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ACCU Association of C and C++ Users (Org., UK)

ADSA Advanced Driver Software Architecture (C-Media, audio)

AMIC Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration (USA, Org.), "AMI-C"

C&C Command & Control [server]

CASH Computer Aided Service Handling (Ashton-Tate), "C.A.S.H."

CBSR Candidate BootStrap Router (PIM, BSR, Multicast), "C-BSR"

CCS Communications-Computer Systems, "C-CS"

CCV C-bit Coding Violation [error event] (DS3/E3, BIT)

CE Communications-Electronics, "C-E"

CEPAC CMOS-Ein-Platinen-Allzweck-Computer (IC, CMOS, C'T)

CES C-bit Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT)

CG C for Graphics (Nvidia, MS), "Cg"

CHSM C Hardware Specific Module (NEST, MLID, Novell)

CMTC Critical Machine-Type Communication (MTC, 3GPP), "C-MTC"

CPIC Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM, SAA, API), "CPI/C"

CPR CPU Parameter Recall (Asus), "C.P.R."

CRET Color - Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "C-REt"

CRP Candidate Rendezvous Point (PIM, RP, Multicast), "C-RP"

CRS CMOS Reload Switch (CMOS, Gigabyte), "C.R.S."

CS Client/Server, "C/S"

CSES C-bit Severely Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT)

CSH C SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell)

CSMS C Specific Media Support (NEST, MLID, Novell)

CT Chips & Technologies (Hersteller) "C&T"

CTSM C Topology Specific Module (NEST, MLID, Novell)

DB2CS DataBase 2 Client/Server (IBM, DB2, DB), "DB2 C/S"

DCCA Distributed Component Computing Architecture (Star, C/S)


DVBC Digital Video Broadcasting - Cable (DVB), "DVB-C"

ECTEG European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (Org., Europa) "E.C.T.E.G."

EPAC Ein-Platinen-Allzweck-Computer (IC, C'T)

F2C FORTRAN to C [converter]

GCC GNU C Compiler / GNU Compiler Collection (GNU)

GPP GNU [C] Plus Plus [compiler] (GNU)

IMC Information Management and Communication (Org., UK, Liverpool Hope University), "IM&C"

IOCCC International Obfuscated C Code Contest

ISAPI Internet Server Application Programmer's Interface (MS, C/S, WWW, API)

ISPC Internet Service Providers' Consortium (ISP, IPP, Org.) "ISP/C"

LINQ Language INtegrated Query (MS, VB, C#)

LOPEC Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention, "LOPE-C", http://www.lope-c.com/

MACS MODEM Access Control System (MODEM, DES, Verschlüsselung), "M.A.C.S."

MSC MicroSoft C

MSVC MicroSoft Visual C++ (MS)

NFC Normalization Form C (ompostion)

NSAPI Netscape Server Application Programmer's Interface (Netscape, WWW, C/S, API)

PCC Portable C Compiler

TCPCI Type C Port Controller Interface (USB), "TCPCi"

TCSH Trustedi C SHell (Unix, Shell)

TINAC TINA Consortium (Org., IN, TINA), "TINA-C"

TPCC TPC benchmark C (TPC), "TPC-C"

UNCLE Unix Net for Computer security in Law Enforcement (Org., USA, Unix) "U.N.C.L.E."

VAC Visual Age C++ (IBM)

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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Donnerstag, 25. April 2024 - 22:47]