V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was NT
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These are the results of your search:

AS Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT)

BDC Backup Domain Controller (MS, Windows, NT, PDC)

BNT Broadband Network Termination (B-ISDN), "B-NT"

BSP BetriebsSystemProzessor (Windows, NT, SMP)

DISNNT Defense Information Systems Network - Near Term (DISN, Mil., USA), "DISN-NT"

DPL Descriptor Privilege Level (OS/2, NT)

DSMN Directory Service Manager for Netware (MS, Windows, NT, FPNW)

ETG Enterprise Transaction Gateway (EDI, NT)

FPNW File and Print service for NetWare (MS, Windows, NT, DSMN)

GSNW Gateway Service for NetWare (MS, Windows, NT)

HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer (Windows, NT)

ICA Independent Computing Architecture (Cytrix, Windows, NT, ASP)

MCD Mini Client Driver (MS, Windows, NT)

MIDL Microsoft Interface Definition Language (NT)

MMC Microsoft Management Console (MS, Windows, NT, XP)

MMF Memory Mapped File (Windows 95, Windows, NT)

NDI Network Distributed ISDN [for windows NT] (AVM, ISDN, Windows, NT)

NT [Windows] New Technology (MS, OS, Windows)

NT Netzwerk Terminator, Network Terminator (ISDN)

NT Nome Time [-1100] (TZ)

NTAS NT Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT)

NTDS [Windows] NT Directory Services (MS, Windows, NT, DS)

NTLM [Windows] NT LAN Manager (MS, Windows, NT, LAN, SMB)

NTSE [Windows] NT Server / Enterprise edition (MS, Windows, NT), "NTS/E"

NWCS Netware Workstation Compatible Service (Netware, Windows, NT)

ODSI Open Directory Service Interfaces (MS, Windows, NT)

OU Organizational Unit (MS, Windows, NT, AD)

PDC Primary Domain Controller (MS, Windows, NT, BDC)


RDP Remote Display Protocol (MS, Windows, NT, ASP)

RRAS Routing and Remote Access Service (MS, Windows, NT)

SCM Service Control Manager (Windows, NT)

SP Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT, XP)

VDM Virtual DOS Machine (OS/2, Windows, NT, DOS)

WINS Windows Internet Naming Service (MS, Windows, NT)

WLBS Windows Load Balancing Service (MS, Windows, NT)

ZAK Zero Administration Kit (ZAW, MS, Windows, NT)

ZAW Zero Administration initiative for Windows (MS, Windows, NT)

A total of 38 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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