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ACES APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation (Org., Australia, China, Japan, USA)

ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems (Org., USA)

ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

AMIGOS Advanced Mobile Integration in General Operating Systems, http://www.diku.dk/research-groups/distlab/amigos

AMOK A Modular Operating Kernel (OS, Cray)

AMOS Alpha Microsystems Operating System (OS)

AMSDOS AMStrad Disk Operating System (Amstrad, OS), "AMS-DOS"

AOE Application Operating Environment (AT&T)

AOS Advanced Operating System (OS)

AOS Algebraic Operating System (IBM)

AROE Allowed Restricted Operating Environment

ASK Akademische Software Kooperation (Org., Karlsruhe)

ASMONIA Angriffsanalyse und Schutzkonzepte für MObilfunkbasierte Netzinfrastrukturen unterstützt durch kooperativen InformationsAustausch

BDOS Basic Disk Operating System (CP/M)

BEOS Be Operating System (OS) "BeOS"

BOFH Bastard Operator From Hell (DFÜ-Slang)

BONDING Bandwidth ON Demand INteroperability Group (Org., Hersteller, AIM)

BOPS Billion Operations Per Second

BOS Basic Operating System (AIX, IBM)

BOS Batch Operating System (OS, Honeywell)

BOS360 Basic Operating System / 360 (OS, S/360, IBM), "BOS/360"

BOS5 Business Operating Software /5 (OS), "BOS/5"

BOT Build, Operate and Transfer (Netzwerke)

CAO Control Area Operator (EMS)

CCDCOE Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (Org., NATO)

CCSY Cooperative Computing System Program (HP)

CDE Cooperative Development Environment (Oracle)

CIMOS CIncinnati Milacron Operating System (OS), "CiMOS"

CLOPS Circuit Layer Operations Per Second (IBM)

CMP Cooperative Marketing Partner (DEC)

COAST Computer Operations, Audit and Security Technology (Org.)

COCOT Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone

COE Common Operating Environment [certification] (DISA, Mil.)

COS Card Operating System (OS, ICC)

COS Cassette Operating System (OS)

COS Commercial Operating System (OS, DEC, PDP 11)

COS Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

COS Cray Operating System (OS, Cray)

COSINE Cooperation for OSI Networking in Europe (Org.)

COSMOS COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS

CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative Work

CSI Common Secure Interoperability (CORBA)

CSII Center for Systems Interoperability and Integration (Org., ???)

CTOS Cassette Tape Operating System (OS, Datapoint)

DACNOS Distributed Academic Computing Network Operating System (OS, HECTOR)

DAVIC Digital Audio Visual Interoperatibility Council (Org., Digital Audio)

DBOS Disk/Drum Based Operating System (OS)

DIAMOND Development and Integration of Accurate Mathematical Operations in Numerical Data-processing (ESPRIT)

DIF Directory Interoperability Forum (Org., IBM, Lotus, Novell, Oracle, ...)

DIICOE Defense Info Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DISA, Mil., USA) "DII COE"

DOCC DISA Operations Control Complex (DISA, Mil., USA)

DOCSISOSS DOCSIS Operations Suport Services (DOCSIS), "DOCSIS-OSS"

DOMAIN Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network (Apollo, DOMAIN)

DOP Directory Operational binding management Protocol

DOS Disk Operating System (OS, IBM, MS, ..., PC, Apple, RCA Spectra 70)

DOS15 Disk Operating System - 15 (OS, DEC, PDP 15), "DOS-15"

DOS360 Disk ??? Operating System / 360 (OS, IBM S/360), "DOS/360"

DOSVS Disk Operating System / Virtual Storage (OS, IBM S/370), "DOS/VS"

DOSVSE Disk ??? Operating System / Virtual Storage Extended (OS, IBM 43XX, DOS/VS, VSE), "DOS/VSE"

DRDOS Digital Research Disk Operating System (DR, OS), "DR-DOS"

DTOS Distributed Trusted Operating System (OS, DTE)

ECIS European Committee for Interoperable Systems (Org.)

EOS Extended Operating System (OS)

ETNO European Telecommunications Network Operators Association (Org., ISP)

FADOS Fast Amsterdam Distributed (???) Operating System

FCO Flow Control Operator Bits (DLSW, BIT)

FHIR Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (USA)

FLOPS FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU)

FMA Fused Multiply Add [operation]

FOOBAR FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (RFC 1639, FTP)

FOTE Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation, "FOT & E"

FOX Field Operational X.500

FSMGDOS Font Scaling Manager - Graphics Device Operating System (OS, Atari), "FSM-GDOS"

FSMO Flexible Single Master Operations (AD, MS)

FSOS Free Standing Operating System (OS)

GAIA GUI Application Interoperability Architecture (OSF)

GCOS General Comprehensive Operating System (Honeywell, OS, Honeywell Series 60, Honeywell Series 6000)

GDOS Graphics Device Operating System (OS, Atari)

GECOS General Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisor / System (OS, GE, GCOS, Vorläufer, Honeywell)

GEOS Graphic Environment Operating System (OS)

GFLOPS Giga FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU)

GOMS Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection [theory]

GOPS Giga Operations Per Second

GPOS General Purpose Operation System

HAVI Home Audio Video Interoperability (Org., Grundig, Hitachi, Matsushita, Philips, Sharp, Sony, Thomson, Toshiba)

HDOS Heath Disk Operating System (OS, Heath)

HEROS HEeresführungsinformationssystem für die Rechnergestütze Operationsführung in Stäben (Bundeswehr)

IAOG International ADMD Operators Group (Org., ADMD, X.400)

IDSS Interoperability Decision Support System

IIP Interoperability Improvement Panel

IMSO Integrated Micro Systems Operation (Intel)

INOC Internet Network Operations Center

INTAP Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing (Org.)

IOC Initial Operational Capability

IOS Internetworking Operating System (Cisco, OS)

IOTE Initial Operational Test and Evaluation, "IOT & E"

ISIS Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification (Verschlüsselung)

JAVAOS Java Operating System (Java), "JavaOS"

JIEO Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization (Org., DISA, Mil., USA)

JITC Joint Interoperability Technology Center (Org., DISA, Mil.)

JOTS Joint Operational Tactical System (Mil.)

KMOS Kernel of a Multiprocess Operating System (OS)

KOPAL KoOPerativer Aufbau eines Langzeitarchivs

KSOS Kernelized Secure Operating System (OS)

LOC LAN Operations Center (LAN)

LON Local Operation Network

LOS Local Operating System

MACOS MACintosh Operating System (Apple, OS), "MacOS"

MFIP Multi-Function Interoperability Processor

MFLOPS Million FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU)

MLS MultiLevel Secure [operating systems / platforms] (SELinux)

MOF Microsoft Operations Framework (MS)

MOLO Mobile Other Licensed Operator (Mobile-Systems, MVNO)

MOM Microsoft Operations Manager (MS, SMS)

MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol (DEC)

MOPS Million Operations Per Second

MOS Master Operating System (OS, Varian)

MOS Minimum Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

MOS Multiprogramming Operating System (OS, NCR)

MOSIX Multicomputer Operating System for UnIX (Unix, Cluster, MOSIX)

MPOW Multiple Purpose Operator Workstation

MROC Multicommand Required Operational Capability

MSDOS MicroSoft Disk Operating System (MS, OS, PC)

MSOS Mass storage Operating System (OS, CDC)

MTDS Magnetic Tape Operating System (OS)

MTOS Magnetic Tape Operating System (OS, Datapoint)

MUTOS MultiUser-/multitasking Timesharing Operating System (DDR, OS)

MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator (Mobile-Systems, MOLO)

NANOG North American Network Operator Group (Org.)

NCOS Network Computer Operating System (OS, Oracle, Internet)

NCOS Non-Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

NERO Neuro-Evolving Robotic Operatives [project]

NIDOS NIxdorf Disk Operating System (OS, SNI)

NOC Network Operations Center

NOCS Network Operations Center System

NOI Node Operator Interface

NORGEN Network Operations Report GENerator

NOS Network Operating System

NOS Newton Operating System (Apple, OS)

NOTIS Network Operator Trouble Information System

NWO NetWork Operator (ETSI, ETSI 201 671)

OAGIS Open Applications Group Interoperability Standard

OAM Operations, Administration and Management [cell] (ATM)

OCC Operations Control Center

OCCA Open Cooperative Computing Architecture

OCEO Offensive Cyber Effects Operations

OCL Operation Control Language

ODD Operator Distance-Dialing

OEP Operand Execution Pipelines (Motorola, CPU)

OIA Operator Information Area (IBM)

OII Operations-Intelligence Interface (Mil.)

OIL Operator Identification Language (ELI)

OMAP Operations, Maintenance and Administration Part (SS7)

OMC Operation and Maintenance Center (PLMN, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

ONAC Operations Network Administration Center

ONI Operator Number Identification

OPCOS OPerating COuntrieS

OPDU Operation Protocol Data Units

OPEN [You-R] OPerating ENvironment (Infineon, RFID)

OPERA Open PLC European Research Alliance (Org., PLC, Europe)

OPM Operations-Per-Minute

OPS Operations Per Second (CPU)

OS Operating System

OS2 Operating System /2 (IBM, OS), "OS/2"

OS200 Operating System 200 (Honeywell), "OS/200"

OS2000 Operating System 2000 (Honeywell), "OS/2000"

OS3 Oregon State Open Shop Operating System (OS, CDC 3300), "OS-3"

OS32MT Operating System /32 - Multitasking Time (OS, Interdata), "OS/32-MT"

OS32ST Operating System /32 - Serial Time (OS, Interdata), "OS/32-ST"

OS360 Operating System /360 (IBM, OS), "OS/360"

OS4 Operating System /4 (OS, UNIVAC 9700), "OS/4"

OS400 Operating System /400 (IBM, OS), "OS/400"

OS7 Operating System /7 (OS, UNIVAC 9700), "OS/7"

OS700 Operating System /700 (OS, Honeywell), "OS/700"

OS8 Operating System /8 (OS, DEC, PDP 8), "OS/8"

OS9 Operating System - 9 (Microware, OS), "OS-9"

OSAC Operator Services Assistance Center

OSCRL Operating System Command Response Language

OSDS Operating System for Distributed Switching

OSES OperationsSystem/Einheitliches System (OS, ESER, DDR), "OS/ES"

OSF Operations System Function (IN)

OSM Operating system Service Module (I2O)

OSMFT Operating System / Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (OS, IBM S/360), "OS/MFT"

OSMVS Operating System / Multiple Virtual Space (OS, IBM, S/370, OS/MVT, Nachfolger, OS/VS-2), "OS/MVS"

OSMVT Operating System / Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (OS, IBM, S/360, S/370), "OS/MVT"

OSO OverScan Operation (VXA, Streamer)

OSPCP Operating System / Primary Control Program (IBM, OS, OS/360, Vorläufer), "OS/PCP"

OSPM Operating System directed [configuration and] Power Management

OSRT Operating System / Real Time (OS, Destek Group), "OS/RT"

OSS Operator Service System

OSSVS Operating System / Single Virtual Space (OS, IBM, S/370, OS/VS2), "OS/SVS"

OSVS1 Operating System / Virtual System - 1 (OS, IBM, S/370), "OS/VS-1"

OSVS2 Operating System / Virtual System - 2 (OS, IBM, S/370), "OS/VS-2"

OSWS Operating System Work Station

PCNOS Personal Computer / Network Operating System (OS, MS-DOS, CP/M), "PC/NOS"

PDOS Parallel and Distributed Operating System (OS, MIT)

PERPOS PERpetual Processing Operating System (OS, Unix)

PLATO Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations

POEP Primary Operand Execution Pipeline (Motorola, CPU), "pOEP"

POGO Programmer-Oriented Graphics Operation

POS Primary Operating System (OS, RCA Spectra 70)

POS Professional Operating System (OS, DEC), "P/OS"

POSE Palm Operating System Emulator (Palm)

POSIX Portable Operating System for unIX (OS, IEEE 1003, ISO 9945, PASC, Unix)

PSOS Provably Secure Operating System (OS)

PTOS Paper Tape Operating System (OS)

QDOS Quick and Dirty Operating System (OS, PC, MS-DOS, Vorläufer)

RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company (USA)

RDNCRC Research Data Network Cooperative Research Centre (Org., Australien)

RISCOS RISC Operating System (MIPS, Acorn, OS), "RISC OS"

RKO RootKey Operator (DNS)

RMCOS Ryan-McFarland COBOL (????) Operating System

RMOS Realtime Multitasking Operating System (SNI, OS)

RNOC Regional Network Operations Center

ROMC Required Operational Messaging Characteristics

ROP Raster Operation Processor (GPU)

ROP Remote Operations Service (IBM, OS/2)

ROS Resident Operating System (OS)

ROS Robot Operating System (OS)

ROSE Remote Operations Service Element (OSI, RPC)

RTMOS Real Time Multiprogramming Operating System (OS, GE)

RTOS Real Time Operating System (OS, Interdata, Prime, ...)

RTOS16 Real Time Operating System - 16 (OS, Digico), "RTOS-16"

RTOS360 Real Time Operating System /360 (IBM, OS, S/360), "RTOS/360"

RTOSUH Real Time Operating System - Universität Hannover (OS), "RTOS-UH"

SCA Scalable Cooperative Architecture

SCO Santa Cruz Operation (Hersteller, Unix)

SCOM System Center Operations Manager (MS)

SCPDOS Seattle Computer Products Dis Operating System (OS, DOS, MS-DOS, Vorläufer), "SCP-DOS"

SDOS Software Dynamics Operating System (OS)

SECCOS SEcure Chip Card Operating System (OS)

SILS Secure Interoperable LAN/MAN Standard (LAN, MAN)

SILS Standard for Interoperable LAN Security (LAN)

SKIMS Schichtenübergreifendes Kooperatives Immunsystem für Mobile, mehrseitige Sicherheit

SOC Security Operations Center

SOE Standard Operating Environment

SOEP Secondary Operand Execution Pipeline (Motorola, CPU), "sOEP"

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SOS Share Operating System (OS)

SOS Sophisticated Operating System (OS, Apple)

SOS Symbolic Operating System (OS)

SOSP System Operational and Support Plan

SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operations OnLine

SSR Small Screen Rendering (WWW, Opera)

SUNOS SUN Operating System (Sun, OS, SPARC), "SunOS"

SYSOP SYStem OPerator (BBS), "SysOp"

TCOS Telesec Chipcard Operating System (OS)

TDOS Tape and Disk Operating System (OS, RCA Spectra 70)

TFLOPS Tera FLoating-point Operations Per Second (CPU, GPU)

TOPS Timesharing / Total OPerating System (DEC, OS)

TOS Tape Operating System (OS, RCA Spectra 70)

TOS Teletype Operating System (OS, Microdata)

TOS The Operating System (Atari, OS)

TOS Tramiel Operating System (Atari, OS)

TOS360 Tape ??? Operating System /360 (IBM, S/360, OS), "TOS/360"

TRON The Realtime Operating system Nucleus

TSIG Trusted Systems Interoperability Group (Org.)

TVOS Terminal Velocity Operating System (3drealms)

TWOS Time Warp Operating System (OS, Hypercube)

UTOPIA Universal Test & Operations Physical layer Interface for ATM (PL, ATM)

VAIO Video Audio Integrated Operation (Sony)

VCOS Visible Caching Operating System (DSP)

VIROS VIRtual memory Operating System (DEC, OS)

VMS Virtual Memory [operating] System (DEC, OS)

VOS Virtual machine Operating System (OS, MTS)

VOS Virtual Operating System (OS, Stratus)

VSO Variable Speed Operation (VXA, Streamer)

VTOS Virtual Technology Operating System (OS, Tandy, TRS-80)

WIMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave ACCess (IEEE 802.16)

WLIF Wireless LAN Interoperability Forum (Org., WLAN, LAN)

WSI Web Services Interoperability (Org., OASIS, WWW) "WS-I"

XMS eXtended Multiprocessor operating System (OS)

ZOS Z/Operating System (IBM, Java, OS), "z/OS"

A total of 273 terms has been found.

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