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BAMP BSD, Apache, MySQL, PHP (BSD, Apache, PHP, DB)

CAMP Cygwin Apache MySQL PHP (Cygwin, Apache, SQL, PHP)

DTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS, SQL Server, DB)

ISDBC ISAM to SQL DataBase Connectivity (DB, ISAM, SQL)

ISQL Interactive Structured Query Language

LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Linux, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

LAMPP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP and PERL (Linux, Apache, DB, SQL, PHP, PERL)

LAPP Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Linux, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

MAMP Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Mac, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

MAPP Mac, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Mac, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

MSDE Microsoft SQL server Desktop Engine / Environment (MS, SQL)

MVCC MultiVersion Concurrency Control [system] (PostgeSQL, DB)

NAMP Netware, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Novell, Netware, Apache, PHP, DB)


OSQL Object-Structured Query Language (DB, SQL, OODBMS)

PSM Persistent Stored Modules (SQL)

SAG SQL Access Group (Org., Hersteller, DB)

SAL SQL windows Application Language (SQL, Gupta)

SEQUEL Structured English QUEry Language (IBM, DB, SQL, Vorläufer)

SQL Structured Query Language (ISO 9075, DB, 4GL)

SQLCLI SQL Call Level Interface (SAG, SQL), "SQL/CLI"

SQLDA Structured Query Language Descriptor Area (SQL)

SQLDMO SQL Distributed Management Objects (MS, SQL Server, OLE, DB)

SQLDS Structured Query Language/Data System (IBM, VMS), "SQL/DS"

SQLJ Structured Query Language - Java (SQL, Java, DB, ANSI, NCITS)

SQLMED Structured Query Language / Management of External Data (SQL, ISO, IEC), "SQL/MED"

SQLXML Structured Query Language / eXtensible Markup Language (SQL, XML, ISO, IEC), "SQL/XML"

SSMA SQL Server Migration Assistant (MS, SQL)

SSMS [Microsoft]] SQL Server Management Studio (MS)

WAMP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Windows, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

WAMPP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP and PERL (Windows, Apache, DB, SQL, PHP, PERL)

WAPP Windows, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Windows, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Donnerstag, 25. April 2024 - 09:58]