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Anfrage lautet IBM
Suchoption lautet Akronym
Weitere Option lautet wide
Hier folgen nun die Suchergebnisse:

8B10B 8 bit / 10 bit [encoding] (IBM, FC, BIT), "8B/10B"

ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System (IBM)

ABIST Automatic Built In Self Test (IBM)

ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface (IBM, CM/2)

ACF Advanced Communications Function (IBM)

ACFNCP Advanced Communication Function / Network Control Program (IBM, ACF), "ACF/NCP"

ACFTCAM Advanced Communication Function / Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/TCAM"

ACFVTAM Advanced Communication Function / Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/VTAM"

ACPA Audio Capture and Playback Adapter (IBM)

ADT Application Development Tools (IBM, AS/400)

AEA Asynchroner EmulationsAdapter (IBM)

AEI Application Enabling Interface (IBM)

AFC AntiFerromagnetically Coupled [technology] (IBM, HDD)

AFP Advanced Function Presentation (IBM)

AFPA Advanced Function Printing Architecture (IBM)

AFPDS Advanced Function Printing Data Stream (IBM)

AFS Andrew File System (IBM, Unix)

AIC AIX windows Interface Composer (AIX, IBM)

AID Attention Interrupt Device [key] (IBM)

AIM Apple, IBM, Motorola [consortium] (Apple, IBM, Motorola, Org.)

AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive (IBM, Unix, OS)

AIXESA Advanced Interactive eXecutive/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, AIX), "AIX/ESA"

ALDC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression (IBM)

ALF Accelerator Library and Framework (IBM)

ALP Assembly Language Processor (IBM)

ALS Adjacent Link Station (IBM)

ANS Advanced Network & Services Inc. (IBM, MCI. Merit, NFSnet)

AOL Alert On LAN (LAN, Intel, IBM, BIOS), "AoL"

AOS Algebraic Operating System (IBM)

APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM)

APF Advanced Printer Function (IBM, ADT)

APL A Programming Language (IBM)

APLSF A Programming Language with Shared Variables (IBM)

APPC Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communications (IBM, SNA, LU 6.2)

APPC Advanced Program to Program Communication (IBM)

APPC Application Program to Program Converter (IBM)

APPCP Advanced Program to Program Communications Protocol (APPC, IBM)

APPN Advanced Peer to Peer Networking (IBM)

AS400 Application System/400 (IBM), "AS/400"

ASCC Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (IBM)

ASI Adapter Support Interface (IBM, LAN)

AT Advanced Technology (IBM, PC)

ATP Application Transaction Program (IBM, APPC)

BAPCO Business Application Performance COrporation (Benchmark, Org., Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, MS, Lotus, Intel, ...) "BAPCo"

BART Basic Application RunTime (OS/2, IBM)

BAT Browser-based Application Toolkit (IBM, WWW)

BES Block Ended by Symbol (IBM, Assembler)

BIST Built-In Self Test (Power4, IBM)

BISYNC Binary SYNchronous Communications (IBM)

BOS Basic Operating System (AIX, IBM)

BOS360 Basic Operating System / 360 (OS, S/360, IBM), "BOS/360"

BRMS Backup Recovery and Media Services (IBM)

BS BackSpace one record (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

BSAM Basic Sequential Access Method (IBM, MVS, SAM)

BSC Binary Synchronous Communications [protocol] (IBM)

BSS Block Started by Symbol (IBM, Assembler, Unix)

BTAM Basic Telecommunications Access Method (IBM)

BTU Basic Transmission Unit (IBM, SNA)

CAC Cantilver Array Chip (IBM, HDD, MEMS)

CAE Client Application Enabler (IBM, DB)

CAR Contents of the Address Register (IBM, ELISP, CDR)

CBIOS Compatibility Basic Input Output System (IBM, BIOS)

CBU Capacity BackUp (IBM, zSeries)

CCMDB Change and Configuration Management DataBase (IBM, Tivoli)

CCP Communications Control Program (OS, IBM)

CCS Common Communications Support (IBM, SAA)

CCSID Coded Character Set IDentification (IBM)

CDF Compound Document Framework (IBM, OLE)

CDFS Compact Disk File System (CD, OS/2, IBM)

CDR Contents of the Decrement Register (IBM, ELISP, CAR)

CDRM Cross Domain Resource Manager (VTAM, SSCP, IBM)

CECI CICS Enhanced Command Interpreter (IBM, CICS)

CEDA CICS Enhanced resource Definition online Application (CICS, IBM)

CEDF CICS Execution Diagnostic Facility (CICS, IBM)

CEMT CICS Enhanced Master Terminal transaction (CICS, IBM)

CIB Collective Intelligent Brick (IBM, HDD)

CICS Customer Information Control System (IBM, CICS, Z/OS, OS/390, VSE/ESA)

CICSESA Customer Information Control System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, CICS), "CICS/ESA"

CICSTS Customer Information Control System / Transaction Server (IBM, VSE/ESA), "CICS/TS"

CICSVS Customer Information Control System / Virtual Storage (IBM, CICS), "CICS/VS"

CID Configuration - Installation - Distribution (IBM)

CIL Computer Integration Laboratories (Org., Apple, IBM, Novell, Sun, ...)

CILABS Component Integration LABoratorieS (Org., , OpenDoc, Apple, IBM, Adobe, ...), CILabs

CIU Core Interface Unit (Power4, IBM, IC)

CIU Customer Initiated Upgrade (IBM, zSeries)

CIU Customer-Initiated Upgrade [switch] ??? (IBM)

CL Control Language (IBM, OS/400)

CLOPS Circuit Layer Operations Per Second (IBM)

CM2 Communication Manager /2 (IBM), "CM/2"

CMI Connection Manager Interface (IBM, SNA)

CMP Chip MultiProcessing (IBM, HP, Sun)

CMS [Cambridge] / Conversational Monitor System (IBM, OS, VM, VME, VM/ESA, Z/VM)

COD Capacity On Demand (IBM, zSeries), "CoD"

COSE Common Open Software Environment (HP, Sun, IBM, SCO, USL, Univel)

CP Control Point (IBM, SNA)

CP Control Program (IBM, OS, VM/ESA, VM)

CPF Control Program Facility (OS, IBM, S/38)

CPI Common Programming Interface (IBM, SAA)

CPIC Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM, SAA, API), "CPI/C"

CPIRR Common Programming Interface Resource Recovery (IBM, SAA)

CPL Common Public License (IBM, IPL)

CPPS Card / Paper tape Programming System (OS, IBM)

CSA Callpath Service Architecture (IBM, CTI)

CSD Corrective Service Diskettes (IBM)

CSL Callable Services Library (IBM, VM/ESA, CMS)

CSM Cluster System Management (IBM)

CSP Cross System Product (IBM)

CSS Content Scrambling System (DVD, Matsushita, IBM)

CTCA Channel To Channel Adapter (IBM, System/370)

DAP Developers Assistance Program (IBM)

DAPIE Developer API Extensions (IBM, OS/2, API)

DARI Database Application Remote Interface (IBM, DB)

DAX Developer API eXtension (OS/2, IBM, API)

DB2 DataBase 2 (IBM, DB)

DB2CS DataBase 2 Client/Server (IBM, DB2, DB), "DB2 C/S"

DB2SDK DataBase 2 Software Development Toolkit (DB2, IBM, DB), "DB2 SDK"

DBD DataBase Description (IBM, DB)

DCA Document Content Architecture (IBM, CCS)

DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment (X.25, CCITT, IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun)

DCM Dual Core Modul (IBM, QCM)

DCR Design Change Request (AIX, IBM)

DCT Defect-and-Change-Management (CICS, IBM)

DDCS2 Distributed Database Connection Services /2 (IBM, DB, DRDA), "DDCS/2"

DDM Distributed Data Management (IBM, CCS)

DDNS Dynamic Domain Name Service (OS/2, IBM)

DERAT Data cache Effective to Real Address Translation [table] (Power4, IBM, CPU, ERAT)

DES Data Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung, NIST, IBM)

DFDSM Data Facility Distributed Storage Management (IBM)

DFT Distributed Function Terminal (IBM)

DFT Drive Fitness Test (IBM, IDE, HDD)

DFU Data File Utility (IBM, ADT)

DHCF Distributed Host Command Facility (IBM, CCS)

DIA Document Interchange Architecture (IBM, CCS)

DIAS Digital Information Archiving System (IBM, Niederlande)

DIF Directory Interoperability Forum (Org., IBM, Lotus, Novell, Oracle, ...)

DISOSS DIStributed Office Support System (IBM, MVS)

DITA Darwin Information Typing Architecture (XML, IBM, OASIS)

DIVE Direct Interface Video Extensions (IBM, MMPM/2)

DLMZB Determine Left Most Zero Byte (IBM, PowerPC)

DLS DOS LAN Services (IBM, LAN Server)

DMS Disk Monitor System (OS, IBM)

DOS Disk Operating System (OS, IBM, MS, ..., PC, Apple, RCA Spectra 70)

DOS360 Disk ??? Operating System / 360 (OS, IBM S/360), "DOS/360"

DOSVS Disk Operating System / Virtual Storage (OS, IBM S/370), "DOS/VS"

DOSVSE Disk ??? Operating System / Virtual Storage Extended (OS, IBM 43XX, DOS/VS, VSE), "DOS/VSE"

DPCX Distributed Processing Control eXecutive (IBM)

DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture (IBM, DB)

DRDAAS Distributed Relational Database Architecture Application Server (IBM, DB), "DRDA AS"

DSEA DataStation Emulation Adapter (IBM, AS/400, ...)

DSI Dial Services Interface [API] (API, IBM)

DSN Developer Support News (IBM, OS/2)

DSOM Distributed System Object Model (IBM)

DSS Directory and Security Services (DCE, IBM, LAN)

DSU Distribution Service Unit (IBM, SNADS)

DT Distributed graphical user interface Toolkit (IBM, GUI, VM/ESA)

DUOW Distributed Unit Of Work (DRDA, IBM), "DUoW"

DVI Digital Video Interactive [veraltet/old term] (LCD, Intel, IBM, Lotus, HP, Compaq, ...)

DWM Diskless Workstation Management (AIX, IBM)

EA Effective Address (Power4, IBM, CPU)

EAB Enterprise Access Builder (IBM, Java)

EAR Enterprise ARchive (IBM, WBISF)

ECF Enhanced Connectivity Facilities (IBM)

EDX Event-Driven eXecutive (OS, IBM)

EEE [UDB] Enterprise Extended Edition (IBM, DB2, DB, UDB)

EHLLAPI Emulator High Level Language API (IBM, 3270, API)

EIB Element Interconnect Bus (IBM, Cell)

EMEA [IBM] Europe, Middle East, Africa (IBM)

ENA Extended Network Addressing (IBM, SNA)

ENDIVE Enhanced Direct Interface Video Extensions (OS/2, MMPM/2, IBM), "EnDIVE"

EPSA Early Page Space Allocation (AIX, IBM)

ERAT Effective to Real Address Translation [table] (Power4, IBM, CPU, EA, RA)

ESA Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, MVS/XA, VM, CMS)

ESAXA Enterprise Systems Architecture / eXtended Architecture (IBM, ESA, XC), "ESA/XA"

ESAXC Enterprise Systems Architecture / eXtended Configuration (IBM, ESA, XA), "ESA/XC"

ESB Enterprise Service Bus (Iona, OSS, IBM, SOA)

ESCON Enterprise Systems CONnect (ion)

ESP Extreme Support through Personalization (IBM)

ESS Embedded Security System (IBM, TPM)

EVMS Enterprise Volume Management System (OSS, IBM)

EWS Employee Written Software (IBM)

EXTRA EXecutionTRace Analyser (IBM, OS/2)

FCS First Customer Ship (IBM)

FFS Fallback Fault-tolerant Server (IBM, OS/2)

FFST2 First Failure Support Technology /2 (IBM), "FFST/2"

FMS FORTRAN Monitor System (OS, IBM 709)

FUD Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt (Slang, IBM)

GAIN German Advanced Integrated Network (IBM)

GCS Group Control System (IBM, VM, VME, VM/ESA)

GCT Group Completion Table (Power4, IBM, CPU)

GDDM Graphical Data Display Manager (IBM)

GDS Generalized Data Stream (IBM, APPC)

GKHI Generalized Kernel Hook Infrastructure (Linux, IBM)

GMR Giant Magneto-Resistive [heads] (HDD, IBM, Toshiba)

GOCA Graphic Object Content Architecture (IBM, MO:DCA)

GPC Graphics Performance Characterization [committee] (Org., HP, IBM, DEC, SGI, Sun, ...)

GPFS General Parallel File System (IBM)

GRADD GRaphics Adapter Device Driver (OS/2, IBM)

GRS Global Resource Serialization (IBM)

GXA Global XML Architecture (MS, IBM, Verisign, Verschlüsselung)

HACMP High Availability Clustered Multi Processing (IBM, RS/6000, Bull), "HA/CMP"

HBT Hetero Bipolar Transistor (IBM, IC)

HECTOR HEterogeneous Computer TOgetheR (IBM, Uni Karlsruhe)

HFT High Function Terminal (AIX, IBM)

HLLAPI High Level Language Application Programming Interface (IBM, API)

HMC Hardware Management Console (IBM, Linux)

HOD Host On Demand (IBM, HOD)

HPCS High Productivity Computing System (DARPA, Cray, IBM, Sun, ...)

HPOFS High Performance Optical File System (IBM, OS/2, MOD)

HPS High Performance Switch (IBM)

HTTPR HyperText Transfer Protocol - Reliable (HTTP, IBM)

IAK2 Internet Access Kit / 2 (IBM, OS/2), "IAK/2"

IBM International Business Machines (Hersteller, IBM)

IBTA InfiniBand Trade Association (Org., IBM, HP, Compaq, Sun, Dell, MS, ...)

ICAT Interactive Code Analysis Tool [debugger] (IBM, Java)

ICF Integrated Coupling Facility (IBM, PU)

ICRA Internet Content Rating Association (Internet, Org., IBM, MS, AOL, ...)

ICS IBM Cabling System

ICSS Internet Connection Secure Server (IBM, WWW)

ICU Interactive Chart Utility (IBM, GDDM)

ICU International Components for Unicode (IBM, API, Unicode)

IDAPI Integrated Database API (DB, IBM, Novell, Borland, Vorläufer, BDE, API)

IDC Inter-Device Communication (IBM, OS/2)

IDES Intrusion Detection Expert System (IBM, IDS, XPS)

IDS Intelligent Decision Server (IBM)

IERAT Instruction cache Effective to Real Address Translation [table] (Power4, IBM, CPU, ERAT)

IEW Information Engineering Workbench (IBM)

IFAR Instruction Fetch Address Register (Power4, IBM, CPU)

IFL Integrated Facility for Linux (IBM)

IGN IBM Global Network (Netzwerk)

IGS IBM Global Services (IBM)

IKE IBM Kiosk for Education (IBM)

IKP Internet Keyed Payment [protocols] (IBM, WWW), "iKP"

IMS Information Management System (IBM)

IMSESA Information Management System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM), "IMS/ESA"

IMTC International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium (Org., MS, Intel, Apple, IBM, SNI, AT&T, ...)

IOCS Input Output Control System (OS, IBM 7090)

IPDS IBM Personal Dictation System (IBM, Sprachverarbeitung)

IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IBM, CCS)

IPFC Information Presentation Facility Compiler (IBM, OS/2)

IPL IBM Public License

IPP Internet Printing Protocol (IBM, OS/400, RFC 2639/3196)

IRD Integrated Resource Director (IBM)

IRIS Incident Response Intelligence Services (IBM)

ISMA Internet Streaming Media Alliance (Org., Internet, Apple, Cisco, IBM, Philips, ...)

ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility (IBM)

IUCV Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IBM, TCP/IP, API, VM/ESA, CP)

IVS IBM Verkabelungs-System

IWBS Institut für WissensBasierte Systeme (Org., IBM)

IXA Integrated Xseries Adapter [= Integrated xSeries Adapter] (IBM)

IXS Integrated Xseries Server [= Integrated xSeries Server] (IBM)

JCL Job Control Language (IBM, OS/360)

JES Job Entry Subsystem (IBM)

JFS Journaled File System (IBM, HP, FS)

JUMP JUelich MultiProcessor (IBM)

JWS Java Web Start (Java, IBM)

LA Limited Availability (IBM, OS/2)

LCCM LAN Client Control Manager (IBM, LAN)


LEN Low Entry Networking (IBM, SNA, PU)

LICCC Licensed Internal Code Configuration Control (IBM)

LMQ Load Miss Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU)

LPEX Live Parsing eXtensible Editor (IBM, OS/2)

LPP Licensed Program Product (IBM)

LRQ Load Reorder Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU)

LS LAN Server (IBM)

LSU Load/Store Unit (Power4, IBM, CPU)

LT Logical Terminal (IBM)

LTC Linux Technology Center (Linux, Unix, IBM)

LTERM Logical TERMinal (IBM), "LTerm"

LTID Logical Terminal IDentifier (IBM)

LTO Linear Tape Open (Streamer, IBM, HP, Seagate)

LU62 Logical Unit 6.2 (IBM), "LU6.2"

MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM)

MAS90 Mittelstands-Anwendungs-System 90 (IBM)

MCA Micro Channel Architecture (IBM, PS/2)

MCGA Multi Color Graphics Adapter (IBM, PS/2)

MDA Monochrome Display Adapter [720x350] (IBM, PC)

MFAST Mwave Folded Array Signal Transform [DSP] (IBM, DSP)

MFC Memory Flow Controller (SPE, Cell, IBM)

MFC Music Feature Card (IBM, Yamaha, MIDI)

MFI MainFrame Interactive (IBM)

MFII Multi-Functional [keyboard] II (IBM)

MFS Message Format Service (IBM, IMS)

MFS Mobile File Sync (IBM)

MFT Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (IBM, OS, OS/MFT, OS/MVT)

MIC Memory Interface Controller (IBM, Cell)

MLE MultiLine Entry field (IBM, OS/2)

MMI Mixed Mode Interpreter (JIT, IBM, Java)

MMPM2 MultiMedia Presentation Manager /2 (IBM, OS/2), "MMPM/2"

MODCA Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (IBM), "MO:DCA"

MOM Message Orientated Middleware (IBM)

MPM2 MultiMedia Presentation Manager/2 (OS/2, IBM), "MPM/2"

MPSX Mathematical Programming System eXtended (IBM)

MPTA Multi Protocol Transport Architecture (IBM, SNA)

MPTN Multi Protocol Transport Networking (IBM)

MPTS Multi Protocol Transport Services (IBM, MPTN)

MPTS2 Multi Protocol Transport Services / 2 (IBM, OS/2), "MPTN/2"

MPX MultiProgramming eXecutive (IBM, OS, IBM 1800)

MQI Message Queueing Interface (IBM)

MQT Materialized Query Table (IBM, DB)

MSFP Management Service Focal Point (IBM)

MSNF Multiple Systems Networking Facility (IBM)

MSP7 Modular System Program /7 (OS, IBM), "MSP/7"

MSU Millions of Service Unit (IBM, TC)

MTD Memory Technology Driver (IBM, PC-DOS)

MVS Multiple Virtual Storage (IBM, OS, OS/MVS)

MVSESA Multiple Virtual Storage/Extended System Architecture (IBM), "MVS/ESA"

MVSESASP Multiple Virtual Storage/Extended System Architecture System Product (IBM), "MVS/ESA SP"

MVSTSO Multiple Virtual Storage/Time Sharing Option (IBM), "MVS/TSO"

MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (IBM, OS/MVT, OS)

NAU Network Addressable Unit (IBM, SNA, OSI)

NC Network Computer [reference profile] (Apple, IBM, Netscape, Oracle, Sun, Internet)

NCCF Network Communications Control Facility (IBM)

NCP Network Control Program / Point (IBM)

NETBIOS NETwork Basic Input Output System (IBM, RFC 1001/1002) "NetBIOS"

NGPT Next Generation POSIX Threading (POSIX, IBM)

NLDM Network Logical Data Manager (IBM)

NLV National Language Version (IBM, OS/2, ...)

NMPF Network Management Productivity Facility (IBM)

NPA Network Printer Alliance (IEEE 1284, IBM, Lexmark, Xerox)

NPDA Network Problem Determination Application (IBM)

NPSI NCP Packet Switching Interface (IBM, NCP)

NTS2 Network Transport Services /2 (IBM), "NTS/2"

NVDM2 NetView Distribution Manager /2 (OS/2, IBM), "NVDM/2"

ODM Object Database Manager (AIX, IBM)

OGSADAI Open Grid Services Architecture - Database Access and Integration (OGSA, grid, IBM, Oracle) "OGSA-DAI"

OIA Operator Information Area (IBM)

OMF Object Module Format (IBM, MS)

OMG Object Management Group (IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun, Org.)

OS2 Operating System /2 (IBM, OS), "OS/2"

OS360 Operating System /360 (IBM, OS), "OS/360"

OS400 Operating System /400 (IBM, OS), "OS/400"

OSF Open Software Foundation (HP, DEC, IBM, Org.)

OSMFT Operating System / Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (OS, IBM S/360), "OS/MFT"

OSMVS Operating System / Multiple Virtual Space (OS, IBM, S/370, OS/MVT, Nachfolger, OS/VS-2), "OS/MVS"

OSMVT Operating System / Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (OS, IBM, S/360, S/370), "OS/MVT"

OSN Office System Node (IBM, DIA, OA)

OSPCP Operating System / Primary Control Program (IBM, OS, OS/360, Vorläufer), "OS/PCP"

OSSVS Operating System / Single Virtual Space (OS, IBM, S/370, OS/VS2), "OS/SVS"

OSVS1 Operating System / Virtual System - 1 (OS, IBM, S/370), "OS/VS-1"


OSVS2 Operating System / Virtual System - 2 (OS, IBM, S/370), "OS/VS-2"

OTA Office of Technology Assessment (Org., IBM, HP, AEG, AT&T, SNI, ...)

OTI Object Technology International (IBM)

PALM Put All Logic In Microcode (IBM, CPU)

PAN Personal Area Network (IBM, Bluetooth)

PAS2 Personal Application System /2 (IBM, DB2/2), "PAS/2"

PCB Program Communication Block (IBM)

PCDOS Personal Computer DOS (OS, DOS, IBM, PC), "PC-DOS"

PCIX Personal Computer / unIX (IBM, PC), "PC/IX"

PCP Primary Control Program (IBM, OS, OS/PCP)

PDF Program Development Facility (IBM)

PDK Patterns Development Kit (WWW, IBM)

PDM Program Development Manager (IBM, ADT)

PEC Program Execution Control (IBM, OS/2)

PEP Personal Employee Portal (IBM)

PERCS Productive, Easy-to use, Reliable Comouting Systems (IBM)

PGA Professional Graphics Adapter (IBM)

PGML Precision Graphics Markup Language (XML, IBM, Netscape, Sun, Adobe, SVG)

PHB PCI Host Bridge (Power4, IBM)

PILOT Programmed Inquiry, Language Or Teaching (IBM)

PIU Path Information Unit (IBM, SNA)

PLA Program License Agreement (IBM)

PMP Preventive Maintenance Package (AIX, IBM)

PMR Problem Management Report (IBM)

POE PowerOpen Association (Apple, IBM, Motorola, ..., Org.)

POWER Power Optimization With Enhanced RISC [chip] (IBM, Apple, Motorola, RISC)

PPE Power Processor Element (IBM, Cell, SPE)

PREP PowerPC REferenz Plattform (IBM, Apple), "PReP"

PRF Problem Report Form (IBM)

PROFS PRofessional OFfice System (IBM, VM)

PRSM Processor Resource/System Manager (IBM)

PSB Program Specification Block (IBM)

PSF Print Services Facility (IBM)

PSID Presentation Space IDentifier (IBM)

PSLC Parallel Sysplex License Charge (IBM, WLC)

PSM Personal Software Marketing (IBM)

PSOM Persistency framework in SOMobjects (IBM, DSOM)

PSP Personal Software Products (IBM)

PSSF Personal System Support Family (IBM)

PTERM Physical TERMinal (IBM), "PTerm"

PTF Program Temporary Fix (IBM)

PTOCA Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (IBM, MO:DCA)

PTS Parallel Transaction System (IBM)

PUCP Physical Unit Control Point (IBM, SNA)

PUID Physical Unit IDentifier (IBM)

QBIC Query By Image Content (IBM)

QCM Quad Core Modul (IBM, DCM)

QLLC Qualified Logical Link Control [protocol] (IBM)

QMF Query Management Facility (IBM)

RA Real Address (Power4, IBM, CPU)

RABF Redundant Accumulative Backhitchless Flush (IBM, Streamer)

RACF Resource Access Control Facility (IBM, MVS/ESA)

RAS Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (IBM)

RCF Reader's Comment Form (IBM)

RCS Remote Connection Service (IBM, OS/2, LAN)

RDF Resource Description Framework (XML, IBM, Netscape, MS, ..., WWW)

RDO Resource Definition Online (CICS, IBM)

REXX Restructured EXtended eXecutor [language] (IBM, SAA, ANSI)


RIFF Resource Interchange File Format (MS, IBM, MM)

RIO Remote Input/Output (Power4, IBM)

RIPL Remote Initial Program Load (IBM)

RJE Remote Job Entry (IBM, Internet, RFC 407)

RLSFB Read Last Spool File Buffer (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RMC Rational Method Composer (RUP, IBM)

RMF Resource Measurement Facility (IBM, MVS)

RMIC Remote Memory In Cassette (IBM, Streamer, WORM, MIC), "R-MIC"

RNPRSFP Read Next PRint Spool File Block (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RNPUFSB Read Next PUnch Spool File Block (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RNSB Read Next Spool Buffer (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

ROMP Research Office products division MultiProcessor (IBM, AIX)

ROP Remote Operations Service (IBM, OS/2)

RPF RePeat active File (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RPG Report Program Generator (IBM)

RPS Realtime Programming System (OS, IBM)

RSCS Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (IBM, VM, NJE)

RSCT Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (IBM)

RSF Remote Service Facility (IBM)

RSF ReStart active File (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSFD Retrieve Subsequent File Descriptor (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSFDNPR Retrieve Subsequent File Descriptor Not Previously Retrieved (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RTOS360 Real Time Operating System /360 (IBM, OS, S/360), "RTOS/360"

RUOW Remote Unit Of Work (DRDA, IBM), "RUoW"

RUP Rational Unified Process (IBM)

S360 System /360 (IBM), "S/360"

S370 System /370 (IBM), "S/370"

SAA Standard Application Architecture (IBM)

SABRE Semi-Automatic Business Related Environment (OS, IBM 7090)

SAGE Semi-Automatic Ground Environment system (OS, IBM AN/FSQ7, Mil.)

SAP Symbolic Assembler Program (IBM, IBM 704)

SAS Session Active Screen (IBM)

SCAMP Special Computer APL Machine Portable (IBM)

SCB Subsystem Control Block (OS/2, IBM)

SCS SNA Character String (IBM)

SDA Screen Design Aid (IBM, ADT)

SDK Software Development Kit (MS, IBM)

SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (IBM, SNA)

SDLLC Synchronous Data Link Control Conversion (SNA, IBM)

SDQ Store Data Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU, SRQ)

SDU Software Distribution Utilities (IBM, HP)

SE Standard / Special Edition (IBM, OS/2)

SEPP Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (Banking, IBM, Netscape, GTE)

SEQUEL Structured English QUEry Language (IBM, DB, SQL, Vorläufer)

SES Security Enabling Services (IBM)

SET Secure Electronic Transactions (IBM, Visa, MS, IBM, Mastercard, Netscape, Banking)

SEU Source Entry Utility (IBM, ADT)

SFPRNSB Select a File for Processing and Read Next Spool Buffer (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

SFS Shared File System (IBM. CMS, VM/ESA)

SIQ Single Input Queue (IBM, OS/2)

SLB Segment Lookaside Buffer (CPU, Power4, IBM)

SLC Short Length Cartridge (IBM, Streamer)

SMART Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (HDD, IDE, Conner, IBM, Quantum, Seagate, WD), "S.M.A.R.T."

SMB Server Message Block [protocol] (IBM, Intel, MS)

SMF Service Management Framework (IBM)

SMI System Memory Interface (Power4, IBM)

SMIT System Management Interface Tool (IBM, AIX)

SNA Systems Network Architecture (IBM)

SNADS Systems Network Architecture Distribution Service (IBM, CCS)

SNCP Single Node Control Point (IBM, SNA)

SNI SNA Network Interconnection (IBM, VTAM, SNA)

SOAP Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program (IBM)

SOI Silicon-On-Insulator [technology/wafer] (IC, IBM)

SOM System Object Model (IBM, ORB, CORBA)

SP Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC)

SPC Solution Partner Center (IBM)

SPCF Service Point Command Facility (IBM)

SPE Synergistic Processor Elements (IBM, Cell, PPE)

SPM2 System Performance Monitor /2 (IBM, OS/2), "SPM/2"

SPU Synergistic Processing Unit (IBM, Cell)

SQLDS Structured Query Language/Data System (IBM, VMS), "SQL/DS"

SRC System Resource Controller (AIX, IBM)

SRN Source/Recipient Node (IBM)

SRP Source Routing Protocol (IBM)

SRPI Server Requester Programming Interface (IBM, API)

SRQ Store Reorder Queue (Power4, IBM, CPU)

SRVIFS SeRVer Installable File System (IBM)

SSA Serial Storage Architecture (IBM)

SSP System Support Program (OS, IBM)

STI Sony - Toshiba - IBM [cell] (Sony, Toshiba, IBM, IC, SOC)

STIDC Sony Toshiba IBM Design Center (Sony, Toshiba, IBM, Cell)

STP Service Transaction Program (IBM)

SVC SuperVisor Call (IBM, VM, VM/ESA)

SVC Switched Virtual Call / Circuit (IBM, X.25)

SVK Self Voicing Kit (IBM, Java)

SVS Single Virtual Space (IBM, OS, OS/SVS)

SXU Synergistic eXecution Unit (IBM, Cell, SPU)

SYSEX SYStem EXecutive (OS, IBM, S/360)

TC Temporary Capacity (IBM)

TCAF Thin Client Application Framework (Java, LDAP, IBM)

TCAM TeleCommunications Access Method (IBM, DFÜ)

TCF Thin Client Framework (IBM, Java)

TCG Trusted Computing Group (Org., DRM, AMD, HP, IBM, Intel, MS, ...)

TI Technical Interchange (Conference, IBM)

TIS Tools Interface Standard [committee] (Org., IBM, Lotus, MS, Watcom, SCO, Unix)

TNL Technical NewsLetter (IBM)

TOKREUI TOKen-Ring Extended User Interface (IBM, Token Ring)

TOS360 Tape ??? Operating System /360 (IBM, S/360, OS), "TOS/360"

TPF Transaction Processing Facility (IBM, MVS/XA)

TR Technology Refresh (IBM)

TSAD Transmit Service Availability Data (CIU, IBM)

TSM Time Sharing Monitor (OS, IBM)

TSM Tivoli Storage Manager (Tivoli, IBM)

TSOCMS Time Sharing Option/Conversational Monitor System (IBM, VME), "TSO/CMS"

TSOE Time Sharing Option/Extensions (IBM), "TSO/E"

TSX TimeSharing eXecutive (OS, IBM, IBM 1800)

UAC Universal Access Control (IBM)

UCM [rational] Unified Change Management (IBM, DCT, SCM)

UDB Universal DataBase [server] (IBM, DB)

UIMA Unstructured Information Management Architecture (IBM)

UNC Universal Naming Convention (IBM, MS, Novell, LAN)

UPM User Profile Management (IBM)

USS Unix Support Services (z/OS, IBM)

UVM User Verification Manager (IBM, ESS)

VAC Visual Age C++ (IBM)

VADD VisualAge Developper Domain (IBM)

VAJ VisualAge for Java (Java, IBM)

VGA Video Graphics Array (IBM)

VGDA Volume Group Descriptor Area (AIX, LVM, IBM)

VIM Vendor Independent Messaging (Lotus, Borland, IBM, Novell, API)

VLF Virtual Lookaside Facility (IBM)

VLM Volume Logical Module (IBM, OS/2)

VM Virtual Machine (IBM, OS, IBM 370, ESA, IBM 390)

VMB Virtual Machine Boot (IBM, OS/2)

VMCF Virtual Machine Communications Facility (IBM, VM)

VMCMS Virtual Machine / Conversational Monitoring System (IBM, VM), "VM/CMS"

VME Virtual Machine Environment (IBM, VM)

VMESA Virtual Machine / Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, VM, ESA, CMS), "VM/ESA"

VMM Virtual Machine / Memory Manager (IBM, VM)

VMSP Virtual Machine / System Product (IBM, VM), "VM/SP"

VMTSS Virtual Machine Time-Sharing System (IBM)

VNCA VTAM Node Control Application (IBM, VTAM)

VS1 Virtual System - 1 (IBM, OS, OS/VS-1), "VS-1"

VSE Virtual Storage Extended (IBM)

VSESP Virtual Storage Extended/System Product (IBM), "VSE/SP"

VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, SNA)

WAS Websphere Application Server (IBM, WBISF)

WBI Web Browser Intelligence (WWW, IBM)

WBISF Websphere Business Integration Server Foundation (IBM, BPEL)

WFM Wired For Management (Intel, IBM, BIOS), "WfM"

WITT Workstation Interactive Test Tool (IBM)

WLC Workload License Charge (IBM, PSLC)

WLM WorkLoad Manager (IBM, HP-UX)

WLO Windows Libraries for OS/2 (MS, IBM, API, OS/2, Windows)

WPS WorkPlace Shell (OS/2, IBM, Shell)

WSAD Websphere Studio Application Developper (IBM, Java)

WSDK Websphere Software Development Kit (IBM, Java)

WSEB Warp Server E-Business (IBM, OS/2), "WSeb"

WSF Work Station Feature (IBM)

WSFL Web Services Flow Language (WWW, IBM)

WSIL Web Services Inspection Language (IBM, XML)

WSTK Web Service ToolKit (IBM, WWW)

WSTKMD Web Services Tool Kit for Mobile Devices (IBM, Java)

WWCID World Wide Cartridge IDentifier (IBM, Streamer, WORM)

XA eXtended Architecture (IBM, VM, ESA, VM/ESA, XC)

XC eXtended Configuration (IBM, ESA, VM)

XGA eXtended Graphics Adapter [1024x768] (IBM, PS/2)

XT eXtended Technology (IBM, PC)

ZAAP Z[series] Application Assist Processor (IBM, zSeries), "zAAP"

ZIIP [system] Z9 Integrated Information Processor (IBM, zSeries), "zIIP"

ZOS Z/Operating System (IBM, Java, OS), "z/OS"

ZVM Z/Virtual Machine (IBM, VM), "z/VM"

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