V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was *GI
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These are the results of your search:

AGI Asterisk Gateway Interface (VoIP)

ASIM Arbeitskreis Simulation und Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., GI)

BGI Borland Graphics Interface (Borland)

BIKOS BüroInformations- und KOmmunikationsSysteme (Org., GI)

CGI Common Gateway Interface (WWW)

CGI Computer Generated Imagery

CGI Computer Graphics Interface

CGI Computer Graphics International (Konferenz)

CXFS Clustered eXtended File System (SGI, RAID, XFS)

DIGI Deutsche InteressenGemeinschaft Internet [e.v.] (Org., ISP)

EDMCC European Distributed Memory Computing Conference (GI, ITG, IFIP, Conference)

EMISA EntwicklungsMethoden für InformationsSysteme und deren Anwendung (Org., GI)

ESEC European Software Engineering Conference (GI, BCS, AFCET, AICA, ÖGI, SI, Conference)

GGI General Graphics Interface

GI Gesellschaft für Informatik (Org.)

GPC Graphics Performance Characterization [committee] (Org., HP, IBM, DEC, SGI, Sun, ...)

GSDK Game Software Development Kit (Linux, GGI, OpenGL)

HDI HOOPS Device Interface (VAGI)

IBFI Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (Org., GI)

ICA Information Connection Architecture (SGI)

INSITS INternational Symposium on IT Standardization (Conference, IFIP, GI)

IVC Integrated Visual Computing [architecture] (SGI)

KCGI Kyocera ??? (Kyocera)

LCGI Local Common Graphics Interface (CGI, WWW)

MDT Mechanical DeskTop (SGI)

MGI Multi-Function Interpreter

MTI MIPS Technologies Inc. (Hersteller, SGI)

MUI Multimedia User Interface (SGI, UI)

NGI Nederlands Genootschap for Informatica (Org., Niederlande)

NPH Non Parse Headers (HTTPD, CGI)

NZUSUGI New Zealand Unix System User Group, Inc. (Org., Unix, User group)

ORAIS Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligent Systems (Conference, GI)

OSGI Open Services Gateway Initiative (Org., Motorola, Sun, DTAG, Siemens, Toshiba, ...) "OSGi"

PGI Parameter Group Identifier (SPDU)

PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP/FI, HTML, CGI, Nachfolger)

PHPFI Personal Home Page [construction kit]/Form Interpreter (HTML, CGI, PHP, Vorläufer), "PHP/FI"

RATS Rough Auditing Tool for Security (WWW, CGI, PERL, PHP, ...)

RCGI Remote Common Gateway Interface (CGI, WWW, Novell)

SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated (Hersteller, SGI)

SSI Server Side Include [script] (HTTPD, CGI)

VAGI VESA Advanced Graphic Interface (VESA)

VGI Virtual Graphics Interface

VIS Verläßliche InformationsSysteme (GI)

WYSBYGI What You See Before You Get It (DTP)

XFS eXtended File System (SGI, Unix, Windows)

YAFIYGI You asked for it, you got it (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

A total of 46 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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