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Request was Shell
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These are the results of your search:

ASH Almquist SHell (BSD, Unix, Shell), "ash"

BASH Bourne-Again SHell (Unix, Shell)

CSH C SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell)

FISH FIle transfer with a SHell, "FiSH"

GASH Group Admin SHell (Unix, Shell)

JESS Java Expert System Shell (Java, Shell)

KSH Korn SHell (Unix, Shell)

MSH Microsoft SHell (MS)

OOSH Object-Oriented SHell (OOP, Shell)

PDS Portable Display Shell (Shell)

PS PowerShell (MS, Windows)

RSH Remote SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell)

RSH Restricted SHell (Unix, Shell)

SCB Shell Control Box (Balabit)

SSH Secure SHell (Unix, Shell)

TCSH Trustedi C SHell (Unix, Shell)

WPS WorkPlace Shell (OS/2, IBM, Shell)

A total of 17 terms has been found.

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Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Sat April 27 06:09 2024]