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Request was Fuji
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These are the results of your search:

AIMSRCF Advanced Information Manager/Shared Resource Control Facility (Fujitsu), "AIM/SRCF"

ASMO Advanced Storage Magneto Optical [disk] (Hitachi, Maxell, Matsushita, Fujitsu, Olympus, Philips, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, LG Electronics)

ATOMM Advanced super Thinlayer and high-Output Metal Media (Fuji)

DAU Digital Annealing Unit (Fujitsu, ASIC)

DFP Digital Flat Panel [group / port] (LCD, Org., Compaq, Acer, Fujitsu, ATI, Matrox, Samsung, ...)

FEIT Fujitsu Enhanced Imaging Technology (Fujitsu)

FSC Fujitsu Siemens Computer (Hersteller)

HIFD HIgh capacity Floppy Disk (Sony, Fuji), "HiFD"

ICL International Computers Limited (Hersteller, UK, USA, Japan, Fujitsu)

LPAM Low Power Active Mode (Fujitsu)

MVA Multidomain Vertical Alignment [technology] (LCD, Fujitsu)

SR Sensitivity Range (Fuji, photo, CCD)

A total of 12 terms has been found.

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Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Thu April 25 13:10 2024]