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AAIS Allied command europe ACCIS Implementation Strategy (ACCIS, NATO, Mil.)

ACCIS Automated Command and Control Information System (Mil., USA)

ACCS Army Command and Control System (Mil., USA)

ADATP Allied DATa processing Publication (Mil., USA)

ADEPT Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission (Mil., USA)

ADF Access control Decision Function (Mil., USA)


ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

AFAMPE [u.s.] Air Force Automated Message Processing Exchange (Org., USA. Mil.)

AFIN Air Force Information Network (Netzwerk, USA, Mil.)

AFNET Air Force Network (Netzwerk, USA, Mil.)

AID AUTODIN Interface Device (AUTODIN, Mil., USA)

AISSO Automated Information Systems Security Officer (Mil., USA)


ASEMH Army Standards Electronic Mail Host (Mil., USA)

ASSERT ADEPT Subsystem for Scanning of Electronic Received Traffic (ADEPT, Mil., USA)

ASSIST Automated Special Security Information System Terminal (Mil., USA)

ASSR Agreed Set of Security Rules (Mil., USA)

ATCA Allied Tactical Communications Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

AUTOSEVOCOM AUTOmated SEcure VOice COMmunications (Vorläufer, SVIP, Mil., USA)

BCC Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA)

BL Blue Lightning [processor family] (Intel)

C2IS Command and Control Information Systems (Mil., USA)

C3I Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

C3IIS Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems (Mil., USA), "C3I/IS"

C4 Command, Control, Communications and Computers (Mil., USA)

C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

CACTIS Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System (Mil., USA)

CARDS Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software (Mil., USA)

CATIS Computer-Assisted Tactical Information System (Mil., USA)

CFS Center for Standards (Org., JIEO, DISA)

CIMOS CIncinnati Milacron Operating System (OS), "CiMOS"

CIS Command Information System (Mil., USA)

CISS Center for Information Systems Security (Org., JIEO, DISA, Mil., USA)

COE Common Operating Environment [certification] (DISA, Mil.)

CSIDS Central command/Southern command Integrated Data System (Mil., USA)

CSTO Computing Systems Technology Office (Org., ARPA)

CTM Communication Trunk of Medium range (Mil., Deutschland)

DARMP Defense Automation Resources Management Program (Mil., USA)

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Org., USA)

DAWN Defense Attache Worldwide Network (Netzwerk, Mil.)

DCA Defense Communications Agency (Org., USA, Mil., Vorläufer, DISA)

DCS Defense Communications System (Mil., USA)

DCTN Defense Commercial Telephone Network (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

DDN Defense Data Network (USA, Netzwerk, Mil.)

DDRS Defense Data Repository System (Mil., USA)

DGP Dissimilar Gateway Protocol

DGSA Defense Goal Security Architecture (Mil., USA)

DIB Defense Information Base (Mil., USA)

DII Defense Information Infrastructure (Mil., USA, DISA)

DIICC Defense Information Infrastructure Control Concept (Mil., USA)

DIICOE Defense Info Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DISA, Mil., USA) "DII COE"

DIMSS DSN Integrated Management Support System (DSN, Mil., USA)

DINAH Desktop INterface to AUTODIN Host (AutoDIN, Mil., USA)

DIS Defense Information System (Mil., USA)

DISA Defense Information Systems Agency (Org., Mil., USA)

DISAIS DISA Information System (Mil., USA), "DISA-IS"

DISANET DISA Information Network (Mil., USA, DISA, Netzwerk), "DISANet"

DISC Defense Information System Council (Mil., USA)

DISN Defense Information Systems Network (Mil., USA)

DISNET Defense Integrated Secure Network (Netzwerk, Mil., USA, Vorläufer, DSNET)

DISNNT Defense Information Systems Network - Near Term (DISN, Mil., USA), "DISN-NT"

DISSP Defense Information System Security Program (Mil., USA)

DITCO Defense Information Technology Contracting Office (Org., Mil., DISA, USA)

DM DeMilitarisierte zone (Firewall)

DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act (USA, DRM)

DMS Defense Message System (Mil., USA)

DMSIG Defense Message System Implementation Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DMSTWG Defense Message System Transition Working Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DMZ DeMilitarized Zone (LAN, Internet)

DNSO Defense Network Systems Organization (Org., USA, Mil.)

DOCC DISA Operations Control Complex (DISA, Mil., USA)

DODISS Department Of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (Mil., USA)

DPM Defects Per Million

DRSN Defense Red Switch Network [hopefully no traffic ever] (Netzwerk, Mil. USA)

DSI Defense Simulation Internet (Netzwerk, Mil., USA)

DSN Defense Switched Network (Mil., USA)

DSNET Defense Secure NETwork (Mil., USA)

DSR Digital Signal Richtfunk (Mil., Deutschland)

DSRS Defense Software Repository System (Mil., USA)

DSS Defense Switched Services (Mil., USA)

DSSCS Defense Special Security Communications System (Mil., USA)

DSV Digital Signal Verbindung (Mil., Deutschland)

DWH DISA Western Hemisphere (DISA, Mil., USA)

EEI External Environment Interface (Mil., USA)

FAPI Family Application Programmer Interface (DOS, VDM, API)

GAFCON German AirForce Communication Network (Mil., Deutschland, Netzwerk)

GAFDIN German AirForce Digital Network (Mil., Deutschland, Netzwerk)

GCCS Global Command and Control System (DISA, Mil.)

GCCS Government Code and Cipher School (UK, Mil.), "GC&CS"

GCHQ Government Communications HeadQuarters (Mil., UK)

GRINS GRaphical iNterface to SMIL (SMIL, Oratix), "GRiNS"

HAMPS Host AUTODIN Message Processing System (AUTODIN, Mil.)

IIS Intelligence Information System (Mil.)

IMP Interface Message Processors (ARPANET, MILNET)

ITESFA1EHS Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Function Area 1 - Enterprise Hardware Solutions (Mil., USA), "ITES-FA1-EHS"

ITSDN Integrated Tactical/Strategic Data Network (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

JIEO Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization (Org., DISA, Mil., USA)

JITC Joint Interoperability Technology Center (Org., DISA, Mil.)

JMSWG Joint Multi-TADIL Standards Working Group (Org., Mil., TADIL)

JOTS Joint Operational Tactical System (Mil.)

JSAN Joint Staff Automation of the Nineties (Mil.)

JTA Joint Technical Architecture (JIEO, Mil.)

JTSSG Joint Telecommunications Standards Steering Group (Mil.)

JVIDS Joint Visually Integrated Display System (Mil.)

JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (Mil.)

LEO LeitungsEndgerät, Optisch (Mil., Deutschland)

MAD Militärischer AbschirmDienst (Mil., Org.)

MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board (Org., Mil., USA)

ME Millennium Edition (MS, Windows)

MFLOPS Million FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU)

MIL Matrox Imaging Library

MILNET MILitary NETwork (USA, Mil., Netzwerk)

MILOS Maschinelle Indizierung auf Linguistischer Grundlage für OPAC Systeme (OPAC)

MILSTAR Military Strategic TActical Relay (Mil., USA)

MILSTD Military STandarD (Mil., USA), "MIL-STD"

MIPS Million Instructions Per Second (CPU)

MM Military Message (Mil.)

MMHS Military Message Handling System (Mil., MHS)

MOPS Million Operations Per Second

MQUIPS Million QUality Improvements Per Second

MSU Millions of Service Unit (IBM, TC)

NAVNET NAVy NETwork (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

NMCS National Military Command System (Mil., USA)

OII Operations-Intelligence Interface (Mil.)

PSN Packet Switch Node (ARPANET, MILNET)

PSSF Personal System Support Family (IBM)

SAGE Semi-Automatic Ground Environment system (OS, IBM AN/FSQ7, Mil.)

SARAH Standard Automated Remote-to-AUTODIN Host (AUTODIN, Mil.)

SASPF Standard-Anwendungs-Software-Produkt-Familien (Bundeswehr)

SAT Standard AUTODIN Terminal (AUTODIN, Mil.)

SCM Service Circuit Modul (Mil., Deutschland)

SDNS Secure Data Network Service / System (USA, Mil.)

SIPRNET Secret IP Router NETwork (DISN, Mil.)

SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (W3C, WWW)

TAC Terminal Access Controller (ARPANET, MILNET)

TADIL TActical Digital Information Link (Mil.)

TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (JIEO, Mil.)

TAP The Ada Project, http://tap.mills.edu

WWIMS Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring System (Mil.)

WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and Control System (Mil., Vorläufer, GCCS)

WWOLS World Wide On-Line System (Mil.)

YMMV Your Mileage May Vary (Slang)

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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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