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Anfrage lautet Hersteller
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ACE Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller)

AIS Applied Information Sciences (Hersteller)

AIS Applied Information Systems (Hersteller)

AIT Angewandte InformationsTechnik [verlags gmbh] (Hersteller)

ALR Advanced Logic Research, inc (Hersteller)

AMD Advanced MicroDevices [inc.] (Hersteller)

AMI American Megatrends Incorporation (Hersteller)

APC American Power Conversion (Hersteller, UPS)

ARB Architecture Review Board (OpenGL, Hersteller, Org.)

ARM Advanced RISC Machines (Hersteller, Acorn, Apple, VLSI, RISC)

ASI Aquarius Systems International (Hersteller)

ASTRAL Alliance für Strategic Token Ring Advancement and Leadership (Hersteller)

AVM AudioVisuelles Marketing und computersysteme [gmbh] (Hersteller)

BBN Bolt, Beranek and Newman (Hersteller)

BDTI Berkeley Design Technology, Inc. (Hersteller) "BDTi"

BONDING Bandwidth ON Demand INteroperability Group (Org., Hersteller, AIM)

BSA Business Software Alliance (Org., Hersteller)

BSD Berkeley System / Software Distribution (Hersteller, Unix, OS)

BSDI Berkeley Software Design Incorporated (Hersteller)

BSI Bentley Systems, Incorporated (Hersteller)

CA Computer Associates (Hersteller)

CCL Cerberus Central Limited (Hersteller)

CDC Control Data Corporation (Hersteller)

CDT Cambridge Display Technology (Hersteller)

CMO Chi Mei Optoelectronic (Hersteller)

CRI Cray Research, Inc. (Hersteller)

CSPP Computer Systems Policy Project [group] (Org., USA. Hersteller)

CT Chips & Technologies (Hersteller) "C&T"

DEC Digital Equipment Corporation (Hersteller)

DPT Distributed Processing Technology (Hersteller)

DR Digital Research (Hersteller)

DVS Digital Video Systems (Hersteller)

ECD Energy Conversion Devices (Hersteller, OUM)

ECS Elitegroup Computer Systems (Hersteller, Taiwan)

EFI Electronics For Imaging (Hersteller)

EIS Electronic Information Systems (Hersteller)

EMC [Richard J.] Egan [Roger] Marino Company [unconfirmed] (EMC, Hersteller)

EOLAS Embedded Objects Linked Across Systems (Hersteller, USA)

ESP Easy Software Products (Hersteller, CUPS)

FIC First International Computer [inc.] (Hersteller)

FSC Fujitsu Siemens Computer (Hersteller)

GE General Electric (Hersteller, GE)

GEI Gesellschaft für Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung [mbh] (Hersteller, Aachen)

HDS Hitachi Data Systems (Hersteller)

HEA Hyundai Electronics of America (Hersteller)

HIS HerstellerInitiative Software (Org., Deutschland)

HP Hewlett Packard (Hersteller)

HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HP, Hersteller)

HST High Soft Tech (Hersteller, ISDN)

IBM International Business Machines (Hersteller, IBM)

ICL International Computers Limited (Hersteller, UK, USA, Japan, Fujitsu)

ICP Intelligent Computer Peripherals (Hersteller)

IDS Inter Data Systems [gmbh] (Hersteller)

IDT Integrated Device Technology (Hersteller)

IMFT Intel Micron Flash Technologies (Intel, Hersteller)

IMS Integrated Measurement Systems [inc] (Hersteller)

IMS International Meta Systems (Hersteller)

IRDA InfraRed Data Association (Org., Hersteller, IRDA) "IrDA"

ISS Internet Security Systems (Hersteller)

KSA Kalman Saffran Associates (Hersteller)

LIM Lotus - Intel - Microsoft (Hersteller)

MEI Matsushita Electronics Incorporated (Hersteller, Japan)

MKS Mortice Kern Systems (Hersteller)

MPIF Message Passing Interface Forum (Hersteller)

MS MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS)

MSI Micro-Star International (Hersteller, Taiwan)

MT Mannesmann Tally [gmbh] (Hersteller)

MTI MIPS Technologies Inc. (Hersteller, SGI)

NAI Netzwerk Arbeitswelt Informatik (Hersteller)

NCD Network Computing Devices (Hersteller)

NCR National Cash Registers (Hersteller, AT&T)

NEC Nippon Electronic Corporation (Hersteller)

NSC National SemiConductor (Hersteller)

NSS Network Storage Solutions (Hersteller)

ODC Optical Disc Corporation (Hersteller)

ODS Optical Data Systems [inc.] (Hersteller)

OPSEC Open Platform for Secure Enterprise Connectivity (Org., Hersteller, IDS)

PCPC Personal Computers Peripheral Corporation (Hersteller)

PCSI Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc. (Hersteller)

PDC PROLOG Development Center (Hersteller, Dänemark, PROLOG)

PKWARE Phil Katz softWARE (Hersteller)

PLS Personal Library Systems (Hersteller)

RAD Research And Development [data communications] (Hersteller)

RIPS Raster Image Processing Systems corporation (Hersteller)

RND RAD Network Devices (RAD, Hersteller)

RTG Real Time Geometry (Hersteller)

SAG SQL Access Group (Org., Hersteller, DB)

SAP SystemAnalyse und Programmentwicklung (Hersteller, Vorläufer)

SAP Systems, Applications and Products [in data processing] [ag] (Hersteller)

SCA Software Corporation of America (Hersteller, USA)

SCE Sony Computer Entertainment (Hersteller, Sony)

SCEA Sony Computer Entertainment America (Sony, Hersteller)

SCO Santa Cruz Operation (Hersteller, Unix)

SDL Software Development Laboratories (Hersteller, veraltet, Oracle)

SEA System Enhancement Associates (Hersteller)

SEL Standard Elektrik Lorenz [ag] (Hersteller)

SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated (Hersteller, SGI)

SI SPARC International (Org., Hersteller)

SIS Silicon Integrated Systems [corp.] (Hersteller, Taiwan)

SMC Standard Microsystems Corporation (Hersteller)

SMI Sun Microsystems Inc. (Hersteller)

SNI Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme [AG] (Hersteller)

SNK Shin Nihon Kikaku [veraltet/old term] (Hersteller, Japan)

SPAG [european] Standards Promotion and Application Group (Org., Hersteller, Europa)

SPI Software Products International (Hersteller)

TAIS Toshiba America Information Systems [inc] (Hersteller, USA, Toshiba)

TCPC The Clean Personal Computer group (Org., Hersteller, Grafikkarten)

TFE Thin Film Electronics (Hersteller, Norwegen, Schweden)

THATIC Tianjin Haiguang Advanced Technology Investment Corporation (Hersteller)

TI Texas Instruments (Hersteller)

TITN Traitement de l'Information-Techniques Nouvelles (Hersteller, Frankreich)

TMC Taiwan Mycomp Corporation (Hersteller)

TMC Thinking Machines Corporation (Hersteller)

TPC Transaction Processing Council (Org., Hersteller, DB)

TSANET Technical Support Alliance NETwork (Org., Hersteller, Lotus, Oracle, HP, ...) "TSANet"

TSMC Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (Hersteller, Taiwan)

TSST Toshiba Samsung Storage Technologies (Hersteller)

UDC Universal Display Corporation (Hersteller)

UHC United Hitech Corporation (Hersteller, Taiwan)

UI Unix International (Hersteller, Unix)

UMC United Microelectronics Corporation (Hersteller)

USR U.S. Robotics (Hersteller)

VDAFS Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller FlächenSchnittstelle (DIN, CIM)

VDASEDAS Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller / Standardisiertes Einheitliches DatenAustauschSystem (EDI), "VDA/SEDAS"

VGF 100VoiceGrade anylan Forum (Hersteller)

VTKE Verbund der TeleKommunikations-Endgerätehersteller (Org.)

WD Western Digital [corporation] (Hersteller)

XDS Xeros Data Systems (Hersteller, Xerox)

ZDS Zenith Data Systems (Hersteller)

ZILOG Z (the last word of) Integrated LOGic

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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Freitag, 26. April 2024 - 15:45]