V.E.R.A. Search Results

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These are the results of your search:

ACM Association for Computing Machinery (Org., USA)

AMI Amazon Machine Image (AWS)

AML ACPI Machine Language (ACPI, ASL, BIOS)

ARM Acorn RISC Machines [veraltet/old term] (Acorn, RISC)

ARM Advanced RISC Machines (Hersteller, Acorn, Apple, VLSI, RISC)

ATM Automatic Teller Machine

CAML Categorical Abstract Machine Language (INRIA), "Caml"

CARDVM Card Virtual Machine (Java, Sun), "CardVM"

CM5 Connection Machine 5 (TMC)

CMTC Critical Machine-Type Communication (MTC, 3GPP), "C-MTC"

DAM Distributed Abstract Machine

DM Development Machine (Corel)

DOOM Decentralised Object Orientated Machine

DVM Dalvik Virtual Machine (Android)

EFSM Extended Finite State Machine (TTCN, ...)

EMI External Machine Interface [protocol] (SMS)

EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine (VM)

FSM Finite State Machine (TTCN, ...)

HHVM HipHop Virtual Machine (Facebook)

HMI Human-Machine Interface

HUMAINE HUman-MAchine Interaction Network on Emotion [project] (Europe)

HVM Hardware Virtual Machine

IBM International Business Machines (Hersteller, IBM)

IML Initial Machine Load

JACM Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

JVM Java Virtual Machine (Java)

JVMPI Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (Java, JDK)

JVMTI Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (Java, JVM, J2SE)

KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine (Linux, VM)

KVM Kilobyte Virtual Machine (Java, Sun, MIDP)

LLVM Low Level Virtual Machine [veraltet/old term] (GCC)

LTEM Long Term Evolution for Machines (LTE), "LTE-M"

M2M Machine To Machine [protocol]

MACH Multilayer ACtuator Head

MAINSAIL MAchine INdependent SAIL (SAIL)

MAME Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, "M.A.M.E."

MARC MAchine Readable Cataloging [record]

MCE Machine Check Exception (Intel, CPU)

METAL Machine Evaluation and Translation Language (Siemens)

MIC Machine Identification Code

MIG Mach Interface Generator (Mach, IDL)

MIMOLA Machine Independent MicrOprogramming LAnguage (HDL)

ML Machine Learning

MLIA [symposium on] Machine Learning in Information Access (AAAI, AI, conference)

MMC MIDI Machine Control

MMTC Massive Machine-Type Communication (MTC, 3GPP), "M-MTC"

MO Machine Object (PO)

MOK Machine Owner Key

MRTD Machine Readable Travel Document (s)

MSJVM MicroSoft Java Virtual Machine (MS, Java)

MSR Machine Specific Register (IC)

MSW Machine Status Word

MT Machine [assisted] Translation

MTC Machine-Type Communication (3GPP)

NVMM NetBSD Virtual Machine Monitor

OCAML Objective Categorical Abstract Machine Language, "OCaml"

OVMF Open Virtual Machine Firmware (UEFI, QEMU)

PCM Plug Compatible Machine

PIM Parallel Inference Machine (FGCS, AI)

PMC Pseudo-Machine Code

PUMA Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly (Unimation)

PVM Parallel Virtual Machine (SMP, Cluster)

SCAMP Special Computer APL Machine Portable (IBM)

SCVMM System Center Virtual Machine Manager (MS)

SML Standard Machine Language

SMSCEMI Short Message Service Center External Machine Interface [protocol] (SMS)

SOM Self-Organizing Machine

SPM Session Protocol Machine (OSI, ISO 8327)

SVM Support Vector Machine [concept] (AI, KI)

SWIM Super Woz' Integrated Machine

TM Turing Machine

TMC Thinking Machines Corporation (Hersteller)

UCLAVM UCLA Virtual Machine (OS, UCLA, VM), "UCLA VM"

UTM Universal Turing Machine

VDM Virtual DOS Machine (OS/2, Windows, NT, DOS)

VM Virtual Machine (IBM, OS, IBM 370, ESA, IBM 390)

VMB Virtual Machine Boot (IBM, OS/2)

VMBR Virtual Machine Based Rootkit

VMC Virtual Machine Console (VMware)

VMCF Virtual Machine Communications Facility (IBM, VM)

VMCMS Virtual Machine / Conversational Monitoring System (IBM, VM), "VM/CMS"

VME Virtual Machine Environment (IBM, VM)

VMESA Virtual Machine / Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, VM, ESA, CMS), "VM/ESA"

VMM Virtual Machine / Memory Manager (IBM, VM)

VMM Virtual Machine Monitor (VM)

VMP Vector Microcode Machine

VMSP Virtual Machine / System Product (IBM, VM), "VM/SP"

VMTSS Virtual Machine Time-Sharing System (IBM)

VOS Virtual machine Operating System (OS, MTS)

WAM Warren Abstract Machine (PROLOG)

ZVM Z/Virtual Machine (IBM, VM), "z/VM"

A total of 91 terms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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