V.E.R.A. Suchergebnisse

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ACM Abstract Control Model (USB, MS, Windows)

ACM Address Complete Message (ATM)

ACM Association for Computing Machinery (Org., USA)

ISSAC International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ACM, Conference)

JACM Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

OOPSLA [conference on] Object Orientated Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (ACM, OOP, Conference)

PIM Protocol Independent Multicast (ACM, Multicast)

PIMDM Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode [protocol] (PIM, ACM, Multicast), "PIM-DM"

PIMSM Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode [protocol] (RFC 2117/2362, PIM, ACM, SM, Multicast) "PIM-SM"

SIGART [ACM] Special Interest Group on ARTificial intelligence (Org., ACM, AI)

SIGCPR Special Interest Group on Computer Personal Research (Org., ACM)

SIGCSE Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (Org., ACM)

SIGDA Special Interest Group on Design Automation (Org., ACM)

TODS Transactions on Database Systems (ACM, DB)

TOMS Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM)

TOOIS Transactions on Office Information Systems (ACM)

TOPLAS Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (ACM)

Es wurden insgesamt 17 Akronyme gefunden.

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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Donnerstag, 25. April 2024 - 08:42]