V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was Assembler
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These are the results of your search:

AF Auxiliary carry Flag (Assembler)

AVATAR Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator (BBS)

BES Block Ended by Symbol (IBM, Assembler)

BP Base Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

BSS Block Started by Symbol (IBM, Assembler, Unix)

CF Carry Flag (Assembler)

CLI CLear Interrupt (Assembler)

CMC Complement Carry Flag (Assembler)

CS Code Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

DF Direction Flag (Assembler)

DI Destination Index [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

DS Data Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

EIP Extended Instruction Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

ES Extra Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

IP Instruction Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

LDTR Load Descriptor Table Register (CPU, Intel, Assembler, IC)

MASM Microsoft ASseMbler (MS, Assembler)

OF Overflow Flag (Assembler)

PISW Process Interrupt Status Word (CPU, Assembler)

SAHF Store AH Into Flags (Assembler)

SAL Symbolic Assembly Language (Assembler)

SAP Symbolic Assembler Program (IBM, IBM 704)

SF Sign Flag (Assembler)

SI Source Index [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

SP Stack Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

SR Status Register (IC, Assembler)

SS Stack Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

STC SeT Carry [flag] (Assembler)

STD SeT Direction [flag] (Assembler)

STI SeT Interrupt [flag] (Assembler)

TASM Turbo ASseMbler (Borland, Assembler)

TF Trace Flag (Assembler)

TR Task Register (CPU, Intel, Assembler, IC)

A total of 33 terms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Wed April 24 03:07 2024]