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10GE 10 GigaBIT Ethernet (Ethernet, BIT)

A4C Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, Auditing and Charging

AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting [= Triple A]

AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science (Org., USA)

AAL Authentication Assurance Level (CC)

ACH Association for Computers and the Humanities (Org., USA)

ADL [international conference on the] Advances in Digital Libraries (IEEE)

AE Authenticated Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

AEAD Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (Verschlüsselung)

AEM Automatic Emulation Management (Brother)

AERO Authentic, Energetic, Reflective, Open (MS, Windows, Vista, GUI)

AFDX Avionics Full DupleX switched ethernet system (Airbus, A380, Ethernet)

AFT Authenticated Firewall Traversal (IETF)

AH [IP] Authentication Header (IPSEC, IPV6, RFC 1826, VPN)

AIGLX Accelerated Indirect OpenGL extension for the X window system (GLX, X-Windows)

AIM Automatic Interface Management (Brother)

ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the WEB (WWW)

AMS American Mathematical Society (Org., USA)

ANT Another Neat Tool (Java)

ANTLR ANother Tool for Language Recognition, "Antlr"

AOCD Advice Of Charge, During the call

AOCE Advice Of Charge, at the End of the call

APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol (Internet, POP, RFC 1734)

APT Advanced Photoscale Technology (Brother)

ART Adaptive Resonance Theory (NN)

AS Authentication Service (DCE)

ASPEN Automatic System for Performance Evaluation of the Network

ATC Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master)

ATM At The Moment (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AUC AUthentication Center (GSM, Mobile-Systems), "AuC"

AUI Attachment Unit Interface (Ethernet)

BBA Big Brother Awards (DFÜ, Internet)

BOF Birds Of a Feather (Usenix)

BTC Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

BTDT Been There, Done That (Slang, Linux, Kernel)

BTW By The Way (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CADR Client Authenticated DNS Request (DNS, Internet)

CAIT Center for the Application of Information Technology (Org., USA)

CAM Content Addressable Memory (Ethernet, Switch, IC)

CAR Contents of the Address Register (IBM, ELISP, CDR)

CAT Common Authentication Technology (IETF, RFC 1511)

CBCMAC Cipher Block Chaining of Message Authentication Code (CBC, MAC, Verschlüsselung, WLAN), "CBC-MAC"

CDA Combined dynamic Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

CDC Cult of the Dead Cow (Org.) "cDc"

CDR Contents of the Decrement Register (IBM, ELISP, CAR)

CEE Converged Enhanced Ethernet

CELL CIP/Ethernet Library for Linux (Linux, Ethernet, CIP, PLC)

CHAP [PPP] Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (PPP, RFC 1334/1994)

COA Certificate of Authenticity (MS, Windows, XP)

COBWEB COntent-Based image retrieval on the WEB (WWW, ESPRIT)

COTS Commercial Off The Shelf (CC)

CSCSI Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence (Org., Kanada, AI)

CSIDS Central command/Southern command Integrated Data System (Mil., USA)

CSMACD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (IEEE 802.3, Ethernet, CSMA/CD), "CSMA/CD"

DAA Digest Access Authentication (HTTP, RFC 2617)

DAIDALOS Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimized personal Services (Europa)

DANE DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DNS, DNSSEC, Verschlüsselung)

DASS Distributed Authentication Security Service (RFC 1507)

DCE Data Center Ethernet

DDA Dynamic Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

DELNI Digital Ethernet Local Network Interconnect (Ethernet)

DELQA Digital Ethernet Lowpower Q-bus network Adapter (Ethernet)

DELUA Digital Ethernet Lowpower Unibus network Adapter (Ethernet)

DEMPR Digital Ethernet Multi-Port Repeater (Ethernet)

DEPCA Digital Ethernet Personal Computer-bus Adapter (Ethernet)

DEQNA Digital Ethernet Q-bus Network Adapter (Ethernet)

DEREP Digital Ethernet REPeater (Ethernet)

DESPR Digital Ethernet Single Port Repeater (Ethernet)

DESTA Digital Ethernet thin-wire STation Adapter (Ethernet)

DEUNA Digital Ethernet Unibus Network Adapter (Ethernet)

DIAMOND Development and Integration of Accurate Mathematical Operations in Numerical Data-processing (ESPRIT)

DIX DEC, Intel, Xerox (Ethernet, DEC, Intel, Xerox)

DMARC Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (SPF, DKIM, RFC 7489)

DMD Differential Mode Delay (Gigabit-, Ethernet)

DMV Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (Org.)

DPA Distributed Password Authentication

DTRT Do The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

DTS Digital Theatre Sound (Audio)

DTS Digital Thermal Sensor (Intel, IC, CPU)

DTSES Digital Theatre Sound - Extended Surround (Audio), "DTS-ES"

EA Escrowed Authenticator (Verschlüsselung, EES)

EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, Verschlüsselung, RADIUS, WPA)

EAPAKA Extensible Authentication Protocol method for 3rd generation Authentication and Key Management (EAP, RFC 4187) "EAP-AKA"

EAPMD5 Extensible Authentication Protocol - Message Digest 5 (EAP, Verschlüsselung), "EAP-MD5"

EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN (EAP, LAN, Verschlüsselung), "EAPoL"

EAPOW Extensible Authentication Protocol Over Wireless (EAP, WLAN, Verschlüsselung), "EAPoW"

EAPS Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching (LAN, MAN, RFC 3619)

EAPTTLS Extensible Authentication Protocol - Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP, Verschlüsselung), "EAP-TTLS"

EASEL Educator Access to Services in the Electronic Landscape (CORDIS)

EATCS European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (Org., Europa)

EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval [system] (DB, Internet)

EDLC Ethernet Data Link Control (Ethernet)

EEE Energy Efficient Ethernet (IEEE)

EFTPOS Electronic Funds Transfer at the Point-Of-Sale (EFT, Banking), "EFT-POS"

EGD Entropy Gathering Daemon (Unix, GNU, GnuPG)

EGD Ethernet Global Data

EIDAS Electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Service (Europa), "eIDAS"

ELAP Ethernet Link Access Protocol (LAP, Ethernet)

EMS European Mathematical Society (Org.)

ENS Ethereum Name Service

EON Enhanced Other Networks (RDS)

EP3 [the] Extensible PERL PreProcessor (PERL)

EPIA Embedded Platform Innovative Architecture [motherboard] (VIA)

EPIM Ethernet Port Interface Module (Ethernet)

EPN Electronic-highway Platform Netherlands (ISP, Niederlande)

EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network (DOCSIS, IEEE 802.3)

ERCIM European Research Consortium for Information and Mathematics (Org., GMD, INRIA, CWI, RAL, ..., Europa)

ESA Entertainment Software Association (Org., USA)

ESP Ethernet Serial Port (Ethernet)

EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine (VM)

FCOE Fibre Channel Over Ethernet, "FCoE"

FDE Full Duplex Ethernet (Ethernet)

FDES Full Duplex EtherSwitch (Kalpana)

FEMBMS Further Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (LTE, eMBMS), "FeMBMS"

FIMAS Financial Institution Message Authentication Standard (Banking, ANSI)

FLP Fast Link Pulse (Ethernet, LAN, NLP)

FMB Flexible MotherBoard [design]

FMSB Flip Mount Super Back-plate (Scythe), F.M.S.B.

FOMAU Fiber Optic MAU (Ethernet, MAU)

FOTA Firmware Over The Air

FTE [DCOM] For The Enterprise (DCOM, SAG)

FTTC Fiber To The Curb

FTTH Fibre To The Home (FTTN)

FTTLA Fiber To The Last Amplifier

FTTN Fibre To The Node (FTTH)

FUSSP Final Ultimate Solution to the SPAM Problem (SPAM)

GBE GigaBit-Ethernet (LAN), "GbE"

GDMO Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects (OSI)

GE GigaBIT Ethernet (Ethernet, BIT)

GEPON Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON, IEEE 802.3ah)

GINA Graphic Identification and Authentication

GLX openGL extension for the X window system (OpenGL, X-WIndows)

GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code (GCM)

GMD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (Org., St. Augustin)

GOMS Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection [theory]

GS Graphic Synthesizer (Sony, Playstation)

GTFO Get The Fuck Out (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GUS Guide to the Use of Standards (SPAG)

HAAPI Human Authentication Application Program Interface (API), "HA-API"

HEC HDMI Ethernet Channel (HDMI)

HECTOR HEterogeneous Computer TOgetheR (IBM, Uni Karlsruhe)

HERODE Handling the Electronic Representation of mixed text - image Office Documents based on ECMA standard 101 (ESPRIT, SNI, TITN, ECMA, ODA)

HMAC keyed-Hashing for Message AuthentiCation (Verschlüsselung, RFC 2104)

HTC Hardware Thermal Controller (AMD, IC, CPU)

HTPC Home Theater Personal Computer (PC)

IA Identification and Authentication, "I & A"

IAS Internet Authentication Server (MS, Windows)

IMACS International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Org.)

IMMD Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung (Org., Uni Erlangen)

IONL Internal Organization of the Network Layer (OSI)

IOTTMCO Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual Observer (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IOW In Other Words (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

ISCA International Society for Computers and their Applications (Org., AI)

ISP Image Synthesis Processor (IC, Graphik, TSP)

ISPO Information Society Project Office [of the european commission] (Org., Europa, ECHO)

ITW In The Wild [viruses]

JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service (Java, API)

JACM Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

JAPH Just Another PERL Hacker (PERL)

JOVIAL Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language

JSAN Joint Staff Automation of the Nineties (Mil.)

KSLNRC Knowledge Systems Laboratory of the National Research Council (Org., Canada, AI)

KUTGW Keep Up The Good Work (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LANCE LAN Controller for Ethernet (LAN)

LAPD Link Access Procedure on the D channel (X.21, ISDN, TA)

LEAP Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, EAP, Verschlüsselung, WLAN)

LISP Lots of Isolated Silly Parentheses (LISP, Slang)

LLE Low Latency Ethernet (DCE)

LOLITA Language for the On-Line Investigation and Transformation of Abstractions

LOM LAN On Motherboard (LAN)

LPX Low Profile eXtended [motherboard/form factor]

MAC Message Authentication Code (SSL, SRT, Verschlüsselung)

MAPS Multiple Airflow Pass-through Structure (Scythe), M.A.P.S.

MASS Message Authentication Signature Standards (MTA, SPAM, WG)

MDA Medicated Digest Authentication (HTTP)

MDI Medium Dependent Interface (Ethernet)

MFA Multi Factor Authentication

MITM Man In The Middle [[attack]]

MOLO Mobile Other Licensed Operator (Mobile-Systems, MVNO)

MONALISA MOdelling NAturaL Images for Synthesis and Animation, "MONA LISA"

MOTSS More Of The Sameold Sameold (Usenet)

MPSX Mathematical Programming System eXtended (IBM)

MQA Master Quality Authenticated (Audio)

MRC MOSIX Research the Clouds (MOSIX)

MROMB Modular RAID On MotherBoard (Intel, RAID, ZCR), "MRO MB"

MSCHAP MicroSoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS), "MS-CHAP"

MSFTEU Maximum Surprise For The End User (Slang, Cygwin)

NFM No Further Message (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NLP Normal Link Pulse (Ethernet, LAN)

NLUUG NetherLand Unix User Group (Org., User group)

NMAS Novell Modular Authentication Services (Novell, Netware)

NOOBS New Out Of the Box Software

NOTA None Of The Above (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NPAC Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (Org., USA, HPC)

NTSC Never The Same Color (Slang)

NWP Numeric Weather Modelling

OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (Org.)

OBI Open Buying on the Internet (Internet, WWW)

OBTWIAVBP OBligatory The World Is A Very Big Place (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC), "ObTWIAVBP"

OCC Other Common Carrier

OFTA OFfice of the Telecommunications Authority (Org., Hongkong)

OOF Office of The Future (OA)

OOTB Out Of The Box (Slang, Cygwin)

OTA Over-The-Air [update]

OTES Outside Thermal Exhaust System (Abit)

OTG [USB] On-The-Go (USB)

OTOH On The Other Hand (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

OTR Off-The-Record (XMPP)

PAC Pointer Authentication Code (ARM)

PACE Priority Access Control Enabled (3Com, Ethernet)

PAGP Port AGgregation Protocol (Cisco, EtherChannel), "PAgP"

PAKE Password Authenticated Key Exchange (Verschlüsselung)

PAM Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA)

PAP Password Authentication Protocol (RFC 1334)

PEA Pocket Ethernet Adapter (LAN, Ethernet)

PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP, WPA, WLAN)

PITA Pain In The Anatomy / Ass (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

PMX Presentation Manager for the X window system, "PM/X"

POE Power Over Ethernet (LAN), "PoE"

PPPOE Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet [protocol] (ADSL, RFC 2516, PPP, Ethernet) "PPPoE"

PPPOED Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet DAEMON (PPPoE), "PPPoED"

PSE Port Switched Ethernet (Bytex, VLAN, Ethernet)

PVITL Program-Variation-In-The-Large (SCM)

PVITS Program-Variation-In-The-Small (SCM)

QCDP Quality Color Dithering Modus

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RFC 2865)

RAL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Org., UK)

REACH Research and Educational Applications of Computers in the Humanities

RMS Richard Matthew Stallman (FSF, EMACS)

ROCA Return Of the Coppersmith Attack (RSA, TPM)

ROCE RDMA Over Coverged Ethernet, "RoCE"

ROHS Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronical equipment (Europa), "RoHS"

ROMB RAID On MotherBoard (RAID)

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLBTC Rolling On The Floor Laughing and Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

RPA Remote Phrase Authentication

RTA Rapid Thermal Annealling (IC, MOSFET)

RTFF Read The Fucking FAQ (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

RTFM Read The Flaming / Fucking Manual (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SAE Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (Verschlüsselung, PSK)

SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer

SDA Static Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

SEE Safenet Ethernet Encryptor (Verschlüsselung)

SEM Standard Error of the Mean

SETL SEt Theory Language (New York Uni.), "SetL"

SFD Start Frame Delimiter (Ethernet)

SHV Standard High Volume [motherboard] (SMP, Intel)

SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Org., USA)

SIGWEB Special Interest Group on the world wide WEB (Org., UK)

SIRENE Supplementary Information REquest at the National Entry (SIS, EU)

SITD Still In The Dark (DFÜ-Slang)

SMAF Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format (Yamaha, Mobile-Systems)

SMFF Script Mathematical Formula Formatter

SNAP SubNetwork Access Protocol (LAN, Ethernet)

SNG Satellite News Gathering

SOA State Of the Art (Slang)

SOTA State of the Art (Slang)

SPAP Secure Password Authentication Protocol

SPAP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (PAP, 3Com)

SPI Software in the Public Interest, inc. (Org.)

SPSS Statistical Package of the Social Sciences, http://www.spss.com

SRT Source Route Transparent [bridges] (Ethernet, Token Ring, IEEE 802.1D)

SSML Speech Synthesis Markup Language

STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (Konferenz)

STEP STandard for the External representation / Exchange of Product data definition (ISO, DP 10303, CAD)

STFU Shut The Fuck Up (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

STOC Symposium on Theory Of Computing (Konferenz)

SURANET Southeastern Universities Research Association NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "SURAnet"

TADF Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescense (OLED)

TANJ There Ain't No Justice (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

TAP The Ada Project, http://tap.mills.edu

TAT Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)

TCM Thermal Conduction Module

TCPC The Clean Personal Computer group (Org., Hersteller, Grafikkarten)

TDC Thernal Design Current (EDC)

TDP Thermal Design Power [veraltet/old term] (CPU, ACP, SDP)

TESLA Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication (RFC 4082)

TESS The Exponential Security System (RFC 1824)

THE Technische Hoogeschool Eindhoven (OS), "T.H.E."

THE The Hessling Editor

THENET Texas Higher Education NETwork (Netzwerk, USA) "THEnet"

TIA The Internet Adapter [software]

TIM Thermal Interface Material (CPU)

TIMTOWTDI There Is More Than One Way To Do It (PERL)

TIMTOWTDI There Is More Than One Way To Do It (PERL, Slang)

TINC There Is No Cabal! (Slang, Usenet, Linux, Debian)

TLDP The Linux Documentation Project (Linux)

TMG The Master Genealogist

TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do It (Slang, PERL)

TNMOC The National Museum Of Computing (Org., Großbritannien)

TOA Target of Authentication (CC)

TOMS Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM)

TOP The OS-9 Project (OS-9)

TOS The Operating System (Atari, OS)

TPC The PERL Conference (PERL)

TPE Twisted Pair Ethernet (Ethernet)

TRON The Realtime Operating system Nucleus

TRT The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TTCN the Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (OSI, IUT)

TTKC The Thursday Killers Clan (User group)

TTW Through The Web (WWW, ZMI, ZOPE)

TUCAA The Ultimate Computer Acronyms Archive (Internet, WWW)

TUHS The Unix Heritage Society (Org., Unix)

TWINKLE The Weizman INstitute Key Locating Engine (Verschlüsselung)

UAF Universal Authentication Framework (FIDO-Alliance)

UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration of business for the web (Org., WWW, XML)

USACNII US Advisory Council on the National Information Infrastructure (Org., USA)

USBOTG Universal Serial Bus - On The Go (USB), "USB-OTG"

UTSL Use The Source, Luke (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

VON Voice On the Net [coalition] (USA, Internet)

VSTO Visual Studio TOols for the microsoft office system (MS)

WCTS Without Consulting The Source (Slang, Cygwin)

WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (Org., WLAN, LAN)

WSIS World Summit on the Information Society, http://www.wsis.org

WTF What / Where / Who / Why The Fuck (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

WTH What / Where / Who / Why The Hell (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

YAAS Yet Another Acronym Server (WWW)

YABA Yet Another Bloody Acronym (Slang)

YACC Yet Another Compiler Compiler (Unix)

YACY Yet Another CYberspace (P2P), "YaCy"

YADE Yet Another DSSSL Engine (DSSSL)

YAFFS Yet Another Flash File System (FS, Flash)

YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle (WWW)

YAML Yet Another Multicolumn Layout (HTML, XHTML, CSS)

YAPC Yet Another PERL Conference (PERL)

YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator (Hadoop)

YASOS Yet Another Scheme Object System

YAST Yet Another Setup Tool (Linux, SUSE), "YaST"

YAUN Yet Another Unix Nerd

YAY Yet Another YACC (YACC, Bull)

ZILOG Z (the last word of) Integrated LOGic

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[Donnerstag, 18. April 2024 - 05:52]