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AAAAA Anonym Association Against Acronym Abuse (DFÜ-Slang)

AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence (Org., AI, USA)

AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science (Org., USA)

AADN American Association of Domain Names (Org., USA, Internet)

AAM Automatic Acoustic Management (ATA, HDD)

AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AAMSI American Association for Medical Systems Informatics (Org., USA)

AAP Association of American Publishers (Org., USA)

AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package (ASCII)

AATL Adobe Approved Trust List (Adobe)

AAWA Advanced Autonomous Waterborne Applications (Org.)

ABA American Bankers Association (Org., USA, Banking)

ABAP4 Advanced Business Application Programming/4 (SAP, R/3, 4GL), "ABAP/4"

ABCD Altavista Business Card Directory (WWW)

ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode

ABNF Augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF, RFC 733/2234)

ABS Apple Business Systems (Apple)

ABUI Association of Banyan Users International (Org., Banyan, VINES, User group, Vorläufer, ENA)

AC Amiga Club (Org., User group, Amiga)

ACA Asynchronous Communications Adapter

ACCIS Automated Command and Control Information System (Mil., USA)

ACCM Asynchronous Character Control Map (PPP)

ACCS Army Command and Control System (Mil., USA)

ACCU Association of C and C++ Users (Org., UK)

ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface (IBM, CM/2)

ACE Actuator Control Electronics (Airbus, A380)

ACE Autonomous Computer Engine (WD)

ACES APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation (Org., Australia, China, Japan, USA)

ACH Association for Computers and the Humanities (Org., USA)

ACIA Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter

ACID Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (IDS, CERT)

ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems (Org., USA)

ACL Association for Computational Linguistics (Org., USA)

ACL Asynchronous ConnectionLess (HCI, Bluetooth)

ACL Autodesk Campus License (Autodesk)

ACM Abstract Control Model (USB, MS, Windows)

ACM Association for Computing Machinery (Org., USA)

ACMC Australian CEFACT Management Committee (Australien, Org., CEFACT)

ACR Anonymous Call Rejection

ACS Asynchronous Communication Server

ACS Australian Computer Science

ACS Australian Computer Society (Org., Australien)

ACTA America's Carriers Telecommunications Association (USA)

ACUTA Association of College and University Telecommunication Administrators (Org., USA)

ACUTE Airbus Cockpit Universal Thrust Emulator (Airbus, A380)

AD Autonomous Domain

ADAPSO Association of Data Processing Service Organisation (Org., USA)

ADATP Allied DATa processing Publication (Mil., USA)

ADB Apple Desktop Bus (Apple)

ADEPT Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission (Mil., USA)

ADF Access control Decision Function (Mil., USA)


ADIMM Asynchronous Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM, IC, Leadtek)

ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (Airbus, A380, Honeywell)

ADLC Asynchronous Data Link Control

ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release [generator] (VCA, Audio)

ADUA Administrative Directory User Agent

AEA American Electronics Association (Org., USA)

AEB Analog Expansion Bus

AECBF Acoustic Echo Cancellation / Beam Forming (Audio), "AEC/BF"

AEUT Apple Event User Terminology (Apple)

AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAICR As Far As I Can Recall (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AFAIK As Far As I Know (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAIR As Far As I Recall / Remember (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAMPE [u.s.] Air Force Automated Message Processing Exchange (Org., USA. Mil.)

AFDX Avionics Full DupleX switched ethernet system (Airbus, A380, Ethernet)

AFII Association for Font Information Interchange (Org., USA)

AFIN Air Force Information Network (Netzwerk, USA, Mil.)

AFK Away from Keyboard (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFNET Air Force Network (Netzwerk, USA, Mil.)

AFTP Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

AHB Advanced High performance Bus (AMBA, ARM)

AHIMA American Health Information Management Association (Org., USA)

AHPCRC Army High Performance Computing Research Center (Org., USA, HPC)

AI Adobe Illustrator (Adobe)

AIAF Artificial Intelligence AutoFocus (AI, Canon)

AID AUTODIN Interface Device (AUTODIN, Mil., USA)

AIIM Association for Information and Image Management (Org., USA)

AIO Asynchronous Input/Output

AIS Autonomous Intelligent System

AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus (Org.)

AISIG [south australian] Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (Org., Australien, AI)

AISP Association for Internet Service Providers (Org., USA, ISP)

AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals (Org., USA)

AISSO Automated Information Systems Security Officer (Mil., USA)

AIST Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (Org., Japan)

AIUI As I Understand It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AJAX Asynchronous Javascript And XML (XML, XHTML, CSS, XSLT)

AJBS Association of Japanese Business Studies (Org., Japan)

AKNN Arbeitskreis für Numerierung und Netzzusammenschaltung (Org.)

ALAP As Late As Possible (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

ALE Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts (Org., Linux, User group)

ALM Asynchronous Line Module

ALM Asynchronous Line Multiplexer

ALTEL Association of Long-distance TELephone companies (Org., USA)

ALTERNIC ALTERnative Network Information Center (Internet, USA)

ALTS Association for Local Telecommunications Services (Org., USA)

AM Asynchronous Mode

AMAP As Much As Possible (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AMBA Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (ARM, AMBA)

AMBAAXI Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture -Advanced eXtensible Interface (AMBA), "AMBA AXI"

AMD Asynchronous Module Definition (Javascript)

AMIA American Medical Informatics Association (Org., USA)

AMIA Australian Medical Informatics Association (Org., Australien)

AMIC Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration (USA, Org.), "AMI-C"

AMOR Amusing Misuse of Resources (Linux, KDE)

AMS American Mathematical Society (Org., USA)


ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ANIEL Asociación Nacional de Industrias Electrónicas y de teLecomunicaciones (Org., Spanien, AETIC, Vorläufer)

ANS American National Standard (ANSI, ISO, USA)

ANSI American National Standard Institute (Org., USA)

ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center (Org., USA, AMD, FDDI)

ANUML Australian National University Meta Language, "ANU ML"

AO Arvutikasutaja Oskustunnistus (Org, Estonia)

AOA American Optometric Association (Org., USA)

AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control System (ESA, Venus-Express)

AOTC Australian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (Org., Australien)

APB Advanced Peripheral Bus (AMBA, ARM)

APCUG Association of Personal Computer User Groups (Org.)

APL A Perspicuous Language / Alles Parallel Lösbar (APL, Slang)

APR Arbeitsdatei PIOS Rauschgift (INPOL, PIOS)

APS Asynchronous Protocol Specification

APST Autonomous Power State Transition (SSD, NVMe)

ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers (Org., Internet, USA)

ARKD Abuse Resistant Key Distribution (Arcade)

ARM Asynchronous Response Mode

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency [veraltet/old term] (Org., USA, DARPA)

ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork (USA, Netzwerk)

ARPDP Association of Rehabilitation Programs in Data Processing (Org., USA)

ARPU Average Revenue Per User

ARTS Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server

ARTT Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal

AS Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930)

ASA American Standards Association (Org., USA, ANSI, Vorläufer)

ASAP As Soon As Possible (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ASB Advanced System Bus (AMBA, ARM)

ASBR Autonomous System Border / Boundary Router (AS)

ASC American Society for Cybernetics (Org., USA)

ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission (FO, EDFA)

ASEMH Army Standards Electronic Mail Host (Mil., USA)

ASES Australian Solid Earth Simulator (ACES)

ASI Amorphous SIlicon drum (Kyocera), "aSI"

ASI Aquarius Systems International (Hersteller)

ASI Asynchronous SCSI Interface

ASL Adaptive Speed Levelling (US Robotics)

ASMA Asus System Monitoring Agent (Asus, ASWM)

ASMO Advanced Storage Magneto Optical [disk] (Hitachi, Maxell, Matsushita, Fujitsu, Olympus, Philips, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, LG Electronics)

ASMONIA Angriffsanalyse und Schutzkonzepte für MObilfunkbasierte Netzinfrastrukturen unterstützt durch kooperativen InformationsAustausch

ASP Association of Shareware Professionals (Org., USA)

ASQC American Society of Quality Control (Org., USA)

ASSERT ADEPT Subsystem for Scanning of Electronic Received Traffic (ADEPT, Mil., USA)

ASSIST Automated Special Security Information System Terminal (Mil., USA)

ASSR Agreed Set of Security Rules (Mil., USA)

ASSUME Association of Statistics Specialists Using Microsoft Excel (Org., User group)

ASVD Analog Simultaneous Voice and Data (MODEM)

ASWM Asus System Web-based Management (Asus, DMI, SNMP, ASMA)

ATD Asynchronous Time Division (ATM)

ATDM Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexer (ATD)

ATDMA Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access (ATD)

ATE Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (Banyan, VINES)

ATI Advanced Telecomunications Institute (Org., USA)

ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (Org., USA)

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

ATM At The Moment (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ATRAC Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding (Sony, Digital Audio, CODEC)

ATUS A Toolkit for Usable Security (Uni Freiburg)

AUDIUS AUßenDIenstUnterstützungsSystem (CAS)

AUE Andrew User Environment (Unix)

AUGCE Autodesk User Group Central Europe (Org., User group)

AUGE Apple User Group Europe (Org., Apple, User group)

AUI Asociación de Usuarios de Internet (Internet, User group, Spanien, Org.)

AUI Audible User Interface (UI)

AUIS Andrew User Interface System (Unix, UI)

AUP Acceptable Use Policy (NFSNet)

AUR Arch User Repository (Linux)

AUTOSEVOCOM AUTOmated SEcure VOice COMmunications (Vorläufer, SVIP, Mil., USA)

AUU ATM User-to-User (ATM)

AUX Auxiliary Power Unit (Airbus, A380)

AVERT Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team (McAfee)

AVR Automatic Voltage Regulation (USV)

AWOL Absent WithOut Leave (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AYS Are You Sure (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AZEB Australian/new Zealand EDIFACT Board (Org., EDIFACT), "AZ/EB"

B2B Business to Business

B2C Business to Customer

B2E Business to Employee

BAGEL Bay Area GNU Enthusiasts League (GNU, Org., User group)

BAPCO Business Application Performance COrporation (Benchmark, Org., Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, MS, Lotus, Intel, ...) "BAPCo"

BAPI Business Application Programmer's Interface (SAP, R/3, API)

BARWAN Bay Area Research Wireless Access Network (Netzwerk, USA)

BBIAB [I'll] Be Back In A Bit (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

BBIAM Be Back In A Minute (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BBIAS Bye, Back In A Second (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BBL Be Back Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BCC Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA)

BCI Batibus Club International (Org.)

BCU Bus Controller Unit

BCV Business Continuance Volumes (EMC)

BDD Business Desktop Deployment (MS, Windows, Vista)

BDR Bus Device Request (SCSI)

BEC Business E-Mail Compromise

BELLCORE BELL COmmunications REsearch (Org., USA) "Bellcore"

BEST Business Executive System for Timesharing (OS, Qantel)

BEW Business Engineering Workbench (R/3, SAP)

BF Bus Fraction [pin] (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

BFN Bye For Now (DFÜ-Slang, IRC, Usenet)

BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempts

BI Breidbart-Index (Usenet, ECP, EMP)

BIAB Back In A Bit (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

BIB Bus Interface Board

BIC Bus Interface Chip (DVR)

BID Bugtraq IDentification (Securityfocus)

BIICS Business Integration - Information Conformance Statements (XML), "BI-ICS"

BIS Business Information System

BISP Business Information System Program

BISUP Broadband ISDN User's Part (B-ISDN), "B-ISUP"

BISYNC Binary SYNchronous Communications (IBM)

BITNET Because It's Time NETwork (Netzwerk)

BIU Bus Interface Unit

BLAST BLocked ASynchronous Transmission

BLW Bus Locked Write (Intel, CPU)

BML Business Management Layer (TMN)

BMUG Berkeley Macintosh User Group (Org., Apple, USA, User group)

BNF Backus-Naur Form (TTCN, ...)

BOCA Business Object Component Architecture (CORBA, OMG)

BOD Business Object Documents (OAG)

BOF Birds Of a Feather (Usenix)

BOS5 Business Operating Software /5 (OS), "BOS/5"

BOSH Bytestreams Over Synchronous HTTP (HTTP)

BOSS Bus Owner/Supervisor/Selector (FireWire)

BOT Back On Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BP;DR Behind Paywall; Didn't Read (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BPEL Business Process Execution Language

BPEL4WS Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (XML, XSD, SOAP, WSDL, OASIS)

BPL Business Process Language

BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation

BPOS Business Productivity Online Suite (MS)

BPSS Business Process Specification Schema (ebXML, XML)

BRAIN Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (USA)

BRB Be Right Back (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BRIL Bus Read Invalidate Line (Intel, CPU, BWIL)

BRL Bus Read Line (Intel, CPU, BWL)

BSA Business Software Alliance (Org., Hersteller)

BSC Binary Synchronous Coded

BSC Binary Synchronous Communications [protocol] (IBM)

BSCM Binary Synchronous Communications Module

BT Bus Terminator

BTC Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

BTP Business Transaction Protocol (OASIS)


BTW By The Way (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BUGLAS BUndesverband GLASfaseranschluss e.v. (Org.)

BUI Bus Interface Unit (DEC)

BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server (ATM, LANE)

BW Business Warehouse (DWH)

BWAM Because We Are Mean (Slang, Cygwin)

BWCC Borland Windows Custom Controls (Borland, DLL)

BWIL Bus Write Invalidate Line (Intel, CPU, BRIL)

BWL Bus Write Line (IIntel, CPU, BRL)

C2IS Command and Control Information Systems (Mil., USA)

C3I Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

C3IIS Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems (Mil., USA), "C3I/IS"

C4 Command, Control, Communications and Computers (Mil., USA)

C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

CABS Computer Aided Business Simulation

CACTIS Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System (Mil., USA)

CAIT Center for the Application of Information Technology (Org., USA)

CAL Client Access License (Lotus, MS)

CALEA Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act (USA)

CALS Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support

CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (UMTS)

CAN Controller Area Network [bus] (CAN)

CARDS Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software (Mil., USA)

CATIS Computer-Assisted Tactical Information System (Mil., USA)

CATOSL Computer Associates - Trusted Open Source License (CA), "CA-TOSL"

CBB Current Branch for Business (MS, Windows)

CBDTPA Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act (USA, DRM)

CBEMA Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (Org.)

CCCA Campus Computer Communication Association (Org., USA)

CCETT Centre Commun d'Etudes de Télédiffusion et Télécommunications (Org., Frankreich)

CCF Campus Computing Facilities (Org.)

CCIA Computer & Communication Industry Association (Org.)

CCL Cerberus Central Limited (Hersteller)

CCRMA Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (Org., Stanford, UK)

CCS Cluster Configuration System (GFS)

CCS Cyprus Computer Society (Org, Zypern)

CCU Customer Control Unit

CDA Communications Decency Act (Internet, USA)

CDC Communication Device Class (USB, MS, Windows, WMCDC)

CDMIDI Compact Disk + Musical Instruments Digital Interface (CD, MIDI), "CD+MIDI"

CDMS Command and Data Management System (ESA, Venus-Express)

CDMU Command and Data Management Unit (ESA, Venus-Express, CDMS)

CDT Central Daylight Time [-0500] (TZ, CST, USA)

CEG Continuous Edge Graphics (Grafik, IC)

CEIP Customer Experience Improvement Program (MS)

CES Consumer Electronics Show (Messe, USA, CTA)

CFAA Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (USA)

CFC ColdFusion Component (WWW, HTTPD)

CFD Call For Discussion (Internet)

CFM Clock From Master (CTM, Rambus)

CFML Cold Fusion Markup Language

CFT Cusor Forward Tabulation (CBT)

CFV Call For Vote (Internet, Usenet), "CfV"

CGS Continuous Grain Silicon [technology] (Sharp, LCD)

CIB Computer Integrated Business

CICD Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, "CI/CD"

CICS Customer Information Control System (IBM, CICS, Z/OS, OS/390, VSE/ESA)

CICSESA Customer Information Control System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, CICS), "CICS/ESA"

CICSTS Customer Information Control System / Transaction Server (IBM, VSE/ESA), "CICS/TS"

CICSVS Customer Information Control System / Virtual Storage (IBM, CICS), "CICS/VS"

CIDF Common Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF, IDS)

CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System (Airbus, A380, TCP/IP)

CIP Common Industrial Protocol (ODVA)

CIPA Children's Internet Protection Act (Internet, USA, COPA)

CIQ Customer Information Quality (OASIS, TC)

CIRAS (Conference on] Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems )

CIRCAMP Cospol Internet Related Child Abusive Material Project (Org.)

CIRCIT Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technology (Org., Australien)

CIS Command Information System (Mil., USA)

CIS Compuserve Information Systems (Netzwerk)

CISKA [3D] Campus-InformationsSystem KArlsruhe (Uni Karlsruhe, VRML)

CISS Center for Information Systems Security (Org., JIEO, DISA, Mil., USA)

CIT Center for Information Technology (Org., USA)

CIU Customer Initiated Upgrade (IBM, zSeries)

CIU Customer-Initiated Upgrade [switch] ??? (IBM)

CLASS Custom Local Area Signaling Service

CLE Certified Lotus Engineer (Lotus)

CLIC Chemnitzer LInux Cluster (Linux, Chemnitz), "CLiC"

CLUG Chemnitzer Linux User Group (Chemnitz, User group, Linux)

CMC Computer Mediated Communications [studies centre] (Org., USA)

CMIIW Correct Me If I'm Wrong (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CNM Customer Network Management

CNS Compuserve Network Services (CIS)

COBO Company Owned, Business Only [device] (BYOD, COPE)

COBOL COmmon Business Orientated Language

COCA Cost Of Cracking Adjustment (Verschlüsselung)

COCOT Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone

COMPTIA COMPuting Technology Industry Association (Org.)

CONLAN CONsensus LANguage (HDL)

COPA Child Online Protection Act (Internet, USA, CIPA)

COS Corporation for Open Systems (Org., OSI, User group)

COSE Common Open Software Environment (HP, Sun, IBM, SCO, USL, Univel)

CPE Customer Premises Equipment (ACS)

CPN Compuserve Packet Network (Netzwerk)

CPN Customer Premises Network

CPR CPU Parameter Recall (Asus), "C.P.R."

CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (Org., USA)

CRCG [Fraunhofer] Center for Research in Computer Graphics (Org., USA)

CRIMM Continuity Rambus Inline Memory Module (RIMM, IC, Rambus)

CRM Customer Relationship Management

CRML Customer Relationships Markup Language (xCRL, Vorläufer)

CRP Candidate Rendezvous Point (PIM, RP, Multicast), "C-RP"

CRTM Core Root of Trust for Management (TCPA)

CRUX ChRome User eXperience (WWW), "CrUX"

CSA Configuration Status Accounting

CSC Consumer Software Customization

CSD Customer Specific Dictionaries

CSH Complementary Software House (DEC)

CSI CompuServe Incorporated (ISP)

CSIC Customer Specific Integrated Circuit (IC, RL)

CSIDS Central command/Southern command Integrated Data System (Mil., USA)

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Org., UK)

CSM Cluster System Management (IBM)

CSNET Computer + Science NETwork (USA, Netzwerk, BITNET)

CSPP Computer Systems Policy Project [group] (Org., USA. Hersteller)

CSRAM Clock Synchronous Random Access Memory (RAM, IC)

CSS Content Scrambling System (DVD, Matsushita, IBM)

CSS Customer Switching System

CST Central Standard Time [-0600] (TZ, CDT, USA)

CSUNET California State University NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

CTAN Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (TeX, FTP) pause

CTCPEC Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria (Canada)

CTEA Copyright Term Extension Act (USA, DRM)

CTM Clock To Master (CFM, Rambus)

CTR [columbia university] Center for Telecommunications Research (Org., USA)

CU see you (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CUA Common User Application

CUCUG Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group (Org., User group)

CUI Character User Interface (UI)

CUI Common User Interface (AMS, UI)

CUL see you Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CUSI Configurable Unified Search Interface (WWW)

CUSP Commonly Used System Program (DEC)

CVIA Computer Virus Industry Association (Org., USA)

CVSD Continuous Variable Delta Modulation (DFÜ)

CWIS Campus Wide Information System

CWMI Common Warehousing Metadata Interchange (DB, DWH)

CXFS Clustered eXtended File System (SGI, RAID, XFS)

D2B Domestic Digital Bus

DA11 DatenAustauschphase 11 [allgemeine bauabrechnung] (GAEB)

DA81 DatenAustauschphase 81 [leistungsverzeichnis] (GAEB)

DA82 DatenAustauschphase 82 [kostenanschlag] (GAEB)

DA83 DatenAustauschphase 83 [angebotsanforderung] (GAEB)

DA84 DatenAustauschphase 84 [angebotsabgabe] (GAEB)

DA85 DatenAustauschphase 85 [nebenangebot] (GAEB)

DA86 DatenAustauschphase 86 [zuschlag/auftragserteilung] (GAEB)

DANA De.Admin.News.Announce (Usenet), "D.A.N.A."

DANTE Deutschsprachige ANwendervereinigung TEx [e.v.] (TeX, User group, Org.)

DAPHNE Document Application Processing in a Heterogeneous Network Environment

DARMP Defense Automation Resources Management Program (Mil., USA)

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Org., USA)

DAU Dümmster Anzunehmender User (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

DAWAK DAta WArehousing and Knowledge discovery

DBP Digital Business Platform

DBS Dual Band Simultaneous (WLAN)

DBS Duplex Bus Selector

DCA Defense Communications Agency (Org., USA, Mil., Vorläufer, DISA)

DCCS DisContiguous Shared Segments

DCS Defense Communications System (Mil., USA)

DCTN Defense Commercial Telephone Network (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

DDN Defense Data Network (USA, Netzwerk, Mil.)

DDRS Defense Data Repository System (Mil., USA)

DDRSDRAM Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM, IC), "DDR-SDRAM"

DDSS Double Dynamic Suspension System (Asus, CD-ROM)

DEBI DMA Extended Bus Interface (Acorn, DMA)

DECS Domino Enterprise Connection Services (Lotus)

DECUS Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (Org., DEC, User group)

DELQA Digital Ethernet Lowpower Q-bus network Adapter (Ethernet)

DELUA Digital Ethernet Lowpower Unibus network Adapter (Ethernet)

DELUG DEutsche Linux User Group (Org., User group, Linux)

DEPCA Digital Ethernet Personal Computer-bus Adapter (Ethernet)

DEQNA Digital Ethernet Q-bus Network Adapter (Ethernet)

DEUNA Digital Ethernet Unibus Network Adapter (Ethernet)

DGS Display GhostScript (GNU, GNUStep, PS)

DGSA Defense Goal Security Architecture (Mil., USA)

DHES Direct Heat Exhaust System

DHIS Distributed Heterogeneous Information Systems

DIB Defense Information Base (Mil., USA)

DIB Director Interface Board (Airbus, A380, CIDS)

DIB Dual Independent Bus [architecture] (PC)

DIF Directory Interoperability Forum (Org., IBM, Lotus, Novell, Oracle, ...)

DII Defense Information Infrastructure (Mil., USA, DISA)

DIICC Defense Information Infrastructure Control Concept (Mil., USA)

DIICOE Defense Info Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DISA, Mil., USA) "DII COE"

DIMSS DSN Integrated Management Support System (DSN, Mil., USA)

DINAH Desktop INterface to AUTODIN Host (AutoDIN, Mil., USA)

DIS Defense Information System (Mil., USA)

DISA Defense Information Systems Agency (Org., Mil., USA)

DISAIS DISA Information System (Mil., USA), "DISA-IS"

DISANET DISA Information Network (Mil., USA, DISA, Netzwerk), "DISANet"

DISC Defense Information System Council (Mil., USA)

DISN Defense Information Systems Network (Mil., USA)

DISNET Defense Integrated Secure Network (Netzwerk, Mil., USA, Vorläufer, DSNET)

DISNNT Defense Information Systems Network - Near Term (DISN, Mil., USA), "DISN-NT"

DISSP Defense Information System Security Program (Mil., USA)

DITCO Defense Information Technology Contracting Office (Org., Mil., DISA, USA)

DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act (USA, DRM)

DMOS Diffusion Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

DMS Data Management System (ESA, Venus-Express)

DMS Defense Message System (Mil., USA)

DMSIG Defense Message System Implementation Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DMSTWG Defense Message System Transition Working Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DNB Dedicated Network Bus (Intel, MCH, CSA)

DNI De.Newusers.Info (Usenet)

DNQ De.Newusers.Questions (Usenet)

DNSO Defense Network Systems Organization (Org., USA, Mil.)

DNUG Deutsche Notes User Group [e.v.] (Org., User group, Lotus)

DOAG Deutsche Oracle AnwenderGruppe [e.V.] (Oracle, User group, Org.)

DOC De.Org.CCC (Usenet, CCC)

DOCC DISA Operations Control Complex (DISA, Mil., USA)

DODISS Department Of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (Mil., USA)

DQDB Distributed Queue Dual Bus (ISO, IEC, IS 8802/6, IEEE 802.6)

DQS Distributed Queueing System (Cluster)

DRSN Defense Red Switch Network [hopefully no traffic ever] (Netzwerk, Mil. USA)

DRTM Dynamic Root of Trust for Measurement

DSAG Deutsche SAP AnwenderGruppe (SAP, User group)

DSCQS Double Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale (ITU-R BT.500-7)

DSH Desperately Seeking Help (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

DSI Defense Simulation Internet (Netzwerk, Mil., USA)

DSN Defense Switched Network (Mil., USA)

DSN Delivery Status Notification

DSNET Defense Secure NETwork (Mil., USA)

DSR Device Status Report

DSRS Defense Software Repository System (Mil., USA)

DSS Defense Switched Services (Mil., USA)

DSSCS Defense Special Security Communications System (Mil., USA)

DSVD Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data (MODEM)

DT Distributed graphical user interface Toolkit (IBM, GUI, VM/ESA)

DTAZV DatenTrägeraustausch, belegloser AuslandsZahlungsVerkehr (Banking)

DTCSA Digital Transition Content Security Act (USA)

DTI Document Technologies, Inc. (Firma, USA)

DTOS Distributed Trusted Operating System (OS, DTE)

DTRT Do The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

DU Disk Used (Unix)

DUA Directory User Agent (X.500, DS)

DVDRG Digital Versatile Disk - Read (General use)

DVI Digital Video Interactive [veraltet/old term] (LCD, Intel, IBM, Lotus, HP, Compaq, ...)

DWH Data WareHouse (DB)

DWH DISA Western Hemisphere (DISA, Mil., USA)

DWIM Do What I Mean (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

DXL Domino XML Language (XML, Lotus, DTD)

EA Eingabe/Ausgabe, "E/A"

EADF Elliptical Aperture with Dynamic Focus

EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, Verschlüsselung, RADIUS, WPA)

EASI Enhanced Asynchronous SCSI Interface

EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attachment

EAZ EndgeräteAuswahlZiffer (ISDN)

EBA Electronic Business Assurance, "eBA"

EBC EISA Bus Controller (Wyse)

EBNF Extended Backus-Naur-Form

EBUS Elektronisches teile-BUchungsSystem (MBAG)

EBXML Electronic Business eXtensible Markup Language (XML, OASIS, UN/CEFACT, B2B) "ebXML"

ECB Europe Card Bus

ECP Excessive CrossPosting (Usenet, EMP, Spam)

ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act (USA)

ECRC [cable & wireless] European Computer industry Research Centre [gmbh] (ISP, Org.)

ECRM Electronic Customer Relationship Management (Internet), "eCRM"

ECSC European Customer Support Centre (HP)

EDS Electronic Data Systems [corporation] (Anbieter, USA)

EDSA Europäischer DatenSchutzAusschuss (Org.)

EDSRA Earth Data System Reference Application (ISH, USA)

EDT Eastern Daylight Time [-0400] (TZ, EST, USA)

EEI External Environment Interface (Mil., USA)

EFB Electronic Flight Bag (Airbus, A380)

EG Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface (USB, Intel)

EIA Electronics Industry Association (USA, Org.)

EIB Element Interconnect Bus (IBM, Cell)

EIB European Installation Bus

EIBA European Installation Bus Association (Org., Europa)

EICAVR European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research (Org., Europa)

EICC Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (Org.)

EICL European Informatics Continuous Learning (CEPIS)

EICTA European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association [veraltet/old term] (Org., Europa)

EIDAS Electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Service (Europa), "eIDAS"

EISA Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)

ELMB Extreme Low Motion Blur (Asus)

EMA Electronic Messaging Association (Org., USA)

EMBI Excuse My Butting In (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EMP Excessive Multiple Posting (Usenet, ECP, Spam)

ENA Enterprise Networking Association (Banyan, VINES, User group, Org.)

EOD End Of Discussion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EOLAS Embedded Objects Linked Across Systems (Hersteller, USA)

EOT End Of Thread (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EOUG European Oracle User Group (Org., DB, Oracle, User group, Europa)

EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA, Org.)

EPIC Embedded Platform for Industrial Computing

ERIN Environmental Resources Information Network (Australien, Netzwerk)

ERL Electronic Research Lab (Volkswagen, USA)

ESA Entertainment Software Association (Org., USA)

ESB Enterprise Service Bus (Iona, OSS, IBM, SOA)

ESCO Extended Synchronous Connection Orientated (Bluetooth), eSCO

ESNET Energy Sciences NETwork (Netzwerk, USA, Internet)

EST Eastern Standard Time [-0500] (TZ, EDT, USA)

ETAS Elektronisches Teile-AuskunftsSystem (MBAG)

EUD End User Development

EULA End User License Agreement (MS, DRM)

EUS EntscheidungsUnterstützende Systeme

EUSES End Users Shaping Effective Software [initiative] (USA)

EUSIDIC ??? [European Association of Information Services] (Org., Europa)

EUSUVP EntscheidungsUnterstützendes System UmweltVerträglichkeitsPrüfung (EUS, XPS, Uni Hamburg)

EUUG European Unix User Group (Org., User group, Unix, Europa)

EVP Enhanced Virus Protection (AMD, CPU)

EWD Engine and Warming Display (Airbus, A380), "E/WD"

EXUG European X Users Group (Org., User group, Europa)

FAP Flight Attendant Panel (Airbus, A380, CIDS, LCD)

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

FBAS FarbBild-AustastSystem / Farb-Bild-Austast-Synchron-signal (Video)

FC Federal Criteria [for information technology security] (NIST, USA)

FCC Federal Communications Commission (Org., USA)

FCGC Flight Control and Guidance Computer (Airbus, A380)

FCIA Fibre Channel Industry Association (Org.)

FCS First Customer Ship (IBM)

FCSC Flight Control Secondary Computer (Airbus, A380)

FDI [fachverband der ] Führungskräfte der Druckindustrie und Informationsverarbeitung (Org.)

FDM Fused Deposition Modelling

FE Focus Error (DVD)

FEDRAMP FEDeral Risk and Authorization Management Program (USA), "FedRAMP"

FEP Flight Envelope Protection (Airbus, A380)

FFF Fused Filament Fabrication

FHIR Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (USA)

FIA Fiberoptic Industry Association (Org.)

FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard (NIST, USA)

FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (USA)

FIRP Federal Internet Requirements Panel (Internet, USA)

FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act (USA)

FMA Fused Multiply Add [operation]

FNC Federal Networking Council (Org., USA)

FNI FachNormenausschuss Informationsverarbeitung [1962-1987] (DIN, NI, Vorläufer)

FOKUS Forschungszentrum für Offene KommUnikationsSysteme (Org., GMD, Berlin)

FOSSIL Fido Opus Seadog Standard Interface Layer

FS Frame Status (FDDI, Token Ring)

FSB For Small Business (Novell)

FSB Front Side Bus

FSVO For Some Value Of (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FTC Federal Trade Commission (Org., USA)

FTS2000 Federal Telecommunications Services - 2000 (USA), "FTS-2000"

FTSC Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee (Org., USA)

FTZ Flush To Zero (DAZ)

FUBAB Fouled / Fucked Up Beyond All Belief (DFUE-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FUBAR Failed UniBus Address Register (VAX)

FUBAR Fouled / Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition / Repair (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FUNI Frame User Network Interface

FUSE Filesystem in USErspace (Linux)

FUSSP Final Ultimate Solution to the SPAM Problem (SPAM)

FWIW For What It's Worth (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FYI For Your Information (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GABELN Gruppe Area Brett Echo Liste Newsgroup (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, BBS)

GAEB Gemeinsamer Ausschuß für Elektronik im Bauwesen (Org.)

GARP Gratious Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), "gARP"

GCATT Georgia Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (Org., USA)

GCIA GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GIAC, GSE)

GDOUG Greater Detroit OS/2 User Group (Org., User group, OS/2, USA)

GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications System (USA)

GFC Going For Coffee (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (DFÜ)

GIDF Google Ist Dein Freund (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

GIDO General Intrusion Detection Object (CIDF)

GITS Government Information Technology Service (USA)

GIUA German Ingres User Association (Org., User group, DBMS, DB)

GMD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (Org., St. Augustin)

GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying

GNIUs GSM Network for Improved access to Universal Services (GSM, Europa)

GNMP Government Network Management Profile (USA)

GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnections Profile (USA, UK)

GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488)

GPIB General-Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488, GPIB)

GPP GNU [C] Plus Plus [compiler] (GNU)

GPV General Public Virus

GREASE Generate Random Extensions And Sustain Extensibility (TLS)

GSUG German Smalltalk Users Group (User group, Smalltalk, Org.)

GTFO Get The Fuck Out (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GTL Gunning Tranceiver Logic+ [bus] (Intel, SMP), "GTL+"

GUI Graphical User Interface (UI)

GUIDE Graphical User Interface Design Editor (Sun)

GUILE GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (GNU)

GUMO General User Model Ontology (DFKI)

GUS Guide to the Use of Standards (SPAG)

GUUG German Unix User Group (Org., User group, Unix)

GVBA Global Village Business Association (Org., USA)

GVV German Volunteer Votetakers (Usenet, DANA)

HACMP High Availability Clustered Multi Processing (IBM, RS/6000, Bull), "HA/CMP"

HALPC Houston Area League of PC-Users, "HAL-PC"

HAND Have A Nice Day (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HAVI Home Audio Video Interoperability (Org., Grundig, Hitachi, Matsushita, Philips, Sharp, Sony, Thomson, Toshiba)

HBA Host Bus Adapter (SCSI)

HBAO Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)

HDIT High Bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology [bus] (VIA)

HECTOR HEterogeneous Computer TOgetheR (IBM, Uni Karlsruhe)

HF Have Fun (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HFTS Hybrid Frustrum Traced Shadows (Nvidia)

HMM Heterogeneous Memory Management

HNF Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum (Org., Paderborn)

HOPP Half Object Plus Protocol

HPIB Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (GPIB)

HPVUE Hewlett Packard - Visual User Environment (HP, GUI), "HP-VUE"

HSA Heterogenous Systems Architecture (AMD)

HSDRAM High-speed Synchronous Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

HSMD High Speed Mobile Data (HSCSD, Deutschland, E-Plus)

HST High Speed Technology (US Robotics)

HUGO Holland User Group for OS/2 (Org., User group, OS/2, Niederlande)

HUMA Heterogenous Uniform Memory Access (PS4), "hUMA"

HYCH Hope You Can Help (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

I2C Inter Integrated Circuit [bus]

I2O Intelligent Input/Output [bus]

I3C International Imaging Industry Association (Org., PIMA, Nachfolger)

IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IAONA Industrial Automation Open Networking Alliance (Org., Europe)

IAUG International AIX User Group (Org., Unix, AIX, User group)

IAW In Accordance With (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IBEX International Business EXchange (Netzwerk)

IBM International Business Machines (Hersteller, IBM)

IBN Integrated Business Network

ICAN Individual Customer Access Network

ICAP Internet Calendar Access Protocol (TCP/IP, Lotus)

ICARA International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents

ICC Interrupt Controller Communications [bus] (PC)

ICI Industrial Computing Initiative (LLNL, LANL, Cray, ..., HPC, MPP)

ICIA International Communications Industries Association (Org.)

ICIAI International Communications Industries Association Inc. (Org.)

ICIEA IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (IEEE)

ICL International Computers Limited (Hersteller, UK, USA, Japan, Fujitsu)

ICMB Intelligent Chassis Management Bus (IPMI)

ICMC International Computer Music Conference (Messe)

ICONZ Internet Company Of New Zealand (Org., Usenet)

ICSI International Computer Science Institute (Org., USA)

IDAC Infobus Data Access Component (Lotus, Java)

IDEC I Don't Even Care (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IDES Intrusion Detection Expert System (IBM, IDS, XPS)

IDOMENEUS Information and Data on Open MEdia for NEtworks of USers (WWW, Uni Hamburg)

IDP Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS)

IDS Intrusion Detection System (IDS, IPS)

IEAAIE [international conference on] Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert systems (Conference, ISAI, ..., AI), "IEA/AIE"

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Org., USA)

IFC Industry Foundation Classes (CAD)

IFX Interactive Financial eXchange (USA, Banking)

IGC Institute for Global Communications (USA)

IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (ANSI, USA, CIM, CAD)

IGOSS Industry/Government Open System Specification

IIA Information Industry Association (Org.)

IIC Industrial Internet Consortium (Org.)

IIIS International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (Org., USA)

IIRA Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIC)

IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

IIRWIIR It Is Ready When It Is Ready (DFÜ-Slang, IRC, Usenet)

IITF Information Infrastructure Task Force (Org., USA)

IIUC If I Understand Correctly (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IKWUM I Know What You Mean (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IKYABWAI I know You Are But What Am I? (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ILLIGAL ILLinois Genetic Algorithm Laboratory (Org., Uni Illinois, USA) "IlliGAL"

ILLINET ILlinois LIbrary NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

IMA Integrated Modular Avionics (Airbus, A380)

IMAC Isochronous Media Access Control (FDDI), "I-MAC"

IMAL Integrated Media Architecture Laboratory (Bell, Org., USA)

IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMCO In My Considered Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMHO In My Humble Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMNSCO In My Not So Considered Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble / Honest Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMO In My Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMUNE Intrusion Mitigation Unified Network Engine (Symantec, IDS)

IMY I Miss You (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

INCITS International Committee for Information Technology Standards (Org., USA)

IOC Input/Output Cluster (Cray, I/O)

IOCCC International Obfuscated C Code Contest

IOTTMCO Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual Observer (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IOUG International Oracle Users Group (Org., DB, Oracle, User group)

IOW In Other Words (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IPMB Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMI, BMC)

IPS Intrusion Protection System (IDS)

IPXWAN Internet Packet eXchange over various WAN media (Novell, IPX, WAN, RFC 1634)

IRCS Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (Org., Uni Pennsylvania, USA)

IRL In Real Life (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IRL Industrial Robot Language (HLL)

ISA Industry Standard Architecture (PC)

ISA Interactive Services Association (Org., USA)

ISADS International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (IEEE-CS, Conference)

ISAGAT Industry Standard Architecture - Guaranteed Access Time (ISA, DMA, PCI)

ISDNUP ISDN User Part (ISDN, GSM, Mobile-Systems), "ISDN-UP"

ISFUG Integrated Software Federal User Group (Org., User group)

ISI Information Sciences Institute (Org., USA)

ISIS Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification (Verschlüsselung)

ISM Industrial, Science, Medical [ = 2,4 GHz ] (WLAN)

ISPA Internet Service Provider Austria (Org., ISP)

ISTM It Seems To Me (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

ISTR I Seem To Recall / Remember (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

ISUP Integrated Services User Part (ISDN)

ITAA Information Technology Association of America (Org., USA)

ITESFA1EHS Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Function Area 1 - Enterprise Hardware Solutions (Mil., USA), "ITES-FA1-EHS"

ITMA Information Technology Management Association (Org., USA)

ITMS ITunes Music Store (WWW), "iTMS"

ITRON Industrial TRON (TRON, OS)

ITSDN Integrated Tactical/Strategic Data Network (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

ITSPO Information Technology Standards Program Office (Org., USA)

ITUSA Information Technology Users Standards Association (Org., USA)

ITW In The Wild [viruses]

ITYM I Think You Meant (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IUCV Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IBM, TCP/IP, API, VM/ESA, CP)

IUMA Internet Underground Music Archive (WWW)

IUR International User Requirements (ETSI, TS 101331)

IWFM It Works for Me (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IYSWIM If You See What I Mean (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

JAPH Just Another PERL Hacker (PERL)

JBB Java Business Benchmark (SPEC, Java)

JBI Java Business Integration (Java, JSR 208)

JBOD Just a Bunch Of Disks (HDD)

JBOF Just a Bunch Of Flash

JEIDA Japan Electronics Industry Development Association (Org., Japan)

JEITA Japan Electronics and Information Technology industries Association (Org. Japan)

JIEO Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization (Org., DISA, Mil., USA)

JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (Org., Japan)

JIT Just In Time [compiler]

JK Just Kidding (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

JND Just Noticeable Difference (Video)

JSA Juristische StandardAntwort (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

JTMS Justification based Truth Maintenance System (AI)

JTWI Java Technology for Wireless Industry (Java, JSR-185)

JUI Joomla User Interface

KCCU Keyboard Cursor Control Unit (Airbus, A380)

KDD Kokusai Denshin Denwa (Org., Japan)

KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

KUTGW Keep Up The Good Work (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

KVM Keyboard, Video, Mouse

LAC Lotus Authorized Consultants (Lotus)

LAEC Lotus Authorized Education Center (Lotus)

LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory (Org., USA)

LATM Local Asynchronous Transfer Mode

LAVC Local Area VAX Cluster (VAX, DEC)

LBM Local Bus Master

LBT Local Bus Targets

LCS Lotus Communication Server

LDT Lightning Data Transfer [bus] (AMD)

LEI Lotus Enterprise Integrator (Lotus)

LFCC Linux Federation for Commercial Customers (Linux)

LFU Least Frequently Used

LG Liebe Grüße (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LIDO LInux cluster DOrtmund, "LiDO"

LIM Lotus - Intel - Microsoft (Hersteller)

LIMEMS Lotus - Intel - Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification (Lotus, Intel, MS, EMS), "LIM EMS"

LIN Local Interconnect Network [bus]

LISA Localization Industry Standards Association (Org.)

LITA Library and Information Technology Association (Org., USA)

LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Org., USA)

LMAO Laughing My Ass Off (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LMFAO Laughing My Fucking Ass Off (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

LNN Lotus Notes Network (Lotus)

LOL Laughing Out Loud (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LPB [S3] Local Peripheral Bus

LPS Lotus Professional Services (Lotus)

LRU Least Recently Used

LSA Lotus Solution Architecture (Lotus)

LUA Least-priviledged User Account [veraltet/old term] (MS, Windows, Vista, UAP)

LUG Local Users Group

LUNI LANE User Network Interface (LANE, ATM)

LVS Layout Versus Schematic [check] (DRC, IC)

MAUS Münsters Apple User Service (BBS, Netzwerk) "M.A.U.S."

MBA Memory Bus Adapter

MBSA Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MS)

MBUS Module BUS [standard] (Sun, SPARC), "MBus"

MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board (Org., Mil., USA)

MCL Media Communication Lab (Org., Uni Boston, USA)

MCN Metropolitan Campus Network

MCS Multivender Customer Services (DEC)

MDSP Mobile Device Sync Protocol (Lotus)

MDT Mountain Daylight Time [-0600] (TZ, MST, USA)

MEG Mega Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

MEGA MeßdatenErfassung und Graphische Auswertung

MEI Matsushita Electronics Incorporated (Hersteller, Japan)

MESI Modified - Exclusive - Shared - Invalid (SMP)

MESN Media Event Status Notification

MFC Music Feature Card (IBM, Yamaha, MIDI)

MFD Multi-Functional Display (Airbus, A380)

MFENET Magnetic Fusion Energy NETwork

MHPCC Maui High Performance Computing Center (Org., USA)

MIA Missing In Action (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

MIDI Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI)

MIF Module Interconnection Facility (Proteus)

MILNET MILitary NETwork (USA, Mil., Netzwerk)

MILSTAR Military Strategic TActical Relay (Mil., USA)

MILSTD Military STandarD (Mil., USA), "MIL-STD"

MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (UK)

MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Org., USA)

MMA Microcomputer Managers Association (Org., USA)

MMF Make Money Fast (Usenet, ECP, EMP)

MOESI Modified - Owned - Exclusive - Shared - Invalid (AMD)

MOSIX Multicomputer Operating System for UnIX (Unix, Cluster, MOSIX)

MOTSS More Of The Sameold Sameold (Usenet)

MOUS Microsoft Office User Specialist (MS, Windows)

MPI Message Passing Interface (SMP, Cluster)

MPI Multiprocessor Interconnect Bus

MPM Multi-user ??? Program for Microcomputers (CP/M, OS, DR), "MP/M"

MPNET Multi-user ??? Program / NETwork (MP/M, CP/NET, OS), "MP/NET"

MPNOS Multi-user ??? Program / ??? (MP/NET, CP/NOS, OS), "MP/NOS"

MRNET Minnesota Regional NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

MRU Most Recently Used

MSCS MicroSoft Cluster Server [Wolfpack] (MS, Cluster)

MSEN Media Status Event Notification

MSFTEU Maximum Surprise For The End User (Slang, Cygwin)

MSRT Malicious Software Removal Tool (MS)

MST Mountain Standard Time [-0700] (TZ, MDT, USA)

MSW Machine Status Word

MTT MailTrusT (Verschlüsselung)

MUA Mail User Agent

MUCK Multi-User Chat Kingdom (MUD)

MUD Multi-User Dungeon (MUD)

MUGD MUMPS User Group Deutschland (MUMPS, User group, Org), "MUG-D"

MUI Management User Interface (OMF, UI)

MUI Multimedia User Interface (SGI, UI)

MUMIMO Multi User Multiple Input Multiple Output (WLAN), "MU-MIMO"

MUMPS Massachusetts general hospital Utility Multi-Programming System

MUMPS Multi-User Multi-Programming System ??? (OS, DEC)

MUSH Multi-User Shared Hallucination (MUD)

MUSICAM Masking-pattern adapted Universal Subband Integrated Coding And Multiplexing (MPEG, Digital Audio)

MUTOS MultiUser-/multitasking Timesharing Operating System (DDR, OS)

MVP Most Valuable Professional [bonus program] (MS)

MWS Matsushita White Skipping (Fax)

NAARS National Automated Accounting Research System (USA)

NAB National Association of Broadcasters (Org., USA)

NAB Netware Asynchronous Board (Novell, Netware)

NABTS North American Broadcast Teletext Standard (USA)

NACLP North American Conference on Logic Programming (USA)

NACS National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors (Org., USA)

NACS Netware Asynchronous Communication Server (Novell, Netware)

NACSIS National Academic Center for Science Information Systems (Org., USA)

NADB National Archaeological DataBase (DB, USA)

NAIIN No Abuse In InterNet (Org.)

NAMS National Association of Multimedia Shareware (Org., USA)

NASI Netware Asynchronous Service Interface (Novell, Netware)

NATOA National Association of Telecommunications Officers & Advisors (Org., USA)

NAVNET NAVy NETwork (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

NB Nota bene (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NBIC Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno [initiative] (USA)

NBN National Broadband Network (Australien)

NCA Nexus Computing Agent (MS, Palladium)

NCA Nexus Computing Agent (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

NCAIR National Center for Automated Information Research (Org., USA)

NCAM National Center for Accessible Media (Org., USA)

NCGA National Computer Graphics Association (Org., USA)

NCHPC National Consortium for High Performance Computing (Org., HPC, USA)

NCITS National Committee for Information Technology Standards (Org., USA)

NCOHPCC National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (Org., USA, HPC) "NCO/HPCC"

NCPIE National Council on Patient Information and Education (Org., USA)

NCS National Communications System (USA)

NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Org., USA)

NCSC National Computer Security Center (Org., USA)

NCSC North Carolina Supercomputing Center (Org., USA)

NCSL National Computer Systems Laboratory (NIST, Org., USA)

NCSL National Conference of Standards Laboratories (Org., USA)

NCTA National Cable & Telecommunications Association (Org., USA)

NCTL National Computer and Telecommunications Laboratory (Org., USA)

ND Navigation Display (Airbus, A380)

NEARNET New England Academic and Research NETwork (USA, Netzwerk), "NEARnet"

NEC National Electrical Code (USA)

NEDO New Energy and industrial technology Development Organization (Org., Japan)

NEII National Engineering Information Initiative (Org., USA)

NEM Nothing Else Matters (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NEREN NEbraska Research and Education Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NETBEUI NETBIOS Extended User Interface (UI)

NETSS National Electronic Telecommunication Surveillance System (USA)

NFAIS National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (Org., USA)

NFM No Further Message (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NG NewsGroup (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NGS Non-Government Standard (USA)

NHSE National HPCC Software Exchange (USA)

NI Normenausschuss Informationstechnik (Din, Org.)

NI Normenausschuß Informationsverarbeitungssysteme [1987-1995] (DIN, Vorläufer, NI)

NIAC National Infrastructure Advisory Council (Org., USA)

NIAHGB Normenausschuss Informationstechnik - Ad-Hoc Gruppe Biometrie (NI, DIN), "NI-AHGB"

NICAM Near-Instantaneously Companded Audio Multiplex (Audio)

NIDX Network Intrusion Detection eXpert system (BELLCORE, XPS)

NII National Information Infrastructure [program] (USA, Org.)

NIIT National Information Infrastructure Testbed (ISH, USA)

NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center (Org., USA)

NISO National Information Standards Organization (Org., USA)

NISS National Information on Software and Services (USA)

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (Org., USA)

NIU North american ISDN Users (USA, ISDN)

NIUF North american ISDN Users Forum (USA, User group, ISDN, Org.)

NLUUG NetherLand Unix User Group (Org., User group)

NMAA National Multimedia Association of America (Org., USA)

NMCS National Military Command System (Mil., USA)

NMEA National Marine Electronics Association [protocol] (Org., USA, GPS)

NML National Media Laboratory (Org., USA)

NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol (Internet, RFC 977, Usenet)

NNTPS Network News Transfer Protocol - Secured ??? (NNTP, Internet, Usenet)

NOMA National Online Media Association (Org., USA)

NOTA None Of The Above (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NOW Network Of Workstations (Cluster)

NP No Problem (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

NPA Network Professional Association (Org., USA)

NPAC Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (Org., USA, HPC)

NPES National Printing Equipment Association (Org., USA)

NPTN National Public Telecomputing Network (Netzwerk, USA)

NRC National Research Council (Org., USA)

NRCLSE National Resource for Computers in Life Science Education (USA)

NREN National Research and Education Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NRN National Research Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NRN No Reply Necessary (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NRPC Notes Remote Procedure Call (Lotus)

NSA National Security Agency (Org., USA)

NSB National Science Board (USA, Org.)

NSC National Security Council (Org., USA)

NSD National Security Directive (USA)

NSERC Natural Sciences and Research Council (Org., USA)

NSF National Science Foundation (Org., USA)

NSF Notes Storage Facility (Lotus)

NSFNET National Science Foundation NETwork (Netzwerk, USA, Internet), "NSFnet"

NSN NASA Science Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NSRD National Software Reuse Directory (USA)

NSS Network Server System (Airbus, A380)

NSSDC National Space Science Data Center (Org., USA)

NSTC National Science and Technology Council (Org., USA)

NSTL National Software Testing Lab (Org., USA)

NTC National Telecommunications Conference (Conference, USA)

NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration / Agency (Org., USA)

NTK Need-To-Know (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NTSC National Television Standards Committee (Org., USA)

NUA Network User Address

NUI Network User Identification (Datex-P)

NUS National University of Singapore (Org.)

NUTEK [National Board for Industrial and Technical Development] (Org., Schweden)

NVD National Vulnerability Database (NIST, USA)

NVN National Videotex Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NWNET NorthWestern states NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "NWNet"

NYSERNET New York State Education and Research NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "NYSERNet"

NZCS New Zealand Computer Society (Org., Neuseeland)

NZUSUGI New Zealand Unix System User Group, Inc. (Org., Unix, User group)

OAG Open Application Group (Org., USA)

OARNET Ohio Academic Resources NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "OARnet"

OBDH On-Board Data Handling (ESA, Venus-Express)

OBS Open[suse] Build Service (openSUSE, Linux)

OBTWIAVBP OBligatory The World Is A Very Big Place (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC), "ObTWIAVBP"

OCF Open Clustering Framework

OCFS Oracle Cluster File System (Oracle, DB)

OCLC Online Computer Library Center (Org., Internet, USA)

OCSP Online Certificate Status [revocation] Protocol (Verschlüsselung, RFC 6990)

OFFSAP Oracle Fusion For SAP (Oracle, SAP)

OFX Open Financial eXchange (Banking, Intuit, MS, Checkfree, USA)

OHCI Open Host Controller Interface (USB, Compaq, OPTI, Apple, UHCI)

OIC Oh, I See (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

OIT Onboard Information Terminal (Airbus, A380)

OIW Open Information Warehouse (SAP, R/3)

OMG Oh My G-d (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

OMS Onboard Maintenance System (Airbus, A380)

OMS Open Music System (MIDI, Opcode Systems)

OOUI Object Orientated User Interface (UI, OO, WPS)

OP Original Poster (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

OPENHAB OPEN Home Automation Bus, "OpenHAB"

OPENHCI OPEN Host Controller Interface (USB), "OpenHCI"

OPP Object Push Profile (Bluetooth)

OSAIA Open Source And Industry Alliance (Org.)

OSBA Open Source Business Alliance (Org.)

OSBAR Open Source Business AwaRd

OSBC Open Source Business Conference

OSC Ohio Supercomputer Center (Org., USA)

OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy (Org., USA)

OT Oblivious Transfer

OT Off Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

OTES Outside Thermal Exhaust System (Abit)

OTG [USB] On-The-Go (USB)

OTOH On The Other Hand (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

OUG Occam User Group (Org., User group)

OWB Oracle Warehouse Builder (Oracle, DWH)

PANDORA Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources of Australia, http://www.nla.gov.au/pandora/ldmv2.html

PARC Palo Alto Research Center (Org., USA, Xerox)

PARTS Parts Assembly and Reuse Tool Set (Visual Smalltalk)

PASSAT Programm zur Automatischen Selektion von Stichwörtern aus Texten (Siemens)

PAUSE Perl Authors Upload Server (PERL, CPAN)

PAUSE PERL Authors Upload SErver (PERL, CPAN)

PBC Peripheral Bus Computer

PCCA Personal Computer Communications Associations (Org., USA)

PCIA Personal Communications Industry Association (Org., USA, SMS)

PCIDSS Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard, "PCI-DSS"

PCLOB Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (Org., USA)

PCMCIA People Can't Memorize Computer Industries Acronyms (Slang)

PDES Product Data / Definition Exchange Standards (USA, STEP, CIM)

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (ATM)

PDT Pacific Daylight Time [-0700] (TZ, PST, USA)

PDW Parallel Data Warehouse

PEBKAC Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

PERCS Productive, Easy-to use, Reliable Comouting Systems (IBM)

PFD Primary Flight Display (Airbus, A380)

PGFNA Prince George Free-Net Association (Org., USA)

PHIGSPLUS PHIGS Plus Lumiere and Surfaces (PHIGS), "PHIGS-PLUS"

PICMG PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (Org., PCI)

PINET Physicians Information NETwork (Netzwerk, USA)

PIRA Printing Industries Research Association (Org.)

PISABG PISA/Business Graphics (PISA), "PISA/BG"

PISW Process Interrupt Status Word (CPU, Assembler)

PITA Pain In The Anatomy / Ass (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards (Org., USA, Verschlüsselung)

PLONK Please Leave Our Newsgroup, Kid (Usenet, DFÜ-Slang)

PMPO Peak Music Power Output

POC Push to talk Over Cellular (GPRS), "PoC"

POS Piece Of Shit (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

POTS Plain Old Telephone System (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

PPB Push Pull Before [recording] (DVD), "PPb"

PPBDV Push Pull Before [recording] Disc Variation (DVD), "PPb DV"

PPMI PCI bus Power Management Interface (PCI)

PRACSA Public Remote-Access Computer Standards Association (Org., USA)

PREPNET Pennsylvania Research and Economic Partnership NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "PREPnet"

PRISM Portable, Reusable, Integrated Software Modules


PS Process Status (Unix)

PSB Processor System Bus (Intel, FSB)

PSC Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (Org., USA)

PSCNET Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "PSCnet"

PSI Power Status Indicator (Intel, CPU)

PST Pacific Standard Time [-0800] (TZ, PDT, USA)

PSW Program Status Word

PTO Patent and Trademark Office (Org., USA)

PUA Private Use Area (UCS)

PUA Profiling User Agent

PUE Power Usage Effectiveness

PUEL Personal Use and Evaluation License (Oracle)

PUGS Perl6 User Golfing System (PERL)

PUMA Power User's Macintosh Association (Org., Apple)

PUMA Protected User-Mode Audio (MS, WPE)

PVE Player Versus Environment (MMORPG, PvP), PvE

PVM Parallel Virtual Machine (SMP, Cluster)

PVP Player Versus Player (MMORPG, PvE), PvP

QCDP Quality Color Dithering Modus

QMC Quine McCluskey approach

QMR Quarterly Maintenance Releases (Lotus)

QPSX Queue Packet and Synchronous circuit Exchange

QSU Quatech Serial to USB [adapter] (USB)

RABF Redundant Accumulative Backhitchless Flush (IBM, Streamer)

RAC Real Application Cluster (Oracle)

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RFC 2865)

RAL ReichsAusschuß für Lieferbedingungen (IEC 12119)

RATP Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol (RFC 916)

RATS Radio-Amateur Telecommunications Society (Org., USA)

RBE Rust By Example

RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company (USA)

RCC Remote Cluster Controller

RDNCRC Research Data Network Cooperative Research Centre (Org., Australien)

RDR Request Data with Reply (Feldbus)

RDRAM Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, Rambus)

RDRN Rapidly Deployable Radio Networks (USA, Uni Kansas)

RFD Request For Discussion (Internet, Usenet), "RfD"

RFI Remote File Inclusion

RIML Renderer Independent Markup Language (XML, Consensus)

RIMM Rambus Inline Memory Module (Rambus, IC)

RIPN Russian Institute for Public Networks (Org.)

RL Real Life (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

RLS Read Link error Status (FCP)

RMC Rambus Memory Controller (Rambus)

RMS Remote Monitoring System [bus]

RNUI Remote Network User Identification (Datex-P)

ROAMS Reusable Object Access and Management System

ROFL Roar Out From Laughing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROHC RObust Header Compression (RFC 3095/3759, RTP, UDP, ESP)

ROHS Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronical equipment (Europa), "RoHS"

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLBTC Rolling On The Floor Laughing and Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

RP Rendezvous Point (PIM, Multicast)

RPF Rendezvous Point Forwarding (PIM, MSDP, Multicast, RP)

RPS Read Port Status (FCP)

RSA Reusable Software Assets

RSCT Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (IBM)

RSFDNPR Retrieve Subsequent File Descriptor Not Previously Retrieved (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSN Robust Security Network (WLAN, Verschlüsselung)

RST Running Status Table (DVB)

RTFF Read The Fucking FAQ (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

RTFM Read The Flaming / Fucking Manual (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

RTTS Real Time Task Scheduler (OS, August Systems)

RTU Remote Terminal Unit (ESA, Venus-Express)

RUA Remote User Agent

RUAC Remote User Access Centers

RUI Reality User Interface

RUM Real User Monitoring (WWW)

RUS Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart (Org., Uni Stuttgart)

RUTE RUTE Users Tutorial and Exposition (Unix), "R.U.T.E."

RVPPIP Rendez-Vous Protocol / Presence Information Protocol (IM), "RVP/PIP"

SAA Standards Association of Australia (Org., Australien)

SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (LABM, LAPB, HDLC)

SABME Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extension (SABM)

SABRE Semi-Automatic Business Related Environment (OS, IBM 7090)

SAE Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (Verschlüsselung, PSK)

SAFE Security And Freedom through Encryption [law] (USA, Verschlüsselung)

SAGE Software Aided Group Environment (GSS, NUS)

SAIL Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory [language] (USA, AI)

SALT Suse Advanced Linux Technology (Suse, Linux)

SAM Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple)

SAST South Australia Standard Time [+0930] (TZ)

SAX SUSE Advanced X [configuration tool] (SUSE, Linux)

SBA SideBand Address [port / bus] (AGP)

SBA Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation (SMT, FDDI)

SBA System For Business Automation

SBC Small Business Computer

SBI Storage Bus Interconnect

SBI Synchronous Bus Interface

SBIS Sustaining Base Information System

SBLC Sustaining Base Level Computer

SBP SCSI-3 serial Bus Protocol (SAM)

SBS Small Business Server (MS)

SBUS Sun [i/o interface] BUS (Sun, SPARC), "SBus"

SCA Software Corporation of America (Hersteller, USA)

SCA Synchronous Clock Adjustment

SCDMA Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA, Mobile-Systems)

SCDMS Society for Clinical Data Management Systems (Org., USA)

SCLT Suse Certified Linux Trainer (SuSE, Linux)

SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

SCO Synchronous ConnectionLess (HCI, Bluetooth)

SCPM SUSE Configuration Profile Management (Linux, SUSE)

SCR Sustainable Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, VBR)

SCRI Supercomputer Computations Research Institute (Org., USA, HPC)

SD System Display (Airbus, A380)

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (FDDI, ATM, SDH)

SDI Slovensko Drustvo Informatika (Org., Slowakien)

SDK StandardDatenschutzKlausel (DSGVO)

SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (IBM, SNA)

SDLLC Synchronous Data Link Control Conversion (SNA, IBM)

SDMI Secure Digital Music Initiative (Org.)

SDNS Secure Data Network Service / System (USA, Mil.)

SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC, Intel, Samsung)

SDRSDRAM Single Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM, IC), "SDR-SDRAM"

SDS Synchronous Data Set

SDSC San Diego Supercomputer Center (Org., USA)

SDSC Synchronous Data Set Controller

SDSCNET San Diego Supercomputer Center NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "SDSCnet"

SEB Seat Electronic Box (Airbus, A380)

SEDAS Standardisiertes Einheitliches DatenAustauschSystem (EDI)

SEP Someone Else's Problem (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SERT Security Emergency Response Team (Org., Australien, Internet)

SESAM Synergetische Erkennung mittels Standbild, Akustik und Motorik (IIS)

SFCC Slat Flap Control Computer (Airbus, A380)

SFMJI Sorry For My Jumping In (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SFS Stepless Frequency Selection (ASUS)

SFUG Security Features User's Guide

SGRAM Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory (DRAM, RAM)

SHTSI Somebody Had To Say It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

SIA Semiconductor Industry Association (Org., USA)

SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Org., USA)

SIC Standard Industry Classification

SIGBIT Special Interest Group on Business Information Technology

SIGMA Software Industrialized Generator and Maintenance Aids system (MITI)

SIIA Software and Information Industry Association (Org., USA)

SIPP Simple Internet Protocol Plus (IP, IPV6, RFC 1710, Internet)

SIR Sustained Information Rate (SMDS)

SISEA Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act (USA)

SISSL Sun Industry Standards Source License (Sun)

SIUF System Initiated User Feedback (MS, Windows)

SLAM Simultaneous Localization And Mapping

SLDC Synchronous Data Link Control

SLED SuSE Linux Enterprise Destop (SuSE, Linux)

SLES SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (Linux, SUSE)

SLOS SuSE Linux Office Server (SuSE, Linux)

SLOX SuSE Linux Open eXchange server (SuSE, Linux)

SMAF Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format (Yamaha, Mobile-Systems)

SMB Small Medium Business and enterprise [market]

SMB System Management Bus

SMD System Management Bus ??? (Intel)

SMDL Standard Music Description Language (ISO, IEC, CD 10743)

SMDSCNM SMDS Customer Network Management (SMDS), "SMDS CNM"

SME Society of Manufacturing Engineering (Org., USA)

SMIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME, MS, Lotus, Qualcomm, RSA, Verschlüsselung), "S/MIME"

SMPPPD Suse Meta Point-To-Point DAEMON (SuSE, Linux, PPP, DAEMON)

SMT Simultaneous MultiThreading (CPU)

SMUG Seldom Met Users Group [book] (HP, HP 3000)

SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association (Org., NAS, SAN)

SNL Sandia National Laboratories (Org., USA)

SOBA Service-Orientated Business Applications (SODA, SOA)

SOFA Spatially Oriented Format for Accoustics

SONET Synchronous Optical NETwork (FDDI, ATM, SDH)

SPA Software Publishers Association (Org., USA)

SPAM Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail (Usenet, EMP, DFÜ-Slang)

SPAM Spiced Pork and hAM (Usenet, EMP)

SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope

SPI Serial / Synchronous Peripheral Interface

SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operations OnLine

SR Status Register (IC, Assembler)

SRC Semiconductor Research Council (Org., USA)

SRD Send and Request Data (Feldbus)

SRI Stanford Research Institute (Org., USA)

SRP Software Reuse Program

SRTS Synchronous Residual Time Stamp

SSAO Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (HBAO)

SSBI Self-Service Business Intelligence

SSDA Synchronous Serial Data Adapter

STC Science and Technology Center (NSF, USA)

STCIUR Sub-Technical Committee International User Requirements (ETSI), "STC IUR"

STD Suspend To Disk (BIOS, ACPI)

STDM Synchronous Time Division Multiplexer

STFU Shut The Fuck Up (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

STM Synchronous Transfer Mode (ATM, SDH)

STM1 Synchronous Transport Mode 1 [155,52 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-3), "STM-1"

STM12 Synchronous Transport Mode 12 [1866,24 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-36), "STM-12"

STM128 Synchronous Transport Mode 128 [39813,12 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-768), "STM-256"

STM16 Synchronous Transport Mode 16 [2488,32 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-48), "STM-16"

STM3 Synchronous Transport Mode 3 [466,56 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-9), "STM-3"

STM32 Synchronous Transport Mode 32 [4976,64 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-96), "STM-32"

STM4 Synchronous Transport Mode 4 [622,08 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-12), "STM-4"

STM6 Synchronous Transport Mode 6 [933,12 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-18), "STM-6"

STM64 Synchronous Transport Mode 64 [9953,28 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-192), "STM-64"

STM8 Synchronous Transport Mode 8 [1244,16 Mbps] (ATM, STM, SDH, OC-24), "STM-8"

STR Synchronous Transmit Receive

STS Synchronous Time Stamps (SDH)

STS Synchronous Transport Signal

STS3C Synchronous Transport System - level 3 Concatenated (SDH), "STS-3c"

SU Switch User (Unix)

SUA Single User Account [feature] (Internet, NAT)

SUG Sun User's Group (Org., Sun, User group)

SUGA Swedish User Group of Amiga (User group, Schweden, Org.)

SUGD Sun User's Group Deutschland (Sun, Org., User group)

SUPL Secure User Plane Location (OMA, A-GPS)

SURANET Southeastern Universities Research Association NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "SURAnet"

SUS Single Unix Specification (Unix)

SUS Software Update Server / Service (MS)

SUSE Software Und SystemEntwicklung [distribution] (Linux) "S.u.S.E."

SUSP System Use Sharing Protocol

SUTT Single User Test Tools

SVD Simultaneous Voice/Data

SWIM Someone Who Isn't Me (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TACTIS Thai API Consortium / Thai Industrial Standard [codeset] (API, TIS)

TAIS Toshiba America Information Systems [inc] (Hersteller, USA, Toshiba)

TAL TeilnehmerAnschlussLeitung (DFÜ, Deutschland)

TALER Taxable Anonymous Libre Electronic Reserves (GNU)

TANJ There Ain't No Justice (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

TAP Telocator Alphanumeric input Protocol (SNPP, PCIA, SMS, USA)

TARGET Thrustmaster Advanced pRogramming Graphical EdiTor, "T.A.R.G.E.T"

TAS Tag Abuse Syndrome (SGML, HTML, Slang)

TAXII Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information

TBB Trusted Building Block (TCPA)

TBI Total Business Integration [system]

TC Trust Center (Verschlüsselung)

TCB Trusted Computing Base (MS, Palladium)

TCG Trusted Computing Group (Org., DRM, AMD, HP, IBM, Intel, MS, ...)

TCPA Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (Org., Verschlüsselung, DRM, TCPA)

TCPBEUI Transmission Control Protocol BIOS Extended User Interface (NETBIOS, TCP, UI)

TCPCI Type C Port Controller Interface (USB), "TCPCi"

TCSEC Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (Orange Book, NCSC, USA)

TCSH Trustedi C SHell (Unix, Shell)

TDA TestDatenAuswerter (IC)

TDCC Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (Org., USA)

TDI Trusted Database Interpretation (DB)

TDL Trusted Device List (DCI)

TDP Telocator Data Protocol (PCIA, SMS, USA)

TDSCDMA Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems, CDMA)

TEE Trusted Execution Environments (RAM)

TFCC Task Force on Cluster Computing (IEEE, Org)

TFM Trusted Facility Manual

THDN Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (Audio), "THD+N"

THENET Texas Higher Education NETwork (Netzwerk, USA) "THEnet"

TIA Telecommunications Industries Association (Org.)

TIA Thanks In Advance (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TIFF Tag / Tagged Image File Format (Aldus)

TIIAP Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program (USA)

TINC There Is No Cabal! (Slang, Usenet, Linux, Debian)

TIS Thai Industrial Standard

TIS Tools Interface Standard [committee] (Org., IBM, Lotus, MS, Watcom, SCO, Unix)

TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TMG TestMusterGenerator (IC)

TNC Trusted Network Connect (TCG)

TNFS Trusted Network File System (NFS)

TNMOC The National Museum Of Computing (Org., Großbritannien)

TNTC Too Numerous To Count (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TOFU Text Over, Full-quote Under (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

TOFU Trust On First Use

TOKREUI TOKen-Ring Extended User Interface (IBM, Token Ring)

TOLD Trebor's Obnoxious Lunchmeat Detector (SPAM, Mac, Eudora)

TOT Totally Off-Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TPM Trusted Platform Module (TCPA)

TRON The Realtime Operating system Nucleus

TRR Trusted Recursive Resolver (DNS)

TRT The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TSA Telecommunication Society of Australia (Org., Australien)

TSANET Technical Support Alliance NETwork (Org., Hersteller, Lotus, Oracle, HP, ...) "TSANet"

TSIG Trusted Systems Interoperability Group (Org.)

TSM Trusted Service Manager (Mobile-Systems, TSP)

TSP Trusted Service Provider (Mobile-Systems, TSM)

TTFN Ta-Ta For Now (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TTKC The Thursday Killers Clan (User group)

TTP Trusted Third Parties (Verschlüsselung)

TTYL Talk To You Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TUC Total User Cell count (UNI)

TUCD Total User Cell Difference (UNI)

TUE Trusted User Engine (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

TUG TeX User's Group (Org., User group, TeX)

TUI Text-Based User Interface (UI)

TUP Telephone User Path (ISDN)

TURN Traversal Using Relays around NAT (NAT)

TXE Trusted eXecution Engine (Intel)

TXT Trusted eXecution Technology (AMT)

UA User Agent (MHS, OSI)

UAAG User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (WAI)

UAC User Account Control (MS, Windows, Vista)

UAF User Authorization File

UAP User Account Protection (MS, Windows, Vista)

UAPDU User Agent Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

UART Universal Asynchronous Receive and Transmit


UASP USB Attached SCSI Protocol (USB, SCSI)

UBA UniBus Adapter (DEC)

UBL Universal Business Language (OASIS, XML)

UC User Customization (Mobile-Systems)

UCC Uniform Code Council (USA)

UCC Uniform Commercial Code, http://www.softwareindustry.org/issues/guide

UCE Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (Usenet, Spam, UBE)

UCI User-Computer Interface

UCITA Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (USA, DRM)

UCLA University of California at Los Angeles (Org., USA)

UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara (Org. USA)

UCSD University California San Diego (Org., USA)

UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration of business for the web (Org., WWW, XML)

UDF User Defined Function

UDIAGS Und Das Ist Auch Gut So (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

UDO User Defined Objects

UDP Usenet Death Penalty (Usenet, Spam)

UDP User Datagram Protocol (Internet, RFC 768)

UDPIP User Datagram Protocol / Internet Protocol (IP), "UDP/IP"

UDT User-defined DataType (DB)

UE User Equipment (Mobile-Systems, UMTS, GSM)

UEV User End of Volume

UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface (USB, Intel, VIA, OHCI)

UHL User Head Label

UI User Interface

UIC User Identification Code

UID User IDentification

UIL User Interface Language

UIMS User Interface Management System

UIQ User Interface Quartz (Symbian)

UISRM User Interface System Reference Model

ULS User Location Interface

UMDF User-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF, MS, Windows, Vista)

UML User Mode Linux (Linux)

UNCLE Unix Net for Computer security in Law Enforcement (Org., USA, Unix) "U.N.C.L.E."

UNI User Network Interface

UNITE Ubiquitous aNd Integrated Teamwork Environment (SIT)

UPA Usability Professionals Association (Org.)

UPAM User Primary Access Method (BS2000)

UPC Usage Parameter Control (UNI, ATM)

UPD UserParameterDaten (DDBAC)

UPL User Program Language

UPM User Profile Management (IBM)

URB USB Request Block (USB)

US Unit Separator (BTX, VPCE)

USA United Software Association (Org., USA)

USACNII US Advisory Council on the National Information Infrastructure (Org., USA)

USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter (IC)

USB Universal Serial Bus (Intel, USB)

USBDDK Universal Serial Bus Driver Development Kit (USB, DDK), "USB-DDK"

USBIF Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum (Org., USB) "USB-IF"

USBOTG Universal Serial Bus - On The Go (USB), "USB-OTG"

USBPD Universal Serial Bus - Power Delivery (USB), "USB-PD"

USCP Unicos Station Call Processor [protocol] (Cray, MPP)

USD User's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix)

USDC Universal Switched Data Capability [consortium] (LCD, Org.)

USDN United States Digital Network

USEC User-based SECurity [model] (SNMP)

USENET USErs' NETwork (Internet)

USF Universal Scalable Firmware (Intel)

USF Uplink State Flag (GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

USFF Ultra-Small Form Factor

USG Universal Subscriber Gateway (Nomadix)

USG Unix Support Group (Org., Unix)

USI Usage State Information (CPCM, DVB)

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module (Mobile-Systems, UMTS)

USITA United States Independent Telephone Association (Org., USA)

USL Unix Systems Laboratories (AT&T, Unix)

USM User-based Security Model (SNMP, RFC 2574)

USMT User State Migration Tool (MS, Windows, Vista)

USMTF United States Message Text Format (USA)

USN Update Sequence Number (AD)

USP Universal Storage Platform (HDS)

USP User Stack Pointer

USR U.S. Robotics (Hersteller)

USR User Service Routines

USRP Universal Software Radio Peripheral

USRT Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter (IC)

USS Unix Support Services (z/OS, IBM)

USSD UnStructured Supplementary Services (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

USSP User Space Serial Port (Bluetooth)

USTA United States Telephone Association (Org., USA)

USV Unterbrechungsfreie Strom-Versorgung

USWC Uncached Speculative Write Combining (CPU)

UTL User Trailer Label

UTSL Use The Source, Luke (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

UUG Unix User Group (Org., Unix, User group)

UVL User Volume Label

UVM User Verification Manager (IBM, ESS)

VA Virtual Acoustic

VCSDRAM Virtual Channel - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC, NEC), "VC-SDRAM"

VDASEDAS Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller / Standardisiertes Einheitliches DatenAustauschSystem (EDI), "VDA/SEDAS"

VEG Very Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

VERA Just playing around, huh?

VERNET Virginia Educational Research NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "VERnet"

VFEA VMEbus Futurebus+ Extended Architecture

VIDL VIrus Description Language, "ViDL"

VIFA Victoria Free-Net Association (Org., USA)

VIM Vendor Independent Messaging (Lotus, Borland, IBM, Novell, API)

VIRTUE Virtual Team User Environment (VR, TUB)


VOICE Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education (OS/2, User group, Org.)

VON Voice On the Net [coalition] (USA, Internet)

VOS Virtual Operating System (OS, Stratus)

VPUG Ventura Publishing User Group (Org., DTP, User group)


VSI Verband der SoftwareIndustrie deutschlands [e.v.] (Org.)

VU Virtual User

VUD Verband der Unterhaltungssoftwareindustrie Deutschlands (Org.)

VUE Visual User Environment (HP)

VUI Virtual User Interface (AMS, UI)

VXAO VoXel Ambient Occlusion (Nvidia)

WBISF Websphere Business Integration Server Foundation (IBM, BPEL)

WESTNET WESTern regional NETwork (Netzwerk, USA) "Westnet"

WFM Works For Me (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

WHCA White House Communications Agency (DISA)

WHYLINE Workspace for Helping You Link Instructions to Numbers and Events (EUSES)

WIDD Web InformationsDienst Deutschland (WWW, Neuss)

WINLAB Wireless Information Network LABoratory (Org., STC, USA)

WMCDC Wireless Mobile Communication Device Class (USB, MS, Windows, CDC)

WMS Warehouse Management System (DB)

WRT With Respect To (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

WSEB Warp Server E-Business (IBM, OS/2), "WSeb"

WSUS Windows Server Update Services (MS, Windows)

WTF What / Where / Who / Why The Fuck (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

WTH What / Where / Who / Why The Hell (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

WVNET West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing (Netzwerk, USA)

XBRL Extensible Business Reporting Language (XFRML, XML)

XCBL XML Common Business Library (XML) "xCBL"

XCRL extensible Customer Relationships Language (OASIS, CIQ, CRML), "xCRL"

XDRRAM eXtreme Data Rate Random Access Memory (Rambus, RAM), "XDR-RAM"

XMF eXtensible Music Format (MMA, MIDI)

XUI X-windows User Interface (UI, X-Windows)

XUL XML-based User interface Language (XML, Netscape, Mozilla, AOL)

YAFIYGI You asked for it, you got it (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

YAGNI Youn Ain't Gonna Need It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle (WWW)

YAST Yet Another Setup Tool (Linux, SUSE), "YaST"

YCPS Yale Center for Parallel Supercomputing (Org., USA, HPC)

YGWYPF You Get What You Pay For (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YMMD You Made My Day (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YOU YAST Online Update (YAST, Linux, SuSE)

YOYO You're On Your Own (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ZIAM Zentrum für Industrielle Anwendungen Massiver parallelität [gmbh] (Org.)

ZIB [konrad-zuse] Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (Org.)

ZKA Zentraler Kreditausschuß (Banking, Org., Deutschland)

ZTNA Zero Trust Network Access (SDN, SDP)

A total of 1494 terms has been found.

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Fri April 26 11:58 2024]