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Request was Conference on] Computational Intelligence
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These are the results of your search:

ACSAC Annual Computer Security Applications Conference

ADL [international conference on the] Advances in Digital Libraries (IEEE)

AIRTC [international symposium on] Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control (IFAC, IFIP, IMACS, Conference)

CAPE Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (Conference, IFIP)

CCS [Conference on] Computer and Communications Security

CEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications administrations (Org., CCITT, Conference, Europa)

CFP Computers, Freedom & Privacy [conference]

CGDC Computer (???) Game Developers' Conference

CHES Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems [conference]

CIRAS (Conference on] Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems )

CISRAM Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems - Robotics, Automation & Mechatronics (IEEE, conference) "CIS-RAM"

CODASYSL Conference On DAta Systems Languages (Konferenz)

CSEIA [conference on] Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment (IFIP, Conference)

DCRC Digital Cellular Radio Conference (GSM, Conference, Mobile-Systems)

DEXA [conference on] Database and EXpert systems Applications

ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, AI, ECCAI, Europe)

ECAL European Conference on Artificail Life (Europe, AI)

ECHT European Conference on Hypermedia Technology (INRIA, Conference)

ECOC European Conference on Optical Communications (Konferenz)

ECOOP European Conference on Object Orientated Programming (OOP, Conference)

EDAC European Conference on Design Automation (IEEE-CS, Conference)

EDMCC European Distributed Memory Computing Conference (GI, ITG, IFIP, Conference)

ELC Embedded Linux Conference (Linux)

ELCE Embedded Linux Conference Europe (Linux)

EPIC European Public sector Information systems Conference

ESANN European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (Conference, NN)

ESEC European Software Engineering Conference (GI, BCS, AFCET, AICA, ÖGI, SI, Conference)

ETC European Test Conference (VDE, IEEE-CS, Conference)

FODO [international conference on] Foundations Of Data Organization and algorithms (Conference, INRIA)

FTSC Fidonet Technical Standard Conference (Konferenz)

GDC Game Developers Conference

GTC GPU Technology Conference (Nvidia, GPU)

GWAI German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, AI)

HCI Human Computer Interaction (BCS, Conference)

ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (EATCS, Conference)

ICARA International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents

ICC International Conference on Communications (Konferenz)

ICCAD International Conference on Computer Aided Design (IEEE, Conference)

ICCC International Conference on Computer Communication (Konferenz)

ICCD International Conference on Computer Design (IEEE, Conference)

ICCI International Conference on Computing and Information (Konferenz)

ICCIMA International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (AI, Conference)

ICDCS International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (INRIA, IEEE-CS)

ICIEA IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (IEEE)

ICMC International Computer Music Conference (Messe)

ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation

ICST International Conference on Sensing Technology

IDF Intel Developer Forum (Intel, Conference)

IEAAIE [international conference on] Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert systems (Conference, ISAI, ..., AI), "IEA/AIE"

IJCAI International Joint Committee / Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, Org., AI)

INDC [international conference on] Information Networks and Data Communication (IFIP, Conference)

INET International NETworking conference (Konferenz), "iNET"

INNC International Neural Network Conference (INNS, Conference, NN)

INSITS INternational Symposium on IT Standardization (Conference, IFIP, GI)

IPCR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (Conference, IAPR)

ISADS International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (IEEE-CS, Conference)

ISC International Supercomputer Conference

ISSAC International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ACM, Conference)

ISSCC International Solid State Circuits Conference (Konferenz)

ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (IEEE-CS, Conference)

IWT International Workshop on Telematics (Conference, IEEE-CS, SEE)

JAOO Java and Object Orientation [conference], http://www.jaoo.dk

JAX [Konferenz für] Java, Apache, XML (conference, Java, Apache, XML)

LPAR [conference on] Logic for Programming, Artificial intelligence and Reasoning (AI, conference)

LWE LinuxWorld Conference & Expo (Linux, Europa)

MAPEC Multimedia APplications in Education Conference, "MApEC"

MEC Microsoft Exchange Conference (MS)

MLIA [symposium on] Machine Learning in Information Access (AAAI, AI, conference)

MWC Mobile World Congress (Mobile Systems, conference)

NACLP North American Conference on Logic Programming (USA)

NCSL National Conference of Standards Laboratories (Org., USA)

NIPT [international symposium on] New Information Processing Technologies (Conference, MITI)

NTC National Telecommunications Conference (Conference, USA)

OOPSLA [conference on] Object Orientated Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (ACM, OOP, Conference)

ORAIS Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligent Systems (Conference, GI)

OSBC Open Source Business Conference

PARLE [conference on] Parallel ARchitecture and Languages Europe (ECRC, Conference)

PEG Platform European Grid [conference] (grid)

POSI Promoting conference for OSI (Japan, Org., Conference)

SCAI Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, FAIS, AI)

SLAC Secure Linux Administration Conference (Linux)

SNW Storage Networking World [conference]

TI Technical Interchange (Conference, IBM)

TIDSE Techniken für Interaktives Storytelling und Entertainment (Conference, ZGDV)

TOOL [conference on] Technology of Object-Orientated Languages and Systems (OOP, Conference)

TPC The PERL Conference (PERL)

TREC Text REtrieval Conference (Konferenz)

VRAI Virtual Reality Annual International [symposium] (IEEE, Conference)

WCCE World Conference on Computers in Education (IFIP, Conference)

WCIT World Conference on International Telecommunication (ITU)

WINHEC WINdows Hardware Engineering Conference (MS, Windows, Conference), "WinHEC"

WWDC World Wide Developer Conference (Apple)

YAPC Yet Another PERL Conference (PERL)

A total of 93 terms has been found.

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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