V.E.R.A. Search Results

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These are the results of your search:

AECBF Acoustic Echo Cancellation / Beam Forming (Audio), "AEC/BF"

AFC Alkaline Fuel Cell

CA Cell Arrival (ATM)

CC Continuity Cell (ATM)

CCDCOE Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (Org., NATO)

CCR Current Cell Rate (ATM)

CDPC Cellular Digital Packet Data

CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data (Mobile-Systems)

CDS Cell Directory Service (DCE)

CDT Cell Delay Tolerance (ATN)

CDV Cell Delay Variation (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (UNI, ATM, CDV)

CELL CIP/Ethernet Library for Linux (Linux, Ethernet, CIP, PLC)

CER Cell Error Ratio (ATM)

CLP Cell Loss Priority (UNI, ATM, CLR)

CLR Cell Loss Ratio (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CMR Cell Misinsertion Rate (ATM)

CPDP Cellular Digital Packet Data

CRS Cell Relay Service (UNI, ATM)

CSR Cell misSequenced Ratio (ATM)

CSR Cell Switch Router (Toshiba)

CTD Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CTV Cell Tolerance Variation (ATM)

DCHSDPA Dual Cell High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA, Mobile-Systems), "DC-HSDPA"

DCRC Digital Cellular Radio Conference (GSM, Conference, Mobile-Systems)

DCS Digital Cellular System (Mobile-Systems)

DICE Delivering Information in a Cellular Environment (SNI, Internet)

DMFC Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

EIB Element Interconnect Bus (IBM, Cell)

GAL Generic Array celL / Logic

GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (UNI, ATM)

LCA Logic Cell Array

LCD Loss of Cell Delineation (UNI, ATM)

LOC Loss of Cell delineation (UNI, ATM)

MBC Multi Bit Cell (IC, PCMCIA, Flash, AMD, BIT)

MCR Minimum Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, PCR, ABR)

MCTD Mean Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM)

MFC Memory Flow Controller (SPE, Cell, IBM)

MIC Memory Interface Controller (IBM, Cell)

MLC Multi Level Cell (IC, PCMCIA, Flash, Intel, SLC)

MSN Monitoring cell Sequence Number (UNI, ATM)

OAM Operations, Administration and Management [cell] (ATM)

OCD Out-of-Cell Delineation (UNI)

OLMC Output Logic Macro Cell (GAL)

PCR Peak Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, SCR)

PDC Personal Digital Cellular [network] (GSM)

PEM Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell

PLC Penta Level Cell (IC, Flash)

POC Push to talk Over Cellular (GPRS), "PoC"

PPE Power Processor Element (IBM, Cell, SPE)

QCA Quantum-dot Cellular Automata

QLC Quadruple Level Cell (IC, Flash)

QUEST Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunication Leadership (Org.) "QuEST"

SCR Sustainable Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, VBR)

SECB Severely Errored Cell Block (UNI)

SLC Single Level Cell (IC, Flash, SLC)

SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (SMS), "SMS CB"

SOE Standards of Excellence

SPE Synergistic Processor Elements (IBM, Cell, PPE)

SPU Synergistic Processing Unit (IBM, Cell)

STI Sony - Toshiba - IBM [cell] (Sony, Toshiba, IBM, IC, SOC)

STIDC Sony Toshiba IBM Design Center (Sony, Toshiba, IBM, Cell)

SXU Synergistic eXecution Unit (IBM, Cell, SPU)

TCI Test Cell Input (UNI, ATM)

TCO Test Cell Output (UNI, ATM)

TLC Triple Level Cell (IC, Flash)

TUC Total User Cell count (UNI)

TUCD Total User Cell Difference (UNI)

UFED Universal Forensic Extraction Device (Cellebrite)

A total of 69 terms has been found.

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Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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