V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was DOS
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These are the results of your search:

AMSDOS AMStrad Disk Operating System (Amstrad, OS), "AMS-DOS"

BPB BIOS Parameter Block (BIOS, DOS, HDD, FDD)

CD Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2)

CDS Current Directory Structure (BIOS. DOS)

CHCP CHange Code Page (DOS)

CRLF Carriage Return - Line Feed (ASCII, DOS)

CVF Compressed Volume File (DOS)

DCC DOS Command Center

DIB DOS Info Block (BIOS, DOS)


DJGPP DJ's GNU Programming Platform (GNU, DOS, GPP)

DLS DOS LAN Services (IBM, LAN Server)

DOS Denial Of Service [attack], "DoS"

DOS Disk Operating System (OS, IBM, MS, ..., PC, Apple, RCA Spectra 70)

DOS15 Disk Operating System - 15 (OS, DEC, PDP 15), "DOS-15"

DOS360 Disk ??? Operating System / 360 (OS, IBM S/360), "DOS/360"

DOSVS Disk Operating System / Virtual Storage (OS, IBM S/370), "DOS/VS"

DOSVSE Disk ??? Operating System / Virtual Storage Extended (OS, IBM 43XX, DOS/VS, VSE), "DOS/VSE"

DPB Drive Parameter Block (DOS, BIOS, FDD, HDD)

DPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface (DOS, MS, Intel)

DPMS DOS Protected Mode Services (Novell, DOS)

DRDOS Digital Research Disk Operating System (DR, OS), "DR-DOS"

DTA Disk Transfer Area (DOS)

EMS Expanded Memory Specification (DOS, Intel)

FAPI Family Application Programmer Interface (DOS, VDM, API)

FAT File Allocation Table (DOS, FS)

FCB File Control Block (DOS)

FCBS File Control BlockS (DOS)

GWBASIC Graphics and Windows Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC, MS-DOS), "GW-Basic"

IFS Installable File System (OS/2, DOS)

JFT Job File Table (DOS)

MCB Memory Control Block (DOS, TPA)

MD Make Directory (DOS, OS/2)

MTD Memory Technology Driver (IBM, PC-DOS)

MZ Mark Zbikowski (MS-DOS, MCB)

NCD Norton Change Directory (DOS)

PCDOS Personal Computer DOS (OS, DOS, IBM, PC), "PC-DOS"

PCNOS Personal Computer / Network Operating System (OS, MS-DOS, CP/M), "PC/NOS"

PSP Program Segment Prefix (DOS)

QBASIC Quick Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC, DOS)

QDOS Quick and Dirty Operating System (OS, PC, MS-DOS, Vorläufer)

RCE Resident Command Extension (DOS)

RD Remove Directory (DOS, OS/2)

SCPDOS Seattle Computer Products Dis Operating System (OS, DOS, MS-DOS, Vorläufer), "SCP-DOS"

SDA Swappable Data Area (DOS)

SFT System File Table (DOS)

TPA Transient Program Area (DOS)

VCPI Virtual Control Program Interface (DOS, Intel)

VDM Virtual DOS Machine (OS/2, Windows, NT, DOS)

XMM eXtended Memory Manager (DOS, LIM)

XMS eXtended Memory Specification (DOS, LIM)

A total of 51 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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