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4GT 4 GB [RAM] Tuning (RAM, GB)

AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface (Apple, AppleTalk)

ACA Asynchronous Communications Adapter

ACAU Automatic Calling and Answering Unit

ACC Area Communication Controller (MODACOM)

ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface (IBM, CM/2)

ACF Advanced Communications Function (IBM)

ACF Apple Communications Framework (Apple)

ACFNCP Advanced Communication Function / Network Control Program (IBM, ACF), "ACF/NCP"

ACFTCAM Advanced Communication Function / Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/TCAM"

ACFVTAM Advanced Communication Function / Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/VTAM"

ACIA Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter

ACO AMP Communications Outlet

ACPC Apple Communications Protocol Card (Apple)

ACS Advanced Communications System

ACS Asynchronous Communication Server

ACTA America's Carriers Telecommunications Association (USA)

ACTPU ACTivate Physical Unit (SNA)

ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services (EU, ACTS)

ACU Automatic Calling Unit

ACUTA Association of College and University Telecommunication Administrators (Org., USA)

ACUTE Airbus Cockpit Universal Thrust Emulator (Airbus, A380)

ADB A DeBugger (Unix)

ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure (ANSI)

ADEW Andrew Development Environment Workbench (ATK, Unix)

ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (Airbus, A380, Honeywell)

ADPT Automated Data Processing/Telecommunications (ADP), "ADP/T"

ADSU ATM Data Service Unit (ATM)

ADU Automatic Dialing Unit

ADV staatliche Akademie für DatenVerarbeitung (Org., Uni Böblingen)

AESEBU Auto Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union (Digital Audio), "AES/EBU"

AETIC Asociación de empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información y teleComunicaciones de españa (Org., Spanien)

AFS Andrew File System (IBM, Unix)

AFUU Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Unix (Org., Frankreich, Unix)

AII Active Input Interface (UNI, PMD, FDDI)

AIIA Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale (Org., Italien, AI)

AIS Alarm Indication Signal (UNI, ATM, OAM, DS3/E3)

AISE Alarm Indication Signal-External (UNI, ATM), "AIS-E"

AITO Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets (Org.)

AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive (IBM, Unix, OS)

AKI Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen KI Institute (Org., KI)

ALTS Association for Local Telecommunications Services (Org., USA)

ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit (CPU)

AMS Andrew Mail / Message System (Unix)

ANIEL Asociación Nacional de Industrias Electrónicas y de teLecomunicaciones (Org., Spanien, AETIC, Vorläufer)

ANUML Australian National University Meta Language, "ANU ML"

AOI Active Output Interface (UNI, PMD, FDDI)

AOTC Australian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (Org., Australien)

AOU Arithmetic Output Unit

APC Association for Progressive Communications (Org., Netzwerk)

APDU Application Protocol Data Unit (OSI, PDU, OSI/RM, APDU, ICC)

APPC Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communications (IBM, SNA, LU 6.2)

APPC Advanced Program to Program Communication (IBM)

APPCP Advanced Program to Program Communications Protocol (APPC, IBM)

APU Accelerated Processing Unit (AMD, CPU, GPU)

APU Auxiliary Processing Unit

ARQAPDU Associate ReQuest Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU)

ASCI Agent to Server Communication Interval (McAfee, ePolicy)

ASH Almquist SHell (BSD, Unix, Shell), "ash"

ASK Akademische Software Kooperation (Org., Karlsruhe)

ATCA Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (Intel, PICMG)

ATCA Allied Tactical Communications Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

ATI Advanced Telecomunications Institute (Org., USA)

ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (Org., USA)

ATK Andrew ToolKit (Unix)

ATR Advanced Telecommunications Research laboratory (Org., Japan)

ATSUI Apple Text Services for Unicode Imaging (Apple, Unicode)

ATUS A Toolkit for Usable Security (Uni Freiburg)

AU Access Unit

AUE Andrew User Environment (Unix)

AUI Access Unit Interface

AUI Attachment Unit Interface (Ethernet)

AUIS Andrew User Interface System (Unix, UI)

AUTOSEVOCOM AUTOmated SEcure VOice COMmunications (Vorläufer, SVIP, Mil., USA)

AUX Apple UniX (Apple, Unix), "A/UX"

AUX Auxiliary Power Unit (Airbus, A380)

AWK al Aho, peter Weinberger, brian Kernighan (Unix)

BASH Bourne-Again SHell (Unix, Shell)

BCAM Basic Communication Access Method

BCC Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA)

BCP Binary Communications Protocol

BCS Banking Communication Standard (Banking)

BCU Bus Controller Unit

BDPA Blu-ray Disk Pure Audio (Universal, BD, Audio)

BELLCORE BELL COmmunications REsearch (Org., USA) "Bellcore"

BEREC Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (Org., Europa)

BERKOM BERliner KOMmunikationssystem (Netzwerk)

BFD Binary File Descriptor (Unix)

BIDCO BIDirectional COmmunication Standard, BidCoS

BIK Barrierefrei Informieren und Kommunizieren (Internet)

BIKA Barrierefreie Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie für Alle (FIT)

BIKOS BüroInformations- und KOmmunikationsSysteme (Org., GI)

BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain [software] (Unix)

BISYNC Binary SYNchronous Communications (IBM)

BIU Bus Interface Unit

BK Büro Kommunikation

BOM Byte Order Mark (Unicode)

BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

BPF Berkeley Packet Filter (BSD, Unix)

BPU Branch Prediction Unit (CPU, MMX, Intel)

BPU Branch Processing Unit (CPU)

BSC Binary Synchronous Communications [protocol] (IBM)

BSCM Binary Synchronous Communications Module

BSD Berkeley System / Software Distribution (Hersteller, Unix, OS)

BSS Block Started by Symbol (IBM, Assembler, Unix)

BTAM Basic Telecommunications Access Method (IBM)

BTU Basic Transmission Unit (IBM, SNA)

BUI Bus Interface Unit (DEC)

BZT Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation (Org., DTAG)

C3I Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

C3IIS Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems (Mil., USA), "C3I/IS"

C4 Command, Control, Communications and Computers (Mil., USA)

C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

CAC Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)

CACTIS Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System (Mil., USA)

CALEA Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act (USA)

CAP Communications-electronics Accommodation Program

CAPI Communication Application Program Interface (ISDN, API)

CAS Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA)

CCCA Campus Computer Communication Association (Org., USA)

CCCI Center for Cyber Communities Initiative (Org., Japan)

CCETT Centre Commun d'Etudes de Télédiffusion et Télécommunications (Org., Frankreich)

CCIA Computer & Communication Industry Association (Org.)

CCNC Computer / Communications Network Center

CCNUMA Cache-Coherent Non Uniform Memory Access (SMP, NUMA), "cc-NUMA"

CCP Communications Control Program (OS, IBM)

CCP Compact Communication Products (TPS)

CCS [Conference on] Computer and Communications Security

CCS Coded Character Set (CCS, Unicode)

CCS Common Communications Support (IBM, SAA)

CCS Communications-Computer Systems, "C-CS"

CCTA Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (Org., UK, Vorläufer, OGC)

CCU Cache Control Unit (Wyse)

CCU Customer Control Unit

CD Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2)

CDA Communications Decency Act (Internet, USA)

CDC Communication Device Class (USB, MS, Windows, WMCDC)

CDE Common Desktop Environment (Unix)

CDMS Communication Driver Maintenance System (ISDN, HST)

CDMU Command and Data Management Unit (ESA, Venus-Express, CDMS)

CDV Cell Delay Variation (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (UNI, ATM, CDV)

CE Communauté / Comuniqué Européenne (Europa)

CE Communications-Electronics, "C-E"

CE Connection Endpoint (UNI)

CEBIT welt CEntrum Büro Information Telekommunikation (Messe) "CeBIT"

CEI Connection Endpoint Identifier (UNI)

CEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications administrations (Org., CCITT, Conference, Europa)

CES Character Encoding Scheme (CSS, Unicode)

CESG Communications-Electronics Security Group (Org., UK, GCHQ)

CET Centro de Estudes de Telecomunições (Org., Portugal)

CGA Graphics Communications Association (Org.)

CGARI Graphics Communications Association Research Institute (Org., CGA)

CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System (Airbus, A380, TCP/IP)

CIRCIT Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technology (Org., Australien)

CISKA [3D] Campus-InformationsSystem KArlsruhe (Uni Karlsruhe, VRML)

CIU Core Interface Unit (Power4, IBM, IC)

CLL ConnectionLess Layer (UNI, NNI, ATM)

CLNAP Connectionless Network Access Protocol (UNI, NNI, ATM)

CLP Cell Loss Priority (UNI, ATM, CLR)

CLR Cell Loss Ratio (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CM2 Communication Manager /2 (IBM), "CM/2"

CMC Computer Mediated Communications [studies centre] (Org., USA)

CMGA Community of Massive Gaming Agents (Internet, Deutschland, DTAG)

CMMU Cache/Memory Management Unit

CMTC Critical Machine-Type Communication (MTC, 3GPP), "C-MTC"

CMU Carnegie-Mellon-University (Org.)

CMX Communications Manager uniX (Unix)

CN Communications Network

CNA Communication Network Architecture (SEL)

CNA Communications Network Application

CNC Communications Network Control

CNET Centre Nationale d'Études des Télécommunications (Org., Frankreich)

CNIS [international] congress on Communications, Networking, and Information Systems

CNM Communications Network Management

CNMA Communications Network for Manufacturing Applications

CNR Communications and Network Riser

COBRA COmmunication technology: Basic Research and Applications (Org., Niederlande)

COBRA COmmunication technology: Basic Research and Applications

COFF Common Object File Format (Unix)

CONCERT Communications for North Carolina Education, Research and Technology (Netzwerk)

COPS Computer Oracle and Password System (Unix)

CORAN Communication ORiented Application aNalysis

CORDIS COmmunity Research and Development Information Service (Europa)

COS Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

COSE Common Open Software Environment (HP, Sun, IBM, SCO, USL, Univel)

CPIC Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM, SAA, API), "CPI/C"

CPIO CoPy In/Out (Unix)

CPM Communication Processor Module (Motorola)

CPU Central Processing Unit

CPUID Central Processing Unit IDentifier (CPU)

CRFVC Connection Related Function Virtual Channel (UPC, UNI), "CRF

CRFVP Connection Related Function Virtual Path (UPC, UNI), "CRF

CRS Cell Relay Service (UNI, ATM)

CSA Communication Streaming Architecture (Intel, MCH, DNB)

CSELT Centro Studi E Laboratori Telecomunicazioni [s.p.a.] (Org., Italien)

CSH C SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell)

CSP Communicating Sequential Processes

CSPDU Convergence Sublayer Protocol Data Unit (ATM, PDU), "CS PDU"

CSRG Computer Systems Research Group (Org., Unix, BSD)

CSTA Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (ECMA, CTI)

CSTS Computer Supported Telecommunications Standard

CSU Channel Service Unit (ATM)

CSUNET California State University NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

CTB Communication ToolBox (Apple)

CTD Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM, QOS)

CTM Communication Trunk of Medium range (Mil., Deutschland)

CTP Community Technology Preview

CTR [columbia university] Center for Telecommunications Research (Org., USA)

CTSS Compatible Time Sharing System (Unix, Vorläufer, OS, MIT)

CU Call Up (Unix)

CUD Color Universal Design (Eizo, LCD)

CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture (Nvidia, 3D)

CUPS Common Unix Printing System (Unix, Drucker)

CUSI Configurable Unified Search Interface (WWW)

CUT Control Unit Terminal

CVS Concurrent Versions System (Unix)

CXI Common X-windows Interface (Unix)

DAC Discretionary Access Control (Unix, Linux, MAC)

DAEMON Disk And Execution MONitor (Unix)

DAS Disk Array Subsystem (Unix, HP-UX)

DAU Digital Annealing Unit (Fujitsu, ASIC)

DCA Defense Communications Agency (Org., USA, Mil., Vorläufer, DISA)

DCA Digital Communication Associates

DCA Distributed Communication Architecture (Sperry Univac)

DCC Data Communications Computer

DCE Data Communications Equipment

DCLU Digital Carrier Line Unit

DCM Domain Controller Master (Debian, Univention)

DCNA Data Communication Network Architecture

DCOP Desktop COmmunication Protocol (Linux, KDE)

DCPS Data Communications Protocol Standards

DCS Defense Communications System (Mil., USA)

DCU Data Cache Unit (CPU, POWER)

DCUO DC Universe Online (MMORPG)

DDCMP Digital Data Communication Message Protocol

DDU Dialog Data Unit (BTX)

DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DFÜ)

DECT Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (veraltet)

DELUA Digital Ethernet Lowpower Unibus network Adapter (Ethernet)

DETEBERKOM DEutsche TElekom BERliner KOMmunikationssystem, "DeTeBerkom"

DEUNA Digital Ethernet Unibus Network Adapter (Ethernet)

DF Disk Free (Unix)

DGUX Data General / UniX (Unix), "DG/UX"

DICOM Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine

DINO Deutsches InterNet Organisationssystem (WWW, Uni Göttingen)

DITU Data Interception Technology Unit

DIU Digital Interface Unit

DMT Discrete Multitone Technology (ADSL, Amati Communications, ANSI)

DMTU Default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), "D-MTU"

DMU Data Management Unit (ZFS)

DMU Data Manipulation Unit

DNCRI Division of Networking and Communication Research and Infrastructure

DRACO DECT Radio Communications Controller (DECT, Hagenuk, University of Manchester)

DRMU Digital Remote Measurement Unit

DSRC Dedicated Short-Range Communications

DSSCS Defense Special Security Communications System (Mil., USA)

DSU Data Secure Unix (Unix, OS, UCLA)

DSU Digital Service Unit (ATM)

DSU Digital Storage Unit

DSU Distribution Service Unit (IBM, SNADS)

DTU Demand Transmission Unit

DU Disk Used (Unix)

DU Distribution Unit (MS, MSIE)

DUNDI Distributed Universal Number DIscovery (VoiP), "DUNDi"

DUOW Distributed Unit Of Work (DRDA, IBM), "DUoW"

DUP Distribution Unit Profile (MS, OSD, DU, MSIE)

DVPT Deutscher Verbandes für Post und Telekommunikation (Org.)

EBU European Broadcasting Union (Org., Europa)

ECHO European Community Host Organisation (Org., Europa)

ECOC European Conference on Optical Communications (Konferenz)

ECP Enhanced Communication Port / Protocol

ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act (USA)

EECC European Electronic Communications Code

EGD Entropy Gathering Daemon (Unix, GNU, GnuPG)

EGREP Extended Global Regular Expression Print (Unix, GREP)

EHKP Einheitliche Höhere KommunikationsProtokolle (BTX, ER, DTAG)

EICTA European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association [veraltet/old term] (Org., Europa)

EJC Electronic Journal of Communication

EKOS Elektronisches KOmmunikationsSystem (MBAG)

ELF Executable and Linkable Format (Unix, OS/2)

ELM ELectronic Mailer (Unix)

ENUC Embedded Next Unit of Computing (Intel, NUC), "eNUC"

EPIX Enhanced Performance unIX (Unix), "EP/IX"

ERC European Radiocommunications Committee (WLAN)

ERO European Radiocommunications Office (Org., Europa, CEPT)

ESK [Fraunhofer] Einrichtung Systeme der Kommunikationstechnik (Org.)

ETNO European Telecommunications Network Operators Association (Org., ISP)

ETS Emergency Telecommunication Service (RFC 3689)

ETS European Telecommunication Standard (ETSI)

ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute (Org., Europa, ETSI)

EU Execution Unit (CPU)

EUC Extended Unix Code (Unix, AT&T)

EUCTF European Union Cybercrime Taskforce (Org., Europa)

EUDC EMACS Unified Directory Client (EMACS)

EUFS Embedded Universal Flash Storage (UFS), "eUFS"

EUNET European Unix NETwork (Netzwerk, Internet, ISP, Unix)

EUSUVP EntscheidungsUnterstützendes System UmweltVerträglichkeitsPrüfung (EUS, XPS, Uni Hamburg)

EUUG European Unix User Group (Org., User group, Unix, Europa)

EWIKO [verein zur förderung] Elektronischer WIssenschaftsKOmmunikation (Org.)

FACE Framed Access Command Environment (Unix, SVR4)

FADU File Access Data Unit (FTAM)

FAU Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Org., Erlangen, Nürnberg)

FAW Forschungsinstitut für Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (Org., KI, Ulm)

FCC Fast Communication Controller (SCC, MCC)

FCC Federal Communications Commission (Org., USA)

FEA Functional Entity Action (IN, UNI)

FERF Far End Receive Failure (UNI, ATM, SONET, OAM)

FFS Fast File System (Unix, Amiga, Commodore)

FFS Fast Filing System (BSD, Unix)

FGREP Fixed Global Regular Expression Print (Unix, GREP)

FIU Fingerprint Identification Unit (Sony)

FOC Fiber Optic Cable / Communications

FOKUS Forschungszentrum für Offene KommUnikationsSysteme (Org., GMD, Berlin)

FORWISS bayerisches FORschungszentrum für WISsensbasierte Systeme (Org., KI)

FPDU FTAM Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System (IN, Mobile-Systems)

FPU Floating Point Unit (CPU)

FRS Frame Relay Service (ATM, UNI)

FRU Field Replace Unit

FSCK File System Consistency checK (Unix)

FSS Fast System Switch (Unix)

FSSUTF FileSystem Safe UCS Transformation Format (UCS, Unicode), "FSS-UTF"

FSU Free Software Union (Org.)

FTS2000 Federal Telecommunications Services - 2000 (USA), "FTS-2000"

FTSC Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee (Org., USA)

FUB Freie Universität Berlin (Org.)

FUBAR Failed UniBus Address Register (VAX)

FUNI Frame User Network Interface

FXU FiXed point Unit (POWER, CPU)

FZI ForschungsZentrum Informatik (Org., Uni Karlsruhe)

GAFCON German AirForce Communication Network (Mil., Deutschland, Netzwerk)

GASH Group Admin SHell (Unix, Shell)

GCA General Communications Architecture (Ingres)

GCATT Georgia Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (Org., USA)

GCHQ Government Communications HeadQuarters (Mil., UK)

GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (UNI, ATM)

GCUX GIAC Certified UniX security administrator (GIAC, GSE)

GEDCOM GEnealogical Data COMmunication [format], "GeDCom"

GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications System (USA)

GFS Global File System (GFS, Unix)

GLOCOM [center for] GLObal COMmunications (Org., Japan)

GNIUs GSM Network for Improved access to Universal Services (GSM, Europa)

GNU GNU's Not Unix (rekursiv!, Unix, GNU, OS)

GPGPU General Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPU)

GPU Graphics Processing Unit

GREP Global Regular Expression Print (Unix)

GRUB GRand Unified Bootloader (GNU)

GSM Global System for Mobile communications

GSMR Global System for Mobile communications - Rail (GSM), "GSM-R"

GTS Global Telecommunication System

GUID Global[ly] Unique IDentifier (COM)

GULM Global Universal Lock Manager / Grand Unified Lock Manager (GFS)

GURPS Generic Universal RolePlaying System

GUUG German Unix User Group (Org., User group, Unix)

GWS Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik (Org., Uni Marburg)

HDB HoneyDanBer [standard] (Unix)

HECTOR HEterogeneous Computer TOgetheR (IBM, Uni Karlsruhe)

HFPA High Fidelity Pure Audio (Universal, BD, Audio, BDPA)

HIGGENS Human Interface Graphical GENeration System (Uni Colorado)

HNI Heinz Nixdorf Institut (Org., ZIT)

HPCC High Performance Computing and Communication

HPCS High Performance Communication Server (Tobit, NLM, Netware)

HPUX Hewlett Packard / UniX (Unix), "HP/UX"

HUMA Heterogenous Uniform Memory Access (PS4), "hUMA"

HURD HIRD of Unix-Replacing DAEMONs (GNU, HIRD)

IAC InterApplication Communication (Apple)

IAUG International AIX User Group (Org., Unix, AIX, User group)

IBCN Integrated Broadband Communication Network

ICA Integrated Communications Architecture

ICA Intelligent Communication Adapter (Banyan, VINES)

ICA International Communications Association (Org.)

ICC Intelligent Communications Control

ICC International Conference on Communications (Konferenz)

ICC Internode Communication Channel (SMP, Scalis)

ICC Interrupt Controller Communications [bus] (PC)

ICCC InterClient Communication Convention (X-windows)

ICCC International Conference on Computer Communication (Konferenz)

ICCC International Council on Computer Communication (Org.)

ICCCM InterClient Communication Convention Manual (X-Windows)

ICCS Integrated Communications Cabling System (SNI)

ICDB Integrated Communications DataBase (DB)

ICIA International Communications Industries Association (Org.)

ICIAI International Communications Industries Association Inc. (Org.)

ICMX Interface for Communications Manager uniX (Unix, CMX)

ICT Information and Communication Technology

ICT Information and Communications Technologies

ICU Instruction Cache Unit (CPU, POWER)

ICU International Components for Unicode (IBM, API, Unicode)

IDC Inter-Device Communication (IBM, OS/2)

IDOMENEUS Information and Data on Open MEdia for NEtworks of USers (WWW, Uni Hamburg)

IDU Interface Data Unit

IDUPGSSAPI Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service API (GSS, API), "IDUP-GSS-API"

IEICE Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (Org., Japan)

IETS Interim European Telecommunications Standards (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

IFS Internal Field Separator (Unix, AWK)

IGC Institute for Global Communications (USA)

IKT Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik

ILFA Integrierte Logische Funktionen für Anwendungen (IWBS, Uni Karlsruhe, Uni Duisburg)

ILLIGAL ILLinois Genetic Algorithm Laboratory (Org., Uni Illinois, USA) "IlliGAL"

ILVU InterLeaved Video Units (VOB, DVD, Video)

IMC Information Management and Communication (Org., UK, Liverpool Hope University), "IM&C"

IMLE Intelligent Mechatronic Solution Elements (Uni Paderborn)

IMMD Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung (Org., Uni Erlangen)

IMT2000 International Mobile Telecommunications [at] 2000 [Mhz] (Mobile-Systems), "IMT-2000"

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

IMUNE Intrusion Mitigation Unified Network Engine (Symantec, IDS)

INDC [international conference on] Information Networks and Data Communication (IFIP, Conference)

IOMMU Input Output Memory Management Unit (AMD, Athlon)

IOOC Integrated Optics and Optical fiber Communication (Konferenz)

IPC InterProcess Communications [protocol]

IPCE InterProcess Communication Environment

IPDU Internet Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council (Org.)

IPU Intelligent Processing Unit

IPVR Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Rechensysteme (Org., Uni Stuttgart)

IRCS Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (Org., Uni Pennsylvania, USA)

ISLU Integrated Services Line Unit

ITR International Telecommunication Regulations (ITU)

ITS International Telecommunications Society (Org.)

ITTM Institut Telekomunikasi dan Teknologi Maklumat (Org., Malaysia)

ITU International Telecommunications Union (Org.)

ITUR International Telecommunications Union - Radiocommunications sector (ITU, Org.) "ITU-R"

ITUT ITU Telecommunications [standards group] (Org., Nachfolger, CCITT) "ITU-T"

ITUTSS International Telecommunications Union Telecommunication Standards Sector (ITU)

IU Integer Unit (CPU)

IUCV Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IBM, TCP/IP, API, VM/ESA, CP)

IUK Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, "IuK"

IUKDG Informations- Und KommunikationsDiensteGesetz (DFÜ, Deutschland)

IWU InterWorking Unit (IN)

JCP Java Community Process (Java, Sun)

JTSSG Joint Telecommunications Standards Steering Group (Mil.)

JUGHEAD Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation And Display

JUMBO Java Universal Molecular Browser for Objects (XML)

JUNET Japan Unix NETwork (Netzwerk, Unix)

JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (Mil.)

KCCU Keyboard Cursor Control Unit (Airbus, A380)

KLICK Karlsruher LIChtleiter-Kommunikationsnetz (Uni Karlsruhe)

KPI Kernel Programming Interface (Unix, API)

KSA KommunikationsStrukturAnalyse (OA, TUB)

KSH Korn SHell (Unix, Shell)

LADT Lexikon der Abkürzungen in der Datentechnik und Telekommunikation (WWW)

LC Loopback Capability (UNI, ATM, OAM)

LC3 Low Complexity Communications Codec (Bluetooth)

LCA [Sair] Linux [and GNU] Certified Administrator (Linux, GNU, Unix)

LCD Loss of Cell Delineation (UNI, ATM)

LCP [Sair] Linux [and GNU] Certified Professional (Linux, GNU, Unix)

LCS Lotus Communication Server

LEL Link, Embed and Launch (UNIX)

LITTA Latvijas Informâcijas Tehnologiju un Telekomunikâciju Asociâcija (Org., Lettland)

LIU Line Interface Unit

LKI Labor für Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., KI, Hamburg)

LMU LAN Manager for Unix (Unix), "LM/U"

LMX LAN Manager for uniX (LAN, Unix, MS), "LM/X"

LOC Loss of Cell delineation (UNI, ATM)

LOF Loss of Frame (UNI, ATM, DS3/E3)

LOP Loss of Pointer (UNI)

LOS Loss of Signal (UNI, ATM)

LP Line Printer (Unix)

LPDU Link Protocol Data Unit

LSDU Link Service Data Unit

LSU LAN Service Unit (LAN)

LSU Load/Store Unit (Power4, IBM, CPU)

LTC Linux Technology Center (Linux, Unix, IBM)

LU Logical Unit (NAU)

LU62 Logical Unit 6.2 (IBM), "LU6.2"

LUN Logical Unit Number (SCSI)

LUNI LANE User Network Interface (LANE, ATM)

MAU Medium Access Unit

MAU Medium Attachment Unit (IEEE 802.3, Transceiver)

MAU Multistation Access Unit (Token Ring, Hub)

MAX MAssively parallel uniX (Cray, OS, MIMD, MPP, Unix)

MAX Multimodaler AssemblierungseXperte (VR, Uni Bielefield)

MC2UC MultiCast 2 UniCast (WLAN)

MCC Mitteldeutsches Communication Center (Leipzig)

MCC Multichannel Communication Controller (SCC, FCC)

MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board (Org., Mil., USA)

MCI Microwave Communications Incorporated, http://www.mci.com

MCL Media Communication Lab (Org., Uni Boston, USA)

MCP Media and Communications Processor (IC)

MCP Multiport / Multiprotocol Communication Processor

MCR Minimum Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, PCR, ABR)

MCS Multichannel Communications System (Mac)

MCTD Mean Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM)

MCU Management & Cascade Unit (Hub)

MCU Master Control Unit (Nokia, OS)

MCU Micro Controller Unit (SIA, RL)

MCU Multipoint Controller Unit (VoiP)

MDM Mobile Device Management (CA, Unicenter, MS)

MESA MetaEmailSearchAgent (WWW, Internet)

MEU Multiformat Engine Unit (LCD, Sony)

MICE Modular Integrated Communications Environment


MINT Multimedia-kommunikation aif Integrierten Netzen und Terminals

MMCF MultiMedia Communications Forum (Org.)

MMTC Massive Machine-Type Communication (MTC, 3GPP), "M-MTC"

MMU Mass Memory Unit

MMU Memory Management Unit

MODACOM MObile DAta COMmunication

MOS Minimum Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

MOSIX Multicomputer Operating System for UnIX (Unix, Cluster, MOSIX)

MOST Mobile Open Systems Technologies (UK, Uni Lancaster)

MPDU Message Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

MPT Ministery of Post and Telecommunications (Org., Japan)

MPT1327 [British] Ministry of Post and Telecommunications [standard] 1327

MPU MicroProcessor Unit (SIA, RL)

MPU401 MIDI Processing Unit 401 (Roland, MIDI), "MPU 401"

MRU Maximum Receive Unit [size] (SLIP, PPP)

MSN Monitoring cell Sequence Number (UNI, ATM)

MSU Millions of Service Unit (IBM, TC)

MTC Machine-Type Communication (3GPP)

MTU Maximum Transmission Unit (SLIP, PPP, IP, PPPoE)

MTU Message Transfer Unit

MUM Multitask Unified Model (Google), "MuM"

MUPAD Multi Processing Algebra Data [tool] (Uni Paderborn, CAS) "MuPAD"

MUSICAM Masking-pattern adapted Universal Subband Integrated Coding And Multiplexing (MPEG, Digital Audio)

MX Mail eXchange (Unix)

NAC Networks and Communications

NACM Networks And Communications Marketing

NACS Netware Asynchronous Communication Server (Novell, Netware)

NATOA National Association of Telecommunications Officers & Advisors (Org., USA)

NAU Network Addressable Unit (IBM, SNA, OSI)

NAU Network Attachment Unit (GigaB, IP-Router)

NBMA Non-Broadcast Multiple Access (UNI, ATM)

NCA Network Communications Adapter

NCCF Network Communications Control Facility (IBM)

NCN Nixdorf Communications Network

NCOHPCC National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (Org., USA, HPC) "NCO/HPCC"

NCOS Non-Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

NCS National Communications System (USA)

NCSI Network Communications Service Interface (NMP)

NCTA National Cable & Telecommunications Association (Org., USA)

NCTL National Computer and Telecommunications Laboratory (Org., USA)

NCU Non-Cacheable Units

NETSS National Electronic Telecommunication Surveillance System (USA)

NFC Near Field Communication (Bluetooth)

NFC Normalization Form C (ompostion)

NFS Network File System (Sun, Unix, RFC 1094/1813/3010)

NIS Network Information System (Unix)

NIU Network Interface Unit

NKSR Non-Kernel Security Related (Unix)

NL Number Lines (Unix)

NLUUG NetherLand Unix User Group (Org., User group)

NMCP Network Management Communication Protocol

NMSU New Mexico State University (Org.)

NROFF New Run-OFF (Unix)

NS Name Server (DNS, Unix)

NT1 Network Termination [unit] 1 (ISDN)

NTC National Telecommunications Conference (Conference, USA)

NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (IST)

NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration / Agency (Org., USA)

NTN National Telecommunications Network

NUC Next Unit of Computing (Intel)

NUMA Non Uniform Memory Access (SMP)

NURB Non Uniform Rational B-spline

NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (CAD, Animation)

NUS National University of Singapore (Org.)

NZUSUGI New Zealand Unix System User Group, Inc. (Org., Unix, User group)

OBU On-Board-Unit

OCD Out-of-Cell Delineation (UNI)

ODIN Optimale Datenmodelle und algorithmen für Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften [auf hochleistungsrechnern] (Uni Karlsruhe, SNI)

OECOS Organizational Engineering for Communications and Organizational Systems (SNI, OA)

OFFIS Oldenburg Forschungsinstitut Für Informatikwerkzeuge und -Systeme (Org., Uni Oldenburg)

OFTA OFfice of the Telecommunications Authority (Org., Hongkong)

ONU Optical Network Unit

OPC Open Platform Communications

OPCCA Open Platform Communications - Classic Architecture (OPC), "OPC-CA"

OPCUA OLE for Process Control Unified Architecture (OPC, OLE), "OPC UA"

OPCUA Open Platform Communications - Unified Architecture (OPC), "OPC-UA"

OPDU Operation Protocol Data Units

OPU Optical Processing Unit

ORAIS Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligent Systems (Conference, GI)

OS4 Operating System /4 (OS, UNIVAC 9700), "OS/4"

OS7 Operating System /7 (OS, UNIVAC 9700), "OS/7"

OSICS OSI Communication Systems (OSI)

OU Organizational Unit (MS, Windows, NT, AD)

OUCL Oxford University Computing Laboratory

OUI Organization Unique Identifier (IEEE)

OUI Organizational Unit Identifier

OUM Ovonic Unified Memory (ECD)

OWC Optical Wireless Communication

OWE Opportunistic Wireless Encryption [veraltet/old term] (IEEE)

PACS Picture Archiving and Communications Systems

PACT Personal Air Communications Technology, "pACT", http://www.pact-forum.org

PANIX Public Access internet/uNIX [system] (Unix, Internet, Netzwerk)

PAX Portable Archive eXchange (SCO, Unix)

PBS Portable Batch System (Unix)

PCB Program Communication Block (IBM)

PCCA Personal Computer Communications Associations (Org., USA)

PCIA Personal Communications Industry Association (Org., USA, SMS)

PCIX Personal Computer / unIX (IBM, PC), "PC/IX"

PCN Personal Communications Network

PCN Public Communications Network (Mobile-Systems)

PCR Peak Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, SCR)

PCS Personal Communication System (Sony, Panasonic, Motorola)

PCS Personal Communications Services

PCS Programmable Communications Subsystem

PCSI Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc. (Hersteller)

PCT Private Communication Technology (Internet, MS, Visa)

PDU Packet Data Unit

PDU Product Development Unit

PDU Protocol Data Unit (OSI)

PERPOS PERpetual Processing Operating System (OS, Unix)

PFPU Processor Frame Power Unit

PIC Personal Intelligent Communicator

PICU Priority Interrupt Control Unit

PID Process IDentification number (Unix)

PIU Path Information Unit (IBM, SNA)

PIU Plug-In Unit

PLC PowerLine Communications [adapter]

PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Procedure / Protocol (UNI, DS-3)

PLOU Physical Layer Overhead Unit (UNI), "PL-OU"

PMD Physical layer, Medium Dependant [sub-layer] (FDDI, UNI)

PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit

PMP Point to MultiPoint (UNI)

PMU PowerMeter Unit

POSIX Portable Operating System for unIX (OS, IEEE 1003, ISO 9945, PASC, Unix)

PPC Program to Program Communication (Apple)

PPDU Presentation Protocol Data Unit (PDU, OSI, ISO 8823, OSI/RM)

PPID Parent Process IDentification number (Unix)

PPU Peripheral Processing Unit

PPU Physical Processing Unit (Ageia)

PS Process Status (Unix)

PSD Programmer's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix)

PSIPU PostScript - Intelligent Processing Unit (Canon, Adobe, CLC), "PS-IPU"

PSIU Packet Switch Interface Unit

PSU Portable Storage Unit

PSU Primary Sampling Unit

PSU Program Storage Unit

PTAT Private Trans-Atlantic Telecommunications

PTC Pacific Telecommunications Council (Org.)

PTMP Point to MultiPoint [communication]

PU Physical Unit (NAU)

PU Power Unit

PU Processing Unit

PUB Physical Unit Block

PUC Peripheral Unit Controller

PUCP Physical Unit Control Point (IBM, SNA)

PUFFT Purdue University Fast FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN)

PUID Physical Unit IDentifier (IBM)

PUMA Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly (Unimation)

PUMA Programmable Universal Micro Accelerator

PUMS Physical Unit Management Services

PUP PARC Universal packet Protocol (PARC)

PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (URL, WWW)

PWD Print Working Directory (Unix)

PWSCS Programmable WorkStation Communication Services

QPU Quick Pascal Units (MS)

QUEST Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunication Leadership (Org.) "QuEST"

QUICC QUad Integrated Communications Controller (Motorola)

RACE Research and technology development in Advanced Communications technologies in Europe (Europa, Vorläufer, CORDIS)

RAD Research And Development [data communications] (Hersteller)

RATS Radio-Amateur Telecommunications Society (Org., USA)

RCS Revision Control System (Unix, CM, GNU)

RCS Rich Communications Services (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

RDI Remote Defect Identification / Indicator (UNI)

RDRN Rapidly Deployable Radio Networks (USA, Uni Kansas)

REGTP REGulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (Org., Deutschland), "RegTP"

RFS Remote File Sharing (AT&T, Unix)

RISLU Remote Integrated Services Line Unit

RMT Raw Magnetic Tape (Unix)

RRIP Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol (CD, Unix)

RRZE Regionales RechenZentrum Erlangen (Org.)

RSCS Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (IBM, VM, NJE)

RSH Remote SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell)

RSH Restricted SHell (Unix, Shell)

RSU Remote Switching Unit

RTCU Real Time Control Unit

RTOSUH Real Time Operating System - Universität Hannover (OS), "RTOS-UH"

RTU Real Time Unix (Unix)

RTU Remote Terminal Unit (ESA, Venus-Express)

RTUX Real Time UniX (OS, Emerge Systems)

RUOW Remote Unit Of Work (DRDA, IBM), "RUoW"

RUP Rational Unified Process (IBM)

RUS Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart (Org., Uni Stuttgart)

RUTE RUTE Users Tutorial and Exposition (Unix), "R.U.T.E."

SAF Service Access Facilities (Unix)

SARPDU Segmentation And Reassembly Protocol Data Unit (ATM, PDU), "SAR PDU"

SATCOM SATellite COMmunications

SAU Secure Access Unit

SCC Serial Communication Controller (FCC, MCC)

SCCS Source Code Control System (Unix, AT&T, CM)

SCO Santa Cruz Operation (Hersteller, Unix)

SCOPE Simple COmmunications Programming Environment (DFÜ)

SCP Secondary Communications Processors

SCR Sustainable Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, VBR)

SCSL Sun Community Source License (Sun)

SCSU Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode (Unicode)

SCTE Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (Org.)

SCU Selector Control Unit

SCU Snoop Control Unit (ARM, MPCore)

SCU System Control Unit (CPU, POWER)

SCX Specialized Communications eXchange

SDU Service Data Unit (OSI)

SECB Severely Errored Cell Block (UNI)

SED Stream EDitor (Unix)

SETL SEt Theory Language (New York Uni.), "SetL"

SIPP SImple Polygone Processor (Unix)

SIT institut für SIchere Telekommunikation (GMD, Org.)

SLU Secondary Logical Unit

SLU Serial Line Unit

SMM System Manager's Manual (BSD, Unix)

SMPU Switch Module Processor Unit

SMU System Management Unit (AMD)

SPAT Speech Pronunciation Analysis Training (Uni Mainz), "S.P.A.T."

SPDU Session Protocol Data Unit (OSI, PDU, OSI/RM)

SPICE Scalable Parallel Intelligent Communications Engine

SPL Set Priority Level (Unix)

SPU Synergistic Processing Unit (IBM, Cell)

SPU System Processing Unit

SPUCDL Serial Peripheral Unit Controller/Data Link, "SPUC/DL"

SSC Science Supercomputing Center (Uni Karlsruhe)

SSDU Session Service Data Unit

SSH Secure SHell (Unix, Shell)

STU Secure Telephone Unit

STV Sprint Telecommunications Venture (Org.)

SU Screening Units

SU Selectable Unit

SU Signalling Unit

SU Storage Unit

SU Switch User (Unix)

SUGD Sun User's Group Deutschland (Sun, Org., User group)

SUNET Swedish University NETwork

SURANET Southeastern Universities Research Association NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "SURAnet"

SUS Single Unix Specification (Unix)

SVABI System V Application Binary Interface (Unix, AT&T, SCD)

SVFS System V File System (Unix)

SVID System V Interface Definition (Unix, AT&T, SCD)

SVR3 System V Release 3 (Unix, OS, AT&T)

SVR4 System V Release 4 (Unix, OS, AT&T)

SWICO Schweizerischer Wirtschaftsverband der Informations-, Communikations- und Organisationstechnik (Org., Schweiz)

SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Org., Banking)

SXU Synergistic eXecution Unit (IBM, Cell, SPU)

TACS Total Access Communication Service (Mobile-Systems)

TAE Telekommunikations-AnschlußEinheit (DTAG)

TAR Tape ARchiver (Unix)

TCA information technology & TeleCommunications Association (Org.)

TCAM TeleCommunications Access Method (IBM, DFÜ)

TCC Telecommunications Center

TCI Test Cell Input (UNI, ATM)

TCO Test Cell Output (UNI, ATM)

TCSH Trustedi C SHell (Unix, Shell)

TCU Tape Control Unit

TCU Timing Control Unit

TCU Transmission Control Unit

TDD Telecommunications Device for Deaf

TDSV Telekommunikation-DatenSchutzVerordnung (BMWI)

TDU Telesoftware Data Unit (BTX)

TEA Telekommunikations-Anschluß-Einheit (DTAG)

TELNET TELephone NETwork (Unix, Internet, RFC 854)


TERMCAP TERMinal CAPability (Unix)

TERMINFO TERMinal INFOrmation (Unix)

TIA Telecommunications Industries Association (Org.)

TIIAP Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program (USA)

TINA Telecommunication Information Network Agent (IN)

TINA Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture (IN)

TIPC Transparent Inter Process Communication [protocol]

TIPHON Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks (ETSI, WG)

TIS Tools Interface Standard [committee] (Org., IBM, Lotus, MS, Watcom, SCO, Unix)

TK TeleKommunikation

TKG TeleKommunikationsGesetz

TKO TeleKommunikationsOrdnung

TKÜV Telekommunikations-Überwachungsverordnung (Deutschland)

TKV TeleKommunikationsVerordnung

TL Telecommunication Leadership [standard] (QuEST)

TMCC Time-Multiplexed Communication Channel

TMN Telecommunication Management Network (IN)

TMPDU Test Management Protocol Data Unit (ISO 9646-1, PDU), "TM-PDU"

TMS Telecommunications / Telephone Management System

TMU Texture Mapping Unit (GPU)

TMU Time Measurement Unit

TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit (OSI, OSI/RM, PDU, ICC)

TPU Tensor Processing Units

TPU Turbo Pascal Unit (TP, Borland)

TROFF Typesetter New Run-OFF (Unix)

TSA Telecommunication Society of Australia (Org., Australien)

TSDU Transport Service Data Unit (OSI, OSI/RM)

TSO Telecommunications Service Order

TTCAN Time Triggered Communication on Controller Area Network (CAN)

TUB Technische Universität Berlin (Org.)

TUC Total User Cell count (UNI)

TUCD Total User Cell Difference (UNI)

TUHS The Unix Heritage Society (Org., Unix)

TUM Technische Universität München (Org.)

TUNIS Toronto UNIversity System (OS)

TUX Torvalds UniX (Linux), "Tux"

U2F Universal Second Factor (FIDO-Alliance)

U3D Universal 3 Dimensional [format] (3D)

UAA Universal Audio Architecture (MS, Windows, XP)

UAB Unix Appletalk Bridge (Apple, AppleTalk, Unix)

UAC Universal Access Control (IBM)

UADPS Uniform Automatic Data Processing System

UADSL Universal Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (DSL, ADSL)

UAE Universal Amiga Emulator (Amiga)

UAF Universal Authentication Framework (FIDO-Alliance)

UAPDU User Agent Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

UART Universal Asynchronous Receive and Transmit

UAWG Universal ADSL Working Group (Org, ADSL, DSL)

UBA UniBus Adapter (DEC)

UBC Unified Buffer Cache

UBL Universal Business Language (OASIS, XML)

UC Universal Code (Internet)

UCA Utility Communication Architecture

UCC Uniform Code Council (USA)

UCC Uniform Commercial Code, http://www.softwareindustry.org/issues/guide

UCITA Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (USA, DRM)

UCLA University of California at Los Angeles (Org., USA)

UCM [rational] Unified Change Management (IBM, DCT, SCM)

UCP Universal Computer Protocol (SMS, Europa)

UCS Unified Computing System (Cisco)

UCS Univention Corporate Server

UCS Universal [multiple-octet] coded Character Set (ISO, IEC, DIS 10646, Unicode)

UCS Universal Classification System

UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara (Org. USA)

UCSD University California San Diego (Org., USA)

UDA Unified Driver Architecture (Nvidia)

UDB Universal DataBase [server] (IBM, DB)

UDC Universal Decimal Classification

UDC Universal Display Corporation (Hersteller)

UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration of business for the web (Org., WWW, XML)

UDF Universal Disc Format (CD, OSTA)

UDI Unified Display Interface

UDLD Unidirectional Link Detection (Cisco)

UDLI Unified Design Language for integrated circuits / I (HDL), "UDL/I"

UDRP Uniform [Domain-name] Dispute Resolution Policy (ICANN)

UDSL Universal Digital Subscriber Line

UDVM Universal Data Voice Multiplexer

UEFI Unified Extended Firmware Interface

UFED Universal Forensic Extraction Device (Cellebrite)

UFS Universal File System

UFS Universal Flash Storage (JEDEC)

UFS Unix File System (Unix)

UFST Universal Font Scaling Technology (Agfa)

UHC United Hitech Corporation (Hersteller, Taiwan)

UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface (USB, Intel, VIA, OHCI)

UI Unix International (Hersteller, Unix)

UID Unit IDentifier (Verschlüsselung, EES)

UIDL Unique ID Listing (POP3, RFC 1939)

UIEE Universal Information Exchange Environment (AWS)

UIN Universal Identification Number (ICQ)

UKERNA United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association (Org., UK)

UKOLN United Kingdom Office for Library and information Networking (Org.)

UL United Linux (Linux)

ULA Unique Local Address (IP, IETF)

ULANA Unified Local Area Network Architecture

ULCC University of London Computer Center (Org., UK)

ULCE United Linux Certified Expert (Linux)

ULCP United Linux Certified Professional (Linux)

UMA Unified Memory Architecture

UMA Universal Measurement Architecture (Unix, X/Open)

UMADS Universal Measurement Architecture Data Storage (UMA)

UMC United Microelectronics Corporation (Hersteller)

UMD Universal Media Disk (Sony)

UME UNI Management Entity (UNI, ILMI)

UML Unified Method Language (CASE, DB, OMG)

UML Unified Modelling Language (OOP)

UMS Unified Messaging System

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (IN, Mobile-Systems)

UNA Universal Network Architecture

UNC Universal Naming Convention (IBM, MS, Novell, LAN)


UNCID UNiform rules of Conduct for Interchange of Trade data by teletransmission (EDIFACT)

UNCLE Unix Net for Computer security in Law Enforcement (Org., USA, Unix) "U.N.C.L.E."


UNGTDI United Nations Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange (UN/EDIFACT, Vorläufer), "UN/GTDI"

UNI Universal Network Interface (Cogent)

UNI User Network Interface

UNICS UNiplexed Information and Computing Service (OS, MULTICS, Bell)

UNIKOPS UNIversell KOnfigurierbare sicherheitslösung für cyber-Physikalische Systeme

UNITE Ubiquitous aNd Integrated Teamwork Environment (SIT)

UNIVAC UNIVersal Automatic Computer

UNMA Unified Network Management Architecture

UNSM United Nations Standard Message, (UN/EDIFACT)

UNTDED United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory (EDIFACT)

UNTDID United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory (EDIFACT)

UP Uni Processor [system]

UPC Universal Product Code (EAN)

UPC Usage Parameter Control (UNI, ATM)

UPNP Universal Plug 'N Play (PNP) "UPnP"

UPP Universal Procedure Pointer (AE, Apple)

UPPS Universal Portable Protocol Stack / Support (Schneider & Koch)

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

UPS Unix Print Services (Unix)

UPT Universal Personal Telecommunications [number] (IN, Mobile-Systems)

UPT Universelle Personengebundene Telekommunikation (IN)

URA Uniform Resource Agent (WWW)

URC Uniform Resource Citation (WWW)

URC Uniform Resources Characteristics (URI, WWW)

URI Universal Resource Identifier (WWW, RFC 1630/2396)

URL Uniform Resource Locator (WWW, RFC 1738)

URN Uniform Resource Name (WWW, RFC 1737)

URSN Unique Resource Serial Number (URI, WWW)

US Unit Separator (BTX, VPCE)

USA United Software Association (Org., USA)

USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter (IC)

USB Universal Serial Bus (Intel, USB)

USBDDK Universal Serial Bus Driver Development Kit (USB, DDK), "USB-DDK"

USBIF Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum (Org., USB) "USB-IF"

USBOTG Universal Serial Bus - On The Go (USB), "USB-OTG"

USBPD Universal Serial Bus - Power Delivery (USB), "USB-PD"

USCP Unicos Station Call Processor [protocol] (Cray, MPP)

USD User's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix)

USDC Universal Switched Data Capability [consortium] (LCD, Org.)

USDN United States Digital Network

USF Universal Scalable Firmware (Intel)

USG Universal Subscriber Gateway (Nomadix)

USG Unix Support Group (Org., Unix)

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module (Mobile-Systems, UMTS)

USITA United States Independent Telephone Association (Org., USA)

USL Unix Systems Laboratories (AT&T, Unix)

USMTF United States Message Text Format (USA)

USP Universal Storage Platform (HDS)

USRP Universal Software Radio Peripheral

USRT Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter (IC)

USS Unix Support Services (z/OS, IBM)

USTA United States Telephone Association (Org., USA)

UT Universal Time [+0000] (TZ, GMT)

UTC Universal Time Coordinated (DCE)

UTC Universal Time Coordinates [+0000] (TZ, GMT)

UTF UCS Transformation Format (Unicode, UCS)

UTI Universal Text Interchange

UTLB Unified Translation Look-aside Buffer (CPU)

UTM Unified Threat Management (Funkwerk)

UTM Universal Transaction Monitor

UTM Universal Turing Machine

UTM Universeller TransaktionsMonitor (BS2000, Sinix, TP)

UTMS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

UTOPIA Universal Test & Operations Physical layer Interface for ATM (PL, ATM)

UTS Universal Timesharing System

UTTC Universal Tape-To-Tape Converter

UUCICO Unix to Unix Copy Incoming Copy Outgoing (Unix)

UUCP Unix to Unix Copy Protocol (Unix)

UUG Unix User Group (Org., Unix, User group)

UUID Universal Unique IDentifier

UUNET Unix to Unix NETwork (Org., ISP)

UUP Universal Update Platform (MS)

UUT Unit-Under-Test

UVD Unified Video Decoder (AMD)

UVLC Universal Variable Length Coding

UVS Unified Virtual Storage

UWA Universal Widget API (API, Netvibes)

UWP Universal Windows Platform (MS, Windows)

UXSS Universal Cross-Site Scripting (WWW, XSS)

VATM Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten (Org., DFÜ, Deutschland)

VCL Virtual Channel Link (UNI, ATM)

VDPAU Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (Nvidia, API)

VDU Visual Display Unit

VFS Virtual File System [layer] (Unix, Linux, OSF/1)

VGPU Virtual Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), "vGPU"

VI VIsual editor (Unix)

VIDIX VIDeo interface for *niX (Unix, Video)


VIM VI Improved (VI, Unix)

VIRUP VIrtual Reality Universe Project

VMCF Virtual Machine Communications Facility (IBM, VM)

VMU Visual Memory Unit (Sega, Dreamcast)

VOBU Video OBject Units (ILVU, DVD, Video)

VPL Virtual Path Link (UNI, ATM)

VPRT Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation (Org., Deutschland)

VPT Virtual Path Terminator (UNI, ATM)

VPU Video Processing Unit

VPU Visual Processing Unit (IC, SIMD, 3Dlabs)

VSU Vertex/Scalability Unit (3Dlabs)

VSU Video Service Unit

VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, SNA)

VTAME Virtual Telecommunications Access Method Entry (VTAM)

VTKE Verbund der TeleKommunikations-Endgerätehersteller (Org.)

VTM Verband der Telekommunikationsnetz- und Mehrwertdiensteanbieter (Org.)

VUDA VESA Unified Graphics Architecture (VESA)

VUMA VESA Unified Memory Architecture (VESA)

VUMASBE VESA Unified Memory Architecture - System BIOS Extension (VESA), "VUMA-SBE"

VUP VAX Units of Performance (VAX, DEC), "VUPs"

WACUP WinAmp Community Update Project (Audio)

WC Word Count (Unix)

WCF Windows Communication Foundation (MS, Windows)

WCIT World Conference on International Telecommunication (ITU)

WEBRTC WEB Real Time Communication (WWW, W3C), "WebRTC"

WHCA White House Communications Agency (DISA)

WICG Web platform Incubator Community Group (Org., W3C)

WMCDC Wireless Mobile Communication Device Class (USB, MS, Windows, CDC)

WNM Wireless Network Management (CA, Unicenter)

XCOFF eXtended Common Object File Format (Unix)

XFS eXtended File System (SGI, Unix, Windows)

XINU XINU Is Not Unix (OS)

XUIDL X-Unique-ID-Listing. (UIDL, POP3), "X-UIDL"

YACC Yet Another Compiler Compiler (Unix)

YAUN Yet Another Unix Nerd

ZIT interdisziplinäres forschungsZentrum für Informatik und Technik (Org., Uni Paderborn)

ZMT Zentrum für Multimediale Telekommunikation (BERKOM)

ZPR Zentrum für Paralleles Rechnen (Org., Uni Köln)

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