Plane (IN)

DFPP Digital Flat Panel Port (LCD, DFP)

DFS Deniable File System (FS)

DFS Direct File System (Novell, Oracle)

DFS Disk Filing System (Acorn, FS)

DFS Distributed File System (DCE)

DFS Dynamic Frequency Selection (WLAN)

DFS Dynamic Frequency Selection (WLAN)

DFSA Direct File System Access

DFSG Debian Free Software Guidelines (Linux, Debian)

DFT Discrete Fourier Transformation

DFT Distributed Function Terminal (IBM)

DFT Drive Fitness Test (IBM, IDE, HDD)

DFU Data File Utility (IBM, ADT)

DFÜ DatenFernÜbertragung

DFV DatenFernVerarbeitung

DGA Digital Governance Act (Europe)

DGA Direct Graphics Access (XAA, X-Windows)

DGCC DISA Global Control Center (DISA)

DGD Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation [e.v.] (Org.)

DGEMM Double precision GEneral Matrix Multiply (GEMM, BLAS)

DGIS Direct Graphics Interface Standard

DGP Dissimilar Gateway Protocol

DGPS Differential Global Positioning System (GPS)

DGS Display GhostScript (GNU, GNUStep, PS)

DGSA Defense Goal Security Architecture (Mil., USA)

DGUX Data General / UniX (Unix), "DG/UX"

DHCF Distributed Host Command Facility (IBM, CCS)

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (TCP/IP, IETF, RFC 2131)

DHES Direct Heat Exhaust System

DHIS Distributed Heterogeneous Information Systems

DHT Direct Heatpipe Touch

DHT Distribution Hash Table (P2P)

DHTML Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

DHWG Digital Home Working Group (Org.)

DI Destination Index [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

DI Digital Intermediate

DIA Deutsche Informatik Akademie (Org.)

DIA Document Interchange Architecture (IBM, CCS)

DIACAP Department of defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process

DIAMOND Development and Integration of Accurate Mathematical Operations in Numerical Data-processing (ESPRIT)

DIANE DIrect Access Network for Europe

DIAS Digital Information Archiving System (IBM, Niederlande)

DIB Defense Information Base (Mil., USA)

DIB Device Independent Bitmap (MS, Windows)

DIB Director Interface Board (Airbus, A380, CIDS)

DIB Directory Information Base (X.500, DS)

DIB DOS Info Block (BIOS, DOS)

DIB Dual Independent Bus [architecture] (PC)

DIBL Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (IC, MOSFET)

DIC Digital Interface Controller

DICE Delivering Information in a Cellular Environment (SNI, Internet)

DICF Dictionary InterChange Format (DICT)

DICOM Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine

DID Digital Image Design

DIDW Deutschland Im Deep Web (Internet), "DiDW"

DIE Debugging Information Entry

DIESEL Dumb Interpretatively Evaluated String Expression Language (AutoCAD)

DIF Directory Interoperability Forum (Org., IBM, Lotus, Novell, Oracle, ...)

DIF Document Interchange Format

DIFMOS Double Injection Floating Gate MOS

DIFS Distributed Coordination Function - InterFrame Space (MAC, 802.11a, DCF, IFS)

DIGI Deutsche InteressenGemeinschaft Internet [e.v.] (Org., ISP)

DII Defense Information Infrastructure (Mil., USA, DISA)

DII Dynamic Invocation Interface

DIICC Defense Information Infrastructure Control Concept (Mil., USA)

DIICOE Defense Info Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DISA, Mil., USA) "DII COE"

DIL Dual InLine

DILA Digital Direct Drive Image Light Amplifier (JVC, CMOS, LCOS, HDTV), "D-ILA"

DIME Desktop Integrated Media Environment (COSE)

DIME DIrect Memory Execute (AGP)

DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module (IC)

DIMSS DSN Integrated Management Support System (DSN, Mil., USA)

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (Org.)

DINAH Desktop INterface to AUTODIN Host (AutoDIN, Mil., USA)

DINI Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (Org., Deutschland)

DINO Deutsches InterNet Organisationssystem (WWW, Uni Göttingen)

DIO Direct Input Output (I/O, HDD, SCSI)

DIP Density-Independent Pixel (DP, SIP, SP)

DIP Dial-up Internet Protocol (Linux)

DIP Dual In-line Package (IC, DRAM)

DIPM Device Initiated Power Management

DIRMU DIstributed and Reconfigurable MUltiprocessor (MP)

DIS Defense Information System (Mil., USA)

DIS Digital Identification Signal (HDLC)

DIS Draft International Standard (ISO)

DISA Data Interchange Standards Association (Org.)

DISA Defense Information Systems Agency (Org., Mil., USA)

DISAIS DISA Information System (Mil., USA), "DISA-IS"

DISANET DISA Information Network (Mil., USA, DISA, Netzwerk), "DISANet"

DISC Defense Information System Council (Mil., USA)

DISK Deutschsprachige Internationale SAS-benutzer Konferenz

DISN Defense Information Systems Network (Mil., USA)

DISNET Defense Integrated Secure Network (Netzwerk, Mil., USA, Vorläufer, DSNET)

DISNNT Defense Information Systems Network - Near Term (DISN, Mil., USA), "DISN-NT"

DISOSS DIStributed Office Support System (IBM, MVS)

DISP Directory Information Shadowing Protocol

DISP Draft International Standardized Profiles (ISO)

DISP Dutch Independent Shareware Programmer (Org., Niederlande), "D.I.S.P."

DISSP Defense Information System Security Program (Mil., USA)

DIT Directory Information Tree (X.500, LDAP)

DITA Darwin Information Typing Architecture (XML, IBM, OASIS)

DITCO Defense Information Technology Contracting Office (Org., Mil., DISA, USA)

DITSCAP Department of defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)

DITU Data Interception Technology Unit

DIU Digital Interface Unit

DIVE Direct Interface Video Extensions (IBM, MMPM/2)

DIVX DIgital Video eXpress (DVD), "Divx"

DIX DEC, Intel, Xerox (Ethernet, DEC, Intel, Xerox)


DJGPP DJ's GNU Programming Platform (GNU, DOS, GPP)

DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik, elektronik, informationstechnik (Org., DIN, VDE)

DKIM Domain Keys Identified Mail (Domain, RFC 6376)

DKMS Dynamic Kernel Module Support (Linux, Dell)

DKRZ Deutsches KlimaRechenZentrum (Org.)

DL Distribution List

DL Dual / Double Layer (DVD)

DLC Data Link Control

DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier (ATM)

DLD Deutsche Linux Distribution (Linux)

DLE Data Link Escape

DLG Digital Line Graph

DLHP Deutsche Linux Howto Project (Linux)

DLJ Distro License for Java (JRE, Linux)

DLKL ??? (DB)

DLL Delay / Digitally Locked Loop (DDR-SDRAM)

DLL Dynamic Link Library

DLL Dynamic Link Loader (BS2000)

DLM Distributed Lock Manager (Linux, RedHat, GFS)

DLMZB Determine Left Most Zero Byte (IBM, PowerPC)

DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance (Org.)

DLP Digital Light Processing (TI)

DLP Discrete Logarithmic Problem

DLPI Data Link Provider Interface (X/Open)

DLR Dynamic Language Runtime (MS)

DLR Dynamic Link Routine

DLS DOS LAN Services (IBM, LAN Server)

DLS DownLoadable Sounds

DLSS Deep Learning Super Sampling (Nvidia)

DLSW Data Link SWitching (APPN, MPTN, RFC 1795, SNA, NETBIOS) "DLSw"

DLT Digital Line Tape (DEC, Streamer)

DM Delta Modulation

DM DeMilitarisierte zone (Firewall)

DM Development Machine (Corel)

DM Device Mapper (Linux)

DM Disconnect Mode (LAPB)

DMA Digital Markets Act (Europa)

DMA Digitale-Märkte-Gesetz (DMA)

DMA Direct Memory Access (DMA)

DMAC Direct Memory Access Controller

DMAP DECT Multimeda Access Protocol (DECT)

DMAP Digital Media Access Protocol (Apple)

DMARC Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (SPF, DKIM, RFC 7489)

DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DTAG, Blaupunkt, DAB, MPEG)

DMC Desktop Multimedia Conferencing

DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act (USA, DRM)

DMD Device Manager Driver (OS/2)

DMD Differential Mode Delay (Gigabit-, Ethernet)

DMD Digital Mars D [compiler]

DMD Digital Micromirror Device (IC, DLP, TI)

DMD Digital Multilayer Disk

DMD Directory Management Domain (OSI, DS)

DMDAC Dual MAC Dual Attached Concentrator (FDDI, DAC)

DMDD Distributed Multiplexing Distributed Demultiplexing

DMDF Distributed Management Data Facility (DCE, DME)

DME Direct Memory Execution

DME Distributed Management Environment (OSF)

DMERT Duplex Multiple Environment, Real Time (OS, MERT)

DMF Digest Message Format (Internet, RFC 1153)

DMF Distribution Media Format [diskette] (FDD)

DMFC Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

DMI Definition of Management Information (OSI)

DMI Desktop Management Interface (DTMF, DMI, BIOS)

DMI Digital Multiplexed Interface

DML Data Manipulation Language

DML Data Manipulation Logic

DML Distributed Mode Loudspeaker (Audio)

DMMV Deutscher MultiMedia Verband (Org.)

DMOS Diffusion Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

DMP Data Management Platform

DMP Designated Mailers Protocol (SPAM)

DMP Dot Matrix Printer

DMS Data Management System

DMS Data Management System (ESA, Venus-Express)

DMS Defense Message System (Mil., USA)

DMS Digital Multiplexed System

DMS Disk Monitor System (OS, IBM)

DMS Distributed Media Services (COSE)

DMS Document Management System

DMS Document Management System (CMS)

DMSC Drive Motor Speed Control

DMSCMS Display Management System/Conversional Monitor System, "DMS/CMS"

DMSIG Defense Message System Implementation Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DMSP Distributed Mail System Protocol (Internet)

DMSTWG Defense Message System Transition Working Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DMT Discrete Monitor Timings (VESA)

DMT Discrete Multitone Technology (ADSL, Amati Communications, ANSI)

DMTF Desktop Management Task Force

DMTF Distributed Management Task Force, http://www.dmtf.org

DMTU Default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), "D-MTU"

DMU Data Management Unit (ZFS)

DMU Data Manipulation Unit

DMU Digital Mock-Up

DMV Daten- und MedienVerlag

DMV Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (Org.)

DMX Distributed Multihead X (X-Windows)

DMZ DeMilitarized Zone (LAN, Internet)

DN Distinguished Name (X.500, LDAP)

DN Distribution Network

DNA Digital Network Architecture (DEC)

DNA Direct Network Attach (Xyratex, RAID)

DNA Distributed Network Architecture (NCR)

DNAE DatenNetz-AnschlußEinrichtung (DTAG)

DNAT Dynamic Network Address Translation

DNB Dedicated Network Bus (Intel, MCH, CSA)

DNC Direct Numerical Control (CNC)

DNC Dynamic Network Controller

DNCMPE Direct Numerical Control / ??? (CNC), "DNC/MPE"

DNCP [PPP] DECNet phase iv Control Protocol (RFC 1762, DECNET, PPP)

DNCRI Division of Networking and Communication Research and Infrastructure

DND Den Norske Dataforening (Org., Norwegen)

DNHR Dynamic Non Hierarchical Routing

DNI De.Newusers.Info (Usenet)

DNI DECnet Network Interface

DNI Digital New Initiative (Google, Europa)

DNIC Data Network Identification Code (X.121)

DNN Deep Neural Networks

DNP Distributed Network Protocol, http://www.dnp.org

DNQ De.Newusers.Questions (Usenet)

DNR Digital Noise Reduction

DNS Domain Name System (Internet, RFC 1034/1035, DNS)

DNSO Defense Network Systems Organization (Org., USA, Mil.)

DNSO Domain Name Supporting Organization (Org., ICANN)

DNSRR Domain Name Service Round Robbing (DNS)

DNSTAN Digitale NebenSTellenANlagen (DTAG), "DNStAn"

DNUG Deutsche Notes User Group [e.v.] (Org., User group, Lotus)

DNX Departmental Network eXchange [bridging router] (SNA, SDLC, Proteon)

DO Distributed Objects (NeXT)

DOAG Deutsche Oracle AnwenderGruppe [e.V.] (Oracle, User group, Org.)

DOAM Distributed Office Applications Model (ISO, IEC, DIS 10031-1 f.)

DOAP Description of a Project (XML)

DOC De.Org.CCC (Usenet, CCC)

DOCC DISA Operations Control Complex (DISA, Mil., USA)

DOCSIS Data Over Cable System Interface Specification (DOCSIS)

DOCSISOSS DOCSIS Operations Suport Services (DOCSIS), "DOCSIS-OSS"

DODISS Department Of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (Mil., USA)

DOE Depends On Experience

DOE Distributed Objects Everywhere (Sun)


DOI Digital Object Identifier (IDF)

DOM Disk On Module

DOM Document Object Model (MS, Java)

DOM Document Object Module (HTML, XML, API)

DOMAIN Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network (Apollo, DOMAIN)

DOME Distributed Object Management Environment (ORB)

DOMF Distributed Object Management Facility (Sun)

DOOM Decentralised Object Orientated Machine

DOP Directory Operational binding management Protocol

DOPE Dartmouth Oversimplified Programming Experiment

DOS Denial Of Service [attack], "DoS"

DOS Disk Operating System (OS, IBM, MS, ..., PC, Apple, RCA Spectra 70)

DOS15 Disk Operating System - 15 (OS, DEC, PDP 15), "DOS-15"

DOS360 Disk ??? Operating System / 360 (OS, IBM S/360), "DOS/360"

DOSS Dedicated Office Systems and Services

DOSVS Disk Operating System / Virtual Storage (OS, IBM S/370), "DOS/VS"

DOSVSE Disk ??? Operating System / Virtual Storage Extended (OS, IBM 43XX, DOS/VS, VSE), "DOS/VSE"

DOT Digital Only Token

DOT DNS Over TLS (DNS, TLS, RFC 7858) "DoT"

DOT Dynamic Overclocking Technology (FSB, MCI), "D.O.T."

DOT Dynamic Overclocking Tool (graphic, MSI), "D.O.T."

DOV Data Over Voice [MODEM]

DOW Direct OverWrite (MO, ...)

DP [RAID] Double Parity (RAID, Network Appliance, HP)

DP Data Processing

DP Density-independent Pixel (DIP, SIP, SP)

DP Detection Point (IN)

DP Draft Proposal (ISO)

DPA Distributed Password Authentication

DPB Drive Parameter Block (DOS, BIOS, FDD, HDD)

DPBO Downstream Power Back Off (DSLAM)

DPC Data Protection Commissioner

DPC Database Promotion Center (Org., Japan, DB)

DPC Deferred Procedure Call (MS, Windows)

DPC DIMM Per Channel (DIMM)

DPC Dots Per Centimeter (DPI)

DPCL [Linux] Dynamic Probe Class Library (Linux)

DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

DPCX Distributed Processing Control eXecutive (IBM)

DPD Dead Peer Detection (Internet, Firewall)

DPD Differential Phase Detection

DPE Distributed Processing Environment (IN)

DPF Discrete Packet Format (Exabyte, VXA, Streamer)

DPG Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (Org.)

DPI [SNMP] Distributed Program Interface (SNMP, RFC 1228)

DPI [SNMP] Distributed Protocol Interface (SNMP, RFC 1592)

DPI Data Processing Installation

DPI Deep Packet Inspection (TCP/IP, UDP)

DPI Dots Per Inch (DPC)

DPL Debian Project Leader (Linux, Debian)

DPL Descriptor Privilege Level (OS/2, NT)

DPM Defects Per Million

DPM Dynamic Power Management (AMD, GPU)

DPMA Data Processing Management Association (Org.)

DPMA Demand Priority Access Method

DPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface (DOS, MS, Intel)

DPMS Display Power Management Signalling [standard] (VESA)

DPMS DOS Protected Mode Services (Novell, DOS)

DPN Data Packet Network (Nortel)

DPN Data Processing Node (MODEM)

DPN Deutsches Provider Network (ISP)

DPNPH Data Packet Network-Packet Handler, "DPN-PH"

DPNSS Digital Private Network Signaling System (British Telecom)


DPOF Digital / Direct Print Order Format (Drucker)

DPP Data Parallel Processor (ATI)

DPP Distributed Parallel Processing

DPQ Data Processing Quality

DPRL Digital Property Rights Language (Xerox)

DPS Display PostScript (NeXT, GUI, NextStep, DPS)

DPS Distributed Path Selection (FC)

DPS Dual Power System (Gigabyte)

DPSE Display PostScript Engine (DPS, NextStep, OpenStep, Apple, Rhapsody)

DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying (DFÜ)

DPT Distributed Processing Technology (Hersteller)

DPT Drive Parameter Table

DPT Dynamic Packet Transport (Cisco)

DPV DatenPaketVermittlung[srechner]

DPV Delegated Path Validation (Verschlüsselung)

DPWS Devices Profile for Web Services (WWW)

DQDB Distributed Queue Dual Bus (ISO, IEC, IS 8802/6, IEEE 802.6)

DQL Database Query Language (DB)

DQP Distributed Query Processing (OGSA-DAI, grid)

DQP Distributed Queueing Protocol

DQS Distributed Queueing System (Cluster)

DR Designated Router (PIM, Multicast)

DR Developer Release (Linux, Apple, ...)

DR Digital Research (Hersteller)

DR Dynamic Reconfiguration (Solaris, Sun)

DRAC Dell Remote Access Card (Dell, BMC)

DRACO DECT Radio Communications Controller (DECT, Hagenuk, University of Manchester)

DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

DRB Distributed RuBy (Ruby), "DRb"

DRB DRAM Row Boundary [register] (DRAM, PCI)

DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator

DRC Design Rule Check (CAD, LVS)

DRCS Distributed Revision Control System (DVCS)

DRD Data Reading Device

DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture (IBM, DB)

DRDAAS Distributed Relational Database Architecture Application Server (IBM, DB), "DRDA AS"

DRDIMM Double Rank Dual Inline Memory Module (IC, DIMM), "DR-DIMM"

DRDOS Digital Research Disk Operating System (DR, OS), "DR-DOS"

DRE Direct Recording Electronic

DRE Distributed Real-time and Embedded [systems]

DREN Defense Research and Engineering Network (Netzwerk)

DRF Data Recovery Field (Verschlüsselung)

DRG Developer Relations Group (MS)

DRI Defense Research Internet (ARPANET, Nachfolger, Netzwerk)

DRI Direct Rendering Infrastructure (XFree86)

DRIM DResden Identity Management

DRIP Designated Relays Inquiry Protocol (SPAM)

DRL Document Revocation List (TCPA)

DRL Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic (RL)

DRM Destination Release Mechanism (DQDB)

DRM Digital Radio Mondiale

DRM Digital Rights Management (MS, DRM)

DRMU Digital Remote Measurement Unit

DRP DECnet Routing Protocol (DEC)

DRP Dynamic Resource Pool (Solaris, Sun)

DRPM Dynamic Rotations Per Minute (HDD)

DRS Data Retrieval and Storage

DRS Development Requirement Specification

DRS Directory Replication Service (MS, AD)

DRS Double-Ring-with-Star [topology]

DRSN Defense Red Switch Network [hopefully no traffic ever] (Netzwerk, Mil. USA)

DRTM Dynamic Root of Trust for Measurement

DS [Netweaver] Developer Studio

DS Data Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

DS Data Structure (TYPO3)

DS Deutschsprachige Shareware (Org.)

DS Digital Services [level]

DS Directory Service (OSI, ISO, DP 9594)

DS Distribution Services (SNA)

DS Distribution System (WLAN)

DS Double Sided [disks] (FDD)

DS0 Digital Signal level 0 (ISDN, T1), "DS-0"

DS1 Digital Signal level 1 (ISDN, T1), "DS-1"

DS1E1 Digital Signal level 1/European 1 (RFC 1406) "DS1/E1"

DS2 Digital Signal level 2, "DS-2"

DS3 Digital Signal level 3 (T3), "DS-3"

DS3E3 Digital Signal level 3/European 3 (RFC 1407) "DS3/E3"

DSA Data Service Adapter

DSA Debian Security Announcement (Linux, Debian)

DSA Debian System Administration (Linux, Debian)

DSA Digital Service Act

DSA Digital Services Act (Europe)

DSA Digital Signature Algorithm (Verschlüsselung, NIST)

DSA Digital Storage Architecture

DSA Directory System Agent (X.500, DSA)

DSA Distributed Systems Architecture (Bull)

DSA Dynamic Scalable Architecture (DB, Informix)

DSAG Deutsche SAP AnwenderGruppe (SAP, User group)

DSAP Destination link Service Access Point (SAP, LLC)

DSAT Deep Shit Alert Table (Apple, MACOS)

DSBAM Double-SideBand Amplitude Module

DSBL Distributed Server Boycott List (SPAM)

DSC DECT Standard Cipher (DECT, Verschlüsselung)

DSC Desired State Configuration (MS, Windows)

DSC Display Stream Compression (VESA)

DSC Document Structuring Conventions (Adobe)

DSCQS Double Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale (ITU-R BT.500-7)

DSD Data Structure Diagram (CASE)

DSD Direct Stream Digital (Sony, Philips, SACD)

DSDC Data Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (DS, Intel, CPU)

DSDL Document Schema Definition Language (DB)

DSDT Differentiated System Description Table (ACPI)

DSE Data Switching Equipment (X.25, CCITT)

DSE Distributed Systems Environment (Honeywell, Bull)

DSEA DataStation Emulation Adapter (IBM, AS/400, ...)

DSEE DOMAIN Software Engineering Environment (Apollo, CM, DOMAIN)

DSGVO DatenSchutz-GrundVerOrdnung (Deutschland)

DSH Desperately Seeking Help (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

DSI Defense Simulation Internet (Netzwerk, Mil., USA)

DSI Dial Services Interface [API] (API, IBM)

DSI Digital Speech Interpolation (VOFR)

DSI Dynamic Skeleton Interface (CORBA, ORB, OA)

DSI Dynamic Systems Initiative (MS, MCF)

DSID Destination Signaling IDentifier

DSIMM Dual [RAS] Single Inline Memory Module (IC), "D-SIMM"

DSL Dataset and Snapshot Layer (ZFS)

DSL Dialogue Scripting Language (DCE, UIL)

DSL Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

DSL Digital system Specification Language (HDL)

DSL Distributed Service Logic (IN)

DSL Domain Specific Language

DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSL, ADSL)

DSLCP Dynamically Switched Link Control Protocol (RFC 1307)

DSLR Digital Single-Lens Reflex

DSM [TWAIN] Data Source Manager (MS, Windows)

DSM Digital Standard MUMPS (MUMPS, DEC)

DSM Domain Specific Modeling

DSM Dynamic Spectrum Management

DSMCC Digital Media Storage - Command and Control (DVB), "DSM-CC"

DSML Directory Services Markup Language (OASIS)

DSMN Directory Service Manager for Netware (MS, Windows, NT, FPNW)

DSN Data Source Names (ODBC, DB)

DSN Defense Switched Network (Mil., USA)

DSN Delivery Status Notification

DSN Developer Support News (IBM, OS/2)

DSN Distributed Systems Network (HP)

DSNET Defense Secure NETwork (Mil., USA)

DSO Dynamic Shared Object

DSOM Distributed System Object Model (IBM)

DSP Digital Service Provider

DSP Digital Signal Processing / Processor (Audio, Video, RL, DSP)

DSP Direct Socket Protocol (Infiniband)

DSP Directory System Protocol (X.500, DS)

DSP Document Services for Printing (Xerox), "DS/P"

DSP Domain Specific Part (NSAP, IDL. Domain)

DSR Data Set Ready (MODEM, RS-232)

DSR Device Status Report

DSR Digital Signal Richtfunk (Mil., Deutschland)

DSRC Dedicated Short-Range Communications

DSRH Double-Sided RowHammer (DRAM, SSRH)

DSRI Digital Standard Relational Interface

DSRS Defense Software Repository System (Mil., USA)

DSS Decision Support System (IM)

DSS Defense Switched Services (Mil., USA)

DSS Digital Signature Standard (NIST, Verschlüsselung)

DSS Directory and Security Services (DCE, IBM, LAN)

DSS Distributed Security Service (DCE)

DSS2 [setup] Digital Subscriber Signaling #2

DSSCS Defense Special Security Communications System (Mil., USA)

DSSI Digital Storage Systems Interconnect (VAX, DEC)

DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (WLAN)

DSSSL [standard] Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DTD, ISO, IEC, DIS 10179)

DSSSL Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (SGML)

DST Daylight Saving Time (TZ)

DSTN Double SuperTwisted Nematic (LCD)

DSU Data Secure Unix (Unix, OS, UCLA)

DSU Digital Service Unit (ATM)

DSU Digital Storage Unit

DSU Distribution Service Unit (IBM, SNADS)

DSV Digital Signal Verbindung (Mil., Deutschland)

DSVD Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data (MODEM)

DT Display Terminal

DT Distributed graphical user interface Toolkit (IBM, GUI, VM/ESA)

DTA Direct Tape Access (Seagate)

DTA Disk Transfer Area (DOS)

DTAC Digital Threat Analysis Center (MS)

DTAG Deutsche Telekom AG (Deutschland, ISP)

DTAM Document Transfer, Access and Manipulation (CCITT, T.400, ODIF)

DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part (MS, MM, MTP)

DTAZV DatenTrägeraustausch, belegloser AuslandsZahlungsVerkehr (Banking)

DTC Design Time Controls (MS)

DTC DeskTop Conferencing

DTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS, SQL Server, DB)

DTCSA Digital Transition Content Security Act (USA)

DTD Document Type Definition (SGML, XML. HTML, DTD)

DTE Data Terminal Equipment (X.25, CCITT)

DTE DatenTransferEinrichtung

DTE Domain and Type Enforcement (TE)

DTH DialogTestHilfe (BS2000)

DTI Digital Technology International, http://www.dtint.com

DTI Document Technologies, Inc. (Firma, USA)

DTK Deception ToolKit

DTLB Dual Translation Lookaside Buffer (CPU)

DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security (UDP)

DTMF DeskTop Management task Force (Intel)

DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency

DTML Document Template Markup Language (ZOPE)

DTMP DCPS Management Panel (DCPS)

DTMS Document Transfer and Manipulation Services (CCITT, T.400)

DTO DeviceTree Overlay (CAN)

DTOS Distributed Trusted Operating System (OS, DTE)

DTP DeskTop Publishing

DTP Distributed Transaction Processing (X/Open, OLTP)

DTP Document Transfer Profile (SPAC, ODA, DAP, Vorläufer)

DTR Data Terminal Ready (MODEM, RS-232)

DTR DeskTop Replacement [notebook]

DTR DeskTop Reproduction (DTP)

DTR Document Filing and Retrieval (DOAM, ISO, IEC, DIS 10166-1 f.)

DTR Draft Technical Report

DTRT Do The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

DTS Digital Theatre Sound (Audio)

DTS Digital Thermal Sensor (Intel, IC, CPU)

DTS Direct To SOM

DTS Distributed Time Server

DTS Distributed Time Service (DCE)

DTSES Digital Theatre Sound - Extended Surround (Audio), "DTS-ES"

DTSS Dartmouth Time-Sharing System (OS)

DTT Dual Transformer Technology (Tangan)

DTTS Deutsche Telekom Technischer Service (Org.)

DTU Demand Transmission Unit

DU Disk Used (Unix)

DU Distribution Unit (MS, MSIE)

DUA Directory User Agent (X.500, DS)

DÜE DatenÜbertragungsEinrichtung (DTAG)

DÜE DatenÜbertragungsEinrichtung

DUMP Dial-Up Network Profile (Bluetooth, SPP, DUN)

DUN Dial Up Networking (Bluetooth, ...)

DUNDI Distributed Universal Number DIscovery (VoiP), "DUNDi"

DUOW Distributed Unit Of Work (DRDA, IBM), "DUoW"

DUP Distribution Unit Profile (MS, OSD, DU, MSIE)

DV DatenVerarbeitung

DV Digital Video

DVA Data Virtual Address (ZFS)

DVA DatenVerarbeitungsAnlage

DVA Dynamic Vibration Absorber (CD, DVD, Samsung)

DVB Digital Video Broadcasting (Europa, DVB)

DVBC Digital Video Broadcasting - Cable (DVB), "DVB-C"

DVBH Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld (DVB), "DVB-H"

DVBNIP Digital Video Broadcasting - ? (DVB), "DVB-NIP"

DVBRC Digital Video Broadcasting - ? (DVB), "DVB-RC"

DVBRCGSM Digital Video Broadcasting - ? (DVB), "DVB-RCGSM"

DVBRCT Digital Video Broadcasting - ? (DVB), "DVB-RCT"

DVBS Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite (DVB), "DVB-S"

DVBT Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestic (DVB), "DVB-T"

DVC Digital Video Compression (Video)

DVCS Distributed / Decentralized Version Control System (DRCS)

DVD Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz [e.V.] (Org.)

DVD Digital Versatile Disk (CD, MPEG, DVD)

DVD Digital Video Disk [veraltet/old term] (DVD)

DVDCCA DVD Copy Control Association (DVD, Org.), "DVD CCA"

DVDMRW Digital Versatile Disk + Mount rainier ReWritable (DVD, DVD+RW, MS), "DVD+MRW"

DVDR Digital Versatile Disk - Recordable (DVD), "DVD-R"

DVDR Digital Versatile Disk + Recordable (DVD), "DVD+R"

DVDRA Digital Versatile Disk - Read (Authoring)

DVDRAM Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory (DVD), "DVD-RAM"

DVDRG Digital Versatile Disk - Read (General use)

DVDROM Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory (DVD, ROM), "DVD-ROM"

DVDRW Digital Versatile Disk - ReWritable (DVD), "DVD-RW"

DVDRW Digital Versatile Disk + ReWritable (PC-RW, DVD, Sony, Philips, HP, Mitsubishi, Ricoh, Yamaha), "DVD+RW"

DVG Digitale Versorgung Gesetz

DVI DeVice Independent

DVI Digital Video Interactive [veraltet/old term] (LCD, Intel, IBM, Lotus, HP, Compaq, ...)

DVI Digital Visual Interface (DVD, Video)

DVID Digital Video Interactive - Digital (LCD), "DVI-D"

DVID Digital Video Interactive - Integrated (LCD), "DVI-I"

DVID Dynamic - Voltage IDentification (Intel, CPU), "D-VID"

DVL Digital Video Link

DVM Dalvik Virtual Machine (Android)

DVM Dynamic Visual Mode (NEC, Mitsubishi, LCD)

DVM Dynamic Voltage Management (PDA)

DVMA Direct Virtual Memory Access

DVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (IP, Multicast)

DVMT Dynamic Video Memory Technology (Intel)

DVPT Deutscher Verbandes für Post und Telekommunikation (Org.)

DVR ??? (DTP, Truevision)

DVS DatenVerwaltungsSystem (BS2000)

DVS Digital Video Systems (Hersteller)

DVST DatenVermittlungsSTelle (DTAG)

DVSTP DatenVermittlungsSTelle mit Paketvermittlung (DTAG), "DVST-P"

DVT Deutscher Verband Technisch-wissenschaftlicher vereine (Org.)

DVX Digital Voice eXchange

DWA Device-Watchdog-Answer (DWR, Diameter)

DWANGO Dialup Wide-Area Network Game Organization (IVS Corporation)

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing [protocol]

DWF Drawing Web Format (AutoCAD)

DWH Data WareHouse (DB)

DWH DISA Western Hemisphere (DISA, Mil., USA)

DWIM Do What I Mean (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

DWM Diskless Workstation Management (AIX, IBM)

DWMT Discrete Wavelet MultiTone [modulation]

DWPD Drive Writes Per Day

DWR Device-Watchdog-Request (DWA, Diameter)

DWS Delphi Web Script (Delphi, Borland, WWW)

DWS Digital World Services (ISP)

DWT Discrete Wavelet Transformation

DXA Directory eXchange Agent

DXE Driver eXecution Environment (UEFI)

DXI Data eXchange Interface

DXJ Datex J (DTAG), "DxJ"

DXJVST Datex J VermittlungsSTelle (DTAG), "DxJ VSt"

DXL Domino XML Language (XML, Lotus, DTD)

DXR DirectX Raytracing (MS)

DXS Directory eXchange Server

DXVA DirectX Video Acceleration (MS, Windows)

E1 European digital transmission format 1 [2.048 Mbps]

E2 European digital transmission format 2 [8.448 Mbps]

E2E End To End

E3 End-to-End Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

E3 European digital transmission format 3 [34.368 Mbps]

E4 European digital transmission format 4 [139.264 Mbps]

E4M Encryption 4 Masses (Verschlüsselung)

E4X Ecmascript for XML (ECMA, XML)

E5 European digital transmission format 5 [565.148 Mbps]

EA [Visio for] Enterprise Architects (MS, .NET)

EA Effective Address (Power4, IBM, CPU)

EA Eingabe/Ausgabe, "E/A"

EA Enterprise Agreement (MS)

EA Enterprise Agreement (Adobe)

EA Escrowed Authenticator (Verschlüsselung, EES)

EA Extended Attribute (OS/2, Apple)

EAB Enterprise Access Builder (IBM, Java)

EAC Enhanced Audio CODEC (EVD, CODEC)

EACEM European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers (Org., Europa)

EAD Encoded Archival Description (SGML)

EADAS Engineering and Administrative Data Acquisition System (EADAS)

EADASNM EADAS/Network Management (EADAS), "EADAS/NM"

EADF Elliptical Aperture with Dynamic Focus

EAF Export address table Access Filtering

EAI Enterprise Application Integration

EAI External Authoring Interface (VRML)

EAL Evaluation Assurance Level (CC)

EAM Evanescent Access Method (BS2000)

EAMR Energy Assisted Magnetic Recording (HDD)

EAN European Article Numbering [system]

EAN European Aviation Network

EANTC European Advanced Networking Test Center (Org., Berlin, ANTC, FDDI)

EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, Verschlüsselung, RADIUS, WPA)

EAPAKA Extensible Authentication Protocol method for 3rd generation Authentication and Key Management (EAP, RFC 4187) "EAP-AKA"

EAPD External Amplifier Power Down

EAPMD5 Extensible Authentication Protocol - Message Digest 5 (EAP, Verschlüsselung), "EAP-MD5"

EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN (EAP, LAN, Verschlüsselung), "EAPoL"

EAPOW Extensible Authentication Protocol Over Wireless (EAP, WLAN, Verschlüsselung), "EAPoW"

EAPS Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching (LAN, MAN, RFC 3619)


EAPTTLS Extensible Authentication Protocol - Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP, Verschlüsselung), "EAP-TTLS"

EAPTTSL Tunneled Transport Layer Security EAP (TTSL, EAP, Verschlüsselung, WLAN), "EAP-TTSL"

EAR Enterprise ARchive (IBM, WBISF)

EARN European Academic Research Network (Netzwerk)

EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory (ROM, IC)

EAS Enterprise Access System (Dynatech)

EAS Enterprise Agreement Subscription (MS, OSL)

EAS Exchange ActiveSync (MS)

EASE Easy Access System Europe (Novell, FTP)

EASEL Emergent Algorithm Simulator and Evaluation Language

EASEL Educator Access to Services in the Electronic Landscape (CORDIS)

EASI Enhanced Asynchronous SCSI Interface

EASY ErmittlungsAbhängiges SYstem (Bayern)

EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attachment

EATCS European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (Org., Europa)

EATX Extended Advanced Technology eXtended [form factor] (ATX), "E-ATX"

EAUE Elektronische AufenthaltsUEberwachung

EAX Environmental Audio eXtension (Audio, Creative Labs)

EAZ EndgeräteAuswahlZiffer (ISDN)

EB Electronic Banking (Banking)

EBA Electronic Business Assurance, "eBA"

EBAM Electronic Beam-Addressable Memory (IC)

EBAS Elektronisches teile-BestellAbwicklungsSystem (MBAG)

EBC EFI-ByteCode (EFI)

EBC EISA Bus Controller (Wyse)

EBCDIC Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code

EBCOT Embedded Block Coding with Optimal Truncation (JPEG)

EBCS European Committee for Banking Standards (Org., Europa, Banking)

EBGA Enhanced Ball Grid Array (BGA, CPU, IC)

EBGP External Border Gateway Protocol (BGP, iBGP), "eBGP"

EBMS ebXML Message Service (ebXML, XML), "ebMS"

EBNF Extended Backus-Naur-Form

EBPF Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), "eBPF"

EBR Enterprise Backup and Restore (ENS, Banyan, VINES)

EBR Extended Boot Record (MBR)

EBR External Backup Restore (IDS, Informix, DB)

EBROM Electronic Book - Read Only Memory (ROM), "EB-ROM"

EBU European Broadcasting Union (Org., Europa)

EBUS Elektronisches teile-BUchungsSystem (MBAG)

EBV Elektronische BildVerarbeitung

EBV Elektronisches BewerbungsVerfahren

EBXML Electronic Business eXtensible Markup Language (XML, OASIS, UN/CEFACT, B2B) "ebXML"

EC Electronic Commerce

EC Error Correction (MODEM)

EC Evolutionary Computation

EC3 European CyberCrime Centre (Org., Europa)

ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, AI, ECCAI, Europe)

ECAL European Conference on Artificail Life (Europe, AI)

ECASO Enhanced Cooling After System Off

ECB Electronic CodeBook [mode] (Verschlüsselung, DES)

ECB Europe Card Bus

ECB Event Control Block (IPX)

ECC Electrical Connectivity Checks (CAD)

ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (Certicom, Verschlüsselung)

ECC Error Checking and Correction

ECC Error Correction Circuit (CPU, POWER)

ECC Error Correction Code (CD, EDC)

ECCAI European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (Org., AI, Europa)

ECCO Execute with Correct Checksum Only

ECCRAM Error Checking and Correction ??? Random Access Memory (RAM)

ECD Energy Conversion Devices (Hersteller, OUM)

ECDC Electronic Commerce for Developing Countries (ITU)

ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (Verschlüsselung)

ECDL European Computer Driving License, http://www.ecdl.com

ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (Verschlüsselung)

ECEDI Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC, EDI), "EC/EDI"

ECF Enhanced Connectivity Facilities (IBM)

ECHO European Community Host Organisation (Org., Europa)

ECHT European Conference on Hypermedia Technology (INRIA, Conference)

ECI Efficient Channel Integration (ADC, EDI)

ECI European Color Initiative (Org., Europa, DTP)

ECIS European Committee for Interoperable Systems (Org.)

ECIX European Commercial Internet eXchange (Firma)

ECL EClectic Language (Harvard, TOPS)

ECL Emitter Coupled Logic

ECM Enterprise Content Management

ECM Entity Coordination Management (FDDI, SMT)

ECM Error Correction / Correcting Mode (FAX, HDLC)

ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association (Org., Europa)

ECMP Electroning Commerce Modeling Language (RFC 4112)

ECMS Enterprise Content Management System (CMS)

ECN European Counter Network

ECN Explicit Congestion Notification (IP, RFC 2481)

ECNE Enterprise Certified Novell Engineer (Novell, Netware)

ECOC European Conference on Optical Communications (Konferenz)

ECOM Electronic Computer Originated Mail, "E-COM"

ECOOP European Conference on Object Orientated Programming (OOP, Conference)

ECP [PPP] Encryption Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1968)

ECP Enhanced Capability Port (MS)

ECP Enhanced Communication Port / Protocol

ECP Excessive CrossPosting (Usenet, EMP, Spam)

ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act (USA)

ECR Engineering Change Request (PCI)

ECRC [cable & wireless] European Computer industry Research Centre [gmbh] (ISP, Org.)

ECRM Electronic Customer Relationship Management (Internet), "eCRM"

ECRYPTFS Enterprise Cryptographic FileSystem (Linux, FS), "EcryptFS"

ECS EComStation (OS/2), "eCS"

ECS Elitegroup Computer Systems (Hersteller, Taiwan)

ECS Enhanced Chip Set (Amiga, Commodore)

ECS Esports Championship Series

ECSA Exchange Carriers Standards Association (Org.)

ECSC European Customer Support Centre (HP)

ECSD Enhanced Circuit Switched Data (8-PSK, Mobile-Systems)

ECTEG European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (Org., Europa) "E.C.T.E.G."

ECTS European Computer Trade Show (Messe, London)

ECU EISA Configuration Utility (EISA)

ED End Delimiter (FDDI, Token Ring)

ED Enhanced Density

EDA Electronic Design Automation (RL, IC)

EDAC Electromechanical Digital Adapter Circuit

EDAC European Conference on Design Automation (IEEE-CS, Conference)

EDBS Einheitliche DatenBank-Schnittstelle (DB)

EDC Electrical Design Current (TDC)

EDC Error Detection Code (CD, ECC)

EDCF Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function (MAC, 802.11a, DCF, QOS)

EDD Enhanced Disk Device [polling] (BIOS, Linux)

EDD Enterprise Data Distribution (ENS, Banyan, VINES)

EDFA Erbuim Doped Fiber Amplifier (FO)

EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval [system] (DB, Internet)

EDGE Enhanced Data rate for GSM / Global Evolution (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

EDI Electronic Data Interchange (GOSIP)

EDID Extended Display Identification Data [standard] (VESA, DDC)

EDIF Electronic Design Interchange Format, http://www.edif.org

EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport

EDL Edit Decision List (Video)

EDLC Ethernet Data Link Control (Ethernet)

EDM Engineering Data Management

EDM Extended Data Message

EDMCC European Distributed Memory Computing Conference (GI, ITG, IFIP, Conference)

EDMS Engineering Document Management System

EDO Extended Data Out [RAM] (RAM, DRAM, IC)

EDODRAM Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM), "EDO-DRAM"

EDORAM Extended Data Out Random Access Memory (RAM, IC), "EDO-RAM"

EDOS Elektronisches DateiOrganisationsSystem (MBAG)

EDP Electronic Data Processing

EDP Embedded DisplayPort, "eDP"

EDP Enhanced Dot Pitch (Hitachi)

EDPB European Data Protection Board (Org.)

EDPS Electronic Data Processing System

EDPS European Data Protection Supervisor, http://www.edps.eu.int

EDR Endpoint Detection and Response

EDR External Developer Release

EDRAM Embedded Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC), "eDRAM"

EDRAM Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

EDRI European Digital RIghts (Org., Europa) "EDRi"

EDS Electronic Data Systems [corporation] (Anbieter, USA)

EDSA Europäischer DatenSchutzAusschuss (Org.)

EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

EDSAP Early Detection Sensor and Algorithm Package (Samsung)

EDSFF Enterprise and Datacenter Storage Form Factor (Intel, Samsung, Facebook)

EDSRA Earth Data System Reference Application (ISH, USA)

EDT Eastern Daylight Time [-0400] (TZ, EST, USA)

EDV Elektronische DatenVerarbeitung

EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

EDX Event-Driven eXecutive (OS, IBM)

EE Emotion Engine (Sony, Playstation)

EE Energy Efficient (AMD, TDP)

EEAG Elektro- und ElektronikAltGeräte

EEB Enterprise Electronics Bay (SSI)

EECC European Electronic Communications Code

EEE [UDB] Enterprise Extended Edition (IBM, DB2, DB, UDB)

EEE Energy Efficient Ethernet (IEEE)

EEHPCWG Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (Org., HPC, WG)

EEI Equipment to Equipment Interface

EEI External Environment Interface (Mil., USA)

EELS Engineering Electronic Library, Sweden (Org., WWW, Schweden)

EEM External Expansion Module (Sun)

EEMS Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification

EEP Early Experience Program (Borland)

EEP EnOcean Equipment Profile

EEP Entry Exit Procedure (R:Base, DB)

EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (ROM, IC, RL, EPROM)

EES Escrowed Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung, NSA)

EESA Enterprise Extensions SMART Accessed (WD, ATA)

EESC European EDIF Steering Committee (Org., EDIF, Europa)

EESSI European Electronic Signature Standardization Initiative (Org., ETSI)

EET Eastern European Time [+0200] (TZ)

EET Edge Enhancement Technology (Seikosha, Itoh)

EFAKS Elektronisches FAKturierungs- und abrechnungsSystem (MBAG)

EFB Electronic Flight Bag (Airbus, A380)

EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Indication (ATM)

EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation (Internet, Org.)

EFI Electronics For Imaging (Hersteller)

EFI Extended Firmware Interface (Intel, MS)

EFI Extensible Firmware Interface [veraltet/old term] (Intel, Itanium, MS)

EFL Eiffel Forum License (Eiffel)

EFL Emitter Follower Logic (IC)

EFL Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (GUI)

EFLOW [Azure IoT] Edge For Linux On Windows (MS, Windows, Linux)

EFM Eight-to-Fourteen-Modulation (CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD)

EFNET Eris Free NETwork (Network, IRC), "EFnet"

EFS Elektronischer FahrSchein

EFS Encrypting File System (Verschlüsselung, Windows, MS, DESX)

EFSM Extended Finite State Machine (TTCN, ...)

EFT Electronic Funds Transfer

EFT Euro-FileTransfer (ISDN, ETS 300 075)

EFTPOS Electronic Funds Transfer at the Point-Of-Sale (EFT, Banking), "EFT-POS"

EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System

EFÜ EmmissionsdatenFernÜbertragung (DFÜ)

EG Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter (Vorläufer, VGA)

EGA Enterprsie Grid Alliance (Org., grid, EMC, FSC, HP, Intel, Oracle, ...)

EGB Elektrostatisch gefährdete Bauelemente

EGD Entropy Gathering Daemon (Unix, GNU, GnuPG)

EGD Ethernet Global Data

EGEE Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (Europa, EU)

EGG Elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr-Gesetz (Deutschland)

EGMS E-Government Metadata Standard (RSS, Großbritannien)

EGO Enterprsie Grid Orchestrator

EGOV Electronic GOVernment

EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol (RFC 904)

EGPA Erlangen General Purpose Array (MP)

EGPRS Enhanced General Packet Radio Service (8-PSK, Mobile-Systems)

EGREP Extended Global Regular Expression Print (Unix, GREP)

EGS Enhanced Graphics System (Commodore)

EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface (USB, Intel)

EHDI Environmental Human Interface Devices

EHF Encoding Header Field (Internet, RFC 1154)

EHKP Einheitliche Höhere KommunikationsProtokolle (BTX, ER, DTAG)

EHLLAPI Emulator High Level Language API (IBM, 3270, API)

EHS European Home Systems [concept]

EHSA European Home Systems Association (Org., Europa)

EHW Evolvable HardWare

EIA Electronics Industry Association (USA, Org.)

EIB Element Interconnect Bus (IBM, Cell)

EIB European Installation Bus

EIBA European Installation Bus Association (Org., Europa)

EICAVR European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research (Org., Europa)

EICC Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (Org.)

EICL European Informatics Continuous Learning (CEPIS)

EICTA European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association [veraltet/old term] (Org., Europa)

EIDA European Integrated Data Archive

EIDAS Electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Service (Europa), "eIDAS"

EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (HDD, IDE), "E-IDE"

EIEIO Enforce In-order Execution of Input/Output (PowerPC, I/O, CPU)

EIF Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (MS)

EIFS Extended InterFrame Space (MAC, PCF, IFS, WLAN)

EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)


EIO Enhanced Input/Output [architecture] (HP)

EIP Elastic IP (AWS, IP)

EIP Extended Instruction Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

EIP Extended Internet Protocol (Internet, RFC 1385)

EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (Bluetooth)

EIS Electronic Information Systems (Hersteller)

EIS Enterprise Information System

EIS European Information System (EU)

EIS Executive Information System (IM)

EISA Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)

EISA European Imaging and Sound Association (Org., Europa)

EISB Electronic Imaging Standards Board (Org.)

EISS Europäisches Institut für SystemSicherheit (Org., Karlsruhe, Europa)

EIST Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology (Intel, Pentium)

EIT Encoded Information Type

EIT Event Information Table (DVB, EPG)

EITO European Information Technology Observatory (Org.)

EITS Eesti InfoTehnoloogia Seltsi (Org., Estland)

EJB Enterprise Java Beans (Java, Sun, CORBA)

EJC Electronic Journal of Communication

EKMS Electronic Key Management System (Verschlüsselung)

EKO Every Known Optimization [compiler] (PathScale)

EKOS Elektronisches KOmmunikationsSystem (MBAG)

EL Electro Luminescent [display]

EL1 Extensible Language one (ECLogic)

ELAN Educational LANguage

ELAN Emulated Local Area Network (ATM, LANE)

ELAP Embedded Linux Applications Platform (Linux, PDA), "e-LAP"

ELAP Ethernet Link Access Protocol (LAP, Ethernet)

ELC Embedded Linux Conference (Linux)

ELCE Embedded Linux Conference Europe (Linux)

ELF Executable and Linkable Format (Unix, OS/2)

ELH Entity Life History (DB)

ELI Embedded LISP Interpreter (Andrew mail system)

ELK Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (SIEM)

ELK Extension Language Kit (Scheme)

ELLIS EuLisp LInda System (LISP)

ELM ELectronic Mailer (Unix)

ELMB Extreme Low Motion Blur (Asus)

ELO Elektronischer Leitz Ordner (OA)

ELOD Erasable Laser Optical Disk (OD)

ELP Equational Logic Programming [language]

ELRAD [magazin für] ELektronik und technische RechnerAnwenDungen

ELS Entry Level Solution (Novell, Netware)

EM Extensions Manager (Apple)

EM64T Extended Memory [64] Technology (Intel)

EMA Electronic Messaging Association (Org., USA)

EMA Enterprise Management Architecture (DEC)

EMA Extended Mercury Autocode

EMACS Editing MACroS (GNU)

EMACS Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping (Slang, EMACS)

EMAS Edinburgh Multi-Access System (OS, ICL 4-75)

EMB Enhanced Master Burst (EISA)

EMBI Excuse My Butting In (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EMBMS Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (LTE, FeMBMS), "eMBMS"

EMC [Richard J.] Egan [Roger] Marino Company [unconfirmed] (EMC, Hersteller)

EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility

EME Encrypted Media Extensions (HTML, DRM)

EMEA [IBM] Europe, Middle East, Africa (IBM)

EMET Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (MS)

EMF Eclipse Modelling Framework (Eclipse)

EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference

EMI External Machine Interface [protocol] (SMS)

EMIB Embedded Multi-die Interconnect Bridge (IC, Intel)

EMISA EntwicklungsMethoden für InformationsSysteme und deren Anwendung (Org., GI)

EML Element Management Layer (TMN)

EMM Enterprise Mobility Management

EMM Expanded Memory Manager

EMMA European MultiMedia Award

EMMC Embedded MultiMedia Card (JEDEC, MMC), "eMMC"

EMP Excessive Multiple Posting (Usenet, ECP, Spam)

EMR Electro-Magnetic Radiation

EMRL EMbedded RAID Logic (Adaptec, RAID)

EMS Energy Management System

EMS Enhanced Messaging Service (Mobile-Systems)

EMS European Mathematical Society (Org.)

EMS Expanded Memory Specification (DOS, Intel)

EMSC Electronic Mail Standards Committee (Org.)

EMU EAP Method Update (EAP)

EMV ElektroMagnetische Verträglichkeit (EN 55022, DIN, VDE 0878)

EMV Europay, MasterCard and VISA (Org., banking)

EMX Enterprise Messaging eXchange [switch]

EN Europa Norm (Europa)

ENA Electronic Networking Association (Org., Internet)

ENA Enterprise Networking Association (Banyan, VINES, User group, Org.)

ENA European Networking Associates (Org., Europa)

ENA Extended Network Addressing (IBM, SNA)

ENCFS ENCrypted File System (Linux, FS), "EncFS"

ENDC European Network Design Center (3COM)

ENDIVE Enhanced Direct Interface Video Extensions (OS/2, MMPM/2, IBM), "EnDIVE"

ENF Embedded NAS Firmware (RAID, NAS, ArtStor)

ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

ENISA European Network and Information Security Agency (Org.)

ENP Embedded NPrinter (NEST, Novell)

ENS Enterprise Network Services (Banyan, VINES)

ENS Ethereum Name Service

ENSA Enterprise Network Storage Architecture (HP)

ENSIQ ENS - Information Query (Banyan, VINES, ENS), "ENS IQ"

ENSMT ENS - Management Tool (ENS, Banyan, VINES), "ENS-MT"

ENUC Embedded Next Unit of Computing (Intel, NUC), "eNUC"

ENUM tElephone NUmber Mapping (VoiP)

EO Europe Online (Netzwerk)

EOA End Of Address

EOB End Of Block

EOCB Electrical Optical Circuit Board [project] (Bosch, Siemens, IZM, ...)

EOD End Of Discussion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EOD Erasable Optical Disk (OD)

EOF End Of File

EOF End Of Frame (S-ATA)

EOF Enterprise Objects Framework (NeXT)

EOI End Of Input

EOI End Of Interrupt

EOI End Or Identify (GPIB)

EOJ End Of Job

EOL End Of Line

EOLAS Embedded Objects Linked Across Systems (Hersteller, USA)

EOM End Of Message

EON Enhanced Other Networks (RDS)

EOP End Of Procedure (Fax)

EOS Electrical OverStress

EOS Extended Operating System (OS)

EOSL End Of Service Life

EOT End Of Text

EOT End Of Thread (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EOT End Of Transmission

EOTD Enhanced Observed Time Difference (LBS, GPS), "E-OTS"

EOUG European Oracle User Group (Org., DB, Oracle, User group, Europa)

EOWG [WAI] Education and Outreach Working Group (WAI)

EP Enterprise Portal (SAP)

EP3 [the] Extensible PERL PreProcessor (PERL)

EPA Enhanced Performance Architecture

EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA, Org.)

EPAC Ein-Platinen-Allzweck-Computer (IC, C'T)

EPAC Electronic Packaging and Assembly Concept

EPAL Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language (W3C)

EPBR Extended Partition Boot Record (PowerQuest)

EPC Electronic Product Code (RFID)

EPCC Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center (Org., UK, HPC)

EPDF Embedded Portable Document Format (Adobe, PDF, HTML)

EPEL Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (Linux, RHEL, Fedora, RedHat)

EPG Electronic Program Guide (DVB)

EPH Electronic Payment Handling (Banking)

EPHOS European Procurement Handbook for Open Systems

EPI European Processor Initiative (Org., Europe)

EPIA Embedded Platform Innovative Architecture [motherboard] (VIA)

EPIC Eclipse PERL Integration Project (Eclipse, PERL)

EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center (Verschlüsselung)

EPIC Embedded Platform for Industrial Computing

EPIC European Public sector Information systems Conference

EPIC Explicit Parallelism Instruction Computing (Intel, CPU, VLIW)

EPIM Ethernet Port Interface Module (Ethernet)

EPIX Enhanced Performance unIX (Unix), "EP/IX"

EPK Ereignisgesteuerte ProzessKette

EPL Eclipse Public License (Eclipse)

EPL Elektronenstrahl-ProjektionsLithographie

EPLD Erasable Programmable Logic Device

EPMR Enhanced Perpendicular Magnetic Recording (HDD, Western Digital), "ePMR"

EPN Electronic-highway Platform Netherlands (ISP, Niederlande)

EPOC [not an acronym] (Psion, OS, PDA)


EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network (DOCSIS, IEEE 802.3)

EPP Easy PhotoPrint (Canon)

EPP Education Purchase Plan (Adobe)

EPP Enhanced Parallel Port / Protocol (Intel, Zenith, Xircom, IEEE 1284)

EPP Enhanced Performance Profiles (Nvidia)

EPP Extensible Provisioning Protocol (RFC 3730/3731/3732/3733/3734/3735)

EPRML Extended Partial Response - Maximum Likelihood (PRML, HDD, HD-DVD)

EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (ROM, IC, RL, EPROM)

EPS Electronic Publishing Systems

EPS Embedded PServer (NEST, Novell)

EPS Enterprise Protection Strategy (TrendMicro)

EPSA Early Page Space Allocation (AIX, IBM)

EPSI Encapsulated PostScript Interchange

EPSIG Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group (Org.)

EPSS Experimental Packet-Switching System (UK)

EPT Extended Page Tables (SLAT, Intel)


ER Enterprise Replication (IDS, Informix, DB)

ER Externer Rechner (T-Online)

ERAT Effective to Real Address Translation [table] (Power4, IBM, CPU, EA, RA)

ERC European Radiocommunications Committee (WLAN)

ERCIM European Research Consortium for Information and Mathematics (Org., GMD, INRIA, CWI, RAL, ..., Europa)

ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram

ERIN Environmental Resources Information Network (Australien, Netzwerk)

ERL Electronic Research Lab (Volkswagen, USA)

ERM Enterprise Resource Management

ERM Entity Relationship Model (DB)

ERO European Radiocommunications Office (Org., Europa, CEPT)

EROM Erasable Read Only Memory (ROM, IC)

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning [software]

ERS Enterprise Resource Sharing (ENS, Banyan, VINES)

ERS Error Report Suppression [flag] (CATNIP)

ES [Red Hat Enterprise Linux] Enterprise Server (RedHat, Linux, RHEL)

ES Embedded Systems

ES End System (ATM)

ES Errored Seconds (DS1/E1)

ES European Standard (ETSI)

ES Extended Services (OS/2)

ES Extra Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

ES1 EliteSwitch/1 (SMC, FDDI), "ES/1"

ESA Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, MVS/XA, VM, CMS)

ESA Entertainment Software Association (Org., USA)

ESANN European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (Conference, NN)

ESAXA Enterprise Systems Architecture / eXtended Architecture (IBM, ESA, XC), "ESA/XA"

ESAXC Enterprise Systems Architecture / eXtended Configuration (IBM, ESA, XA), "ESA/XC"

ESB Enterprise Service Bus (Iona, OSS, IBM, SOA)

ESCD Extended System Configuration Data (BIOS, PNP)

ESCO Extended Synchronous Connection Orientated (Bluetooth), eSCO

ESCON Enterprise Systems CONnect (ion)

ESCP2 Epson Specific/Standard Code / Protocol 2 (Drucker), "ESC/P2"

ESD Electronic Software Distribution

ESD ElectroStatic Discharge

ESDC Extra Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (ES, Intel, CPU)

ESDI Enhanced Standard Device Interface

ESDS Entry Sequenced Data Set (VSAM)

ESE Embedded Secure Elements, "eSE"

ESE Extensible Storage Engine (AD, MS)

ESEC European Software Engineering Conference (GI, BCS, AFCET, AICA, ÖGI, SI, Conference)

ESER Einheitliches System dEr Rechentechnik (DDR)

ESF Extended Super Frame (ISDN, T1)

ESI End System IDentifier (ATM)

ESIM Embedded Subscriber Identity Module (SIM, Mobile-Systems), "eSIM"

ESIOP Environment Specific Inter-ORB Protocol (OMG, CORBA, ORB, DCE)

ESIS Element Structure Information Set (SGML)

ESIS End System to Intermediate System [protocol / routing] (OSI), "ES-IS"

ESK [Fraunhofer] Einrichtung Systeme der Kommunikationstechnik (Org.)

ESM External Storage Module (Sun)

ESMD Embedded Storage Module Disk

ESMD Enhanced Storage Module Device

ESMTP Extended Simple Message Transport Protocol (SMTP, RFC 1425/1869)

ESN Electronic Serial Number

ESN Electronic Switched Network

ESNET Energy Sciences NETwork (Netzwerk, USA, Internet)

ESNI Encrypted Server Name Indication (HTTPS)

ESORICS European Symposium On Research In Computer Security (Konferenz)

ESP [IP] Encapsulating Security Payload (IPSEC, IP, RFC 1825/1827/2406, VPN)

ESP Easy Software Products (Hersteller, CUPS)

ESP EFI System Partition (EFI)

ESP Electronic Stability Program (Auto)

ESP Emulation Sensing Processor (QMS)

ESP Ethernet Serial Port (Ethernet)

ESP Extreme Support through Personalization (IBM)

ESPCM Electronic Speech systems Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

ESPRIT European Strategic Program of Research and Development in Information Technology (EU)

ESR Event Service Routine (IPX)

ESR Extended Support Release

ESRAM Embedded Static Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, RL), "eSRAM"

ESRB Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESA)

ESRT EFI System Resource Table (EFI)

ESS Embedded Security System (IBM, TPM)

ESS Extended Service Set (WLAN)

ESSBASE Extended Spread Sheet dataBASE (MDBMS, DB)

ESSI European Software and Systems Initiative

ESSID Extended Service Set IDentification (SSID, WLAN)

EST Eastern Standard Time [-0500] (TZ, EDT, USA)

ESTO Electronic Systems Technology Office (Org., ARPA)

ESU Extended Security Updates (MS)

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival (SCP)

ETAI Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ETANN Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network (NN)

ETAS Elektronisches Teile-AuskunftsSystem (MBAG)

ETB Elektronisches TelefonBuch (T-Online)

ETB End of Transmission Blank / Block

ETC European Test Conference (VDE, IEEE-CS, Conference)

ETE End-To-End

ETG Enterprise Transaction Gateway (EDI, NT)

ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule

ETHZ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Org., Schweiz)

ETK Embedded ToolKit [for Windows CE] (MS, Windows, CE)

ETL Extraction, Transformation and Loading

ETLA Extended Three Letter Acronym

ETLS Enterprise Transport Layer Security (TLS, ETSI), "eTLS"

ETNO European Telecommunications Network Operators Association (Org., ISP)

ETO Essentials - Tools - Objects (Apple), "E.T.O."

ETP Enhanced Tracking Protection (WWW, Firefox)

ETR Early Token Release (Token Ring)

ETR Evaluation Technical Report (CC)

ETS Embedded ToolSuite (Phar Lap)

ETS Emergency Telecommunication Service (RFC 3689)

ETS Enhanced Transmission Selection (IEEE 802.1Qaz, DCB)

ETS European Telecommunication Standard (ETSI)

ETS Executable Test Suite (ISO 9646-1)

ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute (Org., Europa, ETSI)

ETW Event Tracing for Windows (MS)

ETX End of Transmission teXt

EU Execution Unit (CPU)

EUC Extended Unix Code (Unix, AT&T)

EUCTF European Union Cybercrime Taskforce (Org., Europa)

EUD End User Development

EUDC EMACS Unified Directory Client (EMACS)

EUFS Embedded Universal Flash Storage (UFS), "eUFS"

EULA End User License Agreement (MS, DRM)

EUNET European Unix NETwork (Netzwerk, Internet, ISP, Unix)

EURID European Registry of Internet Domain names (Org., Internet, Europa)

EUROISPA EUROpean Internet Service Provider Association (Org., ISP) "EuroISPA"

EUS EntscheidungsUnterstützende Systeme

EUSES End Users Shaping Effective Software [initiative] (USA)

EUSIDIC ??? [European Association of Information Services] (Org., Europa)

EUSUVP EntscheidungsUnterstützendes System UmweltVerträglichkeitsPrüfung (EUS, XPS, Uni Hamburg)

EUTRA Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (UMTS, LTE), "E-UTRA"

EUUG European Unix User Group (Org., User group, Unix, Europa)

EUV Extreme UltraViolet

EUVL Extreme UltraViolet Lithography

EV EtagenVerteiler (Kabel, EN 50 173)

EV Extended Validation

EVA [StorageWorks] Enterprise Virtual Array (HP, HDD)

EVBIT Ergänzende VertragsBedingugen - InformationsTechnik, "EVB-IT"

EVC Enhanced Video Connector (VESA)

EVD Enhanced Versatile Disk (China)

EVDO Enhanced Voice-Data Optimized / Only (Mobile-Systems, Qualcomm, ITU), "EV-DO"

EVE Extended Virtual Environment

EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine (VM)

EVMS Enterprise Volume Management System (OSS, IBM)

EVN EinzelVerbindungsNachweis (DTAG)

EVP Enhanced Virus Protection (AMD, CPU)

EVS Enhanced Voice Service (VoLTE, VoWiFi)

EWAS Elektronisches WareneingangsAbwicklungsSystem (MBAG)

EWD Engine and Warming Display (Airbus, A380), "E/WD"

EWIKO [verein zur förderung] Elektronischer WIssenschaftsKOmmunikation (Org.)

EWOS European Workshop for Open Systems (OSI, ODA)

EWS Employee Written Software (IBM)

EWS European Workshop on SGML (Org., SGML)

EWS Exchange Web Services (MS)

EXBI EXaBInary [ (2^10)^6]

EXCA EXchangeable Card Architecture, "ExCA"

EXFAT Extended File Allocation Table (FAT), "exFAT"

EXFCB EXtended File Control Block

EXIF Exchangeable Image File Format (DCF, photo, CIPA)

EXSLT Enhanced eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSL, XML, XSLT)

EXTRA EXecutionTRace Analyser (IBM, OS/2)

EXUG European X Users Group (Org., User group, Europa)

EXWM EMACS X Window Manager (Emacs)

EXZ EXcessive Zeros [error event] (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

EZ EchtZeit (Messe)

F2C FORTRAN to C [converter]

F2F Frequency - Double Frequency

F2FS Flash-Friendly File System (Linux, Samsung, FS), "F2fs"

FA FernmeldeAmt (DTAG)

FAA Flow Admission Acknowledge [message] (LFAP)

FAAS Function As A Service, "FaaS"

FABS Fast Access Btree Structure

FAC Final Assembly Code (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

FACCH Fast Associated Control CHannel (GSM, DCCH, Mobile-Systems)

FACE Framed Access Command Environment (Unix, SVR4)

FACS Firmware ACPI Control Structure (ACPI)

FADOS Fast Amsterdam Distributed (???) Operating System

FADT Fixed ACPI Description Table (ACPI)

FADU File Access Data Unit (FTAM)

FAE Field Application Engineer

FAG FernmeldeAnlagenGesetz (DFÜ, Deutschland)

FAI Fully Automatic Installation

FAID Flash Authority Identification Data (EEPROM)

FAIS Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (Org., Finnland, AI)

FAL File Abstraction Layer (TYPO3)

FAL File Access Listener (DEC, DNA)

FALD Full Array Local Dimming (LED)

FAME FORMEX Applied to Multilingualism in Europe (SGML, Europa)

FAMOS Floating gate Avalanche injection Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

FAMP Fast Amsterdam MultiProcessor

FANP Flow Attribute Notification Protocol (Toshiba, RFC 2129)

FAP Flight Attendant Panel (Airbus, A380, CIDS, LCD)

FAPI Family Application Programmer Interface (DOS, VDM, API)

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

FAR False Acception Rate

FAR Fixed Alternative Routing (SNI)

FAR Flow Admission Request [message] (LFAP)

FARE Film Automatic Retouching and Enhancement (Canon, Scanner)

FARNET Federation of American Research NETworks (Netzwerk)

FAS Flow Admission Service

FASMI Fast Analysis of Shared Multidimensional Information (OLAP)

FAST Fast ARM Solutions Toolkit (ARM, Palm, PDA)

FAST First Application System Test

FAST Forschungsinstitut für Angewandte Software-Technologie [e.v.] (Org.)

FASTA FAhrzeugbetriebs- und Servicedaten-Transfer und -Analyse (BMW)

FAT File Allocation Table (DOS, FS)

FATA Fibre-Attached Technology Adapted (HP, SATA, HDD)

FAU Flow Admission Update [message] (LFAP)

FAU Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Org., Erlangen, Nürnberg)

FAW Forschungsinstitut für Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (Org., KI, Ulm)

FAXP FAX Profile (Bluetooth, SPP), "FaxP"

FB Fiber optic Backbone

FBAS FarbBild-AustastSystem / Farb-Bild-Austast-Synchron-signal (Video)

FBDIMM Fully Buffered Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM, IC, RAM), "FB-DIMM"

FBL Frame Burst error Length (CD)

FBM Flexible Buffer Management (QMS)

FBPP Federal Biometeric Protection Profile (NIAP)

FBS Flexible Bandwidth Service (ATM, SDH)

FC Federal Criteria [for information technology security] (NIST, USA)

FC Feedback Control

FC Fibre Channel (FC)

FC Force Close (Android)

FC Frame Control (FDDI, Token Ring)

FCA Flow Control Ack (DLSW)

FCAL Fibre Channel - Arbitrated Loop, "FC-AL"

FCAPS Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security [management areas]

FCB File Control Block (DOS)

FCBB Fibre Channel BackBone (FCP), "FC-BB"

FCBS File Control BlockS (DOS)

FCC Fast Communication Controller (SCC, MCC)

FCC Federal Communications Commission (Org., USA)

FCC Forward Carbon Copy (DFÜ)

FCCH Frequency Correction CHannel (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

FCCN Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (Org., Portugal)

FCD Floating Car Data

FCDAE Fibre Channel Disk Array Enclosure (FC), "FC-DAE"

FCFS First Come, First Served

FCGC Flight Control and Guidance Computer (Airbus, A380)

FCGS4 Fibre Channel Generic Service 4 (FC, SAN, ANSI), "FC-GS-4"

FCH Frame Control Channel (HiperLAN/2)

FCI Fibre Channel Interface

FCI Flow Control Indicator (DLSW)

FCI Forward Cache Identifier (CATNIP)

FCIA Fibre Channel Industry Association (Org.)

FCIP Fibre Channel over Internet Protocol (SAN, FC, IP)

FCL Framework Class Library (MS, .NET)

FCMAMR Flux Control Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording (Toshiba, HDD), "FC-MAMR"

FCMI Fibre Channel Methodology for Interconnects (FC, SAN, ANSI), "FC-MI"

FCO Flow Control Operator Bits (DLSW, BIT)

FCOE Fibre Channel Over Ethernet, "FCoE"

FCOS Flip Chip on Substrate

FCP [SCSI-3] Fibre Channel Protocol (SAM)

FCP First Contenful Paint (WWW)

FCPGA Flip Chip Pin Grid Array (IC, CPU), "FC-PGA"

FCPH Fibre Channel PHysical and signaling interface (SAM), "FC-PH"

FCR Flow Change Request [message] (LFAP)

FCS Fast Circuit Switching

FCS First Customer Ship (IBM)

FCS Frame Check Sequence (FDDI, Token Ring)

FCS Frame Check Sum (MODEM)

FCSAN Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (FC, SAN)

FCSC Flight Control Secondary Computer (Airbus, A380)


FDAD Functional Data ADministrator

FDC Floppy Disk Controller (FDD)

FDCC Federal Desktop Core Configuration (NVD, SCAP)

FDCT Fast Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT)

FDD Floppy Disk Drive

FDD Frequency Division Duplex (Mobile-Systems)

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface (ANSI, ISO 8314)

FDDITPPMD FDDI Twisted Pair-Physical layer, Medium Dependent, "FDDI TP-PMD"

FDE Full Disk Encryption

FDE Full Duplex Ethernet (Ethernet)

FDES Full Duplex EtherSwitch (Kalpana)

FDI [fachverband der ] Führungskräfte der Druckindustrie und Informationsverarbeitung (Org.)

FDIS Final Draft International Standard (MPEG)

FDL File Definition Language

FDL Free Documentation License (GNU)

FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

FDM Fused Deposition Modelling

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems)

FDMI Flat Display Mounting Interface (VESA, MIS)

FDO Functional Device Object

FDSN Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (Org.)

FDSOI Fully Depleted Silicon On Insulator, "FD-SOI"

FDT Formal Description Technique

FDTDMA Frequency Division/Time Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems, GSM), "FD/TDMA"

FDX Full DupleX

FE Focus Error (DVD)

FE Forschung und Entwicklung, "F&E"

FE Functional Entity (IN)

FEA Functional Entity Action (IN, UNI)

FEAL Fast Data Encipherment Algorithm (DES, Verschlüsselung)

FEAST Fast Data Enciphering Algorithm (Verschlüsselung)

FEBE Far End Block Error (SONET)

FEC Forward Error Correction (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification (ATM)

FEDRAMP FEDeral Risk and Authorization Management Program (USA), "FedRAMP"


FEIT Fujitsu Enhanced Imaging Technology (Fujitsu)

FEK File Encryption Key (Verschlüsselung)

FEM Fabric Expander Module (Dell, FSE)

FEM Finite Elemente Methode

FEMBMS Further Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (LTE, eMBMS), "FeMBMS"

FEN Free-net Erlangen/Nürnberg

FEP Firewall Enhancement Protocol (RFC 3093)

FEP Flight Envelope Protection (Airbus, A380)

FEP Front End Processor

FER Forward Error Correction (Satellit)

FERAM Ferro-Electrical Random Access Memory (RAM), "FeRAM"

FERF Far End Receive Failure (UNI, ATM, SONET, OAM)

FESI Federacion Espanola de Sociedades de Informatica (Org., Spanien)

FET Field Effect Transistor

FF Form (ular) Feed

FFAPI File Format API (MS, API)

FFC Fully Formed Character [printer]

FFDC First Failure Data Capture

FFDT FDDI Full Duplexing Technology (FDDI)

FFF Fused Filament Fabrication

FFFS Failsafe Flash File System (FS, Flash), "F3S"

FFII Förderverein für Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur (Org.)


FFS Fallback Fault-tolerant Server (IBM, OS/2)

FFS Fast File System (Unix, Amiga, Commodore)

FFS Fast Filing System (BSD, Unix)

FFS Flexible Fertigungs-Systeme

FFST2 First Failure Support Technology /2 (IBM), "FFST/2"

FFT Final Form Text

FGA Future Graphics Adapter (Spea)

FGCS Fifth Generation Computer Systems [project] (ICOT)

FGPP Fine Grained Password Policy (AD)

FGREP Fixed Global Regular Expression Print (Unix, GREP)

FHE Fully Homomorphic Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

FHGS FreeHand Graphics Studio (Macromedia, DTP)

FHIR Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (USA)

FHS File system Hierarchy Standard (Linux, LSB)

FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (WLAN)

FIA Fiberoptic Industry Association (Org.)

FIB Forwarding Information Base (router, LAN, Internet)

FIBU FInanzBUchhaltung

FIC First International Computer [inc.] (Hersteller)

FICS Free Internet Chess Server

FID File IDentifier (APDU)

FID File Identifier Descriptor (UDF, CD-R)

FID First Input Delay (WWW)

FIDO Fast IDentity Online (Org.)

FIDO FIlter Device Object, "FiDO"

FIF Fractal Interchange Format

FIFF Forum Informatikerinnen Für den Frieden (Org.)

FIFO First In First Out (CPU)

FIG Forth Interest Group (Org., Forth)

FIGLET Frank, Ian and Glenn's LETters (ASCII, fonts)

FILE Free Internet Lexicon and Encyclopedia (WWW, DICT)

FILO First In Last Out

FIMAS Financial Institution Message Authentication Standard (Banking, ANSI)

FINTS FINancial Transaction Services (Banking, HBCI), "FinTS"

FIOC Frame Input/Output Controller

FIP Facility Interface Processor

FIP Factory Instrumentation Protocol

FIP Fluorescent Indicator Panel

FIPA Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (Org., Agents)

FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard (NIST, USA)

FIQ Fast Interrupt reQuest (ARM, RISC)


FIR Finite Impulse Response (DSP)

FIRE Flexible Intelligent Routing Engine (3Com)

FIRE Future Internet Research and Experimentation (Europa, CORDIS)

FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (USA)

FIRP Federal Internet Requirements Panel (Internet, USA)

FIRS Federated Internet Registry Service (LDAP, Internet)

FIRST ForschungsInstitut für Rechnerarchitektur und SoftwareTechnik (Org., GMD, Berlin)

FIRST Forum of Incident Response and SecuriTy (Org., NIST)

FIS FachInformationsSystem

FIS FührungsInformationsSysteme

FISH FIle transfer with a SHell, "FiSH"

FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act (USA)

FIT Failures In Time

FIT Fraunhofer institut für angewandte InformationsTechnik (Org.)

FITS Functional Interpolating Transformation System

FITUG Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft [e.V.] (Org.)

FIU Fingerprint Identification Unit (Sony)

FIZ FachInformationsZentrum karlsruhe (Org., Deutschland)

FK Foundation Kit (NextStep, OpenStep, Apple, Rhapsody)

FKS Fernmelde-Klein-Steckverbindung (Westernstecker)

FL Fiber optic Link

FLAC Free Lossless Audio CODEC (CODEC, audio)

FLACC Full Level Algol Checkout Compiler

FLAME FLexible API for Module-based Environments (RL, API)

FLASK FLux Advanced Security Kernel (DTOS)

FLC Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal

FLEA Four Letter Extended Acronym

FLEXIP FLEXible Internet Protocol (Novell, Netware), "FLeX/IP"

FLIM Faithful Library about Internet Message (EMACS, GNU)

FLOC Federated Learning Of Cohorts (Google, WWW), "FLoC"

FLOPS FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU)

FLOSS Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

FLOWR For, Let, Order by, Where, Return [principle] (DB, XML)

FLP Fast Link Pulse (Ethernet, LAN, NLP)

FLS ???

FM Frequenz-Modulation

FMA Federated Management Architecture (Java)

FMA Fused Multiply Add [operation]

FMB Flexible MotherBoard [design]

FMM Flash Memory Manager (Intel)

FMO Flexible Macroblock Ordering (AVC, Video)

FMP First Meaningful Paint (WWW)

FMS FernMeldeSystem

FMS FORTRAN Monitor System (OS, IBM 709)

FMSB Flip Mount Super Back-plate (Scythe), F.M.S.B.

FMTEYEWTK Far More Than Everything You Ever Wanted To Know (Slang, PERL)

FMV Full Motion Video [game]

FMWC Financial Modeling World Cup, https://www.fmworldcup.com/

FNC Federal Networking Council (Org., USA)

FNI FachNormenausschuss Informationsverarbeitung [1962-1987] (DIN, NI, Vorläufer)

FO Fiber Optic

FOA Fiber Optic Association (Org.)

FOAF Friend Of A Friend [vocabulary] (RDF)

FOC Fiber Optic Cable / Communications

FOCAL FOrmula CALculator

FOCS [symposium on] Foundations Of Computer Science (Konferenz)

FOD Flexible Optical Disk (OD)

FODA Formal specification of ODA document structures (ODA, ISO)

FODO [international conference on] Foundations Of Data Organization and algorithms (Conference, INRIA)

FOEBUD [verein zur] Förderung des OEffentlichen Bewegten und Unbewegten Datenverkehrs [e.v.] (Org.) "FoeBuD"

FOIP Face Over Internet Protocol (IP), "FoIP"

FOIRL Fiber Optic InterRepeater Link (OWG)

FOKUS Forschungszentrum für Offene KommUnikationsSysteme (Org., GMD, Berlin)

FOLDOC Free OnLine Dictionary Of Computing (WWW, UK)

FOLED Flexible Organic Light Emitting Display (OLED)

FOMA Freedom Of Multimedia Access (Japan, Mobile-Systems)

FOMAU Fiber Optic MAU (Ethernet, MAU)

FON Fiber Optics Network

FOO Friends Of O'reilly [meeting]

FOOBAR FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (RFC 1639, FTP)

FOOT Forum for Object Oriented Technology (CERN, OOP)

FOP Feature Orientated Programming

FOP Formatting Object Processor (Apache, XSL-FO)

FORMEX FORMalised EXchange of electronic publications (SGML, Europa)

FORML Formal Object Role Modelling Language


FORTWIHR FORschungsverbund für Technisch-WIssenschaftliches HochleistungsRechnen (Org., Bayern)

FORWISS bayerisches FORschungszentrum für WISsensbasierte Systeme (Org., KI)

FOSI Format Output Specification Instance (SGML, CALS)

FOSS Free and Open Source Software

FOSSFA Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa (Org., Afrika)

FOSSIL Fido Opus Seadog Standard Interface Layer

FOT Fiber Optic Transceiver

FOTA Firmware Over The Air

FOTE Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation, "FOT & E"

FOUC Flash Of Unstyled Content (CSS)

FOURCC FOUR Character Code (RIFF, TIFF, VFW, DivX)

FOV Field Of View (VRML)

FOX Field Operational X.500

FPA Fast Packet Adaption (FPS, FPR)

FPA Floating Point Accelerator

FPAA Field Programmable ALU Array (IC, ALU, RL)

FPBGA Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array (IC, CPU)

FPC Floating Point Coprocessor

FPD Flat Panel Display

FPDI Flat Panel Display Interface (VESA)

FPDU FTAM Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

FPE Floating Point Engine

FPFA Field Programmable Function Array

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array (RL)

FPI Flux changes Per Inch (HDD)

FPI Formal Public Identifier (DTD, SGML, SI)

FPI Functional Process Improvement

FPK Fast Packet Keying (WLAN, WEP, RSA, Verschlüsselung)

FPLA Field Programmable Logic Array

FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System (IN, Mobile-Systems)

FPM Fast Page Mode [DRAM] (RAM, DRAM)

FPM Fast Page Mode [ram] (RAM, DRAM, IC)


FPMPMI Flat Panel Monitor Physical Mounting Interface [standard] [veraltet/old term] (LCD, VESA, FDMI)

FPNW File and Print service for NetWare (MS, Windows, NT, DSMN)

FPODA Fixed Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, PODA)

FPP Fast-Parallel-Port

FPP Floating Point Processor


FPP Full Packaged Product (MS)

FPR Fast Packet Relay (FPS, FPA)

FPR Film Patterned Retarder (LCD)

FPR Floating Point Register (FPU)

FPS Fast Packet Switching (X.25, Datex-J)

FPS First Person Shooter [game]

FPS Frames Per Second

FPSE Free PlayStation Emulator, "FPSe"

FPSE FrontPage Server Extensions (Microsoft, IIS)

FPU Floating Point Unit (CPU)

FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name (Internet)

FRAD Frame Relay Access Device

FRAM Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

FRC Frame Rate Control (PDP)

FRD Functional Requirements Description

FRED Flexible Return and Event Delivery (Intel, IDT)

FRF Floatingpoint Register File (DEC, Alpha, CPU)

FRICC Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee (Org.)

FRL Fixed Rate Link (HDMI)

FRL Frame Representation Language (AI)


FROM Factory Read Only Memory (ROM)

FRR False Rejection Rate

FRR Functional Recovery Routine

FRS Flexible Route Selection

FRS Frame Relay Service (ATM, UNI)

FRU Field Replace Unit

FS File System (LVM)

FS Forward Secrecy (Verschlüsselung, PFS)

FS Frame Status (FDDI, Token Ring)

FSAG Free Software Association of Germany (Org.)

FSB For Small Business (Novell)

FSB Front Side Bus

FSC Fujitsu Siemens Computer (Hersteller)

FSCK File System Consistency checK (Unix)

FSD File System Driver

FSE Fabric Switch Engine (Dell, FEM)

FSF Free Software Foundation (Org., GNU)

FSFE Free Software Foundation Europe (Org., FSF)

FSG Free Standards Group (Org.)

FSH File System Hierarchy (Linux, LSB)

FSIP Full Scale InPut (FSOP)

FSK Frequency Shift Keying (DFÜ)

FSM Finite State Machine (TTCN, ...)

FSM Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia (Org., Deutschland)

FSMGDOS Font Scaling Manager - Graphics Device Operating System (OS, Atari), "FSM-GDOS"

FSMO Flexible Single Master Operations (AD, MS)

FSO [scripting runtime library] File System Objects (MS, WSH)

FSOP Full Scale OutPut (FSIP)

FSOS Free Standing Operating System (OS)

FSP File Slurping Protocol

FSP Firmware Support Package (Intel)

FSPF Fibre channel Shortest Path First

FSR Fidelity-fx Super Resolution (AMD)

FSRM File Server Resource Manager (AD)

FSRTL File System RunTime Library

FSS Fair Share Scheduler (Solaris, Sun)

FSS Fast System Switch (Unix)

FSSUTF FileSystem Safe UCS Transformation Format (UCS, Unicode), "FSS-UTF"

FST Flat Square Technology (Hitachi)

FSTN Film SuperTwisted Nematic (LCD)

FSTP Foiled Shielded Twisted Pair [cable] (STP, TP), "F/STP"

FSU Free Software Union (Org.)

FSV Flexible Sender Validation (SPAM)

FSVO For Some Value Of (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FT1 Fractional T1 (ISDN, T1, DS-0, DS-1)

FTA Floptical Technology Association (3M u.a.)

FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management (GOSIP, ISO 8571/8572)

FTBFS Fails To Build From Source (Linux, Debian, Slang)

FTC Federal Trade Commission (Org., USA)

FTE [DCOM] For The Enterprise (DCOM, SAG)

FTF Flash Tool Firmwares (Android)

FTL Flash Translation Layer

FTM File Transfer Manager (PDA, Casio)

FTN Fido Technology Network (FidoNet)

FTNA File Transfer Access and Management

FTNEA File Transfer NEtwork Architecure (SNI)

FTOS File Transfer Open Systems

FTOS File Transfer OSI Support

FTP File Transfer Protocol (Internet, RFC 959)

FTP Foiled Twisted Pair [cable] (UTP, TP)

FTPD File Transfer Protocol DAEMON (FTP)

FTR Full Text Retrieval

FTS Fidonet Technical Standard

FTS2000 Federal Telecommunications Services - 2000 (USA), "FTS-2000"

FTSC Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee (Org., USA)

FTSC Fidonet Technical Standard Conference (Konferenz)

FTTC Fiber To The Curb

FTTH Fibre To The Home (FTTN)

FTTLA Fiber To The Last Amplifier

FTTN Fibre To The Node (FTTH)

FTZ FernmeldeTechnische Zentralamt / Zulassung (DTAG, ZZF, Vorläufer)

FTZ Flush To Zero (DAZ)

FUA Flow Update Acknowledge [message] (LFAP)

FUB Freie Universität Berlin (Org.)

FUBAB Fouled / Fucked Up Beyond All Belief (DFUE-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FUBAR Failed UniBus Address Register (VAX)

FUBAR Fouled / Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition / Repair (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FUD Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt (Slang, IBM)

FUHD Full Ultra HD [7680x4320] (HD)

FUN Flow Update Notification [message] (LFAP)

FUNI Frame User Network Interface

FUSE Filesystem in USErspace (Linux)

FUSSP Final Ultimate Solution to the SPAM Problem (SPAM)

FÜV Fernmeldeanlagen-ÜberwachungsVerordnung

FVD Forward Versatile Disc (China, WMV)

FVWM F Virtual Window Manager

FWA Fixed Wireless Access

FWH FirmWare Hub (BIOS, Intel)

FWIW For What It's Worth (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FWS Folding White Space (RFC 1822)

FWT Fast Wavelet Transformation

FXO Foreign eXchange Office (FXS)

FXS Foreign Exchange System / Subscriber (FXO)

FXU FiXed point Unit (POWER, CPU)

FYI For Your Information (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FZA ??? [compression]

FZI ForschungsZentrum Informatik (Org., Uni Karlsruhe)

GA General Availability (OS/2)

GA Genetic Algorithm (s)

GAA Gate All-Around

GAA General Application Area (CD-MRW)

GAAFET Gate-All-Around Field Effect Transistor (FET)

GABELN Gruppe Area Brett Echo Liste Newsgroup (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, BBS)

GABRIEL GAteway and BRIdge to Europe's national Libraries, http://www.ddb.de/gabriel

GAC Global Assembly Cache (MS, .NET)

GAC Government Advisory Council (ICANN)

GADK Global Application Developers Kit (Sun)

GAE Generic Application Environment

GAEB Gemeinsamer Ausschuß für Elektronik im Bauwesen (Org.)

GAFCON German AirForce Communication Network (Mil., Deutschland, Netzwerk)

GAFDIN German AirForce Digital Network (Mil., Deutschland, Netzwerk)

GAIA GUI Application Interoperability Architecture (OSF)

GAIN Gator Advertising and Information Network

GAIN German Advanced Integrated Network (IBM)

GAK Governmental Accessed Keys (Verschlüsselung)

GAL Generic Array celL / Logic

GAL Global Address List (MS, Windows, Exchange)

GAMBAS Gambas Almost Means BASic

GAN Generative Adversarial Network

GAN Global Area Network

GAN GrenzAktenNachweis (INPOL)

GAP Generic Access Profile (DECT, Europa, Bluetooth)

GAP Generic Address Parameter

GARP Gratious Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), "gARP"

GART Graphics Address Remapping Table (AGP)

GASH Group Admin SHell (Unix, Shell)

GATOR GATeway OrientierungsRatgeber (Internet)


GB GigaByte

GB GingerBread (Android, OS)

GB GuoBao [codepage]

GBA GameBoy Advance (Nintendo)

GBASP GameBoy Advance Special Project (Nintendo), "GBA SP"

GBE GigaBit-Ethernet (LAN), "GbE"

GBIC GigaBIT Interface Converter

GBIT Giga BIT (BIT), "GBit"

GBM Generalised Bitmap Module (DLL, Windows, Linux, OS/2)

GBPS GigaBits Per Second (BIT)

GC Global Catalog (MS, AD)

GC Graphic Context (X-Windows)

GCA General Communications Architecture (Ingres)

GCAD Geographical Computer Aided Design System

GCATT Georgia Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (Org., USA)

GCC GNU C Compiler / GNU Compiler Collection (GNU)

GCCS Global Command and Control System (DISA, Mil.)

GCCS Government Code and Cipher School (UK, Mil.), "GC&CS"

GCF Generic Connection Framework (Java, J2ME)

GCFW GIAC Certified FireWall analyst (GIAC, GSE)

GCHQ Government Communications HeadQuarters (Mil., UK)

GCIA GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GIAC, GSE)

GCID Global Call IDentifier

GCIDIE Global Call IDentifier- Information Element (GCID), "GCID-IE"

GCIH GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GIAC, GSE)

GCJ GNU Compiler for Java (GNU, Java)


GCL Graphics Command Language

GCM Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)

GCMP Galois/Counter Mode Protocol (GCM)

GCN Graphics Core Next (AMD)

GCOS General Comprehensive Operating System (Honeywell, OS, Honeywell Series 60, Honeywell Series 6000)

GCR Gray Component Replacement (RGB, CYMK, DTP)

GCR Group Coded Recording

GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (UNI, ATM)

GCS Greek Computer Society (Org., Griechenland)

GCS Group Control System (IBM, VM, VME, VM/ESA)

GCT Group Completion Table (Power4, IBM, CPU)

GCUX GIAC Certified UniX security administrator (GIAC, GSE)

GCWN GIAC Certified WiNdows security administrator (GIAC, GSE)

GCWS [ServerWorks] Grand Champion WorksStation [chipset], "GC-WS"

GDA Global Directory Agent (DCE)

GDAP Government Document Application Profile

GDB GNU DeBugger (GNU)

GDBM GNU Data Base Manager (DB, GNU)

GDC Game Developers Conference

GDC GCC D Compiler (GCC)

GDD Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherung (Org.)

GDDM Graphical Data Display Manager (IBM)

GDDR2 Graphics Double Data Rate 2 (SDRAM, IC, Samsung)

GDF Gnutella Developer Forum (GNU, Internet)

GDH Grid Data Handle (grid)

GDI Graphical Device / Display Interface

GDL Geometric Description Language

GDM Grid Data Management (Grid)

GDMI Generic Definition of Management Information

GDMO Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects (OSI)

GDOP Geometrical Dilution Of Precision (GPS)

GDOS Graphics Device Operating System (OS, Atari)

GDOUG Greater Detroit OS/2 User Group (Org., User group, OS/2, USA)

GDPDU Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit Digitaler Unterlagen (BMF), "GDPdU"

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GDPS Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex

GDQS Grid Distributed Query Service (DQP, OGSA-DAI, grid)

GDR General Distribution Release

GDR Grid Data Reference (grid)

GDROM GigaDisk Read Only Memory (Sega, ROM), "GD-ROM"

GDS Generalized Data Stream (IBM, APPC)

GDS Global Directory Service (DCE)

GDS Grid Data Service (grid)

GDSF Grid Data Service Factory (GDS, grid)

GDT Global Descriptor Table

GDT Grid Data Transport (grid)

GDTD Grid Data Transport Depot (GDT, grid)

GDTRC Global Descriptor Table Register Cache (GDT, Intel, CPU)

GDTS Grid Data Translation / Transformation Service (grid)

GE General Electric (Hersteller, GE)

GE GigaBIT Ethernet (Ethernet, BIT)

GEAM GEAM Encrypts All Mails (Verschlüsselung)

GECOS General Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisor / System (OS, GE, GCOS, Vorläufer, Honeywell)

GED Google Experience Device (Android, OS)

GEDCOM GEnealogical Data COMmunication [format], "GeDCom"

GEF Graphical Editing Framework (Java, SWT, WTP)

GEGL GEneric Graphic Library (GIMP)

GEI Gesellschaft für Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung [mbh] (Hersteller, Aachen)

GEIST German Encyclopedic Internet Service Terminal (Org.)

GEM Generalized Executive for realtime Multiprocessor applications (OS)

GEM Graphics Environment Manager (DR, PC)

GEMM GEneral Matrix Multiply (BLAS)

GENA General Event Notification Architecture (UPnP)

GENI Global Environment for Network Innovations (NSF)

GENIE General Electric Network for Information Exchange (Netzwerk, GE)

GEOS Graphic Environment Operating System (OS)

GEPON Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON, IEEE 802.3ah)

GERAN GSM EDGE Radio Access Network (GSM, EDGE, Mobile-Systems)

GESIP GESellschaft für Informatik in der Pharmazie [e.v.] (Org.)

GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications System (USA)

GEVN GEOFON Virtual Network (GEOFON)

GFC Generic Flow Control (ATM)

GFC Going For Coffee (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GFDL GNU Free Documentation License (GNU)

GFLOPS Giga FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU)

GFP Global Functional Plane (IN)

GFS Global File System (GFS, Unix)

GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (DFÜ)

GGF Global Grid Forum (Org., grid, EMC, FSC, HP, Intel, Oracle, ...)

GGI General Graphics Interface

GGP Gateway to Gateway Protocol (RFC 823)

GGS GüteGemeinschaft Software [e.v.] (Org.)

GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

GHOST Goal Hierarchy and Objectives Structuring Technique (TUB)

GHTSTN Guest Host Technique SuperTwisted Nematic (LCD), "GHT-STN"

GI Gesellschaft für Informatik (Org.)

GIAC Global Information Assurance Certification (Org.)

GIBI GIgaBInary [ (2^10)^3]

GIC Generic Interrupt Controller

GID Group ID

GIDAS Grafisch-Interaktives DatenAnalyseSystem

GIDEI General Input Device Emulation Interface

GIDF Google Ist Dein Freund (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

GIDO General Intrusion Detection Object (CIDF)

GIFT GNU Image Finding Tool (GNU)

GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out

GII General Input Interface

GIL Gesellschaft für Informatik in der Land-, forst- und ernährungswirtschaft [e.v.] (Org.)

GIM Gesellschaft für informationstechnik und InformationsManagement [mbh] (ISC, Bremen)

GIMP General / GNU Image Manipulation Program (Linux, Graphik, GNU)

GIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (Internet)

GINA Generische INteraktive Anwendung (GMD)

GINA Graphic Identification and Authentication

GIOP General Inter-ORB Protocol (OMG, CORBA, ORB, IIOP)

GIPS Giga Instructions Per Second (CPU)

GIRL Generalized Information Retrieval Language

GIS Geographic Information System

GISF GIAC Information Security Fundamentals (GIAC)

GIT GNU Interactive Tools [veraltet/old term] (GNU)

GITS Government Information Technology Service (USA)

GIUA German Ingres User Association (Org., User group, DBMS, DB)

GJSP GNU Java Server Pages (GNU, Java, JSP)

GKDC Group Key Distribution Centre (KDC, CBT)

GKHI Generalized Kernel Hook Infrastructure (Linux, IBM)

GKMP Group Key Management Protocol

GKS Graphic Kernel System

GLDV Gesellschaft für Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung (Org.)

GLF Group Looking For (MMORPG, Slang, LFG)

GLGPL GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU)

GLI Graphics Link Interface

GLM Generalized Markup Language

GLOCOM [center for] GLObal COMmunications (Org., Japan)

GLONASS Globalnaja Nawigazionnaja Sputnikowaja Sistema

GLSL openGL Shading Language (OpenGL)

GLT openGL c++ Toolkit (OpenGL)

GLTSD Global Logging Target Save Disabled (HDD, SCSI)

GLU openGL Utility Library (OpenGL, GLU)

GLUT openGL Utility library Toolkit (OpenGL, GLU)

GLX openGL extension for the X window system (OpenGL, X-WIndows)

GM General MIDI [standard] (MIDI)

GMA Gesellschaft für Meß- und Automatisierungstechnik (Org., VDI)

GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code (GCM)

GMC Global Motion Compensation (DivX, Video)

GMCH Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (Intel, ICH)

GMD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (Org., St. Augustin)

GMDS deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Dokumentation, informatik und Statistik [e.v.] (Org.)

GME Gesellschaft MikroElektronik (Org., VDE, VDI)

GMGPL GNAT Modified GNU Public License (GNAT, GNU, GPL)

GMI Generic Management Information (OSI)

GMK Group Master Key (RSN, Verschlüsselung)

GML GameMaker Language

GML General Markup Language

GML Geography Markup Language (XML, OGC)

GML Graph Modeling Language

GMÖOR Gesellschaft ??? (Org.)

GMP GNU Multi-Precision [library] (GNU)

GMPLS Generalized MultiProtocol Label Switching

GMR Giant Magneto-Resistive [heads] (HDD, IBM, Toshiba)

GMSC Gateway Mobile services Switching Center (Mobile-Systems)

GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying

GMT Greenwich Mean Time [+0000] (TZ, UTC, UK)

GNA Global Network Academy (Internet)

GNAT GNU Ada Translator (GNU)

GNBD Global Network Block Device (GFS)

GNFS General Number Field Sieve (Verschlüsselung)

GNI GayNet International (Netzwerk)

GNIUs GSM Network for Improved access to Universal Services (GSM, Europa)

GNMP Government Network Management Profile (USA)

GNN Global Network Navigator (Internet, WWW)

GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNU, GNOME, GUI)

GNU GNU's Not Unix (rekursiv!, Unix, GNU, OS)

GNUIT GNU Interactive Tools (GNU)

GNUPG GNU Privacy Guard (GNU, Verschlüsselung) "GnuPG"


GNX400 Gateway Network eXchange 400 (Proteon, SNA, SDLC), "GNX 400"

GOBS Grundsätze Ordnungsmäßiger DVgestützter BuchführungsSysteme (DV), "GoBS"

GOCA Graphic Object Content Architecture (IBM, MO:DCA)

GOD Global OutDial

GOD Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Datenverarbeitung, "GoD"

GOEP Generic Object Exchange Profile (Bluetooth, SPP)

GOK GNOME On-screen Keyboard (GNOME)

GOLEM GroßspeicherOrientierte Listenorganisierte ErmittlungsMethode (Siemens)

GOMS Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection [theory]

GOP Group Of Pictures (Video, VOBU, DVD)

GOPS Giga Operations Per Second

GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnections Profile (USA, UK)

GOT Global Offset Table

GP Generative Programming

GPA GNU Privacy Assistant (GNU, GnuPG)

GPC General-Purpose Computation

GPC GNU Pascal Compiler (GNU)

GPC Graphics Performance Characterization [committee] (Org., HP, IBM, DEC, SGI, Sun, ...)

GPC Graphics Performance Council (SPEC)

GPC Group Policy Container (AD, GPO)

GPCI Graphics Processor Command Interface

GPF General Protection Fault (Windows)

GPFS General Parallel File System (IBM)

GPG GNU Privacy Guard (GNU)

GPGPU General Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPU)

GPI Graphics Programming Interface

GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488)

GPIB General-Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488, GPIB)

GPIO General Purpose Input Output

GPL General Public Licence (GNU)

GPL Graphics Programming Language

GPM Gesellschaft für ProjektManagement [e.v.] (Org.)

GPMC Group Policy Management Console (MS, Windows, XP, .NET)

GPO Group Policy Objects (AD, GPO)

GPON Gigabit Passive Optical Network (EPON)

GPOS General Purpose Operation System

GPP [SCSI-3] Generic Packetized Protocol (SAM)

GPP Geforce Partner Program (Nvidia)

GPP GNU [C] Plus Plus [compiler] (GNU)

GPR General Purpose Register (CPU)

GPRS General Packet Radio Service / System (ETSI, GSM, TCP/IP, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

GPS Global Positioning System (GPS)

GPSI Graphics Processor Software Interface

GPSID GPS Intermediate Driver (Windows, Mobile)

GPT Group Policy Template (AD, GPO)

GPT GUID Partition Table (EFI, GUID)

GPU Graphics Processing Unit

GPV General Public Virus

GQES Grid Query Evaluation Service (DQP, OGSA-DAI, grid)

GRADD GRaphics Adapter Device Driver (OS/2, IBM)

GRAPHML GRAPH Markup Language

GRAPHXML GRAPH eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

GRASP Graphic Animation System for Professionals

GRAW Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

GRC Generic Reference Configuration

GRDDL Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (W3C, XML, RDF)

GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation (RFC 1701, VPN)

GREASE Generate Random Extensions And Sustain Extensibility (TLS)

GREP Global Regular Expression Print (Unix)

GRH Global Route Header (Infiniband)

GRIB GRIdded Binary [format]

GRIC Global Research Internet Connection (Org., ISP)

GRINS GRaphical iNterface to SMIL (SMIL, Oratix), "GRiNS"

GRPS General Packet Radio Service (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

GRS Global Resource Serialization (IBM)

GRS Generalized Reed-Solomon [code]

GRUB GRand Unified Bootloader (GNU)

GS General Standard (MIDI)

GS Geprüfte Sicherheit

GS Graphic Synthesizer (Sony, Playstation)

GSA Global mobile Suppliers Association (Org., Mobile-Systems)

GSDK Game Software Development Kit (Linux, GGI, OpenGL)

GSDS Genealogy Software Distribution System

GSE GIAC Security Expert (GIAC)

GSEC GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GIAC)

GSER Generic String Encoding Rules (ASN1, RFC 3641/342)

GSH Grid Service Handle (OGSI, grid)

GSIF Global Signaling and Inter-working Forum (Org.)

GSL Graphics Software Labs (AT&T)

GSLC GIAC Certified Security Leadership (GIAC)

GSM Global System for Mobile communications

GSM Groupe Speciale Mobile (Org. , CEPT)

GSMA GSM Association (Org., GSM, Mobile-Systems)

GSMP General Switch Management Protocol (DEC, Sprint)

GSMR Global System for Mobile communications - Rail (GSM), "GSM-R"

GSNA GIAC Systems and Network Auditor

GSNW Gateway Service for NetWare (MS, Windows, NT)

GSP GNU Server Pages (GNU, Java, JSP)

GSR Grid Service Reference (OGSI, grid)

GSRC GigaScale Systems Research Center (Org.)

GSS Generic Security Service (IETF, GSS-API)

GSS Group Support System

GSSAPI Generic Security Service API (RFC 2078, API) "GSS-API"

GST Guam Standard Time [+1000] (TZ)

GSUG German Smalltalk Users Group (User group, Smalltalk, Org.)

GSX Graphics System eXtension

GTC GPU Technology Conference (Nvidia, GPU)

GTDM Group Time Division Multiplexing [protocol]

GTF Generalized Timing Format (VESA)


GTFO Get The Fuck Out (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GTG Good To Go (Slang, Cygwin)


GTK Group Transient Key (RSN, Verschlüsselung, WLAN)

GTL Gunning Tranceiver Logic+ [bus] (Intel, SMP), "GTL+"

GTLD Generic Top Level Domain (Internet, ICANN), "gTLD"

GTP GPRS Tunnel Protocol (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

GTS GigaTexel Shading

GTS Global Telecommunication System

GTSC Global Technical Support Centre (MS)

GTSM Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (TTL, RFC 3682)

GUI Graphical User Interface (UI)

GUID Global[ly] Unique IDentifier (COM)

GUIDE Graphical User Interface Design Editor (Sun)

GUILE GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (GNU)

GULM Global Universal Lock Manager / Grand Unified Lock Manager (GFS)

GUMO General User Model Ontology (DFKI)

GURPS Generic Universal RolePlaying System

GUS Guide to the Use of Standards (SPAG)

GUUG German Unix User Group (Org., User group, Unix)

GV GebäudeVerteiler (Kabel, EN 50 173)

GVBA Global Village Business Association (Org., USA)

GVC GNU Volunteer Coordinators (GNU)

GVFS Gnome Virtual File System (Linux, FS)

GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GARP, VLAN)

GVT Graphics Virtualization Technology (Intel)

GVV German Volunteer Votetakers (Usenet, DANA)

GWAI German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, AI)

GWBASIC Graphics and Windows Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC, MS-DOS), "GW-Basic"

GWDG Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen [mbH] (Org.)

GWPG Graphics and Workstation Working Group (Org., SPEC)

GWS Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik (Org., Uni Marburg)

GWS Graphics WorkShop

GWT Google Web Toolkit (Google, WWW, Java, AJAX)

GXA Global XML Architecture (MS, IBM, Verisign, Verschlüsselung)

GYVE GNU Yellow Vector Editor (GNU)

H2U Higher capacity to UMTS (UMTS, WLAN)

H4P High Performance Parallel Processing Project (ICI)

HAAPI Human Authentication Application Program Interface (API), "HA-API"

HACL Host Access Class Library (HOD, API)

HACMP High Availability Clustered Multi Processing (IBM, RS/6000, Bull), "HA/CMP"

HADR High Availability Disaster Recovery (Informix, DB2, DB)

HAL Hackers At Large (Org.)

HAL Hard Array Logic

HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer (Windows, NT)

HAL Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer (2001)

HALPC Houston Area League of PC-Users, "HAL-PC"

HAMPS Host AUTODIN Message Processing System (AUTODIN, Mil.)

HAMR Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording (HDD)

HAMX Hardware Accelerated eXcution Manager (Intel)

HAND Have A Nice Day (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HANFS Highly Available Network File System

HAP High Assurance Platform (NSA, TCG)

HAP Host Access Protocol (RFC 907/1221)

HARQ Hybrid Automatic Re-transmission reQuest (WIMAX)

HAS High Availability Subsystem (Bull)

HAT Hashed Address Table

HAT Help Authoring Tool

HAV High AVailability

HAVI Home Audio Video Interoperability (Org., Grundig, Hitachi, Matsushita, Philips, Sharp, Sony, Thomson, Toshiba)

HAXM Hardware Accelerated eXecution Manager (Intel)

HBA Host Bus Adapter (SCSI)

HBAO Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)

HBBTV Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV, "HbbTV"

HBCC High Bandwidth Cache Controller (AMD)

HBCI HomeBanking Computer Interface [veraltet/old term] (Internet, Banking, Deutschland, HBCI)

HBM High Bandwidth Memory (DRAM, JEDEC)

HBM Host Buffer Memory (NVMe)

HBP Human Brain Project (Europa)

HBT Hetero Bipolar Transistor (IBM, IC)

HC Handler Compiler (SAX, XML)

HCA Host Channel Adapter (Infiniband)

HCE Host Card Emulation (Banking)

HCF Hybrid Coordination Function (MAC, 802.11a)

HCI Host Controller Interface (Bluetooth, Linux)

HCI Human Computer Interaction (BCS, Conference)

HCI HyperConvergent Infrastructure

HCID Handwear Computer Input Device

HCL Hardware Certification List (TCPA)

HCL Hardware Compatibility List (MS, Windows)

HCL Host Control Links

HCSDS High Capacity Satellite Digital Service

HCSS High Capacity Storage System (Novell, Netware)

HCT Hamburger ComputerTage (Messe)

HCT High-speed CMOS [logic] with TTT-compatible [logic] levels (IC, MOS)

HCTDS High-Capacity Terrestrial Digital Service

HD High Definition [1920x1080]

HD High Density

HDA High Definition Audio (Intel, Audio)

HDAM Hierarchical Direct Access Method (DAM)

HDB HoneyDanBer [standard] (Unix)

HDB3 High Density Bipolar 3

HDBMS Hierarchical DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

HDC Hard Disk Controller

HDC Heatpipe Direct Contact

HDCD High Density Compact Disk (CD, Sony, Phillips)

HDCP High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (DRM, HDMI, Verschlüsselung)

HDD Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

HDD Highly Doped Drain (IC, MOSFET)

HDDV High Definition Digital Video (video)

HDDVD High Density Digital Versatile Disk (DVD, NEC, Toshiba), "HD-DVD"

HDF Hierarchical Data Format (NCSA)

HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System (Hadoop)

HDH HDLC Distant Host

HDI High Density Interconnect

HDI HOOPS Device Interface (VAGI)

HDIT High Bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology [bus] (VIA)

HDL Hardware Description Language (ASIC)

HDLC High-level Data Link Control (ISO)

HDM Hardware Device Module (I2O)

HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface (DVI, HDTV)

HDML Handheld Device Markup Language (Mobile-Systems, HDTP)

HDN Hochgeschwindigkeits-DatenNetz

HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision (GPS)

HDOS Heath Disk Operating System (OS, Heath)

HDR High availability Data Replication (Informix, DB)

HDR High Dynamic Range

HDS Hitachi Data Systems (Hersteller)

HDSL High data / bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (BELLCORE, AT&T, DSL, BIT)

HDSL High-level Data Specification Language

HDSP High Definition Sound Performance

HDTP Handheld Device Transport Protocol (Mobile-Systems)

HDTV High Definition TeleVision

HDX Half DupleX

HE HöhenEinheit [1HE = 19'']

HEA Hyundai Electronics of America (Hersteller)

HEAAC High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding, "HE-ACC"

HEC HDMI Ethernet Channel (HDMI)

HEC Header Error Check

HEC Header Error Control (ATM)

HECTOR HEterogeneous Computer TOgetheR (IBM, Uni Karlsruhe)

HEDT High-End DeskTop (Intel)

HEIF High Efficiency Image File format (MPEG)

HEL Hardware Emulation Layer

HEL Header Extension Length

HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor

HEPNET High Energy Physics NETwork (Netzwerk)

HERMES Heuristic Emergency Response Management Expert System (XPS)

HERODE Handling the Electronic Representation of mixed text - image Office Documents based on ECMA standard 101 (ESPRIT, SNI, TITN, ECMA, ODA)

HEROS HEeresführungsinformationssystem für die Rechnergestütze Operationsführung in Stäben (Bundeswehr)

HES Home Electronic System (SNI)

HES Honeywell Executive System (OS, Honeywell 800)

HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding (MPEG)

HF Have Fun (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HFC Hybrid Fiber Coax [network] (DOCSIS)

HFD Hauptanschluß für Direktruf / Datenleitung (DTAG), "HfD"

HFDS Highly Functional Distributed System (MTRON)

HFP Hands Free Profile (Bluetooth, SPP)

HFPA High Fidelity Pure Audio (Universal, BD, Audio, BDPA)

HFS Hierachical File System (Apple, CD, MACOS)

HFT High Function Terminal (AIX, IBM)

HFTS Hybrid Frustrum Traced Shadows (Nvidia)

HGA Hercules Graphics Adapter

HGC Hercules Graphics Card [720x348]

HHI Heinrich Hertz Institut (Org., Deutschland)

HHVM HipHop Virtual Machine (Facebook)

HI Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaften (Org.)

HI1 Handover Interface 1 (ETSI, ES 201671)

HI2 Handover Interface 2 (ETSI, ES 201671)

HI3 Handover Interface 3 (ETSI, ES 201671)

HIBP Have I Been Pwned, https://haveibeenpwned.com/

HIC Human Interaction Component

HIC Hybrid Integrated Circuit

HICANN High Input Count Analog Neural Network

HID Human Interface Device (MS)

HIDAM Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method (DAM)

HIFD HIgh capacity Floppy Disk (Sony, Fuji), "HiFD"

HIFI Hypertext Interface For Information (ESPRIT)

HIFIVE HIgh Fidelity Interactive Visual Environment (DEC), "Hi-FIVE"

HIFT Hardware Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT)

HIGGENS Human Interface Graphical GENeration System (Uni Colorado)

HINT Hierarchical INTegration [benchmark]

HIP Host Identity Protocol (IETF)

HIPERLAN HIgh PErformance Radio Local Area Network (LAN, ETSI, EN 300 652)

HIPPI HIgh Performance Parallel Interface

HIPPI High Performance Peripheral Interface

HIRD HURD of Interfaces Representing Depth (GNU, HURD)

HIS HerstellerInitiative Software (Org., Deutschland)

HISAM Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method (SAM)

HISP HIgh SPeed channel connector (Cray, I/O)

HIVE Hierarchical Indentify Verify Exploit

HKS Horowitz Key Server (PGP, GPG, PKS, SKS)

HLG Hybrid-Log Gamma (HDR, TV, BBC, NHK)

HLL High Level Language

HLLAPI High Level Language Application Programming Interface (IBM, API)

HLP High Latency Profile (Video, AVC)

HLPI Higher Layer Protocol Identifier

HLR Home Location Register (LR, GSM, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

HLRB HöchstLeistungsRechenzentrum Bayern (Org.)

HLRS HöchstLeistungsRechenzentrum Stuttgart (Org.)

HLS HTTP Live Streaming (Apple, HTTP)

HLS Hue, Luminance, Saturation (Farbsystem, DTP)

HLSL High Level Shading Language (DirectX)

HM HyperMemory (graphics)

HMA High Memory Area

HMAC keyed-Hashing for Message AuthentiCation (Verschlüsselung, RFC 2104)

HMC Hardware Management Console (IBM, Linux)

HMC Highspeed Memory Controller (Apple)

HMC Hybrid Memory Cube (DRAM)

HMD Head Mounted Display (VR)

HMI Human-Machine Interface

HMM Heterogeneous Memory Management

HMMP HyperMedia Management Protocol (MS, Intel, Cisco, WWW, HMMS)

HMMS HyperMedia Management Schema (MS, Intel, Cisco, WWW)

HMOS High performance Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

HMP Host Monitoring Protocol (RFC 869)

HMUX Hybrid MUltipleXer (FDDI), "H-MUX"

HNA Host and Network Association [message] (OLSR)

HNCP HomeNet Control Protocol

HNF Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum (Org., Paderborn)

HNI Heinz Nixdorf Institut (Org., ZIT)

HOA High Order Ambisonics (MPEG)

HOD Host On Demand (IBM, HOD)

HOL Head Of Line

HOLAP Hybrid OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP, DB)

HOMERF Home Radio Frequency (WLAN), "HomeRF"

HOOPS Hierarchical Object Orientated Picture System (Ithaca, Autodesk, OOP)

HOP Homecast Open Protocol (WLAN, Alation Systems)

HOPP Half Object Plus Protocol

HOS High Order Surfaces (3D)

HOT Heat Orchestration Template

HOTP HMAC-based One-Time Password (HMAC)

HP Hewlett Packard (Hersteller)

HPA High Performance Architecture (HP)

HPBIDS Hewlett Packard Broadband Internet Delivery System (HP, Internet), "HP BIDS"

HPC Handheld Personal Computer (PC), "H/PC"

HPC High Performance Computing

HPCC High Performance Computing and Communication

HPCS High Performance Communication Server (Tobit, NLM, Netware)

HPCS High Productivity Computing System (DARPA, Cray, IBM, Sun, ...)

HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HP, Hersteller)

HPET High Precision Event Timer (IC, Intel, MS)

HPF High Performance FORTRAN (FORTRAN)

HPFS High Performance FileSystem (OS/2, FS)

HPG High Performance Group (Org., SPEC)

HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (CAD, CAM, HP)

HPIB Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (GPIB)

HPKP HTTP Public Key Pinning (HHTP, Verschlüsselung)

HPLIP Hewlett Packard Linux Imaging and Printing (HP, Linux)

HPM Hyper Page Mode

HPMI Hewlett Packard Model Interface (CAD, HP), "HP-MI"

HPNA ???

HPOFS High Performance Optical File System (IBM, OS/2, MOD)

HPPA Hewlett Packard Precision Architecture (HP, RISC)

HPPCL Hewlett Packard Printer Control Language

HPPRM Hewlett Packard Process Resource Manager (HP), "HP PRM"

HPR High Performance Routing

HPR High Priority Request (VUMA)

HPRILOE ??? - Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition, "HP-RILOE"

HPS Hardware Product Services

HPS High Performance Switch (IBM)

HPTS High Performance Transaction Systems

HPUX Hewlett Packard / UniX (Unix), "HP/UX"

HPVEE Hewlett-Packard Visual Engineering Environment (HP, GUI), "HP VEE"

HPVUE Hewlett Packard - Visual User Environment (HP, GUI), "HP-VUE"

HQL Hibernate Query Language

HR High Rate (IEEE 802.11)

HRC Hybrid Ring Control (FDDI)

HRFWG Home Radio Frequency Working Group (WLAN, HOMERF)

HRMS Human Resource Management System (Peoplesoft)

HRTF Head Related Transfer Function (VR)

HS High Speed (MODEM)

HSA Heterogenous Systems Architecture (AMD)

HSA High Speed Access

HSB Hue Saturation Brightness (DTP)

HSC Hierarchical Storage Controller

HSC HTML Sucks Completely (HTML, Amiga)

HSCDS High Speed Cable Data Services

HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

HSD Host Storage Domain (HDS)

HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access (UMTS, HSUPA, Mobile-Systems)

HSDRAM High-speed Synchronous Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

HSFS High Sierra File System

HSI High Speed Interconnect (Nvidia, AGP, PCIe)

HSI High Speed Interface

HSI Hue, Saturation, Intensity (DTP)

HSIE Homeland Security Information Exchange (Expertelligence, Grid), "HS/IE"

HSIS ??? High Speed Interface / SNA, "HSI/S"

HSLAN High Speed Local Area Network, "HS-LAN"

HSLFX Hierarchical Specification Language - Function Extension (HDL, NTT, LSI), "HSL-FX"

HSLN High Speed Local Network

HSM Hardware Security Module (Banking)

HSM Hardware Specific Module (ODI)

HSM Hierarchical Storage Management

HSM Hierarchisches SpeicherManagement

HSMD High Speed Mobile Data (HSCSD, Deutschland, E-Plus)

HSP [UUNet] HighSpeed Peering

HSP Host Signal Processing (DFÜ, WinModem)

HSPA High Speed Packet Access (UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA, Mobile-Systems)

HSR Hidden Surface Removal (3D)

HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol (Cisco, IOS)

HSSDS High-Speed Switched Digital Service

HSSI High Speed Serial Interface

HSSM Hicommand Storage Services Manager (HDS)

HSSN HighSpeed Switching Network (Cray, ATM)

HST Hawaiian Standard Time [-1030] (TZ)

HST High Soft Tech (Hersteller, ISDN)

HST High Speed Technology (US Robotics)

HSTS HTTP Strict Transport Security (HTTP, Verschlüsselung, RFC 6797)

HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access (UMTS, HSDPA)

HSV Hue Saturation Value (Farbsystem, DTP)


HSXGA Hex Super XGA [5120x4096] (XGA)

HT Horizontal Tab

HT Hyper-Threading (Intel, Pentium, SMT, CPU)

HTA HTML Applications (MS, HTML)

HTB Hierarchical Token Bucket

HTC Hardware Thermal Controller (AMD, IC, CPU)

HTC HTML Components (MS, OWA, WWW, HTML)

HTCPCP Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol

HTDM Hybrid Time Division Multiplexing [protocol]

HTF Hyper-g Text Format (Hyper-G)

HTH Hope This Helps (DFÜ-Slang)

HTML HyperText Markup Language (Internet, WWW, SGML, RFC 1866/1942, HTML)

HTPC Home Theater Personal Computer (PC)

HTPS High Temperature PolySilicon

HTSI Host Transport Service Interface (ICC, CT-API)

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol (WWW, RFC 2068/2616)

HTTPD HyperText Transfer Protocol DAEMON (WWW, HTTP)

HTTPNG HyperText Transfer Protocol - Next Generation (WWW), "HTTP-NG"

HTTPR HyperText Transfer Protocol - Reliable (HTTP, IBM)

HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol [SSL] Secured (HTTP, SSL, WWW)

HUD Head-Up Display (AG)

HUGO Holland User Group for OS/2 (Org., User group, OS/2, Niederlande)

HUMA Heterogenous Uniform Memory Access (PS4), "hUMA"

HUMAINE HUman-MAchine Interaction Network on Emotion [project] (Europe)

HURD HIRD of Unix-Replacing DAEMONs (GNU, HIRD)

HUXGA Hex Ultra XGA [6400x4800] (XGA)

HVC Holografic Versatile Card

HVC Hue-Value-Chroma [model] (Tektronic, DTP)

HVCI Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (VBS)

HVD High Voltage Differential [technology] (SCSI)

HVD Holografic Versatile Disc

HVD Hosted Virtual Desktop

HVGA Half Video Graphics Array [320x480] (VGA)

HVM Hardware Virtual Machine

HWE HardWare Enablement [stack] (Linux, Ubuntu)

HWMC HardWare Motion Compensation

HXGA Hex XGA [4096x3072] (XGA)

HYCH Hope You Can Help (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HYTEA HYperText Environment for Authoring (ESPRIT)

HYTIME Hypermedia/Time-based structuring language (SGML, ISO, IEC, IS 10744), "HyTime"

HYTM HyTime Topic Map (SGML, KM), "HyTM"

I16L32P16 Integer 16 [bit], Long 32 [bit], Pointer 16 [bit] (BIT)

I16LP32 Integer 16 [bit], Long and Pointer 32 [bit] (BIT)

I2C Inter Integrated Circuit [bus]

I2O Intelligent Input/Output (Intel)

I2O Intelligent Input/Output [bus]

I32LP64 Integer 32 [bit], Long and Pointer 64 [bit] (BIT)

I3C International Imaging Industry Association (Org., PIMA, Nachfolger)

I3DL2 Interactive 3D Audio Level 2 (Audio)

I4DL Interface, Inheritance, Implementation, Installation Definition Language (DME, OSF)

I4L ISDN for Linux (Linux, ISDN)

IA Identification and Authentication, "I & A"

IA32 Intel Architecture - 32 [BIT] (Intel, BIT), "IA-32"

IA32E Intel Architecture - 32 [BIT] Enhanced (Intel, IA32), "IA32e"

IA64 Intel Architecture - 64 [BIT] (Intel, BIT), "IA-64"

IAA Initial Address Acknowledgment

IAA Intel Application Accelerator

IAAIL International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (Org., AI)

IAAS Infrastructure As A Service

IAB Internet Activities / Architecture Board (RFC 1160/1601, Internet)

IAC InterApplication Communication (Apple)

IAC International Association for Cybernetics (Org.)

IACT International Alliance for Compatible Technology (Org.)

IAE ISDN AnschlußEinheit (ISDN, DTAG)

IAF Internet Address Finder (WWW)

IAFNAB It's A Feature, Not A Bug (Slang, Cygwin)

IAHC Internet Ad Hoc Committee (Org., Internet)

IAI Institut für Angewandte Informatik (Org.)

IAK Internet explorer Administrator Kit (MS, Internet)

IAK2 Internet Access Kit / 2 (IBM, OS/2), "IAK/2"

IAL Intel Architecture Labs (Intel)

IAM Identity and Access Management

IAM Initial Address Message

IAMT Intel Active Management Technology (Intel), "iAMT"

IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (Internet)

IANACE I Am Not A Cygwin Expert (Slang, Cygwin)

IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IANS Intel Advanced Networking Services, "iANS"

IANW International Academic Networkshops (Konferenz)

IAO [Fraunhofer] Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (Org., Stuttgart)

IAOG International ADMD Operators Group (Org., ADMD, X.400)

IAONA Industrial Automation Open Networking Alliance (Org., Europe)

IAP In-App Purchase

IAP Internet Access Provider (Internet)

IAPC Instantly Available Personal Computer (Intel, PC)

IAPC Intel Architecture Personal Computer (PC, Intel), "IA-PC"

IAPP Inter Access Point Protocol (AP, WLAN, IEEE 802.11f)

IAPR International Association on Pattern Recognition (Org.)

IAR Initial Address Reject

IARP International Advanced Robotic Program (Org.)

IAS Interactive Application System (DEC)

IAS Internet Authentication Server (MS, Windows)

IASA IETF Administrative Support Activity (IETF, RFC 4071/4371)

IAT Information Access Technology (Provider)

IAUG International AIX User Group (Org., Unix, AIX, User group)

IAW In Accordance With (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IAX Inter Asterisk eXchange (VoIP, OSS)

IB In Band (S-ATA)

IB4J Instant BASIC for Java (Java, BASIC)

IBA Infini-Band Architecture (Intel, Infiniband)

IBAN International Bank Account Number (Banking)

IBASES Intel Baseline AGP System Evaluation Suite (AGP, Intel)

IBB Internet Bug Bounty (Internet, OSS)

IBC InterBase Components (Borland, Delphi, InterBase)

IBCN Integrated Broadband Communication Network

IBCS2 Intel Binary Compatibilty Specification 2 [emulator], "iBCS2"

IBEX International Business EXchange (Netzwerk)

IBFI Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (Org., GI)

IBFN Integriertes BreitbandFernmeldeNetz

IBGP Internal Border Gateway Protocol (BGP, eBGP), "iBGP"

IBM International Business Machines (Hersteller, IBM)

IBMS Integrated Broadband Mobile System

IBN Integrated Business Network

IBO InterBase Objects (Borland, InterBase)

IBPB Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier

IBSS Independent Basic Service Set (IEEE 802.11i, WLAN)

IBTA InfiniBand Trade Association (Org., IBM, HP, Compaq, Sun, Dell, MS, ...)

IC Integrated Circuit

ICA Image Scanner Acquisition

ICA Independent Computing Architecture (Cytrix, Windows, NT, ASP)

ICA Information Connection Architecture (SGI)

ICA Integrated Chameleon Architecture (SGML)

ICA Integrated Communications Architecture

ICA Intelligent Communication Adapter (Banyan, VINES)

ICA International Communications Association (Org.)

ICADD International Committee for Accessible Document Design (Org.)

ICAL Internet CALendar [protocol], "iCAL"

ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (EATCS, Conference)

ICAN Individual Customer Access Network

ICAN Integrated Composite Application Network (Seebeyond, Java)

ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Org., Internet, ICANN)

ICAP Internet Calendar Access Protocol (TCP/IP, Lotus)

ICARA International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents

ICAT Interactive Code Analysis Tool [debugger] (IBM, Java)

ICC Intelligent Communications Control

ICC Intergrated Circuit Card (ICC)

ICC International Color Committee (Org., DTP)

ICC International Conference on Communications (Konferenz)

ICC Internode Communication Channel (SMP, Scalis)

ICC Interrupt Controller Communications [bus] (PC)

ICCAD International Conference on Computer Aided Design (IEEE, Conference)

ICCB Internet Control and Configuration Board (IAB, Vorläufer)

ICCC InterClient Communication Convention (X-windows)

ICCC International Conference on Computer Communication (Konferenz)

ICCC International Council on Computer Communication (Org.)

ICCCM InterClient Communication Convention Manual (X-Windows)

ICCD International Conference on Computer Design (IEEE, Conference)

ICCI International Conference on Computing and Information (Konferenz)

ICCIMA International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (AI, Conference)

ICCP Inter Control Center Protocol (TASE)

ICCS Integrated Communications Cabling System (SNI)

ICD Installable Client Driver (OpenGL)

ICD International Code Designator (ATM)

ICDA Integrated Cached Disk-Arrays

ICDB Integrated Communications DataBase (DB)

ICDCS International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (INRIA, IEEE-CS)

ICE Image Correction Enhancement (Minolta, Nikon, Epson, Scanner)

ICE In-Circuit-Emulation

ICE Infinite Capacity Engine

ICE Information and Content Exchange [protocol] (XML)

ICE Insane Creator Enterprise, "iCE"

ICE Interactive Connectivity Establishment (NAT, SIP)

ICE Internal Compiler Error (GCC)

ICF Integrated Coupling Facility (IBM, PU)

ICF International Cryptographic Framework (HP, Verschlüsselung)

ICH I/O Controller Hub [aka Southbridge] (Intel, I/O, GMCH)

ICH Intelligent Connection Handling (BIG)

ICI Industrial Computing Initiative (LLNL, LANL, Cray, ..., HPC, MPP)

ICIA International Communications Industries Association (Org.)

ICIAI International Communications Industries Association Inc. (Org.)

ICIE International Center for Information Ethics (Org.)

ICIEA IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (IEEE)

ICL International Computers Limited (Hersteller, UK, USA, Japan, Fujitsu)

ICM Image Color Matching (MS, Windows 95, API)

ICMB Intelligent Chassis Management Bus (IPMI)

ICMC International Computer Music Conference (Messe)

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol [version 4] (TCP/IP, RFC 792, Internet)

ICMPV6 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6 (Internet, IPV6, RFC 1885) "ICMPv6"

ICMX Interface for Communications Manager uniX (Unix, CMX)

ICONZ Internet Company Of New Zealand (Org., Usenet)

ICOT Institute for new generation COmputer Technology (Org., Japan, FGCS)

ICP Independent Content Provider (MSN)

ICP Integrated Channel Processor (NeXT, DMA)

ICP Intelligent Computer Peripherals (Hersteller)

ICP Interface Change Proposal

ICP International Client Pack (MS)

ICP Internet Caching Protocol (Internet)

ICPS Image et Calcul Parallèle de Scientifique (Org., Frankreich, HPC)

ICPS Informatique et Calcul Parallèle de Strasbourg [veraltet/old term] (Org., Frankreich, HPC)

ICQ [I seek you] (Internet, ICQ, IM)

ICR Intelligent Character Recognition

ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation

ICRA Internet Content Rating Association (Internet, Org., IBM, MS, AOL, ...)

ICRC Invariant Cyclic Redundancy Check (Infiniband), "I-CRC"

ICS IBM Cabling System

ICS Ice Cream Sandwich (Android, OS)

ICS International Classification for Standards (ISO)

ICS Internet Connection Sharing (MS, IE, DHCP)

ICS Irish Computer Society (Org., Irland)

ICSC Intelligent Channel/Storage Control, "IC/SC"

ICSI International Computer Science Institute (Org., USA)

ICSP In Circuit Serial Programming

ICSS Internet Connection Secure Server (IBM, WWW)

ICST International Conference on Sensing Technology

ICT Image Constraint Token (DOT)

ICT Information and Communication Technology

ICT Information and Communications Technologies

ICT Institute of Computing Technology (Org., China)

ICTF Internet Content Task Force (Org., Internet)

ICTS [Champion] Integrated Cached Tape Subsystem (EMC, AS/400)

ICU Instruction Cache Unit (CPU, POWER)

ICU Interactive Chart Utility (IBM, GDDM)

ICU International Components for Unicode (IBM, API, Unicode)

ICU ISA Configuration Utility (BIOS, PNP, ISA)

ICURYY I see you are too wise (Slang)

ID IDentification

IDA Interchange of Data between Administrations (Org., Europa)

IDA Interface for Distributed Automation (TCP/IP)

IDAC Infobus Data Access Component (Lotus, Java)

IDAPI Integrated Database API (DB, IBM, Novell, Borland, Vorläufer, BDE, API)

IDAS Interchange DAta Structure

IDB Integrated DataBase (DB)

IDBEF Integrated DataBase Extract Format (IDB, DB)

IDBTF Integrated DataBase Transaction Format (IDB, DB)

IDC Inter-Device Communication (IBM, OS/2)

IDC International Data Corporation, http://www.idc.com

IDC Internet Database Connector (MS, WWW)

IDCT Inverse Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT)

IDDD International Direct Distance Dialing

IDE Integrated Development Environment

IDE Integrated Drive Electronics (HDD)

IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm (Verschlüsselung)

IDEA Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF)

IDEC I Don't Even Care (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IDEF Integrated [CAM] DEFinition (CAM)

IDES International Demonstration and Education System (R/3, SAP)

IDES Intrusion Detection Expert System (IBM, IDS, XPS)

IDF Intel Developer Forum (Intel, Conference)

IDF International DOI Foundation (Org., DOI)

IDG International Data Group (Org.)

IDI Initial Domain Identifier (NSAP, IDP)

IDIS Integrated Dealer and Importer System (MBAG)

IDL Interactive Data Language (Research Systems)

IDL Interface Definition Language (DCE, CORBA, Java)

IDLC ISDN Data Link Control (ISDN)

IDLE Integrated DeveLopment Environment (Python)

IDLE International Date Line, East [+1200] (TZ)

IDLW International Date Line, West [-1200] (TZ)

IDML InDesign Markup Language

IDMR Inter-Domain Multicast Routing (IETF, WG, Multicast)

IDMT [Fraunhofer] Institut für Digitale MedienTechnologie (Org.)

IDN Integrated Digital Network

IDN Internationalized Domain Names (Domain, Internet)

IDNA Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (Domain, RFC 3490)

IDOC Intermediate DOCuments (ALE, SAP)

IDOMENEUS Information and Data on Open MEdia for NEtworks of USers (WWW, Uni Hamburg)

IDP Initial Domain Part (NSAP)

IDP Internal DisplayPort, "iDP"

IDP Internet Datagram Protocol (XNS)

IDP Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS)

IDQ Instruction Decode Queue (Intel, CPU)

IDRC Improved Data Recovery Capability (Datenkompression)

IDS Information Delivery System

IDS Informix Dynamic Server (Informix, DB)

IDS Intelligent Decision Server (IBM)

IDS Inter Data Systems [gmbh] (Hersteller)

IDS Internal Directory System

IDS Intrusion Detection System (IDS, IPS)

IDSA Interactive Digital Software Association (Org., Nintendo, Sony, MS, ...)

IDSS Interoperability Decision Support System

IDT Integrated Device Technology (Hersteller)

IDT Interrupt Descriptor Table

IDTRC Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Cache (IDT, CPU, Intel)

IDU Interface Data Unit

IDUPGSSAPI Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service API (GSS, API), "IDUP-GSS-API"

IDV Individuelle DatenVerarbeitung

IDVC Integrated Data/Voice Channel

IE Informal Exceptions (HDD, SCSI)

IE Information Element (ATM, ISDN)

IE Information Engineering

IEAAIE [international conference on] Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert systems (Conference, ISAI, ..., AI), "IEA/AIE"

IEC Inter-Exchange Carrier (AT&T, MCI, LEC)

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission (Org., Schweiz)

IECC Informix Enterprise Command Center (Informix)

IED Intelligent Electronic Device

IEDM International Electron Device Meeting (Konferenz)

IEE Institute of Electrical Engineers (Org., UK)

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Org., USA)

IEEECS Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - Computer Society (Org., IEEE) "IEEE-CS"

IEEESA Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Standards Association (Org., IEEE), "IEEE-SA"

IEEJ Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (Org., Japan)

IEF Information Engineering Facility

IEICE Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (Org., Japan)

IEMMC Internet EMail Marketing Council (Internet, Org., Spam)

IEMSI Interactive Electronic Mail Standard Identification

IEN Internet Engineering Notes

IEN Internet Experiment Notebook (Vorläufer, RFC)

IEPA Individual Expert Participation Agreement (Sun)

IEPG Internet Engineering and Planning Group (Internet, RFC 1690)

IEPRC International Electronic Publishing Research Centre (Org., PIRA)

IERAT Instruction cache Effective to Real Address Translation [table] (Power4, IBM, CPU, ERAT)

IES Integrated Engineering Station (Toshiba, TOSMAP-DS)

IES Intelligent Emulation Switching (Epson)

IESE [Fraunhofer] Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering (Org.)

IESF International Esports Federation (Org.) "IeSF"

IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group (IETF)

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force (Org., IAB, Internet, RFC 1603/2418/3233)

IETFWG Internet Engineering Task Force - Working Group (RFC 1603, IETF) "IETF-WG"

IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual

IETS Interim European Telecommunications Standards (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

IEW Information Engineering Workbench (IBM)

IF Information Flow (IN)

IFAC International Federation for Automatic Control (Org., Österreich)

IFAD Institute of Applied Computer Science (Org., Dänemark)

IFAR Instruction Fetch Address Register (Power4, IBM, CPU)

IFC Industry Foundation Classes (CAD)

IFC InterFace Clear (GPIB)

IFC Internet FAQ Consortium (Internet, FAQ, Org.)

IFC Internet Foundation Classes (ONE, Netscape, Java)

IFCM Independent Flow Control Messages (SSP)

IFCP Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (SAN, FC, IP), "iFCP"

IFD Information Flow Diagram (IRM)

IFE Internet Forum Europe (Messe)

IFEO Image File Execution Options (MS)

IFIOM Intelligent FDDI Input Output Module (SMC, ES/1, FDDI)

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing (Org.)

IFL Integrated Facility for Linux (IBM)

IFMP Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol (IP, RFC 1953)

IFNA International FidoNet Association (Org., Fido)

IFP Instruction Fetch Pipeline (Motorola, CPU)

IFR Interleaved Frame Recording (Video)

IFROSS Institut für Rechtsfragen der Freien und Open Source Software (Org., OSS, Deutschland) "ifrOSS"

IFS ICOT Free Software (ICOT)

IFS Installable File System (OS/2, DOS)

IFS Intelligent Fax System (Ricoh)

IFS InterFrame Space (MAC, 802.11a)

IFS Internal Field Separator (Unix, AWK)

IFS Internet File System (Oracle, DB, Internet)

IFX Interactive Financial eXchange (USA, Banking)

IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IC)

IGC Institute for Global Communications (USA)

IGD [Fraunhofer] Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (Org., Darmstadt)

IGD Internet Gateway Device (Internet)

IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (ANSI, USA, CIM, CAD)

IGMP Internet Group Management / Multicast Protocol (RFC 1112/2236, IP, Multicast)

IGN IBM Global Network (Netzwerk)

IGOS Indonesia Goes Open Source [initiative] (OSS)

IGOSS Industry/Government Open System Specification

IGP Integrated Graphics Processor (IC, Nvidia)

IGP Interior Gateway Protocol

IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IPX, Novell)

IGS IBM Global Services (IBM)

IGZO Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (LCD)

IHS Integrated Heat Spreader (CPU)

IHV Independent Hardware Vendor

IIA Information Industry Association (Org.)

IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Org., Österreich)

IIC Industrial Internet Consortium (Org.)

IICM Institute for Information processing and Computer supported new Media (Org., Östereich)

IID Interface IDentifier (COM)

IIF Incoming InterFace (PIM, OIF, Multicast)

IIF Internal Internegotiation Function (ETSI, ES 201671)

IIIR Integration of Internet Information Resources (IETF)

IIIS International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (Org., USA)

IIL Integrated Injection Logic

IIM Internet Identified Mail (Cisco, SPAM)

IIN Integrated Information Network

IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (CORBA, Internet, ONE, GIOP, TCP/IP)

IIP Interoperability Improvement Panel

IIR Infinite Impulse Response (DSP)

IIRA Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIC)

IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

IIRWIIR It Is Ready When It Is Ready (DFÜ-Slang, IRC, Usenet)

IIS [Fraunhofer] Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (Org.)

IIS Intelligence Information System (Mil.)

IIS Internet Information Server / Services (MS)

IISP Interim Inter-Switch Signaling Protocol (P-NNI, ATM)

IIT Integrated Information Technology

IITC Ingress Intel Total Conversion

IITF Information Infrastructure Task Force (Org., USA)

IIUC If I Understand Correctly (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IJCAI International Joint Committee / Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, Org., AI)

IJG Independent JPEG Group (Org., JPEG)

IJH Initial Java Heap (Java)

IJIE International Journal of Information Ethics [veraltet/old term] (ICIE)

IKD Integrated Kernel Debugger (Linux)

IKE IBM Kiosk for Education (IBM)

IKE Internet Key Exchange [protocol] (IPSEC, IPV6)

IKP Internet Keyed Payment [protocols] (IBM, WWW), "iKP"

IKT Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik

IKWUM I Know What You Mean (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IKYABWAI I know You Are But What Am I? (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IL Instruction List

IL32P64 Integer and Long 32 [bit], Pointer 64 [bit] (BIT)

ILEC Independent Local Exchange Carrier

ILETS International Law Enforcement Telecom Seminars (ETSI)

ILFA Integrierte Logische Funktionen für Anwendungen (IWBS, Uni Karlsruhe, Uni Duisburg)

ILLIGAL ILLinois Genetic Algorithm Laboratory (Org., Uni Illinois, USA) "IlliGAL"

ILLINET ILlinois LIbrary NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

ILM Information Lifecycle Management (HSM)

ILMI Interim Link / Local Management Interface (ATM)

ILO Integrated Lights Out (HP, JAVA, BMC), "iLO"

ILP Instruction Level Parallelism (CPU)

ILP32 Integer, Long and Pointer 32 [bit] (BIT)

ILPNET [european] Inductive Logic Programming scientific NETwork, http://www-ai.ijs.si/ilpnet.html

ILS Intelligente LernSysteme

ILS Internet Locator Service (MS)

ILSVRC Imagenet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition (ImageNet)

ILT [Linux] Instructor Led Training (Linux, Caldera)

ILVU InterLeaved Video Units (VOB, DVD, Video)

IM Information Management

IM Instant Messaging (IM)

IM Interface Module

IMA Integrated Modular Avionics (Airbus, A380)

IMA Interactive Multimedia Association (Org.)

IMA International MIDI Association (Org.)

IMA Internationalized e-Mail Address

IMAC Isochronous Media Access Control (FDDI), "I-MAC"

IMACS International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Org.)

IMAIL Intelligent MAIL

IMAL Integrated Media Architecture Laboratory (Bell, Org., USA)

IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol (RFC 2060)

IMAPI Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface (API)

IMAV IT Management Added Value (IT)

IMB Intel Media Bench

IMC Information Management and Communication (Org., UK, Liverpool Hope University), "IM&C"

IMC Information Management Concept

IMC Information, Management und Consulting [GmbH] (Deutschland)

IMCC InterMediate Code Compiler (PERL)

IMCO In My Considered Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMD Integrated Management Display (Compaq)

IMD Internet Multimedia Development (Internet)

IMDB Internet Movie DataBase (Internet, WWW, DB) "IMDb"

IME Input Method Editor (MS, Windows)

IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity (MS, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

IMFT Intel Micron Flash Technologies (Intel, Hersteller)

IMG IMplementation Guide (R/3, SAP)

IMHO In My Humble Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMIA International Medical Informatics Association

IML Initial Machine Load

IMLE Intelligent Mechatronic Solution Elements (Uni Paderborn)

IMMD Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung (Org., Uni Erlangen)

IMNSCO In My Not So Considered Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble / Honest Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMO In My Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMP Interface Message Processors (ARPANET, MILNET)

IMPACT Information Market Policy ACTions (ECHO)

IMPP Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol (IETF, IM)

IMR Information Management Representitive (IM)

IMR Internet Monthly Report (Internet)

IMR Interrupt Mask Register (IC)

IMS [Fraunhofer] Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und systeme (Org., Dresden)

IMS Information Management System (IBM)

IMS Integrated Management System

IMS Integrated Measurement Systems [inc] (Hersteller)

IMS Intelligent Manufacturing System (MITI)

IMS International Meta Systems (Hersteller)

IMS Internet Multimedia Subsystem (Internet, 3GPP)

IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem (PoC, IP)

IMSESA Information Management System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM), "IMS/ESA"

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity (MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

IMSO Integrated Micro Systems Operation (Intel)

IMSP Internet Message Support Protocol (Internet)

IMSVS Information Management System/Virtual Storage, "IMS/VS"

IMT2000 International Mobile Telecommunications [at] 2000 [Mhz] (Mobile-Systems), "IMT-2000"

IMTC International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium (Org., MS, Intel, Apple, IBM, SNI, AT&T, ...)

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

IMUNE Intrusion Mitigation Unified Network Engine (Symantec, IDS)

IMVP Intel Mobile Voltage Positioning (Intel)

IMY I Miss You (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IN Individual Network [e.v.] (Org., ISP)

IN Intelligent Network (ITU-T, Q.1200)

INA Intelligent Network Architecture (IN)

INAP Intelligent Network Application Part / Protocol (IN, SS7)

INCITS International Committee for Information Technology Standards (Org., USA)

INCM Intelligent Network Conceptual Model (IN)

INCORE INternet COntent Rating for Europe (Org., Internet)

INDC [international conference on] Information Networks and Data Communication (IFIP, Conference)

INDE Integrated Native Developer Experience (Intel)

INET International NETworking conference (Konferenz), "iNET"

INGRES INteractive Graphic REtrieval System

INHOPE INternet HOtline Providers in Europe (Org., ISP)

INL Inter Node Link

INMS Integrated Network Management System

INN Inter Node Network

INNC International Neural Network Conference (INNS, Conference, NN)

INNS International Neural Network Society (Org., AI, NN)

INOC Internet Network Operations Center

INPOL INformationssystem der POLizei

INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (Org., Frankreich)

INSITS INternational Symposium on IT Standardization (Conference, IFIP, GI)

INST INformation Standards and technology Standardization

INTA International Trademark Association (Org.)

INTAP Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing (Org.)

INTEL INtegriertes TEileLogistiksystem (MBAG)

INTERNIC Inter Network Information Center (Org., Internet) "InterNIC"

INTP INTercom Profile (Bluetooth), "IntP"

INX INformation eXchange

INXS INternet eXchange Service (ECRC)

IO Input/Output, "I/O"

IOAT Input/Output Acceleration Technology (Intel, Xeon), "I/OAT"

IOC Indicators Of Compromise, "IoC"

IOC Initial Operational Capability

IOC Input / Output Controller

IOC Input/Output Cluster (Cray, I/O)

IOCCC International Obfuscated C Code Contest

IOCS Input Output Control System (OS, IBM 7090)

IOCTA Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (EC3)


IOM Integrated Object Model

IOMMU Input Output Memory Management Unit (AMD, Athlon)

ION Internetworking Over NBMA (LIS, LAG, ATM, NBMA)

IONL Internal Organization of the Network Layer (OSI)

IOOC Integrated Optics and Optical fiber Communication (Konferenz)

IOP Input / Output Processor

IOPL Input Output Privilege Level

IOPLL IO Phase Lock Loop (IO, Intel, CPU)

IOPS Input Output Per Second

IOS Internetworking Operating System (Cisco, OS)

IOS InterOrganizational Systems

IOT Index Organized Table (Oracle, DB)

IOT Internet Of Things (Internet), "IoT"

IOTE Initial Operational Test and Evaluation, "IOT & E"

IOTTMCO Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual Observer (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IOUG International Oracle Users Group (Org., DB, Oracle, User group)

IOW In Other Words (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IP Information Provider

IP Instruction Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

IP Intellectual Property

IP Intelligent Peripheral (IN)

IP Intelligent Peripheral

IP intercept Point

IP Internet Protocol [version 4] (RFC 791)

IP16 Integer and Pointer 16 [bit] (BIT)

IPA [Fraunhofer] Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automation (Org., Stuttgart)

IPA Information Processing promotion Agency (Org., MITI, Japan)

IPAM IP Address Management (IP, DNS)

IPC Instructions Per Cycle (CPU)

IPC Integrated Polymer Circuit (IC)

IPC Internet Privacy Coalition (Internet)

IPC InterProcess Communications [protocol]

IPCE InterProcess Communication Environment

IPCP [PPP] Internet Protocol Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1332)

IPCR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (Conference, IAPR)

IPCS Interactive Problem Control System

IPD Intelligent Printer Data

IPDC Internet Protocol Device Control (MGCP)

IPDS IBM Personal Dictation System (IBM, Sprachverarbeitung)

IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IBM, CCS)

IPDU Internet Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

IPDVMRP IP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (RFC 1075, IP, Multicast) "IP-DVMRP"

IPE Integrated Programming Environment

IPES Improved Proposed Encryption Standard (IDEA, PES, Verschlüsselung)

IPFC Information Presentation Facility Compiler (IBM, OS/2)

IPFFS IPod Free File Sync, "iPFFS"

IPFS InterPlanetary File System (FS)

IPG International Programmers Guild (Org.)

IPG InterPacket Gap (IPX, IP )???

IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface [protocol]

IPI Inter-Processor Interrupt (CPU, SMP)

IPL IBM Public License

IPL Initial Program Load

IPL Ionenstrahl-ProjektionsLithographie

IPM Impulses Per Minute

IPM InterPersonal Messaging

IPM Interruptions Per Minute

IPMB Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMI, BMC)

IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface (Intel, HP, DELL)

IPMS InterPersonal Messaging System

IPN Info Pool Network (ISP)

IPNG Internet Protocol Next Generation (IP, RFC 1550/1752) "IPng"

IPOC Interim Policy Oversight Committee (Internet, TLD)

IPP Intel Primitive Performance [library] (Intel)

IPP Internet Peering Point (Internet, IXP, ISP)

IPP Internet Presence Provider (Internet)

IPP Internet Printing Protocol (IBM, OS/400, RFC 2639/3196)

IPPM Internet Protocol Performance Metrics (IP)

IPS Inches Per Second

IPS Information Processing Standards

IPS InPlane Switching [technology] (LCD, Sony, Philips, NEC, Iiyama, Eizo, Dell, BenQ, Apple)

IPS Intrusion Protection System (IDS)

IPSE Integrated Programming Support Environment (CASE)

IPSEC Internet Protocol SECurity (Org., Internet, IETF, DES), "IPSec"

IPSJ Information Processing Society of Japan (Org., Japan)

IPSP Internet Protocol Security Protocol

IPSP IP Security Policy (IP, Internet, IPSec, RFC 3586)

IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council (Org.)

IPTD [microsoft] Internet Platform and Tools Division (MS)

IPTO Information Processing Techniques Office (ARPA)

IPTV Internet Protocol TeleVision (IP)

IPU Intelligent Processing Unit

IPU ISDN-datex-P-Umsetzer

IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IP, RFC 1883/1884) IPv6

IPVR Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Rechensysteme (Org., Uni Stuttgart)

IPW Incremental Packet Writing (CD-R)

IPX Internet Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware)

IPXCP [PPP] Internetwork Packet eXchange Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1552)

IPXODI IPX Open Datalink Interface (Novell, Netware)

IPXSPX IPX / Sequenced Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware), "IPX/SPX"

IPXWAN Internet Packet eXchange over various WAN media (Novell, IPX, WAN, RFC 1634)

IR Information Retrieval

IR Interface Repository (ORB)

IR Internet Registry

IRC InformationsRessourcen Controlling (IM)

IRC Internet Relay Chat [protocol] (RFC 1459, Internet)

IRCS Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (Org., Uni Pennsylvania, USA)

IRD Integrated Resource Director (IBM)

IRDA InfraRed Data Association (Org., Hersteller, IRDA) "IrDA"

IRDP ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (ICMP, RFC 1256)

IRDS Information Resource Dictionary System (ANSI, ISO, IM)

IRF Integer Register File (DEC, Alpha, CPU)

IRIE International Review of Information Ethics (ICIE)

IRIS Incident Response Intelligence Services (IBM)

IRIS Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (Org., Canada)

IRIS Internet Registry Information Service (XML, Internet)

IRL In Real Life (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IRL Industrial Robot Language (HLL)

IRLAN InfraRed Local Area Network (IRDA, LAN, TTP), "IrLAN"

IRLAP InfraRed Link Access Protocol (IRDA, IRLAP), "IrLAP"

IRLMP InfraRed Link Management Protocol (IRDA, IRLAP), "IrLMP"

IRLMPTP InfraRed Link Management Protocol/Transport Protocol (IRDA, IRLMP), "IrLMP/TP"

IRLPT InfraRed Line PrinTer (IRDA, LPT, TTP), "IrLPT"

IRM Information Resources Management

IRMX Intel Real time Multitasking eXecutive (OS, Intel), "iRMX"

IROBEX InfraRed OBject EXchange protocol (IRDA, TTP), "IrOBEX"

IRP I/O Request Packet (I/O)

IRQ Interrupt ReQuest

IRR Interrupt Request Register (IC)

IRRE Inline Relational Record Editing (TYPO3)

IRRP Inter-Domain Routing Protocol (ISO 10747)

IRSG Internet Research Steering Group (Org., Internet)

IRT Interrupt Response Time

IRTF Internet Research Task Force (IAB, Internet)

IRTP Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol (RFC 938)

IRTRANP InfraRed TRANsfer Picture (IRDA)

IRV International Reference Version [character set] (ISO, IS 646)

IS Intermediate System (ATM)

IS International Standard (ISO)

IS International Supplement (ODT)

ISA Industry Standard Architecture (PC)

ISA Instruction Set Architecture (CPU)

ISA Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation society (Org.)

ISA Integrated Systems Architecture (ESPRIT, ANSA)

ISA Interactive Services Association (Org., USA)

ISA Internet Security and Acceleration server (MS, Firewall)

ISACA Information Systems Audit and Control Association (Org.)

ISADS International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (IEEE-CS, Conference)

ISAGAT Industry Standard Architecture - Guaranteed Access Time (ISA, DMA, PCI)

ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol

ISAM Index-Sequential Access Mode (DB, SAM)

ISAPI Internet Server Application Programmer's Interface (MS, C/S, WWW, API)

ISBN International Standard Book Number

ISC Intelligent Screen Cognition

ISC International Supercomputer Conference

ISC Internet Service Center (ISP)

ISC Internet Software Consortium (Org., Internet)

ISC2 International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (Org.)

ISCA International Society for Computers and their Applications (Org., AI)

ISCSI Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI, SAN, IETF, RFC 3720/3721/3722) "iSCSI"

ISD Integrated Sensor Device (Wacom, LCD)

ISD Interface Summary Design

ISDBC ISAM to SQL DataBase Connectivity (DB, ISAM, SQL)

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network (ITU)

ISDNUP ISDN User Part (ISDN, GSM, Mobile-Systems), "ISDN-UP"

ISDV Integrated Software Development and Verification

ISE Instant Secure Erase (Seagate)

ISEE Information System Engineering Environment (Westmount, CASE)

ISEE Integrated Software Engineering Environment [reference model] (NIST, ECMA, CASE)

ISFUG Integrated Software Federal User Group (Org., User group)

ISH Information SuperHighway

ISI [Fraunhofer] Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (Org.)

ISI Information Sciences Institute (Org., USA)

ISI Information Society Initiative (UK)

ISIL Internet Search Interface Language (Internet, Sherlock, Apple)

ISIS Image and Scanner Interface Specification

ISIS Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification (Verschlüsselung)

ISIS Integrated Systems and Information Services (OS, Intel)

ISIS Intermediate System to Intermediate System [protocol / routing] (OSI, RFC 1195) "IS-IS"

ISIT [Fraunhofer] Institut für SiliziumTechnologie (Org., Itzehoe), "ISiT"

ISKO International Society for Knowledge Organisation (Org.)

ISL Inter-Switch Link (FC)

ISLM Integrated Services Line Module

ISLN Integrated Services Local Network

ISLU Integrated Services Line Unit

ISM Industrial, Science, Medical [ = 2,4 GHz ] (WLAN)

ISM Intel Server Management (Intel)

ISM InterSystems M (MUMPS, InterSytems)

ISMA Internet Streaming Media Alliance (Org., Internet, Apple, Cisco, IBM, Philips, ...)

ISML Interface Specification Meta-Language

ISMS Integrated Security Model for SNMP (SNMP)

ISMS Inventory Sampling Measurememt System (CC)

ISN Information Systems Network

ISN Initial Segment / Sequence Number (TCP/IP)

ISN Integrated Systems Network

ISN Internet Shopping Network (Netzwerk, WWW)

ISNS Internet Storage Name Service (RFC 4171) "iSNS"

ISO International Standards Organisation [International Organization for Standardization] (Org.)

ISOBMFF ISO Base Media File Format (ISO)

ISOC Internet SOCiety (Org., Internet)

ISODE ISO Development Environment (OSI)

ISOE ISCSI Offload Engine (ISCSI), "iSOE"

ISONET ISO information NETwork (ISO, Netzwerk)

ISP Image Synthesis Processor (IC, Graphik, TSP)

ISP Integrated System Peripheral control (Wyse)

ISP Interactive String Processor (BS2000)

ISP International Standardized Profiles (ISO)

ISP Internet Service Provider (Internet)

ISPA Internet Service Provider Austria (Org., ISP)

ISPA Internet Services Providers' Association (Org., UK)

ISPA ISDN PAcket [driver] (ISDN)

ISPC Internet Service Providers' Consortium (ISP, IPP, Org.) "ISP/C"

ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility (IBM)

ISPN International Standard Program Number

ISPO Information Society Project Office [of the european commission] (Org., Europa, ECHO)

ISPS Instruction Set Processor Specifications (HDL)

ISQI International Software Quality Institute (Org.) "iSQI"

ISQL Interactive Structured Query Language

ISR Interrupt Service Register (IC)

ISR Interrupt Service Request

ISR Interrupt Service Routine

ISRC International Standard Recording Code

ISS Internet Security Systems (Hersteller)

ISSAC International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ACM, Conference)

ISSCC International Solid State Circuits Conference (Konferenz)

ISSE Internet Streaming SIMD Extension (Intel, Pentium, Katmai, SIMD)

ISSN Integrated Special Services Network

ISSN International Standard Serial Number

ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (IEEE-CS, Conference)

ISSS Information Society Standardization System (CEN, Org.)

ISST [Fraunhofer] Institut für Software- und SystemTechnik (Org., Dortmund)

IST Immerse System Technology (VR)

IST Indian Standard Time [+0530] (TZ)

IST Initial System Test

IST Intelligent Transportation System

ISTA International Security Tuition Association (Org.)

ISTM It Seems To Me (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

ISTO Information Science and Technology Office (Org., DARPA)

ISTQB International Software Testing Qualification Board (iSQI)

ISTR I Seem To Recall / Remember (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

ISUP Integrated Services User Part (ISDN)

ISV Independent Software Vendor

ISV Independent Solution Vendor (DEC)

ISV Information Service Vendor

IT Information Technology

IT Iran Time [+0300] (TZ)

ITA Interim Type Approval

ITAA Information Technology Association of America (Org., USA)

ITAC Information Technology Association of Canada (Org., Kanada)

ITAF International Teletext Art Festival

ITAM Information Technology Asset Management

ITAN Indizierte TransaktionsNummer (Banking), "iTAN"

ITCM Instruction Tightly Coupled Memory (IC)

ITE InformationsTechnische Einrichtungen

ITESFA1EHS Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Function Area 1 - Enterprise Hardware Solutions (Mil., USA), "ITES-FA1-EHS"

ITG InformationsTechnische Gesellschaft (Org., VDE)

ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library (CCTA, OGC)

ITLB Instruction Translation Look-aside Buffer (CPU)

ITM Information Technology Management

ITMA Information Technology Management Association (Org., USA)

ITMS Immediate check Truth Maintenance System (AI)

ITMS ITunes Music Store (WWW), "iTMS"

ITOT ISO Transport service on TCP/IP (ISO, TCP/IP, RFC 2126)

ITP Intend / Intent To Package (Slang, Cygwin)

ITP Intent to Package (Linux, Debian)

ITR International Telecommunication Regulations (ITU)

ITR Internet Talk Radio (Internet)

ITRC Information Technology Research Centre (Org., Canada)

ITRON Industrial TRON (TRON, OS)

ITRS International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors

ITS Incompatible Time-sharing System (DEC)

ITS International Telecommunications Society (Org.)

ITSDN Integrated Tactical/Strategic Data Network (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

ITSEC [european] Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (Europa)

ITSEM Information Technology Security Evaluation Manual / Methodology (ITSEC)

ITSP Internet Telephony Service Provider (Internet, CAT)

ITSPO Information Technology Standards Program Office (Org., USA)

ITT International Telegraph and Telephone (Org.)

ITTI Information Technology Training Initiative (Org., UK)

ITTM Institut Telekomunikasi dan Teknologi Maklumat (Org., Malaysia)

ITU Information Transport Utility

ITU International Telecommunications Union (Org.)

ITUR International Telecommunications Union - Radiocommunications sector (ITU, Org.) "ITU-R"

ITUSA Information Technology Users Standards Association (Org., USA)

ITUT ITU Telecommunications [standards group] (Org., Nachfolger, CCITT) "ITU-T"

ITUTSS International Telecommunications Union Telecommunication Standards Sector (ITU)

ITW In The Wild [viruses]

ITX ??? Technology eXtended [form factor]

ITYM I Think You Meant (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IU Integer Unit (CPU)

IUCV Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IBM, TCP/IP, API, VM/ESA, CP)

IUK Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, "IuK"

IUKDG Informations- Und KommunikationsDiensteGesetz (DFÜ, Deutschland)

IUMA Internet Underground Music Archive (WWW)

IUP Interim Update Package (3COM)

IUR International User Requirements (ETSI, TS 101331)

IUT Implementation Under Test

IUTSUT Implementation Under Test - System Under Test, "IUT-SUT"

IV InformationsVerarbeitung

IV Initialisation Vector (Verschlüsselung)

IVA International Voice Association (Org.)

IVC Integrated Visual Computing [architecture] (SGI)

IVDENIC InteressenVerbund DEutsches Network Information Center (Org., Internet) "IV-DENIC"

IVDLAN Integrated Voice and Data Local Area Network

IVM Internet Voice Messaging (Internet, RFC 4239)

IVR Interactive Voice Response (CTI)

IVS IBM Verkabelungs-System

IVS Interactive Visualization Systems

IVTS International Video Teleconferencing Service

IVW Informationsgemeinschaft zur feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern [e. V.] (Org.)

IWA International Webmasters Association (Org., WWW)

IWAM Internet server Web Application Manager (MS, Windows, Internet)

IWBS Institut für WissensBasierte Systeme (Org., IBM)

IWC Inside Wire Cable

IWF InterWorking Function (IN, GSM, ...)

IWFM It Works for Me (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IWOP Ingenic Wearable Open Platform

IWS Intelligent Work-Station

IWT International Workshop on Telematics (Conference, IEEE-CS, SEE)

IWU InterWorking Unit (IN)

IWV ImpulsWahlVerfahren (MODEM)

IXA Integrated Xseries Adapter [= Integrated xSeries Adapter] (IBM)

IXC IntereXchange Carrier (FCC, LATA)

IXI International X.25 Infrastructure (COSINE, CORDIS)

IXP Internet eXchange Point (Internet, IPP, ISP)

IXS Integrated Xseries Server [= Integrated xSeries Server] (IBM)

IYSWIM If You See What I Mean (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IZM [Fraunhofer] Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration (Org., Berlin)

J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Java, Sun)

J2ME Java 2 Micro Edition (Java, Sun)

J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition (Java, Sun)

JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service (Java, API)

JACC Java Authorization Contract for Containers (Java)

JACK Java Application Component Kit (Java)

JACM Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

JAD Joint Application Development

JADE Jasmine Application Development Environment (Jasmine, DB, CA)

JAE Java Application Environment (Java, Sun, JDK)

JAIN Java API for Integrated Networks (Java, API)

JAM John And Martin programming language (Xerox, PARC), "JaM"

JANET Joint Academic NETwork (Netzwerk, UK)

JAOO Java and Object Orientation [conference], http://www.jaoo.dk

JAP Java Anon Proxy (Java)

JAPH Just Another PERL Hacker (PERL)

JAR Java ARchive (Java)

JARS Java Applet Rating Service (Java, WWW)

JASS Javascript-Accessable Style Sheets (HTML, WWW, JavaScript)

JASS Jumpstart Architecture and Security Scripts (Sun, Solaris)

JAVAOS Java Operating System (Java), "JavaOS"

JAX [Konferenz für] Java, Apache, XML (conference, Java, Apache, XML)

JAX Java API for XML (Java, API, XML)

JAXB Java API for XML Binding (Java, API, XML)

JAXM Java API for XML Messaging (Java, XML, API)

JAXP Java API for XML Processing (Java, API, XML, JSR 206)

JAXR Java API for XML Registries (Java, XML, API), "JAX-R"

JAXRPC Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (Java, API, XML, RPC), "JAX-RPC"

JAXWS Java API for XML-based Web Services (JAX-RPC, Java), "JAX-WS"

JB Jelly Bean (Android, OS)

JBB Java Business Benchmark (SPEC, Java)

JBC J# Browser Controls (MS, .NET, Java)

JBI Java Business Integration (Java, JSR 208)

JBIG Joint Bi-level Image expert Group (Org., JTC1)

JBOD Just a Bunch Of Disks (HDD)

JBOF Just a Bunch Of Flash

JCA Java Cryptography Architecture (Java, API, Verschlüsselung)

JCALS Joint Computer-Aided Logistics System (CAL)

JCB Job Control Block (BS2000)

JCDW Java Callable Data Wrapper (Java)

JCE Java Cryptographic / Cryptography Extension (Java, JCA)

JCF JESSI Common Framework

JCK Java Compatibility Kit (Java, Sun)

JCL Job Control Language (IBM, OS/360)

JCO Java COnnector (SAP, R/3, Java, JNI)

JCP Java Community Process (Java, Sun)

JCR Java Content Repository (Java, API, JSR 170)

JCSS ??? (Org.)

JCW Java Callable Wrapper (MS, Java, VM, COM)

JDBC Java standard DataBase Connectivity (DB, Java, Sun, Borland, ODBC, API)

JDK Java Development Kit (Sun, Java)

JDO Java Data Objects (Java, JSR 12)

JDOM Java Document Object Model (Java)

JDS2 Java Desktop System 2 (Sun, Linux, Java)

JDT Java Development Tooling (Java, Eclipse)

JDWP Java Debug Wire Protocol (Java)

JECL Jabber External Component Libraries (Jabber, API)

JED Joomla! Extensions Directory (Joomla)

JEDEC Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council (Org.)

JEE Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE, Java, Sun)

JEIDA Japan Electronics Industry Development Association (Org., Japan)

JEITA Japan Electronics and Information Technology industries Association (Org. Japan)

JELD Java Event List Daemon (Java)

JEM Java Eclipse Modeling Framework Model (Java, EMF, Eclipse, WTP)

JEMS Jboss Enterprise Middleware System

JES Java Enterprise System (Sun, Java)

JES Job Entry Subsystem (IBM)

JESS Java Expert System Shell (Java, Shell)

JESSI Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative (Org, Europa)

JET Java Emitter Templates (Java, EMF)

JET Joint Engineering Team

JFC Java Foundation Classes (Java, API, AWT)

JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor (IC, FET)

JFFS Journaling Flash File System (FS, Flash)

JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format (JPEG)

JFS Journaled File System (IBM, HP, FS)

JFS Journalized File System

JFT Job File Table (DOS)

JICST Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (Org., Japan)

JIEO Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization (Org., DISA, Mil., USA)

JIF JPEG Interchange Format (JPEG)

JIG Jabber Interest Group (Jabber)

JIPDEC Japan Information Processing DEvelopment Center (Org., Japan)

JIPS JANET Internet Protocol Service (JANET)

JIS Japanese Institute of Standards (Org., Japan)

JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (Org., Japan)

JIT Just In Time [compiler]

JITC Joint Interoperability Technology Center (Org., DISA, Mil.)

JK Just Kidding (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

JLCA Java Language Conversion Assistant (MS, Java, .NET)

JM Joint Model (AVC)

JMAPI Java Management API (Java, API)

JMF Java Media Format (Java)

JMI Java Metadata Interface (Java)

JMM Java Memory Model (Java)

JMS Java Messages Service (Java, API)

JMSC Japanese MIDI Standard Committee (Org., Japan)

JMSWG Joint Multi-TADIL Standards Working Group (Org., Mil., TADIL)

JMX Java Management eXtensions (Java)

JND Just Noticeable Difference (Video)

JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface (JavaSoft, API, Java)

JNI Java Native method Interface (Java, API)

JNSS ??? (Org.)

JNT Java Network Technology (Java, Informatec)

JODS Jasmine Object Database Server (Jasmine, DB, CA)

JOHNNIAC JOHN von Neumann Integrator and Automatic Computer

JOL Journal of Online Law (WWW)

JOLT Java OnLine Transactions (Java, Bea, OLTP)

JOOP Journal of Object Orientated Programming (OOP)

JOSL Jabber Open Source License (Jabber)


JOSS Joint Object Services Submission

JOTS Joint Operational Tactical System (Mil.)

JOVE Jonathan's Own Version of EMACS (EMACS)

JOVIAL Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language

JPA Java Persistence API (Java, API, JEE, EJB)

JPEG Joint Photographics Expert Group (Org., JTC1, RFC 1521, JPEG)

JPLDIS Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System

JPM Java Package Manager (MS, Java, VM)

JPS Java Print Service (Java)

JRE Java Runtime Environment (Java)

JRMP Java Remote Method Protocol (Java)

JRPG Japanese Role Playing Game (RPG)

JSA Japanese Standards Association (Org., Japan)

JSA Juristische StandardAntwort (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

JSAI Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (Org., Japan)

JSAN Joint Staff Automation of the Nineties (Mil.)

JSD Jackson System Development (JSP)

JSDK Java Servlet Development Kit (Java, Sun)

JSF JavaServer Faces (Java, J2EE)

JSME Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering (Org., Japan)

JSON JavaScript Object Notation (JavaScript, JSON)

JSP Jackson Structured Programming (JSD)

JSP Java Server Pages (Java, Sun, JSP)

JSPA Java Specification Participation Agreement (Java, JCP)

JSPE Japan Society of Professional Engineers (Org., Japan)

JSR Java Specification Request (Java, JCP)

JSSA Japan Society for System Audits (Org., JIPDEC, Japan)

JSSE Java Secure Socket Extension (Java, API)

JST Japan Standard Time [+0900] (TZ)

JSTL JSP Standard Tag Library (Java, JSP, WSDP)

JT Java Time [+0730] (TZ)

JTA Java Transaction API (Java, API)

JTA Joint Technical Architecture (JIEO, Mil.)

JTAG Joint Test Action Group (Org., IC)

JTB Jump Trace Buffer (CPU)

JTBP Job To Be Processed [block] (BS2000)

JTBPX Job To Be Processed [block] eXtension (BS2000)

JTC1 Joint Technical Committee 1 (ISO, IEC, IT)

JTM Job Transfer and Manipulation (ISO 8831/32)

JTMS Justification based Truth Maintenance System (AI)

JTS Java Transaction Services (Java, API)

JTSSG Joint Telecommunications Standards Steering Group (Mil.)

JTWI Java Technology for Wireless Industry (Java, JSR-185)

JUGHEAD Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation And Display

JUI Joomla User Interface

JUMBO Java Universal Molecular Browser for Objects (XML)

JUMP JUelich MultiProcessor (IBM)

JUNET Japan Unix NETwork (Netzwerk, Unix)

JURIS JURistisches InformationsSystem

JV JobVariablen (BS2000)

JVC J++ Visual Compiler (MS, Java)

JVET Joint Video Exploration Team (Org., ITU)

JVIDS Joint Visually Integrated Display System (Mil.)

JVM Java Virtual Machine (Java)

JVMPI Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (Java, JDK)

JVMTI Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (Java, JVM, J2SE)

JVT Joint Video Team (ITU-T, ISO, IEC, MPEG)

JWE JSON Web Encryption (JSON)

JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (Mil.)

JWS Java Web Services (Java)

JWS Java Web Start (Java, IBM)

JWS Javadoc extensions for Web Services (BEA, Java)

JWS JSON Web Signature (JSON)


KAISER Kernel Address Isolation to have Side-channels Efficiently Removed

KAN KriminalAktenNachweis (INPOL)

KARL KAiserslautern Register transfer Language [version II/III] (HDL)

KARL KArlsruhe Register transfer Language [version I] (HDL)

KASLR Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (OS)

KB KiloByte

KBPS KiloBits Per Second (BIT)

KBS Knowledge-Based System

KCC Knowledge Consistency Checker (AD)

KCCU Keyboard Cursor Control Unit (Airbus, A380)

KCGI Kyocera ??? (Kyocera)

KCGL KyoCera Graphic Language (Kyocera)

KCMS Kodak Color Management System (Kodak, DTP)

KDC Kerberos Domain Controller (Kerberos)

KDC Key Distribution Center (Verschlüsselung)

KDD Kokusai Denshin Denwa (Org., Japan)

KDE K Destop Environment (Linux, KDE, GUI)

KDF Key-Derivation Function (Verschlüsselung)

KDM K Display Manager (KDE)

KDM Key Delivery Message (DCI)

KDT Keyboard Display Terminal

KERMIT Kl-10 Error-free Reciprocal Micro Interconnect over Tty lines

KES Key Escrow System (Verschlüsselung)

KFM K File Manager (KDE)

KGEM Kernel Generalized Event Management (CA, GPL, Linux)

KGRZ Kommunales GebietsRechenzentrum Giessen (Org.)

KHG Kernel Hacking Guide (Linux)

KI Künstliche Intelligenz

KIBI KIloBInary [ (2^10)^1]

KIF Konferenz der Informatik Fachschaften (Konferenz)

KIM Keyboard Import Monitor

KIO K Input / Output (KDE)

KIPI KDE Image Plugin Interface (KDE)

KIPS Kilo Instructions Per Second

KIR Kyocera Image Refinement (Kyocera)

KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

KIT Kernel software for Intelligent Terminals (T-Online, DTAG, BTX)

KK KitKat (Android, OS)

KK Konnectivity Koordination (DE-NIC)

KLICK Karlsruher LIChtleiter-Kommunikationsnetz (Uni Karlsruhe)

KLIPS Kernel IPSec (Linux, IPSEC)

KLIPS Kilo Logical Inferences Per Second (AI, KI, XPS)

KLT Karhunen Loeve Transformation

KLT Kernel Latency Time

KM Knowledge Management

KMDF Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF, MS, Windows, Vista)

KMDL Knowledge Modeling and Description Language

KME Kombinat Mikroelektronik Erfurt

KML Keyhole Markup Language (XML, Google)

KMOS Kernel of a Multiprocess Operating System (OS)

KMS Key Management Server (AD)

KMS Knowledge Management Systeme

KNI Katmai New Instructions (Intel, ISSE, Vorläufer)

KNN Künstliche Neuronale Netze (Neuronale Netze)

KNOOM KNowledge Orientated Office Model

KOLIBRI KOpal LIBrary for Retrieval and Ingest (KOPAL), "koLibRi"

KONSENS KoOrdinierte Neue Software-Entwicklung der Steuerverwaltung

KOPAL KoOPerativer Aufbau eines Langzeitarchivs

KORE ???

KOS Kent On-Line System (OS)

KPCMS Kodak Precision Color Management System (Kodak, DTP)

KPDL Kyocera Page Description Language (Kyocera)

KPI Kernel Programming Interface (Unix, API)

KPM Kyocera PrintMonitor (Kyocera)

KPOP Kerberized Post Office Protocol (POP3)

KPT Kai's PowerTools (DTP)

KPTI Kernel Page-Table Isolation (OS)

KQML Knowledge Query Manipulation Language (AI)

KR [brian] Kernighan & [dennis] Ritchie [c standard], "K&R"

KR Knowledge Representation (AI)

KRA Key Recovery Alliance (Org., Verschlüsselung)

KRACK Key Installation AttaCK (WPA, WLAN)

KSA Kalman Saffran Associates (Hersteller)

KSA KommunikationsStrukturAnalyse (OA, TUB)

KSDS Key Sequenced Data Set (VSAM)

KSH Key Strokes per Hour

KSH Korn SHell (Unix, Shell)

KSIG Khronos Special Interest Group

KSK Key Signing Key (ZSK)

KSLNRC Knowledge Systems Laboratory of the National Research Council (Org., Canada, AI)

KSN Kaspersky Security Network, http://ksn.kaspersky.com/

KSOS Kernelized Secure Operating System (OS)

KSPM KeyStrokes Per Minute

KSR Keyboard Send Receive

KSS Kilo-Samples per Second

KUTGW Keep Up The Good Work (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

KV KabelVerzweiger

KV Karnaugh Veitch diagram

KVA Kernel Virtual Address [space]

KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine (Linux, VM)

KVM Keyboard, Video, Mouse

KVM Kilobyte Virtual Machine (Java, Sun, MIDP)

KWM K Window Manager (KDE)

L1 Level 1 [cache]

L2 Level 2 [cache]

L2F Layer 2 Forwarding [protocol] (Shiva, Cisco, IP, IPX, LLC)

L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (PPP, VPN, IP, RFC 2661)

L3VPN Layer 3 Virtual Private Network (VPN)

LA [MPEG] Licensing Administration (MPEG)

LA Limited Availability (IBM, OS/2)

LA Location Area (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

LAA License Assisted Access (LTE)

LAC Location Area Code (Mobile-Systems)

LAC Lotus Authorized Consultants (Lotus)

LACNIC Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (Org., Internet)

LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol (IEEE 802.3ad, IEEE 802.1ax)

LADSPA Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plug-in API (Linux, API)

LADT Lexikon der Abkürzungen in der Datentechnik und Telekommunikation (WWW)

LADT Local Access Data Transport

LAEC Lotus Authorized Education Center (Lotus)

LAG Logical Address Group (ION)

LAM Local Area Multicomputer (Parallel Computing)

LAMDA Language Model for Dialogue Applications (Google), "LaMDA"

LAME LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder (MP3)

LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Linux, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

LAMPP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP and PERL (Linux, Apache, DB, SQL, PHP, PERL)

LAN Local Area Network (LAN)

LANANA Linux Assigned Names And Numbers Authority (Linux, Org.)

LANCE LAN Controller for Ethernet (LAN)

LANE Local Area Network Emulation [over ATM specification] (ATM)

LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory (Org., USA)

LAP LAN Access Profile (Bluetooth, SPP, LAN)

LAP Link Access Procedure / Protocol (CCITT, X.25)

LAPACK Linear Algebra PACKage (FORTRAN)

LAPB Link Access Procedure - Balanced (CCITT, LAP, X.25)

LAPD Link Access Procedure on the D channel (X.21, ISDN, TA)

LAPIC Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)

LAPM Link Access Procedure for Modem

LAPP Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Linux, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

LAPS LAN Adapter and Protocol Support

LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

LASS Local Area Signaling Service

LAT Local Area Transport (DEC)

LATA Local Access Transport Area

LATM Local Asynchronous Transfer Mode

LAVAS LAger- und VersandAbwicklungsSystem (MBAG)

LAVC Local Area VAX Cluster (VAX, DEC)

LAW Local Authority Workstation

LAWN Local Area Wireless Network

LBA Logical Block Addressing (EIDE)

LBAC Label Based Access Control (DB2, Informix, DB)

LBCAST Lateral Buried Charge Accumulator and Sensing Transistor array (Nikon, photo)

LBM Local Bus Master

LBN Logical Block Number (LBA)

LBR Last Branch Recording (Intel, CPU, IC)

LBS Location Based Service (Mobile-Systems)

LBT Listen Before Talk (DFÜ), ieeesa

LBT Local Bus Targets

LBX Low-Band with X

LC Linux Computer (Corel)

LC Loopback Capability (UNI, ATM, OAM)

LC3 Low Complexity Communications Codec (Bluetooth)

LCA [Sair] Linux [and GNU] Certified Administrator (Linux, GNU, Unix)

LCA Logic Cell Array

LCC Local Control Center

LCCM LAN Client Control Manager (IBM, LAN)

LCD Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD)

LCD LISP Code Directory (EMACS)

LCD Loss of Cell Delineation (UNI, ATM)

LCF Logic of Computable Functions

LCG LHC Computing Grid [veraltet/old term] (WLCG, CERN)

LCGI Local Common Graphics Interface (CGI, WWW)

LCM LEAF Creation Method (EES, Verschlüsselung)

LCN Local Control Network (Issendorf)

LCN Logical Channel Numbers

LCOS Liquid Crystal On Silicon (LCD), "LCoS"

LCP [PPP] Link Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1570)

LCP [Sair] Linux [and GNU] Certified Professional (Linux, GNU, Unix)

LCP Largest Content (ful) Paint

LCR Least Cost Routing

LCS Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT)

LCS Linux Compatibility Standard (Linux)

LCS Liquid Crystal Shutter

LCS Lotus Communication Server

LCSS Liquid Crystal Stereoscopic Shutter [display]

LCT Last Compliance Time (GCRA)


LCV Line Coding Violation [error event] (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

LD LAN Destination (ATM)

LDA Local Delivery Agent

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (RFC 1777, X.500, DS, AD, CORBA)

LDAPAPI Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Application Program Interface (LDAP, RFC 1823, API) "LDAP API"

LDCM LANDesk Client Manager

LDD Lightly Doped Drain (IC, MOSFET)

LDDM Longhorn Display Driver Model (MS, Windows, Vista)

LDID Logical Disk IDentifier (MS)

LDP Label Distribution Protocol (IETF, RFC 3036, MPLS)

LDP Linux Documentation Project (Linux)

LDP Loader Debugger Protocol (RFC 909)

LDPC Low Density Parity Check Codes (WIMAX, 802.16e)

LDR Light Detect Resistor

LDS Lightweight Directory Services (AD, MS)

LDT Lightning Data Transfer [bus] (AMD)

LDT Local Descriptor Table (CPU, Intel)

LDTR Load Descriptor Table Register (CPU, Intel, Assembler, IC)

LDTRC Local Descriptor Table Register Cache (LDT, Intel, CPU)

LDVA LänderDatenVerareitungsAnlage

LDW Lane Departure Warning (Auto)

LE LAN Emulation (LANE, ATM)

LEA Law Enforcement Agency (ETSI, ETSI 201 671)

LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field (EES, Verschlüsselung)

LEAP Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, EAP, Verschlüsselung, WLAN)

LEARP LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol (LANE, ARP, ATM), "LE-ARP"

LEAS LATA Equal Access System

LEC LAN Emulation Client (LANE, ATM)

LEC Layered Error Correction (CD)

LEC Local Exchange Carrier (FCC, LATA, IEC)

LECID LAN Emulation Client IDentifier (LANE, ATM, LEC)

LECS Local area network Emulation Configuration Server (ATM, LANE, LEC)

LED Light-Emitting Diode

LEDBAT Low Extra Delay BAckground Transport

LEI Lotus Enterprise Integrator (Lotus)

LEL Link, Embed and Launch (UNIX)

LELA Linksys EasyLink Advisor

LELR Low Energy Low Range (Bluetooth)

LEMP Lightning ElectroMagnetic Pulse

LEN Loi pour la confiance dans l'Economie Numérique (Frankreich)

LEN Low Entry Networking (IBM, SNA, PU)

LENS Laser Engineered Net-Shaping

LEO LeitungsEndgerät, Optisch (Mil., Deutschland)

LEO Link Everything Online (WWW, TUM)

LER Last Exception Record (MSR, Intel, CPU)

LES LAN Emulation Server (LANE, ATM)

LES Line Errored Seconds (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

LF Line Feed (ASCII)

LF Login Facility (DCE)

LFA Leitzentrum Für Anwendungsforschung (DDR), "LfA"

LFA Link Field Address (Forth)

LFA Local Feature Analysis

LFAP Light-weight Flow Admission Protocol (Cabletron, RFC 2124)

LFB Linear Frame Buffer (CPU, VESA)

LFCC Linux Federation for Commercial Customers (Linux)

LFE Low Frequency Effect (Audio)

LFG Looking For Group (MMORPG, Slang, GLF)

LFN Long File Names

LFNBK Long File Name BacKup (MS)

LFO Low Frequency Oscillator

LFS Linux From Scratch (Linux, Org.)

LFS Log-Structured File System (FS)

LFS Loopback File System

LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register (IC)

LFT Layer Four Traceroute (IP, TCP, UDP)

LFU Least Frequently Used

LG Liebe Grüße (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LGMR Laser Guided Magnetic Recording

LGPL Lesser General Public License (GPL, GNU)

LGPO Local Group Policy Object (AD, GPO)

LGX Linux/GNU/X [distribution] (Yggdrasil, Linux, GNU)

LHR Lite / Low Hash Rate

LHS Left Hand Side (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

LI Lawful Interception (ETSI)

LIB Linear Incremental Backoff (CSMA/CD, BEB)

LIC Licensed Internal Code

LICCC Licensed Internal Code Configuration Control (IBM)

LID Local IDentifier (Infiniband)

LIDO LInux cluster DOrtmund, "LiDO"

LIF Low Insertion Force (IC)

LIFD Last In First Drop

LIFE Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering [research] (MITI)

LIFE Logistics Interface For manufacturing Environment

LIFI Light Fidelity (OWC), "Li-Fi"

LIFO Last In First Out

LIJP Leaf Initiated Join Parameter

LIKS Lietuvos kompiuterininko Sajunga (Org., Litauen)

LILO LInux [boot] LOader (Linux)

LIM Lotus - Intel - Microsoft (Hersteller)

LIMAD Linear MAgnetic Drive [technology]

LIMDOW Laser / Light Intensity Modulation, Direct OverWrite (MOD)

LIMEMS Lotus - Intel - Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification (Lotus, Intel, MS, EMS), "LIM EMS"

LIMS Lawful Interception Management System (Utimaco)

LIN Local Interconnect Network [bus]

LINC Laboratory INstrument Computer

LINCAT LINux Compatibility Assurance Toolkit (Linux, Sun, Solaris)

LINQ Language INtegrated Query (MS, VB, C#)

LIP Language Interface Pack (MS, Windows)

LIP Large Internet Packet

LIP Loop Initialization Primitive (SCSI)

LIPKEY Low Infrastructure Public KEY [meachanism], https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2847

LIPS Logical Inferences Per Second (AI, KI, XPS)

LIR Link Incident Report (Cisco)

LIR Local Internet Registry (Internet)

LIRC Linux Infrared Remote Control (Linux)

LIS Logical IP Subnet (RFC 1577, ION)

LISA Linux Installation & System Administration (Linux, LST)

LISA Localization Industry Standards Association (Org.)

LISP LISt Processor (LISP)

LISP Locator/Id Separation Protocol

LISP Lots of Isolated Silly Parentheses (LISP, Slang)

LISUAF [thüringer] LandesInformationsSystem Umwelt, Agrar und Forst (UIS), "LIS-UAF"

LITA Library and Information Technology Association (Org., USA)

LITTA Latvijas Informâcijas Tehnologiju un Telekomunikâciju Asociâcija (Org., Lettland)

LIU Line Interface Unit

LIV Link Integrity Verification

LIVE LInux VErband (Linux, Org.)

LIVID Language Identification and Voice IDentification

LIW Long Instruction Word (CPU)

LKDDB Linux Kernel Driver DataBase (Linux) "LKDDb"

LKI Labor für Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., KI, Hamburg)

LLAP Localtalk Link Access Protocol (AppleTalk, LAP)

LLATMI Lower Layer ATM Interface (ATM)

LLB Local Location Broker (NCS)

LLC Logical Link Control (IEEE 802.2, ISO, OSI)

LLCSNAP Logical Link Control/SubNetwork Access Protocol (LLC, SNAP), "LLC/SNAP"

LLE Low Latency Ethernet (DCE)

LLMNR Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (IP, TCP, UDP)

LLN Line Link Network

LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Org., USA)

LLP Link Level Protocol (BTX)

LLP64 Long [32 bit], Long [32 bit], Pointer 64 [bit] (BIT)

LLVM Low Level Virtual Machine [veraltet/old term] (GCC)

LMAO Laughing My Ass Off (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LMDE Linux Mint Debian Edition

LMDS Local Multi-point Distribution System

LME Large Memory Enabled [devices and drivers] (DAC)

LME Layer Management Entity (OSI)

LMFAO Laughing My Fucking Ass Off (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

LMI Layer Management Interface (ATM)

LMML Learning Material Markup Language

LMQ Load Miss Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU)

LMS Library Maintenance System (BS2000)

LMU LAN Manager for Unix (Unix), "LM/U"

LMX LAN Manager for uniX (LAN, Unix, MS), "LM/X"

LNA Low Noise Amplifier (GPS)

LNB Line Number Block

LNN Lotus Notes Network (Lotus)

LOC LAN Operations Center (LAN)

LOC Lines Of Code

LOC Loss of Cell delineation (UNI, ATM)

LOCIS Library Of Congress Information System (Internet)

LOCT Layered Open Crypto Toolkit (RSA, Verschlüsselung)

LOD Level Of Detail (3D)

LOF Loss of Frame (UNI, ATM, DS3/E3)

LOL Laughing Out Loud (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LOLITA Language for the On-Line Investigation and Transformation of Abstractions

LOM Laminated Object Manufacturing

LOM LAN On Motherboard (LAN)

LON Local Operation Network

LOOPS LISP Object Oriented Programming System (Xerox, OOP, LISP)

LOP Language Orientated Programming

LOP Loss of Pointer (UNI)

LOPEC Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention, "LOPE-C", http://www.lope-c.com/

LORAWAN Longe Range Wide Area Network (WAN, LP-WAN, IoT), "LoRaWAN"

LOS Line Of Sight (WIMAX, NLOS)

LOS Local Operating System

LOS Loss of Signal (UNI, ATM)

LOSP LOw SPeed channel connector (Cray, I/O)

LOV List Of Values (DB, Oracle, Java)

LOVIS LagerOrtVerwaltungs- und InformationsSystem (MBAG)

LP Language Pack (MS, Windows)

LP Line Printer (Unix)

LP Linear Programming

LP Logical Partition (LVM)

LP32 Long and Pointer 32 [bit] (BIT)

LPAE Large Physical Address Extension

LPAM Low Power Active Mode (Fujitsu)

LPAN Logical Processing Area Network

LPAR [conference on] Logic for Programming, Artificial intelligence and Reasoning (AI, conference)

LPB [S3] Local Peripheral Bus

LPC Linear Predictive Coding (Sprachverarbeitung)

LPC Low Pin Count [interface] (ICH)

LPD Line Printer DAEMON

LPDA Link Problem Determination Aid

LPDDR Low Power Double Data Rate (SDRAM)

LPDP Line Printer DAEMON Protocol (RFC 1179)

LPDU Link Protocol Data Unit

LPEX Live Parsing eXtensible Editor (IBM, OS/2)

LPF League for Programming Freedom (Org.)

LPI Lines Per Inch

LPI Linux Professional Institute (Linux, Org.)

LPIC Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPI, Linux)

LPP Licensed Program Product (IBM)

LPPB Land Pre Pit level Before [recording] (DVD-R)

LPPL Latex Project Public License

LPR Line Printer Remote / Request (Drucker)

LPR Low Priority Request (VUMA)

LPS Lines Per Second

LPS Lotus Professional Services (Lotus)


LPT Line PrinTer

LPWAN Low Power Wide Area Network (IoT, WAN), "LP-WAN"

LPX Lean Packet eXchange (Ximeta, IDE, LAN)

LPX Low Profile eXtended [motherboard/form factor]

LQ Letter Quality

LQM Link Quality Monitoring (PPP)

LR Location Register (LA, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

LRBni Larrabee New Instructions (Intel)

LRC Longitudinal Redundancy Check


LRH Local Route Header (Infiniband)

LRPC Lightweight Remote Procedure Calls (OLE)

LRQ Load Reorder Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU)

LRS Line Repeater Station

LRU Least Recently Used

LRZ Leibniz RechenZentrum (Org., BADW)

LS LAN Server (IBM)

LSA Link State Advertisement (OSPF)

LSA Local Security Authority (Samba)

LSA Lotus Solution Architecture (Lotus)

LSAPI Licensed Services Application Program Interface (MS, API)

LSASS Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (MS, Windows)

LSB Least Significant Bit (BIT)

LSB Linux Standard Base (Linux, FSG)

LSD Loop Stream Detector (IDQ, Intel, CPU)

LSDU Link Service Data Unit

LSE Linux Scalability Effort (Linux)

LSE Local Subscriber Environment

LSF Load Sharing Facility

LSI Large Scale Integration

LSI Latent Semantic Indexing

LSL Link Support Layer (ODI)

LSM Linux Security Modules (Linux)

LSM Linux Software Map (Linux)

LSN Logical Sector Numbers (OS-9)

LSO Large Segment Offloading (NDIS)

LSO Linux Standards Organization (Org., Linux)

LSP Label Switched Path

LSP Layered Service Provider (MS, Windows, TCP, UDP, NetBIOS)

LSPP Labeled Security Protection Profile (CC, SELinux)

LSR Leaf Setup Request

LST Linux Support Team [distribution] (Linux)

LSTM Long-Short-Term-Memory

LSU LAN Service Unit (LAN)

LSU Load/Store Unit (Power4, IBM, CPU)

LT Lagrande Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

LT Line Termination (ADSL)

LT Logical Terminal (IBM)

LT Lower Tester (ISO 9646-1)

LTC Line Termination Coordinator

LTC Linux Technology Center (Linux, Unix, IBM)

LTC Longitudinal Time Code (Video)

LTE Line Terminating Equipment (SONET)

LTE Long Term Evolution (Mobile-Systems)

LTEA Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE, Mobile-Systems), "LTE-A"

LTEAP Long Term Evolution Advanced Pro (LTE, Mobile-Systems), "LTE-AP"

LTEM Long Term Evolution for Machines (LTE), "LTE-M"

LTERM Logical TERMinal (IBM), "LTerm"

LTEU LTE Unlicensed (LTE), "LTE-U"

LTFS Linear Tape File System (FS, LTO)

LTID Logical Terminal IDentifier (IBM)

LTO Linear Tape Open (Streamer, IBM, HP, Seagate)

LTO Link Time Optimization

LTPO Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide (OLED)

LTPS Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon (LCD)

LTPSTFT Low Temperature PolySilicon Thin Film Transistor (TFT, LCD)

LTS Long Time Support

LTSB Long Term Service Branch (MS, Windows)

LTSC Long-Term Servicing Channel (MS, Windows)

LTSS Lawrence TimeSharing System (OS, LLNL)

LU Logical Unit (NAU)

LU62 Logical Unit 6.2 (IBM), "LU6.2"

LUA Least-priviledged User Account [veraltet/old term] (MS, Windows, Vista, UAP)

LUG Local Users Group

LUN Logical Unit Number (SCSI)

LUNA Leuchtendatei für UnfallfluchtNAchforschungen (INPOL)

LUNI LANE User Network Interface (LANE, ATM)

LUP Language UPgrade (MS)

LUT Look-Up Table (RAMDAC, FPGA, RL)

LV Logical Volume (LVM)

LV Low Voltage

LVD Low Voltage Differential [technology] (SCSI, Symbois Logic)

LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signal (TI, NSC)

LVE Live Video Extension (Video)

LVI Load Value Injection (CPU)

LVM Logical Volume Manager (AIX, HP/UX, OSF/1, HDD)

LVN LandesVerwaltungsNetz (Baden-Württemberg)

LVS Layout Versus Schematic [check] (DRC, IC)

LVTI Local Variable Type Inference

LVTTL Low Voltage Transistor Transistor Level (IC)

LW Living Worlds (VRML)

LWA LTE Wi-Fi Aggregation (LTE, WLAN)

LWC Last Working Configuration (ESCD, PNP, BIOS)

LWE LinuxWorld Conference & Expo (Linux, Europa)

LWL LichtWellenLeiter (Kabel)

LWP Library for WWW in PERL (PERL, WWW)

LWP Light Weight Process (Sun, OS)

LX Linear eXecutable (OS/2)

LZS Lempel-Ziv-Stac [compression]

LZSDCP [PPP] Lempel-Ziv-Stac - Data Compression Protocol (PPP, RFC 1967) "LZS-DCP"

LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch [compression]

M2C Model To Code (M2M, MDSD)

M2M Machine To Machine [protocol]

M2M Model To Model (M2C, MDSD)

MAC Mandatory Access Control (MLS, DAC)

MAC Media Access Control (ISO, OSI, LAN, , WLAN, ...)

MAC Membership Advisory Committee (ICANN)

MAC Message Authentication Code (SSL, SRT, Verschlüsselung)

MACH Multilayer ACtuator Head

MACID Media Access Control IDentifier, "MAC-ID"

MACOS MACintosh Operating System (Apple, OS), "MacOS"

MACS Manufacturing Application Control System (SNI)

MACS MODEM Access Control System (MODEM, DES, Verschlüsselung), "M.A.C.S."

MACSBUG Motorola Advanced Computer Symbolic deBUGger (Motorola)

MAD Memory Address Driver strength (BIOS)

MAD Message Address Directory

MAD Militärischer AbschirmDienst (Mil., Org.)

MADCAP Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (RFC 2730, Multicast)

MADE Multimedia Application Development Environment (CWI)

MADK Microsoft Activex Development Kit (ActiveX, MS)

MADT Multiple APIC Description Table (ACPI, APIC)

MAE Macintosh Application Environment (Apple, Sun, HPUX)

MAE Metropolitan Area Exchange (Internet)

MAEC Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization, http://maec.mitre.org/

MAINSAIL MAchine INdependent SAIL (SAIL)

MAJC Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing [pronounced 'magic'] (Sun, Java)

MAJOUR Modular Application for JOURnals (EWS, SGML)

MAM Multi Access Module

MAME Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, "M.A.M.E."

MAMP Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Mac, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

MAMR Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording (HDD)

MAN Metropolitan Area Network

MANET Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (Internet)

MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM)

MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors)

MAP Microsoft Academic Program (MS)

MAP Mobile Application Part (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems, SS7)

MAP27 Mobile Access Protocol [for MPT 1327] (MPT 1327), "MAP 27"

MAPASE Mobile Application Part - Application Service Elements (MAP, MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems), "MAP-ASE"

MAPEC Multimedia APplications in Education Conference, "MApEC"

MAPI Messaging Application Program Interface (MS, WOSA, API)

MAPOS Multiple Access Protocol over SONET/SDH (SONET, SDH, RFC 2171)

MAPP Mac, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Mac, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

MAPP Microsoft Active Protections Program (MS)

MAPS Microsoft Active Protection System (MS, MSE)

MAPS Multiple Airflow Pass-through Structure (Scythe), M.A.P.S.

MAPTOP Manufacturing Automation Protocol/Technical Office Protocol, "MAP/TOP"

MAR Microprogram Address Register (IC)

MAR Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher [program] (MS)

MARC MAchine Readable Cataloging [record]

MARID MTA Authorization Records in DNS (MTA, DNS, SPAM, IETF, WG)

MAS Multi Agent Systems (AI)

MAS90 Mittelstands-Anwendungs-System 90 (IBM)

MASC Multicast Address-Set Claim [protocol] (RFC 2909, Multicast)

MASCAT MicroArchitectural Side-Channel Attack

MASE Message Administration Service Element

MASM Microsoft ASseMbler (MS, Assembler)

MASS Message Authentication Signature Standards (MTA, SPAM, WG)

MAT [Dolby] Metadata-enhanced Audio Transmission

MAU Medium Access Unit

MAU Medium Attachment Unit (IEEE 802.3, Transceiver)

MAU Multistation Access Unit (Token Ring, Hub)

MAUS Münsters Apple User Service (BBS, Netzwerk) "M.A.U.S."

MAW Microsoft At Work

MAWI MAterialWIrtschaft

MAX MAssively parallel uniX (Cray, OS, MIMD, MPP, Unix)

MAX Media Access Exchange (Ascend)

MAX Multimodaler AssemblierungseXperte (VR, Uni Bielefield)

MB MailBox

MB MegaByte

MBA Memory Bus Adapter

MBA Mobile Bitstream Access (Mobile-Systems)

MBAAS Mobile Backend As A Service (BAAS)

MBAG Mercedes-Benz AktienGesellschaft (Anwender)

MBB Mobile BroadBand (3GPP)

MBC Multi Bit Cell (IC, PCMCIA, Flash, AMD, BIT)

MBCMS Mercedes-Benz-Computer-Mikrofilm-System (MBAG), "MB-CMS"

MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy (IC; MOSFET)

MBIT Mega Binary digIT (BIT), "MBit"

MBM Media Bandwidth Management (DSL, Zyxel)

MBOA MultiBand OFDM Alliance (Org., OFDM)

MBPS MegaBits Per Second (BIT)

MBR Master Boot Record

MBS Maximum Burst Size

MBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MS, Windows)

MBSA Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MS)

MBUS Module BUS [standard] (Sun, SPARC), "MBus"

MC2UC MultiCast 2 UniCast (WLAN)

MCA Micro Channel Architecture (IBM, PS/2)

MCA Mission Critical Applications

MCA Model Centric Architecture (Skynamics)

MCAD Mechanical CAD (AutoCAD, CAD)

MCAV Modified Constant Angular Velocity

MCB Memory Control Block (DOS, TPA)

MCBF Mean Cycle Between Failure

MCC Manchester Code Converter

MCC Manchester Computing Centre (Linux)

MCC Mitteldeutsches Communication Center (Leipzig)

MCC Mobile Country Code (Mobile-Systems)

MCC Monitor and Control Center (Bundeswehr)

MCC Multichannel Communication Controller (SCC, FCC)

MCD Mini Client Driver (MS, Windows, NT)

MCD Multimedia Cartridge Drive (Nomai)

MCE Machine Check Exception (Intel, CPU)

MCE Media Center Edition (MS, Windows, XP, OEM)

MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board (Org., Mil., USA)

MCERT Mittelstand Computer Emergency Response Team (Deutschland)

MCF Meta Content Framework / Format (Apple, WWW)

MCF MOM Connector Framework (MS, MOM)

MCGA Multi Color Graphics Adapter (IBM, PS/2)

MCH Memory Controller Hub [aka Northbridge] (Intel)

MCI Measurement Layer Interface (UMA)

MCI Media Control Interface

MCI Microwave Communications Incorporated, http://www.mci.com

MCL Media Communication Lab (Org., Uni Boston, USA)

MCM Multi Carrier Modulation

MCM MultiChip Module (CPU)

MCN Metropolitan Campus Network

MCNE Master Certified Netware Engineer (Novell, Netware)

MCNS Multimedia Cable Network System (Org.)

MCP Master Control Program (OS)

MCP Media and Communications Processor (IC)

MCP Merlin Convenience Pack (IDB, OS/2)

MCP Multiple-Chip Product (Intel)

MCP Multiport / Multiprotocol Communication Processor

MCPAS Master Control Program/Advanced System, "MCP/AS"

MCPC Multi Channel Per Carrier

MCPS Microsoft Certified Product Specialist (MS, ATEC)

MCR Minimum Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, PCR, ABR)

MCS Material Control System

MCS Message Conversion System

MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme (EGPRS, Mobile-Systems)

MCS MultiCast Server

MCS Multi-Category Security (SELinux)

MCS Multichannel Communications System (Mac)

MCS Multivender Customer Services (DEC)

MCSD Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MS, ATEC)

MCSE Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MS, ATEC)

MCSMP Message Conversion System Message Processor (MCS)

MCSS Mitac Computer Security System (Mitac)

MCT Media Creation Tool (MS, Windows)

MCT Microsoft Certified Trainer (MS, ATEC)

MCTD Mean Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM)

MCTS Monte-Carlo-Tree-Search

MCTS Multiple Console Time Sharing System (OS, CAD)

MCU Management & Cascade Unit (Hub)

MCU Master Control Unit (Nokia, OS)

MCU Micro Controller Unit (SIA, RL)

MCU Mirco Code Update

MCU Multipoint Controller Unit (VoiP)

MCVA Modified Constant Angular Velocity (Optical Disk)

MD Make Directory (DOS, OS/2)

MD Management Domain

MD Mini Disk (Sony)

MD2 Message Digest [algorithm] 2 (RFC 1115/1319)

MD4 Message Digest [algorithm] 4 (RFC 1320)

MD5 Message Digest [algorithm] 5 (RFC 1321)

MDA Mail Delivery Agent

MDA Medicated Digest Authentication (HTTP)

MDA Mobile Digital Assistant (T-Mobile, PDA)

MDA Model Driven Architecture (CASE, OMG)

MDA Monochrome Display Adapter [720x350] (IBM, PC)

MDAC Microsoft Data Access Components (MS)

MDBMS Multidimensional DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

MDBS Micro Data Base System (DB)

MDC Message conversion system Directory Component (MCS)

MDC Meta Data Coalition

MDC Mozilla Developer Center

MDCT Modified Discrete Cosine Transformation

MDD Model Driven Design (MDS)

MDDB MultiDimensional DataBase (DB)

MDE Mobile DatenErfassung, "mDE"

MDEF Menu DEfinition Functions (Apple, CDEF)

MDI Medium Dependent Interface (Ethernet)

MDI Mobile Data Initiative (Org., GSM, Mobile-Systems)

MDI Multiple Document Interface (MS, Windows)

MDI Multiplex Device Interface

MDIS MetaData Interchange Specification

MDIX Medium Dependent Interface - crossed (MDI), "MDI-X"

MDK MODEM Developers Kit (MODEM, MS)

MDL Memory Descriptor List (NDIS)

MDL Microstation Development Language (CAD)

MDM Master Data Management

MDM MicroDiskModule

MDM Mobile Device Management (CA, Unicenter, MS)

MDN Mozilla Developer Network, https://developer.mozilla.org/

MDNS Multicast - Domain Name System (DNS), "mDNS"

MDOP Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MS, Windows)

MDRAM Multibank Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

MDRC Manufacturing Design Rule Checker

MDS Manufacturing Design System

MDS Microsoft Deployment Solution (MS, Windows, Vista)

MDSD Model Driven Software Development

MDSE Message Delivery Service Element

MDSP Mobile Device Sync Protocol (Lotus)

MDT Mechanical DeskTop (SGI)

MDT Message Distribution Terminal

MDT Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MS)

MDT Mittlere DatenTechnik

MDT Mountain Daylight Time [-0600] (TZ, MST, USA)

ME Management Engine (Intel, AMT, BIOS, UEFI)

ME Mapping Entity

ME Millennium Edition (MS, Windows)

MEB Midrange Electronics Bay (SSI)

MEBI MEgaBInary [ (2^10)^2]

MEC Memory Expansion Card

MEC Microsoft Exchange Conference (MS)

MEF Managed Extensibility Framework (MS)

MEG Mega Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

MEGA MeßdatenErfassung und Graphische Auswertung

MEI Matsushita Electronics Incorporated (Hersteller, Japan)

MEL Maya Embedded Language (Maya)

MEMS Micro-ElectroMechanical System

MERS Most Economic Route Selection

MERT Multiple Environment, Real Time (OS)

MES Manufacturing Execution System

MES Menü-EntwicklungsSystem (Sinix, SNI)

MES Minimum European Set (UTF, ISO 10646)

MESA MetaEmailSearchAgent (WWW, Internet)

MESCH Multi-WAIS Engine for Searching Commercial Hosts (WAIS, WWW)

MESFET MEtal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (IC, FET)

MESH Macintosh Enhanced SCSI Hardware (Apple, SCSI)

MESI Modified - Exclusive - Shared - Invalid (SMP)

MESN Media Event Status Notification

MESZ MittelEuropäische SommerZeit [+0200] (TZ)

MET Memory Enhancement Technology (HP), "MEt"

MET Micro Exposure Tool (Intel, EUV)

MET Middle European Time [+0100] (TZ, CET, METDST, MEZ)

METAL Machine Evaluation and Translation Language (Siemens)

METAL Macro Expansion Template Attribute Language (TAL, ZPT, ZOPE)

METDST Middle European Time Daylight Saving Time [+0200] (TZ, MET, MEZ)

MEU Multiformat Engine Unit (LCD, Sony)

MEWDE My EMACS Web Development Environment (EMACS, WWW)

MEZ MittelEuropäische [sommer] Zeit [+0200] (TZ)

MF Multi Frequency

MFA Multi Factor Authentication

MFAST Mwave Folded Array Signal Transform [DSP] (IBM, DSP)

MFC Memory Flow Controller (SPE, Cell, IBM)

MFC Microsoft Foundation Classes (MS)

MFC Music Feature Card (IBM, Yamaha, MIDI)

MFD Multi-Functional Display (Airbus, A380)

MFENET Magnetic Fusion Energy NETwork

MFG Mit Freundlichen Grüßen [= best wishes]

MFG Multi-Function Gateway

MFI MainFrame Interactive (IBM)

MFII Multi-Functional [keyboard] II (IBM)

MFIP Multi-Function Interoperability Processor

MFKS MultiFunktionales KonferenzSystem

MFLOPS Million FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU)

MFM Modified Frequency Modulation

MFP MultiFunction Product (HP)

MFS Macintosh File System (Apple)

MFS Message Format Service (IBM, IMS)

MFS Mobile File Sync (IBM)


MFT Master File Table (NTFS)

MFT Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (IBM, OS, OS/MFT, OS/MVT)

MFV MehrFrequenzwahlVerfahren

MGA Matrox Graphics Adapter (Matrox)

MGA Monochrome Graphics Adapter

MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol (VoIP, RFC 2705)

MGI Multi-Function Interpreter

MGM Memory Grant Manager (Informix, DB)

MH Mobile Host (MHP)

MH Modified Huffman (Fax)

MHDL MIMIC Hardware Description Language

MHEG Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group (JTC1, ISO)

MHL Mobile High-definition Link

MHP [columbia] Mobile Host Protocol

MHP Multimedia Home Platform (ETSI)

MHPCC Maui High Performance Computing Center (Org., USA)

MHS Message Handling System (GOSIP, X.400, Novell, SPX, IPX)

MHTML Messaging HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

MHTML MIME [e-mail encapsulation of aggregate documents, such as] HTML (MIME, HTML, RFC 2110)

MI Management Interface

MIA Missing In Action (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

MIAW Movie In A Window

MIB Management Information Base (OSI, SNMP)

MIC Machine Identification Code

MIC Mandatory Integrity Check (MS, Windows)

MIC Media Interface Connector (FDDI, PMD)

MIC Memory in Cassette (Seagate, EEPROM, Streamer, AIT)

MIC Memory Interface Controller (IBM, Cell)

MIC Message Integrity Check / Code

MIC Model-Integrated Computing

MIC Multiple Interface Connection (Kyocera)

MICA MODEM ISDN Channel Integration (Telebit, MODEM, ISDN)

MICE Modular Integrated Communications Environment


MID Message IDentifier (ATM)

MID Mobile Information Device

MID Multiple Interface Declaration (OLSR)

MIDI Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI)

MIDL Microsoft Interface Definition Language (NT)

MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile (J2ME, Java, JSR-118)

MIDPEG Mobile Information Device Profile Expert Group (Sun, AOL, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Palm, Samsung, Sharp, ...)

MIF Module Interconnection Facility (Proteus)

MIG Mach Interface Generator (Mach, IDL)

MII Media Independent Interface

MIIS Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MS)

MIKEY Multimedia Internet KEYing (Verschlüsselung, VoIP)

MIL Matrox Imaging Library

MILNET MILitary NETwork (USA, Mil., Netzwerk)

MILOS Maschinelle Indizierung auf Linguistischer Grundlage für OPAC Systeme (OPAC)

MILSTAR Military Strategic TActical Relay (Mil., USA)

MILSTD Military STandarD (Mil., USA), "MIL-STD"

MIMD Multiple Instruction [stream], Multiple Data [stream] (CPU)

MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (RFC 2045/2046/2047/2048/2049, IETF)

MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output (WLAN)

MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output (Agere-Systems, WLAN, Bell)

MIMOLA Machine Independent MicrOprogramming LAnguage (HDL)

MIN Multistage Interconnection Networks

MINC Multilingual Internet Names Consortium (Org., Internet)

MINISTREL Models for INformatIon STorage and REtrievaL (OA, BIS, ESPRIT)

MINT Mint is Not TOS (Atari), "MiNT"

MINT Multimedia-kommunikation aif Integrierten Netzen und Terminals

MINX Multimedia Information Network eXchange

MIO Memory Input/Output (Motorola)

MIO Modular Input/Output [architecture] (HP)

MIP Main Information Packet (CD-MRW)

MIP Multimission Interactive Picture

MIP Multum In Parvo (3D, SAT)

MIPS Microprocessor without Interlocked Piped Stages

MIPS Million Instructions Per Second (CPU)

MIPV6 Mobile IP V6 (IP), "MIPv6"

MIR Maximum Information Rate

MIR Micro-Instruction Register (IC)

MIS Management Information System

MIS Mega Iterations per Second

MIS Micro Instruction Sequencer (Intel, CPU)

MIS Mounting Interface Standard (VESA)

MISD Multiple Instruction [stream], Single Data [stream] (CPU)

MISO Multiple Input, Single Output (WLAN)

MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (UK)

MISS Mecklenburg Internet Service System (ISP)

MISSI Multilevel Information System Security Initiative (Org.)

MISX Metered Services Information eXchange (Internet)

MIT Management Information Tree

MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Org., USA)

MIT Mobile Internet Toolkit (MS, .NET)

MITM Man In The Middle [[attack]]

MJ Modular Jack

MKS Mortice Kern Systems (Hersteller)

MKT Multifunktionelles KartenTerminal (CT, ICC)

MKTME Multi-Key Total Memory Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

ML Machine Learning

ML Mail List

ML Maintenance Lead (JCP)

ML Meta Language

ML2 MaskLess Lithography

MLA Mail List Agent

MLA Micro Lens Array

MLC Multi Level Cell (IC, PCMCIA, Flash, Intel, SLC)

MLD Multicast Listener Discovery [protocol] (IPV6, Multicast, RFC 2710)

MLE MultiLine Entry field (IBM, OS/2)

MLI Measurement Layer Interface (UMA)

MLI Multiple Link Interface (ODI)

MLIA [symposium on] Machine Learning in Information Access (AAAI, AI, conference)

MLID Multiple Link Interface Driver (ODI, LAN)

MLM Mailing List Manager [software]

MLMA Multi-Level Multi-Access (MAC)

MLP Meridian Lossless Packaging (DVD, Audio)

MLP Mozilla Localization Project (Mozilla)

MLP MultiLink Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

MLR Multi-channel Linear Recording [technology] (Tandberg, Streamer)

MLS Messaging Layer Security (IETF)

MLS MultiLevel Secure [operating systems / platforms] (SELinux)

MLT Master Lower Tester (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)

MLT3 MuLTilevel-3 [encoding] (Schneider & Koch, FDDI), "MLT-3"

MM Media Manager (Novell, Netware, SMS)

MM Military Message (Mil.)

MM Mobile Management (RR, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

MMA Microcomputer Managers Association (Org., USA)

MMA MIDI Manufacturer Association (Org., IMA)

MMAPI Mobile Media API (Java, Sun, JMF, API, JSR-135)

MMC Microsoft Management Console (MS, Windows, NT, XP)

MMC MIDI Machine Control

MMC MultiMedia Commands (SAM)

MMC MultiMediaCard

MMCA MultiMediaCard Association (Org.)

MMCD MultiMedia Compact Disk (Sony, Philips, CD)

MMCDE MultiMedia Compact Disk - Erasable (Sony, Philips, CD), "MMCD-E"

MMCF MultiMedia Communications Forum (Org.)

MMDO Magnetic Modulation Direct Overwrite

MMDS Multi-channel, Multi-point Distribution System

MMF Make Money Fast (Usenet, ECP, EMP)

MMF Memory Mapped File (Windows 95, Windows, NT)

MMF Multimode Fiberoptic cable (SMF)

MMFS Manufacturing Message Format Standard (MAP)

MMHID MultiMedia Human Interface Device

MMHS Military Message Handling System (Mil., MHS)

MMI Mixed Mode Interpreter (JIT, IBM, Java)

MMIO Memory Mapped I/O (I/O)

MML Maker Markup Language (FrameMaker)

MMOG Massive Multiplayer Online Games

MMORPG Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Games

MMOS Massive Multiplayer Online Science (MMO)

MMP Multilink Multichasis PPP (PPP)

MMPM2 MultiMedia Presentation Manager /2 (IBM, OS/2), "MMPM/2"

MMR Modified Modified Read (Fax)

MMRSG Mobile Multi-hop Relay Study Group (IEEE), "MMR SG"

MMS Manufacturing Message Specifications / Standard (MAP, EIA, RS-511, ISO, DIS 9506)

MMS Maximum Message Size

MMS Microsoft Media Server [protocol] (MS, Internet)

MMS Module Making System (VMS)

MMS Multilevel Mail Server

MMS Multimedia Messaging Service (Mobile-Systems)

MMTC Massive Machine-Type Communication (MTC, 3GPP), "M-MTC"

MMU Mass Memory Unit

MMU Memory Management Unit

MMVF MultiMedia Video File [disk] (NEC, DVD)

MMWM MultiMedia Window Manager (X-Windows)

MMX Mobile Module PCI eXpress [specificiation] (Nvidia, PCIe)

MMX MultiMedia eXtensions (Intel, CPU)

MNC Mobiles Network Codes (Mobile-Systems)

MNG Multiple-image Network Graphics [format]

MNOS Metal Nitride Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

MNP Microcom Networking Protocol

MO Machine Object (PO)

MO Management Object (OSI)

MOB Memory Ordering Buffer (Intel, CPU)

MOBA Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (ARTS, RTS)

MOBI Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (Org.)

MOCS Microsoft Official Curriculum Seminar (MS, ATEC, MCSD)

MOD Magneto-Optical Disk (OD)

MODACOM MObile DAta COMmunication

MODCA Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (IBM), "MO:DCA"

MODEM MOdulator DEModulator

MODI Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MS)

MOE Measure of Effectiveness

MOES Molekulare Optisch-Elektrische Schaltungsträger

MOESI Modified - Owned - Exclusive - Shared - Invalid (AMD)

MOF Managed Object Format (CIM, DMTF)

MOF Meta Object Facility (OMG, UML)

MOF Microsoft Operations Framework (MS)

MOK Machine Owner Key

MOLAP Multidimensional OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP)

MOLED Molecule Organic Light Emitting Display (OLED)

MOLI Microsoft OnLine Institute (MS)

MOLO Mobile Other Licensed Operator (Mobile-Systems, MVNO)

MOLP Microsoft Open Licence Pack (MS)

MOM Message Orientated Middleware (IBM)

MOM Microsoft Operations Manager (MS, SMS)

MONALISA MOdelling NAturaL Images for Synthesis and Animation, "MONA LISA"

MONET high data rate MObile interNET (Netzwerk)

MOO MUD Object Orientated (Internet, OOP, MUD)

MOOC Massive Open Online Course (Internet)

MOODLE Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol (DEC)

MOP Meta Object Protocol (CLOS)

MOP Multiple Original Prints

MOPRIA MObile PRinting Alliance (Org., Canon, HP, Samsung, Xerox) "Mopria"

MOPS Million Operations Per Second

MOR Mining Object Repository (OP, Oracle, DB)

MOS Master Operating System (OS, Varian)

MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

MOS Minimum Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

MOS Multiprogramming Operating System (OS, NCR)

MOSA Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement (MS)

MOSA Multiplayer Online Survival Arena

MOSES Major Open Systems Environment Standards

MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (IC, FET)

MOSIX Multicomputer Operating System for UnIX (Unix, Cluster, MOSIX)

MOSP Microsoft Online Services Partnership (MSN)

MOSPF Multicast [extensions to ] Open Shortest Path First [routing] (IP, OSPF, RFC 1584)

MOSRO MObiles-Sicherheits-ROboter-System

MOST Media Orientated Systems Transport

MOST Mobile Open Systems Technologies (UK, Uni Lancaster)

MOT Means of Test

MOTIS Message-Orientated Text Interchange System (ISO 10021, JTC1)

MOTSS More Of The Sameold Sameold (Usenet)

MOU Memorandum Of Understanding (IPOC, TLD, Internet)

MOUS Microsoft Office User Specialist (MS, Windows)

MOVE Microsoft Overlay Virtual Environment (MS)

MOVI [projekt] MObile VIsualisierung (DFG)

MOWORM Magneto-Optical Write Once Read Many, "MO-WORM"

MP [PPP] Multilink Protocol (MPPP, RFC 1990)

MP Management Pack (MS, MOM)

MP MegaPIXEL (PIXEL, photo)

MP Multi Processor

MP MultiProtocol

MP3 MPEG audio layer 3 (MPEG, Audio, IIS, ISO)

MPC Modular Port Concentrator


MPC Multimedia Personal Computer

MPD Message Preparation Directory

MPDA MultiPlatform DiskArray

MPDU Message Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

MPE Multi Protocol Encapsulation (DVB)

MPE Multi-Programming Executive (OS, HP, HP 3000)

MPEG Motion Picture Expert Group [old term] (MPEG)

MPEG Moving Picture Expert Group (Org., ISO 11172-1, JTC1)

MPEGTS Moving Picture Expert Group - Transport Stream (MPEG, TS), MPEG-TS

MPEV Multiple Programming Executive/V (HP), "MPE/V"

MPEXL Multiple Programming Executive/XL (HP), "MPE/XL"

MPF1 MikroProFessor 1, "MPF 1"

MPI Message Passing Interface (SMP, Cluster)

MPI Multiprocessor Interconnect Bus

MPIF Message Passing Interface Forum (Hersteller)

MPL Mozilla Public License (Netscape)

MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching (RFC 3031)

MPM Metra Potential Method

MPM Multi Processing Modul (Apache)

MPM Multi-user ??? Program for Microcomputers (CP/M, OS, DR), "MP/M"

MPM2 MultiMedia Presentation Manager/2 (OS/2, IBM), "MPM/2"

MPML Main Profile @ Main Level (MPEG), "MP@ML"

MPNET Multi-user ??? Program / NETwork (MP/M, CP/NET, OS), "MP/NET"

MPNOS Multi-user ??? Program / ??? (MP/NET, CP/NOS, OS), "MP/NOS"

MPOA Multi-Protocol Over ATM (ATM)

MPOW Multiple Purpose Operator Workstation

MPP Massive Parallel Processor / Processing (MPP)

MPP Message Posting Protocol (RFC 1204)

MPP Message Processing Program

MPPC Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MS, RFC 2118)

MPPD Multi Purpose Peripheral Device

MPPE Microsoft Point to Point Encryption (MS, Verschlüsselung, RFC 3078)

MPPP Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP, RFC 1990, MP, Ascend)

MPR Mät- och Provningsrådet [National Board for Measurement and Testing] (Org., Schweden, SWEDAC)

MPR MultiPoint Relay (OLSR)

MPRT Moving Picture Response Time

MPS Megabytes Per Second


MPS Multi Processor Specification (BIOS, HT, MS, Windows)

MPS MultiPage Signal (Fax)

MPS MultiProcessor Specification (SMP, Intel)

MPSA Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MS)

MPSX Mathematical Programming System eXtended (IBM)

MPT Memory Performance Technology (BIOS, MSI)

MPT Ministery of Post and Telecommunications (Org., Japan)

MPT MultiPort Transceiver

MPT1327 [British] Ministry of Post and Telecommunications [standard] 1327

MPTA Multi Protocol Transport Architecture (IBM, SNA)


MPTN Multi Protocol Transport Networking (IBM)

MPTS Multi Protocol Transport Services (IBM, MPTN)

MPTS2 Multi Protocol Transport Services / 2 (IBM, OS/2), "MPTN/2"

MPU MicroProcessor Unit (SIA, RL)

MPU401 MIDI Processing Unit 401 (Roland, MIDI), "MPU 401"

MPW Macintosh Programmers Workshop (Apple)

MPX MultiProgramming eXecutive (OS)

MPX MultiProgramming eXecutive (IBM, OS, IBM 1800)

MQA Master Quality Authenticated (Audio)

MQI Message Queueing Interface (IBM)

MQT Materialized Query Table (IBM, DB)

MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport

MQUIPS Million QUality Improvements Per Second

MR Magneto - Resistive (HDD)


MR Modified Read (Fax)

MRA Multi Resolutions Analysis

MRAM Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (IC, RAM)

MRB Method Request Broker (OMG)

MRBC Multiple Resolution Bitmap Compiler (MS, Windows)

MRC MOSIX Research the Clouds (MOSIX)

MRCF Microsoft Realtime Compression Format (MS)

MRCI Microsoft Realtime Compression Interface (MS)

MRCS Multi-Rate Circuit Switching

MRH Memory Repeater Hub (Intel)

MRIB Multicast RPF Routing Information Base (RPF, Multicast, PIM, MSDP)

MRJ Macintosh / MacOS Runtime for Java (Java, Apple)

MRJSDK Macintosh Runtime for Java Software Developer Kit (Apple, Java), "MRJ SDK"

MRM Multi Resolution Meshes (Intel, 3D)

MRML Multimedia Retrieval Markup Language (Multimedia, Internet, XML)

MRNET Minnesota Regional NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

MRO Mandatory Router Option [flag] (CATNIP)

MROC Multicommand Required Operational Capability

MROM Macrocode Mask Read Only Memory (ROM)

MROM Mask Read Only Memory (ROM)

MROMB Modular RAID On MotherBoard (Intel, RAID, ZCR), "MRO MB"

MRP Material / Manufacturing Resource Planning

MRP Material Requirement Planning (PPS, CIM)

MRS Media Recognition System (DAT)

MRSE Message Retrieval Service Element

MRTD Machine Readable Travel Document (s)

MRTG Multi Router Traffic Grapher

MRU Maximum Receive Unit [size] (SLIP, PPP)

MRU Most Recently Used

MRX MagnetoResistive eXtended [technology] (HDD)

MS Memory Stick

MS Message Store

MS Meta Signaling (ATM, ???)

MS MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS)

MS Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

MSA Management Service Architecture

MSA MicroService Architecture (SOA)

MSA MultiSource Assignment

MSAN Multi-Server Access Node

MSAP Management Service Access Point (OSI, OSI/RM, SAP)

MSAP Mini Slotted Alternating Priorities (MAC)

MSATA Mini Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA), "mSATA"

MSB Most Significant Bit (BIT)

MSBA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MS)

MSC Microprocessor Standardization Committee (Oerg., IEEE)

MSC MicroSoft C

MSC Mobile services Switching Center (PLMN, GSM, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

MSCDEX MicroSoft Compact Disk EXtensions (CD)

MSCHAP MicroSoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS), "MS-CHAP"

MSCM Multiple Slots on Continuation Mechanism (DQDB)

MSCP Mass Storage Control Protocol

MSCS MicroSoft Cluster Server [Wolfpack] (MS, Cluster)

MSCT Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit (MS)

MSD Most Significant Digit

MSDE MicroSoft Data Engine (MS, DB)

MSDE Microsoft SQL server Desktop Engine / Environment (MS, SQL)

MSDL MicroSoft Download Library (MS)

MSDN Macintosh Software Distribution Network (FidoNet, Apple)

MSDN MicroSoft Developer Network (MS)

MSDNAA MicroSoft Developer Network Academic Alliance (MS)

MSDOS MicroSoft Disk Operating System (MS, OS, PC)

MSDP Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (Internet, PIM-SM, Multicast, RFC 3618)

MSE Mean Squared Error

MSE Media Source Extensions (W3C, HTML, Javascript)

MSE MicroSoft Exchange server (MS)

MSE Microsoft Security Essentials (MS)

MSE Multimedia Software Engineering (Multimedia)

MSEN Media Status Event Notification

MSFIS MicroSoft Fax Information Service (MS)

MSFP Management Service Focal Point (IBM)

MSFTEU Maximum Surprise For The End User (Slang, Cygwin)

MSH Microsoft SHell (MS)

MSI Medium Scale Integration

MSI MicroSoft Installer (MS, WIndows)

MSI Micro-Star International (Hersteller, Taiwan)

MSIE MicroSoft Internet Explorer (MS, WWW, MSIE)

MSIL MicroSoft Intermediate Language (MS, .NET, CLI)

MSISDN Mobile Station ISDN Number (PLMN, GSM, Mobile-Systems), "MS-ISDN"

MSIX Metered Services Information eXchange [protocol] (Internet, ISP)

MSJVM MicroSoft Java Virtual Machine (MS, Java)

MSL Master Security Lock (Mobile-Systems)

MSL Maximum Segment Lifetime (TCP/IP)

MSL Microsoft Software Library (Internet, MS)

MSL Mirrored Server Link

MSM Media Support Module (ODI)

MSM Metal Semiconductor Metal (IC)

MSMQ MicroSoft Message Queue [server / services] (MS)

MSN Microsoft Support Network (Internet, MS)

MSN Monitoring cell Sequence Number (UNI, ATM)

MSN Multiple Subscriber Number (Euro-, ISDN)

MSNF Multiple Systems Networking Facility (IBM)

MSOS Mass storage Operating System (OS, CDC)

MSP Media Signal Processor (Samsung, MMX, ARM)

MSP Message Security Protocol

MSP Message Send Protocol (RFC 1159)

MSP Multitasking System Program (OS, Hemenway)

MSP7 Modular System Program /7 (OS, IBM), "MSP/7"

MSPI M&T Software Partner International [gmbh]

MSPL MicroSoft Public License (MS, Ms-RL), "Ms-PL"

MSR Machine Specific Register (IC)

MSR Meß-, Steuer- und Regelungssysteme

MSR Mobile Support Router (MHP)

MSR Model Specific Register (Intel, Pentium, IC)

MSRC Microsoft Security Response Center (MS)

MSRL MicroSoft Reciprocal License (MS, Ms-PL), "Ms-RL"

MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number (MM, HLR, MS-ISDN, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

MSRPC MicroSoft Remote Procedure Call (MS, DCOM), "MS-RPC"

MSRT Malicious Software Removal Tool (MS)

MSS Maximum Segment Size (TCP, ADSL)

MSS Microsoft Speech Server (MS)

MSS MIMOLA Software System (MIMOLA)

MSS Mobile Synchronisation Services (Mobile-Systems)

MSSE Message Submission Service Element

MST Mountain Standard Time [-0700] (TZ, MDT, USA)

MST Multi-Stream Transport

MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (STP, VLAN, IEEE 802.1s)

MSTSC MicroSoft Terminal Services Client (MS)

MSU Millions of Service Unit (IBM, TC)

MSVC Meta-Signaling Virtual Channel (ATM)

MSVC MicroSoft Visual C++ (MS)

MSW Machine Status Word

MSXML Microsoft XML core services (MS, COM, XML)

MT Machine [assisted] Translation

MT Mannesmann Tally [gmbh] (Hersteller)

MT Message Transfer / Type

MT Mobile Termination (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

MT Moluccas Time [+0830] (TZ)

MTA Microsoft Technology Associate (MS)

MTA Mail Transport Agent (SMTP)

MTA Main Table Area (CD-MRW)

MTA Message Transfer Agent (MTS, OSI, X.400)

MTASTS Mail Transfer Agent - Strict Transport Security (MTA), MTA-STS

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure (HDD, ...)

MTBRP Mean-Time-Between-Parts-Replacement

MTC Machine-Type Communication (3GPP)

MTC Master Test Component (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)


MTD Memory Technology Driver (IBM, PC-DOS)

MTDA Mean Time Data Availability

MTDS Magnetic Tape Operating System (OS)

MTE MuTating Engine (Viren), "MtE"

MTEC Motorola Training and Education Center (Org., Chicago)

MTF Message Text Formats

MTF Microsoft Tape Format (MS)

MTF Modulation Transfer Function

MTH Memory Translator Hub (Intel)

MTI MIPS Technologies Inc. (Hersteller, SGI)

MTJ Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MRAM)

MTOS Magnetic Tape Operating System (OS, Datapoint)

MTP Maximum Turbo Power (CPU, PBP)

MTP Media Transfer Protocol (Windows, MCE)

MTP Memory Translation and Protection (Infiniband)

MTP Message Transfer Part (ISDN, GSM, Mobile-Systems, SS7)

MTR Mining Table Repository (OP, Oracle, DB)

MTRJ Mechanical Transfer Registered Jack

MTRR Memory Type Range Register (CPU, Pentium Pro, IC)

MTS Magnetic Tape System (OS, HP, HP 2100)

MTS Message Transfer System (MHS)

MTS Michigan Terminal System (OS)

MTS Microsoft Transaction Server (MS, DB, WSH, COM)

MTT MailTrusT (Verschlüsselung)

MTT Multiple Transaction Translator

MTTF Mean Time To Failure

MTTFF Mean Time To First Failure

MTTR Mean Time to Recovery / Repair / React

MTTR Mean Time Trouble Repair

MTU Maximum Transmission Unit (SLIP, PPP, IP, PPPoE)

MTU Message Transfer Unit

MUA Mail User Agent

MUBIS MUltimediales BüroInformationsSystem (OA, BIS, TU Braunschweig), "MuBIS"c

MUCK Multi-User Chat Kingdom (MUD)

MUD Multi-User Dungeon (MUD)

MUGD MUMPS User Group Deutschland (MUMPS, User group, Org), "MUG-D"

MUI Management User Interface (OMF, UI)

MUI Multimedia User Interface (SGI, UI)

MULDEM MULtiplexer-DEMultiplexer

MULE MULtilingual Enhancement of GNU EMACS (EMACS, GNU)

MULTICS MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service (OS, MIT, Bell)

MULTOS MULtimedia Office Server (OA, BIS, ESPRIT)

MUM Multitask Unified Model (Google), "MuM"

MUMIMO Multi User Multiple Input Multiple Output (WLAN), "MU-MIMO"

MUMPS Massachusetts general hospital Utility Multi-Programming System

MUMPS Multi-User Multi-Programming System ??? (OS, DEC)

MUMPS MUMPS Development Committee (Org., MUMPS)

MUPAD Multi Processing Algebra Data [tool] (Uni Paderborn, CAS) "MuPAD"

MUSH Multi-User Shared Hallucination (MUD)

MUSICAM Masking-pattern adapted Universal Subband Integrated Coding And Multiplexing (MPEG, Digital Audio)

MUT Master Upper Tester (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)


MUTOS MultiUser-/multitasking Timesharing Operating System (DDR, OS)

MÜW eW MonopolÜbertragungsWeg, "MüW"

MUX MUltipleXer

MVA Microsoft Virtual Academy (MS)

MVA Multi Vendor Architecture

MVA Multidomain Vertical Alignment [technology] (LCD, Fujitsu)

MVC Model View Controller (Smalltalk, GUI)

MVC Multi-View-CODEC (Blu-ray, 3D)

MVCC MultiVersion Concurrency Control [system] (PostgeSQL, DB)

MVI Motion Video Instructions (DEC, CPU, Alpha)

MVIF Multi-Vendor Interacting Forum (Org., IN)

MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator (Mobile-Systems, MOLO)

MVP Most Valuable Professional [bonus program] (MS)

MVRCA Magnalink Variable Resource Compression Algorithm (PPP, RFC 1975)

MVS Multiple Virtual Storage (IBM, OS, OS/MVS)

MVS Multiple Virtual System (OS)

MVSESA Multiple Virtual Storage/Extended System Architecture (IBM), "MVS/ESA"

MVSESASP Multiple Virtual Storage/Extended System Architecture System Product (IBM), "MVS/ESA SP"

MVSSP Multiple Virtual Storage/System Product, "MVS/SP"

MVSTSO Multiple Virtual Storage/Time Sharing Option (IBM), "MVS/TSO"

MVSXA Multiple Virtual Storage/eXtended Architecture, "MVS/XA"

MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (IBM, OS/MVT, OS)

MWC Mobile World Congress (Mobile Systems, conference)

MWCM Molecular Wire Crossbar Memory (RAM, IC, HP)

MWI Media Wearout Indicator (SSD)

MWS Management WorkStation

MWS Matsushita White Skipping (Fax)

MX Mail eXchange (Unix)

MXB Multimedia eXension Board (SNI)

MXC Multimedia eXtension Connector

MXM Mobile PCI eXpress Module (Nvidia, PCI)

MXML Macromedia Flex Markup Language (Macromedia, XML)

MYDP MobilitY DisplayPort, "MyDP"

MZ Mark Zbikowski (MS-DOS, MCB)

MZAP Multicast-scope Zone Announcement Protocol (RFC 2776, Multicast)

NAARS National Automated Accounting Research System (USA)

NAAS Network As A Service

NAB National Association of Broadcasters (Org., USA)

NAB Netware Asynchronous Board (Novell, Netware)

NABTS North American Broadcast Teletext Standard (USA)

NAC Network Administration Center

NAC Network Admission Control (Cisco)

NAC Networks and Communications

NAC Null Attached Concentrator (FDDI)

NACLP North American Conference on Logic Programming (USA)

NACM Networks And Communications Marketing

NACS National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors (Org., USA)

NACS Netware Asynchronous Communication Server (Novell, Netware)

NACS Network Access Control System (Netware, DES, Verschlüsselung)

NACSIS National Academic Center for Science Information Systems (Org., USA)

NACT Neural Adaptive Control Technology [project] (NN)

NAD Network Access Device

NADB National Archaeological DataBase (DB, USA)

NAEC Novell Authorized Education Center (Novell, Netware)

NAG National Algorithms Group [ltd] (UK, Org., Vorläufer), "NAg"

NAG Network Architecture Group (Org.)

NAG Numerical Algorithms Group (UK, Org.) "NAg"

NAI Netzwerk Arbeitswelt Informatik (Hersteller)

NAIIN No Abuse In InterNet (Org.)

NAL Netware Application Launcher (Novell, Netware, NAM)

NALIS Nevada Academic Libraries Information System

NAM Netware Application Manager (Novell, Netware, NAL)

NAMP Netware, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Novell, Netware, Apache, PHP, DB)

NAMS National Association of Multimedia Shareware (Org., USA)

NANOG North American Network Operator Group (Org.)

NAP Network Access Point (IN)

NAP Network Access Protection (MS, Windows, Vista)

NAPLPS North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax (BBS)

NAPT Network Address and Protocol Translator (IP)

NAPTR Naming Authority PoinTeR (Enum, DNS)

NARP Non-Broadcast Multiple Access Address Resolution Protocol (RFC 1735)

NAS Netware Access Services (Novell, Netware)

NAS Network Application Services (DEC)

NAS Network Application Support

NAS Network Attached Storage (NFS, CIFS, HDD)

NASI Netware Asynchronous Service Interface (Novell, Netware)

NAT [IP] Network Address Translator (RFC 1631, IP)

NATOA National Association of Telecommunications Officers & Advisors (Org., USA)

NAU Network Addressable Unit (IBM, SNA, OSI)

NAU Network Attachment Unit (GigaB, IP-Router)

NAUN Nearest Active Upstream Neighbour (MAC)

NAVNET NAVy NETwork (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

NB Nota bene (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NBAR Network-Based Application Recognition

NBCD Natural Binary Coded Decimal

NBDD NetBIOS Datagram Distribution [server] (NETBIOS)

NBE Not-Below-or-Equal

NBFCE NETBIOS Frames Control Program (NETBIOS)

NBFCP [PPP] NETBIOS Frames Control Protocol (PPP, NETBIOS, RFC 2097)

NBFM Narrow Band Frequency Modulation

NBIC Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno [initiative] (USA)

NBIOT NarrowBand Internet Of Things (IoT), ""NB-IoT"

NBIS Network Based Information Systems, "NBiS"

NBMA Non-Broadcast Multiple Access (UNI, ATM)

NBN National Broadband Network (Australien)


NBP Name Binding Protocol (AppleTalk)

NBS Narrow Band Socket (Intel, Nokia)

NBS National Bureau of Standards (Org., Vorläufer, NIST)


NC Network Channel / Connect / Control

NC Network Computer [reference profile] (Apple, IBM, Netscape, Oracle, Sun, Internet)

NC Network Co-ordinator (FidoNet)

NC Norton Commander (Symantec)

NC Numerical Control

NCA Network Communications Adapter

NCA Network Computing Architecture (Oracle, Apollo)

NCA Network Control Analysis

NCA Nexus Computing Agent (MS, Palladium)

NCA Nexus Computing Agent (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

NCA Novell Certification Alliance (Novell, Netware)

NCAIR National Center for Automated Information Research (Org., USA)

NCAM National Center for Accessible Media (Org., USA)

NCB Network Control Block (LAN)

NCC Network Control / Coordination Center

NCC Network Control Computer

NCCF Network Communications Control Facility (IBM)

NCCS NASA Center for Computational Sciences (Org., NASA)

NCD Network Computing Devices (Hersteller)

NCD Norton Change Directory (DOS)

NCDMA Narrowband - Code Division Multiple Access (DFÜ, Mobile-Systems, CDMA), "N-CDMA"

NCE Nomadic Computing Environment (Tadpole)

NCGA National Computer Graphics Association (Org., USA)

NCHPC National Consortium for High Performance Computing (Org., HPC, USA)

NCI Network Channel Interface

NCI Non Coded Information

NCIA Native Client Interface Architecture (IOS)

NCIJT National Cyber Investigative Joint Taskforce (FBI)

NCIP Novell Certified Internet Professional (Novell, WWW, CNA)

NCIRC NATO Computer Incident Response Capability

NCITS National Committee for Information Technology Standards (Org., USA)

NCL Null Convention Logic (CPU)

NCLP Novell Certified Linux Professional (Noell, Linux)

NCMOS N-channel [Silicon Gate Reversed] CMOS

NCN Nixdorf Communications Network

NCOHPCC National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (Org., USA, HPC) "NCO/HPCC"

NCOS Network Computer Operating System (OS, Oracle, Internet)

NCOS Non-Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

NCP Netware Core Protocol (Novell, IPX)

NCP Network Control Processor

NCP Network Control Program (BBN, ARPANET)

NCP Network Control Program / Point (IBM)

NCP Non-Carbon Paper

NCP Not Copy-Protected

NCPE Netware Core Protocol Extension (NCP, Netware, IPX)

NCPIE National Council on Patient Information and Education (Org., USA)

NCR National Cash Registers (Hersteller, AT&T)

NCS National Communications System (USA)

NCS Network Computing System (HP, Apollo)

NCS Network Control System

NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Org., USA)

NCSC National Computer Security Center (Org., USA)

NCSC National Cyber Security Centre (Org., Großbritannien)

NCSC North Carolina Supercomputing Center (Org., USA)

NCSD National Cyber Security Division

NCSI Network Communications Service Interface (NMP)

NCSL National Computer Systems Laboratory (NIST, Org., USA)

NCSL National Conference of Standards Laboratories (Org., USA)

NCSNDR Network Computing System Network Data Representation (HP, Apollo), "NCS NDR"

NCSS Non Commentary Sources Statements (LOC)

NCSS Number Crunching Statistical System

NCSTRL Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (WWW)

NCT Network Control and Timing

NCTA National Cable & Telecommunications Association (Org., USA)

NCTE Network Channel-Terminating Equipment

NCTL National Computer and Telecommunications Laboratory (Org., USA)

NCU Non-Cacheable Units

ND Navigation Display (Airbus, A380)

NDA Network Delivery Access

NDA Network Display Adapter

NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement

NDA Norddeutsche DatenAutobahn (Netzwerk)

NDAS Network Direct Attached Storage (HDD)

NDBMS Network DataBase Management System (DB)

NDBS Non-standard DataBase System (DB)

NDC National Destination Code (MS-ISDN, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

NDC Network Data Collection

NDC Node Data Controller (Zenith)

NDCC Network Data Collection Center

NDD Norton Disk Doctor [software]

NDDL Neutral Data Definition Language (DDL)

NDE NeWS Development Environment

NDEF NFC Data Exchange Format (NFC)

NDI Network Distributed ISDN [for windows NT] (AVM, ISDN, Windows, NT)

NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification (3COM, MS)

NDK Native Developpment Kit (Android)

NDL Network Database Language (DB, 4GL)

NDM Normal Disconnected Mode (IRDA, IRLAP, NRM)

NDMP Network Data Management Protocol, http://www.pdc.com/ndmp.htm

NDMS Netware Distributed Management Services (Novell, Netware)

NDP Neighbor Discovery Protocol (RFC 2462)

NDP Numeric Data Processor

NDPA Network Problem Determination Application

NDR Network Data Representation (NCS, DCE, Apollo)

NDR Network Data Representation service (DCE/RPC)

NDR Non-Delivery Report (SMTP)

NDR Non-Destructive Read

NDRO Non-Destructive ReadOut

NDS Netware Directory Services (Novell, Netware)

NDS Network Data System

NDT Net Data Throughput

NDT Newfoundland Daylight Time (TZ, NFT)

NDT Non-Destructive Testing

NDU Network Device Utility

NDV Non DSL Village (WIMAX, DSL)

NE Network Element

NE Netzebene (DTAG)

NEA [Siemens] NEtzwerkArchitektur (NEA, Siemens)

NEA Network Endpoint Assessment

NEAB NEA Benutzerebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEAN NEA Netzwerkebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEAR National Electronic Accounting and Reporting

NEARNET New England Academic and Research NETwork (USA, Netzwerk), "NEARnet"

NEAT New Enhanced Advanced Technology (AT)

NEAT Novell Easy Administration Tool (Novell, Netware)

NEATE NEA Transportebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEBS Network Equipment Building System

NEC National Electrical Code (USA)

NEC Nippon Electronic Corporation (Hersteller)

NED NASA Extragalactic Database (DB)

NEDO New Energy and industrial technology Development Organization (Org., Japan)

NEFS Network Extensible File System, "NeFS"

NEII National Engineering Information Initiative (Org., USA)

NEM No-Eviction Mode (Intel, HT, CPU)

NEM Nothing Else Matters (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NEMS Nanoelektromechanische Speicher (IC, RAM)

NEP Never-Ending Program

NEREN NEbraska Research and Education Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NERO Neuro-Evolving Robotic Operatives [project]

NES News Electronic Service

NES Nintendo Entertainment System

NESC National E-Science Centre (Org., UK) "NeSC"

NESPINN NEurocomputer für Spikende Neuronale Netze (TUB)

NEST Netware Embedded Systems Technology (Novell, Netware)

NET Network Entity Title

NETBEUI NETBIOS Extended User Interface (UI)

NETBIOS NETwork Basic Input Output System (IBM, RFC 1001/1002) "NetBIOS"

NETBLT NETwork BLock Transfer (IP)


NETCDF NETwork Common Data Format, "NetCDF"

NETDA NETwork Design and Analysis

NETPARS NETwork Performing Analysis Reporting System

NETSS National Electronic Telecommunication Surveillance System (USA)

NEWS Netware Early Warning System (Novell, Netware)

NEWS Networked Extensible Windowing System (Sun), "NeWS"

NEWT NeWS Terminal, "NeWT"

NEXT NEw eXtended Technology, "NeXT" , http://www.next.com

NFA Name Field Address (Forth)

NFA Non-determistic Finite-state Automation

NFAIS National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (Org., USA)

NFAS Non Facilities-Associated Signaling (ISDN, PRI)

NFC Near Field Communication (Bluetooth)

NFC Normalization Form C (ompostion)

NFGM Nano-Floating Gate Memory (RAM, IC)

NFM No Further Message (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NFR Near Field Recording [technology]

NFS Network Facilities Services

NFS Network File System (Sun, Unix, RFC 1094/1813/3010)

NFSP Netware File Service Protocol (Novell, Netware)

NFT Network File Transfer (DNA, DEC)

NFT NewFoundland Time [-0330] (TZ, NDT)

NG NewsGroup (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NGDD New Generation Desktop Design (Mitsubishi)

NGE Not-Greater-or-Equal

NGFF Next Generation Form Factor (Intel)

NGI Nederlands Genootschap for Informatica (Org., Niederlande)

NGIO Next Generation Input / Output (I/O, Intel)

NGPP Next Generation Print Path [veraltet/old term] (MS, Windows, Vista, XPS)

NGPT Next Generation POSIX Threading (POSIX, IBM)

NGS Non-Government Standard (USA)

NGSB Non-Government Standards Body

NGSBC Next Generation Secure Computing Base (MS, Windows, XP)

NGSCB Next Generation Secure Computing Base (MS, Palladium)

NGSFF Next Generation Small Form Factor (Samsung, SSD)

NHRP [NBMA] Next Hop Resolution Protocol (X.25, ATM, NBMA, IETF)

NHSE National HPCC Software Exchange (USA)

NI Network Interconnect / Interface

NI Normenausschuss Informationstechnik (Din, Org.)

NI Normenausschuß Informationsverarbeitungssysteme [1987-1995] (DIN, Vorläufer, NI)

NIA Network Information Access

NIAC National Infrastructure Advisory Council (Org., USA)

NIAHGB Normenausschuss Informationstechnik - Ad-Hoc Gruppe Biometrie (NI, DIN), "NI-AHGB"

NIAP National Information Assurance Partnership (Org., NIST, NSA)

NIAS Netware Internet Access Server (Novell, Netware)

NIC Network Information Center (Internet, Org.)

NIC Network Interface Card / Controller

NIC Numeric Intensive Computing

NICAM Near-Instantaneously Companded Audio Multiplex (Audio)

NICD NIckel CaDmium [batterie], "NiCd"

NICE Network Information and Control Exchange (DECNET)

NICOL Network Information Center On-Line

NICOLAS Network Information Center On-Line Aid System

NID Namespace IDentifier (URN)

NID Network ID (ID, Mobile-Systems)

NIDL Network Interface Definition Language (Apollo, DOMAIN, NCA)

NIDOS NIxdorf Disk Operating System (OS, SNI)

NIDR Network Information Discover and Retrieval

NIDX Network Intrusion Detection eXpert system (BELLCORE, XPS)

NIE Newton Internet Enabler (Apple, PDA)

NIFTP Network Independent File Transfer Program (FTP)

NIHCL National Institute of Health [c++] Class Library (PD)

NII National Information Infrastructure [program] (USA, Org.)

NIIT National Information Infrastructure Testbed (ISH, USA)

NILFS New Implementation of a Log-structured File System (FS, NTT)

NIMH NIckel Metal Hydride [battery], "NiMH"

NIMT National Institute for Management Technology (Org., Irland)

NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center (Org., USA)

NIPT [international symposium on] New Information Processing Technologies (Conference, MITI)

NIR Network Information Registry / Retrieval

NIS Network Information Service (NSF)

NIS Network Information System (Unix)

NISC Network Information and Support Center

NISCC National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre (Org., Großbritannien)

NISDN Narrowband Integrated-Services Digital Network (ISDN), "N-ISDN"

NISI Network Information Services Infrastructure

NISO National Information Standards Organization (Org., USA)

NISS National Information on Software and Services (USA)

NISSPAC NISS Public Access Collections (NISS)

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (Org., USA)

NISYP Network Information System / Yellow Pages, "NIS/yp"

NIT Network Information Tabel (DVB)

NITF National Imagery Transmission Format

NITOL Norway-net with IT for Open Learning (Netzwerk)

NITS Network Independent Transport Service

NIU Network Interface Unit

NIU North american ISDN Users (USA, ISDN)

NIUF North american ISDN Users Forum (USA, User group, ISDN, Org.)

NJC Nordic Journal of Computing (Finnland)

NJE Network Job Entry (BITNET, RSCS)

NJE Network Job Entry

NJSZT Neumann János SZámítógép-tudományi Társaság (Org., Ungarn)

NKS Network Knowledge Server

NKSR Non-Kernel Security Related (Unix)

NKZ NetzKontrollZentrum (Bundeswehr)

NL Network Layer (ISO, OSI)

NL New Line (ASCII)

NL Number Lines (Unix)

NLA Network Location Awareness (MS, Windows)

NLB Network Load Balancing (MS, Windows)

NLDM Network Logical Data Manager (IBM)

NLE Not-Less-or-Equal

NLKD Novell Linux Kernel Debugger (Novell, Linux)

NLM Netware Loadable Module (Novell, Netware)

NLOS Non Line Of Sight (WIMAX, LOS)

NLP Natural Language Processing

NLP Non-Linear Programming

NLP Normal Link Pulse (Ethernet, LAN)

NLPID Network Layer Protocol IDentifier (ATM, OSI)

NLQ Near Letter Quality

NLRI Network Layer Reachability Information

NLRP Natural Language Retrieval Processing

NLS Native Language Support (HP)

NLS Native Language System (OSF)

NLS Network License Server

NLS oNLine System

NLSP Netware Link Services Protocol (Novell, Netware, IPX)

NLSP Network Layer Security Protocol (ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC 11557)

NLUUG NetherLand Unix User Group (Org., User group)

NLV National Language Version (IBM, OS/2, ...)

NM Native Mode (PARISC, CM)

NM Network Management

NMA Network Management Architecture (SNA)

NMAA National Multimedia Association of America (Org., USA)

NMAS Novell Modular Authentication Services (Novell, Netware)

NMC Network Management Center

NMCP Network Management Communication Protocol

NMCS National Military Command System (Mil., USA)

NMEA National Marine Electronics Association [protocol] (Org., USA, GPS)

NMEO NetWorker Module for EMC Symmetrix for Oracle (Oracle, EMC, DB)

NMF Network Management Forum

NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt

NML National Media Laboratory (Org., USA)

NML Natural Mapping Language (XPP, MPP)

NML Network Management Layer (TMN)

NMM Netzwerk-integrierte Multimedia Middleware

NMOS Negative-channel Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

NMP Network MODEM Program

NMPF Network Management Productivity Facility (IBM)

NMPL Netscape/Mozilla Public License (Netscape), "N/MPL"

NMS Network Management Station / System (Novell, Netware)

NMS Network Monitoring Station

NMSU New Mexico State University (Org.)

NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone (Mobile-Systems)

NMU Non-Maintainer Upload (Linux, Debian)

NMVT Network Management Vector Transport

NN Neural Network (NN)

NNAPI Neural Network API (API)

NNI Network Node Interface (ATM)

NNI Network to Network Interface

NNS Netware Named Services (Novel, Netware)

NNSC NSF Network Service Center (Org., NSF)

NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol (Internet, RFC 977, Usenet)

NNTPS Network News Transfer Protocol - Secured ??? (NNTP, Internet, Usenet)

NNTR No Need To Reply (Slang, Cygwin)

NNX Network Numbering eXchange

NOA Net On Air (Internet)

NOC Network Operations Center

NOCS Network Operations Center System

NOD Nemocnica na Okraji Disku

NODIS NSSDC Online Data and Information Service (NSSDC)

NOI Node Operator Interface

NOKOS NOKia Open Source license (Nokia)

NOMA National Online Media Association (Org., USA)

NOOBS New Out Of the Box Software

NORGEN Network Operations Report GENerator

NORMA NO Remote Memory Access (OSF/1, Multi-Server)

NOS Network Operating System

NOS Newton Operating System (Apple, OS)

NOSA Netlabs Open Source Archive, http://www.netlabs.org/nosa

NOSAC Netlabs Open Source Archive Client (NOSA)


NOTA None Of The Above (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NOTIS Network Operator Trouble Information System

NOW Network Of Workstations (Cluster)

NP Network Performance

NP No Problem (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

NPA Network Performance Analyzer

NPA Network Printer Alliance (IEEE 1284, IBM, Lexmark, Xerox)

NPA Network Professional Association (Org., USA)

NPA Numbering Plan Area

NPAC Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (Org., USA, HPC)

NPAPI Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (WWW, API)

NPC Network Parameter Control

NPC Non-Player Character (MMORPG)

NPD Network Products Division (Toshiba)

NPDA Network Problem Determination Application (IBM)

NPES National Printing Equipment Association (Org., USA)

NPH Non Parse Headers (HTTPD, CGI)

NPI Network Printer Interface

NPL Netscape Public License (Netscape)

NPL Non-Procedural Language

NPM Network Performance Monitor

NPM Node Package Manager

NPMS Named Pipes / Mail Slots (MS)

NPS Network Policy Server (MS)

NPSI NCP Packet Switching Interface (IBM, NCP)

NPSI Network Protocol Service Interface

NPSS NASA Packet Switch System (NASA)

NPT Nested Page Table

NPTL Native POSIX Thread Library (POSIX)

NPTN National Public Telecomputing Network (Netzwerk, USA)

NPV Net Present Value

NQS Network Queuing System

NRC National Research Council (Org., USA)

NRCLSE National Resource for Computers in Life Science Education (USA)

NREN National Research and Education Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NRFD Not Ready for Data

NRIP Novell Routing Information Protocol (Novell, Netware), "nRIP"

NRM Network Resource Management

NRM Normal Response Mode (IRDA, IRLAP, NDM)

NRN National Research Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NRN No Reply Necessary (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NROFF New Run-OFF (Unix)

NRPC Notes Remote Procedure Call (Lotus)

NRPE Nagios Remote Plugin Executor

NRPE Nagios Remote Plug-in Executor (Nagios)

NRPT Name Resolution Policy Table

NRS Name Registration System

NRS Novell Replication Services (Novell, Netware)

NRT Non-Requesting Terminal

NRTVBR Non-RealTime Variable Bit Rate (VBR, ATM, BIT), "nrt-VBR"

NRZ Non-Return-to-Zero [recording]

NRZI Non-Return-to-Zero, Invert to ones [encoding]

NS Name Server (DNS, Unix)

NS National Standard

NSA National Security Agency (Org., USA)

NSAI National Standards Authority of Ireland (Org., Irland)

NSAP Network Service Access Point (OSI, OSI/RM, SAP)

NSAPA Network Service Access Point Address (OSI, NSAP)

NSAPI Netscape Server Application Programmer's Interface (Netscape, WWW, C/S, API)

NSB National Science Board (USA, Org.)

NSBD Not-So-Bad Distribution (Bell)

NSC National Security Council (Org., USA)

NSC National SemiConductor (Hersteller)

NSC Network Service Center

NSC Network Storage Corporation

NSCA Nagios Service Check Acceptor (Nagios)

NSCA National institute for Supercomputing Applications

NSD National Security Directive (USA)

NSD Network Shared Disk (GPFS, HDD)

NSE Network Support Encyclopedia (Novell)

NSEC Network Switching Engineering Center

NSERC Natural Sciences and Research Council (Org., USA)

NSF National Science Foundation (Org., USA)

NSF Norges StandardiseringsForbund (Org., Norwegen)

NSF Notes Storage Facility (Lotus)

NSFIP NextStep Für IntelProzessoren, "NSfIP"

NSFNET National Science Foundation NETwork (Netzwerk, USA, Internet), "NSFnet"

NSFW Not Safe For Work (DFÜ-Slang, WWW)

NSG Network Services Group

NSI Name Service Independent (DCE/RPC, CDS)

NSI NASA Science Internet (NASA, Netzwerk)

NSI Network Store Interface (MS, Windows)

NSIS National Schengen Information System (SIS, EU)

NSIS Next Steps In Signaling (RFC 4080)

NSIS Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

NSN NASA Science Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NSP Name Service Protocol (DNS)

NSP Native Signal Processing (Intel, CPU)

NSP Network Service Point

NSP Network Service Provider

NSP Network Services Protocol (DNA)

NSPMP Network Switching Performance Measurement Plan

NSPR NetScape Portable Runtime (Netscape, API)

NSR Non-Source Routed

NSRD National Software Reuse Directory (USA)

NSS Namespace Specific String (URN)

NSS Network Security Services (Mozilla, Internet)

NSS Network Server System (Airbus, A380)

NSS Network Storage Solutions (Hersteller)

NSS Nodal Switching Subsystem (NSFNET)

NSS Novell Storage System (Novell, Netware, FS)

NSSA Not So Stubby Area (OSPF, RFC 1587)

NSSDC National Space Science Data Center (Org., USA)

NST Network Security Toolkit, http://www.networksecurity.org

NST Newfoundland Standard Time (TZ)

NST North Sumatra Time [+0630] (TZ)

NSTAN NebenSTellenANlagen (DTAG, CBX), "NStAn"

NSTC National Science and Technology Council (Org., USA)

NSTL National Software Testing Lab (Org., USA)

NSTS National Secure Telephone System

NSTX Name Server Tunnel Exchange [protocol]

NSW National Software Works (OS)

NT [Windows] New Technology (MS, OS, Windows)

NT Netzwerk Terminator, Network Terminator (ISDN)

NT Nome Time [-1100] (TZ)

NT1 Network Termination [unit] 1 (ISDN)

NTAS NT Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT)

NTBA Network Termination for Basic Access (ISDN)

NTBBA Netzwerk-Terminationspunkt BreitBandAngebot (DTAG, DSL)

NTC National Telecommunications Conference (Conference, USA)

NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (IST)

NTDS [Windows] NT Directory Services (MS, Windows, NT, DS)

NTE Network Terminal Equipment

NTFS [windows] New Technology File System

NTI Network Termination Interface

NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration / Agency (Org., USA)

NTK Need-To-Know (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NTK Newton ToolKit (Apple)

NTLM [Windows] NT LAN Manager (MS, Windows, NT, LAN, SMB)

NTN National Telecommunications Network

NTO Network Terminal Option

NTP Network Time Protocol (Internet, RFC 1119/1305)

NTS Network Technical Support

NTS Network Test System

NTS New Typesetting System (TeX, DANTE)

NTS2 Network Transport Services /2 (IBM), "NTS/2"

NTSA Netware Telephony Services Architecture

NTSC National Television Standards Committee (Org., USA)

NTSC Never The Same Color (Slang)

NTSE [Windows] NT Server / Enterprise edition (MS, Windows, NT), "NTS/E"

NTT Nippon Telephone & Telegraph (Org., Japan)

NUA Network User Address

NUC Next Unit of Computing (Intel)

NUI Network User Identification (Datex-P)

NUISSH Natur- und UmweltInformationsSystem Schleswig-Holstein (UIS), "NUIS-SH"

NUMA Non Uniform Memory Access (SMP)

NURB Non Uniform Rational B-spline

NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (CAD, Animation)

NUS National University of Singapore (Org.)

NUTEK [National Board for Industrial and Technical Development] (Org., Schweden)

NVD National Vulnerability Database (NIST, USA)

NVDIMM Non-Volatile Dual In-line Memory Module (DIMM, IC)

NVDM2 NetView Distribution Manager /2 (OS/2, IBM), "NVDM/2"

NVME Non-Volatile Memory Express (SSD, PCI), "NVMe"

NVMEOF Non-Volatile Memory Express Over Fabrics (SSD), "NVMe-oF"

NVMFS Non-Volatile Memory File System (SanDisk)

NVMHCI Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface

NVMM NetBSD Virtual Machine Monitor

NVN National Videotex Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NVP Network Voice Protocol

NVR Network Video Recorder (Internet)

NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

NVS NachrichtenVermittlungsSystem (INPOL)

NVSG NVidia SceneGraph [SDK] (Nvidia, SDK)

NVT Network Virtual Terminal (Telnet, Internet)

NWCS Netware Workstation Compatible Service (Netware, Windows, NT)

NWIP NetWare Internet Protocol (Novell, Netware)

NWNET NorthWestern states NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "NWNet"

NWO NetWork Operator (ETSI, ETSI 201 671)

NWP Numeric Weather Modelling

NX No eXecute (AMD, Athlon)

NYSERNET New York State Education and Research NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "NYSERNet"

NZCS New Zealand Computer Society (Org., Neuseeland)

NZT New Zealand Time [+1130] (TZ)

NZUSUGI New Zealand Unix System User Group, Inc. (Org., Unix, User group)

OA Object Adapter (ORB, IDL)

OA Office Automation

OA Open Access (SPI, DB)

OAA Open Arcade Architecture (Intel)

OACIS Oregon Advanced Computing InStitute (Org.)

OAD Open Architecture Driver (Iomega)

OADG Open Architecture Development Group (Org.)

OAG Online Airline Guide (CIS)

OAG Open Application Group (Org., USA)

OAGIS Open Applications Group Interoperability Standard

OAI Open Applications Interface

OAI Open Archives Initiative (Org.)

OAIS Open Archival Information System (ISO 14721)

OAK Object Application Kernel (Java, Vorläufer, Sun)

OAM Object Attribute Memory (Gameboy)

OAM Operations, Administration and Management [cell] (ATM)

OARNET Ohio Academic Resources NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "OARnet"

OAS Office Automation System

OASF Office Automation System Facilities (OA)

OASIS Online Application System Interactive Software

OASIS Open And Secure Information Systems (Eureka)

OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (Org.)

OASYS Office Automation SYStem

OATS Office Automation Technology and Services (OA)

OAW Optically Assisted Winchester (HDD, Seagate)

OBAK OBjektAbbildungskatalog (ATKIS)

OBB Opaque Binary Blobs

OBD On-Board Diagnostics

OBD Online Bugs Database (Sun, DB)

OBDH On-Board Data Handling (ESA, Venus-Express)

OBDR One Button Disaster Recovery (HP, Streamer)

OBEX OBject EXchange (WordPerfect)

OBGA Organic Ball Grid Array (BGA, IC, CPU)

OBI Open Buying on the Internet (Internet, WWW)

OBM Original Brand Manufacturer

OBS Online Book Store (Internet, WWW)

OBS Open Broadcaster Software

OBS Open[suse] Build Service (openSUSE, Linux)

OBST OBject management system of STONE (STONE)

OBTWIAVBP OBligatory The World Is A Very Big Place (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC), "ObTWIAVBP"

OBU On-Board-Unit

OC Object Class (OOP)

OC Over-Clocked

OC1 Optical Carrier level 1 [51,48 Mbps] (SONET), "OC-1"

OC12 Optical Carrier level 12 [622,08 Mbps] (SONET, STM-4), "OC-12"

OC18 Optical Carrier level 18 [933,12 Mbps] (SONET, STM-6), "OC-18"

OC24 Optical Carrier level 24 [1244,16 Mbps] (SONET, STM-8), "OC-24"

OC3 Optical Carrier level 3 [155,52 Mbps] (SONET, STM-1), "OC-3"

OC36 Optical Carrier level 36 [1866,24 Mbps] (SONET, STM-12), "OC-36"

OC48 Optical Carrier level 48 [2488,32 Mbps] (SONET, STM-16), "OC-48"

OC768 Optical Carrier level 768 [39813,12 Mbps] (SONET, STM-256), "OC-768"

OC9 Optical Carrier level 9 [466,56 Mbps] (SONET, STM-3), "OC-9"

OC96 Optical Carrier level 96 [4976,64 Mbps] (SONET, STM-32), "OC-96"

OCAML Objective Categorical Abstract Machine Language, "OCaml"

OCAP Open Crypto Audit Project, https://opencryptoaudit.org/

OCAT Open Capture and Analytics Tool (AMD)

OCC Operations Control Center

OCC Other Common Carrier

OCCA Open Cooperative Computing Architecture

OCD Off-Chip-Driver [calibration]

OCD Out-of-Cell Delineation (UNI)

OCE Open Collaborative Environment (Apple)

OCE Optimized Connectivity Experience (WFA)

OCEO Offensive Cyber Effects Operations

OCF Open Clustering Framework

OCF Open Computing Facility

OCF Open Connectivity Foundation (Org.)

OCFS Oracle Cluster File System (Oracle, DB)

OCG Östereichische Computer Gesellschaft (Org., Österreich)

OCI Open Container Initiative (Org.)

OCL Object Constraint Language (DB, OO, UML, CASE)

OCL Open Content License (OPL)

OCL Operation Control Language

OCL OS/2 inside Class Library (OS/2)

OCLC Online Computer Library Center (Org., Internet, USA)

OCO Object Code Only (OOP)

OCP Open Compute Project (Org.)

OCPA Open Content Platform Association (Org., Amiga, Sharp, JVC, Kyocera, ...)

OCR Optical Character Recognition

OCS Object Compatibility Standard (Motorola)

OCS Object Container Streaming

OCS Open Cabling System

OCSP Online Certificate Status [revocation] Protocol (Verschlüsselung, RFC 6990)

OCX OLE Control eXtensions (MS)

OD Optical Disk

ODA Office Document Architecture [protocol] (RFC 1197, ISO 8613, JTC1, ECMA)

ODA Open Document Architecture (CCITT T.410)

ODAPI Open Database Application Programming Interface (Borland, DB, API), "Odapi"

ODBC Open DataBase Connectivity (WOSA, DB, API)

ODBMS Object orientated Database Management System (DBMS, DB)

ODC Optical Disc Corporation (Hersteller)

ODD Operator Distance-Dialing

ODE Object Database and Environment (AT&T, DB)

ODE Online Data Entry

ODE Open Dynamics Engine

ODETTE Organization for Data Exchange by Tele-Transmission in Europe (Org., Europa)

ODF Open Document Format [for Office Applications] (OASIS, ISO/IEC 26300)

ODF Opendoc Development Framework (Apple, OpenDoc)

ODF Opendoc Part Framework (OpenDoc)

ODI Open Data link Interface (Novell)

ODI Open Device Interconnect

ODIA OpenDoc Internet Adapter (Apple, ALOE, Vorläufer)

ODIF Office Document Interchange Format (ISO 8613, ASN.1, ODA)

ODIN Optimale Datenmodelle und algorithmen für Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften [auf hochleistungsrechnern] (Uni Karlsruhe, SNI)

ODINSUP Open Data link Interface - Network driver interface specification SUPport (ODI, NDIS)

ODISS Optical Digital Image Storage System

ODK Office Development Kit

ODL Object Description Language

ODL Open Document Language (ODA, SGML)

ODLI Open Data Link Interface

ODM Object Database Manager (AIX, IBM)

ODM Original Design Manufacturer (OEM)

ODMA Open Document Management API (API)

ODMG Object Database Management Group (Org., DB)

ODP Octal-Die-Package

ODP Open Directory Project (WWW, Netscape)

ODP Open Distributed Processing (ISO)

ODP OverDrive Processor (Intel)

ODPR OverDrive Processor Replacement (Intel)

ODR Octal Data Rate (SDR, DDR, QDR)

ODR Ontrack Data Recovery (Ontrack, Software, Netware)

ODR Optimized Dynamic Routing (SNI)

ODS Offenes Deutsches Schulnetz (Netzwerk)

ODS Office Dialog System (OA)

ODS Open Data Services

ODS Optical Data Systems [inc.] (Hersteller)

ODS Output Delivery Database

ODS Overhead Data Stream

ODSI Open Directory Service Interfaces (MS, Windows, NT)

ODSPE Optical-based Digital Signal Processing Engine (DSP)

ODT On-Die-Termination

ODT Online Debugging Technique

ODT Open DeskTop (SCO, GUI)

ODVA Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (Org.)

OE Outlook Express (MS, Internet)

OEA Organic and printed Electronics Association (Org.) "OE-A"

OEB Open eBook [standard] (MS, NuvoMedia, ...)

OECOS Organizational Engineering for Communications and Organizational Systems (SNI, OA)

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer (ODM)

OEP Operand Execution Pipelines (Motorola, CPU)

OES Olivetti EntsorgungsService (Olivetti)

OES Open Enterprise Server (Novell, Linux)

OF Overflow Flag (Assembler)

OFA Optimal Flexible Architecture (Oracle)

OFC Open Financial Connectivity (MS, Banking)

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM, DVB-T, WIMAX)

OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (WIMAX)

OFET Organic Field Effect Transistor

OFFIS Oldenburg Forschungsinstitut Für Informatikwerkzeuge und -Systeme (Org., Uni Oldenburg)

OFFSAP Oracle Fusion For SAP (Oracle, SAP)

OFL [SIL] Open Font License

OFS Object File System

OFS Old/Original File System (Amiga, FS)

OFS Output Field Separator (AWK)

OFTA OFfice of the Telecommunications Authority (Org., Hongkong)

OFTP ODETTE File Transfer Protocol (ODETTE)

OFX Open Financial eXchange (Banking, Intuit, MS, Checkfree, USA)

OGB Opensolaris Governing Board (Solaris)

OGC Office of Government Commerce (Org., UK)

OGC Open Gaming Content

OGC Open Geospatial Consortium (Org., OWS)

OGM Ogg Media Streams (DivX, Video)

OGRAN OpenGate - Router Access Node ??? (RND), "OG-RAN"

OGSA Open Grid Services Architecture (grid, GGF)

OGSADAI Open Grid Services Architecture - Database Access and Integration (OGSA, grid, IBM, Oracle) "OGSA-DAI"

OGSI Open Grid Service Infrastructure (OGSA, GGF, WG, grid)

OH Off-Hook (MODEM)

OHA Open Handset Alliance (Org., Android)

OHCI Open Host Controller Interface (USB, Compaq, OPTI, Apple, UHCI)

OHKO One Hit Knock Out (Slang)

OHL Open Hardware License (CERN)

OIA Operator Information Area (IBM)

OIC Oh, I See (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

OID Object IDentifier (OSI)

OIDL Object Interface Definition Language

OIDP Oracle Internet Development Pack (Oracle, Internet)

OIF Outgoing InterFace (PIM, IIF, Multicast)

OII Operations-Intelligence Interface (Mil.)

OIIC Optically Interconnected Integrated Circuits [project] (ESPRIT)

OIL Operator Identification Language (ELI)

OIM Open Information Model

OIP Open Internet Platform (Caldera, Linux, SCO)

OIT Onboard Information Terminal (Airbus, A380)

OIW Open Information Warehouse (SAP, R/3)

OIW OSI Implementors Workshop (OSI)

OKFN Open Knowledge FoundatioN [deutschland] (Org.)

OLAP OnLine Analytical Processing (DB)

OLE Object Linking and Embedding

OLED Organic Light Emitting Display (OLED, LED)

OLEDB Object Linking and Embedding - DataBase (DB, OLE, MS), "OLE DB"

OLEDS Object Linking and Embedding Directory Services (ODSI, MS), "OLE DS"

OLEO Open Linking and Embedding of Objects (OLE, OpenDoc)

OLEP Organic Light-Emitting Polymer [display]

OLGA Organic Local Grid Array

OLI Originating Line Information

OLIS Oxford Library Information System

OLIT OpenLook Interface Toolkit (OpenLook)

OLIVR OnLine Interactive Virtual Reality, "OLiVR"

OLLI OnLine Library Information

OLM OnLine Monitor

OLMC Output Logic Macro Cell (GAL)

OLOCA Official List of Cygwin Acronyms (Cygwin)

OLPS OnLine Programming System

OLRT OnLine Real-Time

OLS Online Library System

OLSR Optimized Link State Routing (MANET, OLSR, RFC 3626)

OLT Optical Line Terminal (EPON)

OLTEP OnLine Test Executive Program

OLTM Optical Line Terminating Multiplexer, "O-LTM"

OLTP OnLine Transaction Processing

OLWM OpenLook Window Manager (OpenLook)

OM1 Open MPEG consortium 1 (Org., MPEG) "OM-1"

OMA Object Management Architecture (OMG)

OMA Open Mobile Alliance (Org., Mobile-Systems)

OMA Outlock Mobile Access (Mobile-Systems, PDA, WAP)

OMADM Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (OMA), "OMA DM"

OMADS Open Mobile Alliance Data Sync (OMA), "OMA DS"

OMAP Open Multimedia Application Platform (TI)

OMAP Operations, Maintenance and Administration Part (SS7)

OMC Operation and Maintenance Center (PLMN, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

OME Open Messaging Environment (Novell)

OMEMO OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object encryption (XMPP, PEP)

OMF Object Management Framework (DME)

OMF Object Module Format (IBM, MS)

OMF Open Media Framework (Org.)

OMFI Open Media Framework Interchange (OMF)

OMG Object Management Group (IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun, Org.)

OMG Oh My G-d (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

OMI Open Memory Interface

OMI Open Messaging Interface

OMISTN Optical Mode Interface SuperTwisted Nematic (LCD), "OMI-STN"

OMN Open Network Management

OMP Original Message Pad (Apple)

OMR Optical Mark Reader (Fax)

OMR Optical Mark Recognition

OMS Object Management System

OMS Onboard Maintenance System (Airbus, A380)

OMS Open Music System (MIDI, Opcode Systems)

OMT Object Management Technique (Westmount, CASE)

OMT Object Modelling Technique (CASE)

OMTP Off Main Thread Painting (Firefox)

OMV Open MediaVault (Linux, Debian)

OMW On My Way (MMORPG, Slang)

ON Ordinary Node (Kazaa, P2P)

ONA Open Network Architecture

ONAC Operations Network Administration Center

ONAL Off Network Access Line

ONC Open Network Computing (Sun)

ONCXDR Open Network Computing eXternal Data Representation (Sun), "ONC XDR"

ONE Omnifunctional Networking Environment (Panasonic)

ONE Open Network Environment (Netscape)

ONF Open Networking Foundation (Org.)

ONFI Open NAND Flash Interface (Flash) "ONFi"

ONI OpenNet Initiative (Org.)

ONI Operator Number Identification

ONIX ONline Information eXchange [guidelines], http://www.editeur.org/onix.html

ONMS Open-Network Management System

ONNX Open Neural Network eXchange

ONS Object Numbering System (EPC)

ONU Optical Network Unit

ONVIF Open Network Video Interface Forum (Org.)

OO Object Orientated

OOA Object Orientated [system] Analysis (OOP)

OOAD Object Orientated Analysis and Design (OOP)

OOB Out Of Band (S-ATA), "OoB"

OOC Object-Oriented Code

OOC Optical Orthogonal Code [modulation]

OOCTG Object Orientated COBOL Task Group (CODASYL, Org., OOP)

OOD Object-Oriented Design

OODB Object Oriented Data Base (OOP, DB)

OODBMS Object Orientated Database Management System (DBMS, DB)

OODL Object Orientated Dynamic Language (OOP)

OOF Office of The Future (OA)

OOF Out of Frame (DS3/E3)

OOK On-Off Keying

OOL Object-Oriented Language (OOP)

OOL Open Objects Library (OS/2)

OOM Object Orientated Modelling (OO)

OOM Object-Oriented Methodology (OOP)

OOM Out Of Memory

OONI Open Observatory of Network Interference (Org, , Internet)

OOO Out Of Order [execution] (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

OOP Object Orientated Programming (OOP)

OOPL Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOP)

OOPS Object Oriented Program Support (OOP)

OOPS Object-Oriented Programming System (OOP)

OOPSLA [conference on] Object Orientated Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (ACM, OOP, Conference)

OOPSTAD Object Orientated Programming for SmallTalk Application Development association (Org., OOP)

OOS Object-Oriented Systems

OOS Out-Of-Sequence

OOSA Object Orientated System Analysis (OOP)

OOSH Object-Oriented SHell (OOP, Shell)

OOT Object-Oriented Technology (OOP)

OOTB Out Of The Box (Slang, Cygwin)

OOUI Object Orientated User Interface (UI, OO, WPS)

OOXML Office Open XML (MS, XML)

OP Oracle9iAS Personalization (Oracle, DB)

OP Original Poster (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

OPA Omni-Path-Architecture (Intel)

OPA Open Policy Agent

OPA Open Publishing Architecture

OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue (Internet)

OPC OLE for Process Control (OLE, HMI, SCADA)

OPC Open Packaging Conventions

OPC Open Platform Communications

OPC OpenGL Performance Characterization [project group] (OpenGL, Org.)

OPC Optical Proximity Correction [lithography]

OPC Organic Photo Conductor

OPC Overall Performance Category

OPCCA Open Platform Communications - Classic Architecture (OPC), "OPC-CA"

OPCOS OPerating COuntrieS

OPCR Original Program Clock Reference

OPCUA OLE for Process Control Unified Architecture (OPC, OLE), "OPC UA"

OPCUA Open Platform Communications - Unified Architecture (OPC), "OPC-UA"

OPDU Operation Protocol Data Units

OPDV Ordnungsmäßigkeit und Prüfung der DatenVerarbeitung (GoBS, banking)

OPEN [You-R] OPerating ENvironment (Infineon, RFID)

OPEN Open Protocol Enhanced Networks

OPENBFS Open Be File System (BeOS, FS), "OpenBFS"

OPENELEC OPEN Embedded Linux Entertainment Center (Linux), "OpenELEC"

OPENEXR OPEN EXtended Range ??? (HDR), "OpenEXR"

OPENGL OPEN Graphics Language (OpenGL), "OpenGL"

OPENHAB OPEN Home Automation Bus, "OpenHAB"

OPENHCI OPEN Host Controller Interface (USB), "OpenHCI"

OPENIL OPEN Image Library [veraltet/old term] (DevIL), "OpenIL"

OPENPMF Open Policy Management Framework (CORBA, COACH), "OpenPMF"

OPERA Open PLC European Research Alliance (Org., PLC, Europe)

OPES Open Pluggable Edge Services

OPI Open Prepress Interface (DTP)

OPIE Open Palmtop Integrated Environment (Linux, PIM)

OPK OEM Pre-installation Kit (MS, Windows, OEM)

OPL Open Publication License (OCL)

OPL Organizer Programming Language (Psion, PDA)

OPM Operations-Per-Minute

OPM Optimized Power Management (AMD, Opteron)

OPML Outline Processor Markup Language (XML, RSS)

OPP Object Push Profile (Bluetooth)

OPQ Optimal Picture Quality [mode] (CRT, Iiyama)

OPREMA OPtik-REchenMAschine

OPS Operations Per Second (CPU)

OPS Oracle Parallel Server (Oracle)

OPS Outbreak Prevention Service (Firewall, TrendMicro)

OPSEC Open Platform for Secure Enterprise Connectivity (Org., Hersteller, IDS)

OPT Open Protocol Technology

OPU Optical Processing Unit

OQL Object Query Language (ODMG)

OR Observation Report (CC)

OR Originator / Recipient (X.400, MOTIS), "O/R"

ORAIS Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligent Systems (Conference, GI)

ORB Object Request Broker (OMA, OMG, CORBA, ORB)

ORCA Online Resource Control Aid

ORDB Open Relay DataBase (SPAM)

ORDBMS Object Relational Database Management System (DBMS, DB)

ORK Office Resource Kit (MS, Windows)

ORM Object Role Modeling (OO, DB)

ORM Object/Releational Mapper

ORM Optical Remote Module

OROM Optical Read Only Memory (ROM), "O-ROM"

ORS Output Record Separator (AWK)

ORT Ongoing Reliability Test

OS Operating System

OS2 Operating System /2 (IBM, OS), "OS/2"

OS200 Operating System 200 (Honeywell), "OS/200"

OS2000 Operating System 2000 (Honeywell), "OS/2000"

OS3 Oregon State Open Shop Operating System (OS, CDC 3300), "OS-3"

OS32MT Operating System /32 - Multitasking Time (OS, Interdata), "OS/32-MT"

OS32ST Operating System /32 - Serial Time (OS, Interdata), "OS/32-ST"

OS360 Operating System /360 (IBM, OS), "OS/360"

OS4 Operating System /4 (OS, UNIVAC 9700), "OS/4"

OS400 Operating System /400 (IBM, OS), "OS/400"

OS7 Operating System /7 (OS, UNIVAC 9700), "OS/7"

OS700 Operating System /700 (OS, Honeywell), "OS/700"

OS8 Operating System /8 (OS, DEC, PDP 8), "OS/8"

OS9 Operating System - 9 (Microware, OS), "OS-9"

OSA Object System Adaptor (SOM)

OSA Office Systems Administrator (OA)

OSA Open Scripting Architecture (Apple, OS/2)

OSAC Operator Services Assistance Center

OSADL Open Source Automation Development Lab (Org., OSS)

OSAIA Open Source And Industry Alliance (Org.)

OSAK Open Systems Application Kernel

OSAM Overflow Sequential Access Method (SAM)

OSAR Optical Storage and Retrieval

OSBA Open Source Business Alliance (Org.)

OSBAR Open Source Business AwaRd

OSBC Open Source Business Conference

OSC Ohio Supercomputer Center (Org., USA)

OSCA Only Specifically Cygwin-list Acronyms (OLOCA, Cygwin)

OSCAR OnScreen Configuration & Activity Reporting (Apex)

OSCRL Operating System Command Response Language

OSD Object-based Storage Device

OSD OnScreen Display

OSD Open Software Description [manifest / standard] (MS, Marimba, XML, DU, DUP, MSIE)

OSDB Open Source DataBase benchmark (Benchmark)

OSDL Open Source Development Lab (Org., OSS)

OSDN Open Source Development Network (OSS, Network)

OSDS Operating System for Distributed Switching

OSE Open Software / System Environment

OSEIA Open System Environment profile for Imminent Acquisitions (OSE), "OSE/IA"

OSES OperationsSystem/Einheitliches System (OS, ESER, DDR), "OS/ES"

OSF Open Software Foundation (HP, DEC, IBM, Org.)

OSF Open Source Firmware (OCP)

OSF Operations System Function (IN)

OSF Oppose Sun Forever [ aka Open Software Foundation] (Slang, Org.)

OSF OWS Service Framework (OGC, OWS)

OSF1 Open Software Foundation [system] /1 (OSF, OS, DEC), "OSF/1"

OSG Open Systems Group (Org., SPEC)

OSGI Open Services Gateway Initiative (Org., Motorola, Sun, DTAG, Siemens, Toshiba, ...) "OSGi"

OSI Open Source Initiative (Org., OSS)

OSI Open Systems Interconnection (ISO 9646-1)

OSICS OSI Communication Systems (OSI)

OSID Origination Signaling IDentifier

OSINLCP [PPP] OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSI, PPP, RFC 1377)

OSIRM Open Systems Interconnection/Reference Model (ISO), "OSI/RM"

OSKA ObjektSchlüsselKAtalog (ATKIS)

OSL Open Shading Language (Sony)

OSL Open Subscription License

OSM Operating system Service Module (I2O)

OSM Optical Storage Manager (ARMS)

OSMC Open Source Media Center

OSME Open Systems Message Exchange

OSMFT Operating System / Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (OS, IBM S/360), "OS/MFT"

OSMVS Operating System / Multiple Virtual Space (OS, IBM, S/370, OS/MVT, Nachfolger, OS/VS-2), "OS/MVS"

OSMVT Operating System / Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (OS, IBM, S/360, S/370), "OS/MVT"

OSN Office System Node (IBM, DIA, OA)

OSN Open Systems Network

OSNR Optical Signal-to-Noise Relation (FO)

OSO OverScan Operation (VXA, Streamer)

OSP Optical Storage Processor (NeXT)

OSP OrganisationStrukturPlan

OSPCP Operating System / Primary Control Program (IBM, OS, OS/360, Vorläufer), "OS/PCP"

OSPF Open Shortest Path First [protocol / routing] (Internet, IGP, RFC 1583)

OSPM Operating System directed [configuration and] Power Management

OSQL Object-Structured Query Language (DB, SQL, OODBMS)

OSR Optical Scanning Recognition

OSRT Operating System / Real Time (OS, Destek Group), "OS/RT"

OSS Open Sound System (Linux, Audio)

OSS Open Source Software (OSS)

OSS Operator Service System

OSSIM Open Source Security Information Management (OSS, SIM)

OSSVS Operating System / Single Virtual Space (OS, IBM, S/370, OS/VS2), "OS/SVS"

OST Open System Toolkit (Apollo)

OSTA Optical Storage Technology Association (Org.)

OSTC Open System Test Consortium (Org., OSTC)

OSTIF Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (Org.)

OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy (Org., USA)

OSVS1 Operating System / Virtual System - 1 (OS, IBM, S/370), "OS/VS-1"


OSVS2 Operating System / Virtual System - 2 (OS, IBM, S/370), "OS/VS-2"

OSWL2 OS-9 Windows / Level 2, "OSW/L2"

OSWS Operating System Work Station

OT Object Technology

OT Oblivious Transfer

OT Off Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

OT Open Transport (Apple)

OTA Office of Technology Assessment (Org., IBM, HP, AEG, AT&T, SNI, ...)

OTA Over-The-Air [update]

OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (Kabel)

OTES Outside Thermal Exhaust System (Abit)

OTFT Organic Thin-Film Transistor (TFT)

OTG [USB] On-The-Go (USB)

OTI Object Technology International (IBM)

OTM Object Transaction Monitor (COM, MTS)

OTN Oracle Technology Network (Oracle)

OTOH On The Other Hand (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

OTP One Time Password

OTP One Time Programmable [chip] (IC)

OTP One Time Programs

OTP Open Telecom Platform

OTPPP Open Transport/Point-to-Point Protocol (Apple, OT, PPP), "OT/PPP"

OTPROM One Time Programmable Read Only Memory (ROM, IC)

OTR Off-The-Record (XMPP)

OTS Object Transaction Service (CORBA)

OTS Office TeleSystem (OA)

OU Organizational Unit (MS, Windows, NT, AD)

OUCL Oxford University Computing Laboratory

OUG Occam User Group (Org., User group)

OUI Organization Unique Identifier (IEEE)

OUI Organizational Unit Identifier

OUM Ovonic Unified Memory (ECD)

OUTWATS OUTward Wide Area Telephone Service

OVAL Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (XML)

OVDC Oracle Virtual Desktop Client (Oracle)

OVID Object, View, and Interaction Design

OVMF Open Virtual Machine Firmware (UEFI, QEMU)

OVPI Open View Performance Insights (HP)

OVST OrtsVermittlungsSTelle (DTAG)

OWA Outlook Web Access / App (MS, WWW)

OWAMP One Way Active Measurement Protocol (RFC 3763)

OWASP Open Web Application Security Project (Org., WWW)

OWB Oracle Warehouse Builder (Oracle, DWH)

OWC Optical Wireless Communication

OWE Opportunistic Wireless Encryption [veraltet/old term] (IEEE)

OWF Object World Frankfurt (Messe)

OWG Optical WaveGuide (LWL)

OWL Object Windows Library (Borland, API)

OWL Ontology Web Language (WWW, W3C)

OWL Open Windows Library (API)

OWLDL Ontology Web Language Description Logic (OWL), "OWL DL"

OWORM Optical Write Once Read Many, "O-WORM"

OWS OpenGIS Web Service (OGC, Internet)

OZG Onlinezugangsgesetz (Deutschland)

P2CC2P PCI to CPU / CPU tp PCI [concurrency] (BIOS, PC, PCI, CPU), "P2C/C2P"

P2P Peer to Peer [network]

P2PKH Pay 2 Public Key Hash

P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences (WWW)

P5P PERL 5 Porters (PERL)

P64 Pointer 64 [bit] (BIT)

PA Precision Architecture (HP)

PAAS Platform As A Service

PABD Pure Audio Blu-ray Disk (BD, Audio)

PABX Private Automatic Branch eXchange

PAC PCI AGP Controller (Intel, IC, PCI, AGP)

PAC Pointer Authentication Code (ARM)

PAC Privilege Attribute Certificate (DCE)

PAC Proxy Auto-Config (WWW, Mozilla)

PACE Priority Access Control Enabled (3Com, Ethernet)

PACER Public Access to Court Electronic Records

PACS Picture Archiving and Communications Systems

PACS Public-Access Computing Systems

PACT Partnership in Advanced Computing Technologies (Org. UK)

PACT Personal Air Communications Technology, "pACT", http://www.pact-forum.org

PACT Production Analyses Control Technique

PACX Private Automatic Computer eXchange

PAD Packet Assembling Disassembling (CCITT, X.3, X.28, X.29, PSDN)

PADES PDF Advanced Electronic Signature (PDF), "PAdES"

PADI PPPoED Active Discovery Initiation (PPPoED)

PADS Programmer's Advanced Debugging System

PAE Physical Address Extension (Intel, Pentium, PAE)


PAEB Pan American EDIFACT Board (Org., EDIFACT), "PA/EB"

PAGP Port AGgregation Protocol (Cisco, EtherChannel), "PAgP"

PAI Process After Input (R/3)

PAKE Password Authenticated Key Exchange (Verschlüsselung)

PAL Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB)

PAL Phase Alternating Line

PAL Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha)

PAL Processor Abstraction Layer

PAL Programmable Array Logic

PALCD Plasma Addressable Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

PALD Phase Alternating Line - Digital [768x576], "PAL-D"

PALM Put All Logic In Microcode (IBM, CPU)

PAM Paging Area Memory

PAM Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA)

PAM Primary Access Method (BS2000)

PAM Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI)

PAM Pulse Amplification Modulation

PAML Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists (Internet, BBS)

PAN Personal Account Number

PAN Personal Area Network (IBM, Bluetooth)

PAN Personal Area Networking [profile] (Bluetooth)

PANDORA Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources of Australia, http://www.nla.gov.au/pandora/ldmv2.html

PANIX Public Access internet/uNIX [system] (Unix, Internet, Netzwerk)

PAP Password Authentication Protocol (RFC 1334)

PAP Printer Access Protocol (AppleTalk)

PAP ProgrammAblaufPlan (DIN 66001)


PAR Portal ARchive (SAP, EP)

PAR Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission [protocols]

PAR Project Authorization Request (IEEE)

PARC Palo Alto Research Center (Org., USA, Xerox)

PARISC Precision Architecture, Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC, HP), "PA-RISC"

PARLE [conference on] Parallel ARchitecture and Languages Europe (ECRC, Conference)

PARTS Parts Assembly and Reuse Tool Set (Visual Smalltalk)

PAS Publicly Available Specifications (ISO)

PAS2 Personal Application System /2 (IBM, DB2/2), "PAS/2"

PASC Portable Application Standards Committee (Org., IEEE)

PASC Precision Adaptive Subband Coding (DCC)

PASM Parrot ASseMbly language (PERL)

PASSAT Programm zur Automatischen Selektion von Stichwörtern aus Texten (Siemens)

PAT Performance Acceleration Technique (Intel, MCH)

PAT Port and Address Translation (IOS, Cisco, LAN, IP)

PAT Program Association Table (DVB)

PAUSE Perl Authors Upload Server (PERL, CPAN)

PAUSE PERL Authors Upload SErver (PERL, CPAN)

PAVP Protected Audio-Video Path

PAWS Protection Against Wrapped Sequence space (TCP, Satellit)

PAX Penny Arcade eXpo

PAX Pixel Addressing eXtensions (Intel, RISC, CPU)

PAX Portable Archive eXchange (SCO, Unix)

PAX Private Automatic eXchange

PB Pipeline Burst [cache]

PBAP Phone Book Access Profile (Bluetooth)

PBC Peripheral Bus Computer

PBE Prompt By Example

PBI Pacific Bell Internet (ISP)

PBI Phone Based Interface

PBM Play By Mail [game]

PBO Precision Boost Overdrive (AMD, CPU)

PBO Process Before Output (R/3)

PBP Processor Base Power (CPU, MTP)

PBR Physically Based Rendering

PBS Portable Batch System (Unix)

PBX Private Branch eXchange

PC Personal Computer

PC Printed Circuit (IC)

PC Priority Control

PC Protocol Control

PC Punched Card

PC97 Personal Computer 97 (MS), "PC 97"

PCA Policy Certification Authority (DFN, PGP, Verschlüsselung)

PCA Power Calibration Area (CD)

PCAT Personal Computer - Advanced Technology, "PC-AT"

PCB Printed Circuit Board

PCB Process Control Block (BS2000)

PCB Program Communication Block (IBM)

PCB Protocol Control Block (TCP)

PCC Portable C Compiler

PCCA Personal Computer Communications Associations (Org., USA)

PCD Photo CD (Kodak, CD)

PCD Portal Content Directory (SAP, EP)

PCD Process Control Device

PCDA Program Controlled Data Acquisition

PCDATA Parsed Character DATA (DTD, CDATA)

PCDOS Personal Computer DOS (OS, DOS, IBM, PC), "PC-DOS"

PCELS Policy Core Extension lightweight directory access protocol Schema (LDAP, RFC 3703/4104)

PCERT Purdue Computer Emergency Response Team

PCF Point Coordination Function (MAC, 802.11a, WLAN)

PCF Portable Compiled Font

PCG Procedural Content Generation

PCH Paging CHannel (GSM, CCCH, Mobile-Systems)

PCH Pre-Compiled Headers

PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)

PCI Protocol Control Information (OSI, ETSI)

PCIA Personal Communications Industry Association (Org., USA, SMS)

PCIAS Peripheral Component Interconnect Advanced Switching (PCI, PCIe, ASI), "PCI AS"

PCIC PC card I/O Card (PCMCIA, I/O)

PCID Process-Context Identifier (CPU)

PCIDSS Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard, "PCI-DSS"

PCIE Peripheral Component Interconnect Express, "PCIe"

PCIE Permis de Conduire Informatique Européen (ECDL)

PCIEAS PCI Express Advanced Switching (PCI, ASI-SIG), "PCI-EAS"

PCIPM PCI Power Management [specification] (PCI), "PCI PM"

PCIS Portable Common Interface Set

PCISIG Peripheral Component Interconnect - Special Interest Group (Org., PCI, SIG), "PCI-SIG"

PCIX Peripheral Component Interconnect - eXtended (PCI), "PCI-X"

PCIX Personal Computer / unIX (IBM, PC), "PC/IX"

PCIXF Personal Computer Integrated eXchange Format (OS/2), "PC/IXF"

PCL Portable Common LOOPS (CLOS)

PCL Printer Control Language (HP, PJL)

PCL Programmable Command Language (CMU, DEC, TOPS)

PCLOB Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (Org., USA)

PCM Personal Computer Manufacturer

PCM Physical Connection Management (FDDI, SMT)

PCM Plug Compatible Machine

PCM Pulse Coded Modulation

PCMCIA People Can't Memorize Computer Industries Acronyms (Slang)

PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (Org.)

PCMS Project & Configuration Management System

PCMT Personal Computer Message Terminal

PCN Personal Communications Network

PCN Public Communications Network (Mobile-Systems)

PCNFS Personal Computer Network File System

PCNOS Personal Computer / Network Operating System (OS, MS-DOS, CP/M), "PC/NOS"

PCO Point of Control and Observation (ISO 9646-1, IUT)

PCOIP Personal Computer Over Internet Protocol (PC, IP), "PCoIP"

PCP Primary Control Program (IBM, OS, OS/PCP)

PCP Printer Control Protocol

PCPC Personal Computers Peripheral Corporation (Hersteller)

PCR Peak Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, SCR)

PCR Platform Configuration Register (TPM)

PCR Processor Configuration Register (Motorola, CPU)

PCR Program Clock Reference

PCRAM Phase-Change Random Access Memory (RAM, IC), "PC-RAM"

PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expression [library] (PERL)

PCRW Phase Change ReWritable (DVD, EMCA), "PC-RW"

PCS Personal Communication System (Sony, Panasonic, Motorola)

PCS Personal Communications Services

PCS Physical Coding Sublayer (PMA, PHY)

PCS PostCompromise Security (Verschlüsselung)

PCS Programmable Communications Subsystem

PCS Punched Card System (PC)

PCSA Personal Computing Systems Architecture [= Pathworks] (DEC, NOS)

PCSC Personal Computer / Smard Card (PC, PCMCIA) "PC/SC"

PCSD Printer Control Sequence Description

PCSI Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc. (Hersteller)

PCSS Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows (Nvidia)

PCT Parrot Compiler Tools

PCT Private Communication Technology (Internet, MS, Visa)

PCT Probe Control Table (FFST/2)

PCTCP Personal Computer/Transmission Control Protocol, "PC/TCP"

PCTE Portable Common Tool Environment (CASE, ESPRIT)

PCTS POSIX Compliance Test Suite (POSIX)

PCV Path Coding Violation [error event] (DS1/E1)

PCV P-bit Coding Violation [error event] (DS3/E3, BIT)

PCXT Personal Computer - eXtended Technology, "PC-XT"

PD Packetization Delay

PD Plug & Display [standard] (LCD, VESA), "P&D"

PD Public Domain

PDA Personal Digital Assistant

PDB Per-Domain Behaviour (Domain, Internet)

PDB Professional Disk for Broadcast (Sony, BD)

PDC Personal Digital Cellular [network] (GSM)

PDC Power Disk Cartridge (ECMA)

PDC Primary Domain Controller (MS, Windows, NT, BDC)

PDC PROLOG Development Center (Hersteller, Dänemark, PROLOG)

PDD PERL Design Document (PERL)

PDD Professional Disk for Data (Sony, BD)

PDE Partial Differential Equation

PDE Personal Digital Entertainment

PDE Plug-in Development Environment (Eclipse)

PDES Product Data / Definition Exchange Standards (USA, STEP, CIM)

PDF Portable Document Format (Adobe)

PDF Program Development Facility (IBM)

PDFX Portable Document Format / eXchange (PDF, CGATS, DTP), "PDF/X"

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (ATM)

PDI Power and Data Interface

PDK Patterns Development Kit (WWW, IBM)

PDK Peripheral Developers Kit (MS)

PDK Portal Development Kit (SAP, EP)

PDL Page Description Language (Drucker)

PDL PERL Data Language (PERL)

PDL Program Design Language

PDL Program Development Language

PDLT Process Dispatch Latency Time

PDM Physical Data Model (DB, CDM, Powerdesigner)

PDM Program Development Manager (IBM, ADT)

PDN Programmer's Distribution Network (Fido)

PDN Public Data Network (Mobile-Systems)

PDO PHP Data Objects (PHP)

PDO Portable Distributed Objects (NeXT)

PDOP Positional Dilution Of Precision (GPS)

PDOS Parallel and Distributed Operating System (OS, MIT)

PDP Parallel Distributed Processing (AI)

PDP Peripheral Data Processing

PDP Plasma Display Panel

PDP Programmable Data Processor (DEC)

PDQ Parallel Data Query (Informix, DB)

PDS Partitioned Data Set

PDS Portable Display Shell (Shell)

PDS Processor Direct Slot / Socket (Motorola, Apple)

PDS Professional Development System (MS)

PDS Public Domain Software (PD)

PDSP Peripheral Data Storage Processor

PDSS Post Development and Software Support

PDT Pacific Daylight Time [-0700] (TZ, PST, USA)

PDTB Protected Digital Talking Book specification (DAISY)

PDTR Proposed Draft Technical Report

PDU Packet Data Unit

PDU Product Development Unit

PDU Protocol Data Unit (OSI)

PDV Photorealistic Data Visualization

PDV ProzeßDatenVerarbeitung

PDW Parallel Data Warehouse

PE Phase Encoding

PE Portable eXecutable (Win32, Java)

PE Preinstallation Environment (MS, Windows, XP)

PE Privilege Escalation

PE Processing Element (MPP)

PEA Pocket Ethernet Adapter (LAN, Ethernet)

PEAK Python Enterprise Application Kit (Python)

PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP, WPA, WLAN)

PEAR PHP Extension and Application Repository (PHP)

PEARL Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language

PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard (Slang)

PEBI PEtaBInary [ (2^10)^5]

PEBKAC Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

PEBS Precise Event Based Sampling (Intel, CPU)

PEC Program Execution Control (IBM, OS/2)

PECI Platform Environmental Control Interface (Intel)

PECL PHP Extension Code Library (PHP, PEAR)

PED Personen-Erkenntnis-Datei (Polizei)

PEDS Planning, programming, budget, and execution Electronic Delivery System

PEEK Partners Early Experience Kit (Taligent)

PEF Preferred Executable Format (CFM, Apple)

PEG PCI Express for Graphics (PCIe, Intel)

PEG Platform European Grid [conference] (grid)

PEL Picture ELement

PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail (PSRG, RFC 1421/1422/1423/1424)

PEM Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell

PEN Public Education Network

PEP Packetized Ensemble Protocol (Telebit)

PEP Personal Employee Portal (IBM)

PEP Personal Eventing Protocol (XMPP)

PEP Personal Exam Prep (MS, ATEC)

PEP Polymer Electronic Printing

PEP Python Enhancement Proposal (Python)

PEP Python Enhancement Proposal (Python)

PER Packed Encoding Rules (ASN.1)

PER Program Event Recording

PERCS Productive, Easy-to use, Reliable Comouting Systems (IBM)

PERL Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister (Slang)

PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language (PERL) "Perl"

PERM Pre-Embossed Rigid Magnetic (Sony, HDD)

PERM Programmgesteuerte Elektronische Rechenmaschine München

PERMIS PERManentes InventurabwicklungsSystem (MBAG)

PEROM Programmable Erasable Read Only Memory (IC)

PERPOS PERpetual Processing Operating System (OS, Unix)

PERT Program Evaluation / Evolution and Review Technique

PES Packetized Elementary Stream (DVB, ISO, IEC 13818-2/13818-3)

PES P-bit Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT)

PES Photo-Electric Scanning (DTP)

PES Programmed Electrical Stimulation

PES Proposed Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung)

PEST Parameter Estimation by Sequential Testing

PET Personal Electronic Transactor (Commodore)

PET Print Enhancement Technology (Compaq)

PET Privacy Enhancement Technology

PET Progressive Educational Technology

PEX PHIGS Extension for X (X-Windows, PHIGS)

PFA Parameter Field Address (Forth)

PFA Predictive Failure Analysis (HDD)

PFC Power Factor Correction

PFC Priority-based Flow Control (IEEE 802.1Qbb, DCB)

PFC Protocol Field Compression (PPP)

PFD Primary Flight Display (Airbus, A380)

PFE Page Fault Error (Windows, MS)

PFIF Protocol Freedom Information Foundation (Org.)

PFK Program Function Key

PFM Printer Font Metrics (Adobe)

PFN Page Frame Number (Linux, VPFN)

PFPU Processor Frame Power Unit

PFR Portable Font Resource (Netscape)

PFRAM Polymeric Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

PFS Perfect Forward Secrecy (FS, Verschlüsselung)

PFS Professional File System (Amiga, FS)

PFWG [WAI] Protocols and Formats Working Group (WAI)

PGA Patches Gratefully Accepted (Slang, Cygwin, PTC)

PGA Pin Grid Array (IC, CPU)

PGA Professional Graphics Adapter (IBM)

PGC Professional Graphics Controller

PGC ProGram Chain (DVD)

PGD Page Global Directory

PGFNA Prince George Free-Net Association (Org., USA)

PGI Parameter Group Identifier (SPDU)

PGM Practical General Multicast (Cisco, Multicast)

PGM Pragmatic General Multicast (MS, Multicast)

PGML Precision Graphics Markup Language (XML, IBM, Netscape, Sun, Adobe, SVG)

PGO Profile Guided Optimization (Intel)

PGP Pretty Good Privacy

PGS Program Generation System

PHB PCI Host Bridge (Power4, IBM)

PHBT Pseudomorphic Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor

PHIGS Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System

PHIGSPLUS PHIGS Plus Lumiere and Surfaces (PHIGS), "PHIGS-PLUS"

PHIPS Professional High-Resolution Image Processing System (CA)

PHLAK Professional Hackers Linux Assault Kit (Linux)

PHOTON paneuropean PHOtonic Transport Overlay Network (ACTS)

PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP/FI, HTML, CGI, Nachfolger)

PHPFI Personal Home Page [construction kit]/Form Interpreter (HTML, CGI, PHP, Vorläufer), "PHP/FI"

PHUN Phreakers and Hackers Underground Network (Netzwerk)

PHY PHYsical Layer Control (FDDI)

PI Placement and Interconnect [system] (VLSI, MIT)

PI Portable Interceptor (CORBA)

PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter

PIA Plug-In Administrator

PIA Primary Interop Assembly (VSTO, MS)

PIC Personal Intelligent Communicator

PIC Point in Call (IN)

PIC Position Independent Code (DLL)

PIC Primary Independent Carrier

PIC Priority Interrupt Controller (IC)

PIC Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)

PICC Proximity Integrated Circuit Card (RFID)

PICG PCTE Interface Control Group (Org., PCTE)

PICMG PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (Org., PCI)

PICS Platform for Internet Content Selection (Org., Internet, POWDER)

PICS Plug-in Inventory Control System

PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements

PICSDCPR PICS Detailed Continuing Property Record, "PICS/DCPR"

PICU Priority Interrupt Control Unit

PID Packet IDentification (DVB)

PID Process IDentification number (Unix)

PID Protocol IDentifier [governing connection types]

PIE Personal Interactive Electronics [division] (Apple)

PIE Position Independent Executable

PIF Parity Inner Failure (DVD)

PIFS Point Coordination Function - InterFrame Space (MAC, 802.11a, PCF, IFS, WLAN)

PIG Psion Interest Group (Psion)

PIIX PCI IDE/ISA eXcelerator (Intel, IC, PCI, IDE, ISA)

PIKT Problem Informant/Killer Tool (GNU, Linux)

PIL Python Imaging Library (Python)

PILOT Programmed Inquiry, Language Or Teaching (IBM)

PIM Parallel Inference Machine (FGCS, AI)

PIM Personal Information Manager / Management

PIM Platform Independent Model (MDA)

PIM Protocol Independent Multicast (ACM, Multicast)

PIMA Photographic & Imaging Manufacturers Association (Org., Vorläufer, I3C)

PIMB PCTE Interface Management Board (Org., PCTE)

PIMDM Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode [protocol] (PIM, ACM, Multicast), "PIM-DM"

PIMF Paar [kabel] In MetallFolie (VDE, STP), "PiMF"

PIMS Project Information Management System

PIMSM Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode [protocol] (RFC 2117/2362, PIM, ACM, SM, Multicast) "PIM-SM"

PIN Personal Identification Number (Banking, ICC)

PIN Personal Internet Name (RFC 3042)

PIN Processor Independent Netware (Novell, HP, DEC, Apple, Sun)

PINE Program for Internet News and Email / PINE Is No longer ELM

PINET Physicians Information NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

PING Packet InterNet Groper (ICMP, TCP/IP)

PINT PSTN INTernet Interworking [group] (PSTN, IETF)

PIO Parallel / Programmed Input/Output

PIOS Personen, Institutionen, Objekte, Sachen (INPOL)

PIP Packet Interface Port

PIP Paper Impact Printing

PIP Peripheral Interchange Program

PIP Personal Information Processor

PIP Picture In Picture (Video)

PIP Plug-In Protocol (ZOC)

PIPS Parallel Information Processing System (GNU)

PIPS Pattern Information Processing Systems

PIRA Printing Industries Research Association (Org.)

PIRQ Peripheral Component Interconnect Interrupt ReQuest (PCI, IRQ)

PISA Portable InformationsSystem Architecture (DB, infodas, PISA)

PISABG PISA/Business Graphics (PISA), "PISA/BG"


PISADD PISA/Data Dictionary (PISA), "PISA/DD"


PISAMP PISA/Menue Processor (PISA), "PISA/MP"


PISAPPS PISA/ProduktionsPlanung und -Steuerungssystem (PISA), "PISA/PPS"

PISAQL PISA/Query Language (PISA), "PISA/QL"

PISARG PISA/Report Generator (PISA), "PISA/RG"

PISN Private Integrated Services Network (ECMA)

PISW Process Interrupt Status Word (CPU, Assembler)

PIT Partition Information Table (Android)

PIT Point In Time (DB)

PIT Programmable Interval Timer

PITA Pain In The Anatomy / Ass (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

PIU Path Information Unit (IBM, SNA)

PIU Plug-In Unit

PIXEL Pi Improved Xwindows Environment, Lightweight (Raspbian)

PIXEL PIcture ELement

PIXIT Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing

PJL Print Job Language (HP, PCL, Drucker)

PK Public Key (Verschlüsselung)


PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards (Org., USA, Verschlüsselung)

PKI Public Key Infrastructure (Verschlüsselung, Internet, ITU, PKI)

PKIX Public Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKI, Verschlüsselung)

PKS Polizeiliche KriminalStatistik (INPOL)

PKS Public Key Server (PGP, GPG, SKS, HKS)

PKT Partition Knowledge Table

PKWARE Phil Katz softWARE (Hersteller)

PL Physical Layer (ISO, OSI)

PLA Program License Agreement (IBM)

PLA Programmable Logic Array

PLATO Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations

PLB Picture Level Benchmark (GPC)

PLBSI Picture Level Benchmark Sample Implementation (GPC)

PLC Penta Level Cell (IC, Flash)

PLC PowerLine Communications [adapter]

PLC Programmable Logic Controller (IC)

PLCC Plastic Leaded [/ Leadless] Chip Carrier

PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Procedure / Protocol (UNI, DS-3)

PLD Programmable Logic Device (IC, RL)

PLDA Private Loop Direct Attach

PLDM Power Line Disturbance Monitor

PLE Personal Learning Edition (Maya)

PLE Property List Editor (Apple, Macintosh)

PLED Polymer Light Emitting Display (LED)

PLEX Pilot License EXtension (MMORPG)

PLI Programming Language One (DEC), "PL/I"

PLIP Parallel Line Internet Protocol (IP), "PL/IP"

PLL Phase Locked Loop

PLM Programming Language for Microcomputers

PLMN Public Land Mobile Network (Mobile-Systems, GSM)

PLONK Please Leave Our Newsgroup, Kid (Usenet, DFÜ-Slang)

PLOU Physical Layer Overhead Unit (UNI), "PL-OU"

PLP Packet Layer Protocol (X.25)

PLP Party Line Protocol

PLP Presentation Level Protocol

PLRS Power Line Remote Switch

PLS Personal Library Systems (Hersteller)

PLS PhysicaL Signaling

PLS Programmable Logic Sequencer

PLT Procedure Linkage Table

PLV Presentation Level Video (DVI, Intel)

PM Performance Management

PM Peripheral Module

PM Personal Message (BBS)

PM Physical Medium

PM Port Multiplier (SATA)

PM Presentation Manager (OS/2)

PM Privileged Mode (HP, MPE)

PM Protected Mode (Intel, CPU)

PMA Physical Medium Attachment (PCS, PHY)

PMA Policy Management Architecture (Netmanage, Internet)

PMA Program Memory Area (CD)

PMAC Packet Media Access Control (FDDI), "P-MAC"

PMAC Peripheral Module Access Controller

PMBR PIM Multicast Border Router (PIM, Multicast)

PMC [Zen] Portable Media Center

PMC Print Management Console (MS, Windows, Vista)

PMC Pseudo-Machine Code

PMD Page Middle Directory

PMD Physical layer, Medium Dependant [sub-layer] (FDDI, UNI)

PMDRAM Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC), "PM-DRAM"

PME Pattern Matching Engine

PME Power Management Event (BIOS)

PMF Protected Management Frames (WLAN)

PMI Product Manufacturing Information

PMIC Power Management IC (IC, RDIMM)

PMJI Pardon Me for Jumping In (DFÜ-Slang)

PMK Pairwise Master Key (RSN, Verschlüsselung)

PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit

PMO Program Management Office (Sun, JCP)

PMOS Positive-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

PMP Point to MultiPoint (UNI)

PMP Preventive Maintenance Package (AIX, IBM)

PMPO Peak Music Power Output

PMR Poor Man's Routing

PMR Problem Management Report (IBM)

PMS Personal Mailing System

PMS Processor Memory Switch

PMS Project Management System

PMS Public Message System

PMSP Preliminary Message Security Protocol

PMT Program Map Table (DVB)

PMT Program Map Table (DVB, PAT)

PMTU Path MTU Recovery (MTU, TCP/IP)

PMU PowerMeter Unit

PMW Project Manager Workbench

PMX Packet MultipleXer (MUX)

PMX Presentation Manager for the X window system, "PM/X"

PNA Personal Navigation Assistant (GPS, PDA)

PNG Portable Network Graphics [format] (RFC 2083)

PNI Prescott New Instruction set (Intel, Pentium)

PNNI [phase 0] Public Network Node Interface [protocol] (ATM)

PNNI Private Network to Network Interface (ATM), "P-NNI"

PNP Plug 'N Play (PNP), "PnP"

PNPBIOS Plug and Play Basic Input Output System (PNP, BIOS), "PnP BIOS"

PNPN Positive Negative Positive Negative [devices]

PNRP Peer-Name-Resolution-Protocol

PNS PeaceNet Sweden (Netzwerk)

PNW Personal NetWare (Novell, Netware)

PO Portable Object (MO)

POA Portable Object Adapter (CORBA, .NET)

POA Proof of Authority (PoW), "PoA"


POC Proof of Concept

POC Push to talk Over Cellular (GPRS), "PoC"

POCSAG Post Office Code Standard Advisory Group (Org., SMS)

POD Plain Old Document [format]

POD Print / Publishing On Demand, "PoD"

PODA Piloting of ODA (ESPRIT, SNI, Bull, TITN, ICL, Olivetti, ODA)

PODA Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, TDM)

PODC Principles Of Distributed Computing

POE PERL Object Environment (PERL)

POE Power Over Ethernet (LAN), "PoE"

POE PowerOpen Association (Apple, IBM, Motorola, ..., Org.)

POEM Portable Object-orientated Entity Manager (SGML)

POEMS Platinum Open Enterprise Management System

POEP Primary Operand Execution Pipeline (Motorola, CPU), "pOEP"

POF Parity Outer Failure (DVD)

POF Plastic / Polymere Optical Fiber (OWG)

POGO Programmer-Oriented Graphics Operation

POH Path OverHead (SONET)

POI Path Overhead Indicator (SONET)

POI Point Of Information

POI Point Of Interaction (IN)

POJI Plain Old Java Interfaces (Java, POJO)

POJO Plain Old Java Object (Java, POJI)

POL Problem / Procedure / Process Oriented Language

POLED Plastic-OLED-Display (LG, OLED), "pOLED"

POM Project Object Model (Maven)

PON Passive Optical Network

POODLE Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (SSL)

POOL Parallel Object Orientated Language (DOOM, OOP)

POOM Pocket Outlook Object Model (MS)

POP Package for Online Programming

POP Package On Package, "PoP"

POP Point Of Presence (Internet, ISP)

POP3 Post Office Protocol 3 (Internet, RFC 1939)

POR Point Of Return (IN)

POR Power-On Reset (BIOS)

POS Piece Of Shit (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

POS Primary Operating System (OS, RCA Spectra 70)

POS Professional Operating System (OS, DEC), "P/OS"

POS Programmable Object Select

POSE Palm Operating System Emulator (Palm)

POSI Promoting conference for OSI (Japan, Org., Conference)

POSIX Portable Operating System for unIX (OS, IEEE 1003, ISO 9945, PASC, Unix)

POST Power-On Self-Test

POSYBL PrOgramming SYstem for distriButed appLications

POT Plenty of Torrents

POTS Plain Old Telephone System (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

POV Persistence of Vision (Raytracing)

POW Proof Of Work (PoA), "PoW"

POWDER Protocol fOr Web DEscription Resources (Org, , WG, W3C, PICS)

POWER Power Optimization With Enhanced RISC [chip] (IBM, Apple, Motorola, RISC)

PP Physical Partition (LVM)

PP Physical Plane (IN)

PP Pre-Processor

PP Protection Profile (CC)

PPA Parallel Port Adapter

PPA Personal Package Archives (Linux, Ubuntu)

PPA PicoPeeringAgreement (Netzwerk)

PPAPI Pepper Plugin API (WWW, Google, API)

PPB Push Pull Before [recording] (DVD), "PPb"

PPBDV Push Pull Before [recording] Disc Variation (DVD), "PPb DV"

PPC PowerPC (Apple)

PPC Program to Program Communication (Apple)

PPD Postscript Printer Definition (DTP)

PPDS Personal Printer Data Stream

PPDU Presentation Protocol Data Unit (PDU, OSI, ISO 8823, OSI/RM)

PPE Packet Processing Engine (Hub, Router, IP)

PPE Power Processor Element (IBM, Cell, SPE)

PPGA Plastic Pin Grid Array (IC, CPU)

PPI Parallel Port Interface

PPI Pixels Per Inch

PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface

PPID Parent Process IDentification number (Unix)

PPK Per Packet Key (FPK)

PPL Pcboard Programming Language (BBS)

PPL Polymorphic Programming Language (Harvard, Xerox, PARC)

PPM Pages Per Minute

PPM Post Programmable Memory (Nokia)

PPM Pulse Position Modulation (MMVF)

PPMI PCI bus Power Management Interface (PCI)

PPMS Professional Productivity Management System

PPN Project Programmer Number

PPN Public Packet Switching

PPOP Plain Paper Optimized Printing (Canon), "P-POP"

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet, PPP, RFC 1171/1661)

PPPD Point-to-Point Protocol DAEMON (PPP)

PPPOE Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet [protocol] (ADSL, RFC 2516, PPP, Ethernet) "PPPoE"

PPPOED Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet DAEMON (PPPoE), "PPPoED"

PPS Packets Per Second

PPS Parallel Processing System

PPS ProduktionsPlanung und -Steuerung

PPS Programmable Power Supply

PPS Public Packet Switching [network]

PPSE Proximity Payment System Environment

PPSN Public Packet-Switched Network

PPSU Personal Printer Spooling Utility

PPT Package Power Tracking

PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (MS, Ascend, IP)

PPU Peripheral Processing Unit

PPU Physical Processing Unit (Ageia)

PPVPN Provider-Provisioned Virtual Private Network (VPN)

PQ Perceptual Quantization (HDR, Dolby)

PQET Print Quality Enhancement Technology (Lexmark)

PQFP Plastic Quad Flat Package (CPU)

PR Packet Radio

PR Pattern Recognition

PR Pentium Rating (AMD)

PR Placement & Routing (RL, IC), "P&R"

PRA Purported Responsible Address [algorithm] (MS, SPAM)

PRACSA Public Remote-Access Computer Standards Association (Org., USA)

PRAM Parameter Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, Apple), "P-RAM"

PRAM Phase-change Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, Intel)

PRCS Project Revision Control System (GNU)

PREP PowerPC REferenz Plattform (IBM, Apple), "PReP"

PREPNET Pennsylvania Research and Economic Partnership NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "PREPnet"

PRF Physical Register File (CPU, Intel)

PRF Problem Report Form (IBM)

PRI Primary Rate Interface (ISDN)

PRI Product Release Instructions (Mobile-Systems)

PRIDE PRofitable Information by DEsign (IRM)

PRISM Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Multiprocessing

PRISM Portable, Reusable, Integrated Software Modules

PRISM PRogrammed Integrated System Maintenance

PRL Preferred Roaming List (CDMA)

PRMD PRivate Management Domain (X.400, MHS)

PRML Partial Response - Maximum Likelihood (HDD, HD-DVD)

PRN Pseudo Random Noise [code] (GPS)

PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator

PRO Precision RISC Organization (Org.)


PROFS PRofessional OFfice System (IBM, VM)

PROLOG PROgramming in LOGic

PROM Partial Read Only Memory (ROM), "P-ROM"

PROM Programmable Read Only Memory (ROM, IC)

PROMATS PROgrammable Magnetic Tape System


PROS ??? [protocol]

PROTEL PRocedure Oriented Type Enforcing Language

PRPQ Programming Request for Price Quotation

PRS Pattern-Recognition System (PR)

PRSM Processor Resource/System Manager (IBM)

PRT Portable Remote Terminal

PRT Portal RunTime (SAP, EP)

PRT Program Reference Table

PRTM Printing Response Time Monitor

PS Port Selector (SATA)

PS PostScript (Adobe, PDL, Drucker)

PS Power Supply

PS PowerShell (MS, Windows)

PS Privilege Service (DCE)

PS Process Status (Unix)

PS2 Personal System /2, "PS/2"

PS3 Playstation 3 (Sony)

PS4 Playstation 4 (Sony)

PSA Python Software Activity (Python)

PSAP Presentation Service Access Point (OSI, OSI/RM, SAP)

PSB Platform Secure Boot (AMD)

PSB Processor System Bus (Intel, FSB)

PSB Program Specification Block (IBM)

PSC Perl Steering Council (Perl, Org.)

PSC Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (Org., USA)

PSCNET Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "PSCnet"

PSD Printer Sharing Device

PSD Programmer's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix)

PSDC Public Switched Digital Capability

PSDN Packet-Switching Data Network

PSDS Public-Switched Digital Service

PSE Packet Switch Exchange

PSE Port Switched Ethernet (Bytex, VLAN, Ethernet)

PSES P-bit Severely Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT)

PSF Permanent Swap File

PSF Print Services Facility (IBM)

PSF Python Software Foundation (Org., Python)

PSG Personal Systems Group (HP)

PSHDL Plain Simple Hardware Description Language

PSI Performance Systems International, inc.

PSI Power Status Indicator (Intel, CPU)

PSI Published Subject Indicator (XTM)

PSID Presentation Space IDentifier (IBM)

PSIG Platform Special Interest Group (SIG, OMG)

PSIPU PostScript - Intelligent Processing Unit (Canon, Adobe, CLC), "PS-IPU"

PSIU Packet Switch Interface Unit

PSK Phase Shift Keying (DFÜ)

PSK Pre-Shared Key [veraltet/old term] (Verschlüsselung, PSS, SAE)

PSL PD Service Lage (Händler)

PSL Public Software Library

PSLC Parallel Sysplex License Charge (IBM, WLC)

PSM Persistent Storage Manager (Maxtor)

PSM Persistent Stored Modules (SQL)

PSM Personal Scrum Master (Scrum)

PSM Personal Security Manager (Mozilla, Internet, Verschlüsselung)

PSM Personal Software Marketing (IBM)

PSM Platform Specific Model (MDA)

PSN Packet / Public Switched Network

PSN Packet Sequence Number (OLSR)

PSN Packet Switch Node (ARPANET, MILNET)

PSNR Peak Signal to Noise Ratio

PSOM Persistency framework in SOMobjects (IBM, DSOM)

PSOS Portable Software On Silicon (RTOS), "pSOS"

PSOS Provably Secure Operating System (OS)

PSP Personal Software Products (IBM)

PSP Platform Security Processor (AMD)

PSP PlayStation Portable (Sony)

PSP Program Segment Prefix (DOS)

PSP ProjektStrukturPlan

PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network (IN)

PSR Panel Self Refresh

PSR Phase Shift Register (IC)

PSR Problem Steps Recorder (MS, Windows)

PSR Program Support Representative

PSRG Privacy and Security Research Group (IRTF)

PSRO Professional Standards Review Organization

PSS Packet Switch Services / Stream

PSS Pre-Shared Secret (Verschlüsselung, PSK, WLAN)

PSSF Personal System Support Family (IBM)

PST Pacific Standard Time [-0800] (TZ, PDT, USA)

PST Program Structure Tree

PST P-State Transitions (CPU)

PST PWM Sharing Technology (Arctic Cooling)

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network (IN)

PSU Portable Storage Unit

PSU Primary Sampling Unit

PSU Program Storage Unit

PSVR PlayStation Virtual Reality (VR)

PSW Program Status Word

PT Pass Through (HTTPD, Apache)

PT Payload Type (ATM)

PTAL Payment Transaction Application Layer (Internet, Banking)

PTAT Private Trans-Atlantic Telecommunications

PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Org., Deutschland)

PTC Pacific Telecommunications Council (Org.)

PTC Parallel Test Component (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)

PTC Patches Thoughtfully Considered (Slang, Cygwin, PGA)

PTD Parallel Transfer Disk / Drive

PTE Packet Transport Equipment

PTE Page Table Entry

PTE Path Terminating Equipment (SONET)

PTERM Physical TERMinal (IBM), "PTerm"

PTF Program Temporary Fix (IBM)

PTH Plated-Through-Hole

PTI Page Table Isolation (OS)

PTI Payload Type Identifier (ATM, PT)

PTI Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne (Org., Poland)

PTK Pairwise Transient Key (RSN, Verschlüsselung)

PTM Packet Transfer Mode (ATM)

PTMP Point to MultiPoint [communication]

PTMSC Point-To-Multipoint Service Center (GPRS, Mobile-Systems, Multicast), "PTM-SC"

PTO Patent and Trademark Office (Org., USA)

PTOCA Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (IBM, MO:DCA)

PTOS Paper Tape Operating System (OS)

PTP Paper Tape Punch

PTP Picture Transfer Protocol (PIMA 15740)

PTR Paper Tape Reader

PTS Presentation Time Stamp (MPEG)

PTS Package Tracking System (Debian)

PTS Parallel Transaction System (IBM)

PTS Protocol Type Selection (ISO)

PTSS People's Time Sharing System (OS, CDC 6600)

PTT Postes, Telegraphe et Telephone (Org., Schweiz)

PTTP Point-to-PoinT Tunneling Protocol

PTW Primary Translation Word

PTY Pseudo-Terminal driver

PU Physical Unit (NAU)

PU Power Unit

PU Processing Unit

PUA Potentially Unwanted Apps

PUA Private Use Area (UCS)

PUA Profiling User Agent

PUB Physical Unit Block

PUC Peripheral Unit Controller

PUC Public Utilities Commission

PUCP Physical Unit Control Point (IBM, SNA)

PUE Power Usage Effectiveness

PUEL Personal Use and Evaluation License (Oracle)

PUF Physically Unclonable Function

PUFFT Purdue University Fast FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN)

PUGS Perl6 User Golfing System (PERL)

PUID Physical Unit IDentifier (IBM)

PUK Personal / PIN Unblocking Key (PIN)

PUMA Power User's Macintosh Association (Org., Apple)

PUMA Processor Upgradable Modular Architecture

PUMA Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly (Unimation)

PUMA Programmable Universal Micro Accelerator

PUMA Protected User-Mode Audio (MS, WPE)

PUMS Physical Unit Management Services

PUP PARC Universal packet Protocol (PARC)

PUP Product UPgrade (MS)

PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (URL, WWW)

PUT Program Update Tape

PV Physical Volume (LVM, HDD)

PVA Packetized Video Audio

PVA Patterned Vertical Alignment (LCD, Sun, Samsung, MVA)

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit (SVC)

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit / Channel / Connection (ATM)

PVCC Permanent Virtual Channel Connection (ATM)

PVCS Polytron Version Control System

PVD Primary Volume Descriptor (CD, IS 9660)

PVE Player Versus Environment (MMORPG, PvP), PvE

PVFS Parallel Virtual File System

PVITL Program-Variation-In-The-Large (SCM)

PVITS Program-Variation-In-The-Small (SCM)

PVM Parallel Virtual Machine (SMP, Cluster)

PVN Private Virtual Network

PVP Packet Video Protocol

PVP Player Versus Player (MMORPG, PvE), PvP

PVP Protected Video Path (MS, WPE)

PVPC Permanent Virtual Path Connection (ATM)

PVQ Perceptual Vector Quantization

PWA Progressive Web Apps (WWW)

PWB Printer Wire Board

PWB Programmers Work Bench (MS)

PWD Print Working Directory (Unix)

PWG Printer Working Group (Org., IPP, Drucker)

PWM Pulse Width Modulation (DVD)

PWN Peacenet World News

PWP Phase Wobble Pre-pit (DVD)

PWSCS Programmable WorkStation Communication Services

PWV Pulse-Wave Velocity

PXE Preboot eXecution Environment (Intel)

PY Person Years

PZDF Phil Zimmermann Defense Fund (PGP)

PZE PersonalZeitErfassung

QA Quality Assurance

QA Question & Answers, "Q&A"

QA Quick Arbitration (HD)

QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (HiperLAN/2, 802.11a)

QAP Quality-Assurance Program (QA)

QAPI Quality-Assurance Program Inspections (QA)

QAPI Queue Application Program Interface (SAP, API)

QAPP Quality-Assurance Program Plan (QA)

QAS Quasi-Associated Signaling

QAT Quick Assist Technology (Intel)

QBASIC Quick Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC, DOS)

QBBS Quick Bulletin Board System (BBS)

QBE Query By Example (DB)

QBF Query By Forms (DB)

QBH Query By Humming (DB, Audio), "QbH"

QBIC Query By Image Content (IBM)

QBS Query By Struct (DB)

QC Quad Core (CPU)

QCA Quantum-dot Cellular Automata

QCB Queue Control Block

QCDP Quality Color Dithering Modus

QCIF Quarter Common Interchange Format [176 x 144]

QCIF Quarter Common Intermediate Format [176x144] (Video)

QCM Quad Core Modul (IBM, DCM)

QCT Quanta Cloud Technologies

QD Queueing Delay

QDEF Quantum Dot Enhancment Film (3M)

QDL Quadri Data Layer [CD] (CD)

QDOS Quick and Dirty Operating System (OS, PC, MS-DOS, Vorläufer)

QDP Quad-Die -Package

QDR Quad Data Rate (SDR, DDR, ODR)

QEMM Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager (EMM, Quarterdeck)

QEMU Quick EMUlator (Linux)

QES Qualified Electronic Signature (eIDAS, Europe)

QF Query Filter (DB)

QFA Quick File Access

QFE Quick Fix Engineering (MS)

QFHD Quad Full High Definition

QFP Quad Flat Pack

QHD Quarter High Definition [640x360], [960x540] (HD)

QIC Quarter Inch Committee (Org., Streamer)

QICSC Quarter Inch Cartridge Standards Committee (QIC)

QICW Quarter Inch Cartridge Wide (QIC)

QIS Quality Information System

QKD Quantum Key Distribution

QL Query Language

QLC Quadruple Level Cell (IC, Flash)

QLD Queuing Literature Database (DB)

QLI Query Language Interpreter

QLLC Qualified Logical Link Control [protocol] (IBM)

QMB Quad Band Memory (IC)

QMC Quine McCluskey approach

QMF Query Management Facility (IBM)

QML Qt Meta / Modeling Language

QMR Quarterly Maintenance Releases (Lotus)

QMS Queue Management Service (Netware)

QNED Quantum Nano-Emitting Diode

QOS Quality Of Service (ATM, CLR, CTD, CDV), "QoS"

QP Queue Pair (Infiniband, HCA)

QPA Quality Program Analysis

QPE Qtopia Palmtop Environment (PDA)

QPEL Quarter PixEL (DivX, Video), "QPel"

QPI Quick Path Interconnect

QPI Quick Path Interface

QPL Q Public License

QPS Quark Publishing System (DTP)

QPSK Quadri Phase Shift Keying [modulation] (HiperLAN/2, , 802.11a)

QPSX Queue Packet and Synchronous circuit Exchange

QPU Quick Pascal Units (MS)

QR Quick Response [code]

QSA Qt Script for Applications

QSA Query String Append (HTTPD, Apache)

QSAM Queued Sequential Access Method (SAM)

QSCD Qualified Signature Creation Device (QES)

QSU Quatech Serial to USB [adapter] (USB)

QSVGA Quarter SVGA [400x300] (SVGA, VGA)

QSXGA Quad Super XGA [2560x2048] (XGA)

QTAM Queued Terminal Access Method

QTC Quantum Tunneling Composite [polymer]

QTE Quick-Time-Event

QTVR QuickTime Virtual Reality (Apple, VR)

QUEST Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunication Leadership (Org.) "QuEST"

QUEX Query Update by EXample

QUHD Quad Ultra HD [15360x8640] (HD)

QUIC Quick UDP Internet Connections (UDP, Google)

QUICC QUad Integrated Communications Controller (Motorola)

QUIP QUad In-line Package

QUIPS QUality Improvements Per Second

QUXGA Quad Ultra XGA [3200x2400] (XGA, HSVGA)

QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array [320 x 240] (VGA)

QWAVE Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (MS, Windows)

QWUXGA Quad Wide Ultra XGA [3840x2400] (XGA, WQUXGA)

QXGA Quantum Extended Graphics Array [2048 x 1536]

QXI Queue eXecutive Interface

RA Real Address (Power4, IBM, CPU)

RA Registration Authority (PKI, ITU, Verschlüsselung)

RA Remote Access (BBS)

RABF Redundant Accumulative Backhitchless Flush (IBM, Streamer)

RAC Random Access Channel (HiperLAN/2)

RAC Real Application Cluster (Oracle)

RACE Research and technology development in Advanced Communications technologies in Europe (Europa, Vorläufer, CORDIS)

RACE Rowbased ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, VeriSign/NSI)

RACER Renamed Abox and Concept Expression Reasoner

RACF Resource Access Control Facility (IBM, MVS/ESA)

RACH Random Access CHannel (GSM, CCCH, Mobile-Systems)

RAD Rapid Access Disk

RAD Rapid Application Development [toolkit] (Delphi, Borland)

RAD Research And Development [data communications] (Hersteller)

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RFC 2865)

RADSL Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)

RAFF Rotary Acceleration Feed Forward (WD, HDD)

RAI Remote Alarm Indication (DS3/E3)

RAID Redundant Array of Independent / Inexpensive Disks (HDD, RAID)

RAIDIOS RAID I/O Steering (Intel, RAID)

RAII Resource Acquisition Is Initialization

RAIR Random Access Information Retrieval

RAL ReichsAusschuß für Lieferbedingungen (IEC 12119)

RAL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Org., UK)

RAM Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

RAM Rarely Adequate Memory (Slang)

RAM Rate Adaptive Mode (DSL)

RAMDAC Random Access Memory Digital to Analog Converter (RAM)

RAMIS Rapid Access Management Information System

RAMP Remote Access Maintenance Protocol

RAMPS Reliability, Availability, Manageability, Performance and Scalability (DB)

RAMPS Reprap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield (Arduino)

RAMS Record Archival Management System

RAN Radio Access Network

RAND Rural Area Network Design

RAP [internet] Route Access Protocol (RFC 1476, Internet)

RAP Remote Access Point

RAP Rich Ajax Platform (RCP, Eclipse)

RAPID Resource And Performance Interactive Display system

RAPL Running Average Power Limit (CPU, Intel)

RAPL Runtime Average Power Limiting (AMD, CPU)

RAPS Real Application on Parallel Systems

RARE Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Européenne (Org.)

RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (Internet, RFC 903)

RAS Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (IBM)

RAS Remote Access Software

RAS Row Address Strobe (IC, DRAM)

RAT Register Allocation Table (Intel, CPU)

RAT Remote Access Tool

RAT Remote Access Trojan

RATP Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol (RFC 916)

RATS Radio-Amateur Telecommunications Society (Org., USA)

RATS Rough Auditing Tool for Security (WWW, CGI, PERL, PHP, ...)

RAVE Relational Advanced Visual Environment

RAW Read-After-Write (WAW, WAR)

RBA Relative Byte Address

RBAC Role Based Access Control (SELinux)

RBBS Remote Bulletin Board System (BBS)

RBE Rust By Example

RBF Random Block Filemanager (OS-9)

RBH Remote Bridge Hub

RBL Realtime Blackhole / Block List (Internet, SPAM)

RBM Realtime Batch Monitor (OS, Xerox)

RBMS Remote Bridge Management Software

RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company (USA)

RC Reconfigurable Computer / Computing (RL)

RC Region Co-ordinator (FidoNet)

RC Release Candidate (MS)

RC Return Code (REXX, ...)

RC Routing Control

RC2 Rivest Cipher / Ron's Code 2 (Verschlüsselung)

RC4 Rivest Cipher / Ron's Code 4 (Verschlüsselung)

RC5 Rivest Cipher 5 (RFC 2040, Verschlüsselung)

RCAS Reserve Component Automation System

RCC Radio Common Carrier

RCC Regional Control Center

RCC Remote Cluster Controller

RCC Routing Control Center

RCD Receiver-Carrier Detector

RCE Regional Code Enhancement (DVD)

RCE Remote Code Execution

RCE Resident Command Extension (DOS)

RCF Reader's Comment Form (IBM)

RCF Remote Call-Forwarding

RCGI Remote Common Gateway Interface (CGI, WWW, Novell)

RCL Runtime Control Library

RCM Remote Carrier Module

RCP Remote Copy Program

RCP Rich Client Platform (Eclipse, Java)

RCS Reloadable Control Storage

RCS Remote Connection Service (IBM, OS/2, LAN)

RCS Resource Construction Set

RCS Revision Control System (Unix, CM, GNU)

RCS Rich Communications Services (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

RCTC Rewritable Consumer Time Code (Video)

RCTL Resistor-Capacitor-Transistor Logic

RCW Runtime Callable Wrapper (.NET, COM, DLL)

RD Receive Data (MODEM)

RD Recursive Design (CASE)

RD Remove Directory (DOS, OS/2)

RD Research and Development, "R&D"

RD Route Descriptor

RDA Remote Database Access (ISO, OSI)

RDB Receive Data Buffer

RDB Relational DataBase (DB)

RDB Rigid Disk Block (Amiga, Commodore)

RDBMS Relational DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

RDBMSMIB Relational DataBase Management System - Management Information Base (DB), "RDBMS-MIB"

RDC Remote Data Connector

RDD Random Digital Dial

RDD Replaceable Database Driver (Clipper, CA-VO, DB)

RDDL Resource Directory Description Language (XHTML, XML)

RDE Received Data Enable

RDE Redundant Data Elimination (Falconstor, VTL)

RDE Ruby Development Environment (Ruby, IDE)

RDES Remote Data Entry System

RDF Rate Decrease Factor

RDF Record Definition Field

RDF Resource Description Framework (XML, IBM, Netscape, MS, ..., WWW)

RDFS Resource Description Framework Scheme (RDF)

RDH RSA-DES-Hybridverschlüsselung (Verschlüsselung, HBCI)

RDI Remote Defect Identification / Indicator (UNI)

RDIMM Registered Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM, IC)

RDL Relational Database Language (DB)

RDL Remote Digital Loopback

RDLAP Radio Data Link Access Protocol (MODACOM), "RD-LAP"

RDM Relational Data Modeler

RDM Reliably Delivered Message

RDMA Remote Direct Memory Access (VI, Infiniband)

RDN Relative Distinguished Name (X.500)

RDNCRC Research Data Network Cooperative Research Centre (Org., Australien)

RDO Remote Data Objects (DB)

RDO Resource Definition Online (CICS, IBM)

RDP Reliable Datagram Protocol

RDP Remote Desktop Protocol (MS)

RDP Remote Display Protocol (MS, Windows, NT, ASP)

RDQL Resource Description Query Language (RDF, HP, Java)

RDR Remote Data Recovery (Ontrack)

RDR Request Data with Reply (Feldbus)

RDRAM Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, Rambus)

RDRN Rapidly Deployable Radio Networks (USA, Uni Kansas)

RDS Radio Digital System

RDS Rapid Development System (DB, Informix)

RDS Remote Data Services

RDSN Region Digital Switched Network

RDT Radio Digital Terminal

RDT Restricted Data Transmissions

RDTP [secure] Raw Data Transfer Protocol

RE RAID Edition (WD, RAID)

RE Recommendation Engine (OP, Oracle, DB)

RE Research and Engineering, "R&E"

REACH Research and Educational Applications of Computers in the Humanities

READ Relative Element Address Designate (Verschlüsselung)

READSL Reach Extended Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL, DSL), "RE ADSL"

REBOL Relative Expression Based Object Language

REFS Resilient File System (MS, FS), "ReFS"

REGEX REGular EXpressions (GREP, EMACS, ...)

REGIS REmote Graphics Instruction Set

REGTP REGulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (Org., Deutschland), "RegTP"

REHMUDI REdHat MUltimedia Distribution (RedHat, Linux), "ReHMuDi"

REM Remote Equipment Module

REM Ring Error Monitor

REMIS Real Estate Management Information System

REMOS Resources Management On-Line System

REPL Read Eval Print Loop

RERAM Resistive Random Access Memory (RAM, IC), "ReRAM"

RES Remote Entry Services

REST REpresentational State Transfer (URL, AWS)

RESTENA RÉSeau Téléinformatique de l'Éducation NAtionale et de la recherce (Netzwerk, Luxembourg)

RET Report Engine Technology (CA, DB)

RET Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "REt"

RETM Rare Earth / Transition Metal (MO), "RE/TM"

REXX Restructured EXtended eXecutor [language] (IBM, SAA, ANSI)

RF Radio Frequency (Mobile-Systems)

RF4CE Radio Frequency 4 Consumer Electronics

RFA Request for Assistance (Internet)

RFB Remote FrameBuffer [protocol]

RFC Remote Function Call (SAP, CPIC)

RFC Request For Change (PERL, ITIL)

RFC Request For Comments (Internet, RFC)

RFD Ready-For-Data

RFD Report Fragmentation Done [bit] (CATNIP, BIT)

RFD Request For Discussion (Internet, Usenet), "RfD"

RFE Request For Enhancement (Internet)

RFI Radio Frequency Interference

RFI Remote File Inclusion

RFI Request For Information (Internet)

RFIC Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (IC)

RFID Radio Frequency IDentification (ANSI, NCITS)

RFMS Remote File Management System

RFNM Request For Next Message (IMP)

RFOG Radio Frequency Over Glass (HFC, ANSI/SCTE 174 2010), "RFoG"

RFP Request for Package (Linux, Debian)

RFP Request For Proposal (Internet)

RFQ Request for Quatation

RFS Remote File Sharing (AT&T, Unix)

RFS Remote File System

RFS Remote Forensic Software

RFS Request For Sponsor (Linux, Debian)


RFT Request For Technology (OSF)

RFT Revisable Form Text

RFTS Remote File Transfer System (DDVS)

RGB Rot Grün Blau / Red Green Blue (Farbsystem, DTP)

RGBA Red Green Blue Alpha-[byte] (Farbsystem, RGB)

RGBE Red Green Blue Emerald (Farbsystem, photo, Sony)

RGMII Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface

RGMS Rotated Grid MultiSampling (Graphik)

RGP Raster Graphics Processor

RGP Remote Graphics Processor

RH Request Header

RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer (RedHat, Linux)

RHCT Red Hat Certified Technician (RedHat, Linux)

RHCX Red Hat Certified eXaminer

RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Linux, RedHat)

RHS Right Hand Side (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

RHSCL Red Hat Sofetware CoLection (Linux, Red Hat)

RI Reference Implementation (JCP)

RI Ring Indicator (RS-232, MODEM)

RI Routing Information

RIA Rich Internet Application (WWW, Macromedia)

RIACS Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (Org.)

RID Relative IDentifier (AD, SID, ACL)

RIDE Research Issues in Data Engineering (IEEE-CS)

RIE Reactive Ion Etching (IC)

RIF Requirements Interchange Format (HIS)

RIF Routing Information Field (Token Ring)

RIFF Resource Interchange File Format (MS, IBM, MM)

RIG Related Interest Group

RIG Rochester Intelligent Gateway (OS)

RII Routing Information Indicator

RIM Registry Information Model (ebXML)

RIM Remote Installation and Maintenance

RIME Relaynet International Message Exchange

RIML Renderer Independent Markup Language (XML, Consensus)

RIMM Rambus Inline Memory Module (Rambus, IC)

RINEX Receiver INdependent EXchange [format] (GPS)

RIO Redistributed Internet Objects (S3, VRML, Internet)

RIO Remote Input/Output (Power4, IBM)

RIOCP ??? (OS), "RIO/CP "

RIP Raster Image Processor (DTP)

RIP Remote Imaging Protocol (BBS)

RIP Return Instruction Pointer (CPU, RAM)

RIP Routing Information Protocol (BSD, IGP, RFC 1721, IP)

RIPE Reseaux IP Européenne (EUnet)

RIPL Remote Initial Program Load (IBM)

RIPN Russian Institute for Public Networks (Org.)

RIPNG Routing Information Protocol Next Generation (RIP, IPV6, RFC 2080) "RIPng"

RIPS Raster Image Processing Systems corporation (Hersteller)

RIR Regional Internet Registry (Internet)

RIS Radeon Image Sharpening (AMD)

RIS Remote Installation Service (MS, ADS)

RISC Reduced Instruction Set Code (CPU)

RISC Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (Org., Österreich)

RISC Risk and Incident Sharing and Coordination (IETF, OpenID)

RISCOS RISC Operating System (MIPS, Acorn, OS), "RISC OS"

RISLU Remote Integrated Services Line Unit

RISS [StorageWorks] Reference Information Storage System (HP)

RITECH Resolution Improvement TECHnology (Epson)

RITSEC Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Center

RJ45 Registered Jack 45 (cable)

RJE Remote Job Entry (IBM, Internet, RFC 407)

RJEF Remote Job Entry Function

RJP Remote Job Processing

RKO RootKey Operator (DNS)

RKRM ROM Kernel Reference Manual (Amiga, Commodore)

RL Real Life (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

RL Reconfigurable Logic (RL)

RLC Radio Link Control (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

RLDRAM Reduced-Latency Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

RLE Run-Length Encoded

RLIN Research Libraries Information Network (Netzwerk)

RLL Run Length Limited [encoding]

RLM Redundant Lock Manager (GFS)

RLN Remote LAN Nodes (LAN)

RLP Radio Link Protocol (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

RLP Resource Location Protocol (Internet, RFC 887)

RLPR Remote Line Printing Request (LPR, Drucker)

RLS Read Link error Status (FCP)

RLS Received Line Signal

RLSD Received Line Signal Detector

RLSFB Read Last Spool File Buffer (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RLT Remote Line Test

RLV RingLeitungsVerteiler

RM Resource Management

RM Retention Module

RMA Remote Memory Access

RMAS Remote Memory Administration System

RMATS Remote Maintenance Administration and Traffic

RMC Rambus Memory Controller (Rambus)

RMC Rational Method Composer (RUP, IBM)

RMCOS Ryan-McFarland COBOL (????) Operating System

RMCP Remote Management Control Protocol

RMF Resource Measurement Facility (IBM, MVS)

RMI Remote Method Invocation (Java, API)

RMIC Remote Memory In Cassette (IBM, Streamer, WORM, MIC), "R-MIC"

RMM Ring Management Module (Token Ring)

RMODP Reference Model - Open Distributed Processing (RUP), "RM-ODP"

RMON Remote MONitoring

RMOS Realtime Multitasking Operating System (SNI, OS)

RMS Reason Maintenance System (AI)

RMS Reliant Monitor Services (FSC)

RMS Remote Monitoring System [bus]

RMS Richard Matthew Stallman (FSF, EMACS)

RMS Rights Management Services (MS, Windows, NGSCB)

RMT Raw Magnetic Tape (Unix)

RMT Reliable Multicast Transport (IETF, WG, Multicast)

RMT REXXware Migration Tool (Simware, REXX)

RMT Ring ManagemenT (FDDI, SMT)

RMX Reverse Mail eXchange (DNS, SPAM)

RNA Remote Network Access

RNC Radio Network Controller (Mobile-Systems, UMTS, RAN)

RND RAD Network Devices (RAD, Hersteller)

RNDIS Remote Network Driver Interface Specification (MS)

RNG Random Number Generation

RNI Raw Native Interface (MS, Java)

RNID Request Node IDentification (FCP, SNIA, HBA, API)

RNM Resistors Network Method (Audio)

RNOC Regional Network Operations Center

RNPRSFP Read Next PRint Spool File Block (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RNPUFSB Read Next PUnch Spool File Block (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RNR Receive Not Ready (LAPB)

RNSB Read Next Spool Buffer (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RNUI Remote Network User Identification (Datex-P)

RO Read-Only (I/O)

ROAMS Reusable Object Access and Management System

ROBOT Return Of Bleichenbacher's Oracle Threat (TLS, RSA)


ROC Reconstruction Of Color (ICE, Scanner)

ROCA Return Of the Coppersmith Attack (RSA, TPM)

ROCE RDMA Over Coverged Ethernet, "RoCE"

ROCF Remote Object Class Factory

ROCM Radeon Open CoMpute (AMD), "ROCm"

ROD Rewritable Optical Disk (OD)

RODC Read-Only Domain Controller (MS, AD)

ROFL Roar Out From Laughing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROHC RObust Header Compression (RFC 3095/3759, RTP, UDP, ESP)

ROHS Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronical equipment (Europa), "RoHS"

ROLAP Relational OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP, DB)

ROLC Routing Over Large Clouds

ROM Read Only Memory (ROM)

ROMB RAID On MotherBoard (RAID)

ROMBIOS Read-Only Memory - Basic Input Output System (ROM, BIOS), "ROM-BIOS"

ROMC Required Operational Messaging Characteristics

ROMP Research Office products division MultiProcessor (IBM, AIX)

ROP Raster Operation Processor (GPU)

ROP Remote Operations Service (IBM, OS/2)

ROP Return Orientated Programming

ROPO Research Online, Purchase Offline

ROS Read-Only Storage

ROS Resident Operating System (OS)

ROS Robot Operating System (OS)

ROSE [CAE] Real-time Object-based Simulation Environment

ROSE Remote Operations Service Element (OSI, RPC)

ROT Running Object Table (MS, Windows)

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLBTC Rolling On The Floor Laughing and Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

RP Rapid Prototyping (CNC, CAD)

RP Relay Party (IRC)

RP Rendezvous Point (PIM, Multicast)

RPA Remote Phrase Authentication

RPC Region Playback Control (DVD)

RPC Remote Procedure Call (Sun, Xerox, OSF, ECMA, RFC 1831)

RPC2 Region code Playback Control phase 2 (DVD), "RPC-2"

RPCL Remote Procedure Call Language (ONC, Sun)

RPCS Refined Printing Command Stream (Ricoh)

RPDFP Remote Physical Device Finger Printing (NAT, IP)

RPE Remote Peripheral Equipment

RPELTP Regular Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Prediction [loop] (LPC), "RPE-LTP"

RPF Rendezvous Point Forwarding (PIM, MSDP, Multicast, RP)

RPF RePeat active File (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RPF Reverse Path Forwarding (PIM, Multicast)

RPG Report Program Generator (IBM)

RPG Role Playing Game

RPL Remote Program Load

RPL Requested Privilege Level

RPL Resident Programming Language

RPM Radio Packet Modem (Motorola)

RPM Redhat Package Manager (Linux)

RPM Remote Port Module (Ascend)

RPMA Random Phase Multiple Access (IoT, LP-WAN)

RPN Reverse Polish Notation

RPP Relative Processor Performance (CPU, Cray)

RPS Read Port Status (FCP)

RPS Realtime Programming System (OS, IBM)

RPZ Response Policy Zone (DNS, BIND)

RQBE Relational Query By Example (DB, QBE)

RR Radio Resource management (MM, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

RRAS Routing and Remote Access Service (MS, Windows, NT)

RRCM Reservation Request Control Mechanism (DQDB)

RRDS Relative Record Data Set (VSAM)

RRIP Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol (CD, Unix)

RRL Response Rate Limiting (BIND)

RRO Radial Run Out (DVD)

RROD Red Ring Of Death (MS, Xbox)

RRP Registry Registrar Protocol (VeriSign, RFC 2832/3632)

RRT Retirement Register File (Intel, CPU)

RRZE Regionales RechenZentrum Erlangen (Org.)

RRZN Regionales RechenZentrum für Niedersachsen (Org.)

RS Recommended Standard

RS Reconciliation Sublayer (10GE, OSI)

RS Registry Service (DCE, ebXML, ...)

RSA Random Scheduling Algorithm [protocol]

RSA Reference System Architecture

RSA Reusable Software Assets

RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (Verschlüsselung, RSA)

RSAC Recreational Software Advisory Council (Org.)

RSAP Remote Service Access Point (SAP)

RSAT Reliability and System Architecture Testing

RSAT Remote Server Administration Tools (AD, MS)

RSB Remote view Service Board (FSC)

RSB Return Stack Buffer (Intel, CPU)

RSBAC Rule Set Base Access Control (Linux)

RSC Receive Segment Coalescing (NDIS)

RSCN Registered State Change Notification (FCP)

RSCS Remote Source Control System

RSCS Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (IBM, VM, NJE)

RSCT Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (IBM)

RSD Really Simple Discoverability

RSDP Root System Description Pointer (ACPI)

RSDT Root System Description Table (ACPI)

RSE Removable Storage Elements

RSE Research and Systems Engineering

RSF Remote Service Facility (IBM)

RSF Remote Support Facility

RSF ReStart active File (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSFD Retrieve Subsequent File Descriptor (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSFDNPR Retrieve Subsequent File Descriptor Not Previously Retrieved (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSFQ Rapid Single Flux Quantum [logic]

RSH Remote SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell)

RSH Restricted SHell (Unix, Shell)

RSI Repetitive Strain Injury

RSIS Relocateable Screen Interface Specification

RSLM Remote Subscriber Line Module

RSM Remote Switching Module

RSMMC Reduced Size MultiMediaCard (MMC), "RS-MMC"

RSN Real Soon Now (DFÜ-Slang)

RSN Robust Security Network (WLAN, Verschlüsselung)

RSP Reality Signal Processor (Nintendo)

RSPC Reed Solomon Product Code (SDD, CD), "RS-PC"

RSR Radeon Super Resolution (AMD)

RSS Rich / RDF Site Summary (XML, RDF)

RSSCP Remote System Services Control Point (SSCP)

RST Rapid Storage Technology

RST Running Status Table (DVB)

RSTS Resource Sharing Time Sharing (DEC)

RSTSE Resource System Time Sharing/Enhanced (DEC), "RSTS/E"

RSU Remote Software Update (IBDM, OS/2, ...)

RSU Remote Switching Unit

RSVP Resource reSerVation Protocol (IP, RFC 2205)

RSX Realistic Sound eXperience (Intel, Audio)

RSX11 Resource Sharing eXecutive - 11 (DEC, OS, PDP 11), "RSX-11"

RSX3D Realistic Sound eXperience - 3D (Intel, Audio, VRML), "RSX-3D"

RT Register Transfer

RT Remote Terminal

RT Research and Technology, "R&T"

RT Routing Type

RTA Rapid Thermal Annealling (IC, MOSFET)

RTA Real Time Adherence

RTA Real-Time Accelerator

RTAM Remote Teleprocessing Access Method

RTB Read Tape Binary

RTBM Real Time Bit Mapping (BIT)

RTC Real Time Clock

RTC Real-Time Command

RTCP Real Time Control Protocol (RTP)

RTCS Real Time Computer System

RTCU Real Time Control Unit

RTD Real Time Display

RTDAT RealTime Deformation And Tessellation [engine] (3D, Shiny), "RT-DAT"

RTDHS Real Time Data Handling System

RTE Real Time Execution

RTE Real Time Executive (OS, HP, HP 2000)

RTE Remote Terminal Emulation

RTE Run Time Environment

RTE6VM Real Time Executive - 6 / Virtual Memory (OS, HP, RTE, HP 1000), "RTE-6/VM"

RTEMS Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems (RTOS)

RTEX Real Time EXecutive (OS, Interdata)

RTF Rich Text Format

RTFF Read The Fucking FAQ (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

RTFM Read The Flaming / Fucking Manual (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

RTG Real Time Gambling

RTG Real Time Geometry (Hersteller)

RTG Routing Table Generator

RTI ReTurn from Interrupt

RTIN Request Topology INformation (FCP, SNIA, HBA, API)

RTK Real Time Kinematic

RTL Real Time Language

RTL Register Transfer Language (GCC)

RTL Register Transfer Level

RTL Resistor-Transistor Logic

RTL RunTime Library

RTLinux Real-Time Linux (Linux)

RTM Registered Transfer Module

RTM Release To Manufacture / Market

RTM Remote Test Module

RTMOS Real Time Multiprogramming Operating System (OS, GE)

RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (AppleTalk)

RTMS Real Time Multiprogramming System (???)

RTOS Real Time Operating System (OS, Interdata, Prime, ...)

RTOS16 Real Time Operating System - 16 (OS, Digico), "RTOS-16"

RTOS360 Real Time Operating System /360 (IBM, OS, S/360), "RTOS/360"

RTOSUH Real Time Operating System - Universität Hannover (OS), "RTOS-UH"

RTP Real Time Protocol (Internet, RFC 1889/1890, RTCP)

RTS Real Time Strategy [game] (TBS)

RTS Real Time System

RTS Reliable Transfer Service (OSI)

RTS Request To Send (MODEM, RS-232)

RTS Residual Time Stamp

RTSE Reliable Transfer Service Element (OSI)

RTSM RealTime System Manager

RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol (TV, WWW, UDP, TCP/IP, RDP, Multicast, VoIP, RFC 2326)

RTT Resonant Tunneling Transistor

RTT Round-Trip Time

RTTI Run-Time Type Identification (ANSI)

RTTM Round-Trip Time Measurements (TCP, Satellit)

RTTS Real Time Task Scheduler (OS, August Systems)

RTTY Radio Tele TYpe

RTU Real Time Unix (Unix)

RTU Remote Terminal Unit (ESA, Venus-Express)

RTUX Real Time UniX (OS, Emerge Systems)

RTV Real Time Video

RTVBR RealTime Variable Bit Rate (VBR, ATM, BIT), "rt-VBR"

RTX Real Time eXecutive (OS)

RTX16 Real Time eXecutive - 16 (OS, Honeywell, ...), "RTX-16"

RUA Remote User Agent

RUAC Remote User Access Centers

RUI Reality User Interface

RUM Real User Monitoring (WWW)

RUOW Remote Unit Of Work (DRDA, IBM), "RUoW"

RUP Rational Unified Process (IBM)

RUS Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart (Org., Uni Stuttgart)

RUTE RUTE Users Tutorial and Exposition (Unix), "R.U.T.E."

RUU ROM Upgrade Utility (HTC, ROM)

RVC Ruby VSphere Console (VSAN), "RvC"

RVD Remote Virtual Disk

RVI Rapid Virtualization Indexing (SLAT, AMD)

RVPPIP Rendez-Vous Protocol / Presence Information Protocol (IM), "RVP/PIP"

RW Read/Write (I/O), "R/W"

RWCP Real World Computing Partnership (Org., Japan)

RWD Responsive Web Design (WWW)

RWIN Receive WINdow (TCP)

RWPPI ReWritable Product Promotion Initiative (Org., DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD)

RWS Remote WinSock (Windows, TCP/IP)

RWU Remote Wake-Up (LAN)


RZ RechenZentrum

RZ Return-to-Zero [recording]

RZG RechenZentrum Garching, http://www.rzg.mpg.de/rzg.html

RZM RootZone Maintainer (DNS)

S360 System /360 (IBM), "S/360"

S370 System /370 (IBM), "S/370"

S5 Simple Standards-based Slide Show System (XHTML, CSS, JavaScript)

SA Security Associations (IPSec)

SA Software Assurance (MS)

SA Source [MAC] Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI, ...)

SA Source Active (PIM, MSDP, Multicast)

SA Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA)

SA Storage Array

SA Structured Analysis / Strukturierte Analyse (CASE)

SA System Administrator

SA Systems Analyst

SAA Standard Application Architecture (IBM)

SAA Standards Association of Australia (Org., Australien)

SAAJ SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SOAP, Java, API)

SAAL Signalling ATM Adaptation Layer (ATM)

SAAS Software As A Service, "SaaS"

SABB Storage Array Building Block

SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (LABM, LAPB, HDLC)

SABME Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extension (SABM)

SABRE Semi-Automatic Business Related Environment (OS, IBM 7090)

SAC Service / Special Area Code

SAC Single Attachment Concentrator (FDDI)

SAC Spatial Audio Coding

SAC Strict Avalanche Criterion (Verschlüsselung)

SACCH Slow Associated Control CHannel (GSM, DCCH, Mobile-Systems)

SACD Super Audio Compact Disk (CD, Audio)

SACRED Securely Available CREDential (RFC 3760)

SACT SPARC Application Conformance Test (SI, SPARC)

SAD Security Association Database (SA, IPSec)

SAD Serial Analog Delay

SADF Semi-Automatic Document Feeder

SADT Structured Analysis and Design Techniques (SA)

SAE Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (Verschlüsselung, PSK)

SAF Service Access Facilities (Unix)

SAFE Security And Freedom through Encryption [law] (USA, Verschlüsselung)

SAFTE SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclose (SCSI, RAID, Intel, NStor), "SAF-TE"

SAG SQL Access Group (Org., Hersteller, DB)

SAGA Standards und Architekturen für eGovernment Anwendungen (IDA)

SAGE Semi-Automatic Ground Environment system (OS, IBM AN/FSQ7, Mil.)

SAGE Software Aided Group Environment (GSS, NUS)

SAGNA Software AG of North America

SAHF Store AH Into Flags (Assembler)

SAIL Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory [language] (USA, AI)

SAIT Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (Org., Samsung)

SAIT Super Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony, AIT, Streamer), "S-AIT"

SAL Security Access List

SAL Semware Applications Language (Semware)

SAL SQL windows Application Language (SQL, Gupta)

SAL Symbolic Assembly Language (Assembler)

SAL System Abstraction Layer

SALT Script Application Language for Telix

SALT Speech Application Language Tag (MS)

SALT Suse Advanced Linux Technology (Suse, Linux)

SALU Structured Assembly Language Utilities

SAM SCSI-3 Architecture Model

SAM Security Access Manager (MS, Windows, XP)

SAM Security Account Manager (Samba)

SAM Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM)

SAM Smart Access memory (AMD)

SAM Software Access Management

SAM Sort And Merge

SAM Standard Application Model (XTM)

SAM Storage Application Model (Seagate)

SAM Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple)

SAM System Activity Monitor

SAMATE Software Assurance Metrics And Tool Evaluation (NIST)

SAMI Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (MS)

SAML Security Assertion Markup Language (OASIS, Verschlüsselung)

SAN Schulen ans Netz [e.v.] (Org.)

SAN Storage Area Network

Sandra System ANalyzer Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant

SANE Scanner Access Now Easy (OSS)

SANE Standard Apple Numeric Environment (Apple)

SANET Slowak Academic NETwork (Org., Network)

SAO Server Activated Object

SAO Session At Once (CD)

SAO Source Address Omitted [flag] (CATNIP)

SAP Service Access Point (OSI)

SAP Service Advertising Protocol (Novell, Netware, IPX)

SAP Session Announcement Protocol (Internet, RFC 2974)

SAP SIM Access Protocol (Mobile-Systems, Bluethooth)

SAP Symbolic Assembler Program (IBM, IBM 704)

SAP SystemAnalyse und Programmentwicklung (Hersteller, Vorläufer)

SAP Systems, Applications and Products [in data processing] [ag] (Hersteller)

SAQ Service, Access, Quality (ISP, UK)

SAR Segmentation And Reassembly

SAR Specific Absorption Rate (Mobile-Systems)

SAR Store Address Register (IC)

SARAH Standard Automated Remote-to-AUTODIN Host (AUTODIN, Mil.)

SARPDU Segmentation And Reassembly Protocol Data Unit (ATM, PDU), "SAR PDU"

SART Structured Analysis / Real Time (SA, CASE), "SA/RT"

SARTS Switched Access Remote Test System

SAS Session Active Screen (IBM)

SAS Simulation Automation System

SAS Single Attachment Station (FDDI)

SAS Statistical Analysis System, http://www.sas.com

SASD Sequential Access Storage Device

SASE Specific Application Service Element (ISO, OSI, CASE)

SASI Shugart Associates System Interface

SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer

SASPF Standard-Anwendungs-Software-Produkt-Familien (Bundeswehr)

SAST South Australia Standard Time [+0930] (TZ)

SAT SIM Application Toolkit (SIM, GSM)

SAT Standard AUTODIN Terminal (AUTODIN, Mil.)

SAT Summed Area Table (3D, MIP)

SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (HDD, ATA, SATA)

SATAHAT SATA Hardware Attached on Top (SATA), "SATA-HAT"

SATAN Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (Internet)

SATCOM SATellite COMmunications

SATF Shared Access Transport Facility

SAU Secure Access Unit

SAX Simple API for XML (API, XML)

SAX SUSE Advanced X [configuration tool] (SUSE, Linux)

SB Sound Blaster [audio card] (Audio, Creative)

SB System Builder [software] (MS)

SBA SideBand Address [port / bus] (AGP)

SBA Standards-Based Architectures

SBA Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation (SMT, FDDI)

SBA System For Business Automation

SBAT Secure Boot Advanced Targeting (GRUB)

SBC SCSI Block Commands (SAM)

SBC Single Board Computer

SBC Small Business Computer

SBC Smart Bitrate Control (DivX, Video, BIT)

SBCCS Single Byte Command Code Set [protocol]

SBCL Steel Bank Common LISP (LISP)

SBCS Single Byte Character Set (ASCII, DBCS)

SBE System Builder Edition (MS, Windows)

SBF Sequential Block Filemanager (OS-9)

SBF Simple Boot Flag (Linux, POST)

SBF Single Binary File (Motorola, Mobile-Systems)

SBH Secure Backbone Hub (Accton)

SBI Storage Bus Interconnect

SBI Synchronous Bus Interface

SBIS Sustaining Base Information System

SBL Super BASIC Language (BASIC)

SBLC Sustaining Base Level Computer

SBMS Southwestern Bell Mobile Service

SBOD Switched Bunch Of Disks (Xyratex, FC)

SBP SCSI-3 serial Bus Protocol (SAM)

SBR Spectral Bandwidth Replication (MP3, AAC, EAC)

SBS Small Business Server (MS)

SBSA Server Base System Architecture (ARM)

SBTM Source-Based Tone Mapping (HDMI)

SBUS Sun [i/o interface] BUS (Sun, SPARC), "SBus"

SC SubCommittee (ISO, TC, IEC, ...)

SCA Scalable Cooperative Architecture

SCA Software Corporation of America (Hersteller, USA)

SCA Synchronous Clock Adjustment

SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SCAF Service Control Agent Function (IN)

SCAI Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, FAIS, AI)

SCAM SCSI Configured AutoMatically (SCSI)

SCAMC Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Konferenz)

SCAMP Special Computer APL Machine Portable (IBM)

SCAN Switched-Circuit Automatic Network

SCAP Security Content Automation Protocol (CVE, NIST)

SCART Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs (Org., Video)

SCB Shell Control Box (Balabit)

SCB Subsystem Control Block (OS/2, IBM)

SCC SCSI Controller Commands (SAM)

SCC Serial Communication Controller (FCC, MCC)

SCC Serial Controller-Chip (IC)

SCC Softarc Certified Consulter (SoftArc)

SCC Specialized Common Carrier

SCC Standards Council of Canada (Org., Canada)

SCC Storage Connecting Circuit

SCC System Configuration Card (Sun)

SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems, SS7)

SCCP Skinny Client Control Protocol (Cisco, VoIP, TCP)

SCCS Source Code Control System (Unix, AT&T, CM)

SCCS Specialized Common Carrier Service

SCCS Switching Control Center System

SCD SPARC Compliance Definition (SI, SPARC)

SCDE Significant CALS Data Elements

SCDJWS Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services (Sun, Java)

SCDMA Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA, Mobile-Systems)

SCDMS Society for Clinical Data Management Systems (Org., USA)

SCE Sony Computer Entertainment (Hersteller, Sony)

SCE Structure Chart Editor

SCEA Sony Computer Entertainment America (Sony, Hersteller)

SCEF Service Creation Environment Function (IN)

SCEIO Société Canadienne pour l'Étude de l'Intelligence par Ordinateur (Org., Kanada, AI)

SCF Selective Call-Forwarding

SCF Sequential Character Filemanager (OS-9)

SCF Service Control Function (IN)

SCG Security Classification Guide

SCH Synchronization CHannel (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SCHWAFEL Self Constructing Hyper Wavelet Algorithms For Extrapolating Linguistics

SCI Scalable Coherent Interface (ANSI)

SCID Service Channel IDentifier

SCIT Semi-Conductor and Interconnect Technologies

SCL System Control Language

SCLT Suse Certified Linux Trainer (SuSE, Linux)

SCM Segment Control Module

SCM Service Circuit Modul (Mil., Deutschland)

SCM Service Configuration Manager (TR-069, ISP)

SCM Service Control Manager (Windows, NT)

SCM Small Core Memory

SCM Software Configuration Management

SCM Supply Chain Management

SCMAD Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (Sun, Java, J2ME, JTWI)

SCMP Stream Control Message Protocol (ST2)

SCMS [scrambling] (DAT)

SCMS Serial Copy Management System

SCN Specifications Change Notice

SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

SCO Santa Cruz Operation (Hersteller, Unix)

SCO Synchronous ConnectionLess (HCI, Bluetooth)

SCOM System Center Operations Manager (MS)

SCOMO Software Component Management Object (OMA)

SCOOPS SCheme Object Oriented Programming System (OOP)

SCOPE SCalable Object Processing Environment (Creamware)

SCOPE Simple COmmunications Programming Environment (DFÜ)

SCOPE Supervisory Control Of Program Execution (OS, CDC 6000)

SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model

SCP Secondary Communications Processors

SCP Secure CoPy (SSH)

SCP Service Control Point (OSI)

SCP Standard Configuration Profile (MODEM)

SCP System Control Program (OS)

SCPC Single Channel Per Carrier

SCPDOS Seattle Computer Products Dis Operating System (OS, DOS, MS-DOS, Vorläufer), "SCP-DOS"

SCPM SUSE Configuration Profile Management (Linux, SUSE)

SCR Selective Call Rejection

SCR Sustainable Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, VBR)

SCRI Supercomputer Computations Research Institute (Org., USA, HPC)

SCS [systimax] Structured Cabling System (AT&T)

SCS Silicon Controlled Switch

SCS Singapore Computer Society (Org., Singapur)

SCS Small Computer System

SCS SNA Character String (IBM)

SCS Sun Control Station (Sun)

SCS Switch Control Software (ForeRunner, ATM)

SCSA Signal Computing System Architecture

SCSA Sun Common SCSI Architecture (Sun)

SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI)

SCSL Sun Community Source License (Sun)

SCST SCSI Target framework for linux (SCSI, Linux)

SCSU Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode (Unicode)

SCT Subroutine Call Table

SCTE Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (Org.)

SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol (IETF)

SCTS Secondary Clear to Send

SCU Selector Control Unit

SCU Snoop Control Unit (ARM, MPCore)

SCU System Control Unit (CPU, POWER)

SCUMM Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion

SCVMM System Center Virtual Machine Manager (MS)

SCVP Simple Certificate Validation Protocol (Verschlüsselung)

SCWCD Sun Certified Web Component Developer (Sun)

SCX Specialized Communications eXchange

SD Secure Digital [card] (CPRM)

SD Self-Describing [file] (HP)

SD Starting Delimiter (FDDI, Token Ring)

SD Structured Design (CASE)

SD Super Density [disk] (CD, Toshiba, Time Warner)

SD System Display (Airbus, A380)

SDA Screen Design Aid (IBM, ADT)

SDA Shared Data Architecture

SDA Software Design Automation

SDA Source Data Automation

SDA Static Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

SDA Swappable Data Area (DOS)

SDA System Display Architecture

SDAO Simulated Data Access Object (DAO, J2EE, Java, DB)

SDAP Service Discovery Application Profile (Bluetooth)

SDAV Systems Design Automation Vendor

SDC Sample Data Collection

SDC Secure Digital Card (PDA)

SDC Silent Data Corruption

SDC Software Development Control [system] (CMU, CM)

SDC Software Distribution Center

SDCB Shared File Control Block (Apollo, DOMAIN)

SDCCH Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel (GSM, DCCH, Mobile-Systems)

SDCD Secondary Data Carrier Detect

SDD Software Design Document

SDD Super Density Disk (Toshiba, Time Warner, ...)

SDDAS Southwest research Data Display and Analysis System

SDDI Shielded Distributed Data Interface (FDDI, STP)

SDE Service Data Element (grid)

SDE Software Development Engineer

SDE Software Development Environment

SDF Screen Definition Facility

SDF Standard Data Format

SDF System Dialog Facility (BS2000)

SDFI Secure Digital Forensic Imaging

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (FDDI, ATM, SDH)

SDHC Secure Digital High Capacity (SD)

SDI Single Document Interface

SDI Slovensko Drustvo Informatika (Org., Slowakien)

SDI Source Data Information

SDI Standard Data Interface

SDI Standard Disk Interconnect

SDI Standard Disk Interface

SDI Standard Drive Interface

SDI Storage Device Interconnect

SDI Storage Device Interface (Novell, Netware, SMS)

SDI Super Data Interchange

SDIF SGML Document Interchange Format (SGML, ISO, IS 9069)

SDIF System Independent Data Format (Novell, SMS)

SDILINE Selective Dissemination of Information onLINE

SDIMM Single [RAS] Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM, RAS), "S-DIMM"

SDIO Secure Digital Input Output (SD)

SDIS Switched Digital Integrated Service

SDK Software Development Kit (MS, IBM)

SDK StandardDatenschutzKlausel (DSGVO)

SDL Security Development Lifecycle (MS)

SDL Simple Directmedia Layer

SDL Software Development Laboratories (Hersteller, veraltet, Oracle)

SDL Specification and Description Language (CCITT)

SDL System Design Language

SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (IBM, SNA)

SDLGR Specification and Description Language / Graphical Representation, "SDL/GR"

SDLLC Synchronous Data Link Control Conversion (SNA, IBM)

SDLP Standard Device Level Protocol

SDLT Super Digital Line Tape (DLT, Streamer)

SDM Short Data Message

SDM Spatial Data Management

SDM Standard-Datenschutzmodell

SDM Sun Download Manager (Sun)

SDM System Development Multitasking [benchmark] (DB, SPEC)

SDMA Space Division Multiple Access

SDMA Storage Device Migration Aid

SDMI Secure Digital Music Initiative (Org.)

SDMS SCSI Device Management System (BIOS)

SDN Software Defined Network / Networking (SDP)

SDN Software Distribution Net (FidoNet)

SDNS Secure Data Network Service / System (USA, Mil.)

SDOC Selective Dynamic Overload Controls

SDOS Software Dynamics Operating System (OS)

SDP Scenario Design Power (TDP)

SDP Service Delivery Point

SDP Service Discovery Profile (Bluetooth)

SDP Session Description Protocol (RFC 2327)

SDP Shared Development Process (MS)

SDP Software Defined Perimeter (SDN)

SDP Software Development Plan

SDP Specialized Data Point (IN)

SDP Streaming Data Procedure

SDQ Store Data Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU, SRQ)

SDR Sensor Data Record

SDR Service DiRectory [tool] (SAP)

SDR Shared Data Research

SDR Signal-to-Distortion Ratio

SDR Single Data Rate (DDR, QDR, ODR)

SDR Software Defined Radio

SDR Store Data Register (IC)

SDR Streaming Data Request

SDR System Design Review

SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC, Intel, Samsung)

SDRP Source Demand Routing Protocol

SDRSDRAM Single Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM, IC), "SDR-SDRAM"

SDS Software-Defined Storage, "SdS"

SDS SubDivision Surfaces (3D)

SDS Switched Data Service

SDS Synchronous Data Set

SDS Sysops Distribution System (BBS)

SDSAF Switched Digital Services Applications Forum (Org.)

SDSC San Diego Supercomputer Center (Org., USA)

SDSC Synchronous Data Set Controller

SDSCNET San Diego Supercomputer Center NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "SDSCnet"

SDSL Single line Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

SDSMA Slotted Digital Sense Multiple Access (MODACOM), "S-DSMA"

SDSN Secure Data System Network

SDT Service Description Table (DVB)

SDT Software Development Tools

SDT Source Data Terminal

SDT Systems Development Tool

SDTP [PPP] Serial Data Transport Protocol (PPP, RFC 1963)

SDU Service Data Unit (OSI)

SDU Software Distribution Utilities (IBM, HP)

SDUC Secure Digital Ultra Capacity (SD)

SDV Switched Digital Video (VOD)

SDX Storage Data ACceleration (ATAPI, WD, CD, DVD)

SDXC Secure Digital eXtended Capacity (SD)

SE Security Enhanced [linux] (Linux)

SE Service / Systems Engineer

SE Software Engineering

SE Standard / Special Edition (IBM, OS/2)

SE Switching Element

SE System Extension

SEA Self-Extracting Archive

SEA Society for Electronic Access (Org.)

SEA System Enhancement Associates (Hersteller)

SEAC Standards Eastern Automatic Computer

SEAL Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer (ATM)

SEAL Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (MS, Verschlüsselung)

SEAP Service Element Access Point

SEB Seat Electronic Box (Airbus, A380)

SEC Single Edge Contact [card]

SECAM SÉquentiel Couleur Avec Mémoire

SECB Severely Errored Cell Block (UNI)

SECC Single Edge Connector Case (CPU)

SECCOS SEcure Chip Card Operating System (OS)

SED Self-Encrypting Drive (Seagate)

SED Stream EDitor (Unix)

SED Surface-conducting electron Emitter Display (Toshiba)

SEDAS Standardisiertes Einheitliches DatenAustauschSystem (EDI)

SEDISI Asociación Española de Empresas de Tecnologías de la Información (Org., Spanien, AETIC, Vorläufer)

SEE Safenet Ethernet Encryptor (Verschlüsselung)

SEE Société des Électriciens et Électroniciens (Org., Frankreich)

SEE Software Engineering Environments

SEE Supervisor Entry Extensions (AMD, IDT)

SEE Systems Equipment Engineering

SEF Source Explicit Forwarding

SEFS Severely Errored Framing Seconds (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

SEH Structured Exception Header

SEHOP Structured Exception Handler Overwrite Protection

SEI Software Engineering Institute

SEL Software Engineering Laboratory

SEL Standard Elektrik Lorenz [ag] (Hersteller)

SEL System Event Log (IPMI)

SELHPC South East London - High Performance Computing [centre] (Org.) "SEL-HPC"

SELINUX Security Enhanced Linux (Linux, NSA, FLASK), "SELinux"

SEM Secure Extension Mode (AMD, TCB)

SEM Security Event Management (SIM)

SEM Server Enhancement Module

SEM Standard Error of the Mean

SEMS SIP Express MediaServer (SIP, iptel)

SEO Search Engine Optimization (WWW)

SEP Someone Else's Problem (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SEP Symantec Endpoint Protection


SEPP Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (Banking, IBM, Netscape, GTE)

SEQUEL Structured English QUEry Language (IBM, DB, SQL, Vorläufer)

SER Shader Execution Reordering

SERM Structured Entity Relationship Model (DB, ERM)

SERT Security Emergency Response Team (Org., Australien, Internet)

SES SCSI Enclosure Services (SCSI)

SES Security Enabling Services (IBM)

SES Severely Errored Seconds (DS1/E1)

SESAM Synergetische Erkennung mittels Standbild, Akustik und Motorik (IIS)

SET Secure Electronic Transactions (IBM, Visa, MS, IBM, Mastercard, Netscape, Banking)

SET Single Electronic Transistor

SET Software Engineering Technology

SET Standard d'Echange et de Transfert (AFNOR, Frankreich)

SETA Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance

SETL SEt Theory Language (New York Uni.), "SetL"

SETP Secure Electronic Transactions Process

SETP Stream Environment Transport Protocol

SEU Software-Entwicklungs-Umgebung (CASE)

SEU Source Entry Utility (IBM, ADT)

SEV Secure Encrypted Virtualization (Verschlüsselung, AMD)

SF Service Feature (IN)

SF Sign Flag (Assembler)

SF Software Factories

SF Standard Form

SF Switching Fabric

SFBI Shared Frame Buffer Interconnect

SFC Software Freedom Conservancy (Org.)

SFC System File Checker (MS, Windows)

SFCC Slat Flap Control Computer (Airbus, A380)

SFD Simple Formattable Document (CCITT, MHS, X.420)

SFD Start Frame Delimiter (Ethernet)

SFD Symbolic File Directory

SFF Small Form Factor [committee] (Org.)

SFLC Software Freedon Law Center (Org., GPL)

SFMJI Sorry For My Jumping In (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SFP Saved Frame Pointer (CPU, RAM)

SFP Small Form-factor Pluggable (FC)

SFP System File Protection (MS, WIndows)

SFPRNSB Select a File for Processing and Read Next Spool Buffer (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

SFPS Secure Fast Packet Switching (Cabletron)

SFQL Structured Full-text Query Language

SFS Shared File System (IBM. CMS, VM/ESA)

SFS Smart File System (Amiga, FS)

SFS Stepless Frequency Selection (ASUS)

SFS Suomen Standardisoimisliitto [Standards Association of Finland] (Org., Finnland)

SFT System Fault Tolerance (Novell)

SFT System File Table (DOS)

SFTP Screened Foiled Twisted Pair [cable] (UTP, TP)

SFTP Simple File Transfer Protocol (RFC 913)

SFUG Security Features User's Guide

SG Signal Ground (MODEM)

SGA Shared Global Array (DEC, VMS)

SGC SCSI Graphic Commands (SAM)

SGCP Simple Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)

SGEMM Single precision GEneral Matrix Multiply (GEMM, BLAS)

SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated (Hersteller, SGI)

SGM SeGmentation Message

SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language (ISO 8879, JTC1, RFC 1874, SGML)

SGMLB Standard Generalized Markup Language - Binary version (SGML), "SGML-B"

SGMP Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol (RFC 1028)

SGRAM Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM)

SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

SGT Surrounding Gate Transistor (IC)

SGTSI Semi-Graphical Tree Structure Interface

SGX Software Guard eXtensions (Intel)

SHA Secure Hash Algorithm (Verschlüsselung, NIST)

SHA Super High Aperture [LCD] (LCD)

SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (Verschlüsselung, SHA, RFC 3174)

SHED Segmented Hypergraphics EDitor (MS, Windows, ADT)

SHF Super-High Frequency

SHOE Simple HTML Ontology Extensions (HTML, WWW)

SHTSI Somebody Had To Say It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

SHTTP Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), "S-HTTP"

SHV Standard High Volume [motherboard] (SMP, Intel)

SI Schweizer Informatikergesellschaft (Org., Schweiz)

SI Skýrslutæknifélags Íslands (Org., Island)

SI Source Index [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

SI SPARC International (Org., Hersteller)

SI System Identifier (DTD, URI, SGML, FPI)

SI System Information

SIA Semiconductor Industry Association (Org., USA)

SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Org., USA)

SIB Service Independent building Block (IN)

SIBO SIxteen Bit Organizer or SIngle Board Organizer (Psion, PDA, BIT)

SIC Silicon Integrated Circuit

SIC Standard Industry Classification

SIC Subject Indicator Code

SICE Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (Org., Japan)

SICS Swedish Institute of Computer Sciences (Org., Schweden)

SID Security IDentifier (AD, RID, ACL)

SID Signaling IDentifier

SID Society for Information Displays (Org.)

SID Sound Interface Device (Audio, C64)

SID SWIFT Interface Device (SWIFT)

SID Symbolic Instruction Debugger (CP/M)

SID System IDentification

SID System Integration & Development, "SI&D"

SIDF System Independent Data Format (Novell, SMS)

SIDM Serial Impact Dot Matrix [printer]

SIDR Secure Inter-Domain Routing

SIDR Service Independent Data Requester (Novell, Netware)

SIEM Security Information and Event Management

SIETEM Siemens TTCN Test Manager (TTCN, Tektronix, SNI)

SIF Significant Pel Field (MPEG)

SIFS Short InterFrame Space (MAC, 802.11a, IFS, WLAN)

SIFT Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (HIFT)

SIFTUFT Sender-Initiated File Transfer/Unsolicited File Transfer (RFC 1440) "SIFT/UFT"

SIG Special Interest Group

SIGART [ACM] Special Interest Group on ARTificial intelligence (Org., ACM, AI)

SIGBIT Special Interest Group on Business Information Technology

SIGCAT Special Interest Group for CD-ROM Applications Technology (CD)

SIGCPR Special Interest Group on Computer Personal Research (Org., ACM)

SIGCSE Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (Org., ACM)

SIGDA Special Interest Group on Design Automation (Org., ACM)

SIGG SIGnaturGesetz (DFÜ, Deutschland), "SigG"


SIGMA Software Industrialized Generator and Maintenance Aids system (MITI)

SIGNC Special Internet Group Name Cache

SIGPLAN Special Interest Group for Programming LANguages

SIGV SIGnaturVerordnung (DFÜ), "SigV"

SIGWEB Special Interest Group on the world wide WEB (Org., UK)

SII Static Invocation Interface

SIIA Software and Information Industry Association (Org., USA)

SILC Secure Internet Live Conferencing

SILS Secure Interoperable LAN/MAN Standard (LAN, MAN)

SILS Standard for Interoperable LAN Security (LAN)

SIM Security Information Management (SEM)

SIM Signal Interface Module

SIM Subscriber Identity Module (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SIMD Single Instruction [stream], Multiple Data [stream] (CPU)

SIMDIS SIMulation DISposition (MBAG)

SIMIS SIcheres MIkroprozessor System (SNI)

SIMM Single Inline Memory Module (IC)

SIMNET SIMulation NETwork (Netzwerk)

SIMSA Swiss Interactive Media and Software Association (Org.)

SINA Sichere Inter-Netzwerk Architektur (BSI)

SIO Simultan Input Output (QMS)

SIP Scale-Independent Pixel (SP, DIP, DP)

SIP SCSI-3 Interlocked Protocol (SAM)

SIP Session Initiation Protocol (IETF, VoIP, ENUM, RFC 2543)

SIP Simulated Input Processor

SIP SMDS Interface Protocol (SMDS)

SIP Strategische InformationsPlanung (IM)

SIP Symbolic Input Program

SIPC Simply Interactive Personal Computer

SIPO Serial In Parallel Out

SIPP Simple Internet Protocol Plus (IP, IPV6, RFC 1710, Internet)

SIPP SImple Polygone Processor (Unix)

SIPP Single Inline Package Pin (IC)

SIPRNET Secret IP Router NETwork (DISN, Mil.)

SIPS Session Initiation Protocol Secure (SIP, SSL, TCP)

SIPS Super InPlane Switching (LCD, IPS), "S-IPS"

SIQ Single Input Queue (IBM, OS/2)

SIR Save Instruction Recognition

SIR Selective Information Retrieval

SIR Serial InfraRed (HP)

SIR Sicherheit im Rechenzentrum (TPS)

SIR Statistical Information Retrieval

SIR Sustained Information Rate (SMDS)

SIRENE Supplementary Information REquest at the National Entry (SIS, EU)

SIRI Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface (Apple)

SIS Schengen Information System (Polizei, EU)

SIS Silicon Integrated Systems [corp.] (Hersteller, Taiwan)

SIS Software Information Services

SIS Stellen-Informations-Service (WWW)

SIS Strategic Information System

SISA Sony Interactive Studios America (Sony)

SISAL Streams and Iteration in a Single-Assignment Language

SISD Single Instruction [stream], Single Data [stream] (CPU)

SISEA Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act (USA)

SISO Single Input, Single Output (WLAN)

SISSL Sun Industry Standards Source License (Sun)

SIT institut für SIchere Telekommunikation (GMD, Org.)

SITD Still In The Dark (DFÜ-Slang)

SIUF System Initiated User Feedback (MS, Windows)

SIWPS Simple Internet White Pages Service (Internet)

SIZ Sparkassen-Informatik-Zentrum (Org., Banking)

SJF Shortest Job First

SKI Service Key Identifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

SKIA Secure Key Issuing Authority (TESS)

SKID Service Key IDentifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

SKIMS Schichtenübergreifendes Kooperatives Immunsystem für Mobile, mehrseitige Sicherheit

SKIP Simple Key-management for Internet Protocols (Internet, Verschlüsselung, Sun)

SKS Synchronizing Key Server (PGP, GPG, PKS, KKS)

SL4A Scripting Layer For Android (Android)

SLA Service Level Agreement (ITIL, SLM)

SLAAC Stateless Address AutoConfiguration (IP, RFC 4862)

SLAC Secure Linux Administration Conference (Linux)

SLAD Security Local Auditing DAEMON (BOSS, BSI)

SLAM Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling

SLAM Simultaneous Localization And Mapping

SLAT Second-Level Address Translation

SLB Segment Lookaside Buffer (CPU, Power4, IBM)

SLC Service Level Contract

SLC Short Length Cartridge (IBM, Streamer)

SLC Simple Line Code [modulation]

SLC Single Level Cell (IC, Flash, SLC)

SLD Second Level Domain (Internet, ICANN)

SLDC Synchronous Data Link Control

SLDRAM SyncLink Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM)

SLE Screen List Editing

SLED Single Large Expensive Drive

SLED SuSE Linux Enterprise Destop (SuSE, Linux)

SLES SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (Linux, SUSE)

SLFP Shared Frame Buffer Interconnect (ATI, Intel)

SLI Scalable Link Interface (PCIe, Nvidia)

SLI Scan Line Interleave (3D)

SLIC Serial Link and Interrupt Controller (TSMP, Wyse)

SLIC Software LICensing description table (BIOS)

SLIC Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (PBX)

SLIK SimpLIstic sKin interface (GTK)

SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol (Internet, RFC 1055) "SL/IP"

SLM Service Level Management (ITIL)

SLM Single Lock Manager (GFS)

SLMR Silly Little Mail Reader

SLOS SuSE Linux Office Server (SuSE, Linux)

SLOX SuSE Linux Open eXchange server (SuSE, Linux)

SLP Service Location Protocol (IP, RFC 3224)

SLP Service Logic Program (IN)

SLP Substrate Like PCB (PCB)

SLP Symposium on Logic Programming (Konferenz)

SLP System Locked Preinstallation (MS, Windows, XP, OEM)

SLQ Super Letter Quality [fonts] (Star)

SLR Scalable Linear Recording (Streamer, Tandberg)

SLS Single Large Surface [display]

SLS Softlanding Linux System (Linux)

SLS Storage Library System

SLSI Super Large Scale Integration

SLT Solid-Logic Technology

SLU Secondary Logical Unit

SLU Serial Line Unit

SM Smart Media [card]

SM Sparse Mode (PIM, Multicast)

SMA Shared Memory Architecture

SMA Standardization Management Activity

SMAE System Management Application Entity (OSI)

SMAF Service Management Agent Function (IN)

SMAF Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format (Yamaha, Mobile-Systems)

SMAP System Management Application Process (OSI)

SMART Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (HDD, IDE, Conner, IBM, Quantum, Seagate, WD), "S.M.A.R.T."

SMASE System Management Application Service Element (OSI)

SMB Server Message Block [protocol] (IBM, Intel, MS)

SMB Small Medium Business and enterprise [market]

SMB Sort Merge Bucket

SMB Standards Managing Board (PIMA, I3C)

SMB System Management Bus

SMBA Shared Memory Buffer Architecture (Intel)

SMBP Sever Message Block Protocol

SMC SCSI-3 Medium changer Commands (SAM, SCSI)

SMC Standard Microsystems Corporation (Hersteller)

SMD Storage Module Device

SMD Surface Mounted Device

SMD System Management Bus ??? (Intel)

SMDAC Single MAC Dual Attached Concentrator (FDDI, DAC, MAC)

SMDI Simplified Message Desk Interface (Bell Labs)

SMDI Storage Module Disk Interconnect

SMDL Standard Music Description Language (ISO, IEC, CD 10743)

SMDR Station Message Detail Recording

SMDR Storage Management Data Requester (Novell, Netware, SMS)

SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service (BELLCORE, BIT)

SMDSCNM SMDS Customer Network Management (SMDS), "SMDS CNM"

SME Society of Manufacturing Engineering (Org., USA)

SME Storage Management Engine (Novell, Netware, SMS)

SMEP Supervisory Mode Execution Prevention (AMT, Intel)

SMF Service Management Framework (IBM)

SMF Service Management Function (IN)

SMF Single Mode Fiberoptic cable (FDDI, MMF)

SMF Standard MIDI File (MIDI)

SMF System Management Function (MS, MOF)

SMFA Special / System Management Functional Area (OSI)

SMFF Script Mathematical Formula Formatter

SMG Special Mobile Group (GSM, Org., Mobile-Systems)

SMGW Smart Meter GateWay

SMI Storage Management Initiative (Org., SAN, Bluetooth, SNIA)

SMI Structure and identification of Management Information (OSI, RFC 1155/1902)

SMI Sun Microsystems Inc. (Hersteller)

SMI System Management Interrupt (SMB)

SMI System Memory Interface (Power4, IBM)

SMI System Monitoring Interface (Informix, DB)

SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (W3C, WWW)

SMIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME, MS, Lotus, Qualcomm, RSA, Verschlüsselung), "S/MIME"

SMING Structure of Management Information - Next Generation (RFC 3780) "SMIng"

SMIOS System Management Basic Input Output System (DMTF, BIOS)

SMIS Service-Marketing-InformationsSystem (MBAG)

SMIS Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI, SAN, WBEM, CIM, SLP, SNIA), "SMI-S"

SMIT System Management Interface Tool (IBM, AIX)

SMK Software Migration Kit

SMK Structured Meta-Knowledge

SML Service Management Layer (TMN)

SML Shared Memory Link (TCP/IP)

SML Siemens Modular Link

SML Standard Machine Language

SML Standard Meta Language

SMLNJ Standard Meta Language / New Jersey, "SML/NJ"

SMM System Management Mode (CPU)

SMM System Manager's Manual (BSD, Unix)

SMOLED Small Molecules Organic Light Emitting Display (OLED, LED)

SMP Software Motion Picture (DEC)

SMP Symmetric MultiProcessor [system] (SMP, AMP)

SMP Symmetrisches MultiProzessor [system]

SMP System Modification Program

SMPC Shared Memory Parallel Computer (HPC)

SMPPPD Suse Meta Point-To-Point DAEMON (SuSE, Linux, PPP, DAEMON)

SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (Org.)

SMPU Switch Module Processor Unit

SMR Shingled Magnetic Recording (Seagate)

SMR Source Maintainability and Reliability

SMR Specialized Mobile Radio [systems]

SMRT Signal Message Rate Timing

SMS Service Management System

SMS Short Message Service (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SMS Storage Management Services (Novell, Netware)

SMS System-Managed Storage

SMS Systems Management Server (MS, MOM)

SMSAC Society of Management Science and Applied Cybernetics (Org., India)

SMSC Short Message Service Center (SMS, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (SMS), "SMS CB"

SMSCEMI Short Message Service Center External Machine Interface [protocol] (SMS)

SMSP Storage Management Services Protocol (Novell, SMS)

SMT Segment Table Map

SMT Shared Memory Transport (X-Windows)

SMT Simultaneous MultiThreading (CPU)

SMT Staroffice Migration Toolkit (Sun)

SMT Station ManagemenT (FDDI)

SMT Surface-Mount Technology

SMTA Subordinate Message Transfer Agent (MTA)

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC 821, TCP/IP)

SMU System Management Unit (AMD)

SMUG Seldom Met Users Group [book] (HP, HP 3000)

SMUX SNMP MUltipleXing protocol (SNMP, MUX, RFC 1227)

SN Sequence Number

SN Serial Number

SN Subscriber Number (MS-ISDN, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SN Super Node (Kazaa, P2P)

SNA Systems Network Architecture (IBM)

SNAC SNA Network Access Controller (SNA, SDLC, IDS)

SNAC SubNetwork ACcess [functions]

SNACP [PPP] Systems Network Architecture Control Protocol (PPP, SNA, RFC 2043)

SNACP SubNetwork ACcess Procedure (ISO, IS 8648, SNAC), "SNAcP"

SNADS Systems Network Architecture Distribution Service (IBM, CCS)

SNAFU Situation Normal All Fouled Up (DFÜ-Slang)

SNAIP [advanced] Systems Network Architecture/Internet Protocol (SNA, IP, RFC 1538) "SNA/IP"

SNAP SubNetwork Access Protocol (LAN, Ethernet)

SNAP SubNetwork Attachment Point (IEEE 802.1a)

SNAP System and Network Administration Program

SNAP System Neutral Access Protocol (SciTech)

SNARC Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Computer

SNCP Single Node Control Point (IBM, SNA)

SNDC SubNetwork Dependent Convergence [functions] (OSI)

SNDCP SubNetwork Dependent Convergence Procedure (ISO, IS 8648, OSI, SNDC)

SNEPS Semantic NEtwork Processing System (GNU, LISP), "SNePS"

SNF Server Natural Format (Fonts, X)

SNF Shared Network Facilities

SNG Satellite News Gathering

SNI Service Name Indicator (TLS, RFC 3546)

SNI Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme [AG] (Hersteller)

SNI SNA Network Interconnection (IBM, VTAM, SNA)

SNI Subscriber Network Interface (SMDS)

SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association (Org., NAS, SAN)

SNIC SubNetwork Independent Convergence [functions] (OSI)

SNICP SubNetwork Independent Convergence Procedure (ISO, IS 8648, OSI, SNIC)

SNK Shin Nihon Kikaku [veraltet/old term] (Hersteller, Japan)

SNL Sandia National Laboratories (Org., USA)

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (RFC 1157/1902, TCP/IP, IETF)


SNNS Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (IPVR, NN)

SNOBOL StriNg Orientated symBOlic Language

SNP SubNetwork Protocol

SNPA Sub-Network Point of Attachment

SNPP Simple Network Paging Protocol (RFC 1861, SMS)

SNR Serial NumbeR (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio

SNRM Set Normal Response Mode (SDLC, HDLC, ADDCP, LAPB)

SNRME Set Normal Response Mode Extension (SNRME)

SNS Secure Network Server

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol (NTP, RFC 2030)

SNW Storage Networking World [conference]

SOA Service Orientated Architecture

SOA Start Of Authority record (DNS)

SOA State Of the Art (Slang)

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol (W3C, XML, HTML)

SOAP Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program (IBM)

SOB Start Of Block

SOBA Service-Orientated Business Applications (SODA, SOA)

SOC Security Operations Center

SOC System-On-a-Chip

SOC Systems and Option Catalog


SOCO Service Office/Central Office, "SO/CO"

SODA Service-Orientated Developmenrt of Applications (SOA, SOBA)

SODA Simplified OS for Distributed Applications (OS)

SODA System Optimization and Design Algorithm

SODIMM Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DRAM, DIMM)

SODIS SOftware Dokumentations- und InformationsSystem

SOE Sony Online Entertainment (Sony)

SOE Standard Operating Environment

SOE Standards of Excellence

SOEP Secondary Operand Execution Pipeline (Motorola, CPU), "sOEP"

SOF Start Of Frame (S-ATA)

SOFA Spatially Oriented Format for Accoustics

SOFABED [davenport] Standard Open Formal Architecture for Browsable Electronic Documents

SOH Section OverHead

SOH Start Of Header

SOHO Small Office / Home Office [market]

SOI Silicon-On-Insulator [technology/wafer] (IC, IBM)

SOIF Summary Object Interchange Format (WWW)

SOJ Small-Outline J-lead [chip] (IC, DRAM)

SOL Serial Over LAN (AMT, LAN)

SOL Simulation-Oriented Language

SOLSA Support of Localized Service Areas (ETSI), "SoLSA"

SOM Self-Organizing Machine

SOM Structured Object Method

SOM System Object Model (IBM, ORB, CORBA)

SONDS Small Office Network Data System

SONET Synchronous Optical NETwork (FDDI, ATM, SDH)

SOOO Star Office / Open Office, "SO/OO"

SOOPPA Symposion on Object-Oriented Programming emPhasizing Practical Applications

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act (Internet)

SORM Service Orientated Resource Management

SOS Share Operating System (OS)

SOS Sophisticated Operating System (OS, Apple)

SOS Standards and Open Systems

SOS Support On Site

SOS Symbolic Operating System (OS)

SOSP System Operational and Support Plan

SOTA State of the Art (Slang)

SOX Sound EXchange [software]

SP Scale-independent Pixel (SIP, DIP, DP)

SP Security Policies (IPSec)

SP Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT, XP)

SP Service Processor (EMC)

SP Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC)

SP Service Provider (DMI)

SP Signal Processor

SP Simple visual Profile (MPEG)

SP SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SP Speculative Precomputation

SP Speech Processing

SP Stack Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

SP Structured Programming

SP Support Pack (SAP)

SP System Product

SP1 Service Pack 1 (MS, Windows, XP)

SP2 Service Pack 2 (MS, Windows, XP)

SPA Single Page Application (Android)

SPA Software Publishers Association (Org., USA)

SPA Storage Pool Allocator (ZFS)

SPADE Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine (Snort, IDS)

SPAG [european] Standards Promotion and Application Group (Org., Hersteller, Europa)

SPAM Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail (Usenet, EMP, DFÜ-Slang)

SPAM Spiced Pork and hAM (Usenet, EMP)

SPANS Simple Protocol for ATM Network Signalling (ForeRunner, ATM)

SPAP Secure Password Authentication Protocol

SPAP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (PAP, 3Com)

SPARC Scalable Processor ARChitecture (Sun)

SPARC Standard Planning And Requirement Committee (ANSI, Org.)


SPAT Speech Pronunciation Analysis Training (Uni Mainz), "S.P.A.T."

SPB Shortest Path Bridging (IEEE 802.1aq)

SPC SCSI-3 Primary Commands (SAM, SCSI)

SPC Solution Partner Center (IBM)

SPC Stored Program Command

SPC Stored Program Control

SPCF Service Point Command Facility (IBM)

SPCS Stored Program Control Systems

SPD Security Policy Database (SP, IPSec)

SPD Serial Presence Detect (EEPROM, SDRAM)

SPD Software Product Description

SPD Software Products Division

SPDEEPROM Serial Presence Detect - Electronical Erasable Programmable Read Only MemorySerial Presence Detect (EPROM, IC, ROM), "SPD-EEPROM"

SPDIF Sony/Philips - Digital Interface Format (Audio, Sony, Philips), "S/P-DIF"

SPDL Standard Page Description Language (ISO, IEC, IS 10180)

SPDN Shared Private Data Network

SPDU Session Protocol Data Unit (OSI, PDU, OSI/RM)

SPE Symbolic Programming Environment

SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope

SPE Synergistic Processor Elements (IBM, Cell, PPE)

SPEC System Performance Evaluation Corporation (Org., RISC)

SPELL Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und beim Lagemanagement

SPF Sender Permitted From [veraltet/old term] (SPAM)

SPF Sender Policy Framework (SPAM)

SPF Structured Programming Facility

SPI SCSI-3 Parallel Interface (SAM, SCSI)

SPI Security Parameter Index

SPI Serial / Synchronous Peripheral Interface

SPI Service Provider Interface (WOSA)

SPI Software in the Public Interest, inc. (Org.)

SPI Software Products International (Hersteller)

SPI Stateful Packet Inspection (TCP/IP)

SPICE Scalable Parallel Intelligent Communications Engine

SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis

SPICS Spare Parts Inventory Control System (MBAG)

SPID Service Profile IDentifier (ISDN)

SPID Service Protocol IDentifier

SPIM SPAM over Instant Messaging (SPAM, IM)

SPIN Sponsored Programs Information Network

SPIR Standard Portable Intermediate Representation

SPIRV Standard Portable Intermediate Representation - V, "SPIR-V"

SPIT SPAM over Internet Telephony (SPAM, VoiP)

SPKM Simple Public-Key [GSS-API] Mechanism (GSS, RFC 2025)

SPL Samsung Printer Language

SPL Secondary Program Loader (IPL)

SPL Set Priority Level (Unix)

SPL Simple Programming Language

SPL Sound Pressure Level

SPL Sun Public License (Sun)

SPL Systems Programming Language (HP, MPE, ALGOL, HP 3000)

SPL1 Simple visual Profile @ Level 1 (MPEG, QCIF), "SP@L1"

SPM Session Protocol Machine (OSI, ISO 8327)

SPM Set Program Mask

SPM Software Performance Monitor

SPM Source Program Maintenance

SPM System Performance Monitor

SPM2 System Performance Monitor /2 (IBM, OS/2), "SPM/2"

SPMIDI Scalable Polyphony MIDI (MIDI), "SP-MIDI"

SPML Service Provisioning Markup Language (OASIS)

SPN Substitution Permutation Network (Verschlüsselung)

SPOF Single Point Of Failure

SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operations OnLine

SPOT Smart Personal Object Technology (MS, Internet)

SPP Scalable Parallel Processing (Intel)

SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol

SPP Serial Port Profile (Bluetooth, GAP, SPP)

SPP Software Protection Platform (MS, Windows, Vista)

SPP Standard Parallel Port

SPP System Platform Processor (Nvidia)

SPPI Structure of Policy Provisioning Information (RFC 3159)

SPR Software Problem Report

SPREAD Systems, Programming, Review, Engineering And Development

SPS Semiconductor Product Sector (Motorola)

SPS SpeicherProgrammierbare Steuerungstechnik

SPS String Processing System

SPS Support Package Stack (SAP, EP)

SPS Symbolic Programming System

SPSL Special-Purpose Simulation Language

SPSS Statistical Package of the Social Sciences, http://www.spss.com

SPT Sectors Per Track

SPT Shortest Path Tree (PIM, ST, Multicast)

SPTS Single Program Transport Stream

SPU Synergistic Processing Unit (IBM, Cell)

SPU System Processing Unit

SPUCDL Serial Peripheral Unit Controller/Data Link, "SPUC/DL"

SPUD Storage Pedestal Upgrade Disk / Drive

SPUR Supercomputing Program for Undergraduate Research

SPX Sequenced Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware)

SQ Shielded Quart [cable]

SQ Signal Quality (MODEM)

SQA Software Quality Assurance

SQD Signal Quality Detector

SQFP Shrink Quad Flat Package (CPU)

SQL Structured Query Language (ISO 9075, DB, 4GL)

SQLCLI SQL Call Level Interface (SAG, SQL), "SQL/CLI"

SQLDA Structured Query Language Descriptor Area (SQL)

SQLDMO SQL Distributed Management Objects (MS, SQL Server, OLE, DB)

SQLDS Structured Query Language/Data System (IBM, VMS), "SQL/DS"

SQLJ Structured Query Language - Java (SQL, Java, DB, ANSI, NCITS)

SQLMED Structured Query Language / Management of External Data (SQL, ISO, IEC), "SQL/MED"

SQLXML Structured Query Language / eXtensible Markup Language (SQL, XML, ISO, IEC), "SQL/XML"

SQM Software Quality Management

SR Sensitivity Range (Fuji, photo, CCD)

SR Service Release (MS)

SR Source Routing [bridging]

SR Status Register (IC, Assembler)

SRAM Static Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, RL)

SRAS Secure Remote AccesS

SRAT Static Resource Affinity Table (ACPI)

SRB Stream Request Block

SRC Sample Rate Converter (Audio)

SRC Semiconductor Research Council (Org., USA)

SRC Standard Context Routing (MODACOM)

SRC System Resource Controller (AIX, IBM)

SRD Screen Reader System

SRD Secondary Received Data

SRD Send and Request Data (Feldbus)

SRDF Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (EMC)

SRDIMM Single Rank Dual Inline Memory Module (IC, DIMM), "SR-DIMM"

SRE Self Routing switch Element (ATM)

SRF Science Research Foundation (Org., UK)

SRF Service Resource Function (IN)

SRF Specifically Routed Frame

SRGB Standardized Red Green Blue [colorspace] (RGB, Windows)

SRI Stanford Research Institute (Org., USA)

SRI SubResource Integrity (WWW)

SRK Storage Root Key (TPM, RSA)

SRL Serial number revocation List (TCPA)

SRM Security Reference Monitor (MS, Windows, ACL)

SRM Storage Resource Management (SAN)

SRM System Resources Manager

SRN Source/Recipient Node (IBM)

SRP Security Rollup Package (MS)

SRP Software Reuse Program

SRP Source Routing Protocol (IBM)

SRPI Server Requester Programming Interface (IBM, API)

SRPM Scalable Reverse Path Multicast (Multicast)

SRQ Service ReQuest (GPIB)

SRQ Store Reorder Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU)

SRS Sound Retrieval System (Digital Audio)

SRS Sun Ray Software (Sun)

SRT Secure Request Technology (Banking, Verschlüsselung, Java)

SRT Signal Requests Terminal

SRT Source Route Transparent [bridges] (Ethernet, Token Ring, IEEE 802.1D)

SRT Speech Reception Threshold

SRTCP Secure Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (SRTP)

SRTP Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (RFC 3711, RTP)

SRTS Synchronous Residual Time Stamp

SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (LTE, WCDMA)

SRVIFS SeRVer Installable File System (IBM)

SS Single Sided [disk] (FDD)

SS Spread Spectrum (WLAN)

SS Stack Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

SS7 Signaling System 7 (ISDN, 3G)

SS7 Signalling System #7 (PSTN, SS7)

SSA Serial Storage Architecture (IBM)

SSAC Security and Stability Advisory Committee (ICANN)

SSADM Structured System Analysis and Design Method (DB)

SSAO Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (HBAO)

SSAP Session Service Access Point (SAP, LLC, OSI/RM)

SSAP Source link Service Access Point (SAP, LLC)

SSAS Station Signaling and Announcement System

SSB Single SideBand

SSBA Suite Synthétique des Benchmarks de l'AFFU (MP)

SSBAM Single SideBand Amplitude Modulation

SSBI Self-Service Business Intelligence

SSC Science Supercomputing Center (Uni Karlsruhe)

SSC SCSI Stream Commands (SAM, SCSI)

SSC Security Support Component (NGSCB, TCP)

SSC Specialized Systems Consultants

SSCF Service Specific Coordination Function (ATM)

SSCOP Service Specific Connection Orientated Protocol (ATM)

SSCP Service Switching & Control Point (IN)

SSCP System Services Control Point (NAU, SNA, SSCP)

SSCP Systems Security Certified Professional (ISC2)

SSCPNS System Services Control Point Network Services (SSCP)

SSCS Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

SSD Solid State Disk (HDD, RAM)

SSDA Synchronous Serial Data Adapter

SSDC Stack Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (SS, Intel, CPU)

SSDD Single-Sided/Double-Density [disk] (FDD), "SS/DD"

SSDD Solid State Disk Drive

SSDP Simple Service Discovery Protocol (UPnP, UDP)

SSDU Session Service Data Unit

SSE Simple Screen Editor

SSE Software Support Engineer

SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel, Pentium, SIMD)

SSE Structured Source Editing (Eclipse)

SSF Service Switching Function (IN)

SSFDC Solid State Floppy Disk Card (PCMCIA)

SSH Secure SHell (Unix, Shell)

SSHD Solid State Hybrid Drive (SSD)

SSI [Schwedisches Strahlenschutzinstitut] (Schweden, Org.)

SSI Server Side Include [script] (HTTPD, CGI)

SSI Server System Infrastructure (Org.)

SSI Small Scale Integration

SSI Software Systems Interface

SSIA Subject Says It All (DFÜ-Slang)

SSID Service Set IDentification (WLAN)

SSIMM Single [RAS] Single Inline Memory Module (IC, RAS), "S-SIMM"

SSL Secure Socket Layer (Netscape, RSA, WWW, Verschlüsselung)

SSLTLS Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security (RSA, Verschlüsselung, TLS), "SSL/TLS"

SSM Set System Mask

SSM Simplified Storage Management (HSM)

SSM Source Specific Multicast (IETF, WG, Multicast, RFC 3569)

SSMA SQL Server Migration Assistant (MS, SQL)

SSML Speech Synthesis Markup Language

SSMS [Microsoft]] SQL Server Management Studio (MS)

SSO Single Sign On

SSP Service Switching Point (IN)

SSP Silicon Switch Processor (Cisco)

SSP Standard Printer Port

SSP Storage Service Provider

SSP Structured Support Program

SSP Switch to Switch Protocol (DLSW, RFC 1795)

SSP Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE)

SSP System Stack Pointer

SSP System Support Program (OS, IBM)

SSPI Security Support Provider Interface

SSPL Server Side Public License

SSR Screen Space Reflections

SSR Small Screen Rendering (WWW, Opera)

SSR Solid-State Relay

SSRF Server Side Request Forgery

SSRH Single-Side RowHammer (DRAM, DSRH)

SSSD Single-Sided/Single-Density [disk] (FDD), "SS/SD"

SSSNA Server to Server Systems Network Architecture (Banyan, VINES), "SS/SNA"

SST Saitek Smart Technology

SST Secure & Smart Technology (TPM), "S&ST"

SST Simple SIPP Transition (Internet, SIPP)

SST South Sumatra Time [+0700] (TZ)

SSTP Screened Shielded Twisted Pair [cable] (STP, TP), "S/STP"

SSU Service Stack Update (MS, Windows)

ST Seagate Technology (HDD)

ST Security Target (CC)

ST Segment Table / Type

ST Shared Tree (PIM, SPT, CBT, Multicast)

ST Stuffing Table (DVB)

ST2 [internet] STream protocol 2 (Internet, ATM, RFC 1819, Multicast)

STA Spanning Tree Algorithm

STA Static Timing Analysis

STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (Konferenz)

STAIRS STorage And Information Retrieval System

STAM Shared-Time Allocation Manager

STAPM Skin Temperature Aware Power Management (CPU, AMD)

STAR Shareware Trade Association and Resources (Org.)

STARS Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems

STAX STreaming API for XML (XML, API), "StAX"

STB Software Technical Bulletin

STC Science and Technology Center (NSF, USA)

STC Secure Transaction Channel (Banking, V-One, Verschlüsselung)

STC SeT Carry [flag] (Assembler)

STC Space Time Coding (WIMAX, 802.16e)

STC Standard Transmission Code

STC Sub-Technical Committee (ETSI)

STCIUR Sub-Technical Committee International User Requirements (ETSI), "STC IUR"

STCP Stream Control Transport Protocol

STD Secondary Transmitted Data

STD SeT Direction [flag] (Assembler)

STD State Transition Diagram

STD Subscriber Trunk Dialing

STD Suspend To Disk (BIOS, ACPI)

STDA StreetTalk Directory Assistance (Banyan, VINES)

STDIN STandarD INput

STDM Synchronous Time Division Multiplexer


STE Section Terminating Equipment (SONET)

STE Secure Terminal Equipment

STE Spanning Tree Explorer

STE Standard Terminal Equipment

STEP STandard for the External representation / Exchange of Product data definition (ISO, DP 10303, CAD)

STF Specialist Task Forces (ETSI)

STFT Short Time Fourier Transformation

STFU Shut The Fuck Up (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

STGT SCSI TarGeT framework (SCSI, Linux)

STI SeT Interrupt [flag] (Assembler)

STI Sony - Toshiba - IBM [cell] (Sony, Toshiba, IBM, IC, SOC)

STI Standard Tape Interface

STI Still Image Architecture (Windows 98, WIA)

STIDC Sony Toshiba IBM Design Center (Sony, Toshiba, IBM, Cell)

STII [internet] STream protocol II (RFC 1819)

STING Software Technology Interest Group (CERN, Org.)

STIX SmallTalk Interface to X (GNU)

STIX Structured Threat Information eXpression (TAXII)

STL Standard Template Library

STL Standard Triangulation Language (CAD)

STLP Secure Transport Layer Protocol

STM Synchronous Transfer Mode (ATM, SDH)

STM System Master Tape

STM1 Synchronous Transport Mode 1 [155,52 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-3), "STM-1"

STM12 Synchronous Transport Mode 12 [1866,24 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-36), "STM-12"

STM128 Synchronous Transport Mode 128 [39813,12 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-768), "STM-256"

STM16 Synchronous Transport Mode 16 [2488,32 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-48), "STM-16"

STM3 Synchronous Transport Mode 3 [466,56 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-9), "STM-3"

STM32 Synchronous Transport Mode 32 [4976,64 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-96), "STM-32"

STM4 Synchronous Transport Mode 4 [622,08 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-12), "STM-4"

STM6 Synchronous Transport Mode 6 [933,12 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-18), "STM-6"

STM64 Synchronous Transport Mode 64 [9953,28 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-192), "STM-64"

STM8 Synchronous Transport Mode 8 [1244,16 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-24), "STM-8"

STMRAM Spin Torque Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (IC, RAM), "ST-MRAM"

STN Scientific and Technical Network (Netzwerk, JICST, FIZ)

STNLCD SuperTwisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), "STN-LCD"

STO Spin-Torque-Oscillator (HDD)

STOC Symposium on Theory Of Computing (Konferenz)

STONE STructured and OpeN Environment (FZI Karlsruhe)

STORK Secure indenTity acrOss boRders acKnowledged

STORM Statistically-Oriented Matrix Program

STP SATA Tunneling Protocol (SATA)

STP Selective Tape Print

STP Service Transaction Program (IBM)

STP Shielded Twisted Pair [cable] (TP)

STP Signaling Transfer Point (IN)

STP Software Technology Park

STP Software Through Pictures, "StP"

STP Spanning Tree Protocol (IEEE 802.1D, MSTP)

STP System Training Program

STR Synchronous Transmit Receive

STRD STatistical Reference Datasets (NIST), "StRD"

STS Synchronous Time Stamps (SDH)

STS Synchronous Transport Signal

STS3C Synchronous Transport System - level 3 Concatenated (SDH), "STS-3c"

STT Secure Transaction Technology (MS, Banking)

STT Surface Tunnel Transistor (IC, DRAM, NEC)

STTL Standard Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)

STTS Secure Tape Transport Service

STU Secure Telephone Unit

STUN Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT (SIP, UDP, NAT, VoIP)

STV Sprint Telecommunications Venture (Org.)

STX Start of TeXt

STX Streaming Transformations for XML (XML)

SU Screening Units

SU Selectable Unit

SU Signalling Unit

SU Storage Unit

SU Switch User (Unix)

SUA Single User Account [feature] (Internet, NAT)

SUDS Software Update and Distribution System

SUG Sun User's Group (Org., Sun, User group)

SUGA Swedish User Group of Amiga (User group, Schweden, Org.)

SUGD Sun User's Group Deutschland (Sun, Org., User group)

SUHD Samsung Ultra High-Definition (UHD)

SUMC Space Ultrareliable Modular Computer (RCA)

SUNET Swedish University NETwork

SUNONE Sun Open Network Environment (Sun, ONE)

SUNOS SUN Operating System (Sun, OS, SPARC), "SunOS"

SUNVIEW SUN's Visual Integrated Environment for Workstations (Sun, GUI)

SUP Sybase Unwired Platform (SAP)

SUPL Secure User Plane Location (OMA, A-GPS)

SURANET Southeastern Universities Research Association NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "SURAnet"

SURF System Utilization Reporting Facility

SUS Single Unix Specification (Unix)

SUS Software Update Server / Service (MS)

SUSE Software Und SystemEntwicklung [distribution] (Linux) "S.u.S.E."

SUSP System Use Sharing Protocol

SUT System Under Test

SUTP Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair [cable] (UTP, TP), "S/UTP"

SUTT Single User Test Tools

SUXGA Super Ultra XGA [2048x1536] (XGA)

SV StandortVerteiler (Kabel, EN 50 173)

SVA Shared Virtual Area

SVABI System V Application Binary Interface (Unix, AT&T, SCD)

SVC SuperVisor Call (IBM, VM, VM/ESA)

SVC Switched Virtual Call / Circuit (IBM, X.25)

SVC Switched Virtual Circuit / Channel / Connection (ATM, PVC)

SVCD Super Video Compact Disk (CD)

SVCI Switched Virtual Circuit Identifier (SVC, ATM)

SVD Schweizerische Vereinigung für Datenverarbeitung (Org., Schweiz)

SVD Simultaneous Voice/Data

SVD Supplementary Volume Descriptor (CD, IS 9660)

SVE Simple Virtual Environment

SVFS System V File System (Unix)

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics [format] (W3C, XML)

SVGA Super Video Graphics Array [800x600] (VGA)

SVID System V Interface Definition (Unix, AT&T, SCD)

SVIP Secure Voice Improvement Program

SVK Self Voicing Kit (IBM, Java)

SVM Support Vector Machine [concept] (AI, KI)

SVMT System Virtual Memory Table (BS2000)

SVP SerVice Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671), "SvP"

SVPC Single Variable Per Constraint

SVPMI Super VGA Protected Mode Interface (VESA)

SVQ Sorenson Video Quality (Video, CODEC)

SVR3 System V Release 3 (Unix, OS, AT&T)

SVR4 System V Release 4 (Unix, OS, AT&T)

SVS Single Virtual Space (IBM, OS, OS/SVS)

SW Semantic Web (WWW)

SWAC Standards Western Automatic Computer

SWAN Secure WAN (RSA), "S/WAN"

SWAN Sun Wide Area Network (Sun, WAN)

SWAP Shared Wireless Application Protocol (HomeRF Association, WAP, WLAN)

SWAP Simple Workflow Access Protocol, http://www.ics.uci.edu/~ietfswap/

SWAT Samba Web Administration Tool

SWD Serial Wire Debug

SWEDAC [Staatliches Amt für Technische Akkreditierung] (Schweden, Org.)

SWF Small Web Format (Macromedia, Flash)

SWI SoftWare Interrupts (RISC, OS)

SWICO Schweizerischer Wirtschaftsverband der Informations-, Communikations- und Organisationstechnik (Org., Schweiz)

SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Org., Banking)

SWIM Someone Who Isn't Me (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SWIM Super Woz' Integrated Machine

SWISH Simple Web Indexing System for Humans (WAIS, WWW)

SWT Standard Widget Toolkit (Eclipse, GUI, WTP)

SXGA Super eXtended Graphics Adapter / Array [1280x1024]

SXRD Silicon X-tal Reflective Display (LCoS)

SXU Synergistic eXecution Unit (IBM, Cell, SPU)

SXVGA Super eXtended VGA [1280x960] (VGA)

SYMM SYnchronized MultiMedia working group (WAI)

SYSAD SYStem ADministrator, "SysAd"

SYSEX SYStem EXecutive (OS, IBM, S/360)

SYSOP SYStem OPerator (BBS), "SysOp"

T1 [digital] Transmission link 1 [1.544 Mbit/s] (DS1, BIT)

T2 [digital] Transmission link 2 [6.312 Mbps] (DS2)

T3 [digital] Transmission link 3 [44.736 Mbps] (DS3)

T4 [digital] Transmission link 4 [274.176 Mbps] (DS4)

TA TerminalAdapter (ISDN)

TA Transmitter Address (FPK)

TAA Temporal Anti-Aliasing (AMD)

TAAI Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (Org., Taiwan, AI)

TAC Technical Assistance Center (Cisco)

TAC Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave)

TAC Terminal Access Circuit

TAC Terminal Access Controller (ARPANET, MILNET)

TAC Type Approval Code (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (RFC 1492)

TACS Total Access Communication Service (Mobile-Systems)

TACTIS Thai API Consortium / Thai Industrial Standard [codeset] (API, TIS)

TADF Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescense (OLED)

TADI Time Assigned Data Interpolation

TADIL TActical Digital Information Link (Mil.)

TADS Test and Debug System

TAE Telekommunikations-AnschlußEinheit (DTAG)

TAF Terminal Access Facility

TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (JIEO, Mil.)

TAG Technical Advisory Group (PIMA, I3C)

TAG Technical Architecture Group (W3C)

TAIS Technisch-Administratives InformationsSystem

TAIS Toshiba America Information Systems [inc] (Hersteller, USA, Toshiba)

TAL TeilnehmerAnschlussLeitung (DFÜ, Deutschland)

TAL Template Attribute Language (XHTML, ZPT, ZOPE)

TALAE TALigent Application Program (Taligent), "TalAE"

TALDE TALigent Development Environment (Taligent), "TalDE"

TALER Taxable Anonymous Libre Electronic Reserves (GNU)

TALES Template Attribute Language Expression Syntax (TAL, METAL, ZOPE)

TALISMAN Tracing Authors' rights by Labelling Image Services and Monitoring Access Network [project] (Europa)

TALOS TALigent Object Services (Taligent), "TalOS"

TAMINO Transaction Architecture for Managing InterNet Objects (DBMS, DB, Internet)

TAN Table / Total Area Network

TAN TransAction Number (Banking)

TANJ There Ain't No Justice (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

TAO Topics, Associations, Occurrences (XTM)

TAO Track At Once (CD-R)

TAP Telocator Alphanumeric input Protocol (SNPP, PCIA, SMS, USA)

TAP Terminal Access Point (Kabel)

TAP Test Access Port (IC, IEEE 1149.1, JTAG)

TAP The Ada Project, http://tap.mills.edu

TAP Topfield Application Program

TAP Transport und Archivierung Produktdefinierender daten (Org., DIN, STEP, CIM)

TAPI Telephony Application Program Interface (Intel, MS, WOSA, CTI)

TAR Tape ARchiver (Unix)

TARGET Thrustmaster Advanced pRogramming Graphical EdiTor, "T.A.R.G.E.T"

TAS Tag Abuse Syndrome (SGML, HTML, Slang)

TASE Telecontrol Application Service Element (ICCP)

TASI Time-Assigned Speech Interpolation

TASM Turbo ASseMbler (Borland, Assembler)

TAT Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)

TAUCIS Technikfolgenabschätzung - Ubiquitäres Computing und Informationelle Selbstbestimmung (BMBF)

TAXII Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information

TB Tabular Bayes' [algorithm]

TB TeraByte

TB Transparent Bridging

TBB Trusted Building Block (TCPA)

TBC Time Base Corrector (Video)

TBCP Tagged Binary Control Protocol (Adobe, PS)

TBI Total Business Integration [system]

TBR Technical Basis for Regulations (ISDN)

TBRPF Topology dissemination Based on Reverse-Path Forwarding (RFC 3684)

TBS Turn Based Strategy [game] (RTS)

TBW TeraBytes Written

TC Task Committee (IFIP)

TC Technical Committee (ISO, OASIS, ...)

TC Temporary Capacity (IBM)

TC Terminal Computer

TC Terminal Controller

TC Thin Client

TC Topology Control [message] (OLSR)

TC Transaction Capabilities

TC Transfer Control

TC Transmission Control

TC Transmission Convergence

TC Trust Center (Verschlüsselung)

TC TurboCache (graphics)

TCA information technology & TeleCommunications Association (Org.)

TCA Taipei Computer Association (Org., Taiwan)

TCA Target Channel Adapter (Infiniband)

TCA Typo3 Configuration Array (TYPO3)

TCAF Thin Client Application Framework (Java, LDAP, IBM)

TCAM TeleCommunications Access Method (IBM, DFÜ)

TCAM Ternary Content Addressable Memory (CAM)

TCAP Transaction Capabilities Applications Part (MSC, GSM, IN, Mobile-Systems, SS7)

TCB Task Control Block (BS2000)

TCB Trusted Computing Base (MS, Palladium)

TCC Telecommunications Center

TCC Time Coordinated Computing

TCE Typo3 Core Engine (TYPO3)

TCF Thin Client Framework (IBM, Java)

TCF Transparent Computing Facility

TCFS Transparent Cryptographic FileSystem (Linux, Verschlüsselung)

TCG Trusted Computing Group (Org., DRM, AMD, HP, IBM, Intel, MS, ...)

TCH Traffic CHannel (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

TCI Test Cell Input (UNI, ATM)

TCK Technology Compatibility Kit (JCP, Java, Sun)

TCK Test ClocK (TAP, IC)

TCL Tool Command Language

TCLTK Tool Command Language/ToolKit (TCL, X-Windows), "TCL/TK"

TCM Thermal Conduction Module

TCM Time Compression Multiplexer

TCM Trellis Coded Modulation

TCNS Thomas Conrad Network System (LAN)

TCO Test Cell Output (UNI, ATM)

TCO Tjänstemännens CentralOrganisation (Schweden, Org.)

TCO Total Cost of Ownership

TCOS Telesec Chipcard Operating System (OS)

TCP Tape Carrier Package (CPU)

TCP Test Coordination Procedure

TCP Total Cookie Protection (WWW, Firefox)

TCP Transmission Control Protocol (ARPANET)

TCPA Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (Org., Verschlüsselung, DRM, TCPA)

TCPACO TCP Alternate Checksum Option (RFC 1146, TCP) "TCP-ACO"

TCPBEUI Transmission Control Protocol BIOS Extended User Interface (NETBIOS, TCP, UI)

TCPC The Clean Personal Computer group (Org., Hersteller, Grafikkarten)

TCPCI Type C Port Controller Interface (USB), "TCPCi"

TCPIP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (RFC 793, IP) "TCP/IP"

TCPLDP TCP extensions for Long Delay Paths (RFC 1072, TCP)

TCQ Tagged Command Queueing (Linux, SCSI)

TCRTP Tunneling multiplexed Compressed Real Time Protocol (RTP, RFC 4170)

TCS Transmission Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

TCSEC Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (Orange Book, NCSC, USA)

TCSH Trustedi C SHell (Unix, Shell)

TCU Tape Control Unit

TCU Timing Control Unit

TCU Transmission Control Unit

TD Transmit Data (MODEM)

TDA TestDatenAuswerter (IC)

TDB Task DataBase

TDB Track Descriptor Block (UDF, CD-R)

TDC Tape Data Controller

TDC Terrestrial Data Circuit

TDC Thernal Design Current (EDC)

TDCC Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (Org., USA)

TDD Telecommunications Device for Deaf

TDD Test Driven Development

TDD Time Division Duplex (Mobile-Systems)

TDDSG TeldeDienstDatenSchutzGesetz (DFÜ, IUKDG, Deutschland)

TDED Trade Data Elements Directory (ISO 7372)

TDF Title Definition Format (DVD)

TDG TeleDienstGesetz (DFÜ, IUKDG, Deutschland)

TDI Test Data Input (TAP, IC)

TDI Trusted Database Interpretation (DB)

TDJ Transfer Delay Jitter

TDL Trusted Device List (DCI)

TDLS Tunneled Direct Link Setup (WLAN)

TDM Telekom Designed Networks (DTAG)

TDM Time Division Multiplexing

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems)

TDMB Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB), "T-DMB"

TDMOIP Time Division - Multiplex Over Internet Protocol (IP, DSL) "TD-MoIP"

TDMS Terminal Data Management System

TDN Telekom Designed Network

TDNN Time Delay Neural Net (NN)

TDO Test Data Output (TAP, IC)

TDOP Time Dilution Of Precision (GPS)

TDOS Tape and Disk Operating System (OS, RCA Spectra 70)

TDP Telocator Data Protocol (PCIA, SMS, USA)

TDP Thermal Design Power [veraltet/old term] (CPU, ACP, SDP)

TDP Triton Data Path (Intel, Triton, IC)

TDR Time Domain Reflectometer (Kabel)

TDS Tabular Data Stream [protocol] (Sybase)

TDSCDMA Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems, CDMA)

TDSL Telekom Digital Subscriber Line (DTAG, Germany), "T-DSL"

TDSV Telekommunikation-DatenSchutzVerordnung (BMWI)

TDT Time and Date Table (DVB, UTC)

TDU Telesoftware Data Unit (BTX)

TE Terminal Endpoint (ISDN)

TE Terminal Equipment

TE Traffic Engineering [extension] (OSPF, RFC 3630)

TE Type Enforcement [access control] (SELinux)

TEA Telekommunikations-Anschluß-Einheit (DTAG)

TEA Tiny Encryption Algorithm (Verschlüsselung)

TEAMA Taiwanese Electric Appliance Manufacturer's Association (Org., Taiwan)

TEB Thin Electronics Bay (SSI)

TEBI TEraBInary [ (2^10)^4]

TEC Text Encoding Converter (Apple)

TEC Trace Execution Cache (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

TECO Tape / Text Editor and COrrector (MIT)

TEDAX TExt DAta eXchange [protocol] (MacOS)

TEDIS Trade Electronic Data Interchange Systems (EDI, Europa)

TEE Trusted Execution Environments (RAM)

TEI Text Encoding Initiative [application] (SGML)

TELAS TELephony Application System (CTI, SNI)

TELEVAS Telephony Value Added Services (WAP), "TeleVAS"

TELIS TEileLogistik-InformationsSystem (MBAG)

TELNET TELephone NETwork (Unix, Internet, RFC 854)


TEN TransEuropean Networks (Netzwerk)

TENG TriboElectric NanoGenerator

TER Typo3 Extension Repository (TYPO3)

TERENA Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (Org., Niederlande, Europa)

TERMCAP TERMinal CAPability (Unix)

TERMINFO TERMinal INFOrmation (Unix)

TES Technology Enabled Marketing

TESLA Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication (RFC 4082)

TESS The Exponential Security System (RFC 1824)

TEXEL TEXture ELement (3D)

TF Trace Flag (Assembler)

TFCC Task Force on Cluster Computing (IEEE, Org)

TFE Thin Film Electronics (Hersteller, Norwegen, Schweden)

TFI Terminal Facility Identifier (T-Online)

TFLOPS Tera FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU, GPU)

TFM Trusted Facility Manual

TFO TCP Fast Open (TCP)

TFP Tops Filing Protocol

TFRP TCP Friendly Rate Control (TCP, RFC 3448)

TFS Team Foundation Server (MS, ALM)

TFS Translucent File System

TFT Task File Table (BS2000)

TFT Thin Film Transistor (LCD)

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (UDP, RFC 1350/1782/1783/1784/1785)

TFTR Trivial File Transfer Protocol

TGC Terminal Group Controller

TGMS TransGear Media Server (Transgear)

THAMA Trident Hardware-Assisted MPEG-2/AC-3 (Trident, MPEG, DVD, AC-3)

THATIC Tianjin Haiguang Advanced Technology Investment Corporation (Hersteller)

THD Total Harmonic Distortion (Audio)

THDN Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (Audio), "THD+N"

THE Technische Hoogeschool Eindhoven (OS), "T.H.E."

THE The Hessling Editor

THENET Texas Higher Education NETwork (Netzwerk, USA) "THEnet"

THP Transparent Huge Pages (Linux)

THT Token Holding Timer (FDDI, Token Ring)

THUMS Total HUman Model for Safety (Toyota, VPD)

TI Technical Interchange (Conference, IBM)

TI Texas Instruments (Hersteller)

TIA Telecommunications Industries Association (Org.)

TIA Thanks In Advance (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TIA The Internet Adapter [software]

TID Technical Information Document (Novell)

TID Touch Interactive Display

TIDL Tool Integration Description Language (JCF)

TIDSE Techniken für Interaktives Storytelling und Entertainment (Conference, ZGDV)

TIE Terminal Interface Equipment

TIES Time Independent Escape Sequence (MODEM)

TIFF Tag / Tagged Image File Format (Aldus)

TIGA Texas Instruments Graphics Adapter (Texas Instruments)

TIIAP Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program (USA)

TIL Tech Info Library (Apple, WWW)

TIM Thermal Interface Material (CPU)

TIM Token Interface Module (Token Ring)

TIMTOWTDI There Is More Than One Way To Do It (PERL)

TIMTOWTDI There Is More Than One Way To Do It (PERL, Slang)

TINA Telecommunication Information Network Agent (IN)

TINA Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture (IN)

TINAC TINA Consortium (Org., IN, TINA), "TINA-C"

TINC There Is No Cabal! (Slang, Usenet, Linux, Debian)

TINYTP Tiny Transport Protocol (IRDA)

TIP Terminal Interface Processor (ARPANET)

TIP Transputer Image Processing

TIPC Texas Instruments Personal Computer (TI)

TIPC Transparent Inter Process Communication [protocol]

TIPHON Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks (ETSI, WG)

TIPS Truevision Image Paint Software (TI)

TIS Thai Industrial Standard

TIS Tools Interface Standard [committee] (Org., IBM, Lotus, MS, Watcom, SCO, Unix)

TIS TPM Interface Specification (TPM)

TISN Tokyo International Science Network (Netzwerk)

TITN Traitement de l'Information-Techniques Nouvelles (Hersteller, Frankreich)

TK TeleKommunikation

TK Temporal Key (FPK)

TKG TeleKommunikationsGesetz

TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (WEP, WLAN, WPA)

TKO TeleKommunikationsOrdnung

TKÜV Telekommunikations-Überwachungsverordnung (Deutschland)

TKV TeleKommunikationsVerordnung

TL Telecommunication Leadership [standard] (QuEST)

TL Transform and Lighting (3D), "T&L"

TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TLA Three Letter Acronym (Slang)

TLAP Token ring Link Access Protocol (LAP)

TLB Translation Lookaside Buffer (CPU)

TLC Triple Level Cell (IC, Flash)

TLD Top Level Domain (Internet, ICANN.)

TLDP The Linux Documentation Project (Linux)

TLER Time Limited Error Recovery (WD, RAID)

TLG TeleDiensteGesetz (Deutschland)

TLI Transport Layer Interface

TLI Transport Level Interface (AT&T)

TLN Trunk Line Network

TLP Thread Level Parallelism (CPU)

TLP Transactional Licensing Program (Adobe)

TLP Transmission Level Point

TLS Thread Local Storage

TLS Transport Layer Security [protocol] (SSL, TCP, RFC 2246)

TLSP Transport Layer Security Protocol (ISO)

TLV Type - Length - Value

TLVTTL Terminated Low Voltage Transistor Transistor Logic

TM TeleMail (BBS, Berlin, DFÜ)

TM Terminal Manager (Bull, DSA)


TM TradeMark

TM Traffic Management

TM Transaction Monitor (TP)

TM Turing Machine

TMA Thinfilm Micromirror Array

TMC Taiwan Mycomp Corporation (Hersteller)

TMC Thinking Machines Corporation (Hersteller)

TMC Traffic Message Channel (GPS)

TMCC Time-Multiplexed Communication Channel

TMCL Topic Map Constraint Language (XTM, TMQL)

TMDB Tivoli Management Data Base (Tivoli, DB)

TMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (VESA, LCD, DVI)

TMDS Transmission Minimized Digital Signal

TME Telocator Message Entry [protocol] (SNPP)

TME Tivoli Management Environment (Tivoli)

TME Total Memory Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

TMF Tivoli Management Framework (Tivoli)

TMF Transaction Monitoring Facility (DB, Tandem)

TMG TestMusterGenerator (IC)

TMG The Master Genealogist

TMN Telecommunication Management Network (IN)

TMP Test Management Protocol

TMPDU Test Management Protocol Data Unit (ISO 9646-1, PDU), "TM-PDU"

TMQL Topic Map Query Language (XTM, TMCL)

TMR Transient Memory Record

TMR Triple Modular Redundancy

TMS Telecommunications / Telephone Management System

TMS Test Mode Select (TAP, IC)

TMS Time Multiplexed Switch

TMS Truth Maintenance System (AI)

TMSC Tape Mass Storage Control (DEC)

TMSCP Tape Mass Storage Control Protocol

TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

TMSS [LambdaManager] Terabit MultiService Switch (Lucent, LambdaXtreme, BIT)

TMTO Time Memory Trade-Off

TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do It (Slang, PERL)

TMTP TrackMania Transfer Protocol (HTTP, WWW)

TMU Texture Mapping Unit (GPU)

TMU Time Measurement Unit

TMUX Transport MUltipleXing protocol (RFC 1692) "TMux"

TN Terminal Node

TNC Terminal Node Controller

TNC Threaded Neill Concelman [connector]

TNC Trusted Network Connect (TCG)

TNEF Transportation Neutral Encapsulation Format (MAPI, MIME, MS)

TNFS Trusted Network File System (NFS)

TNL Technical NewsLetter (IBM)

TNLCD Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), "TN-LCD"

TNMOC The National Museum Of Computing (Org., Großbritannien)

TNPC Taiwanese New Pc Consortium (Org., Taiwan)

TNS Transit Network Selection

TNTC Too Numerous To Count (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TNVIP TelNet Visual Information Projection [protocol] (TELNET, VIP, RFC 1921)

TO Template Object (TYPO3)

TOA Target of Authentication (CC)

TOB T-Online Billing (T-Online)

TOC Table Of Contents (CD)

TODS Transactions on Database Systems (ACM, DB)

TOE Target of Evaluation (CC)

TOE TCP/IP Offline Engine (TCP/IP, IC)

TOEM Technical Original Equipment Manufacturer

TOFU Text Over, Full-quote Under (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

TOFU Trust On First Use

TOKREUI TOKen-Ring Extended User Interface (IBM, Token Ring)

TOLD Trebor's Obnoxious Lunchmeat Detector (SPAM, Mac, Eudora)

TOM T-Online Messenger (T-Online, IM)

TOMS Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM)

TOOIS Transactions on Office Information Systems (ACM)

TOOL [conference on] Technology of Object-Orientated Languages and Systems (OOP, Conference)

TOP Technical and Office Protocols

TOP The OS-9 Project (OS-9)

TOPICS Total On-Line Program and Information Control System

TOPLAS Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (ACM)

TOPS Timesharing / Total OPerating System (DEC, OS)

TOS Tape Operating System (OS, RCA Spectra 70)

TOS Teletype Operating System (OS, Microdata)

TOS The Operating System (Atari, OS)

TOS Tramiel Operating System (Atari, OS)

TOS Type Of Service (IP)

TOS360 Tape ??? Operating System /360 (IBM, S/360, OS), "TOS/360"

TOSMAPDS TOShiba Microprocessor Aided Power system control - DynaStream (DCS, Toshiba), "TOSMAP-DS"

TOT Time Offset Table (DVB)

TOT Totally Off-Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TOTP Time-based One-Time Password

TP Transaction Processing

TP Turbo Pascal (Borland)

TP Twisted Pair [cable] (LAN)

TP0 Transport Protocol class 0 (OSI)

TP4 Transport Protocol class 4 (OSI)

TPA Third Party Applications

TPA Transient Program Area (DOS)

TPC The PERL Conference (PERL)

TPC Transaction Processing Council (Org., Hersteller, DB)

TPC Transmit Power Control (HiperLAN/2, WLAN)

TPCC Third Party Call Control

TPCC TPC benchmark C (TPC), "TPC-C"

TPCE TPC benchmark E (TPC), "TPC-E"

TPCH TPC benchmark H (TPC), "TPC-H"

TPCW TPC benchmark W (TPC, WWW), "TPC-W"

TPD Technical Product Documentation

TPDDI Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface (FDDI, STP, Chipcom)

TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit (OSI, OSI/RM, PDU, ICC)

TPE Twisted Pair Ethernet (Ethernet)

TPF Transaction Processing Facility (IBM, MVS/XA)

TPI Tracks Per Inch (HDD)

TPM Traditional Power Management

TPM Transactions-Per-Minute

TPM Trusted Platform Module (TCPA)

TPMS Transaction Processing Management System

TPPMD Twisted Pair Physical layer Medium Dependent (FDDI), "TP-PMD"

TPQ True Phone Quality (CAT)

TPR Task Priority Register (IC)

TPRM Transaction Programmer's Reference Manual (Sun)

TPS TeleProcessing Systeme [gmbh] (Anbieter)

TPS Transaction Processing System

TPS Transactions Per Second (DB, DBMS)

TPT Twisted Pair Transceiver

TPU Tensor Processing Units

TPU Turbo Pascal Unit (TP, Borland)

TPW Turbo Pascal for Windows (Borland)

TQ Tagged Queuing (SCSI, HDD)

TR Task Register (CPU, Intel, Assembler, IC)

TR Technical Report (DSL-Forum, WT)

TR Technology Refresh (IBM)

TRAP Tandem Recursive Algorithm Process

TREC Text REtrieval Conference (Konferenz)

TREC Texture and Rendering Engine Compression

TRIB Transfer Rate of Information Bits (BIT)

TRIF Tiled Raster Interchange Format

TRILL Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (RFC 5556)

TRIP Telephony Routing over IP (IP, RFC 3219)

TRIPS Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property rightS (GATT)

TRIZ Teorija Reschenija Isobretatelskich Zadatsch

TRM Technical Reference Model

TRMM Token Ring Management Module (Token Ring)

TRNG True Random Number Generator

TROFF Typesetter New Run-OFF (Unix)

TROLI Token Ring Optimized Link Interface (Token Ring)

TRON The Realtime Operating system Nucleus

TRP Token Ring serial Port

TRR Token Ring Repeater

TRR Trusted Recursive Resolver (DNS)

TRT The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TRT Token Rotation Timer (FDDI, Token Ring)

TS Time Slot

TS Time Stamp

TS Traffic Shaping

TS Transport Stream

TS TriState (IC)

TSA Target Service Agent (Novell, Netware, SMS)

TSA Telecommunication Society of Australia (Org., Australien)

TSAD Transmit Service Availability Data (CIU, IBM)

TSANET Technical Support Alliance NETwork (Org., Hersteller, Lotus, Oracle, HP, ...) "TSANet"

TSAP Transport Service Access Point (OSI, OSI/RM, SAP)

TSAPI Telephony Server Application Programmer Interface (AT&T, Novell, API)

TSC Time Stamp Counter (IC, Intel, Pentium)

TSC Triton System Controller (Intel, Triton, IC)

TSCT Tangan Silence Control Technology (Tangan)

TSD Ton-Sättigung-Dunkelstufe (Farbsystem)

TSDU Transport Service Data Unit (OSI, OSI/RM)

TSE [Windows] Terminal Server Edition] (Windows, MS)

TSE Technical Support Engineer (Sun)

TSE TestSteuerEinheit (IC)

TSEE Technical System Engineering Environment (Westmount, CASE)

TSF TOE Security Functions (CC, TOE)

TSFE TypoScript Front End (TYPO3)

TSI Time Slot Interchanger

TSIG Trusted Systems Interoperability Group (Org.)

TSM Text Service Manager (Apple)

TSM Time Sharing Monitor (OS, IBM)

TSM Tivoli Storage Manager (Tivoli, IBM)

TSM Topology Specific Module (ODI)

TSM Trusted Service Manager (Mobile-Systems, TSP)

TSMC Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (Hersteller, Taiwan)

TSME Transparent Secure Memory Encryption (AMD)

TSMP True Symmetric MultiProcessor

TSN Task Sequence Number (BS2000)

TSN Time Sensitive Networking

TSO Telecommunications Service Order

TSO Time Sharing Option

TSOCMS Time Sharing Option/Conversational Monitor System (IBM, VME), "TSO/CMS"

TSOE Time Sharing Option/Extensions (IBM), "TSO/E"

TSOP Thin Small Outline Package (DRAM, IC)

TSP Texture and Shading Processor (IC, Graphik)

TSP Time Synchronization Protocol

TSP Travelling Salesman Problem

TSP Trusted Service Provider (Mobile-Systems, TSM)

TSP1 Test Synchronization Protocol 1+ (TTCN, ETSI), "TSP1+"

TSPI TAPI Service Provider Interface (TAPI)

TSR Terminate and Stay Resident

TSS Task State Segment (Intel)

TSS Time-Sharing System

TSSDC Task State Segment Descriptor Cache (CPU)

TSST Toshiba Samsung Storage Technologies (Hersteller)

TSTN Triple SuperTwisted Nematic (LCD)

TSTS Transaction and Switching and Transport Services (BELLCORE)

TSV Through Silicon Vias

TSW TeleSoftWare (T-Online)

TSX TimeSharing eXecutive (OS, IBM, IBM 1800)

TTCAN Time Triggered Communication on Controller Area Network (CAN)

TTCN the Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (OSI, IUT)

TTF TrueType Font

TTFF Time To First Fix (GPS)

TTFN Ta-Ta For Now (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TTG Transmit Time Gap

TTI Time To Interactive (WWW)

TTKC The Thursday Killers Clan (User group)

TTL TietoTekniikan Liitto [ry] (Org., Finnland)

TTL Time To Live (IP)

TTL Transistor Transistor Logic

TTLS Tunneled Transport Layer Security [protocol] (TLS, SSL, WLAN)

TTML Tagged-Text Markup Language (Nokia, Mobile-Systems)

TTML Timed Text Markup Language

TTP Time Triggered Protocol

TTP Tiny Transmission Protocol (IRDA, IRLMP)

TTP Trusted Third Parties (Verschlüsselung)

TTRP Time Token Rotation Protocol (FDDI)

TTRT Target Token Rotation Time (FDDI)

TTS Text To Speech [system]

TTS Transaction Tracking System (DB, Netware)

TTS Trouble Ticketing System

TTW Through The Web (WWW, ZMI, ZOPE)

TTY TeleTYpe

TTYL Talk To You Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TUB Technische Universität Berlin (Org.)

TUBA TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TCP, UDP, RFC 1347)

TUC Total User Cell count (UNI)

TUCAA The Ultimate Computer Acronyms Archive (Internet, WWW)

TUCD Total User Cell Difference (UNI)

TUE Trusted User Engine (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

TUG TeX User's Group (Org., User group, TeX)

TUHS The Unix Heritage Society (Org., Unix)

TUI Text-Based User Interface (UI)

TUM Technische Universität München (Org.)

TUNIS Toronto UNIversity System (OS)

TUP Telephone User Path (ISDN)

TURN Traversal Using Relays around NAT (NAT)

TUT Transistor Under Test

TUX Torvalds UniX (Linux), "Tux"

TVOL TV OnLine cable service (WorldGate, Internet)

TVOS Terminal Velocity Operating System (3drealms)

TVS Transparent Voice Signalling (VOFR)

TVST TeilnehmerVermittlungsSTelle (DTAG), "TVSt"

TWAIN Technology Without An Important Name, http://www.twain.org

TWB Terrestrial Wide-Band [networking]

TWINKLE The Weizman INstitute Key Locating Engine (Verschlüsselung)

TWIP [one] TWentIeth of a Point [1 inch = 72 points] (DTP)

TWOS Time Warp Operating System (OS, Hypercube)

TXE Trusted eXecution Engine (Intel)

TXGA Tesselar XGA [1920x1400] (XGA)

TXT Trusted eXecution Technology (AMT)

TXTRR TXT Resource Record (DNS, RFC 1035) "TXT-RR"

TZ Time Zone (Internet, TZ)

U2F Universal Second Factor (FIDO-Alliance)

U3D Universal 3 Dimensional [format] (3D)

UA Unnumbered Acknowledgement

UA Upgrade Advantage (MS)

UA User Agent (MHS, OSI)

UAA Universal Audio Architecture (MS, Windows, XP)

UAA UnternehmensAnwendungsArchitektur (IM)

UAAG User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (WAI)

UAB Unix Appletalk Bridge (Apple, AppleTalk, Unix)

UAC Universal Access Control (IBM)

UAC User Account Control (MS, Windows, Vista)

UADPS Uniform Automatic Data Processing System

UADSL Universal Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (DSL, ADSL)

UAE Universal Amiga Emulator (Amiga)

UAE Unknown / Unrecoverable Application Error (Windows)

UAF Universal Authentication Framework (FIDO-Alliance)

UAF User Authorization File

UAP User Account Protection (MS, Windows, Vista)

UAPDU User Agent Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

UART Universal Asynchronous Receive and Transmit

UAS UnAvailable Seconds (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)


UASP USB Attached SCSI Protocol (USB, SCSI)

UAWG Universal ADSL Working Group (Org, ADSL, DSL)

UBA UniBus Adapter (DEC)

UBC Unified Buffer Cache

UBE Unsolicited Bulk Email (Spam, Internet, UCE)

UBL Universal Business Language (OASIS, XML)

UBNI Ungermann-Bass Network Interface

UBR Unspecified Bit Rate (ATM, CBR, VBR, ABR, QOS, BIT)

UBSAN Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (GCC), "UBSan"


UC Universal Code (Internet)

UC User Customization (Mobile-Systems)

UCA Utility Communication Architecture

UCC Uniform Code Council (USA)

UCC Uniform Commercial Code, http://www.softwareindustry.org/issues/guide

UCE Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (Usenet, Spam, UBE)

UCFF Ultra Compact Form Factor

UCI User-Computer Interface

UCITA Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (USA, DRM)

UCLA University of California at Los Angeles (Org., USA)

UCLAVM UCLA Virtual Machine (OS, UCLA, VM), "UCLA VM"

UCM [rational] Unified Change Management (IBM, DCT, SCM)

UCP Universal Computer Protocol (SMS, Europa)

UCR Under Color Removal (DTP)

UCS Unified Computing System (Cisco)

UCS Univention Corporate Server

UCS Universal [multiple-octet] coded Character Set (ISO, IEC, DIS 10646, Unicode)

UCS Universal Classification System

UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara (Org. USA)

UCSD University California San Diego (Org., USA)

UDA Unified Driver Architecture (Nvidia)

UDB Universal DataBase [server] (IBM, DB)

UDC Universal Decimal Classification

UDC Universal Display Corporation (Hersteller)

UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration of business for the web (Org., WWW, XML)

UDF Universal Disc Format (CD, OSTA)

UDF User Defined Function

UDI Unified Display Interface

UDIAGS Und Das Ist Auch Gut So (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

UDIMM Unbuffered Dual Inline Memory Module

UDK UmweltDatenKatalog (NUIS-SH)

UDK Unreal Development Kit

UDLD Unidirectional Link Detection (Cisco)

UDLI Unified Design Language for integrated circuits / I (HDL), "UDL/I"

UDMA Ultra Direct Memory Access (DMA, ATA)

UDO Ultra Density Optical (Plasmon, HP, ECMA 350, ISO/IEC 17345)

UDO User Defined Objects

UDOR Ultra Density Optical - Recordable (UDO), "UDO-R"

UDORW Ultra Density Optical - ReWritable (UDO), "UDO-RW"

UDP Usenet Death Penalty (Usenet, Spam)

UDP User Datagram Protocol (Internet, RFC 768)

UDPIP User Datagram Protocol / Internet Protocol (IP), "UDP/IP"

UDRP Uniform [Domain-name] Dispute Resolution Policy (ICANN)

UDSL Universal Digital Subscriber Line

UDT User-defined DataType (DB)

UDVM Universal Data Voice Multiplexer

UE User Equipment (Mobile-Systems, UMTS, GSM)

UEFI Unified Extended Firmware Interface

UEIDE Ultra Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE, HDD)

UER Unrecoverable Error Rate

UEV User End of Volume

UFED Universal Forensic Extraction Device (Cellebrite)

UFS Universal File System

UFS Universal Flash Storage (JEDEC)

UFS Unix File System (Unix)

UFST Universal Font Scaling Technology (Agfa)

UHA Ultra High Aperture [ratio] (LCD, TNLCD)

UHC United Hitech Corporation (Hersteller, Taiwan)

UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface (USB, Intel, VIA, OHCI)

UHD Ultra HD [3840x2160] (HD)

UHF Ultra High Frequency

UHL User Head Label

UHS Ultra High Speed (SD)

UI Unix International (Hersteller, Unix)

UI User Interface

UIC User Identification Code

UID Unit IDentifier (Verschlüsselung, EES)

UID User IDentification

UIDL Unique ID Listing (POP3, RFC 1939)

UIEE Universal Information Exchange Environment (AWS)

UIL User Interface Language

UIMA Unstructured Information Management Architecture (IBM)

UIMS User Interface Management System

UIN Universal Identification Number (ICQ)

UIQ User Interface Quartz (Symbian)

UIS UmweltInformationsSystem

UISRM User Interface System Reference Model

UJSR Umbrella Java Specification Request (JCP, Java)

UKERNA United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association (Org., UK)

UKOLN United Kingdom Office for Library and information Networking (Org.)

UL United Linux (Linux)

ULA Uncommitted Logic Array

ULA Unique Local Address (IP, IETF)

ULANA Unified Local Area Network Architecture

ULC UltraLightClient (Java, RIA, WWW)

ULCC University of London Computer Center (Org., UK)

ULCE United Linux Certified Expert (Linux)

ULCP United Linux Certified Professional (Linux)

ULD Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz [Schleswig Holstein] (Org.)

ULMB Ultra Low Motion Blur (Nvidia)

ULN Unbreakable Linux Network (Oracle, Linux)

ULP Upper Layer Protocols (FC)

ULS User Location Interface

ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration

ULV Ultra Low Voltage

UMA Unified Memory Architecture

UMA Universal Measurement Architecture (Unix, X/Open)

UMA Upper Memory Area (Intel)

UMADS Universal Measurement Architecture Data Storage (UMA)

UMB Upper Memory Block (Intel, UMA)

UMC United Microelectronics Corporation (Hersteller)

UMD Universal Media Disk (Sony)

UMDF User-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF, MS, Windows, Vista)

UME UNI Management Entity (UNI, ILMI)

UML Unified Method Language (CASE, DB, OMG)

UML Unified Modelling Language (OOP)

UML User Mode Linux (Linux)

UMPC Ultra Mobile Personal Computer (PC)

UMS Unified Messaging System

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (IN, Mobile-Systems)

UNA Universal Network Architecture

UNARP UNsolicited Address Resolution Protocol (ARP, RFC 1868)

UNB Ultra-Narrow-Band [modulation] (WAN, LP-WAN, IoT)

UNC Universal Naming Convention (IBM, MS, Novell, LAN)


UNCID UNiform rules of Conduct for Interchange of Trade data by teletransmission (EDIFACT)

UNCLE Unix Net for Computer security in Law Enforcement (Org., USA, Unix) "U.N.C.L.E."


UNGTDI United Nations Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange (UN/EDIFACT, Vorläufer), "UN/GTDI"

UNI Universal Network Interface (Cogent)

UNI User Network Interface

UNICS UNiplexed Information and Computing Service (OS, MULTICS, Bell)

UNIKOPS UNIversell KOnfigurierbare sicherheitslösung für cyber-Physikalische Systeme

UNITE Ubiquitous aNd Integrated Teamwork Environment (SIT)

UNIVAC UNIVersal Automatic Computer

UNMA Unified Network Management Architecture

UNSM United Nations Standard Message, (UN/EDIFACT)

UNTDED United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory (EDIFACT)

UNTDID United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory (EDIFACT)

UP Uni Processor [system]

UPA Ultra Port Architecture (Sun, SMP)

UPA Usability Professionals Association (Org.)

UPAM User Primary Access Method (BS2000)

UPC Universal Product Code (EAN)

UPC Usage Parameter Control (UNI, ATM)

UPD UserParameterDaten (DDBAC)

UPL User Program Language

UPM Umdrehungen Pro Minute (HDD)

UPM User Profile Management (IBM)

UPN Umgekehrte Polnische Notation

UPNP Universal Plug 'N Play (PNP) "UPnP"

UPP Universal Procedure Pointer (AE, Apple)

UPPS Universal Portable Protocol Stack / Support (Schneider & Koch)

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

UPS Unix Print Services (Unix)

UPT Universal Personal Telecommunications [number] (IN, Mobile-Systems)

UPT Universelle Personengebundene Telekommunikation (IN)

UR2 ??? (DTAG, T-DSL), "U-R2"

URA Uniform Resource Agent (WWW)

URB USB Request Block (USB)

URC Uniform Resource Citation (WWW)

URC Uniform Resources Characteristics (URI, WWW)

URI Universal Resource Identifier (WWW, RFC 1630/2396)

URL Uniform Resource Locator (WWW, RFC 1738)

URN Uniform Resource Name (WWW, RFC 1737)

URSN Unique Resource Serial Number (URI, WWW)

US Unit Separator (BTX, VPCE)

USA United Software Association (Org., USA)

USACNII US Advisory Council on the National Information Infrastructure (Org., USA)

USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter (IC)

USB Universal Serial Bus (Intel, USB)

USBDDK Universal Serial Bus Driver Development Kit (USB, DDK), "USB-DDK"

USBIF Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum (Org., USB) "USB-IF"

USBOTG Universal Serial Bus - On The Go (USB), "USB-OTG"

USBPD Universal Serial Bus - Power Delivery (USB), "USB-PD"

USCP Unicos Station Call Processor [protocol] (Cray, MPP)

USD User's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix)

USDC Universal Switched Data Capability [consortium] (LCD, Org.)

USDN United States Digital Network

USEC User-based SECurity [model] (SNMP)

USENET USErs' NETwork (Internet)

USF Universal Scalable Firmware (Intel)

USF Uplink State Flag (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

USFF Ultra-Small Form Factor

USG Universal Subscriber Gateway (Nomadix)

USG Unix Support Group (Org., Unix)

USI Usage State Information (CPCM, DVB)

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module (Mobile-Systems, UMTS)

USITA United States Independent Telephone Association (Org., USA)

USL Unix Systems Laboratories (AT&T, Unix)

USM User-based Security Model (SNMP, RFC 2574)

USMT User State Migration Tool (MS, Windows, Vista)

USMTF United States Message Text Format (USA)

USN Update Sequence Number (AD)

USP Universal Storage Platform (HDS)

USP User Stack Pointer

USR U.S. Robotics (Hersteller)

USR User Service Routines

USRP Universal Software Radio Peripheral

USRT Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter (IC)

USS Unix Support Services (z/OS, IBM)

USSD UnStructured Supplementary Services (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

USSP User Space Serial Port (Bluetooth)

USTA United States Telephone Association (Org., USA)

USV Unterbrechungsfreie Strom-Versorgung

USWC Uncached Speculative Write Combining (CPU)

UT Universal Time [+0000] (TZ, GMT)

UT Upper Tester

UTC Universal Time Coordinated (DCE)

UTC Universal Time Coordinates [+0000] (TZ, GMT)

UTF UCS Transformation Format (Unicode, UCS)

UTI Universal Text Interchange

UTL User Trailer Label

UTLB Unified Translation Look-aside Buffer (CPU)

UTM Unified Threat Management (Funkwerk)

UTM Universal Transaction Monitor

UTM Universal Turing Machine

UTM Universeller TransaktionsMonitor (BS2000, Sinix, TP)

UTMS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

UTOPIA Universal Test & Operations Physical layer Interface for ATM (PL, ATM)

UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair [cable] (TP)

UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UMTS, Mobile-Systems)

UTS Universal Timesharing System

UTSL Use The Source, Luke (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

UTTC Universal Tape-To-Tape Converter

UUCICO Unix to Unix Copy Incoming Copy Outgoing (Unix)

UUCP Unix to Unix Copy Protocol (Unix)

UUG Unix User Group (Org., Unix, User group)

UUID Universal Unique IDentifier

UUNET Unix to Unix NETwork (Org., ISP)

UUP Universal Update Platform (MS)

UUT Unit-Under-Test

UVD Unified Video Decoder (AMD)

UVL User Volume Label

UVLC Universal Variable Length Coding

UVM User Verification Manager (IBM, ESS)

UVS Unified Virtual Storage

UW Ultra Wide [SCSI] (SCSI)

UWA Universal Widget API (API, Netvibes)

UWB Ultra WideBand (MBOA)

UWP Universal Windows Platform (MS, Windows)

UWXGA Ultra Wide XGA [1600x768] (XGA)

UXGA Ultra eXtended Graphics Adapter [1600 x 1200] (XGA)

UXSS Universal Cross-Site Scripting (WWW, XSS)

V4L Video 4 Linux (Video, Linux)

VA Virtual Acoustic

VA Vulnerability Assessment (Firewall, TrendMicro)

VAAPI Video Acceleration API (Intel)

VAC Valve Anti Cheat [module/system]

VAC Visual Age C++ (IBM)

VACP View-based Access Control Protocol (SNMP, RFC 2575)

VACS Visual Access Control System (SNI, CCD)

VAD Value Added Driver

VAD Voice Activity Detection (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

VADD Value Added Disk Driver

VADD VisualAge Developper Domain (IBM)

VAFC VESA Advanced Feature Connector (VESA)

VAG VRML Architecture Group (Org., VRML)

VAGI VESA Advanced Graphic Interface (VESA)

VAIO Video Audio Integrated Operation (Sony)

VAJ VisualAge for Java (Java, IBM)

VAM Verband der Anbieter von Mobilfunkdiensten (Org.)

VAMAS Versailles project on Advanced Materials And Standards (ISO)

VAN Value Added Network

VANS Value Added Network Services

VAP Value Added Process (Netware, NLM, Vorläufer)

VAPI Virtual [ISDN] Application Programming Interface (ISDN, CAPI, API)

VAPI Voyetra Applications Program Interface (API)

VAR Value-Added Reseller

VAROS VAriable Refraction Optical System (Canon)

VAS Value Added Services

VASCAR Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder

VASP Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package

VAST Virtual Archive Storage Technology

VAT [UDF] Virtual Allocation Table (UDF, CD-R)

VATM Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten (Org., DFÜ, Deutschland)

VAX Virtual Address eXtension (DEC, VAX)

VAXELN Virtual Address eXtension Executive for Local area Networks (OS, DEC)


VBA Visual BASIC for Applications (MS, BASIC, VB)

VBCCE Visual Basic Control Creation Edition (VB, MS)

VBE VGA standard BIOS Extensions (VESA, VGA, BIOS)

VBE Visual BASIC Editor (MS, VB)

VBIDE Visual BASIC Integrated Development Environment (MS, VB)

VBL Virtual BundesLiga (Deutschland)

VBN Vermittelndes Breitband-Netz

VBNS Very highspeed Backbone Network Service (NSF, ATM), "vBNS"

VBO Vertex Buffer Object (NVSG)

VBR Variable Bit Rate (ATM, CBR, ABR, UBR, QOS, BIT)

VBRNRT Variable Bit Rate - Non Real Time (VBR, ATM, BIT), "VBR-NRT"

VBRRT Variable Bit Rate - Real Time (VBR, ATM, BIT), "VBR-RT"

VBS Virtualization-Based Security (MS, Windows)

VBS Visual Basic Script (MS, BASIC, VB)

VBX Visual Basic eXtensions (MS)

VC Virtual Channel / Circuit (ATM)

VC Virtual Console

VC Visual c/c++ compiler (MS)

VCA Voltage Controlled Amplifier (Audio)

VCC Virtual Channel Connection (ATM)

VCD Video Compact Disk (CD)

VCE Vision Computing Engine

VCEG Video Coding Experts Group (Org., ITU-T)

VCF Voltage Controlled Filters

VCI Video Cursor Interface (VESA)

VCI Virtual Channel Identifier (ATM)

VCI Virtual Connection Identifier (ATM)

VCL Varnish Configuration Language

VCL Video Coding Layer (AVC)

VCL Virtual Channel Link (UNI, ATM)

VCL Visual Class Library (StarOffice)

VCL Visual Component Library (Borland, Delphi)

VCM Windows Conflict Manager (MS, Windows)

VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator

VCOS Visible Caching Operating System (DSP)

VCP Vector Control Processor

VCPI Virtual Control Program Interface (DOS, Intel)

VCQ Vibrant Colour Quality (Matrox)

VCRC Variant Cyclic Redundancy Check (Infiniband), "V-CRC"

VCS Virtual Circuit System


VCSDRAM Virtual Channel - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC, NEC), "VC-SDRAM"

VCSEL Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting LASER

VCVS Virtual Concurrent Version System (CVS), "vCVS"

VD Virtual Data (grid)

VDAFS Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller FlächenSchnittstelle (DIN, CIM)

VDASEDAS Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller / Standardisiertes Einheitliches DatenAustauschSystem (EDI), "VDA/SEDAS"

VDD Virtual Display Driver

VDDM Vista Display Driver Model (MS, Windows, Vista)

VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker [e.v.] (Org.)

VDGA Virtual Dedicated Graphics Acceleration (VMware, vSGA), "vDGA"

VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Org.)

VDI Video Device Interface (Intel)

VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (Sun)

VDI Virtual Device Interface

VDIF VESA Display Information File (VESA)

VDM Virtual DOS Machine (OS/2, Windows, NT, DOS)

VDMA Virtual Direct Memory Access (DMA)

VDMAD Virtual Direct Memory Access Device (VDMA, DMA)

VDOP Vertical Dilution Of Precision (GPS)

VDPAU Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (Nvidia, API)

VDS Virtual DMA Services (DMA)

VDSL Very high data / bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (DSL, BIT)

VDSO Virtual Dynamically linked Shared Objects

VDT Video Display Terminal

VDU Visual Display Unit

VDV Vorbestellte DauerwählVerbindung (DTAG)

VE Virtual Environment (VR)

VEBSN Virtual European Seismic Network

VEC Virtual Embedded Circuitry (IC)

VEG Very Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

VEIL Video Encoded Invisible Light Technology (VEIL)

VEP Visual Editor Project (GUI, Java, Eclipse)

VERA Just playing around, huh?

VERNET Virginia Educational Research NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "VERnet"

VERONICA Very Easy Rodent-Orientated Netwide Index of Computerized Archives (Internet)

VERP Variable Envelope Return Path (SMTP)

VES Virtual Execution System (MS, CLR, .NET)

VESA Video Electronics Standards Association (Org.)

VEST VAX Environment Software Translator (VAX, DEC)

VF Vacuum Flourescent [technology]

VFAT Virtual File Allocation Table (MS, Windows 95, FAT)

VFC V. Fast Class (MODEM), "V.FC"

VFD Vacuum Fluorescent Display

VFEA VMEbus Futurebus+ Extended Architecture

VFIO Virtual Function Input-Output (Linux, IO)


VFS Virtual File System [layer] (Unix, Linux, OSF/1)

VFS Virtual Filesystem Switch (FreeBSD)

VFW Video für Windows (MS), "VfW"

VG Volume Group (LVM)

VGA Video Graphics Array (IBM)

VGB Virtual GameBoy

VGDA Volume Group Descriptor Area (AIX, LVM, IBM)

VGF 100VoiceGrade anylan Forum (Hersteller)

VGI Virtual Graphics Interface

VGPU Virtual Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), "vGPU"

VHDCI Very High Density Cable Interconnect (SCSI)

VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language (ASIC)

VHF Very High Frequency

VHLL Very High Level Language

VHRCD Very High Resolution Color Display

VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit

VI Virtual Interface (Compaq, Intel, MS, Infiniband)

VI VIsual editor (Unix)

VIA VAX Information Architecture (VAX, DEC)

VIA Virtual Interface Architecture

VIAD VESA Image Area Definition (VESA)

VIC V.35 Interface Cable (Kabel)

VIC Vendor Independent Calendaring (VIM)

VIC Video Interface Controller (Video, C64)

VICE VersatIle Commodore Emulator

VICI Visual Interface ConsortIum (Org.)

VID Voltage IDentification (CPU)

VIDIX VIDeo interface for *niX (Unix, Video)

VIDL VIrus Description Language, "ViDL"

VIF Virtual Interrupt Flag (Intel, CPU)

VIFA Victoria Free-Net Association (Org., USA)


VIM Vendor Independent Messaging (Lotus, Borland, IBM, Novell, API)

VIM VI Improved (VI, Unix)

VIMF Vierer [kabel] In MetallFolie (VDE, SQ), "ViMF"

VINCE Vendor Independent Network Control Entity

VINES VIrtual NEtwork Service (Banyan, VINES, NOS)

VIO Virtual Input/Output

VIOLA Vertically Intergrated Optical Testbed for Large Applications (DFN)

VIOP Variable Input/Output Port (I/O, Qualstar)

VIP VINES Internetwork Protocol (VINES)

VIP Virtual Internet Protocol [address] (IP)

VIP Visual Information Projection [terminal] (Bull)

VIP VLB - ISA - PCI [board] (VLB, ISA, PCI)

VIPNET Voice Interactive Paging Network (Netzwerk, MAN) "VIP-Net"

VIPT Virtually Indexed, Physically Tagged (Intel, CPU)

VIQR VIetnamese Quoted-Readable [specification] (VISCII, RFC 1456)

VIR Visual Information Retrieval (DB, Informix)

VIROS VIRtual memory Operating System (DEC, OS)

VIRTUE Virtual Team User Environment (VR, TUB)

VIRUP VIrtual Reality Universe Project

VIS Verläßliche InformationsSysteme (GI)

VIS Virtual Instruction Set (Sun, CPU)

VIS Visual Interactive Simulation

VISCII VIetnamese Standard Code for Information Interchange

VISYON Variables Intelligentes Synchrones Optisches Netz (SNI, SDH)

VITAL VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC Libraries (ASIC, VHDL)

VITC Vertical Interval Time Code (Video)

VK VideoKonferenz

VKI Variable Keyframe Interface (DivX, Video)

VKI Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz (KI, DAI)

VL Virtual Lane (Infiniband)

VLA Volume Licence Agreement (Novell, Apple)

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network (LAN, IEEE 802.1q/80210), vowlan


VLC Variable Length Coding (AVC)

VLC Video LAN Client (LAN, video, Mac, Dbox)

VLD Variable Length Decoder (MPEG)

VLDB Very Large DataBase (DB)

VLF Very-Low-Frequency Band

VLF Virtual Lookaside Facility (IBM)

VLIW Very Long Instruction Word (CPU, IC)

VLK Volume License product Key (MS)

VLM Virtual Loadable Module (Novell, Netware)

VLM Volume Logical Module (IBM, OS/2)

VLR Visitor Location Register (LR, GSM, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

VLSI Very Large Scale Integration, http://www.mrc.uidaho.edu/vlsi/vlsi.html

VLSM Variable Length Subnet Mask (Internet)

VM Virtual Machine (IBM, OS, IBM 370, ESA, IBM 390)

VM Virtual Memory (OSF)

VMA Virtual Memory Address

VMA VSphere Management Assistant (VSAN), "vMA"

VMB Virtual Machine Boot (IBM, OS/2)

VMBR Virtual Machine Based Rootkit

VMC VESA Media Channel (VESA)

VMC Virtual Machine Console (VMware)

VMCF Virtual Machine Communications Facility (IBM, VM)

VMCMS Virtual Machine / Conversational Monitoring System (IBM, VM), "VM/CMS"

VMD Virtual Manufacturing Device (MMS)

VME Virtual Machine Environment (IBM, VM)

VME Virtual Mobile Engine (Sony, PSP)

VMESA Virtual Machine / Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, VM, ESA, CMS), "VM/ESA"

VML Vector Markup Language (XML, MS, Macromedia, ..., PGML, SVG)

VMM Virtual Machine / Memory Manager (IBM, VM)

VMM Virtual Machine Monitor (VM)

VMOS Vertical Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC), "V-MOS"

VMP Vector Microcode Machine

VMP Virtual MultiPorting (POWER, CPU)

VMS Virtual Memory [operating] System (DEC, OS)

VMS Voice Mail System (GMS)

VMS Voice Management System

VMSP Virtual Machine / System Product (IBM, VM), "VM/SP"

VMT Virtual Method Table

VMTP Versatile Message Transaction Protocol (RFC 1045)

VMTSS Virtual Machine Time-Sharing System (IBM)

VMU Visual Memory Unit (Sega, Dreamcast)

VNA Virtual Network Architecture (ATM)

VNA Virtual Network Architecture (Ungermann-Bass)

VNC Virtual Network Client

VNC Virtual Network Computer

VNC Virtual Network Computing (AT&T, Linux)

VNCA VTAM Node Control Application (IBM, VTAM)

VNF Virtual Network Feature

VNL Via Net Loss plan

VNLF Via Net Loss Factor

VNNI Vector Neural Network Instructions (AVX, CPU)

VNSM VINES Network and Systems Management (Banyan, VINES)

VO Virtual Organization (grid)

VOB Video OBject [format] (DVD, Video)

VOBS Video OBject Set (VOB, DVD, Video)

VOBU Video OBject Units (ILVU, DVD, Video)

VOD Video On Demand

VOFR Voice Over Frame Relay

VOI Verband Optischer Informationssysteme (Org.)

VOICE Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education (OS/2, User group, Org.)

VOIP Voice Over IP (IP, Internet, CTI), "VoIP"

VOL Voice-Over-IP (IP, Internet)

VOLTE Voice over LTE (LTE), "VoLTE"

VON Voice On the Net [coalition] (USA, Internet)

VOODOO Versions Of Outdated Documents Organized Orthogonally (Mac)

VOP Voice Over Packet [processor] (Improv, IC), "VoP"

VORTEX Varian Omnitasking Real Time EXecutive (???)

VOS Virtual machine Operating System (OS, MTS)

VOS Virtual Operating System (OS, Stratus)

VOWIFI Voice Over WiFi (WiFi), "VoWiFi"

VOWIP Voice Over Wireless Internet Protocol (LAN, IP), "VoWIP"

VOWLAN Voice Over WLAN (WLAN, LAN, IEEE 80211), "VoWLAN"

VP Virtual Path (ATM)

VP Virtual Processor (Amiga, AMIGADE)

VPA VAX Performance Advisor (DEC, VMS, VAX)

VPC Virtual Path Connection (ATM, VP)

VPC Virtual Private Cloud

VPCC Virtual PC Center (NEC, PC, TC)

VPCD Videotex Presentation Control Element (BTX, VPDE)

VPCI Virtual Path Connection Identifier (VP, ATM)

VPD Virtual Product Development (CAD)

VPD Vital Product Data

VPDE Videotex Presentation Data Element (BTX)

VPDN Virtual Private Data Network

VPE Video Port Extensions (Video)

VPFN Virtual Page Frame Number (Linux, PFN)

VPI Virtual Path Identifier (ATM, VP)

VPI Virtual Private Internet (TradeWave)

VPICD Virtual Programmable Interrupt Controller Device (PIC), "VpicD"

VPL Virtual Path Link (UNI, ATM)

VPL Visual Programming Languages

VPL Voxel Public License

VPMI Virtual Protected Mode Interface

VPN Virtual Private Network

VPP Value Purchase Plan (Adobe)

VPRT Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation (Org., Deutschland)

VPS Vision Positioning System

VPSD VIA Platform Solutions Devision

VPSD VIA Platform Solutions Division, http://www.viavpsd.com

VPT Virtual Path Terminator (UNI, ATM)

VPU Video Processing Unit

VPU Visual Processing Unit (IC, SIMD, 3Dlabs)

VPUG Ventura Publishing User Group (Org., DTP, User group)

VPUML Visual Paradigm for UML (UML, Eclipse), "VP-UML"

VQC Vibrant Color Quality (Matrox)

VQEG Video Quality Experts Group (Video)

VQM Visual Quality Metric (Video)

VR Virtual Reality

VR Virtual Route (SNA, PSDN)

VR Virtuelle Realität

VRAI Virtual Reality Annual International [symposium] (IEEE, Conference)

VRAM VEIL Encoding Rights Assertion Mark (VEIL), "V-RAM"

VRAM Volatile Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

VRC Vertical Redundancy Check

VRD Virtual Retinal Display (VR)

VRG Vertical Replacement Gate (IC, MOSFET)

VRI [Nederlandse] Vereniging van Registerinformatic (Org. Niederlande)

VRM Vector Room Model

VRM Virtual Resource Manager

VRM Voltage Regulation Module (IC)

VRM Voltage Regulator Modul (Iwill)

VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VR, ISO/IEC 14772, W3C)


VROOMM Virtual Realtime Object Oriented Memory Manager (OOP)

VRR Variable Refresh Rate (HDMI)

VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (RFC 2338/3768)

VRS Variable Rate Shading (Nvidia)

VRS Voice Response System

VRT Vulnerability Research Team (Sourcefire)

VRTX Versatile Real Time eXecutive (OS)

VS VINES Security (Banyan, VINES)

VS1 Virtual System - 1 (IBM, OS, OS/VS-1), "VS-1"

VSA Virtual Server Architecture

VSA Visual Studio for Applications (MS)

VSA Voodoo Scalable Architecture (3dfx)

VSAM Virtual Sequential Access Method (SAM)

VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method

VSAN Virtual Storage Area Network (SAN, VMware)

VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal

VSC VMware [GSX] Server Console (VMware)

VSCE Videotex Service Control Element (BTX, VPDE)

VSD Vendor Specific Driver

VSE Virtual Storage Extended (IBM)

VSEA Visual Studio Enterprise Architect [edition] (MS, XML)

VSED Visual Studio Enterprise Developer [edition] (MS, XML)

VSEESA Virtual Storage Extended/Enterprise Systems Architecture, "VSE/ESA"

VSESP Virtual Storage Extended/System Product (IBM), "VSE/SP"

VSGA Virtual Shared Graphics Acceleration (VMware, vDGA), "vSGA"

VSI Verband der SoftwareIndustrie deutschlands [e.v.] (Org.)

VSI Virtual Socket Interface alliance (Org., ASIC, RL)

VSIX Visual Studio Integration eXtension (MS)

VSM VideoSwitch Multiplexer

VSM Virtual Storage Management

VSN Volume Serial Number (BS2000)

VSO Variable Speed Operation (VXA, Streamer)

VSP Virtual Single Processor

VSR Virtual Super Resolution (AMD)

VSR Voice Storage and Retrieval

VSS Visual Source Safe (VB, MS)

VSS Voice Storage System

VSS Volume Shadow copy Service (MS, Windows)

VST VermittlungsSTelle (DTAG), "VSt"

VST Virtual Studio Technology (Steinberg, Audio)

VSTF Volunteer Spam Task Force (Wikia, CVN)

VSTI Virtual Studio Technology Instrument (VST), "VSTi"

VSTO Visual Studio TOols for the microsoft office system (MS)

VSTS Visual Studio Team Services (MS, TFS)

VSTS Visual Studio Team System (MS)

VSU Vertex/Scalability Unit (3Dlabs)

VSU Video Service Unit

VT Vanderpool Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

VT Virtual Terminal (DEC)

VT100 Virtual Terminal 100 (DEC), "VT-100"

VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, SNA)

VTAME Virtual Telecommunications Access Method Entry (VTAM)

VTD Virtual Tape Device

VTFET Vertical-Transport [Nanosheet] Field Effect Transistor

VTI Virtual Terminal Interface

VTK Visualization ToolKit

VTKE Verbund der TeleKommunikations-Endgerätehersteller (Org.)

VTL Velocity Template Language (Apache, Java)

VTL Virtual Tape Library

VTM Verband der Telekommunikationsnetz- und Mehrwertdiensteanbieter (Org.)

VTOC Volume Table of Contents

VTOS Virtual Technology Operating System (OS, Tandy, TRS-80)

VTP Virtual Terminal Protocol

VTS Video Teleconferencing System

VTS Virtual Terminal Service (OSI)

VTSAPI Voucher Trading System Application Programming Interface (API, RFC 4154) "VTS-API"

VU Virtual User

VUD Verband der Unterhaltungssoftwareindustrie Deutschlands (Org.)

VUDA VESA Unified Graphics Architecture (VESA)

VUE Visual User Environment (HP)

VUI Virtual User Interface (AMS, UI)

VUMA VESA Unified Memory Architecture (VESA)

VUMASBE VESA Unified Memory Architecture - System BIOS Extension (VESA), "VUMA-SBE"

VUP VAX Units of Performance (VAX, DEC), "VUPs"

VUP Version UPgrade (MS)

VV Virtuelle Verbindung

VVC Versatile Video Codec (MPEG)

VVIDD VESA Video Interface for Digital Displays (VESA, LCD)

VXAO VoXel Ambient Occlusion (Nvidia)

W2K Windows 2000 (Windows, MS)

W3C World Wide Web Consortium (WWW, Org.)

WABI Windows Application Binary Interface (MS, Windows)

WACUP WinAmp Community Update Project (Audio)

WAFL Write Anywhere File Layout (Netapp)

WAFS Wide Area File Services

WAG Wild-Assed Guess (Slang, Cygwin)

WAI Web Accessibility Initiative (WWW, W3C, WAI)

WAI Web Application Interface (WWW, Netscape)

WAIK Windows Automated Installation Kit (MS, Windows, Vista)

WAIS Wide Area Information Service (Internet)

WAITS Westcoast Alternative to ITS

WAM Warren Abstract Machine (PROLOG)

WAM Web Application Manager (MS, Windows)

WAM Wikia Activity Monitor

WAM Windows Animation Manager (MS, Windows)

WAMIS Wireless, Adaptive and Mobile Information Systems (ESTO)

WAMP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Windows, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

WAMPP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP and PERL (Windows, Apache, DB, SQL, PHP, PERL)

WAN Wide Area Network

WAND Wide Area Network Distribution (WAN)

WAP Wireless Application Protocol (Mobile-Systems, WLAN)

WAP Wissenschaftliche ArbeitsPlatzrechner

WAPP Windows, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Windows, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

WAR Web Application aRchive (Java)

WAR Write-After-Read (WAW, RAW)

WARP Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (MS, Windows)

WAS Websphere Application Server (IBM, WBISF)

WASC Web Application Security Consortium (Org., WWW)

WASN Wide Area Sensor Network

WASP Web stAndardS Project (WWW, W3C)

WAT West Africa Time [-0100] (TZ)

WATS Wide Area Telephone Service

WAW Write-After-Write (WAR, RAW)

WB WorkBench (Amiga, Commodore)

WBC Web Based Collaboration (WWW)

WBC Wide Band Channel (FDDI)

WBEM Web Based Enterprise Management [protocol] (DMTF, CIM, XML, HTTP, BMC, Cisco, Compaq, Intel, MS)

WBF Windows Biometric Framework (MS, Windows)

WBI Web Browser Intelligence (WWW, IBM)

WBISF Websphere Business Integration Server Foundation (IBM, BPEL)

WBS WissensBasierte Systeme (KI)

WC WildCard multicast route entry (PIM, Multicast)

WC Word Count (Unix)

WC Write Cache (SCSI, HDD)

WCA Wikimedia Chapters Association (Org.)

WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WAI, W3C)

WCB Write Combining Buffer (CPU)

WCCE World Conference on Computers in Education (IFIP, Conference)

WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems)

WCDMAFDD Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access - Frequency Division Duplex (UMTS, Mobile-Systems), "WCDMA-FDD"

WCDMATDD Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access - Time Division Duplex (UMTS, Mobile-Systems), "WCDMA-TDD"

WCF Windows Communication Foundation (MS, Windows)

WCGA World Computer Graphics Association (Org.)

WCIT World Conference on International Telecommunication (ITU)

WCMS Web Content Management Software / System (CMS)

WCS Windows Color System (MS, Windows)

WCS Writable Control Store (VAX, DEC)

WCST Webcam Child Sex Tourism

WCTS Without Consulting The Source (Slang, Cygwin)

WD Western Digital [corporation] (Hersteller)

WD Working Draft

WDG Web Design Group (WWW, Org.)

WDK Word Developers Kit (MS)

WDL Windows Driver Library (MS, Windows)

WDL World Definition Language

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing [protocol]

WDM Windows / Win32 Driver Model (MS, Windows)

WDMCSA Windows Driver Model Connection and Streaming Architecture (MS, Windows, WDM)

WDP WatchDog Process

WDRP Whois Data Reminder Policy (ICANN)

WDS WatchDog Server

WDS Windows Deployment Service (MS, Windows)

WDS Wireless Distribution System (WLAN)

WDS Wireless Domain Service (Cisco, WLAN)

WDT Watch Dog Timer

WDT Western [European] Daylight Time [+0100] (TZ, WET)

WEBDAV Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WWW, HTTP, RFC 2518) "webDAV"

WEBRC Wave and Equation Based Rate Control

WEBRTC WEB Real Time Communication (WWW, W3C), "WebRTC"

WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (Org., WLAN, LAN)

WEEB Western Europe EDIFACT Board (Org., EDIFACT), "WE/EB"

WEEE Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Europa)

WEFT Web Embedding Font Tool (MS, WWW)

WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Net (Netzwerk)

WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy (WLAN)

WESA World ESports Association (Org.)

WESTNET WESTern regional NETwork (Netzwerk, USA) "Westnet"

WET Western European Time [+0000] (TZ, WDT)

WF [Windows] Workflow Foundation (MS, Windows)

WFA WiFi Alliance (Org., WiFi)

WFC Wait for Caller (BBS)

WFC Windows Foundation Classes (MS, Java, API)

WFM Wired For Management (Intel, IBM, BIOS), "WfM"

WFM Works For Me (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

WFMC WorkFlow Management Coalition (Org.) "WfMC"

WFP Windows Filtering Platform (MS, Windows)

WFQ Weighted Fair Queueing (VoIP)

WFS Web Feature Service (OGC)

WFW Windows For Workgroups (MS), "WfW"

WG Working Group (SC, ISO, IEC, ETSI)

WGA Windows Genuine Advantage [program] (MS, Windows)

WHAT Web Hypertext Applications Technology [working group] (WWW, Org.)

WHATWG Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WWW, Org.)

WHCA White House Communications Agency (DISA)

WHDI Wireless Home Digital Interface (Org.)

WHEA Windows Hardware Error Architecture (MS, Windows)

WHIIG Windows Hardware Instrumentation Implementation Guidelines (MS, Windows)

WHOLIS World Health Organization Library Information System (Org., UNO)

WHOSIS World Health Organization Statistical Information System (Org., UNO)

WHQL Windows Hardware Quality Lab (MS, Windows, PC97)

WHSXGA Wide Hex Super XGA [6400x4096] (XGA)

WHUXGA Wide Hex Ultra XGA [7680x4800] (XGA)

WHXGA Wide Hex XGA [5120x3200] (XGA)

WHYLINE Workspace for Helping You Link Instructions to Numbers and Events (EUSES)

WIA Windows Image Acquisition (MS, Windows, API, DDI)

WIA Windows Imaging Architecture (MS, Windows, Vista)

WIC Windows Imaging Component (MS, Windows)

WICG Web platform Incubator Community Group (Org., W3C)

WIDD Web InformationsDienst Deutschland (WWW, Neuss)

WIDI WIreless DIsplay (Intel), "WiDi"

WIF Web Interface Facility (WWW, MVS, OS/390)

WIFI WIreless FIdelity [alliance] (WLAN), "Wi-Fi"

WIFI WIreless FIdelity [certificate] (WECA, WLAN), "WiFi"

WIIS Windows Internet Information Server (MS, Windows, Internet)

WIKINGER WIKI Next Generation Enhancement Repository

WIM Wireless Identity Module (WAP, Verschlüsselung)

WIMA [windows] Webserver - IIS - MSDE - ASP.Net (MS, IIS, MSDE, ASP)

WIMAN WIreless Metropolitan Area Network (MAN, W-LAN)

WIMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave ACCess (IEEE 802.16)

WIMP Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device

WIN WIssenschaftsNetz (Netzwerk, DFN)

WINHEC WINdows Hardware Engineering Conference (MS, Windows, Conference), "WinHEC"

WINLAB Wireless Information Network LABoratory (Org., STC, USA)

WINNIE Water Initiated Numerical Number Integrating Engine

WINRE WINdows Recovery Environment (MS, Windows), "Win RE"

WINS Windows Internet Naming Service (MS, Windows, NT)

WIP Windows Information Protection (MS, Windows)

WIP Work In Progress (Slang)

WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization (Org.)

WIPS Web Interactions Per Second (TPC)

WIPSB Web Interactions Per Second Browsing (TPC, WIPS), "WIPSb"

WIPSO Web Interactions Per Second Ordering (TPC, WIPS), "WIPSo"

WISA Wireless Speaker and Audio Association (Org.)

WISC Wisconsin Integrally Synchronized Computer

WISE World-wide Information System for r&d Efforts (WWW, IGD)

WISH Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling (W-LAN)

WISIA Wissenschaftliches InformationsSystem für den Internationalen Artenschutz (WWW)

WISPR Wireless ??? ISP Roaming (WLAN, ISP, Org., WECA), "WISPr"

WITCH Wolverhampton Instrument for Teaching Computation from Harwell

WITT Workstation Interactive Test Tool (IBM)

WIX Windows Installer XML (MS, Windows, XML), "WiX"

WIZOP WIzard sysOP, "WizOp"

WKS Well Known Services (DNS, Internet)

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network (LAN, WLAN, IEEE)

WLANA Wireless Local Area Network Alliance (Org., WLAN, LAN)

WLBS Windows Load Balancing Service (MS, Windows, NT)

WLC Workload License Charge (IBM, PSLC)

WLCG Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (CERN)

WLCSP Wafer-Level ChipScale Packaging

WLIF Wireless LAN Interoperability Forum (Org., WLAN, LAN)

WLL Wireless Local Loop

WLM WorkLoad Manager (IBM, HP-UX)

WLO Windows Libraries for OS/2 (MS, IBM, API, OS/2, Windows)

WLO Windows Library Objects

WLOG Without Loss Of Generality

WLP Wafer Level Packaging

WLS White Line Skip (Fax)

WLSEC Wireless LAN SECurity [framework], WLSec

WMA Windows Media Audio [CODEC] (MS, Windows, Audio, CODEC)

WMA Wireless Messaging API (API, Java, J2ME, JSR-120)

WMAN Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WLAN, MAN)

WMC Windows Media Connect (MS, Windows, DRM)

WMCDC Wireless Mobile Communication Device Class (USB, MS, Windows, CDC)

WMF WikiMedia Foundation (Org.)

WMI Web Management Interface

WMI Windows Management Instrumentation / Interface (MS, Windows, WMI, CIM)

WML Wireless Markup Language (Mobile-Systems, WAP, XML)

WMM WiFi MultiMedia (WiFi, WLAN)

WMP Windows Media Player (Windows)

WMRM Windows Media Rights Manager (MS, Windows)

WMS Warehouse Management System (DB)

WMS Web Mapping Service (OGC)

WMS Workflow Management Systems

WMT Web Marketing Tools [magazine] (Italien, WWW)

WMT Web Marketing Tools [newsletter] (WWW)

WMV Windows Media Video [CODEC] (MS, Windows, Video, CODEC)

WMVHD Windows Media Video - High Definition (WMV, Windows), "WMV-HD"

WNIM Wide area Network Interface Module

WNM Wireless Network Management (CA, Unicenter)

WNPP Work-Needing and Prospective Packages (Linux, Debian)

WOF Windows Overlay Filter (MS, Windows)

WOF WithOut Fan (CPU)

WOFF Web Open Font Format (WWW)


WON World-O-Networking (BeOS)

WOPC Walking Optimal Power Calibration (BenQ, Philips, DVD)

WOR Windows On Raspberry, "WoR"

WORDIA WORD Internet Assistant (MS)

WORM Write Once Read Many (CD)

WOSA Windows Open System Architecture (MS)

WOSAXCEM WOSA eXtensions for Control, Engineering and Manufacturing (WOSA, MS)

WOSAXFS WOSA eXtensions for Financial Services (WOSA, MS), "WOSA X FS"

WOSAXRT WOSA eXtensions for Real-Time market data (WOSA, MS)

WOSC World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics (Org., Frankreich)

WOT Web Of Things (W3C), "WoT"

WOW Windows On Windows

WOW World Of Warcraft

WP Word Perfect

WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access (WEP, WLAN)

WPAD Web Proxy Auto Discovery (MS, Windows)

WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network

WPBT Windows Platform Binary Table (MS, Windows, BIOS, UEFI)

WPE Windows Protected Environment

WPF Windows Presentation Foundation (MS, Windows, XAML)

WPFE Windows Presentation Foundation / Everywhere (MS, Windows), "WPF/E"

WPS Wi-fi Protected Setup (W-LAN, Wi-Fi)

WPS Windows Printing System (MS, Windows)

WPS Wireless Portal Suite (WLAN)

WPS Word Processing Software

WPS WorkPlace Shell (OS/2, IBM, Shell)

WQE Work Queue Element (Infiniband, CA, QP)

WQHD Wide Quad HD [2560x1440] (HD)

WQL WMI Query Language (MS, Windows, WMI)

WQSXGA Wide Quad Super XGA [3200x2048] (XGA)

WQUXGA Wide Quad Ultra XGA [3840x2400] (XGA, QWUXGA)

WQVGA Wide Quarter VGA [432x240] (QVGA, VGA)

WQXGA Wide Quad XGA [2560x1600] (XGA)

WRAM Window Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, Samsung, Matrox)

WRB Web Request Broker (Oracle, WWW)

WRSF Web Service Resource Language (grid)

WRT Whitewater Resource Toolkit (Windows, TPW)

WRT With Respect To (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

WS [Red Hat Enterprise Linux] WorkStation (RedHat, Linux, RHEL)

WS Web Server (Corel)

WS4B Web Services for Browser (WWW)

WSA Wafer Supply Agreement (AMD)

WSAD Websphere Studio Application Developper (IBM, Java)

WSCM Web Services Component Model (OASIS, WWW)

WSDD Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WWW, XML)

WSDK Websphere Software Development Kit (IBM, Java)

WSDL Web Services Description Language (WWW, XML)

WSDP [Java] Web Services Developer Pack (WWW, XML, Java, Sun)

WSE Web Service Enhancements (MS, WWW)

WSEB Warp Server E-Business (IBM, OS/2), "WSeb"

WSF Work Station Feature (IBM)

WSF Work Station Function (IN)

WSFL Web Services Flow Language (WWW, IBM)

WSH Windows Scripting Host (MS, Windows, COM, WSH)

WSI Web Services Interoperability (Org., OASIS, WWW) "WS-I"

WSIA Web Services for Interactive Applications (OASIS, WWW)

WSIF Web Services Invocation Framework

WSIL Web Services Inspection Language (IBM, XML)

WSIS World Summit on the Information Society, http://www.wsis.org

WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux (MS, Windows, Linux)

WSM Wireless Site Management

WSP White SPace [character] (ABNF, RFC 2234)

WSP Wireless Session Protocol (WAP, Mobile-Systems)

WSP Workstation Security Package

WSRM Windows System Resource Manager (MS, Windows)

WSRP Web Services for Remote Portals (WSIA, WSXL, OASIS)

WSS Web Services Security (WWW)

WSS Windows Sharepoint Services (MS, Windows)

WSS Windows Sound System (Windows, Audio)

WSSD Windows Server Software-Defined (MS, Windows)

WSTK Web Service ToolKit (IBM, WWW)

WSTKMD Web Services Tool Kit for Mobile Devices (IBM, Java)

WSUS Windows Server Update Services (MS, Windows)

WSVGA Wide Super Video Graphics Adapter / Array (VGA)

WSVT Web Service Validation Tools (WTP)

WSXGA Wide Super eXtended Graphics Adapter / Array (XGA), "WSXGA+"

WSXL Web Services Experience Language (WWW)

WT Working Text (DSL-Forum, TR)

WTB Want To Buy (MMORPG, Slang)

WTC Windows Terminal Controller

WTF What / Where / Who / Why The Fuck (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

WTH What / Where / Who / Why The Hell (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

WTLS Wireless Transport Layer Security [protocol] (TLS, WAP)

WTP Web Tool Platform (Eclipse, Java, WWW)

WTP Wireless Transport Protocol (WAP, Mobile-Systems)

WTS Want To Sell (MMORPG, Slang)

WTS Web Transaction Security (WWW)

WTS Windows Terminal Server (MS, :NET)

WTT Want To Trade (MMORPG, Slang)

WTX Workstation Technology eXtended [format], http://www.wtx.org/

WUXGA Wide Ultra eXtended Graphics Adapter [1920x1200] (XGA)

WVGA Wide Video Graphics Array [800 x 480], [854 x 480], ...

WVNET West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing (Netzwerk, USA)

WVSO WiederVerwendbare SoftwareObjekte

WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network (WLAN, WAN, LTE)

WWCID World Wide Cartridge IDentifier (IBM, Streamer, WORM)

WWDC World Wide Developer Conference (Apple)

WWDM Wide Wave Division Multiplex

WWIMS Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring System (Mil.)

WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and Control System (Mil., Vorläufer, GCCS)

WWOLS World Wide On-Line System (Mil.)

WWW World Wide Waiting (Slang)

WWW World Wide Web (Internet)

WXGA Wide eXtended Graphics Adapter (XGA)

WYGIWYNTYH What You Get Is What You Never Thought You Had (Slang)

WYSBYGI What You See Before You Get It (DTP)

WYSIWIS What You See Is What I See

WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get (DTP)

X11 X window System version 11 (X-Windows)

XA eXtended Architecture (IBM, VM, ESA, VM/ESA, XC)

XAA Xfree86 Acceleration Architecture (X-Windows)

XACML eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (OASIS, XML)

XACT Xante's Accurate Calibration Technology (Xante), "X*ACT"

XADES XML ADvanced Electronic Signature (XML, ETSI, Verschlüsselung), "XAdES"

XAG XML Accessibility Guidelines (XML, W3C, WWW)

XAI eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (AI)

XAML XML Application Markup Language (XML, MS, Windows)

XAPIA X.400 API Association (Org., X.400, API)

XAVC eXtended Advanced Video Coding (Sony, Video)

XBEL XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XML, PSA)

XBL eXtensible Binding Language (Mozilla)

XBMC XBox Media Center [veraltet/old term]

XBMSP XBox Media Streaming Protocol (Xbox)

XBP XBase Parts (Xbase/2, OS/2, DB)

XBRL Extensible Business Reporting Language (XFRML, XML)

XC eXtended Configuration (IBM, ESA, VM)

XCBF XML Common Biometric Format (XML)

XCBL XML Common Business Library (XML) "xCBL"

XCCI X Common Client Interface (X-Windows), "X CCI"

XCEM eXtensions for Control, Engineering and Manufacturing (API, MS, Windows)

XCHS eXtended Cylinder Head Sectors (EIDE)


XCMS X Color Management System (X-Windows), "Xcms"

XCOFF eXtended Common Object File Format (Unix)

XCRL extensible Customer Relationships Language (OASIS, CIQ, CRML), "xCRL"

XCUTS X Commands and Utilities Test Suite (X/Open)

XD eXecute Disable (Intel)

XDM X Display Manager (X-Windows)

XDMCP X Display Manager Control Protocol (X-Windows)

XDP eXpress Data Path (BPF, Linux)

XDR eXternal Data Representation (ONC, RPCL, Sun, RFC 1832)

XDRRAM eXtreme Data Rate Random Access Memory (Rambus, RAM), "XDR-RAM"

XDS Xeros Data Systems (Hersteller, Xerox)

XDSL x Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, UDSL, VDSL), "xDSL"

XE eXtreme Edition (Intel, Pentium)

XEP XMPP Extension Protocols (XMPP)

XES Xerox Engineering Systems (Xerox)

XFA XML Forms Architecture (XML)

XFCB Extended File Control Block

XFDF XML Forms Data Format (XML)

XFE X Front End (X-Windows)

XFI eXtreme FIdelity (Audio, Creative), "X-Fi"

XFN X/open Federated Naming (X/Open)

XFR eXtended Frequency Range (CPU, AMD)

XFRML Extensible Financial Reporting Markup Language (XBRL)

XFS eXtended File System (SGI, Unix, Windows)

XG eXtended General MIDI (Yamaha, MIDI)

XGA eXtended Graphics Adapter [1024x768] (IBM, PS/2)

XGMML eXtensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language

XHTML eXtended HyperText Markup Language (HTML, WWW, XML)

XID [SNA] eXchange IDentifier (SNA)

XIE X Image Extension (X-Windows)

XINU XINU Is Not Unix (OS)

XIOS eXtended Input/Output System (Novell, Netware)

XIP eXecute In Place

XKMS XML Key Management Specification (XML, W3C)

XLFD X Logical Font Description (X-Windows)

XLIFF XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XML)

XLIFF XML Localization Interchange File Format (XML, OASIS)

XLINK eXtended Lokales InformatikNetz Karlsruhe (DFÜ, Netzwerk, ISP)

XLINK XML LINKing language (XML)

XMAPI eXtended Messaging Application Program Interface (API)

XMF eXtensible Music Format (MMA, MIDI)

XMI eXtended Memory Interconnect (DEC)

XMI XML Metadata Interchange [format] (XML, OMG)

XML eXtensible Markup Language (WWW, XML, W3C)

XMLSS XML Spreadsheet Scheme (XML, MS, Excel)

XMM eXtended Memory Manager (DOS, LIM)

XMMS X MultiMedia System (X-Windows)

XMP eXtensible Metadata Format

XMP X/open Management Protocol (X/Open, X-Windows)

XMPP eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)

XMS eXtended Memory Specification (DOS, LIM)

XMS eXtended Multiprocessor operating System (OS)

XN eXecution Node

XNS Xerox Network Services / Systems / Standard (Xerox, XNS)

XNSCP [PPP] XNS IDP Control Protocol (RFC 1764, Xerox, XNS, PPP, XNS, IDP)

XNSIDP Xerox Network Services - Internet Datagram Protocol (Xerox, Internet, XNS), "XNS-IDP"

XNSITP Xerox Network Services/Internet Transport Protocol (Xerox, XNS), "XNS/ITP"

XNTP eXperimental Network Time Protocol (NTP)


XOL XML based Ontology exchange Language (XML, WWW)

XON eXchange ON (MODEM)

XOT X.25 Over TCP (Cisco, X.25, TCP, RFC 1613)

XP [Windows] eXPerience (MS, Windows, OS)

XP eXtreme Programming

XPC X Performance Characterization [group] (GPC, X-Windows)

XPE XchangePoint Europe (ISP)

XPFE cross Platform Front End (Mozilla)

XPG X/open Portability Guide (X/Open, X-Windows)

XPGR3 X/open Portability Guide Release 3 (X/Open, X-Windows)

XPP eXtrem Processor Platform (MPP)

XPP X Printing Panel (X-Windows, CUPS, Drucker)

XPS eXPert System (AI, XPS)

XPS eXtended Parallel Server (DB, Informix)

XPS XML Paper Specification (MS, Windows, Vista)

XPSB X - Protocol Stream Benchmark (XPC, X-Windows)

XQL XML Query language (XML)

XRIP eXtended ??? Routing Information Protocol (Novell, Netware)

XRL X-Ray Lithography

XRML eXtensible Rights Markup Language (RMS, MS, NGSCB), "XrML"

XRN eXpandable Resilient Networking (3Com, LAN)

XRT eXtensions for Real-Time market data (API, MS, Windows)

XSD eXtra Space Design [monitor] (Philips)

XSD XML Schema Definition [language] (XML)

XSDT eXtended System Description Table (ACPI)

XSHM Cross-Site History Manipulation (WWW)

XSHM X Shared Memory (X-Windows)

XSL eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XML, XSL)

XSLFO XML Stylesheet Language - Formatting Objects (XML, XSL), "XSL-FO"

XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSL, XML)

XSMD eXtended Storage Module Driver interface

XSS Cross-Site Scripting (WWW)

XT eXtended Technology (IBM, PC)

XT eXtreme Tailoring (XP)

XTF eXtensible Tag Framework (Mozilla, XML)

XTI X/open Transport Interface (X/Open, X-Windows)

XTM XML Topic Map (XML, KM, XTM)

XTP eXpress Transport Protocol, http://www.ca.sandia.gov:80/xtp

XTP eXtreme Transactional Processing (MS)

XUI X-windows User Interface (UI, X-Windows)

XUIDL X-Unique-ID-Listing. (UIDL, POP3), "X-UIDL"

XUL XML-based User interface Language (XML, Netscape, Mozilla, AOL)

XUMA eXpertensystem UMweltgefährlichkeit von Altlasten (XPS)

XVBA X-Video Bitstream Acceleration (AMD, ATI), "XvBA"

XVT eXecutive Vector Table (BS2000)

Y2K [Year 2000] [problem] (Slang)

YAAS Yet Another Acronym Server (WWW)

YABA Yet Another Bloody Acronym (Slang)

YACC Yet Another Compiler Compiler (Unix)

YACY Yet Another CYberspace (P2P), "YaCy"

YADE Yet Another DSSSL Engine (DSSSL)

YAFFS Yet Another Flash File System (FS, Flash)

YAFIYGI You asked for it, you got it (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

YAGNI Youn Ain't Gonna Need It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle (WWW)

YAML Yet Another Multicolumn Layout (HTML, XHTML, CSS)

YAPC Yet Another PERL Conference (PERL)

YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator (Hadoop)

YASOS Yet Another Scheme Object System

YAST Yet Another Setup Tool (Linux, SUSE), "YaST"

YAUN Yet Another Unix Nerd

YAY Yet Another YACC (YACC, Bull)

YCPS Yale Center for Parallel Supercomputing (Org., USA, HPC)

YGWYPF You Get What You Pay For (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YHTWFWYWTS You Have To Wait For What You Want To See (Slang, WYSIWYG)

YLOD Yellow Light Of Death (Sony, Playstation)

YMMD You Made My Day (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YMMV Your Mileage May Vary (Slang)

YOU YAST Online Update (YAST, Linux, SuSE)

YOYO You're On Your Own (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YSM Yourdon Structured Method

YST Yukon Standard Time [-0900] (TZ)

ZAAP Z[series] Application Assist Processor (IBM, zSeries), "zAAP"

ZAK Zero Administration Kit (ZAW, MS, Windows, NT)

ZAP ZFS Attribute Processor (ZFS)

ZAPP Zero Assignment Parallel Processor

ZAW Zero Administration initiative for Windows (MS, Windows, NT)

ZBR Zone Bit Recording (BIT)

ZC Zone Co-ordinator (FidoNet)

ZCAV Zone Constant Angular Velocity

ZCLV Zoned Constant Linear Velocity (DVD, DVD-RAM)

ZCR Zero Channel RAID (RAID)

ZCV Zortech Class Viewer (Zortech)

ZDPMS Zero Delay Power Monitoring System (Enermax)

ZDS Zenith Data Systems (Hersteller)

ZDVA Zentrale DatenVerarbeitungsAnlage [des bundes]

ZE Zentraleinheit (CPU)

ZEAS ZEntrales AbsatzanalyseSystem (MBAG)

ZEBES Zentrales teile-BEstandsSteuerungssystem (MBAG)

ZEDAT ZentralEinrichtung DATenverarbeitung (FUB, Org)

ZEDIS ZEntrales teile-DispositionsSystem (MBAG)

ZEO ZOPE Enterprise Objects (ZOPE)

ZEPRAS ZEntrales PReisabwicklungs- und AnalyseSystem (MBAG)

ZESOD ZEntrale teileSOrtimentDatei (MBAG)

ZEVIS ZEntrales VerkehrsInformationsSystem (Kraftfahrzeugbundesamt)

ZFOD Zero-Filled On Demand

ZFS Zettabyte File System [veraltet/old term] (Sun, Solaris)

ZGDV Zentrum für Grafische DatenVerabeitung (Org., Darmstadt)

ZIAM Zentrum für Industrielle Anwendungen Massiver parallelität [gmbh] (Org.)

ZIB [konrad-zuse] Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (Org.)

ZIF Zero Insertion Force [socket] (IC)

ZIIP [system] Z9 Integrated Information Processor (IBM, zSeries), "zIIP"

ZIL ZFS Intent Log (ZFS)

ZIL Zork Implementation Language (Infocom)

ZILOG Z (the last word of) Integrated LOGic

ZIP Zigzag Inline Package (VRAM)

ZIP Zone Information Protocol (AppleTalk)

ZIS ZollInformationsSystem (Deutschland)

ZISC Zero Instruction Set Computer (CPU)

ZIT interdisziplinäres forschungsZentrum für Informatik und Technik (Org., Uni Paderborn)

ZITIS Zentrale stelle für InformationsTechnik Im Sicherheitsbereich (Org.) ZITiS

ZKA Zentraler Kreditausschuß (Banking, Org., Deutschland)

ZKDSG ZugangsKontrollDiensteSchutzGesetz (Deutschland, DFÜ)

ZKI Zentralinstitut für Kybernetik und Informationsprozesse (DDR)

ZMD Zenworks [Linux] Management DAEMON (Novell, Linux, DEAMON)

ZMH Zone Mail Hour (FidoNet)

ZMI ZOPE Management Interface (ZOPE)

ZMT Zentrum für Multimediale Telekommunikation (BERKOM)

ZOC Zap-O-Comm (OS/2, DFÜ)


ZOL ZFS On Linux (Linux, ZFS)

ZOPE Z Object Publishing Environment (ZOPE)

ZOS Z/Operating System (IBM, Java, OS), "z/OS"


ZPL Zope Public License

ZPR Zentrum für Paralleles Rechnen (Org., Uni Köln)

ZPR Zero Power Resistance

ZPT ZOPE Page Templates (ZOPE)

ZRE Zero Rate Error

ZRTP Zimmerman's Real-time Transport Protocol (TTP)

ZRZ Zentrales RechenZentrum (Org., TUB)

ZSI Zentralstelle für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik [veraltet/old term] (Org., Deutschland, BSI, Vorläufer)

ZSK Zone Signing Key (KSK)

ZSL Zero Slot LAN (LAN)

ZTNA Zero Trust Network Access (SDN, SDP)

ZV Zoomed Video (Video)

ZVM Z/Virtual Machine (IBM, VM), "z/VM"


ZVT ZahlungsVerkehrsTerminal


ZZF Zentralamt zur Zulassung von Fernmeldeeinrichtungen (Org., DTAG, Vorläufer, BZT)

ZZK ZentralZeichengabeKanal (ISDN)

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