V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was graphics
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These are the results of your search:

AGA Advanced Graphics Adapter

AGE Adobe Graphics Engine (Adobe)

AGP Advanced / Accelerated Graphics Port (Intel, MMX, AGP)

AIB Add In (graphics) Board

AVGA Advanced Video Graphics Array (VGA)

BGI Borland Graphics Interface (Borland)

CDG Compact Disk + Graphics (CD), "CD+G"

CEG Continuous Edge Graphics (Grafik, IC)

CG C for Graphics (Nvidia, MS), "Cg"

CGA Colour Graphics Adapter

CGA Graphics Communications Association (Org.)

CGARI Graphics Communications Association Research Institute (Org., CGA)

CGATS Committee for Graphics Arts Technologies Standards (Org., ANSI)

CGI Computer Graphics Interface

CGI Computer Graphics International (Konferenz)

CGM Computer Graphics Metafile (ISO 8632)

CGRM Computer Graphics Reference Model (ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC 11072)

CRCG [Fraunhofer] Center for Research in Computer Graphics (Org., USA)

DGA Direct Graphics Access (XAA, X-Windows)

DGIS Direct Graphics Interface Standard

EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter (Vorläufer, VGA)

EGS Enhanced Graphics System (Commodore)

FGA Future Graphics Adapter (Spea)

FHGS FreeHand Graphics Studio (Macromedia, DTP)

FSMGDOS Font Scaling Manager - Graphics Device Operating System (OS, Atari), "FSM-GDOS"

GART Graphics Address Remapping Table (AGP)

GCL Graphics Command Language

GCN Graphics Core Next (AMD)

GDDR2 Graphics Double Data Rate 2 (SDRAM, IC, Samsung)

GDOS Graphics Device Operating System (OS, Atari)

GEM Graphics Environment Manager (DR, PC)

GGI General Graphics Interface

GLI Graphics Link Interface

GMCH Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (Intel, ICH)

GPC Graphics Performance Characterization [committee] (Org., HP, IBM, DEC, SGI, Sun, ...)

GPC Graphics Performance Council (SPEC)

GPCI Graphics Processor Command Interface

GPGPU General Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPU)

GPI Graphics Programming Interface

GPL Graphics Programming Language

GPSI Graphics Processor Software Interface

GPU Graphics Processing Unit

GRADD GRaphics Adapter Device Driver (OS/2, IBM)

GSL Graphics Software Labs (AT&T)

GSX Graphics System eXtension

GVT Graphics Virtualization Technology (Intel)

GWBASIC Graphics and Windows Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC, MS-DOS), "GW-Basic"

GWPG Graphics and Workstation Working Group (Org., SPEC)

GWS Graphics WorkShop

HGA Hercules Graphics Adapter

HGC Hercules Graphics Card [720x348]

HM HyperMemory (graphics)

HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (CAD, CAM, HP)

HVGA Half Video Graphics Array [320x480] (VGA)

IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (ANSI, USA, CIM, CAD)

IGP Integrated Graphics Processor (IC, Nvidia)

JPEG Joint Photographics Expert Group (Org., JTC1, RFC 1521, JPEG)

LCGI Local Common Graphics Interface (CGI, WWW)

MCGA Multi Color Graphics Adapter (IBM, PS/2)

MGA Matrox Graphics Adapter (Matrox)

MGA Monochrome Graphics Adapter

MNG Multiple-image Network Graphics [format]

NCGA National Computer Graphics Association (Org., USA)

OPENGL OPEN Graphics Language (OpenGL), "OpenGL"

PEG PCI Express for Graphics (PCIe, Intel)

PGA Professional Graphics Adapter (IBM)

PGC Professional Graphics Controller

PGML Precision Graphics Markup Language (XML, IBM, Netscape, Sun, Adobe, SVG)

PHIGS Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System

PISABG PISA/Business Graphics (PISA), "PISA/BG"

PNG Portable Network Graphics [format] (RFC 2083)

POGO Programmer-Oriented Graphics Operation

QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array [320 x 240] (VGA)

QXGA Quantum Extended Graphics Array [2048 x 1536]

REGIS REmote Graphics Instruction Set

RGP Raster Graphics Processor

RGP Remote Graphics Processor

SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated (Hersteller, SGI)

SGRAM Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM)

SHED Segmented Hypergraphics EDitor (MS, Windows, ADT)

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics [format] (W3C, XML)

SVGA Super Video Graphics Array [800x600] (VGA)

SXGA Super eXtended Graphics Adapter / Array [1280x1024]

TC TurboCache (graphics)

TIGA Texas Instruments Graphics Adapter (Texas Instruments)

UXGA Ultra eXtended Graphics Adapter [1600 x 1200] (XGA)

VDGA Virtual Dedicated Graphics Acceleration (VMware, vSGA), "vDGA"

VGA Video Graphics Array (IBM)

VGI Virtual Graphics Interface

VGPU Virtual Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), "vGPU"

VSGA Virtual Shared Graphics Acceleration (VMware, vDGA), "vSGA"

VUDA VESA Unified Graphics Architecture (VESA)

WCGA World Computer Graphics Association (Org.)

WSVGA Wide Super Video Graphics Adapter / Array (VGA)

WSXGA Wide Super eXtended Graphics Adapter / Array (XGA), "WSXGA+"

WUXGA Wide Ultra eXtended Graphics Adapter [1920x1200] (XGA)

WVGA Wide Video Graphics Array [800 x 480], [854 x 480], ...

WXGA Wide eXtended Graphics Adapter (XGA)

XGA eXtended Graphics Adapter [1024x768] (IBM, PS/2)

A total of 99 terms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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