V.E.R.A. Search Results

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These are the results of your search:

ARM Acorn RISC Machines [veraltet/old term] (Acorn, RISC)

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency [veraltet/old term] (Org., USA, DARPA)

AVD Advanced Video Disk [veraltet/old term] (China, EVD)

DECT Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (veraltet)

DVD Digital Video Disk [veraltet/old term] (DVD)

DVI Digital Video Interactive [veraltet/old term] (LCD, Intel, IBM, Lotus, HP, Compaq, ...)

EFI Extensible Firmware Interface [veraltet/old term] (Intel, Itanium, MS)

EICTA European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association [veraltet/old term] (Org., Europa)

FPMPMI Flat Panel Monitor Physical Mounting Interface [standard] [veraltet/old term] (LCD, VESA, FDMI)

GIT GNU Interactive Tools [veraltet/old term] (GNU)

HBCI HomeBanking Computer Interface [veraltet/old term] (Internet, Banking, Deutschland, HBCI)

ICPS Informatique et Calcul Parallèle de Strasbourg [veraltet/old term] (Org., Frankreich, HPC)

IJIE International Journal of Information Ethics [veraltet/old term] (ICIE)

LCG LHC Computing Grid [veraltet/old term] (WLCG, CERN)

LLVM Low Level Virtual Machine [veraltet/old term] (GCC)

LUA Least-priviledged User Account [veraltet/old term] (MS, Windows, Vista, UAP)

NGPP Next Generation Print Path [veraltet/old term] (MS, Windows, Vista, XPS)

OPENIL OPEN Image Library [veraltet/old term] (DevIL), "OpenIL"

OWE Opportunistic Wireless Encryption [veraltet/old term] (IEEE)

PSK Pre-Shared Key [veraltet/old term] (Verschlüsselung, PSS, SAE)

SDL Software Development Laboratories (Hersteller, veraltet, Oracle)

SNK Shin Nihon Kikaku [veraltet/old term] (Hersteller, Japan)

SPF Sender Permitted From [veraltet/old term] (SPAM)

TDP Thermal Design Power [veraltet/old term] (CPU, ACP, SDP)

XBMC XBox Media Center [veraltet/old term]

ZFS Zettabyte File System [veraltet/old term] (Sun, Solaris)

ZSI Zentralstelle für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik [veraltet/old term] (Org., Deutschland, BSI, Vorläufer)

A total of 27 terms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Sat April 27 21:19 2024]